The last relationship between Fyodor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova. Chaliapin attacked Kalashnikova who lost her child

Anna Kalashnikova is a popular model. Anya was born on June 13, 1984 in the city of Stavropol. Since childhood, Anna dreamed of popularity. She always showed her creative nature.

Education of Anna Kalashnikova

Anna studied at secondary school No. 26 in the city of Pyatigorsk. In 2002, Anya graduated from school with a gold medal and went to enter university in Moscow. In the capital, Anna Kalashnikova entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MIA) majoring in economics.

Anna Kalashnikova wanted to have a creative profession since school; from seventh to ninth grade, Anya studied ballroom dancing. Anna often took part in school theater productions; the girl always wanted to go to acting school. But since Anna was not from a wealthy family, she did not have such an opportunity.

Life with Prokhor Chaliapin

In 2015, Anna Kalashnikova begins a relationship with Prokhor Chaliapin; on the television program “Let Them Talk,” Anna and Prokhor announce that they are expecting a child. Larisa Kopenkina, Prokhor's wife at that time, filed for divorce, she was very disappointed in her husband.

In 2016, in the Let Them Talk studio, Malakhov did a DNA test, after which it became known that Prokhor was not the father of the child. After a quarrel on a television program, Anna and Chaliapin made peace and raised their child together for about a year. At the end of 2016, the couple broke up.

Anna Kalashnikova began a new relationship in 2017; Anna often posts on Instagram the gifts that her new lover gives her. Anna said that she is not going to talk about her personal life, so one can only guess about Anna Kalashnikova’s new chosen one.

Instagram of Anna Kalashnikova

Anna Kalashnikova's Instagram has more than 400 thousand subscribers. Anna registered Instagram in 2013. At that time, Kalashnikov was already very popular in the USA and Russia. On Instagram, Anna Kalashnikova posts photos from vacations, photo shoots, and social events. In photographs of Anna Kalashnikova, her man and son are never present. In 2017, Anna took part in the “Instagram Girls” project on the Pyatnitsa TV channel. Anna's rival was Evgenia Dravina. Kalashnikova won the project.


In 2002, Anna tried to enter the Russian Institute of Theater Arts, but, unfortunately, Kalashnikova did not pass the selection. Anya did not give up, and while studying at MIA, she was cast at Mosfilm, and played supporting roles there.

In 2007, Kalashnikova graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with honors. After graduation, Anna decided that she would not work in her specialty. She decided to do what she loved - to be an actress and model.

Anna Kalashnikova entered the correspondence course at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts in 2008. During her studies, Anna continued to work as a supporting actress. In 2010, the girl decided to take up vocals and went to study at a music school. The girl completed her studies in absentia at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

On August 10, 2010, Anna Kalashnikova moved to the USA. There the girl begins her career as an actress of leading roles. In the USA, Anya starred in more than four films. After two years spent in the United States of America, Kalashnikova returns to Russia. In Moscow, Anna Kalashnikov receives a large number of job offers. After singing lessons, Anna not only acted in films, but also recorded songs.

Operations of Anna Kalashnikova

Anna Kalashnikova had more than 3 operations. Anna's first operation was on her chest. In 2010, Anya undergoes breast augmentation in the USA. Kalashnikova enlarges her breasts to size 2.5. After the operation, Anna was dissatisfied with the result.

In the period from 2012-2013, Kalashnikova performed several operations on her nose. Anna did not like the result of the first operation, and she decided to redo her nose again. In 2014, Anna undergoes breast surgery - it does not increase the size, but only changes the consequences of the first operation performed in the USA.

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The famous Russian singer Prokhor Chaliapin is one of those show business stars around whom there are constantly rumors and gossip not only related to the singer’s personal life, but also to his singing career. The singer does not hide the details of his life from the public, and latest news from Prokhor Chaliapin worries both fans and critics, and his actions often shock the public.

In this article we will talk about the brightest events in the life of a celebrity. VIDEO: Let them talk at the end

The beginning of the singing career of Prokhor Chaliapin

Prokhor Chaliapin's musical career began with "Star Factory-6", where Prokhor reached the finals and took 4th place. "Star Factory" was the first step on the path to fame.

The first scandals involving the artist began with her. It was during the “Factory” period that magazines and social networks began to be full of headlines: Prokhor Chaliapin, latest news. The fact is that the artist declared himself the great-grandson of the great Fyodor Chaliapin, a scandal erupted when the daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin, together with journalists, denied these rumors.

Despite the lies, Prokhor remained popular among viewers.

Details of the personal lives of Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

Prokhor, having a pleasant appearance, was undoubtedly popular among women, started affairs and affairs. But the most high-profile event in the world of gloss was his marriage in 2013 to millionaire Larisa Kopenkina, 52 years old. It was a great event and Prokhor Chaliapin and his wife latest news they warmed up about themselves with stories about the sincerity of their feelings in “Let Them Talk.”

“It was love at first sight,” admitted Prokhor.

Conversations and gossip around this couple did not subside; a lot of information appeared for the artist’s fans with the headlines: Larisa Shalyapina and Prokhor Shalyapin, latest news. Critics, journalists, fans, everyone followed the development of the event. Soon the retired wife found out about her husband’s infidelity with young TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova. Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina, whose latest news shocked the public so much, divorced in 2014. Later, Prokhor admitted that the marriage was fictitious and said that Larisa was a simple manager in a real estate company, the marriage was supposed to ruin the company’s brand and everyone would earn 1.5 million euros.

Latest news: Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova - marriage

Prokhor met TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova during his marriage to Kopenkina. Anna was already pregnant, and in March 2015 she gave birth to Chaliapin’s son Daniel. Everyone was worried about the question: will Prokhor Chaliapin have a wedding on May 24, 2016, It was on this date that the lovers’ wedding was scheduled, on the organization of which the couple had already spent 8 million.

According to the singer Milena Deinega, on the day of conception, Anna Kalashnikova left the club with the owner of the property in the Emirates

According to the singer Milena Deinega, on the day of conception, Anna Kalashnikova left the club with the owner of the property in the Emirates

A year and a half ago, singer Andrei ZAKHARENKOV, better known under the pseudonym Prokhor SHALYAPIN, broke up with his wife Larisa KOPENKINA and announced his intention to start a family with actress and singer Anna KALASHNIKOVA, who allegedly became pregnant from him (“EG” No. 52, 2014). After some time, Anna actually had a child - a boy, Daniel. However, Chaliapin was in no hurry to marry her. And recently the singer had an excuse to completely break off all relations with Kalashnikova. At his request, Andrei MALAKHOV’s television program “Let Them Talk” organized a DNA study. It showed that Prokhor could be the father of Anna’s child with a zero percent probability.

In fairness, it must be admitted that paternity Chaliapin raised serious doubts from the very beginning. Many even then agreed that this whole story was invented with the aim of promoting Kalashnikova her PR man Tima Brik. The same one who recently died from abusing diet pills.

We made a big mistake that we hired Kalashnikova to lead our parties at the karaoke club “Who is who,” the singer’s wife admitted Roma Zhukov Elena. “Not only did she constantly put herself forward on stage and didn’t let my husband say anything, but in addition she openly pestered him - she hung on his neck, kissed him. And when I couldn’t stand it and told her everything, Kalashnikova, together with her PR man Tima Brik, began to weave intrigues against me. She wrote text messages to my husband: “Your Lena is so and so. You don't know who you live with. Let's do business with you, but don't care about Lena! Why do you need her with five children? She spread dirty rumors that I was looking for a rich man. In fact, Kalashnikova tried to get into our family and destroy it. I have always respected Prokhor Chaliapin. She helped celebrate his birthday at Who is Who and even gave him a whole table from the establishment. But I am perplexed by his current PR with Kalashnikova. However, this is their own business. I don't interfere in their relationship. If they even have them. It seems to me that this is all unreal. I can’t even imagine who her child is from. Everyone knows that Kalashnikova lives off rich men. They complain that she has loans. And everyone helps her.

Despite everything, the artist considers Danka his son. Photo:

Pleased men under the table

Kalashnikova was ready to do anything for the sake of PR, for the sake of the number of views on the Internet, her former press agent testified Valentina Gurova. - She starred half naked in the video Sergei Zverev“Let me undress you!” Under what conditions they took her there, I don’t know. She herself met Zverev somewhere and, through his PR man Tim Brik, agreed on everything. I only heard that the role in Zverev’s video at that time cost from 15 to 30 thousand dollars. In the end, it didn't give her anything. And then Brick suggested that she make a move with her knight. He always had one horse - Prosha Chaliapin. Tim once had a PR affair with Prosha, the ex-soloist of the group “Tootsie” Adeline Sharipova. And now, using the same scheme, I brought Kalashnikova together with him. Whoever has money asks and buys. I can’t tell you where Kalashnikova got her money. I can only give a hint. She constantly hangs out at karaoke with rich businessmen. In principle, it is normal when a successful man stands behind a successful woman. But only if this man is permanent, as was the case in his time Yana Rudkovskaya And Olga Slutsker. And when a girl says that one rich fan gave her an apartment, another a car, and a third gave her money for a video, this already leads to certain conclusions.

In this whole story, only one thing remained unclear - who actually gave birth to Kalashnikov. We managed to clarify this piquant issue with the help of her ex-friend, singer and presenter of the MusicBox TV channel. Milena Deinegi.

Initially, I was very close friends with Chaliapin,” said Milena. - We went on tour together around the Krasnodar Territory: he performed half the concert, and I performed half the concert with my band. I was introduced to Anya Kalashnikova a little later. We also developed friendly relations. I even invited her to my wedding.

Once Anya admitted to me that she was pregnant by one man, but he already had a wife and children. "What should I do? - she asked. “I really want a child from him.” “You should have thought with your head before going to bed with a married man,” I scolded her. - Why ruin his family? You cannot build your happiness on the misfortune of others.” I don’t respect women who hang out with other people’s husbands, much less get pregnant from them. Because of one of these, my first marriage collapsed.

My husband and I were working as trainers at the gym at the time. A girl, Natasha, came to visit us, who had previously given birth to a married man. And at a difficult moment for our family, when I lost my long-awaited child, this sheep began to sleep with my husband. I could not forgive such a betrayal and filed for divorce. Naturally, after what I heard from Anya, my attitude towards her changed dramatically. And finally my businessman friend opened my eyes to her. “I recently vacationed in the United Arab Emirates,” he said. - Kalashnikova arrived there already in a position. You can’t imagine what lengths she went to for money and how many men she pleased in my presence, sitting under the table! I was simply shocked. You shouldn't even be near her. God forbid, they will think that you are the same.”

Dubious PR

Then events took a completely unexpected turn,” Deinega continues. - During that period, I communicated very closely with Seryozha Zverev, with whom we recorded a duet. Once he sent me a text message: “Can you imagine, Kalashnikova calls me and says if I want to publicize that she’s expecting a child, like, from me!” Naturally, Seryozha refused. "This is ridiculous! - he was indignant. - Why do I need it?" Accordingly, when Anya began to promote the story with Chaliapin, it immediately became clear to me that this was PR. Moreover, I initially did not believe that he slept with her at all. According to their stories, this allegedly happened while drunk after Anya’s birthday at the “Who is who” karaoke club. I was present at this birthday. We arrived there just with Chaliapin. But he had a lot of events that day. And he left the club before anyone else.

And we continued to hum until the morning. All this time, Anya was actively communicating with some Armenian - either the owner of this club, or a rich guest. She constantly sat down next to him. And he gave her some instructions. Because of this, rumors later spread that Anya gave birth to this Armenian.

But in fact, she then left the club not with him at all, but with a completely different person. I don't want to say who he is. God forbid his wife finds out. Their children are growing up. Everything will collapse - both family and business. I can only say that his name is Mikhail. He owns large properties in the United Arab Emirates. Anya constantly went there on vacation. I recruited my artist friends to perform there for free, in exchange for accommodation. And in Moscow she lived in a house that belonged to Mikhail.

Thus, Chaliapin could not have stayed with Anya that day. This was ruled out. The only thing I didn’t understand was why Prosha agreed to such dubious PR. I always told him that for me he was a lost artist. He has a gorgeous voice and excellent appearance. But there is no decent repertoire. It would be better for him to do this, and not publicize his dirty laundry.

I offered him several hit songs for free. She offered to perform with my “live” musicians. But he did not want to pay them a thousand rubles. Although I received 100 thousand from the concert. And I never got around to recording the songs. I really feel bad for him. A good guy goes missing.

Weak at the front

In the end, Prokhor and I had a fight,” Milena sighs. - He sent me an angry message on WhatsApp: “Milena! How could you? I trusted you so much.” - “What are you talking about?” - I answered in bewilderment. It turned out that StarHit magazine wrote, citing me, that he is not the father of Anya’s child. But I didn’t give interviews to anyone. And no one from there contacted me. And if I spoke about this, it was only in a narrow circle. “No, this is Anya’s and my child,” Prokhor insisted. “You should come to Channel One and support us.” “I don’t participate in shaking out dirty linen and I don’t intend to participate,” I refused. - Why discuss on the main TV channel of the country who Prokhor Chaliapin is sleeping with? People are already tired of this nonsense. For artists, the best PR is new good songs, videos or concerts.”

Then Anya called. She tried to persuade me. “I sincerely wish you that the child is born healthy! - I said. “But, in my opinion, you can’t build such intrigues when you have a small treasure sitting in your stomach.” Sorry, but I think that you are acting like a complete loser, that you are going around promoting yourself at the expense of the child.” Anya freaked out and hung up. We never spoke to her again. Then she gave an interview on the radio and said that she didn’t know me at all. Although she had a bunch of photos of us together on Instagram. And it was simply stupid to deny our acquaintance. And after “Let Them Talk” published the results of the DNA analysis, I unexpectedly received a message from Prokhor on WhatsApp: “Milena, I’m sorry! You was right. Unblock me on Instagram! Let’s add each other as friends again!” “Please accept my sincere condolences,” I wrote to him. “It’s a pity that you initially didn’t want to listen to me about Anya.”

To be honest, when I watched this program, I was surprised at how upset Prokhor was when he learned that the child was not his. One got the impression that he was sincerely convinced of the opposite. “Damn, maybe they really had something going on once,” I thought. Anya, as people say, is weak at the front. She doesn't care who she sleeps with. She jumps into bed with everything that moves. And Prokhor tolerates alcohol very poorly.

I remember two years ago we had a concert in Krasnodar. The sponsors offered free cognac. He had literally drunk two glasses and was already drunk. “Walk me to my room! - he asked. “I’m completely crazy.” It only takes a little bit for him to forget where he was and what he was doing.

Knowing Anya’s cunning nature, I admit that she could take advantage of Prokhor’s intoxication and lie to him that she became pregnant from him. However, then his ex-wife called me Lara Kopenkina, with whom we are currently broadcasting a show on MusicBox, and said: “Milena, don’t be too deluded by what you see in “Let Them Talk”! These are some new games. Now they will do PR that the child was almost replaced in the maternity hospital.” My opinion is that women like Anya should be beaten with rods. What self-respecting woman would go on television to find out who her child is from and expose herself to the whole country as a slut who doesn’t remember who she’s sleeping with?! It is thanks to people like her that everyone in show business is considered sluts. If she herself is not ashamed, she should at least think about the child. He will eventually go to kindergarten, then to school. And all this dirt will not go anywhere from the Internet. And it will haunt him.

Singer Prokhor Chaliapin and his former lover Anna Kalashnikova became the heroes of the “Actually” program. The young people were not afraid to take a lie detector test to ask each other tough questions. The relationship between the artist and the model is far from ideal. Anna recently lost her child, but Prokhor accused her of PR during her pregnancy. However, Kalashnikova refutes the performer’s statements. The model stated that she has all the necessary documents confirming that she is right.

The program studio also remembered the “Let Them Talk” broadcast that caused a lot of noise, in which the results of the DNA examination were announced. She showed that Prokhor Chaliapin is not the father of Anna Kalashnikova’s son Daniil. Recalling the program, the model stated that the singer forcibly dragged her to the set of that TV show. According to the young woman, Prokhor promised her that he would tear the envelope with the test. Chaliapin did not deny that he really said such words.

“I needed to get DNA done any way I could. It was very important for me to find out whether this child was mine or not. She didn't want to do DNA, although I suggested. I can say that at first I was fascinated by Anya, but over time I realized what this thing was. Yes, it was manipulation. But I’m not ashamed of this, because I had no other choice,” the singer justified himself.

Dmitry Shepelev invited the artist to apologize to his former lover, but he refused. “She (Anna) is generally used to manipulation, she is a Napoleon by psychotype,” says Prokhor. “It turns out that you really behaved disgustingly. Well, it’s not like a man,” the presenter noted.

“And I don’t need an excuse. I live as I see fit. And I build my life according to my inner needs. By that time, my attitude towards Anna had changed for a number of reasons that I do not want to voice. At that moment it was important for me to make sure that this child was not mine. By the way, at that moment things were heading towards the wedding. I just didn’t give myself the opportunity to be taken advantage of... Yes, I’m selfish and I love myself. I believe that any person should love himself,” Chaliapin answered.

When the singer commented on his behavior, Anna Kalashnikova suddenly burst into tears. “No, don’t look. You are being provoked,” said polygraph expert Sabina Pantus. At the same time, Shepelev drew attention to the fact that the model’s pulse exceeded 140 beats per minute. The presenter noted that Anna was really worried. Later, Dmitry stated that he believed in the sincerity of the emotions of the heroine of the program.

Kalashnikova wanted to know whether Chaliapin loved his son. Prokhor answered in the affirmative, but experts reproached the artist for lying. “I just love him like a child,” the young man explained.

Then Prokhor Chaliapin’s ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina appeared in the studio. The businesswoman shared her point of view on what was happening in the studio. The woman admitted that she sympathizes with the model. “Anya, I understand that you are hiding your man. Are you afraid for your life? – asked Kopenkina. Larisa explained that she meant not only the father of Kalashnikova’s son Daniil, but also her current boyfriend. The young woman said that she did not want to give the name of Daniel’s parent so as not to create unnecessary problems for him.

“The father of my child is a completely different person. When we broke up with Daniel’s father, I still didn’t know that I was pregnant. He was, and still is, a very influential person. He had business problems. He flew out of the country and that was the end of our relationship. I tried to make inquiries. I know that he lives abroad, and he has not been to Russia,” said Anna.

Larisa Kopenkina asked the model why she contacted her son Yuri Bezzubov. A candid photo shoot of Anna and Larisa’s heir caused a lot of noise on the Internet. Fans quickly figured out that the photographs depicted a close relative of the businesswoman. But Anna denied rumors that she wanted to take revenge on Prokhor’s ex-lover. Experts confirmed the veracity of Kalashnikova’s words.

At the same time, Larisa believes that Anna faked her pregnancy for the sake of PR. Kopenkina agrees with Chaliapin, who initially doubted the interesting position of the model. “Ann, I’m sorry, but I believe Prokhor,” said the businesswoman. However, polygraph examiners said that Kalashnikova was not lying when talking about the loss of her child. “Unfortunately, I don’t believe in this,” the singer said at the end of the program.

You can make a series about the relationship between Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova. After the announcement of the results of a DNA test, which showed that the singer was not the father of the child, Chaliapin turned away from the bride and stopped caring about his “son.” Kalashnikova frankly spoke to ProZvezd about how the baby is experiencing the absence of his father.

“Of course, I’m worried that the wedding we planned for May 24 won’t take place,” Anna says to ProZvezd. “But that’s what Prokhor decided.” We now, of course, communicate with him, but this is not the communication that we had before. We don't talk about love at all. Now there is a struggle between his entourage. Friends and girlfriends are turning him against me. We were a very beautiful couple. And this bothered many.

-Have you asked Prokhor for forgiveness?

“I have nothing to apologize to him for.” The whole current situation is a betrayal on the part of certain people. I'm in shock. And I have certain complaints about Prokhor. Whatever they make me out to be! It's very difficult for me mentally. I didn't deserve this.

- Admit it honestly, did you cheat on Prokhor?

- No. There was no betrayal on my part. I love this man. And I believe that we will still be happy. If we are destined to be together, then we will overcome all the obstacles that are on the way. I am very worried that Prokhor is greatly influenced by other women and does not look in my direction.

At first, when the DNA test happened, I could neither eat nor drink. But when I realized that my experiences were negatively affecting Danila, I pulled myself together.

– Have you ever thought of turning to a psychic who could help bring Prokhor back?

– For my part, I have never used such services and I don’t intend to in the future. But Prokhor communicates with people who abuse such things. I can feel it. He has changed a lot lately. He became a completely different person.

- Maybe they made a lapel?

- I am not qualified in this field. But it feels like something similar has been done. Or he was simply zombied.

– Does he communicate with the baby, whom Prokhor considered his son for more than a year?

- No. After the program they never saw each other. Thank God our baby doesn't talk that well yet. Therefore, the question “Where is dad?” doesn't ask me. I try to surround him with care. He has a full life: he has a mother, grandmother, grandfather, and uncle. Yes, and I’m holding on only for the sake of my son. After all, he feels the excitement of the person next to him. At first, when the DNA test happened, I could neither eat nor drink. But when I realized that my experiences were negatively affecting Danila, I pulled myself together.

- Anya, maybe it’s better to forget Prokhor and pay attention to other men?

– I can’t answer this question. But after this story I experience male attention even more. They write to me: “Why do you need it?”, “If it’s yours, it will come back!” I really appreciate the support. I have formed many groups on social networks. The guys write me poems and send me flowers. I never thought this would happen. After the fraudulent DNA test, I have no faith in anyone. I need to learn to live with a new consciousness.

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