Andrey Afonin (Afonya TV): biography and how much he earns. Andrey Afonin (Afonya TV): biography and how much Afonya TV earns new release


Afonin Andrei Yuryevich in 1998 graduated from the MATI named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky in the direction of "Materials Science and Technology of Materials".

In 2002, he defended his Ph.D. thesis at MATI in the specialty "Standardization and product quality management."

He completed training and internships at foreign universities and business schools (Kingston University, Manchester Business School, Lancashire Business School, ESMT, INSEAD, etc.), as well as at corporate universities of the world's largest corporations.

Labor activity

Since 1995, he has worked in international projects within the Tacis, WorldBank and other programs, having gone from assistant to project manager.

In 2006-2008, he was the director of the management training department of the corporate energy university (KEU) of RAO UES of Russia.

In 2008-2010 held the position of director of personnel development and corporate culture of JSC Sollers. From 2010 to 2015, as General Director, he headed the corporate academy of the state corporation Rosatom.

Since 2015, he has worked in the rocket and space industry, heading the branch training institute and the corporate academy of Roscosmos.

He is a visiting lecturer at a number of universities and business schools. He heads the subcommittee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on corporate and business education, is a member of the expert council under the committee on education of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Awards and titles

Holds two patents in the field of distance learning. In 2003, he became a laureate of the Moscow Government Prize - "The best young scientist in the city." He has letters of thanks from the administrations of a number of Russian regions (Volgograd region, Komi Republic, Sverdlovsk region) for his contribution to the development of the human resource management system at the regional level.

A young participant in the popular reality show "Dom-2" was found dead in the bathroom of someone else's apartment three days after her 20th birthday.

The death of the former participant of "House-2" Polina Lobanova (Pelageya Lobanova) was reported by her sister Vasilisa in social networks. The girl claims that the body of her relative was found in someone else's apartment. According to Vasilisa, Polina died due to an overdose of illegal substances. The same version is confirmed by Lobanova's ex-boyfriend Dmitry Talybov. Polina had a relationship with a young man within the framework of the Dom-2 television project. It is reported that the girl was relaxing in a nightclub, but she became ill. Some young man took her to his home, and in the morning found her dead in the bathroom. The guy called an ambulance and the police. Talybov said that he did not know this guy.

Polina's sister also added that her sister had never taken illegal substances before, the site reports. Vasilisa is broken by this news and asks people to help her financially, as she was left all alone. Earlier, on the Dom-2 television project, Vasilisa claimed that they lived without parents, and she herself raised her sister. However, there were conflicts between them. Polina had to watch her sister's intimate life, and at the age of 13 she became the mistress of Vasilisa's boyfriend. At one of the shows "House-2" Polina Lobanova said that she did not want and does not want to live with her sister. “Yes, it would be better in an orphanage than with you,” the girl added.

Lobanova spent only two months at the Dom-2 TV set. She came to the project in October 2017 to Yaroslav Chertkov, her sister's ex-boyfriend. Later, she developed a relationship with Dmitry Talybov, but already in December 2017 she left the reality show.

Considering the biographies of famous bloggers, it is necessary to say a few words about such a well-known whistleblower, prankker, and video blogger as Andrey Afonin.

Andrey not so long ago started creating his own videos on the Youtube channel, but very quickly reached the top of the most popular ones. He is original, scandalous, and also unnecessarily simple, which allows him to quickly find a common language with his audience.

But, it was not always like this… The Afonya TV channel was created in the summer of 2014, just like the channel of the Ukrainian blogger Andrey Martynenko. And at first Afonya was looking for opportunities to “catch” his format.

Considering that the guy already had normal money, all that remained for him was to find an original idea and start developing the channel with it. At first, he filmed pranks, such as a video with Konstantin Abramov.

This person became famous thanks to SnailCik, who, at one time, as they say, trolled him. Bazhenov simply posted it in his video, while Volnov called Konstantin and brought him to a scandal.

It is not clear why Andrei decided to shoot a prank with Abramov, but it was he who appeared one of the first. From this it all began, the channel began to gain some views, and the first subscribers knocked on the young guy.

Although the video with Konstantin can no longer be found on the channel itself, but oh well.

The creative path of Andrei Afonin

And so, the first video appeared in the middle of 2014, by the way, it was the only one this year. It was called "Bum sleeps on the car" or something like that. Its essence was that allegedly a homeless person was sleeping on someone else's car.

Many passers-by approached the car and asked whose car it was, to which Andrei, in the role of a homeless man, said that he himself did not know.

Why was it originally written that it was easier for Afonin to go to Youtube than for others, but because he already had money, so to speak, start-up capital. He had a great car Audi TT, on which he filmed pranks.

As Andrei said, he dreamed of driving a beautiful sports car, but fate had other plans for him, so he drives an Audi. Of course, this is sarcasm, because he liked this machine, which he bought at the exhibition.

What else does a guy who has a beautiful car, a camera, and money need, rightly he needs fame. And already at the beginning of 2015, in February, the next video is released.

In this video, Andrey shows modern girls who, for the sake of a trip in a beautiful car, are ready to leave their girlfriend, sit down with a stranger, and so on.

For 2 years, this video has gained almost 5 million views. This motivated the blogger and he began to shoot a video, which rather gave rise to a whole format called "Beauty held on to the last."

In this format, Andrey acts in different roles and meets girls. For example, in one of the videos, he plays a wrestler or athlete who meets a pretty girl.

They met and drove his car through the city. All this is removed, and Andrei begins to behave inappropriately, for example, he screams out the window, takes off his dirty shoes and lets the girl hold them.

In addition, he swears, smokes in the car, and in such a way that the smoke goes to the beauty, tells not funny jokes, and so on.

This is all done to see how a girl will behave in a situation where she met a nice guy, and he turned out to be a in life. There were different situations, some girls laughed, some asked to be released, and some accepted everything as it is.

At the end of the trip, Andrei always told the girls that it was a prank and gave them flowers, which is very nice of him, because it’s not very easy for lovely ladies to survive this.

How much does Afonya TV earn?

The Afonya TV channel is a rapidly growing channel and in 2017 it already has more than 2.1 million subscribers. And this means that the golden button from Youtube has arrived for him a long time ago.

What is interesting is that there is a positive trend on Andrey's channel, such as the fact that there are always more views of his videos than subscribers.

This is a very good signal that indicates the relevance of the content. At the moment, the channel boasts the following:

  • it has 2.1 million people;
  • every day it is watched by 200 thousand;
  • several thousand people subscribe per day;
  • in a month it was viewed by more than 5 million.

The statistics are very good, which allows the blogger to earn, only on an affiliate program, from 2 to 20 thousand dollars. But, even if you take the average value, namely the top ten, you get a very good income.

And let's take into account the fact that he has promoted social networks, not only a channel, he has a channel with other "Team A", then in general we can talk about the prosperity of the guy.

Well, his earnings, his life, we hope that this article was useful to you, if something was missed, then write your comments.

Andrey Afonin is a well-known Russian blogger and presenter. Andrey was born July 17, 1990 in Moscow.

Andrei became famous due to the fact that he filmed interesting videos for youtube.

Childhood and youth

Andrew hides his past. Almost nothing is known about his family, and he does not answer all the questions of the press about the family. For bloggers of this level, this reluctance is quite justified. Many bloggers withhold information about their family because they may be threatened.

It is known that Afonin comes from a wealthy family, but despite the money of his father, he tried from an early age to earn on his own. He grew up as an ordinary calm boy. During his school years, Andrei was fond of swimming and boxing.

He never clashed with classmates, and was not rude to teachers. In his free time, he liked to collect models from the designer, and spend time with his family. Until the fourth grade, he studied at a regular high school, which was opposite his house.

Later, he was transferred to a prestigious gymnasium, where he was quickly able to build relationships with classmates. Since the age of eleven, Afonin has been collecting smaller copies of popular cars.

Much more is known about his student life. After school, Andrei was able to get into Institute for Humanities Education at the faculty of corporate information systems. In his student years, Afonin began to try his hand at editing and filming videos.

Due to a special sense of humor, Afonin was accepted into the KVN team of the university, he liked to participate in various kinds of amateur performances. In my last year I became interested in bodybuilding. A few years ago, during training, he suffered a spinal injury, but he did not quit the sport.

After graduating from the university, KVN remained in the past for Andrey. He decided to go to work in his specialty. Been busy for a long time creation of computer games. Having accumulated a lot of funds, Andrey opened his own business. And in his free time, he looked through the growing popularity of YouTube.

Creating your channel

At the end of the summer of 2014, Andrei created his own channel, calling it AfonyaTV. He quickly gained popularity due to scandalous videos. The main part of what Andrei shot was occupied by various kinds of pranks and practical jokes. The most famous series of pranks, where Afonin played the girls.

He met them on social networks, and presented himself as a pleasant young man. After they got into his car, he began to behave nasty, while a hidden camera filmed it all. The main goal of such a prank was to understand how much patience the girls would have and what they were willing to do for the sake of money .

In 2015, together with his friends, he created project "Team - A". The channel quickly gained popularity, on its account more than a million regular viewers.

Afonin also shot a series of videos where he exposes well-known colleagues “in the shop”, which brought him even more popularity.

The main motto of his activity: "True, only Truth."


Because of his scandalous activities, the blogger is often invited to the program “Live”. Also, he is a frequent guest in the program. "Let them talk" taking the place of an expert. Very often, Afonin plays pranks on his fans, arranging fake pranks and large lotteries.

Despite the fact that nothing is known about the personal part of Andrei's life. Fans gossip that Afonin is in a long relationship with a certain Masha Makeeva. He has very few friends, and he also hides them. It is known that Andrei is friends with prankster Andrei Nifedev.

A chidhood dream Andrea: living in New York, taking champagne baths with beautiful girls, driving an expensive car. But Andrei chose the path of exposing dishonest people. Despite the one and a half million audience of viewers, the blogger has not yet earned money from the jacuzzi in New York.

On Afonin's Instagram page about 700 thousand subscribers. The blogger's favorite color is yellow and blue.

Many believe that Andrei borrowed the style and plot from a well-known Kyiv blogger Andrey Martynenko. Martynenko himself does not give any comments on this matter.

Andrey Afonin is, first of all, an enemy for most dishonest YouTubers. The creator of an infamous video blog who wants to show his viewers what some individuals are capable of in order to achieve quick success.

Most people condemn him indecent content, which is full of negativity and rude behavior from Andrey. On the other hand, Afonin is the author of modern satire, which will go down in history and will not be forgotten.

In the ring: Andrei Afonin, host of the Afonya TV channel and Yuri Khovansky, a well-known Internet provocateur (at the same time an expert on shawarma, beach packages, pyramids and booze). The parties poured mud at each other for a long time, in August the war reached its climax, by September it entered its final stage and ended happily a couple of weeks ago. Life figured out what Afonya and Khovansky did not share and why millions followed their skirmishes.


The first participant, Andrey Afonin (aka Afonya), is a young man from Moscow. " I am 26 years old, my name is Andrew. As a child, I imagined my 26 in a Lamborghini, but, unfortunately, fate turned its back on me and I drive an Audi TT", - the hero tells about himself in the description on the channel. It is no coincidence that Andrei indicates the name of the car brand: his used Audi is a full-fledged co-author of most of the works, the second main character after Afoni himself.

He posted his first video in July 2014 - it was a prank. The guy pretended to be a homeless person and defiantly rode on the hood of his car, fixing the reaction of others. She followed - and not only those around her, but also the audience. As a result: almost two million views, initial hundreds and thousands of subscribers. Afonya took a break for six months.

The next video was released in February 2015 and was called "Beauty fell for the car". In an unpretentious three-minute session, Andrei met a girl - she denied, referring to the guy. But as soon as the prankster jumped into a nearby TT, the young lady changed her mind and tried to get into a sports car. The boy laughed shallowly, showing the middle finger, and, shouting something obscene, rolled off into the distance. The video hit the heart of the audience's aspirations - in the comments, hundreds of young people rejoiced at the exposure of the "whore" and shared their opinions about the fall of modern women.

The blogger realized that he had hit a public nerve and decided not to stop. The main popularity was brought by the series "Beauty held on to the last": the truth-teller put unfamiliar girls in a car, traveled around the city with them, each time portraying some kind of image: a crazy farmer, an unstoppable vaper, or a bore obsessed with games.

The second wave of popularity was brought to him by the revelations of his partners in the workshop - Andrey studied the work of his colleagues, analyzed it and proved that the pranks were staged. Over-emotionality, bordering on hysteria, grew into a role - in the most excited state, Afonya turned into a male version of the streamer Karina. Expression helped the citizen not only to gain subscribers, but also to do the seemingly impossible - to repulse the ill-wishers on the Russia 1 TV channel.

As a result, in less than a year of active Internet activity, Andrey gained a little more than a million audience - these are very serious indicators even for YouTube veterans. Among newcomers, Afonya has long been considered the fastest growing blogger. And it was he who, on the eve of summer, quarreled with Khovansky ...


It makes no sense to describe the second participant in detail: if you go to YouTube at least once a month, then you probably heard about Khovansky. Yuri began his career in 2010 with voicing Western stand-up comedians: Louis C.K.'s "specials" are still roaming the Web, where the famous humorist broadcasts in the voice of a future Internet star. Khovansky gained his first popularity by working with the once king of video blogging, Madison.

A little later, the realization came: scandals accumulate attention around his ambiguous person no less than fresh videos.

He consistently got into a fight with Drug Addict Pavlik, fans of the KiSh group, rapper Christina C, beer can storm Stas Baretsky, Noize MC and video blogger Larin.

At the same time, thousands of activities were going on: from a deep review of St. Petersburg shawarma bars to gaming let-plays and advertising of financial pyramids. This led to the fact that by the beginning of the war with Athos, almost one and a half million people subscribed to Yuri. It is worth noting: all the time that YouTube tolerates a blogger, Khovansky exploits (seemingly close to reality) the image of a marginal alcoholic who despises any taboos and prohibitions.

The gunpowder reserves of two YouTube millionaires flared up, as is customary, due to a series of accidents. On April 5, on the sparsely populated Reacts channel, the entry "Reactions of YouTubers to Versus Battle - Khovansky vs Larin" surfaced - eight bloggers, among whom was Afonya, discussed the battle that blew up Runet. Andrei noted that Khovansky was confident and won due to expression:

Everything is based on emotions, the whole show is based on emotions, you can even without rhyme

Andrey Afonin about Khovansky's speech

In the end, he admitted that Yuru did not watch and heard about him only because of a conflict with musician Ivan Alekseev:

The only thing I know about Khovansky is Noize MC [broke] him, and I think he [broke] him on business

Andrey Afonin about Khovansky

This video ends, and in an ideal world there would be no continuation. But Khovansky is not the kind of person who will miss the opportunity to set fire to the information space around him. He rolled out a parody of Afonya.

“Visiting Khovansky” is a series of videos where Internet celebrities allegedly come to Yuri, who are usually played by a friend of a blogger nicknamed Kuzma. Before Andrey, Firamir, who was killed on the air, "looked at" Yuri, whose unmotivated snot spitting was reliably portrayed by the same Kuzma. Afonya appeared in the video as a hysterical paranoid with the only goal in life - to expose as many YouTubers as possible. Parody can hardly be called successful (it is inferior, for example, to last issue with Nikolai Sobolev ). Perhaps that is why Andrei did not react to the release in any way. But the main squabbler of Russian YouTube did not calm down and a month later he again ridiculed the enemy - this time hitting the bull's-eye.

Here the prankster is portrayed by Khovansky himself - with an emphatically false mustache and beard. Themes are pedaled by the same ones - an irrepressible desire to expose everyone in a row: even a street magician and the yellow press get it. The video is much tougher than the first one: at some point, the make-up Khovansky gets into the car, where he imitates orogenital contact - in order to immediately accuse the driver of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Afonya could not forgive such a thing, and two days later he improvised "condemned" Khovansky. In the video, he first expressively comments on the parody, and then, dressed in the costume of a British judge, sentences his opponent to dislikes. The video ends with an unsuccessful parody of Khovansky: the blogger allegedly jumps into a bath of urine in order to return to the past, thus avoiding a conflict with Andrey. The war has begun.

The first losses - virtual, but image - the gentlemen suffered immediately: an avalanche of dislikes fell on the second parody of Khovansky - more than 30 thousand at once. Now the ratio of green and red colors is approximately equal. Andrei also suffered - the "judicial" video was given more than 100 thousand negative ratings. Later, Khovansky assured that his videos were minus not by real users, but by purchased bots:

A familiar bot grower told me that someone in the Russian YouTube bought 30 thousand dislikes on someone else's channel - well, I looked, nowhere else so many popped up

Yuri Khovansky about cheating dislikes

After exchanging warning artillery salvos, the bloggers moved into the second phase of the offensive. Afonya tried to dilute Khovansky for a fight. Yuri, in turn, parried with a challenge to VersusBattle - an independent platform where participants exchange rhymed insults. Here Afonya already refused - as the rap party unanimously decided, right.

After unsuccessful calls to the ring, the prankster complained during the broadcast on Periscope that the dislikes thrown out on Khovansky did not bring satisfaction and it was time to move on to tougher methods:

I will make sure that his channel is closed. If dislikes do not help, we will do it differently, then

Andrey Afonin about the Khovansky Canal

The most effective option to forcibly close someone's channel is to bombard him with complaints aka strikes. If the author receives three strikes within six months and cannot dispute them, the channel will be deleted. In the hangout of video bloggers, it is not customary to resort to such measures - this is most condemned by the community. Therefore, according to the founder of Rakamakafo, Nikolai Sobolev, by hinting at strikes, Afonya turned part of the audience against him.

Khovansky reacted instantly - on July 18, an interesting parody of the Game of Thrones was released, where the blogger acted as Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands. Yuri called on his army of "ironborn" to swear allegiance to the Drowned God (that is, subscribe and like) and rally against Afoni TV.

A couple of days later Andrey responded - also in the style of the HBO television series. Athos, however, the material was harder: he joked wittily that Khovansky's genitals had been cut off (one of the Greyjoys actually survived this operation), but otherwise he performed poorly. A little later, he deleted the post, and on the VKontakte social network he explained that he simply wanted to provoke his opponent.

Khovansky sensed weakness and soon gasped with an atomic bomb - on July 31 he threw in a half-hour analysis of the Afonya TV channel, proving that the famous pranks with the participation of a yellow foreign car were a common production. The video has collected 2.5 million views, hitting the top 6 entries on the blogger's channel.

The accusation of staging among Russian pranksters is a serious matter. It's like a famous documentary photographer caught directing pictures. On October 1, 2015, long before the conflict, Afonya had already unmasked the CheburussiaTV prank channel, which led to great image losses for its owners - the guys were never able to gain a million subscribers, despite a bright start. Now a shadow of doubt flickered over Andrei himself.

Khovansky had few arguments: the snow-white camera reflected in Afonya's glasses, some "beauties" with a serial past, and editing with numerous cuts. Around the first point - Sony action cameras - there is the most talk: they say, how girls do not see the lens aimed directly at their face. One of the YouTubers conducted an experiment by filming what a Sony device looks like through the eyes of a passenger. Indeed, it is hard not to notice.

This argument, however, was criticized by Nikolai Sobolev, the first famous Russian prankster. He noted that people sometimes do not notice professional cameras at close range - what can we say about a small camcorder that looks like a DVR. However, the founder of Rakamakafo said that Afonya has performances - and Nikolai feels them "ass". Sobolev did not provide any direct evidence, finally saying that it is difficult to shoot such a format:

Many factors must come together. There must be a good, lively girl. She must not know Afonya. She must be so [weird] that she can drive with him for an hour and not get out of the car. Finally, she must, with all this, point-blank not to notice the camera. Well, or it’s easier for Andrey to find an actress, pay her money and force her to sign a non-disclosure agreement

Nikolai Sobolev, prankster and founder of Rakamakafo

In general, even without compelling arguments against Afoni, the public as a whole believed that his videos with girls were fake. Khovansky took advantage of this advantage, slapping on October 7 a bold point in the war. Yuri again took out his trump card from his sleeve - the talent of a parodist and stylized the defeat of Afonya under the famous video with Hitler.

In the video, the former king of pranks and the owner of the fastest growing channel in the Russian YouTube segment appears as a defeated loser. Apparently, this is not far from the truth, because Afonya really retreated - he left Khovansky alone, switching to Sobolev, who pecked at him.

Literally on the eve of the publication of our material, Afonya made another prank - from the same series "Beauties". The recording was released only on October 20, but has already collected 65 thousand dislikes - all because the production of the video was so obvious that even Andrey's fans suspected something was wrong. The girl, whom Afonya mocked in the guise of a crazy native of Kazakhstan, changed clothes several times, reacted falsely to the attacks of the prankster, did not notice the passenger hidden behind the carpet in the back row, and threw a sly look at the camera countless times. In addition, the background of the beauty was quickly revealed - the audience found a video where the girl dances in a completely naked form.

It will seem to uninitiated people that the topic itself is empty - well, two media persons quarreled (it is possible that by mutual, if not consent, then pleasure), what's wrong with that. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated.

The fact is that the battle instantly acquired an ideological color. Afonya called himself a "forest orderly", saying that he was fighting with Khovansky not because of a sense of dignity and ratings, but for the sake of a higher mission - to bring a drunkard, an idler and a parasite to clean water. " He's all about alcohol propaganda., - Andrey complains in one of the videos. And, of course, he is right - it is hardly worth writing Khovansky into role models, and his shows often cross the line. From the outside, it seems that Afonya is a kind of moral knight, a brave and adamant fighter for the truth, who is trying to make the world a better place by exposing everyone: alcoholic bloggers, mercantile women, stage directors. A noble task that breaks into reality, because Afonya also has a video where he whips shots, hangs around bars and tries to get a strange girl drunk with urine.

As a result, almost a metaphor for a certain public mood emerges from the everyday conflict between two bloggers - a well-to-do young man with a good figure, a beautiful car and healthy lifestyle habits is trying to reason with a rude and insipid provincial alcoholic. True, the first has no less sins than the second, and the second is at least honest with himself and others - and you can spend a whole day (or even your whole life) thinking about who you should listen to.

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