Detectives for children - a review of books. Children's detective books

The mystery is always interesting, and if someone did something bad, and the detective found traces of it - especially. Classic detective stories have long been children's literature. But there are also special ones for children.

The reader loves detective stories, regardless of age. A mystery is always interesting, and even if someone did something bad, and the detective found his traces! - especially.

Classic detective stories have long been children's literature. Remembering my childhood, I dragged the entire “Foreign Detective Library” from my parents’ bookcase, book by book. My parents did not mind, and I was not a particularly impressionable child ...

But while reading The Sign of Four by Conan Doyle (better known for the classic film adaptation of The Treasure of Agra), I imagined for a long time the scene in which a crocodile in the Ganges River bites off the hero’s leg. 12 knife wounds from the villain - the kidnapper of 3 summer girl- Agatha Christie's Orient Express could deliver a sleepless night. And the plot of the Cellars of the Majestic Hotel, one of best novels Simenon about Commissar Maigret (the heroine deceived into marrying a rich American, lying about her pregnancy), simply remained not understood.

You can laugh at 12+ markings as much as you like, but not every child (and even a teenager) is suitable for a classic detective genre. Not even in detective stories - and in the old good fairy tales parents sometimes have to make banknotes. (My niece refuses to go to sleep without another chapter of The Magician emerald city”- the sister reads aloud for the 10th time already, - but the scene with the unfortunate cat, which the evil sorceress smashes to smithereens against a tree, has to be skipped, otherwise tears).

And you always want secrets and mysteries - at the age of 5, and at 9, and at 12, and at 12+.

For this, there is a huge direction of children's literature - detective stories for children. About some of these books Russian authors and there will be talk. It should be said that the term “for independent reading” and not for reading aloud is suitable for all of them. You can not be afraid to leave your child alone with such a book: there are no cruelties in them, the plots are fascinating, and the mystery always loses its sharpness in the presence of mom or dad.

Roman Leibov "Divide by a hundred"

It is difficult to assume that one of the "bison of Runet" and the master Russian literature Wrote a very children's book. It is not entirely childish either - an adult reader will find in it a lot of allusions and humor, understandable only to an experienced reader.

But this is the "second plan". And for those who are just starting their independent acquaintance with literature, “Divide by a Hundred” is a fascinating story about how four friends decided to catch a real spy. The case takes place in last days summer holidays, so you need to act quickly - in a few days to school. Everything is fair: there will be suspects, and an incomprehensible treasure in the ruins of the monastery dungeons, and even a spy. And, of course, some of the heroes will grow exotic flowers, and some will play the violin.

It is advisable to “divide by a hundred” everything - that is, not to be taken too seriously.

(290 rubles)

Flavia de Luce has everything that a young aristocrat is supposed to have: a huge, slightly neglected estate, an eccentric father and two older sisters who mock her in every possible way. Flavia also has an unconventional hobby for an aristocrat - she is passionate about chemistry and at her 11 years old is ready to spend days and nights in the laboratory. Having accidentally stumbled upon the corpse of a stranger in the garden, the girl begins her own investigation - in parallel with the police.

Canadian writer and journalist Alan Bradley, author of books about Flavia de Luce, stood at the origins of The Casebook of Saskatoon, whose main activity was the study of the personality of Sherlock Holmes and books about him. In collaboration with William Serjeant, he published the book "Miss Holmes of Baker Street", which put forward the idea that the famous detective was actually a woman. Perhaps this hypothesis influenced the fact that it was the girl who became the main character of Bradley's detective novels.

The author did not make an adult out of his heroine, enclosed in the body of a child. Despite her extraordinary mind, Flavia remains a girl who can burst into tears of annoyance or fall asleep from fatigue at a time when it is necessary to gather her will into a fist and fight for her life.

In 2011, two more books about Flavia de Luce were published: "The weed that wrapped around the executioner's bag" and "Smoked herring without mustard."

"The Last Black Cat", Eugenios Trivizas

Where could I buy: (482 rubles)

In the 1960s, at the initiative of the Czech Zdenek Karel Slaba, ten writers decided to create one book together. Each of them came up with a chapter for the mosaic novel, which was created by the Soviet writer Sergei Baruzdin. However, the book was adapted into Russian by another writer, Sergei Task. He did not limit himself to translating the text: he significantly reworked the plot and focused on detective intrigue. As a result, the orange cat turned into a red cat.

Before the eyes of the boy David, the characters of the paintings that his mother painted come to life. Among them is the sad woman Beauty. Her daughter disappeared, and now David has to find the girl, and at the same time his own father, who also disappeared under very mysterious circumstances. However, do not forget that "The Secret of the Red Cat" is a fabulous detective story, so the investigation is underway in it. non-traditional methods. The paradox of what is happening is exacerbated by the scattered verses of Edward Lear, the master of absurd limericks, scattered throughout the text.

The detective story "The Secret of the Red Cat" was published in Russia in 1992, but this is the first time it has been published in such a bright design. Children, for sure, will spend hours looking at the illustrations made by the artist Anastasia Vasilyeva, who, among others, worked on the cartoon "The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring young man."

What could be more interesting than searching for a treasure? It is this difficult task that Dasha and her new neighbor Stas decide to do during the holidays, having accidentally discovered a secret message in an old wardrobe. Where only curiosity does not lead the guys! And to the old school in a small provincial town, and to the capital's antique shop, and to the hospital, but gradually the friends find out that not only they are interested in the treasure. The guys appear dangerous competitors! How to circle them around your finger and be the first to find family treasures?

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

Well met Goshka this New Year! A Christmas tree flashing with colorful lights, delicious treats, gifts wrapped in bright paper, cheerful guests… However, the morning of the new year began with an alarming doorbell. Missing three-year-old daughter of a neighbor! And not just disappeared - she was kidnapped! And then the girl's favorite toy, the electronic Fluffy, disappeared from the empty apartment. What does it mean? Did the kidnappers come back for the toy? Or the electronic toy… gone by itself? With the answers to these questions and the search for the girl Goshka, Nikita and their friends began their New Year holidays ...

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

Where is the best place for two stylish girls to go on a trip? Of course, to beautiful France and cheerful Italy! Asya and Matilda do just that. How many pleasant adventures are ahead, how many interesting acquaintances you can start with Italian and French boys ... But already at the airport the girls notice two very suspicious nuns who are flying on the same flight. And in Paris they understand that someone is following them. Are these events related to each other? Undoubtedly yes! But who needed to conduct such close surveillance of two schoolgirls? Girlfriends know something special? Or can they lead to a person unusually needed by criminals? Yes, it's a confusing matter... But Asya and Mot'ka undertake to unravel it!..

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

What could be more fun than spending time with an old trusted hangout? Therefore, Asya flies on vacation from Paris to her native Moscow. But instead of going to the cinema, discos and walks, she finds herself in a whirlpool of strange and frightening events. Someone clearly has a grudge against her and Matilda. How else to explain the chain of assassination attempts, after which the girlfriends miraculously manage to escape. One of them features a red foreign car with a green monkey on the windshield. Having figured out the mistress of the car, the girls begin surveillance. Here's where things get interesting...

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

Ring with an agate signet! Such a find will appeal to any girl. But Asya and Matilda, who accidentally discovered in empty apartment this is a strange ring, they are not going to wear it. After all, it is a real mystery! Who lost it? Neither they nor their familiar boys knew the answer. In addition, the jeweler turned terribly pale when he saw a strange find. During all this time, the detective bureau "Quartet" only managed to find out that this ring with agate brings only misfortunes and problems to its owners. Well, as for the misfortunes, it is still unknown, but the problems have definitely begun. Previously, it was necessary to get rid of a dangerous ring, and now... the restless girls were drawn into a new, breathtaking investigation!..

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

A handsome young banker got out of his luxurious car. The girls were numb and realized that they almost fell in love ... It soon became clear: he is a good friend of Asya's mother. And also - that he, the head of one of the largest Russian banks ... is being assassinated! Finally, for the detective bureau "Quartet" there was a real case! Asya, Matilda and their friends go on the trail of intruders. But then a problem arises, because of which everything turns upside down ...

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

Summer, country party of cool guys and girls, heat, swimming in the river - you can relax and unwind. But the restless Matilda and Asya found adventure on their own head too: the famous film director lost a copper jug. The thing is not very valuable, but memorable. You must definitely find it! And the girls went looking. True, instead of a copper jug, they found ... a real sniper rifle! Because of this strange find, they themselves were almost considered thieves. I had to get out. To do this, one guy had to play the role of... a real lover...

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

Two girlfriends - Asya and Matilda - find out that a spirit has wound up in the neighboring apartment - a musical poltergeist. Closed piano ... starts playing by itself classical music! Wanting to figure everything out, the girlfriends secretly enter an empty apartment. But they fail to find the spirit, because at that very moment real thieves are trying to get into the house ... The girls decided to dedicate their friends Mitya and Kostya to this business. According to Asya and Matilda, they are reliable guys and will definitely help them uncover the secret of the musical ghost and “figure out” the intruders. So, the detective bureau "Quartet" begins its first investigation!

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Anton Ivanov, Anna Ustinova

What can happen in a completely empty apartment if SOS signals are heard from there at night? During the investigation, the company from Bolshaya Spasskaya finds out that the owner of the apartment, an old sea captain, went missing somewhere in the southern seas. Did his ghost appear to tell the guys about something terrible?

Genre: Children's detectives
Author: Ekaterina Vilmont

The treasure left by the ancestor haunts Stas Smirnin and his girlfriend Dasha. The search for people who appropriated the treasure helps to find out what Ilya Arkadyevich Smirnin bequeathed to his descendants. And Musya and Viktosha at this time are trying to save a famous journalist. It would seem that what is common between these two different cases? But most in an unexpected way paths of young detectives converge ...

The children's detective came to Russia as a full-fledged genre in 1992. Of course, even before the launch of the Black Kitten series by Sovershenno Sekretno in our country, a young reader could enthusiastically read the works of Anatoly Rybakov or Arthur Conan Doyle, but only since 1992 did it become possible to read the best foreign authors child detective second half of the XX century. The series won the hearts of young (and not only) readers, and the genre - a lot of fans.

The children's detective was the leader in its segment, but then, at the beginning of the 21st century, the era of witchcraft came. Mysticism and fantasy intertwined on the background modern technologies, deduction was replaced by spells and artificial intelligence. Today the situation is completely different, children's detectives are not inferior in popularity fantastic works. Apparently, for the generation that grows up with gadgets, human thought and logic are much more interesting than mysticism and artificial intelligence.

We have selected ten of the most interesting books in the genre of children's detective, published over the past five years.

Viktor Dragunsky, Akim Lazarevich, Anton Zolotov

"New Year. Terribly confusing matter"

Publishing house Labyrinth, 2013
Age: from 6 years old

An unknown person approaches the detective and demands to expose Santa Claus. An investigation begins, during which the heroes lead secret correspondence with the best specialists from all over the world. Learn about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different corners planets, simultaneously getting acquainted with the works of Alexei Tolstoy, Nikolai Nosov, Sasha Cherny, which are considered as an evidence base.

The detective story is somewhat conventional, but it is this convention that makes, in fact, cognitive reading to broaden one's horizons - fascinating and exciting. The book is more likely to be read together with a child, as it can be used as an instruction for holiday games and competitions.

Chris Grabenstein

"Escape from Mr. Limoncello's Library"

Publishing house Career Press, 2016
Age: from 12 years old

Luigi Limoncello, a well-known creator of board and computer games, is celebrating the opening of the new library with a party, part of which is a quest for twelve-year-olds. The guys could not even imagine what the day of searching for a way out of the building would turn out to be.

A rare children's book that bridges the gap between gaming and reading fiction. Main character Kyle and his friends in the course of the quest make notes about the need to read this or that work of classical literature.

Last year, Escape from Mr. Limoncello's Library was recognized as a New York Times bestseller, and although it is aimed at children aged 12-14, adults will certainly be interested in reading it too.

Anna Starobinets

"In the lair of the wolf"

Publishing house Klever Media Group, 2015
Age: from 7 years old

In the distant forest different animals live in peace and tranquility. An experienced policeman - Badger, has to sort out uninteresting petty cases like uncleaned litter or theft of a bump. However, a measured life is violated by an unprecedented crime - murder!

The author managed to introduce young readers to the world of adults through the world of animals. What are the types of mother rabbit, fox blackmailer or psychologist mouse - these are some collective images in which many adults are guessed. An important aspect of this detective story is familiarity with the investigation process, with the disclosure of such concepts as an alibi, motive, evidence, expertise and, of course, the presumption of innocence.

Steve Stevenson

Azbuka publishing house, 2016
Age: from 6 years old

The adventures of Agatha Mystery over several recent years are very popular. The thirteenth mission, "Ghost Hunt", was no exception.

This time, Agatha's task is not to investigate the crime, but to prevent it. In this case, the crime must be committed on the train. Friends go a long way across Russia, the first stop in Kazan. The enemy is nowhere more serious - this is Strogoff himself, the genius of the underworld.

Apart from interesting plot and dynamic development of events, the author introduces readers to the sights of different cities of Russia.

Evgenia Malinkina

Publishing house Akvarel, 2013
Age: from 5 years

Life is so arranged that, even going on vacation to a remote village, you can get into a whirlpool of amazing events.

This is exactly what happens to the good-natured detective, the cat Ostrich. Everyone seems to have gone crazy trying to unravel the mystery of the box. The ostrich and his faithful assistant Pudding begin an investigation. While they do not know that they will meet with mice guarding the mysterious box and an unusual ghost that has an ear for music.

A wonderful detective story for preschoolers, funny and instructive.

Evgenia Slavorossova

"Mr. Speech's Detective Bureau. The first book of a young detective "

Publishing House ID Journalist, 2014
Age: from 7 years old

Who didn't dream of becoming a detective as a child? This book is a kind of guide for beginners "Sherlock Holmes". The talented detective Speech is still in the ranks, and next to him is his friend Larkin. They have a lot of intricate investigations, where each story is a puzzle that is proposed to be solved on their own.

In addition, the reader will visit different countries, but most importantly - will get the first idea about logic and deduction. The book shows how important it is in an investigation to pay attention to the little things and be able to draw the right conclusions from the facts obtained.

Julia Ivlieva

"The Adventures of the Sorceress Vari, or Stump with Ears"

Astrel publishing house, 2012
Age: from 6 years old

The first book in the series about the hereditary sorceress Varvara III. Despite such a status title, the sorceress is a little sorceress Varya, a minx and a loafer, who also loves to sleep. She is too lazy to learn the wisdom of witchcraft.

But one day everything changes. Varya learns about herself terrible secret- she is not a hereditary sorceress, but received the gift of witchcraft by accident, and she is in great danger. Dangerous adventures await her ahead, during which Varya will meet real friends - goblin, echo and many others. fairy tale characters. The book won the Manuscript of the Year award in 2013.

Vladimir Kuzmin

Eksmo Publishing, 2012
Age: from 13 years old

The last book in the series "The Adventures of Dasha Bestuzheva". Perhaps this story of Daria is the most mysterious, and the name almost literally reflects the essence of what is happening.

The theater troupe is forced to reschedule rehearsals in luxurious mansion, and one day the mistress of the mansion is found dead. Events are developing rapidly, and soon Daria finds herself in a real room of fear, from which she can only get out with the help of her logic and intuition.

Katya Matyushkina, Katya Okovitaya

"Detective Bureau. Fu-Fu and Kis-Kis are on the trail!"

Astrel publishing house, 2013
Age: from 6 years old

Oh, well, what a misfortune with these criminals. You can’t sleep properly with them, you can’t calmly meet the Beast Year, for which Fu-Fu and Kis-Kis have been preparing so much! On the eve of the holiday, a robbery happened - the found treasure was taken away, and the famous detectives get down to business.

The book contains two of the most popular works authors - "Socks apart!" and “Paws away from the Christmas tree!”. The stories are described with humor and filled with beautiful poems, and the parody character - Jerboa will surely make even the most serious child laugh.

Ilona Volynskaya, Kirill Kashcheev

"Investigation online"

Publishing house EKSMO, 2011
Age: from 7 years old

AT detective agency « white goose”a visitor bursts in and demands an investigation ... of his own death. While the stunned Salam tried to understand the unusual client, and already began to guess that we were talking about computer game how his young colleagues, through a “cunning” mirror, saw a vampire in the visitor and began to examine whether their pencils were made of aspen.

And this is just the beginning, ahead is the search for the Great Dark Lord, whom someone has permanently cleaned out of the server of the virtual network game.

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