Where do the largest nations of the country live. peoples of russia

Population the globe comprises a large number(3-4 thousand) so-called ethnic communities.

Ethnic community (people) - historically established a group of people living in a certain territory and having a common language, economy and culture.

For population geography highest value have classifications of peoples by number and by language.

Classification of peoples by number

The classification of peoples by number indicates great differences between them: from the Chinese people (1 billion 179 million) to the Ved-dov tribe in Sri Lanka or the Botokuds in Brazil, which number less than 1 thousand people. But the bulk of the world's population is made up of large and, in particular, the largest nations, the largest nations (in millions of people): Chinese (1,048), Hindustanis (219), US Americans (187), Bengalis (176), Russians (146 ), Brazilians (137), Japanese (123), Punjabis (87), Biharis (86), Mexicans (83), Germans (82), Javanese (78), Koreans (67), Telugu (66), Italians (65 ), Marathas (59), Tamils ​​(57), Viet (55). In total, there are (at the end of the 80s) 310 peoples with more than 1 million people each.

State types

In accordance with the nature of the ethnic (national) composition of the population, 5 types of states are distinguished:

  1. National - this type is spoken of when ethnic boundaries coincide with political ones. It occurs quite often. AT overseas Europe it includes about half of all countries. These are the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, Poland, Austria Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal. In Latin America, almost all states are single-national. In foreign Asia, there are much fewer such countries: Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, and some small countries. There are even fewer of them in Africa (Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Madagascar).
  2. Countries with a sharp predominance of one nation, but with more or less significant national minorities. This is the UK, France, Spain, Finland, Romania - in Europe. In foreign Asia - China. Mongolia. Vietnam. Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Syria, Turkey. In Africa - Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Botswana. In North America - the United States, in Oceania - the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand.
  3. binational countries. This type is rare, it includes Belgium, Canada and some others.
  4. countries with difficult national composition, but relatively ethnically homogeneous are more common in Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Laos), in Central, Eastern and South Africa there are also in Latin America.
  5. Multinational countries with heterogeneous ethnic composition. The brightest countries of this type are India and Russia. This type also includes Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, some countries of Western and South Africa.

AT recent times occurring throughout human history conflicts on national and religious grounds intensified even more. Perhaps the most violent clashes occur in last years in the CIS. The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared a special map showing 70 centers of territorial and ethnic confrontations and conflicts.

Classification of peoples by language

The classification of peoples by language is based on the principle of their kinship. All languages ​​are combined into language families, which are divided into language groups. Most numerous families peoples in the world - Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Malaya-Polynesian.

There are also other classifications of the peoples of the world, including according to the historical and geographical principle.

I recently asked myself this question and tried to find the answer. Surprisingly, despite the level of science in our time, scientists cannot clearly define exact number. However, the topic is quite interesting, and therefore I will share the information found.

How many peoples on earth

Even scientists find it difficult to answer precisely - there is simply no definitive answer.. Every time this topic comes up, new figure, but official science believes that lives on our planet from 2 to 4 thousand nationalities and peoples. Agree, the spread is very large. The thing is, it's almost impossible to give precise definition the term "people" - everyone has their own understanding of this word. For example, there are states whose inhabitants communicate using the same language, but in fact they are different peoples, and sometimes vice versa.

If you try to find definition of the term in the dictionary, you will find that the term is used both in a political sense and in a cultural one. There are several meanings for this:

  • a certain set of consumers of art, in other words - the public;
  • the population of a state;
  • congestion of people in a certain place;
  • working population:
  • an ethnic group with distinct common characteristics.

The last definition is generally accepted, as for the mentioned signs, it is:

  • culture;
  • traditions;
  • language.

How are nations different

main feature- language, so its unity is considered paramount. Exists about 4000 languages, which are separated by scientists into separate groups. There are about 20 such groups. Half of humanity speaks the languages ​​included in the largest - Indo-European group. What else could be the difference? Of course, by number. Research suggests that most of the peoples are not particularly numerous - no more than 1 million people. However, there are also quite numerous, for example, the Chinese and Indians.

Culture is one of the characteristic differences. Allocate both spiritual and material. The first group includes giving, songs, dances and so on. The second group includes the type of housing, clothing, cuisine etc.

It has been fashionable at all times to "lengthen" one's history. Therefore, each nation strives to demonstrate its ancestry, starting from the ancient world, and even better, from the Stone Age. But there are peoples whose antiquity is beyond doubt.

Armenians (II millennium BC)

Among ancient peoples Armenians in the world are perhaps the youngest. However, there are many white spots in their ethnogenesis. For a long time, up to late XIX century by the canonical version of the origin Armenian people their origin was from the legendary king Hayk, who came from Mesopotamia in 2492 BC to the territory of Van. He was the first to outline the borders of the new state around Mount Ararat and became the founder of the Armenian kingdom. It is believed that it is from his name that the self-name of the Armenians "hai" comes.

This version was replicated by the early medieval Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi. For the early Armenian settlements, he took the ruins of the state of Urartru in the area of ​​Lake Van. Today's official version says that the proto-Armenian tribes - the Mushki and the Urumians came to these territories in the second quarter of the 12th century. BC e., even before the formation of the Urartian state, after the destruction of the Hittite state by them. Here they mixed with the local tribes of the Hurrians, Urartians and Luvians.

As the historian Boris Piotrovsky believes, the beginnings of the Armenian statehood should be sought in the time of the Hurrian kingdom of Arme-Shubria, known since the 1200s BC.

Jews (II-I millennium BC)

There are even more mysteries with the history of the Jewish people than with the history of Armenia. For a long time it was believed that the concept of "Jews" is more cultural than ethnic. That is, that "Jews" were created by Judaism, and not vice versa. In science, there are still fierce discussions about what the Jews originally were - a people, a social stratum, a religious denomination. According to the main source on ancient history Jewish people - the Old Testament,

Jews trace their origin from Abraham (XXI-XX centuries BC), who himself came from the Sumerian city of Ur in Ancient Mesopotamia.

Together with his father, he moved to Canaan, where later his descendants seized the lands of local peoples (according to legend, the descendants of the son of Noah - Ham) and called Canaan "the land of Israel." According to another version, the Jewish people were formed during the Exodus from Egypt.

If we take the linguistic version of the origin of the Jews, then they stood out from the Western Semitic-speaking group in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Their closest "brothers in language" are the Amorites and the Phoenicians. Recently, a "genetic version" of the origin of the Jewish people has also appeared. According to her, the three main groups of Jews - Ashkenazi (America - Europe), Mizrahim (countries of the Middle East and North Africa) and Sephardim (Iberian Peninsula) have similar genetics, which confirms their common roots. According to the study "Abraham's Children in the Genome Era", the ancestors of all three groups appeared in Mesopotamia. 2500 years ago (approximately the period of the reign of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar), they split into two groups, one of which went to Europe and North Africa, the other settled in the Middle East.

Ethiopians (III millennium BC)

Ethiopia belongs to the East African, the most ancient area of ​​the origin of mankind. Its mythological history begins with the legendary country of Punt (“Land of the Gods”), which the ancient Egyptians considered their ancestral home. Mentions of it are found in Egyptian sources of the III millennium BC. n. e. However, if the location, as well as the existence of this legendary country, is a moot point, then the Nubian kingdom of Kush in the Nile Delta was a very real neighbor ancient egypt, which more than once called into question the existence of the latter. Despite the fact that the heyday of the Kushite kingdom fell on 300 BC. - 300 AD, civilization originated here much earlier, as early as 2400 BC. along with the first Nubian kingdom of Kerma.

For some time, Ethiopia was a colony of the ancient Sabaean kingdom (Sheba), whose ruler was the legendary Queen of Sheba. Hence the legend of the "Solomonic dynasty", which claims that the Ethiopian kings are the direct descendants of Solomon and the Ethiopian Makeda (the Ethiopian name for the Queen of Sheba).

Assyrians (IV-III millennium BC)

If the Jews came from western group Semitic tribes, the Assyrians belonged to the northern. By the end of the 3rd millennium BC, they prevailed in the territory of Northern Mesopotamia, but, according to the historian Sadaev, their separation could have happened even earlier - in the 4th millennium BC. The Assyrian Empire, which existed from the 8th-6th centuries BC, is considered the first empire in the history of mankind.

Modern Assyrians consider themselves the direct descendants of the population of Northern Mesopotamia, although this is a controversial fact in the scientific community. Some researchers support this point of view, some call the current Assyrians the descendants of the Arameans.

Chinese (4500-2500 BC)

The Chinese people or Han make up 19% of the world's population today. It originated on the basis of Neolithic cultures that developed in V-III millennia BC. in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, in one of the centers of world civilizations. This is confirmed by both archeology and linguistics. The latter allocates them to the Sino-Tibetan group of languages, which emerged in the middle of the 5th millennium BC. Subsequently, numerous tribes of the Mongoloid race, who spoke Tibetan, Indonesian, Thai, Altaic and other languages, very different in culture, took part in the further formation of the Han. The history of the Han people is closely connected with the history of China, and to this day, they make up the bulk of the population of the country.

Basques (possibly XIV-X millennium BC)

A long time ago, in the 4th millennium BC, the migration of Indo-Europeans began, who settled most Eurasia. Today, the languages ​​of the Indo-European family are spoken by almost all the peoples of modern Europe. All, except for the Euskadi, are more familiar to us by the name "Basques". Their age, origin and language are some of the main mysteries modern history. Someone believes that the ancestors of the Basques were the first population of Europe, someone says that they had a common homeland with the Caucasian peoples. But be that as it may,

The Basque language - Euskara, is considered the only relict pre-Indo-European language that does not belong to any existing language family. As for genetics, according to a 2012 study by the National Geographic Society, all Basques contain a set of genes that significantly distinguish them from other peoples around them. According to scientists, this speaks in favor of the opinion that the proto-Basques emerged as a separate culture 16 thousand years ago, during the Paleolithic.

Khoisan peoples (100 thousand years ago)

A recent discovery by scientists has given the first place on the list of ancient peoples to the Khoisan, a group of South African peoples who speak so-called "clicking languages". These include, including hunters - Bushmen and cattle breeders of the Hogenttots.

A group of geneticists from Sweden found that they separated from the common tree of mankind 100 thousand years ago, that is, even before the start of the exodus from Africa and the settlement of people around the world.

Approximately 43,000 years ago, the Khoisans split into a southern and a northern group. According to the researchers, part of the Khoisan population retained its ancient roots, some, like the Khwe tribe, interbred for a long time with the newcomer Bantu peoples and lost their genetic identity.

Khoisan DNA is different from the genes of the rest of the peoples of the world. “Relic” genes were found in it, responsible for increased muscle strength and endurance, as well as for high vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation.

    - (incomplete) Contents 1 Classification of peoples by language families 2 Peoples 2.1 A ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Australia and Oceania 2 Asia 3 America 4 Africa ... Wikipedia

    WORLD POPULATION- POPULATION OF THE WORLD, at the beginning. 1985 (according to the UN) was 4.8 billion hours, to which they live in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Oceania (inhabited land area 135.8 million km2). In total, there are 213 countries in the world that have a permanent us., ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Check information. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the facts and the reliability of the information presented in this article. There should be explanations on the talk page ... Wikipedia

    Document adopted by the Meeting of Representatives of the Communist. and workers' parties in Moscow in November 1960. The Appeal contains an appeal to the peoples to rally their forces for the struggle in defense of peace, against the threat of a new world war. Communist representatives... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Modern settlement area and population Total: about 1 million (according to official sources), from 1.3 to 2 million (according to expert ... Wikipedia

    Program document of the international communist movement, the charter of its struggle for peace and the peaceful coexistence of peoples, democracy and socialism. Adopted at the Meeting of representatives of 64 Communist. and workers' parties, held in Moscow on November 16–19. 1957.… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Cover of the Atlas of the Peoples of the World The Atlas of the Peoples of the World is a fundamental work of Soviet cartography, which for the first time in the world gave a detailed ethnic picture of the entire globe. The atlas was compiled by the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho Maclay USSR Academy of Sciences and ... Wikipedia

    Country ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Australia and Oceania 2 Asia 3 America 4 Africa 5 Europe ... Wikipedia


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