How to open a detective agency in Russia? How to open a detective agency on your own.

Currently, a large number of people turn to detective agencies for help. With such a rhythm of life, most citizens cannot afford to pay due attention to any problem. In such cases, most turn to agencies that provide detective services. Many aspiring entrepreneurs have a desire to do this kind of business.

How does a business idea for opening a detective agency start? And how to make the detective agency's business plan a reality? At first glance, it seems very complicated and incredible. But in fact, everything is much easier. This does not require anything special except an analytical mindset and a desire to help people. Most often, the lack of legal education or work experience in the authorities does not play a special role. So if you do not have knowledge related to the legal field, do not worry. But it would still be better to have connections in such areas, in the future they may be needed for work.

First you need to get a license and register. You can get a license only if you have a certificate from a narcologist and an extract from the dispensary. It is at this stage that your documents may be needed, indicating the presence of a legal education or service in the authorities.

Next, you need to find a room where your office is located and purchase the equipment necessary to equip your detective agency. The list of required equipment is wide. It includes items ranging from ordinary furniture to "spy" equipment, which is all kinds of voice recorders, listening devices, beacons and others. Only here you need to use such equipment carefully, you should not violate the permitted framework. There is an article under which you can condemn the detective for a direct invasion of privacy.

Consider the question of the formation of the working composition. To conduct an investigation, you need to hire several assistants. Employees are best looked for among former police officers or actors. Some of the former actors do a good job with this kind of activity. They will be able to cope well with the role of outdoor surveillance, portraying such inconspicuous people as neighbors, grandmothers or bystanders.

Detective activity with its proper conduct will bring you a lot of profit. Even such part of the investigation as collecting information about an individual will bring you about 1 thousand dollars. This price is considered the minimum, in more complex cases the price can be much higher. Gathering information, for example, about firms is much more expensive than the cases with ordinary people. In this case, it is important to find such specialists who can collect information. It is also important to be able to professionally analyze the information obtained and find a connection that will help in solving the case. Such an ordinary operation as shadowing an object will cost about $ 200 or more.

Above, we talked about how to open a detective agency and what features of this case should be considered. This work, as it seems to most people, really brings a lot of profit. In addition, detective work is unusually intriguing and exciting. But, as in all areas of entrepreneurial activity, there are also disadvantages here. Your actions taken during the investigation must comply with all the canons of the law. At the slightest violation in your actions, the license issued to you may be withdrawn.

There is hardly a person who would never dream of owning his own business. Ideally, it should be not only very cost-effective, but also interesting and enjoyable.

For those aspiring entrepreneurs who read detective novels in their childhood and youth, we advise you to pay attention to a very specific, but extremely tempting business. It is not young, it has existed in our country for a long time, and yet only a few companies are seriously engaged in it.

Who will contact you?

Let's talk about how to open a detective agency, what needs to be done for this, what pitfalls there are in this business and how to avoid them. This case seems very attractive in terms of the fact that it does not require serious investments. But the profit can please you pleasantly. The work of a private detective has always been valuable. Husbands who suspect their wives are cheating, businessmen who believe that their partners are twisting their noses and have long ago transferred expensive contracts to competing firms, and many others, can come to you.

How much will surveillance cost?

I would like to emphasize that, having decided to engage in this type of business, you will already be dealing with reputable people whose incomes, as a rule, are above average. Anyone will not pay for your services.

They can't afford it. Turning to a detective agency is not a cheap pleasure. As a rule, such offices have a clear price list for services, but sometimes the client begins to rush to investigate his case, and then the cost of work can increase significantly.

Since we give a detailed plan on how to open a detective agency, let's move on to specific numbers. For example, in provincial Russian towns, surveillance of all movements, meetings and actions of a person per day will cost $ 100 or more. At the same time, the upper bar can go for 1000-2000 dollars or more. It all depends on who needs to be monitored and on what particular case.

Let's talk about demand

Of course, you can get very impressive profits from such a business, but in order to come to this, you need to do a tremendous amount of work. Fortunately, at present, as we have previously noted, competition in this market is low.

Experts attribute this to the fact that there are actually very few intelligent specialists in this field. In addition, most start-up entrepreneurs are stunned by the question of how to open a detective agency. And even when they move away from it and register their company, they simply don’t know what to do and how to start earning as quickly as possible.

Most often, former employees of internal affairs work in such offices. They have a clear knowledge of the city, they know how to professionally conduct surveillance, and finally, they are familiar with the legal field. In other words, they can work professionally, efficiently, without going beyond the current legislation.


But we would like to emphasize right away so that you do not confuse: detectives do not have the same rights as law enforcement officers. They are deprived of many of the privileges available to the police. All that is allowed for the detective is to take photos and videos and, in some cases, look for witnesses. When searching for information, the law prohibits wiretapping of telephones, the installation of hidden video cameras on private property, special professional equipment, and much more.

Entrepreneurs who have already made money in this business admit that customers are different. To satisfy the requests of some, information collected legally is sufficient. However, there are often times when the client wants more, and then you have to go for tricks and break the rules. Naturally, the cost of such services increases several times. Among the detective agencies there is a rule according to which evidence collected illegally is only shown to the client and immediately destroyed. They are never handed over to the client.

Better to have work experience

In order to successfully start this business, you must at least have a legal specialty and at least some connections in law enforcement agencies. Thanks to them, you can quickly get the information you are interested in in a variety of directions.

Most often, private detectives resort to the help of former colleagues from the authorities when it is necessary to find out the name of the owner of a car or apartment. Of course, that such information is not given just like that, and you, as the owner of the agency, will need to pay for it.

What does it take to open a detective agency?

To get started, rent an office. At the same time, pathos in this matter is useless. And nothing good will come of the fact that you will have luxurious premises, but will not be effective enough to satisfy customer requests. Therefore, in conditions of a limited budget, in the first 2-3 months of work, you can do without a room.

For clients, it does not matter at all what your legal address is and how luxurious you are. For customers, the most important thing is to solve their problem as quickly as possible. And the solution, as a rule, is to obtain the information of interest. It must be timely, accurate, as reliable as possible and received strictly confidentially.

So do you need an office or not?

But if finances allow you, then, of course, it is better to get your own corner so that you can fully meet clients, sign contracts with them and have more detailed conversations. Any company starts with its employees. Therefore, when answering the question of how to open a detective agency, try to start with a decent staff.

I don't want to repeat myself, but experienced entrepreneurs say that the role of detectives is most easily given to former law enforcement officers. They easily cope with all duties, thanks to the experience of participating in operational-search activities. When selecting people, remember that the more professional and qualified they are, the faster you will be able to gain an excellent reputation and, accordingly, you will have more customers.

Recently, in our country, such a type of income as detective activity has flourished. Such services are in great demand and popularity. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening a detective agency is very promising for implementation.

The market for such services is not too busy, mainly security companies and law firms are flourishing.

You need to have good organizational and analytical skills, developed intuition, and best of all - experience in law enforcement.

Although the last point is not the most important. Carefully read all the instructions given in this article and decide. For this idea to be successfully implemented, a decisive attitude and a penchant for adventure are needed.


First of all, you will have to face the procedure for registering your office. You need to obtain a license to legally operate and register a private enterprise.

It does not take a lot of time. In order for you to be issued a license, you must provide certificates obtained from a narcologist and in a mental hospital.

As for the weapon, then, alas, the private detective is limited in the means of protection. In work, you can use a bulletproof vest, a gas cartridge and a baton, that is, no more than an ordinary citizen of our country.

Firearms are legally allowed to be carried only by licensed security guards, and private detectives must do without them.

In general, there are many obstacles in our laws to ensure that this idea is fully implemented. After all, the activities of a detective can sometimes qualify as an illegal invasion of privacy. Therefore, when you become the owner of a detective agency, you will have to learn how to find loopholes in our laws in order to be able to offer customers the greatest range of services.

Organizational matters

You will need an office that is suitable for this business. It is desirable that it be located in a densely populated area, and preferably in the city center.

The area of ​​​​the premises may be small, but sufficient to accommodate the reception and your personal office, where meetings with clients, conversations with employees and direct analysis of the information received will take place.

It is best to make repairs so that the office makes a good impression and speaks of your solidity. Here you will store all the documentation, both on current cases and on closed ones.

The next item on your well-planned actions should be the purchase of equipment. For successful work, you will need to equip the office with office equipment, buy furniture, computers, a printer, a scanner, a fax machine, a telephone and a safe.

To be able to offer clients a wide range of services, you will need to purchase all the attributes of detective work. This list includes video cameras of various sizes, bugs, mobile phones, conspiracy clothing, and so on.

An important step in preparing for the opening should be the search for employees. You can conduct recruitment among former law enforcement officers or graduates of law and theater schools.

The former have well-developed intuition and have analytical abilities, while the latter will be able to easily reincarnate to complete a particular task. Your employees should be sociable, resourceful, resourceful, active and self-confident.

Range of services

Any detective agency should be able to help anyone who asks for help. The services that you will provide are varied, and they can be not only detective, but also legal and consulting:

  • collection of various information (on individuals and legal entities);
  • revealing the fact of adultery;
  • observation of any object;
  • inspection of land plots and real estate, vehicles;
  • various search activities;
  • legal advice;
  • debt collection and debt recovery;

Thus, people with a wide variety of problems will contact you: find a relative, follow a business partner, find a stolen car, and so on. The wider the range of your services, the sooner you will reach the break-even point.

Profitability and payment

Business detective agency is quite promising and profitable. It all depends on your hard work, self-confidence and ability to attract customers. And the reputation of the agency will eventually work for you. Payment for your services can reach 3 thousand dollars for one case. Therefore, this type of business has a very favorable forecast.


After registering as a private entrepreneur, find premises for your agency. Pay special attention to the design of the office: it should be strict, concise and inspire confidence in potential clients.

Purchase the equipment and devices necessary for the implementation of detective work. You may need photo and video equipment, a voice recorder, office equipment. Keep in mind that, according to the law, in your work you can only use the methods of photography, surveys, as well as obtaining information from open sources. Surveillance, phone tapping, computer hacking are considered illegal. That is why you should not buy the appropriate equipment.

Pass the medical examination. It should include a mandatory examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. In addition, you will have to go through narrow specialists (neurologist, surgeon). Prepare the relevant certificate for submission to the internal affairs authorities.

Contact any department of internal affairs and provide the following package of documents to obtain a license: - a statement of intent to create a detective agency;- medical certificates;- receipt of payment of the state fee for issuing a license;- 2 photographs;- a document on education or additional training in the legal field;- a detailed description of the planned activity indicating the resources required for work;- a certificate of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Hire staff to help you get the job done. It is best to look for employees who have a law degree, or have previously worked in the police or military structures. Knowledge of the law, an analytical mindset and experience in conducting search activities are a priority for your subordinates.


You will not be able to open a detective agency if you have a criminal record, are under investigation or have been dismissed from the internal affairs bodies due to compromising circumstances.

Useful advice

Get useful connections in law enforcement. In the course of your activities, it is quite possible that you will have to resort to the help of the police, the prosecutor's office or the FSB.

The work of a private detective is not at all exciting adventures, chasing, shooting, etc. They are only allowed to carry a gas pistol and spray can. This work is difficult, requiring patience, attention, endurance. To become a private investigator, you must first obtain a license.

You will need

  • Passport, diploma, medical certificate form No. 046-1, application, money, photographs.


The activity of private detectives is an entrepreneurial activity, so you must first register an individual entrepreneur. To do this, fill out an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, pay the state duty and submit documents to the tax office. Within 5 working days, the registration authority will make a decision on registration. In Rosstat, you will need to receive a letter with statistics codes, open a bank account, and make a seal. IP can work without printing.

In the same police department, you need to pass a theoretical exam for suitability for detective work. Detective candidates will be offered one of the test options. The commission's decision is documented in a protocol. If you do not pass the exam, the commission will set a date and time for retake.

The license is issued by the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence. To do this, you need to apply there. Attached to the application:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- a questionnaire;
- medical certificate in the form No. 046-1. It will be issued in any medical institution. You will need to pass a medical examination and have a 3x4 photo with you;
- a diploma of legal education, documents confirming the passage of special training or work experience in operational or investigative bodies for at least 3 years;
- receipt of payment of state duty.

A license may be denied if:
- the citizen has not reached the age of 21;
- is registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist;
- there is a conviction for committing an intentional crime or charged with committing such a crime, if the case has not yet been considered by the court;
- the citizen was dismissed from the civil service, judicial and other law enforcement agencies on compromising grounds;
- by virtue of his professional activities, exercised control over private detective and security activities, if 1 year has not passed since the moment of dismissal.

Well, who can tell offhand about how to organize a business selling coffee or a security agency? Only from the point of view of the consumer. Coffee is served hot, and the guard is obliged to constantly be near the protected object and that's it. More detailed information can be found on the Internet or in specialized literature. But try to ask something about the work of a private detective! Everyone will start talking about all the intricacies of this profession and give all sorts of recommendations on how to open a detective agency, including from scratch.

There is nothing surprising in this. Look on the bookshelves or on the front page of any online library and choose a detective story to your liking. Today, the detective genre ranks second after women's romance novels in terms of sales. How true is this information? Is it possible to open a business at a detective agency from scratch by reading dozens of detective stories?

From words to deeds

In fact, the detective stories described in the detective novels loved by many and the work of today's detective agency in Russia have practically nothing in common. Fewer than 1% of clients apply to follow an unfaithful spouse or investigate a complicated series of mysterious murders, they say, law enforcement agencies are powerless, etc. Basically, detective agencies in Russia and abroad carry out so-called business orders - follow a competitor and collect as much information about him as possible, collect incriminating information about the same competitors, find out how promising it is to invest in a particular industry for a foreign investor, the annual turnover of the company and the market for these goods or services in general.

The latest orders, although rare, are the most profitable 500,000 rubles or more. So it turns out that if you truthfully describe the work of a detective agency, then the reader simply will not buy such reading. No chases with violations of all conceivable and unthinkable rules, no heartbreaking stories about unhappy love, but only numbers, hacking numerous databases, working with a pile of documents, often many hours of digging in archives. Although detective stories for the most interesting novels sometimes happen, but at best 1 time in several years. How to open a detective agency and start earning?


This type of business can rightly be called a business out of this world. Firstly, it is impossible to predict either profitability or the moment of obtaining the greatest profit from a detective agency. In one week, you can earn 1,000,000 rubles or more, or you can earn nothing for several months. This instability must be taken into account when recruiting staff and choosing premises for a detective agency. Secondly, there is a high probability that someone from the staff of the detective agency will “steal the business from under your nose.”

Therefore, you need to either start working with the whole family and not involve third-party workers, or close everything on yourself, and pay the staff a percentage of the order. Thirdly, it is almost impossible to calculate the waste in business at a detective agency. Depending on the order being executed, you will have to involve:

  • Prosecutor or lawyer to submit requests to government agencies, which are subject to immediate consideration;
  • Operational interrogators to obtain information from the fingerprint and other databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as to conduct operational inquiries, for example, invite, unofficially, a familiar detective to conduct a private conversation, often only a person with solid experience in the work of law enforcement agencies can ask the right question;
  • Professional hackers to hack the resource bases of an institution about which some information needs to be collected by the customer;
  • A forensic expert to conduct an examination of the seized material on equipment specially designed for this purpose;
  • A professional analyst who, using incomplete information, could reconstruct a given phenomenon or process;
  • A professional actor who can transform into anyone for the unofficial collection of the necessary information.

Fourth, Russian law prohibits employees of detective agencies from carrying weapons. It is only allowed to take pictures, interrogate and search for the necessary information in the archives. That is, according to Russian legislation, the effective work of a detective agency, if you act strictly within the law, is practically impossible. It remains either to do everything on their own, risking a prison term of 3 or more years for an unauthorized invasion of privacy, or to entrust this work to those who have the authority delegated by the state apparatus of Russia to perform this or that action. The second option, although more expensive, is many times more efficient and safer. After all, the customer pays not only for the work performed, but also for the urgency!


Today, in Russia, a detective agency belongs to a small business, and since the profit of this business is unstable, it is better to register a detective agency as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation scheme for a detective agency. This business allows this because there are practically no accounting operations per year. And besides, the activity of fulfilling a client order is either not documented at all, or it takes place as a completely different work.

Well, how to declare the performance of work on the illegal extraction of information about a competing organization, and if you also describe all the actions performed in stages, then for the execution of one order alone, each of the personnel of the detective agency faces at least 5 years in prison.
And who will control the final amount of the detective agency's fee if a satisfied customer, instead of the promised 200,000 rubles, can pay 350,000 rubles for a job well done! Therefore, the real amount of taxes often does not reach even 3% of the total profit.

Premises and equipment

Opening a detective agency practically does not require investments and monthly payments for rent and energy costs. This allows us not to stop our activities even in the absence of orders for a long time. 150 working detective agencies in Moscow, a vivid example.

The luxuriously furnished office with a total area of ​​more than 100 m2 is the fruit of a bookish imagination. In fact, 30 m2 is enough, not necessarily in a crowded place. On the contrary, lost in the labyrinth of courtyards, the detective agency, on a subconscious level, is much more trustworthy. One gets the impression that the secret entrusted to the agency will be better kept: “after all, I have been looking for this agency for so long, well, who else will go this way”? But, you should not go too far! Near the agency there should be a parking lot, a cafe or a bar, because millionaires will contact you! In a word, in a secluded place, but not in the middle of nowhere!

But it's not worth saving on furniture. The classic image of any detective agency is a massive oak cabinet, a table and chairs, and in the corner, a fireproof safe. Try to match the image, even if, for example, you are not going to store anything important in the safe!

The ability to keep other people's secrets, the ability to listen, the ability to hide one's emotions, at the same time, to read someone else's facial expressions like an open book, the ability to win over a stranger from the first minutes of meeting and, finally, the ability to be invisible are the main qualities of a professional detective. For the full functioning of the detective agency, 4 people are enough: 2 actors, 1 person with experience in law enforcement and 1 programmer. Ideally, if the manager performs analytical functions, and the rest are aware of only their small part of a large task. So you are completely protected from illegal encroachments on your business.

Investments and profit

Unlike the same America, in Russia, clients of detective agencies, as a rule, know exactly what they want when contacting this institution. Therefore, it is not advisable to open in the format of an office for VIPs, with a reception desk, a comfortable waiting area, etc. This will not increase customers, but on the contrary, the bar can seriously spoil the reputation of your agency that has not yet been acquired. Therefore, the following investments are sufficient:

  1. Furnishing the premises - 80,000-120,000 rubles one-time;
  2. Computer, printer 40,000 rubles one time;
  3. Renting a room 20,000-50,000 rubles per month;
  4. High-speed Internet, payment for all SIM cards of mobile operators, city telephone number 30,000 rubles one-time and 12,000-15,000 rubles monthly.
    Perhaps that's all Paying staff and taxes 33%. Payment for assistance from third-party individuals 33%. Your 33%.

And now, what and for what service you can get.
Information about the registration data of the competitor's company 15,000 rubles;
Complete information about the company - office address, passport details of managers, terms of debt - up to 70,000 rubles;
Absolutely everything about the competitor company, up to information about the relatives of the founders - up to 300,000 rubles;
collection of compromising data on a competitor, information about the secret preferences of the management - up to 700,000 rubles.

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