How to draw a beautiful rose is easy. How to draw a rose with a pencil

The rose is one of the most beautiful, most symbolic flowers. The scarlet rose in many cultures was a symbol of passion, love, blood - remember only the war of the Scarlet and White Roses in England. Her petals and thorns were sung in poems, songs, books. Therefore, every artist, both experienced and beginner, should have an idea of ​​​​how to draw a rose.

Beautiful example


crimson rose

Realistic Example

Bouquet of roses

For beginners

For kids

Draw an unblown rose

The bud has always been considered a symbol of youth, innocence - it is still preparing to become a flower, but the time will come when it will open in full force. This has its own charm, so let's start - we need to figure out how to draw a rose in stages.

First, general shapes - you need to depict two symmetrical lines, curved in two places.

Now we form the petals. To do this, let's lower two smooth lines diagonally approximately to the center.

In the recess left in the center, draw a few more petals. The central ones will no longer be sharp, but rounded.

Under the flower there are several green leaves, in scientific terms - sepals. Let's picture them. And don't forget the stem.

Now you can color the flower. Let the bud be red, and the stem and sepals dark green.

See, it's simple. If you liked this lesson, then watch this video - it will be interesting.

How to draw a graceful rosebud

Let's continue the topic of buds - there is another very simple and interesting option how to draw an unblown rose with a pencil.

First of all, draw a spiral at the top of the sheet.

Then under it we draw a curved line, something like a small vase without a handle or an elongated letter U.

Now we draw the petals - one of them will go down from the edge of the "letter U", and the second - from the spiral.

At the bottom we add a small semi-oval - a receptacle, and at the bottom - a stem.

And, of course, you need to add leaves.

Then you need to add color to the flower. We use colored pencils for this.

The drawing is now complete. For those who like video tutorials, it will be interesting to watch this video:

crimson rose

Although classic version considered a scarlet rose, this flower has many varieties that differ in size, shape, color. And a rose of bright crimson color will look amazingly beautiful. You can see this for yourself, because now we will learn how to draw a rose for beginners.

First, let's set general form. It will somewhat resemble a cup without a handle.

Now we draw a kind of “heart” on a tangent to it. Only not with two halves, but with three.

These three semicircles are the outer petals of the rose. Now we need to add internal ones. They will be sharper, thinner, more graceful.

After that, add a stem and a leaf to the flower.

You also need to add small sharp leaves at the bottom of the bud - these are the so-called sepals. And another leaf coming from the stem.

For expressiveness, let's draw all the main contours with a marker.

After that, the drawing can be safely painted. The rosette will be, as we have already said, bright crimson.

And the stem, leaves and sepals are green.

Everything, our crimson rose is completely finished. If something is not clear, you can watch this video and how to understand everything:

Realistic Example

When learning to draw, all novice artists want their drawings to look as realistic and natural as possible. So learning how to draw a beautiful realistic rose will be interesting for everyone.

Let's start with the inside of the flower. The petals there are very small, slightly increasing from the center to the edges.

The rest will be larger: you need to depict them layer by layer, like cabbage leaves.

The outer leaves will be very large and wide. And they are no longer close to each other.

Let's add sepals already familiar to us from below under the flower and draw one leaf coming from the stem. It should be wide, with small notches on the edges.

The stem and leaves must be drawn to the end. Do not forget that roses have thorns on their stems. They are not very large, but quite noticeable.

Let's start coloring. Here it is done with colored pencils. The flower will be bright red.

And the leaves are a deep dark green hue.

For expressiveness, you can add a little shadow between the petals.

That's all - the flower is completely drawn. For those who want to know more, there is this helpful video:

Bouquet of roses

Before this, the lessons were devoted to drawing a single flower, but in this section everything will be more interesting - we will learn how to draw a bouquet of roses. It will look amazing.

First, you need to outline the position of each flower in the bouquet. For now, we are doing this schematically - we will depict the stems with lines, and the flowers with circles.

Then we will begin to depict the outer petals on large buds.

Then - leaves and small petals. Some flowers already have full stems.

We finalize the middle of the flowers and that's it small parts. The stems collected at the bottom will be tied with a ribbon.

Now we need to draw the contours and erase all auxiliary lines.

Hooray, our beautiful bouquet is ready. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here - it is only important to follow the instructions clearly and accurately.

For beginner artists

If you are just starting your creative way, do not think that you cannot draw a rose. To understand how to draw a rose easily, you need to follow this simple instruction:

First, we set the general form. Most of all, it resembles a bowl or a small bowl.

Then add the stem and leaves.

Let's move on to the petals - on the "bowl" you need to draw a triangle with the top down, and draw on the outer rim wavy line. You can also add several inner petals at once.

At the base of the stem we make a small ball - a receptacle, and draw lines from the edge to the inner petals, dividing the “waves” into separate petals.

At the bottom of the bud, we also make small elongated triangles - these are sepals, we have already met them.

Now that all the basics are drawn, you can draw the outlines.

And paint our flower - a bud in red, everything else - in green.

See, nothing complicated. But if you want to know a little more, watch this video:

Drawing for the little ones - we teach children to draw a rose

Children are very fond of drawing bright, colorful objects, and therefore learning how to draw a rose flower for children is a great idea. In addition, from such a drawing it will turn out great gift for Mom.

Let's go from the center to the edges. First, let's draw something that looks like the letter "U", only with smooth curves.

Then add a spiral on top.

And on the sides of the spiral - ears, like a cat.

Below them is a semi-oval resembling a bowl. Together, this is the core of our flower, its inner part.

Let's add two symmetrical outer petals.

And two symmetrical leaves.

Then we draw a straight stem and color the flower in a beautiful crimson color. And the leaves are green.

You see, even the most young artist. Especially if you watch this video:

Rose is the most famous flower in the world. He managed to win such popularity with the aroma and his appearance. A combination of tenderness and formidable thorns. A gift in the form of cut flowers does not remind you of its giver for long and quickly loses its valuable properties to kindle feelings and prevent you from getting lost in the everyday life.

Therefore, it is worth trying to depict one or more instances. But how to draw a rose in stages to make a beautiful bouquet? Then you can buy beautiful frame- and the gift will please the kidnapper of your heart much longer.

Materials for successful drawing

To draw well and calmly, you need to prepare in advance necessary materials. It would be nice to try several ways of drawing. For example, pencil and watercolor, pastel and gouache. Perhaps, in some technique, you can create real miracles on paper, and your bunny will get a certain reason for pride and envy of girlfriends or acquaintances.

Method for testing strength

We take passionate feelings, pencil and sheet of paper. Now look how easy it is to draw a rose:

  1. Draw a vertical curved line, this will be the stem. Add a ball to it at the top and an oval along the diameter of the ball a few centimeters from the bud.
  2. Connect the oval and the ball with smooth curved lines so that your drawing looks like a champagne glass.
  3. Add two curved lines to the sides of our glass, they will become individual petals.
  4. In the oval, draw a whorl approximately like a snail, only twice as short. This will give you the appearance of many petals in your bud.
  5. Now draw the outer petals, from two curved lines. It remains to draw a couple of leaves on the stem and make hints of thorns.

The last step is to free the main drawing from side lines. Your rose is ready.

Here is another example showing how to draw a rose step by step.

  • Draw a vertical line, preferably a ruler. This is necessary to support the drawing.
  • Now we begin to draw the leaves and thorns, starting from the line.
  • At the top we draw a receptacle of small leaves. This is where your bud will start. To do this, draw 3 teardrop-shaped petals, with a wide part in the receptacle and add hints of the core to them.

It remains to remove the extra touches - and the flower is ready.

Two rosebuds

Try to draw two buds, see how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step or two flowers. This method is also extremely easy to understand. Perseverance and ardent feelings are the best helpers in such a matter.

This pattern is more delicate and closed. It seems to symbolize you as a whole, and feelings have not yet opened, like the buds of these roses.

  • Draw a couple of circles, one intersecting the other, about a quarter of the area.
  • In one, make an artistic curl, as in the first method, but more elongated. And in the second, cut off the quarter with a line with a smooth bend, and also a curl.
  • Draw the centers of our buds. This can be done by eye, however you like. The petals of beautiful flowers will depart from them. They are pointed and look in opposite directions.
  • Now draw the beginning of the stems and a couple of leaves at the base and erase the auxiliary lines.

The drawing is ready.

Rose bud ready to open

Roses come in many shapes and colors. One of the most attractive forms of a flower is the moment it is ready to open. See how to draw a rose with a pencil and enjoy the process.

Start by basting the stem and bud. Now add leaves and petals. Then draw more carefully the significant details of the flower, such as large outer petals.
Move on to drawing the core of the bud and detail the parts of the stem, leaves and thorns. Do not forget about the sharp tips of the leaves.

That's all. Your rose is ready, and it can be painted in bright colors.

Does your child want to learn how to draw and is naughty because he can't draw flowers? You can easily and simply draw a rose if you do it in stages. This type of drawing is available even to the smallest, you just need to pick up a pencil, prepare Blank sheet and guided by our detailed instructions teach your kid to draw such a wonderful flower as a rose.

So let's get started. Firstly set up a desktop. Otherwise, no way, because the baby should feel like a real artist. A light and free table is what you need. A comfortable chair for the child is also important, because you do not want the child to sit crouched or slumped.

Secondly Let's prepare the artist's supplies:

  • blank sheets of A4 format (no need to grind),
  • simple, better soft pencil,
  • eraser,
  • colored pencils or crayons (some people prefer paint).

Ready? Show the kid technological map. Do not laugh, this is for you, dear adults, it is so difficult to call, but for kids it’s just a template. To make the rose beautiful, we will draw it exactly according to the pattern. Explain to the child that in stages - this means in a clear sequence.

First step. First draw the stem. Not necessarily straight, the stem can be slightly curved, because in nature there are no clear and regular lines. The stem will go diagonally to the leaf. At the top of the stem we will draw thin line circle.

Second step. Let's make the stem of the rose thicker and draw a second line for this. Let's outline on it the bases of leaves and thorns, but what about without them. In the ball - the future bud, in the very center we draw the central petal with a curl.

Third step. Let's draw the leaves. Three things are fine. Until we draw a jagged edge. Let's add three more petals to the central petal in the bud, as if coming out one from under the other.

Fourth step. Draw the rest of the rose petals. Notice each subsequent row of flower petals is slightly larger than the previous one. Decorate the leaves of the rose with veins, pay attention baby to the fact that our painted flower is more and more like a real one.

Fifth step. Erase the extra lines in the bud so that only the petals remain. Draw a perianth to the rose - triangular sharp leaves peeking out from under the flower. make a carved serrated edge to all three leaves and finish the thorns.

It remains only to paint. Although wait, the pot or maybe the rose will have a ribbon. Let the kid himself come up with an addition to the flower. Ready? It's a matter of color. Scarlet petals. stem dark green, dark thorns. Well, how did the rose turn out? Do not forget to sign the date of the drawing and put the child's drawing on a shelf or in a frame. I think it was easy to draw a rose.

Good luck to you and your child in your work!

Rose. How beautiful this flower is, personifying love and devotion! The flower symbolism of the rose goes into the depths of history. After all, even in ancient times, people made different ones and gave them to each other as a sign of love and respect. So one donated rose was equal to a heartfelt recognition. While twelve roses, according to biblical traditions, symbolized strong for life.

This tendency to express feelings and emotions with the help of flower arrangements has survived to this day: in Paris and Rome, in Moscow and Amsterdam, instead of a thousand words, people give each other these insanely beautiful flowers.

There are many varieties of roses, and all of them, without exception, our children like. Not imbued with symbolic meaning, kids draw roses on postcards, older crumbs make crafts and applications. And all because even the smallest artists are convinced that such unearthly beauty a flower simply cannot but please mom, grandmother or beloved teacher. Of course, the first children's masterpieces are touching with their simplicity and spontaneity, but it is in our power to help the child improve his skills and teach him how to draw roses correctly and beautifully.

Actually, this is what we will do. So, we present to your attention a master class on how to draw a rose beautifully in stages.

Option 1

To begin with, let's look at how to easily and correctly draw like this beautiful rose pencil step by step.

First of all, we will prepare everything you need: a blank sheet of paper, an eraser, a simple pencil.

So we figured out how to draw a rose in stages with a pencil, it remains to decorate it with paints or colored pencils.

Option 2

Painted flowers may lose in beauty to real ones, but not if they are drawn by children's pens. Such gifts are priceless, and can never be compared even with the most luxurious bouquet. So let's show the child how to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Let's get everything ready and let's get started.

Here, in fact, the sketch of our rose is ready, it remains only to decorate. As you can see, it turned out to be quite easy. And if you practice a little, you can easily and without any problems draw the same graceful rose step by step, both with a pencil and with paints.

Probably hard to find more beautiful flower than a rose, right? The rose always arouses interest and admiration, and it is not for nothing that the rose has become a symbol of expressing one's love and sympathy. It is not surprising that many people want to learn how to draw a rose. Is it difficult to do this? Absolutely not. In this article, we will show some examples that will allow you to draw your first rose in just a few minutes. There are more complex examples where the rose will become real. artwork. Numerous video tutorials on drawing a rose will help in this, where drawing masters willingly demonstrate their skills in drawing such a beautiful color.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully study how the flower itself and its leaves look like, what shape it has - simple or complex. It is important to analyze the arrangement of rose petals and clarify the nuances that affect the shape. Finally, study the details - jagged edges, veins and cutouts, and all those small details that make a rose so unique.

Drawing a rose is not so difficult if you do it consistently. Let's see how you can draw a rose as a simple sketch.

How to draw a rose: sketch

When everything is clear with the image of the flower, you need to create a draft version of it, and then change the complexity of drawing. Start sequentially with simple shapes, which is illustrated in the figure below.

The construction lines must be removed with an eraser, after which the resulting image is outlined with the usual contour line. Then you need to add the appropriate details of the rose and leave in the picture only what will make the rose even better.

Before drawing, you should study the main features of the flower. Place the rose in front of the color source so that the highlights stand out best. This way you can study the placement of petals and leaves in more detail, as well as learn to perceive their shapes more harmoniously.

How to draw a rose with a pencil

AT this example we will consider a more mature drawing of a rose. Initially, you need to decide how exactly the rose will be drawn, how it will be located taking into account the horizon, find out the shape and size of its constituent components. Some of the petals and leaves of the rose are located at the back and therefore will only be partially visible in the picture. It doesn't hurt to make a few quick sketches roses from different angles.

Choose the side where the flower looks best. If the rosebud is quite complex, then it is important to correctly indicate its proportions. To do this, study how the leaves, stem and bud relate to each other in size and size.

Now that the most spectacular side of the rose is selected, you can start drawing. Do not get distracted by various details and look more at the rose itself than at the drawing. It is advisable to stand in one place, because if you move or lean to study the details of the rose, then the point of view on the subject will change, and the drawing will eventually turn out to be incorrect, especially in terms of the ratio of its parts.

After you have sorted out the composition and made the outlines, draw the general parts of the flower head and its key components, carefully observing the proportions. Next, you should show the structure of the bud and the ratio of tones, add leaves and stem and some general details.

Add a variety of details to the drawing that emphasize the shape of the flower. To create the shape, use the tone and carefully work out all the components of the rose in the foreground. All details must complement each other. Often an inexperienced artist, trying to draw a rose, selects a certain detail and carefully draws it, but the rest simply adds, without careful study.

As you can see, drawing a rose is not difficult at all. But this is just the beginning - let's look at other examples of how you can draw this amazing flower.

How to draw a rose: examples

You can draw a rose like this:

And here is another simple example of a beautiful rose:

And here is already a difficult academic work in pencil - but the rose turns out wonderful:

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