Tatiana thick works. Biography of the extraordinary and talented writer Tatyana Tolstoy

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya Pages of life and creativity Presentation was made by Anastasia Bulatova, grade 8/3

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya (May 3, 1951) - Russian writer, publicist and TV presenter. The most famous novel of the writer is “Kys”, which received the Triumph Prize. The works of Tatyana Tolstoy, including the collections of stories “If you love - you don’t love”, “Okkervil River”, “Day”, “Night”, “Raisin”, “Circle”, “White Walls”, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Childhood and youth Tatyana Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of physics professor Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. Tatiana grew up in large family, where she had seven brothers and sisters. After graduating from school, Tatyana Tolstaya entered Leningrad University, the department of classical philology, from which she graduated in 1974. In the same year she married (classical philologist) A.V. Lebedev and, following her husband, moves to Moscow, where he gets a job as a proofreader in the “Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature” at the Nauka publishing house. Having worked at the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tolstaya published her first literary works and debuts as literary critic with the article “Glue and scissors...”

Literary success Soviet criticism was wary of Tolstoy's literary works. She was reproached for the “density” of her writing, for the fact that “you can’t read a lot in one sitting.” In intellectual circles, Tolstaya gains a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the writer’s works were “urban madmen” (old-regime old women, “brilliant” poets, feeble-minded invalids from childhood...), “living and dying in a cruel and stupid bourgeois environment.”

Moving to the USA In 1990, the writer left for the USA, where she began teaching. Subsequently, throughout the 1990s, the writer spent several months a year in America. According to her, living abroad initially had a strong influence on her in terms of language. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language was changing under the influence environment. After four months in America, Tatyana Nikitichna noted that “her brain turns into minced meat or salad, where languages ​​are mixed and some innuendos appear that are absent in both English and Russian.”

Creativity In an interview with the publication “ Ukrainian Truth“Tatyana Tolstaya spoke in detail about why she started writing stories. According to her confessions, in 1982 she had vision problems. After the operation, she could not be in daylight for a long time. “This went on for a long time. I hung double curtains and only went outside after dark. I couldn’t do anything around the house, I couldn’t take care of the children. I couldn't read either. After three months, all this passes and you begin to see so unexpectedly clearly... That is, all impressionism goes away, and complete realism begins. And on the eve of this I felt that I could sit down and write good story- from start to finish. That's how I started writing."

Tolstoy’s work is characterized by the predominance of such themes as universal questions of existence, “eternal” themes of good and evil, life and death, choice of path, relationship with the outside world and one’s destiny. In the writer’s work one can sense a longing for the lost humanistic values ​​in art. Researchers noted that almost all of Tolstoy’s characters are dreamers who are “stuck” between reality and their fictional world. Creation

Information taken from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya was born May 3, 1951 in Leningrad in the family of physics professor Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. In a family noted for significant literary talents. “Wherever you look, I have only writers in my family,” notes Tolstaya - Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy is his paternal grandfather. Grandmother Natalia Vasilievna Krandievskaya-Tolstaya is a poetess. Their mothers were also writers. Maternal grandfather Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinsky is a translator...” She grew up in the Lensoviet house on the Karpovka River Embankment in a large family where she had six brothers and sisters.

After graduating from school, Tatyana Tolstaya entered Leningrad University in the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek), from which she graduated in 1974. In the same year she married classical philologist A.V. Lebedeva and, following her husband, moved to Moscow, where she went to work at the Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature of the Nauka Publishing House. Worked in a publishing house until 1983.

By my own admission, I started writing by accident. The first story, “They sat on the golden porch...”, was published in Aurora magazine ( 1983 . No. 8); it was immediately noticed by both readers and critics, and the author’s debut was recognized as one of the best in the 1980s. The story was a kaleidoscope of childhood impressions that fragmented and multiplied, formed into a mosaic and collapsed again, recreating mysterious characters fairy world. In Tolstoy's prose, critics discovered an unusual combination of high and low, romantic and everyday, fairy-tale and naturalistic, real and fictional for the literature of that time. They paid attention to the lexical richness of her text and the sophistication of her artistic solutions.

Tolstaya publishes stories on the pages of the magazines “October”, “Neva”, “Znamya”, “ New world", takes part in the VIII All-Union Conference of Young Writers, attends G. Baklanov’s seminar. “Date with a Bird” is released sequentially ( 1983 ), "Sonya" ( 1984 ), « Blank sheet» ( 1984 ), “If you love - you don’t love” ( 1984 ), "Okkervil River" ( 1985 ), "Mammoth Hunt" ( 1985 ), "Peters" ( 1986 ), “Sleep well, son” ( 1986 ), "Fire and Dust" ( 1986 ), "Most Favorite" ( 1986 ), "Poet and Muse" ( 1986 ), "Seraphim" ( 1986 ), “The month has emerged from the fog” ( 1987 ), "Night" ( 1987 ), "Flame of Heaven" ( 1987 ), "Somnambulist in the Fog" ( 1988 ).

In 1987 Tolstoy's first collection of short stories, “They Sat on the Golden Porch...”, was published. He was enthusiastically received by critics, who noted the undoubted talent of the young prose writer, who has an established manner, confidence, and artistic originality. Tolstoy's works show a strong interest in strange, absurd characters (mainly children, old women, and abnormal people); they are also distinguished by a rigid, detached author's position. One of the best in the collections was the story “Okkervil River”, which tells about strange love boys to an imaginary performer old romances. In prose Tolstoy appeared new conflict- strange, invented everyday life with multi-colored pictures of the imagination.

In 1998 Tolstaya was accepted into the USSR SP, and the next year she became a member of the Russian PEN Center. Since that time, Tolstaya has been successfully engaged in journalism.

In 1991 she ran the “Own Bell Tower” column in the weekly Moscow News.

In Tolstaya’s prose, critics discovered the traditions of M. Bulgakov, V. Nabokov, A. Green, German expressionists, Russian prose of the 1920s, Tolstaya emphasizes in an interview the importance of the discoveries of short stories of the 1920s for her work. Tolstoy's prose opened new page Russian prose, which was later dubbed “other literature” (L. Petrushevskaya, S. Kaledin, E. Popov, Ven. Erofeev, V. Narbikova, etc.). Tolstaya strove to demythologize reality, emancipate human fantasy and imagination, and conducted polemics against imaginary people-worship and pseudo-democracy.

From the early 1990s to 2000 Tolstaya lives in America for a long time, teaching literary history at various universities. Many of Tolstoy's works have been translated into European languages. Coming to Russia, Tolstaya actively participates in literary and public life countries.

In 2000 Tolstoy's first novel "Kys" appears in print ( 1986-2000 ). It is a complex genre formation, including elements of pamphlet, fiction, philosophical research and mythology. It depicts Russian life after the Explosion, which can be understood at different semantic levels - revolutionary, post-perestroika, apocalyptic. In this fictional space (the city of Fedor-Kuzmichsk) they live various kinds mutants and a small number of “former” ones who still remember some words from cultural use. The hero of the novel, Benedict, tries to join the old culture(the chapters of the novel are titled with the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet: Az, Buki, Vedi, etc.), but nothing comes of it. Reading it is reminiscent of the pastime of Gogol's Petrushka.

For her novel "Kys" Tolstaya was awarded in 2001 Triumph Prize.

In 2002 the writer appears on television for the first time, in television program"The basic Instinct". In the same year, she became a co-host (together with Avdotya Smirnova) of the TV show “School of Scandal,” aired on the Culture TV channel. The program receives recognition from television critics and in 2003 Tatyana Tolstaya and Avdotya Smirnova received the TEFI award in the Best Talk Show category.

In 2010, co-authored with her niece Olga Prokhorova, published her first children's book. Entitled “The Same ABC of Pinocchio,” the book is interconnected with the work of the writer’s grandfather, the book “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” In the ranking best books XXIII Moscow International Book Fair, the book took second place in the “Children's Literature” section.

In an interview with the publication Ukrayinska Pravda, Tatyana Tolstaya spoke in detail about why she started writing stories. According to her confessions, in 1982 she had problems with her eyesight and decided to undergo eye surgery, which at that time was performed using razor cuts. After surgery on her second eye, she could not be in daylight for a long time - this went on for a long time. I hung double curtains and only went outside after dark. I couldn’t do anything around the house, I couldn’t take care of the children. I couldn't read either. After three months, all this passes and you begin to see so unexpectedly clearly... That is, all impressionism goes away, and complete realism begins. And on the eve of this, I felt that I could sit down and write a good story - from beginning to end. That's how I started writing

The writer said that her favorite literature includes Russian classics. In 2008, her personal reader rating was made up of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The formation of Tolstoy as a writer and a person was greatly influenced by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, his articles, memoirs, memoirs, books about language and translations. The writer especially highlighted such works by Chukovsky as “ High art” and “Alive as life,” and said: “Whoever hasn’t read it, I highly recommend it, because it’s more interesting than detective stories, and it’s written amazingly. And in general he was one of the most brilliant Russian critics.” Tolstoy is considered to be part of the “new wave” in literature. In particular, Vitaly Vulf wrote in his book “Silver Ball” (2003): “Writers are in fashion” new wave“: B. Akunin, Tatyana Tolstaya, Victor Pelevin. Talented people, writing without condescension, without pity...” It is called one of the bright names of “artistic prose”, which has its roots in the “game prose” of Bulgakov and Olesha, which brought with it parody, buffoonery, celebration, and the eccentricity of the author’s “I”. Anna Brazhkina on the website of the online encyclopedia “Krugosvet” noted that in early prose writer critics noted, on the one hand, the influence of Shklovsky and Tynyanov, and on the other, Remizov. Andrei Nemzer spoke about her like this early stories: “Tolstay’s “aestheticism” was more important than her “moralism.” Tatyana Tolstoy is also often classified in the genre of “women’s” prose, along with such writers as Victoria Tokareva, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and Valeria Narbikova. Iya Guramovna Zumbulidze in her study “„ Women's prose“in the context of modern literature” wrote that “the work of Tatyana Tolstoy is on a par with the exponents of the tendency of modern Russian literature, which consists in the synthesis of certain features of realism, modernism and postmodernism.”

The writer's creativity is the object large quantity scientific research. Over the years, the works of Elena Nevzglyadova (1986), Peter Weil and Alexander Genis (1990), Prokhorova T.G. were dedicated to her works. (1998), Belova E. (1999), Lipovetsky M. (2001), Pesotskaya S. (2001). In 2001, the monograph “The Explosive World of Tatyana Tolstoy” by E. Goshchilo was published, in which a study of Tatyana Tolstoy’s work was carried out in a cultural and historical context.

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BOU SPO "Chuvash Republican School of Culture (Technical School)"

Discipline: Domestic literature

On the subject: The work of Tolstoy Tatyana Nikitichny

Cheboksary 2011

1. 1951--1983: Childhood, youth and work as a proofreader

Tatyana Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of physics professor Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. Tatyana grew up in a large family where she had seven brothers and sisters. The maternal grandfather of the future writer is Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinsky, literary translator, poet. On her father's side, she is the granddaughter of the writer Alexei Tolstoy and the poetess Natalia Krandievskaya. After graduating from school, Tolstaya entered Leningrad University, the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek), which she graduated in 1974. In the same year, she got married and, following her husband, moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a proofreader in the “Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature” at the Nauka publishing house. Having worked at the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tolstaya published her first literary works in the same year and made her debut as a literary critic with the article “Glue and Scissors...” (“Voprosy Literatury”, 1983, No. 9). By her own admission, what made her start writing was the fact that she had undergone eye surgery. “Now, after laser correction, the bandage is removed after a couple of days, but then I had to lie with the bandage for a whole month. And since it was impossible to read, the plots of the first stories began to appear in my head,” said Tolstaya. thick journalistic creativity kys

2. 1983--1989: Literary success

In 1983, she wrote her first story entitled “They Sat on the Golden Porch...”, published in Aurora magazine in the same year. The story was noted by both the public and critics and was recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. The artistic work was “a kaleidoscope of childhood impressions from simple events and ordinary people, which appear to children as various mysterious and fairy-tale characters" Subsequently, Tolstaya published about twenty more stories in periodicals. Her works are published in Novy Mir and other major magazines. “Date with a Bird” (1983), “Sonya” (1984), “Clean Slate” (1984), “If you love it, you don’t love it” (1984), “Okkervil River” (1985), “Mammoth Hunt” ( 1985), “Peters” (1986), “Sleep well, son” (1986), “Fire and Dust” (1986), “The Most Beloved” (1986), “Poet and Muse” (1986), “Seraphim” ( 1986), “The Moon Came Out of the Fog” (1987), “Night” (1987), “Flame of Heaven” (1987), “Somnambulist in the Fog” (1988). In 1987, the writer’s first collection of stories was published, entitled similarly to her first story - “They were sitting on the golden porch...”. The collection includes both previously known and unpublished works: “Dear Shura” (1985), “Fakir” (1986), “Circle” (1987). After the publication of the collection, Tatyana Tolstaya was accepted as a member of the USSR Writers' Union.

Soviet criticism was wary of Tolstoy's literary works. She was reproached for the “density” of her writing, for the fact that “you can’t read a lot in one sitting.” Other critics greeted the writer’s prose with delight, but noted that all her works were written according to the same well-built template. In intellectual circles, Tolstaya gains a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the writer’s works were “urban madmen” (old-regime old women, “brilliant” poets, feeble-minded invalids from childhood...), “living and dying in a cruel and stupid bourgeois environment.” Since 1989 he has been a permanent member of the Russian PEN Center.

3. 1990--1999: Moving to the USA and journalistic activity

In 1990, the writer left for the USA, where she taught. Tolstaya taught Russian literature and creative writing at Skidmore College, located in Saratoga Springs and Princeton, collaborated with the New York review of books, The New Yorker, TLS and other magazines, and lectured at other universities. Subsequently, throughout the 1990s, the writer spent several months a year in America. According to her, living abroad initially had a strong influence on her in terms of language. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language was changing under the influence of the environment. In her short essay of the time, “Hope and Support,” Tolstaya gave examples of ordinary conversation in a Russian store on Brighton Beach: “where words like “Swissloufet cottage cheese”, “slice”, “half pound cheese” and “ lightly salted salmon." After four months in America, Tatyana Nikitichna noted that “her brain turns into minced meat or salad, where languages ​​are mixed and some innuendos appear that are absent in both English and Russian.”

In 1991 he began his journalistic activities. Conducts his own column “Own Bell Tower” in weekly newspaper"Moscow News", collaborates with the magazine "Capital", where he is a member of the editorial board. Essays, essays and articles by Tolstoy also appear in the Russian Telegraph magazine. In parallel with journalistic activity, she continues to publish books. In the 1990s, such works as “If you love - you don’t love” (1997), “Sisters” (co-authored with sister Natalia Tolstoy) (1998), “Okkervil River” (1999) were published. Translations of her stories appear into English, German, French, Swedish and other languages ​​of the world. In 1998, she became a member of the editorial board of the American magazine Counterpoint. In 1999, Tatyana Tolstaya returned to Russia, where she continued to engage in literary, journalistic and teaching activities.

4. 2000--2012: The novel “Kys” and the TV show “School of Scandal”

In 2000, the writer published her first novel “Kys”. The book received a lot of response and became very popular. Based on the novel, many theaters staged performances, and in 2001, a literary series project was carried out on the air of the state radio station Radio Russia, under the leadership of Olga Khmeleva. In the same year, three more books were published: “Day”, “Night” and “Two”. Noting the commercial success of the writer, Andrei Ashkerov wrote in the magazine “Russian Life” that total circulation books amounted to about 200 thousand copies and the works of Tatyana Nikitichna became available to the general public. Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the “Prose” category. In 2002, Tatyana Tolstaya headed the editorial board of the Konservator newspaper.

In 2002, the writer also appeared on television for the first time, in the television program “Basic Instinct.” In the same year, she became a co-host (together with Avdotya Smirnova) of the TV show “School of Scandal,” aired on the Culture TV channel. The program receives recognition from television critics and in 2003 Tatyana Tolstaya and Avdotya Smirnova received the TEFI award in the category “Best Talk Show.” In 2010, in collaboration with her niece Olga Prokhorova, she published her first children's book. Entitled “The Same ABC of Pinocchio,” the book is interconnected with the work of the writer’s grandfather, the book “The Golden Key.” Tolstaya said: “The idea for the book was born 30 years ago. Not without the help of my older sister... She always felt sorry that Pinocchio sold his ABC so quickly and that nothing was known about its contents. What bright pictures were there? What is it even about? Years passed, I switched to stories, during which time my niece grew up and gave birth to two children. And finally, I found time for the book. The half-forgotten project was picked up by my niece, Olga Prokhorova.” In the ranking of the best books of the XXIII Moscow International Book Fair, the book took second place in the “Children’s Literature” section.

5. The works of Tatyana Tolstoy

In an interview with the publication Ukrayinska Pravda, Tatyana Tolstaya spoke in detail about why she started writing stories. According to her confessions, in 1982 she had problems with her eyesight and decided to undergo eye surgery, which at that time was performed using razor cuts. After surgery on her second eye, she could not be in daylight for a long time - this went on for a long time. I hung double curtains and only went outside after dark. I couldn’t do anything around the house, I couldn’t take care of the children. I couldn't read either. After three months, all this passes and you begin to see so unexpectedly clearly... That is, all impressionism goes away, and complete realism begins. And on the eve of this, I felt that I could sit down and write a good story - from beginning to end. That's how I started writing

The writer said that her favorite literature includes Russian classics. In 2008, her personal reader rating was made up of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The formation of Tolstoy as a writer and a person was greatly influenced by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, his articles, memoirs, memoirs, books about language and translations. The writer especially highlighted such works by Chukovsky as “High Art” and “Alive as Life,” and said: “Whoever hasn’t read it, I highly recommend it, because it’s more interesting than detective stories, and it’s written amazingly. And in general he was one of the most brilliant Russian critics.” Tolstoy is considered to be part of the “new wave” in literature. In particular, Vitaly Vulf wrote in his book “Silver Ball” (2003): “New wave writers are in fashion: B. Akunin, Tatyana Tolstaya, Victor Pelevin. Talented people who write without condescension, without pity...” It is called one of the bright names of “artistic prose”, which has its roots in the “game prose” of Bulgakov and Olesha, which brought with it parody, buffoonery, celebration, and the eccentricity of the author’s “I”. Anna Brazhkina on the website of the online encyclopedia “Krugosvet” noted that in the early prose of the writer, critics noted, on the one hand, the influence of Shklovsky and Tynyanov, and on the other, Remizov. Andrei Nemzer spoke about her early stories: “Tolstoy’s ‘aestheticism’ was more important than her ‘moralism’.” Tatyana Tolstaya is also often classified in the genre of “women’s” prose, along with such writers as Victoria Tokareva, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and Valeria Narbikova. Iya Guramovna Zumbulidze in her study “Women's Prose in the Context of Modern Literature” wrote that “Tatiana Tolstoy’s work is on a par with the exponents of the trend in modern Russian literature, which consists in the synthesis of certain features of realism, modernism and postmodernism.”

The writer's work is the subject of a large number of scientific studies. Over the years, the works of Elena Nevzglyadova (1986), Peter Weil and Alexander Genis (1990), Prokhorova T.G. were dedicated to her works. (1998), Belova E. (1999), Lipovetsky M. (2001), Pesotskaya S. (2001). In 2001, the monograph “The Explosive World of Tatyana Tolstoy” by E. Goshchilo was published, in which a study of Tatyana Tolstoy’s work was carried out in a cultural and historical context.

6. Period of stories

For early period Tolstoy’s creativity is characterized by the predominance of such themes as universal questions of existence, “eternal” themes of good and evil, life and death, choice of path, relationship with the outside world and one’s destiny. Slavina V.A. noted that in the writer’s work there is a sense of longing for the lost humanistic values ​​in art. Researchers noted that almost all of Tolstoy’s characters are dreamers who are “stuck” between reality and their fictional world. The stories are dominated by a paradoxical point of view on the world; with the help of satire, the absurdity of some life phenomena is demonstrated. A.N. Neminutsy in his work “The Motive of Death in art world stories by T. Tolstoy" noted artistic techniques embodiment of the idea of ​​death in the writer’s stories, which are close to the aesthetics of modernity and postmodernity. The textbook “Modern Russian Literature” noted a special author's position Tolstoy, which is expressed in a special literary-fairy-tale metaphorical style, the poetics of neo-mythologism, and in the choice of hero-storytellers. Neo-mythologism in her works was also manifested in the fact that Tolstaya used folklore images. In the story "Date with a Bird" she used the famous Russian folklore image- the bird Sirin. Alexander Genis in Novaya Gazeta noted that Tolstaya is the best in modern literature copes with the use of metaphor. The author wrote that her metaphors have the influence of Olesha, but they are more organically integrated into the plot. Some other stories use the technique of opposition and contrasts. The stories “Sweet Shura” and “Circle” are built on the opposition of light and darkness (like life and death), which is later reflected in the later story “Night”. The meaning of the antinomy “light - darkness” in Tatyana Tolstoy’s stories occupies a central place and includes: “the opposition of the spiritual and the material, the sublime and the base, the living and the dead, the everyday and the existential, dreams and reality (imaginary and real), the eternal and the momentary, the good and evil, compassionate and indifferent.” Twenty-four stories of the writer were published: “They were sitting on the golden porch” (1983), “Date with a bird” (1983), “Sonya” (1984), “Blank Slate” (1984), “Okkervil River” (1985), “Sweet Shura” (1985), “Mammoth Hunt” (1985), “Peters” (1986), “Sleep well, son” (1986), “Fire and Dust” (1986) , “The Most Beloved” (1986), “Poet and Muse” (1986), “Fakir” (1986), “Seraphim” (1986), “The Moon Came Out of the Fog” (1987), “If you love, you don’t love” (1984 ), “Night” (1987), “Circle” (1987), “Flame of Heaven” (1987), “Somnambulist in the Fog” (1988), “Limpopo” (1990), “Plot” (1991), “Yorick” (2000), “Window” (2007). Thirteen of them made up the collection of stories “They Sat on the Golden Porch...” published in 1987 (“Fakir”, “Circle”, “Peters”, “Sweet Shura”, “Okkervil River”, etc.). In 1988 - “Somnambulist in the Fog.”

7. Novel “Kys”

IN beginning of XXI century one of the most famous works became T. Tolstoy’s novel “Kys”. On the pages of this book, the author creates a world that makes the reader think about many problems of modern society.

The novel takes place after atomic explosion in the town of Fedor-Kuzmichsk, which two hundred years ago was called Moscow. It is inhabited by people who survived the Explosion: “If someone didn’t shut up when the Explosion happened, he doesn’t grow old after that. This is their Consequence. As if something had jammed in them... And those who were born after the Explosion have different Consequences, those whose hands seem to be covered with green flour, as if he was rummaging through bread, those with gills; Some people have a cock’s comb or something else.” The most common currency and staple food is the mouse, and in the forest there lives a terrible creature called Kysyu: “She sits on the dark branches and screams so wildly and pitifully: Ky-ys! Whoa! - and no one can see her. A man will go into the forest like this, and she will fall on his neck from behind: hop! And the spine with my teeth: crunch! - and with his claw he will find the main vein and tear it, and all the mind will come out of the person. Such a person will return to the people, but he is no longer the same, and his eyes are not the same, and he walks without understanding the road, as happens, for example, when people walk in their sleep under the moon, with their arms outstretched, and move their fingers: they themselves are asleep, but they themselves walking. They catch him and take him to the hut, and sometimes, for the sake of laughter, they put an empty bowl in front of him, thrust a spoon into his hand: eat; It’s as if he’s eating from an empty bowl, and he’s scooping it up, and he’s putting it in his mouth, and he’s blowing, and then it’s like he’s wiping the vessel with bread, but there’s no bread in his hand, well, dear friends, it’s clear that he’s choking with laughter. This guy can’t do anything on his own, he doesn’t even know how to recover... That’s what Kys does.”

We can say that a kind of encyclopedia of Russian life is unfolding before us, in which the features of the past are easily guessed and a picture of a terrible future appears: the Greatest Murza Fedor Kuzmich, the city manager, small Murzas in bear fur coats and simple people having nothing; the Red Sleigh orderlies who pursue the Disease, and any thoughts of social justice that are considered willful.

The genre of the novel is dystopia. The pages of this book depict the history of Russia, or rather, its tragic pages - pages of fear and tyranny. We can clearly see the degradation of the people living in Fedor-Kuzmichsk: the consciousness of people has been changed, after the Explosion, the points of reference in their souls have changed, their moral foundations have eroded. It seems that all concepts have acquired a completely different meaning for them: people are more like animals, living to satisfy their basic instincts. They do not develop internally, completely obeying orders from above.

The space in which events take place is closed. This phenomenon is observed in Zagladin’s dystopia “We”, but there the city is surrounded by a wall, and in Fedor-Kuzmichsk the barriers are different: forests block the way, and Chechens live in the south... In addition, the darlings are always watched by Kys, the fear of which limits their perception of reality , fences off from the outside world.


1. T.N. Tolstaya “The Day”, Moscow: Podkova Publishing House, 2001.

2. T.N. Tolstaya “Kys”, Moscow: Podkova Publishing House, 2000.

3. Article “People want money, but are shy”, Moscow: “Book Observer” magazine, 2002, No. 5.

4. Article “Walking for Joy”, Moscow: “Peasant Woman” magazine, 2000, No. 3.

5. Article “Stagnation as cultural form", Moscow: Zvezda magazine, 2000, No. 4.

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    course work, added 03/13/2011

    A study of the “Author-Reader” opposition at the plot level of T. Tolstoy’s novel “Kys” as one of the most resonant postmodern works of Russian literature of the 21st century. Features of the poetics and genre of the novel. The significance of Pushkin's personality and legacy.

    article, added 12/18/2017

    "To live honestly." The beginning of a creative journey. Tolstoy's ideological quest in the late 50s - 60s. “Everything has turned upside down...” Tolstoy in the 70s. "Lawyer of 100 million agricultural people." Tolstoy in the 80-90s. Tolstoy is the whole world.

    abstract, added 01/26/2007

    Analysis of the images of Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onagin, their romantic relationships in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Study of questions: what does love mean for Onegin and Tatiana, why Evgeny and Tatiana did not stay together, and, in general, is this possible.

    essay, added 02/29/2008

    A.S. Pushkin like great poet And writer XIX century, its place in Russian literature. The history of writing the poem "Eugene Onegin", analysis of its main images and responses from critics. Specificity and assessment of Tatyana’s image, its differences from female images that time.


Writer, publicist, TV presenter Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in literary family. She is the granddaughter on one side of the writer Alexei Tolstoy and the poetess Natalia Krandievskaya, according to another - the famous literary translator Mikhail Lozinsky.

After graduating from school, Tatyana Tolstaya entered Leningrad University in the department of classical philology (Latin and Greek), from which she graduated in 1974.

She got married and, following her husband, a Muscovite, moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a proofreader at the “Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature” at the Nauka publishing house.

In 1983, she wrote her first story, published that same year in Aurora magazine. Later she was published in Novy Mir and other major magazines. In subsequent years, she wrote the stories “Date with a Bird” (1983), “Sonya” (1984), “Clean Slate” (1984), “Okkervil River” (1985), “Mammoth Hunt” (1985), “Peters "(1986), "Sleep well, son" (1986), "Fire and Dust" (1986), "The Most Beloved" (1986), "The Poet and the Muse" (1986), "Seraphim" (1986), "Went Out month from the fog" (1987), "If you love - you don't love" (1984), "Night" (1987), "Heavenly Flame" (1987), "Somnambulist in the Fog" (1988), "Limpopo" (1990), " Plot" (1991), "Yorik" (2000), "Window" (2007).

In 1987, a collection of her stories “They Sat on the Golden Porch...” was published in Moscow, which included thirteen stories by Tolstoy, including: “Dear Shura” (1985), “Fakir” (1986), “Circle” (1987 ) etc. After the publication of the collection, Tatyana Tolstaya was accepted as a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Then she published collections of stories “If you love - you don’t love” (1997), “Sisters” (co-authored with her sister Natalia Tolstoy) (1998), “Okkervil River” (1999), “Day. Personal” (2001), “Night "(2001), "Two" (co-authored with Natalia Tolstaya) (2001), "Raisin" (2002), "Circle" (2003), "White Walls" (2004), "Women's Day" (2006), " Not Kys" (2007), "River" (2007), "Kys. Animal Tour. Stories" (2009).

In 2000, Tolstoy's first novel, "Kys", was published, causing many responses and becoming very popular. Based on the novel, many theaters staged performances, and in 2001, a literary series project was carried out on the air of the state radio station Radio Russia.

Tatyana Tolstaya is known not only as a writer, but also as a journalist. Her essays, essays, articles published in 1990-1998. in the newspapers "Moscow News" and "Russian Telegraph", in 1998 they were published in the collection "Sisters".

Tatyana Nikitichna lived in the USA for a long time, where she taught Russian literature and creative writing at Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs) and Princeton, collaborated with the New York review of books, The New-Yorker, TLS and other magazines, and gave lectures at other universities. Returning in the late 1990s. home, she took up literary, journalistic and teaching activities.

In 2002, Tolstaya took part in the TV show “Basic Instinct.” From the same year, she became the constant presenter (together with Dunya Smirnova) of the television talk show “School of Scandal” on the NTV channel. In co-authorship with Smirnova, she wrote the book “Kitchen of the School of Scandal.”

Tatyana Nikitichna was a permanent member of the jury of the show “Minute of Fame” (seasons 1-3) on Channel One.

Tatyana Tolstaya - winner of the Triumph Prize for 2001.

In 2003, she was awarded the TEFI television award.

In 2010 she won a prize in the category " New culture new Europe", which she was awarded at the XX International Economic Forum in the Polish city of Krynica-Zdroj (Lesser Poland Voivodeship).

Tatyana Tolstoy has two sons: Artemy Lebedev, designer, artistic director Artemy Lebedev Studios, and Alexey Lebedev, photographer, architect computer programs. Lives in the USA.

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