In the Tretyakov Gallery, a vandal caused serious damage to Repin's painting Ivan the Terrible. The Tretyakov Gallery spoke about the damage to Repin's painting

Unidentified man stabbed a man at the station "Tretyakovskaya" Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow reported "Moscow" .

"Tretyakovskaya" men with stab wounds. The police are investigating the incident.", the police said.

The chapter also noted that this moment steps are taken to find the attacker.

/ Friday, September 8, 2017 /

Topics: Police Underground

An unknown man attacked a man at the station with a knife "Tretyakovskaya" Moscow metro. This was stated in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the capital.

"A telephone message was received from the medical institution about hospitalization from the station "Tretyakovskaya" men with stab wounds, - leads the city news agency “ Moscow " message.

The police are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident and are looking for the perpetrator.

Earlier it became known that employees of the Russian Guard detained a man who attacked several people in the Ostankino Park area in Moscow.

At the beginning of June, the TV channel “ 360 ” that in the south of Moscow two armed men attacked the businessman.

Passenger stabbed to death at subway station "Tretyakovskaya", says " RIAMO ”.

The incident occurred in a train carriage during a conflict between two passengers.

The victim was hospitalized with a neck wound.

The victim was taken to the hospital with a stab wound.

AT this moment police are identifying the attacker with video cameras.

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Boris Dudalev

According to preliminary data, on the morning of September 8, the injured man had a conflict with another passenger at the transfer hub. "China town " - "Tretyakovskaya". His opponent put a knife into action.

After inflicting a knife wound, the attacker got lost in the crowd of passengers.
The victim was taken to the hospital by ambulance.
According to REN TV, citing eyewitnesses, traces of blood remained on the floor of the platform.
AT given time The police are looking for the attacker.
The circumstances of the incident are being investigated.

Became known the details of the morning incident in the subway on "Tretyakovskaya", after which a man with a wound was hospitalized in an ambulance. Eyewitnesses reported a conflict between two passengers and a pool of blood on the platform.

At first, the police received information, especially since on the platform "Tretyakovskaya" there were bloody traces, and this looks like the consequences of a knife blow.
But, as reported by RIA “ News " law enforcement source "A survey of eyewitnesses showed that no one saw the knife".
Witnesses recalled that on the finger of the hand with which the attacker hit his opponent's head, something like a brass knuckle ring or signet was put on.
The suspect in the attack is still being sought.

Eyewitnesses spoke of bloody" incident at the subway station "Tretyakovskaya" in Moscow. As transmits “Moscow speaks”, presumably, a man was hit by a mirror of a passing train.

Another eyewitness reports that police officers are at the scene of the incident.

There is no official confirmation of the information yet.

On May 26, in one of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery, a resident of Voronezh, Igor Podporin, broke the protective glass of Ivan Repin's painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan" with a protective column. Then the man slashed the canvas three times with a knife. Cuts remained on the image of the prince's torso, the most important parts of the picture - the faces of the main characters and the hands of Ivan the Terrible - were not affected.

Podporin admitted that he was originally going to just look at the canvas, but went down to the buffet and drank vodka. Igor could not satisfy his thirst for justice with vodka. Previously, he claimed that he damaged the canvas due to "the unreliability of the historical facts depicted on the canvas."

Igor Podporin

Experts believe that the restoration of the picture should not take much time. We decided to recall two more cases and figure out what did not please the vandals and other survivors of Repin's work.

Reason one: too much blood

The incident in the Tretyakov Gallery is not the first knife wound» for a picture. Back in 1913, the icon painter Abram Balashov made an attempt on Repin's creation.

“He repeatedly visited the Tretyakov Gallery, looked at paintings, but no one suspected that he was an abnormal person, since he always behaved modestly and quite correctly. Having passed several halls, he looked at the painting “Boyar Morozova” and whispered something in front of her, and at the entrance to the hall where Repin’s painting “John the Terrible” is located, he suddenly rushed to the painting with a frantic cry, jumped over the barrier and the cord enclosing the painting , and with the words: “Enough blood” - he slashed the picture three times with a knife. All this happened so quickly that the attendant, who was watching Balashov and immediately rushed at him, did not have time to prevent a knife from hitting the picture, but only managed to disarm him when the cuts were already made.

Abram Balashov and the damaged fragment of the painting

From the "flagrant act of vandalism" the faces of both heroes of the picture suffered. Then Balashov was sent to psychiatric clinic where his father took him three weeks later. The restorer Bogoslovsky came to restore the painting. Recovery took 4 weeks.

An illustration of the restoration process in 1913

Repin's painting was accused of excessive naturalism - it was argued that, using this style to depict the terrible, the artist does not evaluate the events, but simply copies them.

Reason two: the artist slandered the king

The second time attacks on Repin's canvas began a century after the first assassination attempt. In 2013, a group of Orthodox activists turned to the Tretyakov Gallery with a demand to remove the painting from the exhibition. In addition to the gallery, the appeal was addressed to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky.

“In the wonderful collection of the gallery there are a number of paintings containing slander on the Russian people, on Russian state, on Russian pious Tsars and Tsarits. Such paintings clearly have no place in this collection of Russian pictorial masterpieces. First of all, we are talking about the vile, slanderous and false both in its plot and in its pictorial reproduction of the painting by I.E. Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581".

An excerpt from the appeal

The Tretyakov Gallery refused to comply with the demands of the activists, and its former director, Irina Lebedeva, noted that Repin is not a historian, but, above all, an artist who has the right to his own interpretation of historical events.

What will happen to those who want to "stab Repin" now?

After the incident, the Ministry of Culture and the Tretyakov Gallery asked the State Duma to toughen the punishment for damaging works of art. For Igor Podporin, who attacked the painting on May 26, Vladimir Medinsky has already demanded "the most severe punishment." Now restorers estimate the damage caused to the painting at 500 thousand rubles, and a criminal case has already been opened against Podporin. He faces a fine of up to 3 million rubles or imprisonment for up to three years.

But there is also good news.

Why in updated version The rules of the museum mention an excursion group consisting of one person.

“Many are confused in our rules by the fact that we do not allow conducting unregistered excursions even for one person. This is a forced measure - there are people who do not hesitate to catch visitors walking down the street to the entrance to the Gallery by the sleeve and offer just such a "private" tour for one or two people. And in the halls, when asked by the museum staff, they answer that they do not conduct a tour, but simply communicate with friends, ”the press service said and noted that the gallery employees have sufficient competence to distinguish a group of friends from persons engaged in illegal commercial activities.

Employees of the Tretyakov Gallery began to expel groups of people from the museum who simply talked to each other, commenting on the paintings they saw. About several such cases "Medusa".

The Tretyakov Gallery is actively fighting the so-called illegal excursions. On June 15, historians from Moscow State University Oleg Airapetov, Maxim Shevchenko and Fyodor Gaida and several graduate students and students who came to the exhibition of the artist Vasily Vereshchagin were approached by a security guard with the words "excursions without accreditation are prohibited." The visitors replied that they did not conduct tours, but simply shared their impressions of the paintings with each other. They tried to find out from the gallery employee what a tour was, but the guard evaded answering, saying only that it was forbidden to talk loudly in the museum. After that, the group switched to a whisper.

At the exit, they were met by a senior lieutenant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a museum employee, who tried to prove to them that their actions were illegal. The historians were told that in the case of a group of one to 20 people entering the gallery, they are required to request permission from the museum at the Tretyakov Gallery's email address. There was no answer to the question about what a tour consisting of one person is. This whole story is in open letter to the Ministry of Culture. As a result, on June 19, Director of the Department of Museums Yuri Yevtyukhin sent a letter to CEO Tretyakov Gallery to Zelfira Tregulova with a request to look into this situation.

The second similar case in the Tretyakov Gallery happened June 20 with Fashionograph Editor-in-Chief Tim Ilyasov. He, along with five friends, came to the museum building in Lavrushinsky Lane and commented on the elements of clothing in the paintings. The reaction to his explanations was the indignation of the museum staff, who noted that only regular museum guides can conduct excursions. To Ilyasov’s words that he does not conduct excursions and only communicates with his friends, the employees replied: “We don’t know anything, we can’t.” Then they demanded from Ilyasov a badge of a guest guide, about which he had not heard anything before.

the same request presented and a Facebook user with the nickname Tnargime Rǝnni (in other social networks he is registered under the nickname Innər Emigrant) at the same Vereshchagin exhibition on July 2. He, like the rest of the victims, simply talked to his friends, telling his friends “far from art” the biography of the artist. The user noted that on the website of the Tretyakov Gallery, the regulation on excursion services does not say what exactly is meant by the word “excursion”.

Deputy Director of the Tretyakov Gallery Marina Elzesser explained that from May 15, 2018, the museum has a new rule. According to it, a person who tells a group of people information about a painting must notify the gallery in advance of his intention and receive a "guide-guest" badge. At the same time, it is necessary to pay 7.5 thousand rubles for conducting such an “excursion”, if the size of the group does not exceed five people, and 25 thousand rubles for a group of up to 20 people. She added that such a measure was taken as part of the fight against "illegal excursions." According to her, guests often appear in the Tretyakov Gallery, voluntarily telling a group of people incorrect information about works of art.

Answering a question specifically about the case of historians from Moscow State University, Elzesser explained: the study of CCTV footage showed that Moscow State University lecturers “stood in a close-knit group and told their students about the paintings.” That is why the management decided that a group of people was conducting a lesson, for which, according to the new regulations of the museum, it is necessary to pay 7.5 thousand rubles.

However, Afisha Daily found an inconsistency in Elzesser's words: the provision for issuing permission to hold training session in the Tretyakovskaya does exist, but in the New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, where the Vereshchagin exhibition is held, the lesson is free of charge, and not for a fee. In the gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, the ticket price for a group of no more than 20 people is 5310 rubles.

Such innovations were met with disapproval by museum visitors. Tnargime Rǝnni's Facebook post was full of angry comments. Some users noted the general inappropriate behavior of employees of the Tretyakov Gallery, others spoke about similar cases in Pushkin Museum, St. Basil's Cathedral and the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. However, many noted that the participants in the incident simply got an unsuccessful shift and no one kicked other people out of the exhibition in similar situations.

The Tretyakov Gallery almost lost one of its masterpieces. Repin's painting, popularly known as "Ivan the Terrible kills his son", will have to be restored. A visitor tried to destroy it, who, during interrogation, said that he had drunk vodka, and the canvas outraged him. This attack is not the first.

The canvas by Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan" was on the wall, and the attacker hit the painting with a fence post. Now the pictures have been removed from the exhibition, it is in the restoration workshop. The hall is closed to visitors.

The attack took place in the evening, just before the closing of the Tretyakov Gallery. Glass that maintained the right climate to preserve the masterpiece, but did not protect against impacts.

The vandal was detained by the Metropolitan Police. The man is 37 years old, he came from Voronezh. First, information appeared that he was trying to destroy the canvas because of the historical untruth of the image, allegedly he does not agree with the plot where Ivan the Terrible inflicts death blow son. But it turned out that alcohol was to blame. The explanations of the roaming guest of the capital are also a masterpiece.

“I went, I came to look at her. At eight in the evening I went in, I already wanted to go to the buffet. I drank 100 grams of vodka. I don’t drink vodka, so something has covered it,” the detainee said.

“Are you aware of your act?” the law enforcement officers asked.

"Yes," he replied.

And for this act, the man faces three years in prison. A criminal case has been opened under the article “Destruction or damage to objects cultural heritage". The detainee was taken to the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, where he should choose a measure of restraint. And in the Tretyakov Gallery they decide how they will save one of the most famous masterpieces Russia. The general director of the gallery, Zelfira Tregulova, was on a business trip abroad during the incident and is urgently returning to Moscow. All information is received remotely.

“The painting has been severely damaged. The canvas is broken in three places in the central part of the work on the figure of the prince. The author's artistic frame was badly damaged by the fall of the glass. By a happy coincidence, the most valuable thing - the images of the faces and hands of the king and prince - were not affected. The restorers of the Tretyakov Gallery immediately begin to study the consequences of the strikes and develop a consistent program to restore the work. Among the priority actions is the holding of an expanded restoration council with the invitation of the country's leading experts," the gallery's press service said.

According to preliminary estimates, the damage from the actions of the vandal was estimated at half a million rubles. How long the recovery will take is unclear. Sometimes such work takes several years.

“The restorers simply join the canvas butt-to-butt and further, and further, according to the technology, the ground is brought in and a picturesque restoration takes place. That is, they apply almost invisible tinting, which practically does not cast off from the author's ones, ”said restorer Igor Borodin.

More than a hundred years ago, in the same picture, faces were actually recreated anew. Then Repin himself did it, after the 29-year-old Old Believer icon painter Abram Balashov cut the canvas. The blow could not endure one of the curators of the gallery and committed suicide. Repin himself said that his canvas is terrifying and inexplicably affects the psyche. The master had to stop working on the picture - he turned away, hid the canvas. Psychologists explain this seemingly mystical series of shocks by the so-called Stendhal syndrome, when art so outrages, strikes and, in literally, drives you crazy.

“It occurs when people are near any very strong works of art. Hallucinations or changes in consciousness can occur, sometimes people destroy these objects, ”said psychologist Alexander Tkhostov.

Attacks on particularly expressive masterpieces, unfortunately, are not uncommon. One of the most known cases when in 1985 in the Hermitage a mentally unbalanced man doused with sulfuric acid and cut with a knife famous painting Rembrandt "Danae". Restorers worked for 12 years to save the masterpiece. A punch hole was left in the painting French painter Claude Monet is the work of a young vandal who made his way into the gallery at night.

And, of course, what kind of attacks did not endure the "La Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci. In the Louvre, they threw stones at her, tried to pour paint over her. Some of them hatched a plan of attack for a long time, while others suddenly came up with it. Before or after the buffet, the man was outraged by the image, and whether he was sane has yet to be established by law enforcement officers. Tomorrow the 30th hall of the Tretyakov Gallery will be opened, but so far without a masterpiece.

The police detained a man who damaged the painting by Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible kills his son" in the Tretyakov Gallery the day before. This was announced by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Irina Volk.

The night before on Friday, the police received a message from a security officer of the State Tretyakov Gallery about the damage to the painting.

The police officers who arrived at the scene detained a citizen who broke the glass of the picture with a metal fence post and damaged the canvas, Volk said.

The painting is seriously damaged. The canvas is broken in three places in the central part of the work on the figure of the prince. The author's artistic frame was badly damaged by the fall of the glass.

According to the press service of the Tretyakov Gallery, by a lucky chance, the most valuable thing - the images of the faces and hands of the Tsar and Tsarevich - were not affected. At the end of the primary operational and investigative measures, the museum restorers carried out urgent emergency work. Glass fragments were removed, the painting and frame were dismantled, after which the painting was removed from permanent exhibition and transferred to the restoration workshop of the museum.

According to Irina Volk, this fact a criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 243 of the Criminal Code "Destruction or damage to objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation included in a single State Register objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, identified objects of cultural heritage, natural complexes, objects taken under the protection of the state, or cultural property)".

This article provides for liability from a fine of up to 3 million rubles, to imprisonment for up to 3 years.

The Tretyakov Gallery has released an official statement regarding the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581".

It notes that on May 25, 2018 at 20:55, right before the closing of the museum, a man from among the last visitors broke into the already empty hall of I. E. Repin through a group of employees of the Tretyakov Gallery, who were conducting a scheduled inspection of the halls before they closed, and inflicted on the glazed canvas of the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan ..." several blows with a metal fence post. The painting was seriously damaged: as a result of blows, the thick glass that protected the work from fluctuations in temperature and humidity was broken. The canvas is broken in three places in the central part of the work on the figure of the prince. The author's artistic frame was badly damaged by the fall of the glass. By a happy coincidence, the most valuable thing - the images of the faces and hands of the king and prince - were not affected.

Museum custodians, together with security officers of the Tretyakov Gallery, neutralized the vandal, detained him and handed him over to law enforcement agencies. He is under investigation.

The general director of the Tretyakov Gallery is on a business trip abroad, but he has operational information, constantly contacts the museum staff by phone, and informs the leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation about what is happening.

To take urgent measures to save the painting, the chief curator, restorers, the management of the museum's security service, as well as employees of a specialized company for working with works of art, arrived at the scene.

After the initial operational and investigative measures, the museum restorers carried out urgent emergency work: they removed glass fragments, dismantled the painting and the frame, after which the work was removed from the permanent exhibition and transferred to the museum's restoration workshop.

The restorers of the Tretyakov Gallery immediately begin to study the consequences of the strikes and develop a consistent program to restore the work. Among the priority actions is the holding of an expanded restoration council with the invitation of the country's leading experts.

Pitching will be held especially for the press on Monday at 14.00, where the museum staff will tell you how the painting will be restored.

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