What do we know for sure about the most famous battle in ancient Russian history. Battle of Kulikovo in reconstructions and painting

Mamai, embittered by the defeat, organized a raid on the Ryazan principality and ruined it again. The Horde ruler began to prepare a new big campaign, dreaming of repeating the invasion of Batu ( "as it was under Batya"). He sought to restore the power of the Horde over Russia, to resume the flow of tribute, to undermine the growing power of Moscow.

Mamai gathered soldiers from all over the Horde, hired heavily armed infantrymen in the Italian colonies that then existed in the Crimea. With his army, he moved to Russia and stopped in August 1380 at its borders in the upper reaches of the Don, waiting for the regiments of his ally, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Jagaila Olgerdovich.

Russia was getting ready. In addition to the Moscow squads, in the army of Dmitry Ivanovich there were regiments from many lands of North-Eastern Russia, detachments came from the Western Russian lands, led by the Jagiello brothers. The prince led his army to Kolomna, from it - to Lopasna, the left bank of the Oka, then south of it, to the Don, at the confluence of the Nepryadva River. In the Russian army there were not only "Russian princes", "voivodes", boyars, warriors, but "all people", "people", i.e. peasants, townspeople.

The Russians crossed the Don on the night of September 8, 1380. Here, at the mouth of the Nepryadva, on the vast Kulikovo field, hilly, crossed by ravines and river valleys, a bloody battle began in the morning. In the center of the Russian troops stood a large regiment, on the flanks - the regiments of the right and left hands, in front - the advanced regiment, behind - the reserve; on the eastern outskirts, in a green oak forest beyond the Smolka River, there was an ambush regiment. Mamai placed infantry in the center, and cavalry on the flanks.

According to legend, the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey, Russian and Horde heroes who died in the battle, became the signal for battle. The Horde forces delivered a terrible blow to the advanced regiment, completely destroyed it, but they themselves lost many soldiers. Then the Horde attacked a large regiment and broke through to the banner of the Grand Duke. The Bryansk, Vladimir and Suzdal squads came to the rescue. The big regiment held out. “And there was a strong scolding, and an evil slash, and blood flowed like water, and countless dead fell from both sides, from the Tatar and Russian. They not only killed with weapons, but also died under horse legs, they suffocated from the great tightness, because it could not fit on the Kulikovo field, between the Don and the Sword, such a multitude of converging forces.

Artist I. Glazunov. Battle of Peresvet with Chelubey.

The Horde failed to break the right flank of the Russians. Mamai took the blow to their left flank. Horse regiments of the Horde flew here like a tornado, and the Russians began to slowly retreat. The enemy rushed forward, threw back the reserve regiment, and began to bypass the large regiment.

The critical moment of the battle came, and then, unexpectedly for the Horde, an ambush regiment led by Prince Vladimir Andreevich and Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok entered the battle. At the call of Bobrok: “The hour is coming and the time is drawing near! Dare, brothers and friends!”- fresh Russian cavalry, escaping from the oak forest in a whirlwind, unleashed a blow on the enemy in the flank and rear. He was so swift and terrible that the Horde, crushed and defeated, panicked. Their cavalry rushed to run, crushing their own infantry, rushed to the Red Hill, where Mamai's headquarters was located.

Scheme of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Artist Shmarinov. Kulikovo battle.

A general flight began. Mamai's army ceased to exist, and he himself fled to the Crimea and died there.

The victory of Dmitry Ivanovich over the Golden Horde breathed new strength and hope into the hearts of the Russian people, struck the imagination of contemporaries and descendants. “Through the Russian land,” exults the author of “Zadonshchina,” a 14th-century story. about the Battle of Kulikovo - joy and courage spread, and Russian glory ascended ... " Moscow showed itself political leader Russia, her prince, nicknamed Donskoy, - leader national importance. The Russian people, inspired by the great goal, dealt a blow of great force to those who wanted to repeat the “Batu pogrom”.

True, two years later, Tokhtamysh, the new khan, unexpectedly came to Russia, weakened by losses on the Kulikovo field. He approached Moscow, captured and burned the city by deceit. Russia was forced to resume paying tribute to the Horde. However, this could not negate all the results Battle of Kulikovo. The unification of Russian lands continued.

Dmitry Ivanovich did a lot for Russia. From boyhood to the end of his days, he is constantly in campaigns, worries, troubles. He had to fight with the Horde, and with Lithuania, and with Russian rivals. The prince also settled church affairs - he tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to make his protege priest Mityai (Michael) metropolitan.

A life full of worries and worries did not become durable for the prince; he lived for less than four decades. But, finishing his short earthly journey, he left a strongly strengthened Russia, covenants for the future. Dying, he transferred, without asking the consent of Khan Tokhtamysh, to his son Vasily (1389-1425) the great reign of Vladimir as his fiefdom and expressed the hope that "God will change the Horde", i.e. free Russia from the yoke.

Chronicle of the Battle of the Don

... The Grand Duke came to the Don River two days before the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God ... They came to the Don, stood there and thought a lot. Some said: “Go, prince, beyond the Don,” while others said: “Don’t go, because our enemies have multiplied, not only the Tatars, but also Lithuania and Ryazan” ... (Dmitry) told his brother to all the princes and governors great: "Brothers, the time of our battle has come..." And he ordered bridges to be built and to find out about the fords that night. The next day, early on Saturday, September 8, on the very feast, at the time of sunrise there was great darkness over all the earth, darkness, there was no light from morning until the third hour ... The great prince prepared his great regiments, and all of his Russian princes prepared their regiments, and his great governors dressed in festive clothes, and fatal accidents were destroyed ... When the prince crossed the Don into an open field, to Mamaev land, at the mouth of Nepryadva, the Lord God alone led him ...

And it was at the sixth hour of the day, the filthy ones began to appear ... And then the Tatar regiments prepared against the Christians, and the regiments met; and, having seen great forces, they went, and the earth was buzzing, mountains and hills were shaking from a multitude of countless warriors ... When they fought from the sixth hour to the ninth, the blood of both Russian sons and filthy ones was shed like a rain cloud ... And Mamai , trembling in fear and groaning heavily, said: “Great is the Christian God and great is his strength ...” And he himself turned to flight, quickly ran back to the horde ... And they drove them to the river Swords ...

Speech of the Rpus army from Moscow against Mamai From the decorations for the "Life of Sergius of Radonezh".

Each event in history is perceived and evaluated by the people in its own way - in accordance with the ideas that have developed over the centuries about the world, life, and truth. In art, this is reflected in a special selection of images, their illumination, interpretation. Of great interest are the picturesque miniatures that adorn the lists of "Tales of Mamaev massacre”And“ The Life of Sergius of Radonezh ”(many pages of this work date back to the time of the battle). How was the battle and its main participant - the Russian people - depicted by ancient artists? What features of the people's worldview were reflected in their work?

Kostroma residents Fyodor Sabur and Grigory Kholopishchev find Dmitry Donskoy near a birch

Carefully examining the jewelry, we are amazed, first of all, by the special purity and sonority of colors, the elation and spirituality of the images. This, of course, is not accidental: before us are works that tell about the time of the extraordinary spiritual upsurge of the people. And the jubilant feeling of the unity of the Russian land, faith in the final victory over the enemy permeate the monuments of writing and art of the late XIV - early XV centuries, are preserved in the works of the XVI - XVII century dedicated to the battle.
But joy and faith did not come immediately. Not only the economic, but also the moral and psychological consequences of the yoke were exceptionally difficult. Continuous raids destroyed the established way of life, inspired people with uncertainty about tomorrow. Horde ambassadors and Baskaks, merchants and usurers, who came to Russia with strong military detachments, planted servility and servility, deceit and greed, insensitivity to insults and shame.
Terrible years! It took great efforts of the best part of the people to bring, according to the remarkable Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, the population of Russia "from that despondency and stupor into which external misfortunes plunged them." This was greatly hindered by the belief that spread immediately after the invasion of Batu that the troubles that befell our ancestors were sent down from above for their sins. After all, according to medieval views, the right one always wins, and the enemies won over and over again. Should you put your hands down?

Blessing of Dmitry Donskoy and the entire Russian army. From decorations to the legend of the Battle of Mamaev

No, the people did not put up with the hated yoke. At the end of XIII - early XIV centuries of uprising were generally spontaneous. But even then they reached great strength and acquired the significance of a nationwide cause. So, as a result of a number of uprisings in 1262, the Horde were forced to remove their tax-farmers and governors from all Russian cities, who were outrageous during the collection of tribute.
Actions against the enslavers became more organized when Moscow became the head of the Russian lands. Especially active was the grandson of Ivan Kalita Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, who ruled from 1359 to 1389. He plays an outstanding role in the struggle against the foreign yoke, the creation of a unified centralized state. Dmitry managed to rally an alliance of Russian principalities around Moscow, capable of entering into an open battle with the Horde. Military art it was of an offensive nature - the Russian army more than once crossed the Oka under him and advanced far into the steppe towards the enemy. According to the chronicler, "the Grand Duke, with his courage, kept the guard of the Russian land." Most of the princes supported his activities, the whole people warmly sympathized with the great cause. “And the Russian land boiled up with glory during the years of reigning” Dmitry Ivanovich, nicknamed Donskoy for the Kulikovo victory.
Unity native land, the cohesion of the Russian people is vividly embodied in book painting. One of the miniatures tells about Mamai's speech and about receiving news about it in Moscow. The messenger speaks excitedly, Dmitry and everyone in the wards listen excitedly. The Muscovites who filled the square are hotly discussing the news. Everyone understands that the hour of battle with the enemy has approached.

Review of the Russian regiments on the Maiden's field in Kolomna

The Grand Duke goes to the monastery of the elder Sergius of Radonezh. Sergius was a consistent fighter against princely strife, for liberation from a foreign yoke. Another thing also played an important role: in the most remote corners of Russia, he and his students founded monasteries, spreading the political influence of Moscow, creating new centers of culture. It is no coincidence that many came out of the circle of Sergius wonderful people, among which great painter Ancient Russia Andrei Rublev.
According to the Tale... the abbot supports the Grand Duke in his belief that the truth is on the side of the Russians. He says: "You will defeat your enemies!" - and blesses him and the whole army to fight Mamai. And so that everyone knows about his approval, he sends two monks with an army - Peresvet and Oslyabya.
Dmitry Donskoy calls on the people to fight. From all over, princely squads and detachments of militias began to flock to Moscow. from outlying villages and dense forests meek tillers and fearless trappers hastened. Artisans came from the cities. Even recent robbers, like Thomas Kopybey, who is mentioned in the Tale ..., were going to fight for the Russian land.
All the people, Moscow and strangers, came out to see off the army. Few of the warriors will return home, see their children and wives again. That is why the picture of nationwide farewell is so pure and quiet. According to Russian custom, the final (last) kiss is given to Dmitry and all the soldiers of their wife. Then, sitting at the window of the golden-domed chamber, they follow the departing regiments with their eyes for a long time ...

Rumor about Mamai from the decorations for the life of Sergius of Radonezh

The artist likened to the jubilant song the scene of the performance of the troops from Moscow. Endless ranks of regiments; a forest of uplifted spears, a sea of ​​pointed helmets; the proud gait of horses, the tongues of banners flapping in the wind; golden armor, green and red cloaks of the governor; the enlightened faces of the warriors... The decisive moment was approaching. The enthusiasm that seized the people was enormous, and the upcoming battle was seen in the form of a feast: “The princes walked along the great, wide road, and behind them the sons of Russia hastily stepped forward, as if drinking cups of honey and eating grapes at a feast, wanting to get themselves honor and glorious name."
The farther the army went south, the more it resembled a mighty stream. At the place of the crossing over the Oka, a Moscow foot army led by the voivode Timofey Vasilyevich and the troops of Vladimir Serpukhovsky, Dmitry Ivanovich's cousin, approached. At the town of Berezuy they joined military forces Dmitry Polotsky and Andrey Bryansky. Even near the Kulikov field itself, more and more detachments continued to approach. And it seemed to people that the mighty forces of the people woke up. Therefore, in the form of heroes, Dmitry Donskoy, Peresvet and the entire Russian army are depicted in the manuscripts.
Ancient Russian heroes, or braves, have always enjoyed the special love of the people. In X- XIII centuries their outposts reliably guarded the borders of the Russian state from the raids of the steppe nomads. In small numbers, and sometimes alone, these brave men fought off raids by fairly large enemy detachments. Under the year 1148, chronicles report the heroic deed of the brave Demyan Kudenevich. Without military armor, he alone went to meet the Polovtsian detachment of 300 people and beat him off from Pereyaslav Russian (now Khmelnitsky) on the Dnieper.

Russian wives give the final kiss. From the decorations for the "Tale of the Mamaev Battle".

For the disinterestedness and courage of the heroes they called " God's people". So they called then those with whom the truth was and who fought for the truth and in truth. Emphasizing this, the people often force the heroes of epics - the defenders of the Russian land at the moment of the decisive battle with the enemy, to change into the clothes of simple kalik-wanderers. Tugarin Zmeevich and the filthy Idolishche do not believe their eyes: are these people, who look much weaker than them, really the famous Russian warriors? However, it's not about external brilliance and strength. Before the enemies were real heroes who quickly won.
In the Battle of Kulikovo, the truth was on the side of Russia. Dmitry Donskoy and all his troops were sure of it. That is why in most of the lists of "Tales ..." the former Bryansk brave Alexander Peresvet goes to single combat with the Horde hero Chelubey without armor, in the clothes of a simple Kalika monk. Very often, besides, the Russian warrior was portrayed much less than Chelubey. Inspired by the consciousness of his rightness, Peresvet slays a powerful enemy, but at the same time he himself dies.
People's views were even more fully reflected in the decorations dedicated to Dmitry Donskoy (he is depicted everywhere with a beard). Before the start of the battle, the prince dresses up in the clothes of a simple warrior and stands in the front regiment, which took the first crushing blow of the enemy cavalry: “And, taking his spear and his iron club, he left the regiment to be the first to start.”

Like the heroes of epics, Dmitry Donskoy performs miracles of courage. In one picture, he is presented with a mace - at the initial moment of the battle, he was seen "strongly beating with his iron club." On others, the prince is depicted with a spear. Probably, in the heat of the first fight, a horse was killed under him and he moved to the second one. Later, Dmitry Ivanovich fights with four enemies at once, "very attacking him." Perhaps in this fight he lost the second horse. But he didn't lose heart. Just like the ancient Russian heroes, he continues the fight on foot: “He fought, standing in front of everyone, and there were many dead to the right and left of him, and the enemies surrounded him around him, like hollow water.” Just before the ambush regiment entered the battle, someone saw the prince, wandering with difficulty across the battlefield, "wounded by Velma."
The battle ended with the victory of the Russians, but those gathered under the princely banner were sad: Dmitry Ivanovich, the leader and commander, was not among them. And no one knew what happened to him. They searched for him for a long time among the living and the fallen. Finally, two Kostroma residents, Fyodor Sabur and Grigory Kholopishchev, found the prince near a felled birch. Someone, mistaking him for the dead, covered him with birch branches: according to the old Russian custom, the dead were necessarily covered with birch branches or leaves. But Dmitry Donskoy was alive, although he was in a deep faint.

Russian wives look after the departing shelves From the decorations for the "Tale of the Battle of Mamaev".

The birch under which Dmitry Donskoy was found is deeply folk image, widespread in songs. Thus, the writers of the "Tale ..." and the painters who decorated it, as if emphasized the closeness of the great commander to native people, the generality of his views and popular views.
We see that ancient Russian book painting testifies to the unity of the people, which made it possible to defeat a stronger and more numerous enemy. A century later, this victory and this unity led to the final liberation from the power of the Golden Horde.

The picture was painted by the artist during the Great Patriotic War(in 1943). This year is tragic and turning point for our country. The duel between Chelubey and Peresvet was also important in the outcome. This battle strengthened the spirit of the Russian regiments. Both warriors died in the battle, but the victory was won by our hero. Peresvet managed to ride on the surviving horse to the Russian troops standing behind. And Chelubey, after a powerful blow with a spear, fell off his horse and remained lying, bleeding.

The painting "Duel on the Kulikovo Field" is in the State Russian Museum, which you can see in the photo above.

Artist biography

M.I. Avilov - folk artist RSFSR, has many awards, his paintings participated in exhibitions at the Academy of Arts of the Society. A.I. Kuindzhi. Most famous painting, which was written by the artist Avilov, is called "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The painting brought the painter great success, thanks to which he became a laureate of the 1st degree.

Avilov taught at the Institute. I.E. Repin (Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, at that time - in Leningrad), created posters and illustrations for Russian classical literature.

Each painting by this artist is filled with a special atmosphere. Avilov worked in battle genres (battle - a scene of battles), mainly depicted on his canvases significant historical events of Russia and the USSR (times civil war). The artist drew inspiration for his paintings from his own time, and now, in our time, these paintings are used as illustrations for history books.

Artist Avilov, "Duel on the Kulikovo field": description of the painting

In the picture, at first glance, we recognize the legendary Russian hero Peresvet (the artist depicted him on the left). He is dressed in the equipment of a Russian warrior: a helmet gleaming in the sun, and over it is wearing chain mail with metal plates that were attached as additional protection. But this will not save the hero. Peresvet will perish along with his opponent Chelubey. We also see that the Russian warrior is wearing not sandals, but leather boots. This tells us that Peresvet is a rich or noble person.

What else did Avilov portray? "Duel on the Kulikovo field" (picture) presents to our eyes and villain"story" - the Tatar hero Chelubey. The artist painted in detail all the evil (for us it is Tatar-Mongol yoke) in one person of a Tatar warrior. In the picture of this warrior we will see on the right. A red malachai on a shaved head already tells us that this is not a Russian warrior, but a Tatar, our enemy. Both figures (Peresvet and Chelubey) are captured in the very center of the canvas. They are dynamic, depicted large, and all this distinguishes them from the general plan. Talented painter- M. Avilov. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (a description of the painting is presented in our article) is a historically significant work.

Description of actions

In the center of the picture, Peresvet strikes with the tip of a spear, a counter blow comes from Chelubey. The weapons of both warriors cut into the shields, but pierce through them and pierce into the bodies, breaking through the chain mail. The furious horses reared up. Red Malachai flies off Chelubey's head. This is where he falls down. Wounded Peresvet continues to ride.

A wonderful work was created by M. Avilov - "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The picture we are describing is striking in its reality.


The colors with which the artist painted the heroes of the canvas are brighter and more saturated than the background. The description of the Tatar troops looks like this: the regiments are located on the right, from the side of Chelubey, and they express concern. The Tatars are already predicting the outcome of the fight. It will definitely not be in their favor. A warrior who stands closer to us cannot stand still and observe calmly, he closely follows everything that happens in a duel. And now, seeing how the spear pierces Chelubey, he leans forward with anxiety.

The Russian army is less excited. Our warriors are confident in the forces of Peresvet, but they are no less worried about the outcome of the battle. Avilov portrayed everything to the smallest detail. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” is a picture (its description has not yet been completed), which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Ahead on a white horse sits Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Our warriors are depicted in the background and in small figures, so it is impossible to see the emotions on their faces.

This is how Avilov presented the duel on the Kulikovo field. The description of the event to which the picture is dedicated will allow you to learn more about the Battle of Kulikovo. The battle between Peresvet and Chelubey is known to most people largely thanks to the artist M.I. Avilov.

Article notes

We should be proud that our artist, M.I., created this canvas. Avilov. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (the description of the picture refers us to distant events) is an amazing work.

The painter depicted on his canvas the legendary historical event Russia. Doing detailed description, we involuntarily begin to delve into history, trying to talk about the canvas that Avilov wrote - “The duel on the Kulikovo field”. A description of a painting could fill an entire chapter in a history textbook.


We reviewed the work created by M.I. Avilov - "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The description of this picture expands knowledge about our country, about its heroes and their exploits. In all its grandeur, the spirit of the Russian people is represented here, which overthrows the yoke of the Tatar-Mongols. One powerful blow with a spear decides the fate of all Russia. Now there will be no more oppression ordinary people they will continue their peaceful life, not being afraid that at any time Tatar warriors may come and destroy their families. The hero Peresvet dies in the battle with Chelubey, but leaves an eternal memory of himself.

The photo above shows a monument dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo.

Thanks to the painting by the artist Avilov, many of us know what a feat Peresvet accomplished and what actually happened

The Battle of Kulikovo (Mamayevo or the Battle of the Don) is a battle between the Russian army led by the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy and the army of the Temnik of the Golden Horde Mamai, which took place on September 8, 1380 on the territory of the Kulikovo field between the rivers Don, Nepryadva and Beautiful Mecha, currently belonging to Kimovsky and Kurkinsky districts Tula region, covering an area of ​​about 10 km². In the 60s of the XIV century, the strengthening of the Moscow principality in North-Eastern Russia and the temnik of Mamai in the Golden Horde went almost simultaneously, and the Russian princes contributed to the unification of the Horde under the rule of Mamai with their victories over Tagai on the river. Void in 1365, over Bulat-Temir on the river. Drunk in 1367 and a campaign against the middle Volga in 1370. When in 1371 Mamai gave a label for the great reign of Vladimir to Mikhail Alexandrovich of Tverskoy, Dmitry Ivanovich told the ambassador Achikhozha “I’m not going to the label, I won’t let Prince Mikhail reign in the land of Vladimir, but you, the ambassador, the path is clear”, which was turning point in relations between Moscow and the Horde. In 1372, Dmitry achieved the termination of Lithuanian assistance to the Principality of Tver (Lyubutsky world), in 1375 he obtained from Tver the recognition of the condition “but the Tatars will go against us or against you, you and I will go against them; if we go to the Tatars, then you will go against them together with us, ”after which, in the spring of 1376, the Russian army, led by D.M. customs officers. In 1376, Khan of the Blue Horde Arapsha, who went to the service of Mamai from the left bank of the Volga, ruined the Novosilsky principality, avoiding a battle with the Moscow army that had gone beyond the Oka, in 1377 on the river. Pyana defeated the Moscow-Suzdal army, which did not have time to prepare for battle, ruined the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan principalities. In 1378, Mamai nevertheless decided on a direct clash with Dmitry, but the army sent by him under the command of Murza Begich suffered a crushing defeat on the river. Vozha. The Ryazan principality was immediately again ruined by Mamai, but in 1378-1380 Mamai lost his position on the lower Volga in favor of Tokhtamysh. The balance and deployment of forces[edit] The performance of the Russian troops at the Battle of Kulikovo (Ancient miniature). Russian army[edit] Novoskoltsev A.N. Reverend Sergius blesses Dmitry for the fight against Mamai ”The gathering of Russian troops was scheduled in Kolomna on August 15th. The core of the Russian army marched from Moscow to Kolomna in three parts along three roads. Separately, there was the court of Dmitry himself, separately the regiments of his cousin Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, and separately the regiments of henchmen of the Belozersky, Yaroslavl and Rostov princes. Troops from the Grand Duchies of Suzdal and Smolensk also arrived. According to some sources (the later Nikon chronicle and S. M. Solovyov, who accepted its version), the Tver regiment, brought by Mikhail Alexandrovich's nephew Ivan Vsevolodovich, also participated in the gathering, as well as the Novgorodians who joined immediately before the battle, but historians question the reliability of this information. Already in Kolomna, the primary order of battle was formed: Dmitry led a large regiment; Vladimir Andreevich - regiment right hand; Gleb Bryansky was appointed commander of the regiment of the left hand; the advanced regiment was made up of Kolomna. Received great fame, thanks to the life of Sergius of Radonezh, the episode with the blessing of the army by Sergius is not mentioned in early sources about the Battle of Kulikovo. There is also a version (V. A. Kuchkin), according to which the story of the life of Sergius of Radonezh blessing Dmitry Donskoy to fight Mamai does not refer to the Battle of Kulikovo, but to the battle on the Vozha River (1378) and is connected in the “Tale of the Mamaev Battle ” and other later texts with the Battle of Kulikovo later, as with a larger event. The immediate formal reason for the upcoming clash was Dmitry's refusal of Mamai's demand to increase the tribute paid to the amount in which it was paid under Dzhanibek. Mamai counted on joining forces with the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello and Oleg Ryazansky against Moscow, while he counted on the fact that Dmitry would not risk withdrawing troops beyond the Oka, but would take a defensive position on its northern bank, as he had already done in 1373 and 1379 . The connection of the Allied forces on the southern bank of the Oka was planned for September 14th. However, Dmitry, realizing the danger of such a union, on August 26 quickly withdrew his army to the mouth of the Lopasna, crossed the Oka to Ryazan. It should be noted that Dmitry led the army to the Don not along the shortest route, but along an arc west of the central regions of the Ryazan principality, ordered that not a single hair fall from the head of a Ryazan. "Zadonshchina" also mentions 70 Ryazan boyars among the dead on the Kulikovo field. The decision to move the Oka was unexpected not only for Mamai. In Russian cities that sent their regiments to Kolomna collection, the passage of the Oka with the abandonment of strategic...

There are many glorious pages in Russian history! You can talk about them endlessly. One of them is a story about a battle between two warriors that took place before the famous and tragic battle of Kulikovo.

The duel is a special battle. Literary, musical and artistic works were devoted to this battle.

Let's take a look at one today. art canvases, owned by the remarkable realist artist M. I. Avilov.

The history of the creation of the work

The full one sounds like this: "The duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field." The picture was painted by the author in the difficult year of 1943, when the fate of our country was being decided near Stalingrad. It was in that battle that the Russians won, which determined the outcome of the terrible war in the 20th century.

In the picture we see a similar situation: two horsemen met in a deadly fight, their spears pierce each other, their horses reared up, both warriors are full of rage, but it is still unknown which of them will be the winner.

The Russian chronicle, describing in detail the plot of the battle, eventually speaks of the victory of Peresvet, because he, mortally wounded, was brought back to the Russian troops by his horse, while Chelubey died, falling out of the saddle, knocked out by a mighty blow of his opponent.

The plot of the work

The duel on the Kulikovo field is depicted by the artist as a dramatic clash of two forces: Russian and Tatar.

The composition of the work is extremely clear. In the center of the canvas are two figures of warriors sitting on horseback. The faces of the soldiers are turned to each other, while the face of Chelubey is hidden by a thick beard, and the audience does not see him. The opposite face is seen looking at the picture.

It is clear that the Russian hero is experiencing the strongest physical and mental stress, all his forces are focused on defeating his enemy.

The characters are dressed differently. Chelubey is dressed in rich robes. Even his horse's blanket is made of red material embroidered with gold. On the head of the Tatar warrior is a helmet-turban trimmed with fur. His shield is painted with expensive ligature.

The Russian warrior is dressed in simple chain mail, on his head is an iron helmet, on his horse is an ordinary harness. It can be seen that the Russian hero is not used to showing off his appearance.

Avilov: duel on the Kulikovo field as a reflection of the meaning of Russian history

The duel on the Kulikovo field is major event in the history of our country. After all, it was one of the first major battles when the Russians, after a century of yoke of the Golden Horde, decided to defend their independence in a terrible battle with the enemy. And this was the beginning of the process of unification of the Russian lands around the Moscow principality, which helped to make the Russian state stronger.

Referring to the events of distant history, the artist seems to instill in his compatriots the hope that in 1945 our country will not be defeated, but a future victory over the terrible evil of the 20th century - fascism. Russian warriors will always defend their homeland, they will never bend in the face of the enemy. Such an example is shown to us by the Russian hero - Alexander Peresvet, and those soldiers who stand behind him.

By the way, the Russian troops in the picture are depicted with the help of modest gray colors, the faces of the warriors are turned to the fighting Peresvet and his rival. The Russians are focused, they are not afraid of death, but they believe in their victory. The Tatar troops are diverse and unsure of themselves, they howl not for their homeland, but for their future booty, which they can get by once again plundering the Russian lands.

The symbolic meaning of the work

The duel on the Kulikovo field and the subsequent victory of the Russian troops over the Tatars marked the turn of Russian history from the era of the feudal split to the gathering of lands. The same thing, according to the artist, will happen when Russian troops enter Berlin and show the whole world what a Russian victory means.

The artist anticipates the events of the future, he instills in his viewers the hope that our country cannot be broken by any military force because the strength of Russia is in its people, in its defenders, who are ready to sacrifice themselves, but not to give up their native land for desecration.

Therefore, the painting "Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo Field" enjoys such a love of viewers for many generations. After all, the very history of our country was embodied in it.

Thus, Avilova, which is kept today in the Russian Museum, is both a talented illustration of Russian history and a prophetic prediction of the outcome of the great liberation war waged by our country.

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