Ivan the Fool is a fairy tale character. The hero of fairy tales Ivan the Fool: a description of the image, qualities, quotes

Tigieva Anna

This work is theoretical study question: why in Russian folk tales the main character is called the abusive word "Fool". The purpose of the study is to find out the origin and interpretation of this word, to find out why the hero bears the name "Ivan", and not some other, and also why it is Ivan who is a fool, and not his smart older brothers at the end of the tale receive an award. In addition, the goal was to find out if there are similar plots in the fairy tales of other peoples and what fairy tales about the Fool can teach children.

The work was awarded a 3rd degree diploma (with a medal) at the X Regional Competition for Young Researchers "Step into Science" (January, 2013).



X Regional competition young researchers

"Step into Science"


Tigieva Anna Andreevna

Place of work

MBOU secondary school No. 15, 3 "B" class,


Scientific adviser:

Kolomenskaya Victoria Grigorievna,

primary school teacher

Vladikavkaz, 2012-2013

1. Introduction ____________________________ page 3

  1. Main part _____________________ page 4
  1. The meaning and origin of the word "fool" p.4
  2. Name "Ivan" ________________________ page 4
  3. Ivan's amazing abilities ______ page 5
  4. The image of a fool in the tales of other peoples ___ p.6
  5. The image of Ivan on the TV screen ______________ page 6
  6. What the fairy tale teaches ____________________ p.7
  1. Conclusions ___________________________________ page 7
  2. References ____________________ p.8


Many fairy tales have the same beginning: "Once upon a time there were a father and a mother, and they had three sons, two were smart, and the third was a fool."

I got wonder why main character- fool. They laugh at him, scold him and offend him. Nobody wants to be a fool. After all, the word "fool" is a curse word. And in fairy tales, swearing becomes the name of the hero. The hero himself says to himself: "I am Ivan the Fool." Why?

I devoted my research to this issue.

Main part.

In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl, I found an explanation of the word FOOL:

1. A fool is a stupid person, dull, reckless, stupid.

2. In the old days, this was the name of a court or household jester.

But why was it not the first son, and not the second, who was called a fool? After all, everyone can be stupid ...

I learned amazing things. According to one version, the third son was called a "fool" because he did not get a share of the inheritance of his parents. This is where the expression “to be fooled” came from, that is, to remain empty-handed.

There is also a version that the word "fool" is a talisman, a protection that saves a person from damage and the evil eye.

And even in the distant past in Russia there was a tradition not to call children "adult" names so that they would not be kidnapped evil spirits while they are small and helpless. The child received an "adult" name at the age of 10 - 12 years, and before that he had a fake, "childish" nickname. The first son was called Pervak, the second son - Vtorak, the next - Drugak. Then the name was simplified, and began to sound like "Fool". The name Fool is found even in church documents of the 14th - 15th centuries! (These documents used to replace the birth certificate)

After 200 years, in the 17th century, the word "fool" began to mean the same thing as now - a stupid person. Because the youngest is the most inexperienced and unintelligent.

But since fairy tales were composed much earlier, Ivan the Fool was not a fool at all, but simply the youngest among three brothers.

Why is the name IVAN most often found in fairy tales, because there were other names? It turns out that after the baptism of Russia came new custom give children the names of saints. Receiving such a name, a person should not have dishonored him.

Most often there are saints with the name John, that is, Ivan. "John" is translated as "servant of God". To bear such a name is a great honor for a person.

And so it happened that Ivan is a fool, this is the youngest boy in the family, he is like a gift of God, a servant of God. Ivan the Fool is the only one of the brothers who talks in fairy tales. He guesses and guesses riddles, knows how to play a wonderful pipe or harp, sings and composes poems, jokes and jokes. His jokes are kind and intelligent. He knows how to talk with animals, with the sun and wind, and even with Baba Yaga and Koshchei, his mother herself helps him - the damp earth. That is, Ivan the Fool has extraordinary abilities: for example, he can get into the right ear of a horse, get out into the left - and become handsome. Ivanushka knows where Koshchei's death is hidden! In another tale, Ivan - peasant son meets the Miracle - Yudo and cuts off all three of his heads with one blow! Only Ivan can catch Zhar - a bird or a magic horse Sivka - Burka.

Ivanushka - positive hero kind, resourceful. He lives according to his conscience, in his words and deeds there is no anger and cruelty.

Often in fairy tales, the king or other heroes send him "there, not knowing where," to "bring something, not knowing what," or to get fame and fortune for them. Ivanushka faces a very difficult situations but still wins. As a result, Ivan - a fool to marry a princess, becomes Ivan the Tsarevich. Although he himself never demands a reward for his exploits.

From here, by the way, expressions appeared: “fools are lucky”, “fools are happy”, “God loves fools”.

But not only in Russian fairy tales there are heroes - fools who behave in approximately the same way. For example, in Germany the fairy tale "Hans the Fool", the Italian fairy tale "Pietro the Fool", french fairy tale"The Marriage of Jean the Idiot" Japanese fairy tale"Sanko", Nenets "Three Sons".

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas

Not in heaven - on earth

An old man lived in a village.

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so,

The younger one was an idiot.

The image of Ivanushka the fool remains the most famous, films and cartoons are made about him, only his appearance has changed a little. For example, the cartoons "Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers", "Ivashka in distant kingdom", the film" How Ivanushka went for a miracle.

deeds modern characters the same: they set a goal, go towards it, overcoming obstacles - and all this is done with a good heart and for the benefit of people.

From ancient times, through fairy tales, from the elders to the younger, it was transmitted life experience. The younger ones learned to be condescending and patient with a person deprived of intelligence. Children understood that they could win dark forces without even having physical strength heroes. The main thing is to have kind heart, go along the chosen path to your goal.

The elder brothers of Ivan the Fool have prudence and intelligence, but they are not loved by the people. They did not become the main characters of the fairy tale, because they do not achieve anything, they act dishonestly, or they are distracted from their goal by other temptations: they love only themselves, are proud of themselves, and treat other people with disdain.

Therefore, they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson".


From all this, I have drawn several conclusions:

  1. Time can change the meaning and meaning of words, as happened with the word "fool", because our speech develops.
  2. The fairy-tale hero Ivan the Fool is not at all a stupid person, he is cheerful, resourceful, patient and courageous.
  3. Tales about Ivan teach kindness, patience, fortitude. They teach to protect the weak and be fair, they teach to respect elders, to protect animals and nature.
  4. Ivan receives an award for his kind heart and courage, everyone loves and respects him, but he does not become cruel and arrogant, does not take revenge on his brothers for insults.
  5. The main goal of the fairy tale, in my opinion, is to show that even the weakest and most unintelligent person, like Ivan the Fool, can change his fate and achieve his goal in life.

Used literature, Internet sources.

1. Yuri Budantsev “About Ivan the Fool. Epiphany thoughts"http://www.voskres.ru/articles/ivan.htm

2. Dal V.I. " Dictionary Russian language". Forum Publishing House, Moscow, 2007

3. Sinyavsky A.D. "Ivan is a fool. Essay on the Russian folk faith.http://ec-dejavu.ru/i/Ivan_durak.html

Russian folk tale Ivan the Fool, he says that fools are always lucky, Although Ivan was a fool, he defeated Dobrynya and married the tsar's daughter, and he managed to command the Russian heroes Ilya and Fedka. Read an interesting fairy tale about Ivan the Fool.

"Ivan the Fool" Russian folk tale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man with an old woman. They had three sons, the third was named Ivan the Fool. The first two are married, and Ivan the Fool is single; two brothers did business, managed the house, plowed and sowed, the third did nothing. Once, his father and daughter-in-law began to send Ivan to the field to plow some more arable land. The guy went, came to the arable land, harnessed his horse, rode with a plow once or twice, he sees: there are no mosquitoes and midges in the account; he grabbed a whip, lashed the horse's side, killed them without a quote; hit another, killed forty pouts and thinks:
- After all, I killed forty heroes in one swing, and small fry no estimate!
He took them all, put them in a heap and covered them with horse feces; he did not plow himself, unharnessed his horse, went home. He comes home and says to his daughters-in-law and mother:
- Give me a canopy and a saddle, and you, father, give me a saber that hangs on your wall - rusted on the wall. What kind of a man am I! I have nothing.
They laughed at him and gave him some kind of split tyurik instead of a saddle; our guy attached girths to it and put it on a thin mare. Instead of a canopy, the mother gave some old dubas; he took even that, but took the saber from his father, went, turned it, got ready and went. He reaches the rosstans - and he was still a little literate - wrote on a pillar: strong heroes Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov would come to such and such a state to a strong and powerful hero who killed forty heroes at one swing, but there is no small fry estimate, and rolled them all down with a stone.
Precisely, after him, the hero Ilya Muromets arrives, sees the inscription on the pillar:
- Ba, - he says, - a strong one drove, mighty hero: it is not good to disobey.
I went, they would catch up with Vanyukha; did not get far, took off his hat and bowed:

But Vanyukha does not break his hat, he says:
- Hello, Ilyukha!
Let's go together. Not long after, Fyodor Lyzhnikov came to the same pole, he sees that it is written on the pole, it is not good to disobey: Ilya Muromets has passed! - and he went there too; I didn’t get far to Vanyukha either - they take off their hats, they say:
- Hello, strong, mighty hero!
And Vanyukha does not break his hats.
- Great, - says, - Fedyunka!
All three went together; come to one state, stopped at the royal meadows. The bogatyrs set up tents for themselves, and Vanyukha unrolled his club; the two heroes tangled the horses with silk fetters, and Vanyukha plucked a rod from a tree, twisted it and confused his mare. Here they live. The king saw from his tower that some people were poisoning his beloved meadows, they would immediately send off his neighbor to ask what kind of people? He came to the meadows, approached Ilya Muromets, they asked what kind of people they were and how they dared to trample the royal meadows without asking? Ilya Muromets replied:
- None of our business! Ask out the eldest - a strong, mighty hero.
The ambassador approached Vanyukha. He shouted at him, did not give a word to say:
- Get out, while alive, and tell the king that a strong, mighty hero came to his meadows, who killed forty heroes in one swing, but there was no estimate for a small fry, and rolled with a stone, but Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov with him, and demands from king's daughter married.
He told this to the king. The tsar had enough according to the records: Ilya Muromets and Fedor Lyzhnikov are there, and the third one, who kills forty heroes at one swing, is not in the records. Then the king ordered to gather an army, capture three heroes and bring to him. Where to grab? Vanyukha saw how the army began to approach closer; he shouted:
- Ilyukha! Go chase them away, what kind of people? - he lies, stretched out and look like an owl.

Ilya Muromets, at that word, jumped on his horse, drove, not so much beat with his hands, but trampled with his horse; nailed them all, leaving only the pagans to the king. The king heard this misfortune, gathered more strength and sent to catch the heroes. Ivan the Fool shouted:
- Fedyunka! Go get that bastard out!
He jumped on a horse, nailed everyone, leaving only the pagans.
What is the king to do? Things are bad, the heroes beat the strength; the tsar became thoughtful and remembered that a strong hero Dobrynya lives in his kingdom. He sends a letter to him, asking him to come and defeat the three heroes. Dobrynya has arrived; the tsar met him on the third balcony, and Dobrynya rode up to the balcony on a level with the tsar: that's what he was like! Hello, we talked. He went to the royal meadows. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov saw that Dobrynya was coming towards them, got frightened, jumped off their horses and get out of there - they stole it. But Vanyukha did not have time. While he was having his mare, Dobrynya rode up to him, and he laughs, what kind of strong, mighty hero is this? Small, skinny! He bent his head to Vanyukha himself, looking at him, and admiring him. Vanyukha, somehow, did not become timid, drew his saber, and cut off his head.
The king saw this and was frightened:
- Oh, - he says, - the hero killed Dobrynya; trouble now! Go quickly, call the hero to the palace.
Such an honor came for Vanyukha, that the priests forbid! The carriages are the best, the people are all complaining. Planted and brought to the king. The king treated him and gave his daughter; they got married, and now they live, they chew bread.
I was here, drinking honey; flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth. They gave me a cap, and they began to push; they gave me a caftan, I go home, and the titmouse flies and says:
- Xin da is good!
I thought:
- Put it down!
I took it off, and put it down. This is not a fairy tale, but a saying, a fairy tale ahead!

There was an old man with an old woman; they had three sons: two smart, the third - Ivan the Fool. The smart ones grazed the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, he sat on the stove and caught flies.

At one time an old woman cooked arzhan dumplings and said to the fool:

Na-ko, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.

poured full pot and gave it into his hands; he went to his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka came out of the village, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:

“What kind of person is this? He walks beside me, not a step behind: right, he wanted dumplings? And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw them all away; looks, and the shadow goes all the way.

Eka insatiable womb! - said a fool with a heart and let a pot at her - shards scattered in different directions.

Here comes empty-handed to the brothers; they ask him:

Why are you a fool?

I brought you lunch.

Where is lunch? Come on live.

Yes, you see, brothers, I don’t know what kind of person became attached to me along the way and ate everything!

What kind of person?

Here he is! And now it's standing right next to it!

Brothers, well, scold him, beat him, beat him; beat them off and forced the sheep to graze, while they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to graze; sees that the sheep are scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and sits radёhonek for himself, as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

What have you done, you fool? Why is the herd blind?

What about their eyes? As you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I began to catch them, collect them in a heap, tear out my eyes - how tired I was!

Wait, you're still not so smart! - the brothers say and let's treat him with fists; the order did get the fool for nuts!

Not much time has passed, the old people sent Ivanushka the Fool to the city to buy housework for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped all sorts of things. He goes home, and the horse is so, to know, unsuccessful: lucky - no luck!

“But what,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run by itself.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He rides and rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak.

“You know, the sisters want to eat and eat, because they shouted so!” thought the fool. He put the dishes with dishes on the ground and began to regale:

Dove sisters! Eat for health.

And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka is riding through the copse; along the way, all the stumps are burnt.

“Oh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; after all, they will be cold, hearty ones! ”

I took pots and pots on them. Here Ivanushka drove to the river, let's water the horse, but she still does not drink.

“Know, he doesn’t want to be without salt!” - and well, salt the water. He poured out a full bag of salt, the horse still does not drink.

Why don't you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, but right in the head - and killed on the spot. Ivanushka had one purse with spoons left, and he carried it on himself. It goes - the spoons back and rattle like this: break, break, break! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka the fool!” - he threw them and, well, trample and say:

Here's Ivanushka the Fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even thought of teasing, useless ones! He returned home and said to his brothers:

Redeemed everything, brothers!

Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

And the table is running away, yes, you know, lagged behind, the sisters eat from the dishes, pots and pots put on the heads of the guys in the forest, salted the swill of the horse with salt; and spoons tease - so I left them on the road.

Go, fool, hurry up! Pick up everything you've scattered along the way!

Ivanushka went into the woods, removed the troughs from the burnt stumps, knocked out the bottoms, and put on a batog a dozen different troughs, both large and small. Carries home. His brothers broke him off; we went to the city ourselves for shopping, and left the fool to housekeeping. The fool listens, but the beer in the tub ferments and ferments.

Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! Ivanushka says.

No, beer does not obey; he took it and let it all out of the tub, sat down in the trough himself, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him into a sack and dragged him to the river. They put a sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the hole.

At that time, some gentleman rode past in a troika of browns; Ivanushka and well shout:

They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!

Wait, fool, - said the master, - I know how to judge and dress up; get out of the hood!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed up the master there, and he himself got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and it gurgles in the water.

Know, burka catches! - said the brothers and wandered home.

Towards them, out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides in a troika, rides and boasts:

Here are a hundred horses I caught! And still there was a Sivko - so glorious!

The brothers became envious; say to the fool:

Now sew us into a sack and let us down into the hole as soon as possible! Sivko won't leave us...

Ivanushka the Fool lowered them into the hole and drove home to finish the beer and remember the brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, there was dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale is over.

Ivan the Fool fairy tale

The page where all the fairy tales are collected

And here our site

Once upon a time there was Ivanushka the Fool, a handsome man, and whatever he does, everything turns out funny with him - not like people do.

One peasant hired him as a worker, and he and his wife were going to the city; wife and says to Ivanushka:
- You stay with the children, look after them, feed them!
- With what? Ivanushka asks.
- Take water, flour, potatoes, crumble and cook - there will be stew!
The man orders:
- Guard the door so that the children do not run away into the forest!

The man left with his wife; Ivanushka climbed onto the bed, woke the children, dragged them to the floor, sat down behind them himself and said:
- Well, here, I'm looking for you!
The children sat for some time on the floor - they asked for food; Ivanushka dragged a tub of water into the hut, poured half a sack of flour into it, a measure of potatoes, blabbed everything with a yoke and thought aloud:
- And who needs to be crushed?
The children heard - they were afraid:
- He, perhaps, will crush us!
And quietly ran out of the hut.

Ivanushka looked after them, scratched the back of his head, thinking: “How am I going to look after them now? Moreover, the door must be guarded so that she does not run away!
He looked into the tub and said:
- Cook, stew, and I'll go look after the children!
He took the door off its hinges, put it on his shoulders, and went into the woods; suddenly the Bear steps towards him - he was surprised, growls:
- Hey, you, why are you carrying a tree into the forest?
Ivanushka told him what had happened to him, - the Bear sat on its hind legs and laughed:
- What a fool you are! I'll eat you for this!
And Ivanushka says:
- You'd better eat the children, so that next time they obey their father-mother, they don't run into the forest!
The bear laughs even harder, and rolls on the ground with laughter!
- Never seen such a stupid! Come on, I'll show you to my wife!
He took him to his lair. Ivanushka goes, touching the pines with the door.
- Yes, you throw it! Bear says.
- No, I am true to my word: I promised to guard, so I will guard!

They came to the lair. The bear says to his wife:
- Look, Masha, what a fool I brought you! Laughter!

And Ivanushka asks the Bear:
- Aunt, have you seen the children?
- Mine are at home, sleeping.
- Well, show me, are they mine?

The bear showed him three cubs; He says:
- Not these, I had two.
Here the Bear sees that he is stupid, also laughs:
- Why, you had human children!
- Well, yes, - said Ivanushka, - you can sort them out, little ones, what kind of whose!
- That's funny! - the Bear was surprised and says to her husband: - Mikhailo Potapych, we will not eat him, let him live among our workers!
- Okay, - the Bear agreed, - even though he is a man, he is painfully harmless!
The Bear gave Ivanushka a basket, orders:
- Come on, pick some wild raspberries - the kids will wake up, I'll treat them to delicious treats!
- Okay, I can do it! Ivanushka said. - And you guard the door!
Ivanushka went to the forest raspberries, picked up a basket full of raspberries, ate his fill himself, goes back to the bears and sings at the top of his lungs:
Oh how embarrassing
Is it the case - ants
Or lizards!
Came to the lair, shouting:
- Here it is, raspberry!
The cubs ran up to the basket, growling, pushing each other, somersaulting, very happy!

And Ivanushka, looking at them, says:
- Ehma, it's a pity that I'm not a Bear, otherwise I would have children!
The bear and his wife are laughing.
- Oh, my fathers! - the Bear growls, - yes, you can’t live with him, you will die of laughter!
- That's what, - says Ivanushka, - you guard the door here, and I'll go look for the kids, otherwise the owner will ask me!
And the Bear asks her husband:
- Misha, would you help him!
- We need to help, - the Bear agreed, - he is very funny!

There was an old man with an old woman; they had three sons: two smart, the third - Ivan the Fool. The smart ones grazed the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, he sat on the stove and caught flies.

At one time an old woman cooked rye dumplings and said to the fool:

- Na-ko, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.

She poured out a full pot and gave it to him; he went to his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka came out of the village, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:

“What kind of person is this? He walks beside me, not a step behind: right, he wanted dumplings? And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw them all away; looks, and the shadow goes all the way.

- Eka insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - shards scattered in different directions.

Here comes empty-handed to the brothers; they ask him:

"You fool, why?"

- I brought you lunch.

- Where is lunch? Come on live.

- Yes, you see, brothers, I don’t know what kind of person became attached to me along the way and ate everything!

- What kind of person?

- Here he is! And now it's standing right next to it!

Brothers, well, scold him, beat him, beat him; beat them off and forced the sheep to graze, while they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to graze; sees that the sheep are scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and sits radёhonek for himself, as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

What have you done, you fool? Why is the herd blind?

- What about their eyes? As soon as you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I began to catch them, gather them in a heap, tear out my eyes - how tired I was!

"Wait, you're still not so smart!" - the brothers say and let's treat him with fists; the order did get the fool for nuts!

Not much time has passed, the old people sent Ivanushka the Fool to the city to buy housework for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped all sorts of things. He goes home, and the horse is so, you know, unsuccessful: lucky - no luck!

“But what,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run by itself.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He rides and rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak.

“You know, the sisters want to eat and eat, because they shouted so!” thought the fool. He put the dishes with dishes on the ground and began to regale:

- Dove sisters! Eat for health.

And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka is riding through the copse; along the way, all the stumps are burnt.

“Oh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; after all, they will be cold, hearty ones! ”

I took pots and pots on them. Here Ivanushka drove to the river, let's water the horse, but she still does not drink.

“Know, he doesn’t want to be without salt!” - and well, salt the water. He poured out a full bag of salt, the horse still does not drink.

Why don't you drink wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, but right in the head - and killed on the spot. Ivanushka had one purse with spoons left, and he carried it on himself. It goes - the spoons back and rattle like this: break, break, break! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka the fool!” - he threw them and, well, trample and say:

- Here's Ivanushka the Fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even thought of teasing, useless ones! He returned home and said to his brothers:

- I redeemed everything, brothers!

— Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

- And the table is running away, yes, you know, lagged behind, the sisters eat from the dishes, pots and pots put on the heads of the guys in the forest, salted the swill of the horse with salt; and spoons tease - so I left them on the road.

"Go, fool, hurry up!" Pick up everything you've scattered along the way!

Ivanushka went into the woods, removed the troughs from the burnt stumps, knocked out the bottoms, and put on a batog a dozen different troughs, both large and small. Carries home. His brothers broke him off; we went to the city ourselves for shopping, and left the fool to housekeeping. The fool listens, but the beer in the tub ferments and ferments.

- Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! Ivanushka says.

No, beer does not obey; he took it and let it all out of the tub, sat down in the trough himself, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him into a sack and dragged him to the river. They put a sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the hole.

At that time, some gentleman rode past in a troika of browns; Ivanushka and well shout:

“They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!

“Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to both judge and dress; get out of the hood!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed up the master there, and he himself got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and it gurgles in the water.

— Know, cloak catches! - said the brothers and wandered home.

Towards them, out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides in a troika, rides and boasts:

- Here are a hundred horses I caught! And still there was a Sivko - so glorious!

The brothers became envious; say to the fool:

“Sew us up in a sack now and let us down into the hole as soon as possible!” Sivko will not leave us ...

Ivanushka the Fool lowered them into the hole and drove home to finish the beer and remember the brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, there was dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale is over.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...