The case burned out value. The most high-profile archival cases of the Tagansky court

(Interpretation of words):

"If anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will be revealed; for the day will show, because it is revealed in the fire, and the fire will test the work of each, what it is. Whoever's business, which he built, will stand, he will receive a reward. And whoever's business is burned, he will suffer damage; however, he himself will be saved, but so, as if from fire "(1 Cor. 3:12-15).

1. Here we are presented with a question not unimportant, but concerning the subject of the most necessary and investigated by all people: will the fire of Gehenna have an end? Christ revealed to us that: "their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9:46). I see that you shudder when you hear this; but what to do? God commands us to proclaim this without ceasing: "indicate," he says, "to my people" (Isaiah 58:1). We have been placed in the service of the word, and therefore it is necessary to speak unpleasant things to the hearers; albeit against the will, but it is necessary. However, if you like, it will not be unpleasant for you. If you do good, says (the apostle), do not be afraid (Rom.13, 3). Therefore, you can listen to us not only without fear, but also with pleasure. So Christ revealed that Gehenna fire has no end; and Paul asserts that the torment will be never-ending when he says that sinners "will suffer punishment, eternal destruction" (2 Thess. 1:9); and again: do not be deceived: "neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor Malachi shall inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6, 9-10). And to the Jews, he says: "try to have peace with everyone and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord" (Heb.12, 14). Also, Christ, in response to the words: "We have worked many miracles in Your name," will say: "Depart from Me, you who work iniquity: I do not know you" (Matt. 7:22-23). And the virgins, for whom the doors were closed, could no longer enter; and of those who did not feed Him, He says: "They will go into eternal punishment" (Matt. 25:46).

Don't tell me: where is justice if the torment has no end? When God does anything, obey His decrees and do not subject them to the minds of men. Moreover, is it unfair if a person who first received thousands of blessings, and then committed a worthy punishment and did not become better either from threats or good deeds, is punished? If you demand justice, then according to the law of truth, we should have perished immediately at the beginning; but it would be better, and then it would not be according to the law of truth alone, but would be an action of philanthropy, if we endured this too. Whoever insults a person who has not done him any harm, he, according to the law of truth, is subject to punishment; if someone is his benefactor, who does not owe him anything, but who has shown him countless benefits, the only culprit of his being and, moreover, God, who breathed into him a soul, bestowed thousands of blessings and wanted to raise him to heaven, if such (benefactor), after such benefits, not only offends, but every day grieves with his deeds, then what forgiveness will he be worthy of? Do you not see how (God) punished Adam for one sin? He, you say, gave him paradise and honored him with his great favor? But it is not the same thing - to sin, enjoying prosperity, or - spending a life in great sorrow. It is grievous that you sin when you are not in paradise, but in the midst of the innumerable calamities of the present life, and you are not enlightened by misfortunes; it is as if one were to do evil while bound. (God) promised you more blessings than paradise; I have not yet given them, so that you do not become lazy during the ascetic labors, but also did not keep silent about them, so that you would not weaken in your labors. Adam, having committed one sin, brought upon himself death; and we commit thousands of sins every day. If, having committed one sin, he brought upon himself so much evil and brought death into the world, then what will we not undergo, who constantly live in sins, although we expect heaven instead of paradise? This word is heavy and regrettable for the listener. I know this from the feeling that I myself experience: my heart is troubled and trembles, and the more I am convinced of the certainty of Gehenna, the more I tremble and am filled with fear. But we need to talk about it so that we do not fall into hell. You did not receive paradise, not trees and plants, but heaven and heavenly blessings. But if the one who received the lesser is condemned and nothing could justify him, then all the more we, who are called to the higher and sin more than him, will be subjected to unbearable torments. Imagine how long our race for one sin remains under the dominion of death. Five thousand or more years have already passed, and death has not yet ceased for one sin. Moreover, we cannot say that Adam listened to the prophets, that he saw the punishments that befell others for sins, that he could therefore come into fear and be enlightened by these examples; he was then the first and only, but he was punished. You cannot imagine anything like that, who becomes worse after such examples, who has been rewarded with such gifts of the Spirit, and who admits not one, not two, or three, but countless sins. Don't look at the fact that sin is committed in short time and do not think that therefore the punishment will be short-lived. Do you not see how people who commit theft or adultery once and in one minute often spend their whole lives in dungeons and mines, subjected to incessant hunger and innumerable kinds of death? And yet no one justified them and did not say that since the sin was committed by them in a short time, then the punishment should continue for the time corresponding to the sin.

2. But, you say, this is how people act, but God is philanthropic? Firstly, people do this not out of cruelty, but out of philanthropy; and God so punishes because He is philanthropic; in the greatness of his mercy, great is his punishment. Therefore, when you say that God is philanthropic, you prove the justice of punishment all the more if we sin against such a (Being). That is why Paul said: "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10:31). Pay close attention, I admonish you, to the power of these words; maybe you'll get some comfort from that. Which of the people can punish in the same way as God punished, who caused the flood and the destruction of the human race, and a little later rained fire from heaven and destroyed everyone (the inhabitants of Sodom) to the ground? Which human punishment can compare with such a punishment? Don't you see here an almost endless punishment? Four thousand years have passed, and the punishment of the Sodomites is still in force. As great is the love of God, so is His punishment. Moreover, if God commanded something difficult and impossible, then another could refer to the difficulty of His commandments; but if He commands something very easy, what can we say without worrying about this? Can't you fast and keep your virginity? You can, if you like, what those who did this accuse us of; but God did not use all severity against us, did not command or command this, but left it to the will of the listeners; you can be chaste in marriage, you can abstain from drunkenness. Can't you give away all your possessions? You can, as those who did it show; but God did not command this either, but commanded not to steal someone else's property and give it to those in need from one's own property. If anyone says that he cannot be satisfied with one wife, he deceives and deceives himself, in which those who remain chaste even without a wife accuse him. Can't you not slander, can't you not swear? On the contrary, it is more difficult to do it than not to do it. What excuse do we have when we do not fulfill such an easy and convenient thing? We can't imagine any. From all that has been said, it is clear that the torment will be eternal.

But it seems to some that Paul's saying contradicts this; so let's look at his explanation. Saying: "whoever's work that he built stands, he will receive a reward. And whoever's work is burned, he will suffer loss," he added: "however, he himself will be saved, but as if from fire." What to say about it? Consider, first, what is foundation, what is gold, what are precious stones, what are hay and stubble. He himself clearly called Christ the foundation: "another foundation," he says, "no one can lay, except what is laid, which is Jesus Christ"; and the building ... means deeds ... From here it is clear that here we are talking about deeds ....

3. If this were said about faith, it would be said without foundation. In faith, everyone should be equal, because faith is one; and in the affairs of life, not everyone is the same. Faith is neither worse nor better, but it is the same for all true believers; but in life, some are more zealous, others are more careless, some are more regular, others are more careless, some do more, others less, some sin harder, others easier. That is why the apostle said: "Gold, silver, gems, firewood, hay, straw. Every deed will be revealed.” Here he speaks of deeds. And whoever's business is burned will suffer damage."
If this were said about pupils and teachers, then it would not be proper for teachers to suffer punishment if the pupils did not listen to them. That is why he says: "everyone will receive his reward according to his work," not at the end of the work, but according to the work. What does he need if the hearers did not heed? And this also shows that it is talking about works.

And the meaning of the words is as follows: whoever leads a bad life with the right faith, faith will not protect him from punishment when the matter burns. It will burn, which means that it will not endure the forces of fire. If someone with a golden weapon crossed the fiery river, he would cross it with glory; but if, on the contrary, someone crosses it with hay, he will not only not succeed, but will also destroy himself: this is also the case with deeds. In saying this, the apostle does not mean the actual burning of people, but wants to inspire the strongest fear and show that he who lives wickedly is in danger. That is why he says: "He will suffer loss": this is the first punishment. "He himself will be saved, but as if from fire": that's another thing. These words mean the following: he himself will not perish like the deeds, will not turn into nothing, but will remain in the fire. This is what the apostle calls salvation; therefore he did not simply say, "She will be saved," but added, "as if from fire." So we usually say: they are preserved in fire - about such things that do not burn and do not suddenly turn into ashes. Therefore, when you hear about fire, do not think that those who are burned will turn into nothing. Do not be surprised that the apostle calls such torment salvation; he often uses good expressions about unpleasant objects, and bad ones about pleasant objects. For example, the word captivity denotes a bad object; but Paul uses it in a good way, saying: "We bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5). Also, speaking of evil, he uses a good expression in the following words: "sin reigned" (Rom. 5, 21); meanwhile, the word reign rather sounds good. So here too, when he says: he will be saved, he expresses nothing but the continuation of punishment, and, as it were, he says: he himself will be tormented unceasingly.

Meaning OF BURNED OUT in the Phraseology Guide


someone won, achieved his goal, arranged everything. The expression is associated with legal proceedings, namely with situations where court cases were lost as a result of a fire, often deliberately arranged, for bribes of the suing. Then the guilty could not be punished, but the right could not be justified.

Handbook of Phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BURNED out in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • A BUSINESS The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    MECHIK (Evenki - stone ball) - the legendary Evenk throwing weapon, which is a stone ...
    - thieves ...
  • BURNED OUT in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
    - made like...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    CIVIL - see CIVIL CASE ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - 1) profession, range of occupations, area of ​​knowledge or skills; 2) enterprise; 3) administrative or judicial proceedings on any fact, event; …
  • A BUSINESS in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    monthly magazine, published in St. Petersburg from the second half of 1866 to 1888. Its editors were successively: N. I. Shulgin, P. V. ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    monthly scientific and literary journal, 1866-1888 (since 1868 - literary and political), St. Petersburg. Continuing the log" Russian word", retained until 1884 a democratic ...
  • A BUSINESS in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    literary and political monthly magazine, published in 1866-88 in St. Petersburg. Until 1880, the publisher and official editor was N. I. Shulgin, the actual editor ...
  • A BUSINESS in encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -a, pl. deeds, deeds, deeds, cf. 1. Work, occupation, activity. Busy important matter. Habitual d. Current affairs. To be without...
  • A BUSINESS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "DELO", monthly. scientific-lit. magazine, 1866-88 (since 1868 - lit.-polit.), St. Petersburg. Continuing. "Russian word", kept until 1884 democrat. …
  • A BUSINESS in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    de "lo, deeds", de "la, de" l, de "lu, deeds" m, de "lo, deeds", de "scrap, deeds" mi, de "le, ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    Activities, work performed; action, deed. About the degree of importance, complexity; about the possibilities of implementation; about the nature, methods of implementation. Hopeless, urgent, urgent, useless, …
    Trembling at the sight…
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Work, …
  • A BUSINESS in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • A BUSINESS in the Russian Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: work, occupation, activity, work 2. ‘document’ Syn: act, document under seal 3. Syn: litigation, process 4. Syn: duties, ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    occupation, craft, skill, needlework, profession, work, labor, action, process, dispute, court, litigation. Loud business. Criminal case. Wed . See battle, ...
  • A BUSINESS in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    gamble, car business, battle, battle, battle, scolding, vesh, action, business, deed, activity, dossier, occupation, undertaking, art, specifics, liturgy, lottery, mission, need, ...
  • A BUSINESS in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) a) Activity (as opposed to thoughts, words), practice (as opposed to theory). b) Some kind of type of activity aimed at achieving, implementing ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
  • A BUSINESS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    case, -a, pl. deeds, deeds and (deliberately reduced and simple) deeds (only deeds, only deeds), ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Spelling Dictionary:
    d'elo, -a, pl. deeds, deeds and (deliberately reduced and simple) deeds (everything and deeds, only deeds), ...
  • A BUSINESS in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    litigation, process Criminal d. Initiate d. against someone. The case of Colloq is being heard, something important, necessary. Speak (to the point). …
  • CASE in the Dahl Dictionary:
    cf. subject of exercise, work, labor, occupation, duty, position; | everything that has been done, that has happened; deed, action; | the essence of an object or ...
  • "A BUSINESS" in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    monthly scientific and literary journal, 1866-1888 (since 1868 - literary and political), St. Petersburg. Continuing the journal Russkoye Slovo, he kept democratic until 1884.
  • A BUSINESS in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    dela, pl. deeds, deeds (delov is wrong), deeds, cf .. work, occupation, something than someone. busy. This is an impossible task. Check out this town...
  • A BUSINESS in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    case cf. 1) a) Activity (as opposed to thoughts, words), practice (as opposed to theory). b) Some kind of activities aimed at achieving...
  • A BUSINESS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    cf. 1. Activity (as opposed to thoughts, words), practice (as opposed to theory). ott. Any type of activity aimed at achieving, implementing something. …
  • A BUSINESS in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I cf. 1. Work, occupation, activity; what someone is doing. 2. Practical activities(as opposed to thoughts, words); …
    open orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Uspensky Konstantin Vasilyevich (1872 - 1937), archpriest, holy martyr. Commemorated November 12th...
  • SMOLENSKY ASSUMPTION CHURCH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Temple in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in the village of Smolensky (Pereslavl deanery of the Yaroslavl diocese) Address: ...
  • KALUGA JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Kaluga Church in the name of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, Bishop's Compound of the Kaluga Diocese ...
  • BLAGOVESCHENSKOE (MOSCOW REGION) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". The village of Blagoveshchenskoye, Vereisky district, Moscow region (now Naro-Fominsk district). Located on the grand-princely land of the ancient Vyshegorodsky camp …
  • 1571.04.02 in Pages of History What, where, when:
    (24.03) Forty-thousand horde of the Crimean Khan DEVLET-GIREY, having burned down Kolomna, approaches the walls of Moscow. And then, as the Solovetsky chronicle notes, "Devlet Giray ... Moscow ...

Case burnt out

who. Razg. Someone got his way, arranged everything. ZS 1996, 122; BMS 1998, 148.

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "The Case Burned Out" is in other dictionaries:

    case burned out- someone won, achieved his goal, arranged everything. The expression is associated with legal proceedings, namely with situations where court cases were lost as a result of a fire, often deliberately arranged, for bribes of the suing. Then there was no one to blame... Phraseology Handbook

    Drawing master. Narodn. Shuttle. Pocket thief. SRNG 5, 69. Coffin master. Jarg. school Shuttle. iron. Labor teacher. (Entry 2003). Asshole master. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Doctor proctologist. Vakhitov 2003, 55. Shoulder master. Razg. Outdated.… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    To be happy, to be happy, to argue. The case was successful, burned out, danced, ended well, went smoothly. He was lucky; he is happy in everything, he is lucky, everything argues with him. Eka gave him a lafa. Princess T. didn’t get out ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Failure, misfortune, misfortune, misfortune, misfortune (bad luck); misfire, defeat, failure, fiasco, crash, collapse, bankruptcy, damage, accident. I'm out of luck, fate bad rock) haunts me; I cut off (on what), failed, missed (cf. ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Type LLC Year founded 1975 Location ... Wikipedia

    Mukhoyarov, Ivan Matveevich ("Oblomov")- See also Brother Pshenitsyna, Tarantiev's godfather According to Agafya Matveevna, he serves in the office, where the peasants are recorded. For thirty years he has been sitting on one chair, twirling his whole presence, says Tarantiev. M. went to the service with a large paper ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    1. BURN OUT, rit; burnt out; St. 1. Be destroyed by fire, fire; burn to the end. The whole village burned down. 2. Dry up, die from the heat. Bread in the fields burned out. 3. To be completely consumed in the combustion process. The kerosene in the lamp burned out. four.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    burn out- I rit; you/burned; St. see also to burn out 1) to be destroyed by fire, fire; burn to the end. The whole village burned down. 2) Dry up, die from the heat. Bread in the fields burned out. 3) To be completely consumed in the combustion process. The kerosene in the lamp burned out. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Cases of fires in the markets in Russia in 2009-2010- Below is information about fires in the markets over the past two years. 2010 On the morning of October 6, a fire broke out in a toy store in the center of Krasnodar. A message about a fire in a two-story store building near the grocery market was received on the console ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Syromolotov F. F. (1877 1949; autobiography). I was born in 1877, May 1, in the mountains. Zlatoust, Ufa Province. My father was a small factory employee (or rather, a senior worker) at the Zlatoust plant in a large rolling shop. We lived in poverty. Father… … Big biographical encyclopedia


  • Service robbery (collection), Kirill Kazantsev. FSB captain Yuri Volkashin suggested that his friends "throw" the regional organized crime group on a suitcase of money. We decided to arrange a raid on the "brothers" at the moment when they would be transporting common cash. ...

It won't work out. Prost. It won't work, nothing will work. - No, Khariton, things won't work out that way. What haves, those give a share contribution. And you have six horses, seven heads of cattle, eighteen sheep on your farm.(I. Akulov. Kasyan Ostudny).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "The case will not work out" in other dictionaries:

    burn out- (inosk.) succeed, end well Cf. Already from the very beginning of the discovery of unpleasant actions, I vaguely felt that the matter would not work out, that one way or another I would have to yield to the force of circumstances. Saltykov. Monrepos refuge. 3… Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Rheumatism- Have a deal will not burn out; ... Dream Interpretation

    JACKET- Seeing a jacket in a dream means that in reality you will suffer because of your stubbornness. Borrowing a jacket from someone portends that other people's mistakes will cause your failures. To wear in a dream or to see on someone a chic, trimmed with expensive ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    NEED- A dream in which a real need has befallen you means that your claims to own some property will not find any grounds and your business will not work out. To see someone in dire need and, if possible, to help free of charge ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    burn out- 1) rit; incl. past burnt out; owls. (inn. burn out1). 1. Be destroyed by fire, fire; burn to the end. Fifty years ago, the village of Naikhin burned out from a fire during a thunderstorm. Arseniev, In the mountains of Sikhote Alin. || Dry up, die from the heat. FROM… … Small Academic Dictionary

    COMMUNITY- COMMUNITY, form social organization. Primitive (generic) O. is characterized collective labor and consumption, the later form of neighborly (territorial, rural) O. combines individual and communal ownership, is typical for ... ... Russian history

    BURN OUT Dictionary Ushakov

    BURN OUT- 1. BURN OUT1, burn out, burn out, sov. (to burn out1). 1. Entirely, completely destroyed, disappear during combustion. The village burned to the ground. The kerosene in the lamp burned out. 2. Fading in sunlight. Matter burned out. 2. BURN IN2 (1 and 2 l.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    burn out- 1. BURN OUT, rit; burnt out; St. 1. Be destroyed by fire, fire; burn to the end. The whole village burned down. 2. Dry up, die from the heat. Bread in the fields burned out. 3. To be completely consumed in the combustion process. The kerosene in the lamp burned out. four.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    burn out- I rit; you/burned; St. see also to burn out 1) to be destroyed by fire, fire; burn to the end. The whole village burned down. 2) Dry up, die from the heat. Bread in the fields burned out. 3) To be completely consumed in the combustion process. The kerosene in the lamp burned out. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Looking in captivity, Alexander Logachev. It is beyond the Ural Mountains that the law is taiga, but here the law is oil. And one St. Petersburg authority wanted to subdue the nearby oil refinery. The likelihood that the case will burn out is very ...
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