Ruslan's name origin and meaning. Relationships and family life

Do you want to know what awaits a person with this name? In this article we will consider the name Ruslan: the meaning of the name, character and fate. What is common between all who bear this name?

Ruslan, an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man named Ruslan?

Origin and meaning of the name Ruslan

Do you want to know where the name Ruslan came from? Now we will consider its origin and meaning.

The roots of the origin of the name Ruslan go to the Iranian heroic epic about Rustam, the son of Zalazar (the poem "Shahnameh" by the Persian poet Ferdowsi).

The Turks sang him as Arslan Zalzar, and later in the 17th century, the Slavs called him the hero Eruslan Zalazarovich, or Lazarevich. Translated from the Turkic language Arslan means "lion". in accordance with this, Ruslan is the Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan. Also, the Slavs translated the name Ruslan as "fair-haired."

What character can a boy Ruslan have?

The main characteristic of the name Ruslan is a narcissistic person. He wants to be popular in any way, because. This is one way for him to assert himself. Constant work, thanks to which a worthy reward will follow - this is not about Ruslan. He wants everything at once, he wants to quickly become famous, so that everyone recognizes him, writes about him in the newspaper. Maybe because of this, he is drawn to be an artist or a politician. The desire to stand out and be different from others is manifested in his desire to perform, give interviews, speak on the radio. A wife is also an opportunity for Ruslan to assert himself. It is very important that she be beautiful and slender, and when she appears in the company, her external data forced her to stop talking and all attention should be switched to her. But at the same time, he is very jealous. Therefore, when the attention of men to his wife becomes too great, he can get angry and spit on the rules of decency, specifically spoil the evening. Twice married, very rarely it is not. He loves his children very much. True, this love does not carry self-denial. Ruslan, most likely, wants to satisfy his need for the manifestation of his paternal feelings than the child's need for the attention of his father.

By nature, Ruslan has a good memory, he has beautiful, slightly feminine features in appearance, which makes him simply irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex, who also have a firm and prudent character.

It is a wise and determined wife who will help Ruslan achieve great success in life.

Ruslan is especially attracted by prizes, awards, diplomas, high ranks and benefits that are associated with this, but to be fair, we note that he fully deserved all this. Ruslan does not like conflicts, he knows how to communicate with management and subordinates. God forbid to quarrel with Ruslan - he will hold a grudge for a long time, and he will take revenge secretly, so that no one will know. But if you take it as a whole, then this is a good and smiling person.

What is the character of a child named Ruslan? Whims and highly emotional behavior is the whole point of it. He needs his parents to constantly praise him, and will be offended if his successes go unnoticed.

What fate awaits Ruslan?

Full description of the name and features of its character

After the birth of a son, parents should not forget that the name Ruslan, the meaning of the name and fate are closely related, and Ruslan is no exception. Most likely, due to his childhood experiences, Ruslan can become a rather hidden person. Outwardly, he will be a very peaceful, sociable and open person, but, basically, it will only be his acting game. At the same time, a small amount of firmness in the energy of his name can be dangerous, because his excessive pride wants self-affirmation, and the lack of the opportunity to openly assert himself can force Ruslan to go on secret intrigues. It is possible to avoid this, but for this he needs to educate his character, make him firm. Another option is to subdue your ego, and this is much more difficult.

There are always exceptions, but basically Ruslan really wants to achieve a good position in life, to be in a serious status, while others may not notice this until he fulfills his dreams and receives public recognition. It is sad that in the process of life Ruslan realizes too late that in pursuit of illusions and proud dreams, he misses the chance to get simple human happiness, which is easily found in sincere and pure love, true friends and just in spiritual communication.

Ruslan is a real careerist. Nothing will prevent him from achieving professional success, he will do anything without hesitation. He only considers professions that are prestigious, for example, he would like to be a lawyer, a banker or a corporate client agent.

He loves convenience, so he does not want to do something with his hands and do monotonous work. He spends most of his income on maintaining his image, tk. he needs to look like a successful and self-confident person. But, as it turned out, under the mask hides the face of a person who is sometimes weak, and mistakes made once make him cowardly and miserable.

His ardent gaze attracts women to him. He falls in love with himself so much that they try their best to keep him near them. If a girl is interested in Ruslan, then he will definitely achieve her. In his personal life, Ruslan loves variety, so that there is always something new in his relationship with a girl, otherwise he will get bored of stereotyped meetings. Sexually, he is very open and shows great freedom in his actions. Not every Ruslan girl can meet his sexual requirements. He is full of patience and stubbornness. Gradually introduce the girl to his preferences. This is the person for whom mutual understanding is important. He does not hesitate to talk with his beloved on intimate and frank topics.

Ruslan is very popular with women. If he wanted to achieve someone, he would certainly do it with all his inherent beauty. Unfortunately, Ruslan's falling in love quickly passes and he can leave the girl without any regret. However, when the reverse situation occurs, his pride is very hard to endure a breakup! This is the man who will spend a lot of effort and money in order to take revenge on his former lover. Ruslan is in no hurry to marry, but the girl who will later become his wife must be quiet and naive, ready to obey his whims.

In recent years, this name has become increasingly popular in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. His male form is Ruslan. From the Turkic language, it is translated as "lioness". It is no coincidence that the animal lion is the talisman of the name. What qualities it has and what its character is - let's talk about it in this article.

Ruslana in childhood

A person named with this Arabic name is endowed with But in childhood it causes a lot of anxiety to his parents. Little Ruslana sleeps poorly at night, eats poorly, and most often such children are bottle-fed, they are restless and irritable. At school, these fidgets study well, but they don’t like to teach lessons, they easily find a common language with their peers, especially with boys. Ruslana will never let herself be offended, she will always find something to answer.

her character

Having matured, a girl with this name becomes more tolerant, softer, although they will accompany her all her life. Ruslana is very capable of doing things on emotions, which she will later regret. She is always self-confident, perhaps even too much, often overestimates her abilities, can get into bad company.

Ruslana: what does the name mean in a relationship

The happiness of any woman primarily depends on how her personal life develops. What kind of love is Ruslana? The name belongs to a very charming, witty and feminine woman. She has many fans, but the search for her husband drags on for quite a long time. All because she is very picky in men, her chosen one will never be the one whom she does not know well enough, in her opinion. Ruslana's leadership qualities are also manifested in family life, because of her desire to take everything into her own hands, conflicts with her soulmate may arise. But with children, she develops, as a rule, friendly relations. Ruslana is incapable of treason, and therefore cannot forgive her.

Ruslana: what does the name mean in the professional field

People with this name excel in philosophy, religion, science and the arts. Ruslana easily finds a common language with people, understands them perfectly, perhaps that is why she easily becomes a leader. In addition, a woman with this name is reserved, serious, rarely shows her emotions. These people make great teachers. But the businesswomen of them are unimportant, and in general the material aspect does not play an important role for them.

Ruslana - what does the name mean, interpretation of its letters
  • P - courage, purposefulness, self-confidence;
  • U - empathy, generosity, good imagination;
  • C - sanity, desire for material wealth, irritability, capriciousness;
  • L - artistry, artistic talents, craving for beauty;
  • A - the desire for spiritual and physical perfection and harmony;
  • H - intelligibility, diligence, diligence, sanity and a critical mind;
  • A - a symbol of the beginning, the desire to create something and implement the plan.

Ruslana: what does the name mean in astrology

Patronizes this name and its element is air. Most often, Ruslana is called children born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo or Gemini. Good luck is brought by variegated colors, mixed or iridescent. The most favorable day is Wednesday. Good amulets for Ruslana will be stones such as topaz, sardonyx, agate and emerald. Plant talisman - parsley, celery, valerian.

But much less widespread. The name Ruslana in the female form is used in only a few Slavic countries.

The original name Ruslan has an unclear etymology, although there are even several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Ruslan is a modified name Rustem. The name did this transformation in the culture of the Turkic peoples, and only then it got into the Russian language. It is believed that the name Rustem came to the culture of the Turkic peoples from the culture of their Iranian-speaking peoples. In the Iranian-speaking culture, the name Rustem was borne by one of the heroes of the Shahnameh epic.

According to another version, the name Ruslan comes from the Scandinavian Rysaland. This name in Scandinavian culture was borne by the land known to us as Kievan Rus.

The meaning of the name Ruslana for a girl

A girl named Ruslana has an active and changeable character. It is difficult to bring up a girl with this name, because she is quite a capricious and nervous child. This problem is also characteristic of boys named Ruslan. It is best to exclude from the life of the child any factors that increase the nervous tension of the child. Watching TV (computer) and even smaller multimedia media have a rather destructive effect on the nervous system. Watch the girl, after which her mood changes for the worse, and then exclude this from her life.

Ruslana is quite an inquisitive girl, but her mobility does not allow her to keep her attention in the lessons sufficiently. It is best if the lesson time is reduced, but in a modern school this is quite difficult. It is very useful for a child to play sports. This will allow you to direct motor activity in a positive direction, and be calmer in the classroom. With all this, Ruslana has a good ingenuity, which speaks of a creative nature.

Ruslana's health is strong. Her weak point can be called the nervous system, but in general she is a very healthy girl. If the child goes in for sports, then this will create an even greater positive reserve. The girl likes to spend a lot of time outdoors, which of course has a positive effect on well-being.

Ruslan's short name

Diminutive names

Ruslanka, Ruslasha, Ruslanya, Ruslanochka, Ruslanushka, Rusichka, Rusinka, Lanochka, Lanushka.

Ruslan's name in English

There is no name Ruslana in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Ruslana.

Ruslan's name for a passport- RUSLANA.

Translation of the name Ruslan into other languages

Church name Ruslan(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. This name is not in church calendars.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

An adult Ruslana can be described as an impulsive, energetic and strong-willed woman. She is more restrained than in childhood, but still her impulsiveness and sudden mood swings confuse others. All this is adjacent to the ocean of energy, and strong-willed qualities complete the picture. She looks down on people who don't stand their ground. He loves to argue and is not at all afraid of conflicts. With all this, Ruslana knows how to make a good impression. Her vitality and optimistic attitude attract people to her, as well as her excellent ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Ruslana works most successfully in the creative direction. She shows inclinations even in childhood, which often becomes the beginning of a long path to success. Her fate in trade is no less successful, but Ruslana herself has a different opinion about this. Trade does not impress Ruslana for a long time in terms of self-satisfaction. It is worth noting that she has excellent intuition and a flair for successful novelties. Ruslana's non-standard thinking allows you to see the useful where no one would ever think.

In family relationships, the male part of Ruslana's character is manifested. She is constantly trying to take a leading position in a relationship, which of course does not particularly please her partner. If she still succeeds, then soon she herself will stop liking such a man. Ruslana needs an even more courageous and strong-willed person than herself. It is with such a man that she can be happy. Ruslana does not like to do household chores and does not accept the concept of "women's housework" at all. However, over time, this situation will change for the better. The longer Ruslana is married, the more calmly and balanced she approaches everything in her life.

The secret of the name of Ruslan

Ruslana's secret can be called the fact that she quite often commits rash acts. Unfortunately, this has been the case throughout her life. She often regrets what she has done, but is completely unable to correct herself. Relatives have to put up with this peculiarity of hers, and of course help her get out of the current situations.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Wood- Ash.

Plant- Sorrel.

Stone- Fire Opal.

For many of us, the male name Ruslan is associated with the main character of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin. The boys want to be like their favorite hero, who bravely saved his bride from an evil sorcerer. Is the bearer of this beautiful name really so fearless, brave and faithful? What is the secret behind it?


What does the name Ruslan mean? There is no consensus on what this name means. There is a version that its roots go back to the ancestors of the Ossetians, who in Byzantium were called Russian Alans. "Alan" is translated as "warlike, noble."

  • In Western sources, you can find the Arabic interpretation of the name Ruslan as "soft, kind"
  • However, the most common description is a translation from Turkic. According to this version, it means "lion".

History and origins

It is impossible to tell what secret is hidden in the name without telling what its history is. Where did the name Ruslan come from in Russia? What is its origin? Most modern names came to us along with Orthodoxy. Some have been preserved since pagan times. Some names migrated along the Silk Road. According to one version, the origin of the name Ruslan refers us to the Turkic peoples - to Arslan. The male name Arslan is still popular among the peoples of the Turkic language group. Its interpretation is "Leo". Ruslan is, as it were, a Russified form of Arslan.

According to another version, its origin came to us from the Caucasus, where excellent riders lived, periodically making their raids on their neighbors, and thus expanding their possessions. From the "Russian Alans" the name Yeruslan came into the Russian language, which later transformed into Ruslan.


Remember, as they say in the famous cartoon: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail"? So is the person's name. Whatever you call the boy, give him such a fate.

Ruslan asserts himself through popularity. He always needs to be on the crest of the wave. He does not like to wait and does not want to guess. He lives one day. He craves fame, even on the scale of his street.

This is the characteristic of a faithful, reliable person. In business, and in relation to other people, he is given completely.

His character in moments of danger confirms the origin of the name from "Lion": Ruslan forgets about ambitions, he sacrifices himself for other people. His courage and bravery have no limits.

  • Its positive features:

By this name is meant an honest, noble nature. He is not deprived of either intuition or fantasy. He is above circumstances, free, devoid of prejudices. Punctual.

  • Its negative points:

His pride sometimes fails him, he lacks openness. He sees the goal, but may not reach it. Pride does not allow him to show his grievances, and he carries everything in himself. And this may not be a very good service in the long run. Lazy.

  • Professional status:

Thanks to his imagination, he will succeed wherever a twist, a creative approach is required. But he must firmly believe in what he is doing. These are good business leaders, engineers and designers of military equipment, cameramen, drivers, scientists (exact sciences), mechanics.

  • Business:

Often, he likes to splurge to appear richer than he really is. This may lead him to some financial difficulties. After all, the legend created by oneself must be supported by oneself.

  • Physical health:

For him, the constant recognition of his successes, the psychological climate plays an important role. Being a vulnerable nature, Ruslan does not like and does not know how to laugh at himself. Therefore, if you do not want to find an enemy in his person, do not make fun of him.

  • Love and family

His passion and strength of feelings will constantly plunge him into more and more new love whirlwinds. Marrying - for him means creating an outwardly very beautiful couple, thus asserting himself. Having a beautiful woman nearby is of great importance to him. Everyone should admire his wife. But his jealous nature will not allow other men to admire his other half for too long.

To love children means for him to satisfy his needs as a father, but without fanaticism.

Impact on the child

The meaning of the name has an impact on the character of the boy named Ruslan. In childhood, this is an emotional child whose desires are constantly changing. He is cunning, and if the cunning fails, then he tries to achieve his own through whims. Easily offended if not immediately noticed. However, Ruslan is changing before our eyes, barely hearing praise.

Character and seasons:

  • The nature of a child born in winter will be calm. He is serious and silent, assiduous and patient.
  • The characteristic of spring Ruslan - a small "daffodil" - is narcissistic, amenable to flattery, loves to spin in front of a mirror.
  • A summer child will be pampered for his sociability and charm.
  • The autumn baby, like the winter one, is too serious. His "adult" reasoning and conversations set him apart from the crowd of his peers. He is interested in everything, carefully examining the object being studied or listening to an explanation.

Such a secret is hidden in the name for the baby.

Compatibility with patronymics and given names

Patronymic Aslanovich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Oskarovich, Stanislavovich is suitable for the "spring-summer" Ruslan.

The “autumn-winter” patronymic is Alekseevich, Andreevich, Viktorovich, Grigorievich, Zakharovich, Naumovich and Yuryevich.

  • Significant other

Ruslan will find happiness with Agnia, Aza, Aida, Gella, Gulya, Deborah, Elena, Zarema, Zamfira, Irina, Leila, Manya, Medea, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Raisa and Tamara.

Girls with the names Ada, Angelina, Valeria, Venus, Diana, Dominika, Efimiya, Isidora, Clara, Love, Marina, Marta, Mira, Rimma, Rose, Sophia, Harita, Ella, Yana are better off not dating Ruslans.

You have learned the meaning of the name Artem. But do not rush to leave, check out our other articles, which you can see at the links below.

Stories from our readers

Some experts believe that it came from the Iranian Rustam, which among the Turkic peoples was transformed into Aslan or Arslan. It means "lion" in translation. Another point of view is what is still Russian. The ancient Slavic name Yeruslan changed into another form - Ruslan. Now it is not very popular and is more common among older generations.

Ruslan's character is very emotional. The owner of this name is distinguished by great pride and selfishness. Judging by appearance, this is a completely peaceful, kind and pleasant person, but acquaintances and close people are well aware that a person easily provokes conflicts, gets turned on and can cruelly avenge the wrong done. As a child, Ruslan is a romantic, smiling and pleasant boy with an easy character. He is endowed with good learning abilities, likes to plan and organize his affairs.

As a person who wears his own matures, he begins to show his true character. The guy becomes a daredevil who is endowed with an explosive temperament. At the same time, he craves fame, honors and general attention. In his desires and aspirations, Ruslan, as a rule, is extremely unstable. In addition, the guy does not have a strong character, so there is no specific goal in his life that one could strive for.

In communication with other people, the owner of this name manifests himself as a very complex person. His goal is to demonstrate his own superiority over others. As a rule, he does not listen to his interlocutors. However, Ruslan has friends, and he treats them with great dedication.

What does it mean in combination with the optimal zodiac sign

For such people, the zodiac sign Leo is best suited. He can make Ruslan energetic, strong-willed, proud, purposeful, and However, in combination with this sign of the Zodiac, Ruslan can acquire exorbitant vanity, laziness and inability to handle money. That is, to become what he is by nature. However, the positives are worth it.

What does the name Ruslan mean? Pros and cons

The positive thing about this name is that it is familiar to the territory of the CIS, and therefore goes well with surnames and patronymics. However, it is quite difficult to find good and beautiful abbreviations for it. The only option that is more or less harmonious is Ruslanchik. Other abbreviations, like Rusik and Rustik, are not very harmonious. Yes, and usually does not dispose to giving him diminutive nicknames.

What does the name Ruslan mean for love and family relationships

In a family, a person occupies a leadership position, and therefore cannot stand it if his wife tries to impose her life style on him or nags. As a wife, Ruslan usually chooses a beautiful and spectacular woman to emphasize his superiority over other men. However, a simpler, kinder and more economic woman who is ready to wait for him and raise children almost independently can make him happy.

It is not easy for Ruslan to find himself in professional activity. It is hard to work hard at a monotonous job, he is not ready. But a good actor, screenwriter, musician, journalist, sailor, couturier, manager, driver can come out of it. Such people do not celebrate name days, because this name is not on the church lists.

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