Libretto of the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila. “Ruslan and Lyudmila” on the Voronezh stage Church of the Placement of Robes - the home church of metropolitans and patriarchs

On January 14, 2016, the audience of the Opera and Ballet Theater was shown the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (the premiere of which took place quite recently, at the end of December), staged by the artistic director of the Kremlin Ballet Theater Andrei Borisovich Petrov. The performance turned out wonderful - the audience was shown not just a classic in the best sense of the word, but a classic of the highest standard: Pushkin's plot, Glinka's music and Petrov's production. A special joy and pride is caused by the fact that the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater has become the second and only (besides Moscow) venue where this ballet is performed.

The history of this ballet is interesting in itself. The first ballet with this name was staged in Moscow on December 16, 1821 (a year and a half after the publication of Pushkin’s poem itself) and became the first stage production of both “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and Pushkin’s works in general. Even then, many fantastic episodes were embodied on stage (for example, the head of a giant turned into a detachment of warriors, etc.). In the year of Pushkin’s death, the greatest Russian composer of that time, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, began work on the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, without even having a ready libretto, and the opera was staged in 1842. And already in our time, A.B. Petrov returned to his roots and staged a ballet to Glinka’s music in 1992 - and Voronezh audiences can see the result.

The ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is one of those rare cases when it is difficult to draw a line between the performers of the main roles and the extras: both perform their roles so well and with enthusiasm! Chernomor's retinue, Naina's assistants, the prince's firecrackers, Finn's wise elders - all performed their roles with the same dedication as the main characters of the ballet, and Chernomor (Vadim Manukovsky) skillfully conveys his feelings not only through dance, but also through pantomime.

However, a performance is not only about music and actors, but also about costumes and scenery, and here the directors have many reasons to be proud, and the audience for joy. The artistic design of the ballet was created by the great master of her craft - Marina Alekseevna Sokolova (1939-1992). She drew ideas for the costumes and scenery for “Ruslan and Lyudmila” from Russian folk art - that’s why the curtain with mermaids, firebirds and the cat Bayun, and the costumes of the prince and his subjects, and the prince’s palace turned out to be bright, memorable, unique and surprisingly accurate correspond to the atmosphere of the performance. The costumes and decorations in the oriental style were also a great success and demonstrated many original solutions - the living throne of Chernomor, his servants with headdresses in the form of vases of fruit and the ceremony of combing the beard of the evil wizard separately delight the audience, although, in fact, the whole performance is a stream of continuous joy.

On the Voronezh stage, the romantic poem of yesterday's lyceum student Pushkin turned into a work about eternal values ​​- love, friendship, mutual assistance, and in combination with a fascinating plot, great music, magnificent design and professional skill of the actors, the result was a new outstanding performance that will delight more than one generation of spectators !

Text - Evgeny Kiselev

"Ruslan and Lyudmila, or the Overthrow of Chernomor, the Evil Wizard"- “a large magical-heroic ballet in five acts”, staged by choreographer A. P. Glushkovsky to the music of composer F. E. Scholz based on A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”; the first stage embodiment of this work and the first production of Pushkin on stage in general.

The premiere took place on the stage of the Pashkovsky Theater in Moscow on December 16 of this year (orchestra conducted by F. E. Scholz, scenery by A. Raslov, costumes by Levizi, Ruslan- A. P. Glushkovsky, Lyudmila- T.I. Glushkovskaya); On December 2 of the year it was transferred to St. Petersburg, to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater (produced by Charles Didelot and Auguste, at the latter’s benefit performance, Ruslan- Nikolay Golts, Lyudmila- Avdotya Istomina) .

Main characters

  • Lyudmila
  • Ruslan, her fiance
  • Prince, Lyudmila's father
  • Chernomor, wizard
  • Head
  • Zlotvora, sorceress
  • Dobrada, sorceress


Act one

“The theater presents a magnificent hall. The Prince of Kiev leads Ruslan and Lyudmila from the temple; ambassadors (Kazarian, Hungarian, Circassian), princes, boyars, warriors and people accompany them.” March. Then the dancing begins, “in which the whole retinue participates.” The wizard Chernomor descends on a cloud. He carries away the unconscious Lyudmila and plunges all the guests into a daze.

“The prince and Ruslan approach the place where Lyudmila was, but, not finding her, they fall into despair.” March. Ruslan goes in search of his wife. “The forest, on one side is a cave, in the distance on the mountains you can see the Chernomora castle, near it you can see many dead knights beaten by the enemy, spears, swords, quivers, shields, cones, horse shells, banners are scattered everywhere.” The head guards the entrance to the castle. After meeting with Dobrada, Ruslan fights with the Head. The body and head fall apart into parts consisting of actors lying motionless. Ruslan enters into battle with the soldiers - victory over them gives him access to Chernomor.

Act two

Night. "The theater represents the garden." Zlotvora and Lyudmila descend on a cloud, “cupids fluttering around them.” Spirits appear carrying images of the seven planets, colorful lanterns, torches, shawls, garlands, and vases. The awakened Lyudmila looks around in amazement. The dancing begins, interrupted by the appearance of Zlotvora and Chernomor. Lyudmila showers Karl with reproaches, he offers her the crown, but she “rejects everything with contempt.” The sounds of a tom-tom and a trumpet announce the approach of the enemy: this is Ruslan. Lyudmila's joy, Chernomor's fury; the wizard instructs Zlotvora to hide Lyudmila, and he rushes into battle.

Act three

“The theater represents the inside of the Chernomor castle, in the middle there is a throne decorated with snakes and monsters; in different places altars are visible, similar to the decorations of a throne, fires blaze from the mouths of monsters; on the right side stands a colossal-looking oracle with one eye in its forehead, holding a scroll on which are prophecies,” “tombs and several human skeletons are visible.” Chernomor casts spells. The image of Lyudmila appears in the magic mirror; she rejects Chernomor's passion.

Zlotvora appears at Karla’s call, and at her sign they bring Ruslan’s armor and weapons, which must convince Lyudmila that her husband is dead. They bring in Lyudmila. Seeing Ruslan’s armor and the inscription “Armament of the slain Ruslan,” she loses consciousness. “Recovering, Lyudmila pushes the wizard away, runs to Ruslan’s false weapons, unfurls the banner, kisses him and sheds sorrowful tears.” Thunderclap (tam-tam); An inscription appears on the oracle scroll: “Ruslan is approaching. Be afraid, Chernomor." Lyudmila's courage returns.

Zlotvora tries to defeat Ruslan with the power of seduction. She turns the sorceresses under her control into young beautiful maidens: she gives one a charming lyre, another a cup of poison, and a third a garland.”

Act four

Chernomor and Zlotvora turn the rose bush into a cave where they hide Lyudmila. The sound of a trumpet heralds Ruslan's approach. In the Chernomor garden he is met by nymphs. One of them plays the lyre, luring Ruslan into the garden. She advises Ruslan to leave his weapon and indulge in pleasure. Seeing the other under the blanket, he runs up to her; the second nymph gives him an enchanted wreath and garland, offering to wear this decoration instead of a helmet and end the search for Lyudmila. Every time, as soon as Ruslan is ready to succumb to temptation, a clap of thunder is heard and an inscription appears on the stone: “Infidel.” “The third nymph, seeing the failure of her friends, begins to dance with great diligence and at this time brings him a cup filled with poison. Blinded by beauty, the knight wants to fulfill the seductress’s proposal.”

Suddenly a flame bursts out of the nymph's cup. Ruslan comes to his senses and rushes with a weapon at the insidious sorceresses. The garden turns into a desert, the nymphs become furies that attack the knight. Ruslan wins the fight, and then his duel with Chernomor begins. The hero is in danger, and his patron, the sorceress Dobrada, comes to his aid. She casts evil forces into the underworld. Ruslan frees Lyudmila, the spouses fly away on Dobrada’s winged chariot.

Act five

“The theater represents a clearing in the middle of a dense forest, in the middle the Temple of Perun is visible; the priests surround the altar; Prince of Kiev, boyars, people." The priest performs the ritual - the sacred fire is lit, a clap of thunder is heard, and the inscription appears on the temple: “Ruslan and Lyudmila are under my protection.”

“Ruslan appears preceded by warriors, knights walk behind him; he leads Lyudmila by the hand, who, seeing her parent, rushes into his arms; the prince thanks Ruslan for saving his daughter and gives her hand to the deliverer a second time; Ruslan, having expressed gratitude to the gods, sits down with the prince and Lyudmila on an elevated place.” Great dance divertissement.

History of the production

While preserving individual plot lines and images of the poem, Glushkovsky introduced episodes and scenes characteristic of the musical theater of that time. He staged a large five-act play, each of the acts of which was replete with fabulous transformations. These transformations and fantastic episodes permeate the entire fabric of the performance. The ballet program compiled by Glushkovsky outlined many magical episodes that required complex stage technique and artistic sophistication: for example, “Zlotvora, turning into Karla Chernomor, carried away Lyudmila on a cloud surrounded by furies. The head, repelling Ruslan's attack, turned into warriors and a twelve-headed serpent. Then the knight was attacked by hellish monsters flying out of the waterfall, and the beauties, after a vain attempt to seduce him, turned into enraged furies.”

M. I. Glinka - V. Agafonnikov


Ballet in two acts

Libretto by Andrei Petrov, based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin and the opera by M. I. Glinka

Choreographer - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Moscow Prize laureate Andrey Petrov

Production designer - Marina Sokolova

The ballet is based on the poem by A. Pushkin and the opera by M. I. Glinka, where fairy-tale magic coexists with reality, and history and fiction are seasoned with soft irony.

The weighty lightness of Pushkin’s line acquires monumentality in the philosophical images of the famous opera. “The legends of deep antiquity”, told in the language of classical dance: the mutual love of Ruslan and Lyudmila, her abduction by Chernomor, the rivalry of contenders for the hand and heart of the Kiev princess - the cowardly Farlaf and the proud Ratmir, Chernomor and the witchcraft power of his beard...

Malice, deceit and cowardice are defeated by justice, good heroic strength and young love.

The performance is accompanied by the Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Artistic director and chief conductor - Sergei KONDRASHEV.

Duration: up to 2 hours 25 minutes (with intermission).



There is festive excitement in the grid of Grand Duke Svetozar. Everyone is looking forward to what kind of betrothed Lyudmila will choose. The princess's suitors appear: the arrogant Varangian knight Farlaf and the dreamy Khazar prince Ratmir. Ratmir is pursued by Gorislava, who is in love with him, with a plea to abandon the idea of ​​becoming related to the Kyiv prince.

Here is Ruslan. The rivals look at each other with suspicion. Lyudmila appears. Her choice was made long ago. The squad and the prince praise the young couple. The wedding ceremony begins. The young are led under the canopy with honors... Thunder... Lightning...

The ominous figure of Chernomor appears. Everyone freezes. Enchanted by Chernomor, Lyudmila freezes. The evil sorcerer and his captive disappear.

Everyone woke up. Lyudmila is not here. Ruslan is in despair. Svetozar promises Lyudmila as a wife to the one who returns his daughter to him. All three knights vow to do this. The rivals leave Kyiv.


Fairy forest. Naina pursues Finn with her love. He rejects her. She vows revenge.
Ruslan walks through the forest and comes to the home of the good Finn. The owner greets Ruslan cordially. In the smoke of the magic fire, Ruslan sees Lyudmila and Chernomor. Ruslan thanks Finn and leaves to look for Chernomor Castle.

Naina lies in wait for Farlaf. She promises him Lyudmila. A coward is ready for anything. His joy knows no bounds. Naina gives him what he dreamed of: a soft bed and a table with food. Overwhelmed by wine and gluttony, he falls asleep, forgetting about Lyudmila.


Ruslan enters the field. The Valley of Death makes a painful impression. Ruslan is tired. Doubts gnaw at him. Suddenly Ruslan sees a hill, with the shine of the moon it comes to life - in front of the knight Golov. The head crumbles into many warriors. The battle is fierce, the forces are unequal, but Ruslan emerges victorious. The warriors are scattered: in place of the head is a magic sword.


Naina casts a spell and attracts knights. Her retinue is a swarm of ugly old women, but with a gesture from the sorceress they turn into beautiful maidens. And Naina herself becomes a young beauty. The forest comes alive with a wonderful oriental palace. Naina is waiting for the victim, preparing a poisoned drink for her...

Gorislava relentlessly follows Ratmir, but he is inexorable. He longs to find Lyudmila, although Gorislava is dearer and closer to him, but the stubbornness of the proud prince is limitless. Ratmir leaves the crying Gorislava and enters Naina's palace. Magic maidens, wine and food - now he has lost his shield, his sword, and his helmet. Here is the seductress mistress. Naina's charms make Ratmir forget about everything in the world. Gorislava appears in the palace, bringing Finn and Ruslan with her. Together they free Ratmir from Naina's spell.



Morning. Lyudmila wakes up in Chernomor Castle. Everything here is alien to her. The servants want to feed her wonderful dishes. Chernomor appears. Wanting to achieve Lyudmila's love, he takes the form of Ruslan. Lyudmila senses deception, and the spell dissipates. In front of her is a dwarf. Lyudmila tangles the villain's magic beard.

The servants of Chernomor come out in a solemn march, carrying the dwarf and his beard. Lyudmila is solemnly seated opposite Chernomor. Parade of the wizard's power. The Lezginka whirlwind captures everyone. Both thrones are carried in a circle. Lyudmila is almost unconscious. The dwarf approaches his victim with laughter...
The sound of a horn is heard. It is Ruslan who challenges Chernomor to a fight. The sorcerer enchants Lyudmila and draws his sword. A short but fierce battle, and the dwarf takes Ruslan under the clouds.


Ruslan runs in with Chernomor's severed beard. Lyudmila sleeps in a witch's sleep and does not recognize her lover. A sobbing Ruslan takes Lyudmila away. Ratmir and Gorislava came to the aid of Ruslan.


Naina drags the shaking Farlaf - his time has come. Fear makes him submit. They follow Ruslan's trail.


Night in the steppe. Ratmir and Gorislava go into the forest. Ruslan guards Lyudmila's sleep, but, tired, falls asleep. Naina and Farlaf appear. Naina forces Farlaf to raise his sword against Ruslan. Farlaf plunges his sword into the knight's chest and kidnaps Lyudmila. Naina is triumphant. Suddenly Finn appears. In his hands he has two vessels - with dead and living water. He heals Ruslan's wounds.

Ruslan, Ratmir and Gorislava rush to Kyiv. Finn's blessing falls on them. Naina is defeated, her plans are ruined.


Farlaf kidnapped Lyudmila and brought her to Kyiv. But no one is able to awaken her from her magical sleep. She doesn't even recognize her father...

The prince mourns his daughter. Unexpectedly for everyone, Ruslan appears. Farlaf begs for mercy. Ruslan's love awakens Lyudmila. Happiness and rejoicing in the palace of Prince Svetozar. The Russians praise the brave knight and the young princess...

"; the first stage embodiment of this work and the first production of Pushkin on stage in general.

Ruslan and Lyudmila, or the Overthrow of Chernomor, the Evil Wizard
Composer Friedrich Scholz
Author of the libretto Adam Glushkovsky
Plot Source Alexander Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
Choreographer Adam Glushkovsky
Stage conductor Friedrich Scholz
Scenography A. Raslov (scenery)
Levisi (costumes)
Subsequent editions Charles Didelot and Auguste Poirot,
Number of actions 5
First production
Place of first production Theater on Mokhovaya, Moscow

The premiere took place on the stage of the Pashkovsky Theater in Moscow on December 16 of the year (orchestra conducted by F. E. Scholz, scenery by A. Raslov, costumes by Levizi, Ruslan- A. P. Glushkovsky, Lyudmila- T.I. Glushkovskaya); On December 2 of the year it was transferred to St. Petersburg, to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater (directed by Charles Didelot and Auguste, to the benefit performance of the latter, Ruslan- Nikolay Golts, Lyudmila- Avdotya Istomina) .

Main characters

  • Lyudmila
  • Ruslan, her fiance
  • Prince, Lyudmila's father
  • Chernomor, wizard
  • Head
  • Zlotvora, sorceress
  • Dobrada, sorceress


Act one

“The theater presents a magnificent hall. The Prince of Kiev leads Ruslan and Lyudmila from the temple; ambassadors (Kazarian, Hungarian, Circassian), princes, boyars, warriors and people accompany them.” March. Then the dancing begins, “in which the whole retinue participates.” The wizard Chernomor descends on a cloud. He carries away the unconscious Lyudmila and plunges all the guests into a daze.

“The prince and Ruslan approach the place where Lyudmila was, but, not finding her, they fall into despair.” March. Ruslan goes in search of his wife. “The forest, on one side is a cave, in the distance on the mountains you can see the Chernomora castle, near it you can see many dead knights beaten by the enemy, spears, swords, quivers, shields, cones, horse shells, banners are scattered everywhere.” The head guards the entrance to the castle. After meeting with Dobrada, Ruslan fights with the Head. The body and head fall apart into parts consisting of actors lying motionless. Ruslan enters into battle with the soldiers - victory over them gives him access to Chernomor.

Act two

Night. "The theater represents the garden." Zlotvora and Lyudmila descend on a cloud, “cupids fluttering around them.” Spirits appear carrying images of the seven planets, colorful lanterns, torches, shawls, garlands, and vases. The awakened Lyudmila looks around in amazement. The dancing begins, interrupted by the appearance of Zlotvora and Chernomor. Lyudmila showers Karl with reproaches, he offers her the crown, but she “rejects everything with contempt.” The sounds of a tom-tom and a trumpet announce the approach of the enemy: this is Ruslan. Lyudmila's joy, Chernomor's fury; the wizard instructs Zlotvora to hide Lyudmila, and he rushes into battle.

Act three

“The theater represents the inside of the Chernomor castle, in the middle there is a throne decorated with snakes and monsters; in different places altars are visible, similar to the decorations of a throne, fires blaze from the mouths of monsters; on the right side stands a colossal-looking oracle with one eye in its forehead, holding a scroll on which are prophecies,” “tombs and several human skeletons are visible.” Chernomor casts spells. The image of Lyudmila appears in the magic mirror; she rejects Chernomor's passion.

Zlotvora appears at Karla’s call, and at her sign they bring Ruslan’s armor and weapons, which must convince Lyudmila that her husband is dead. They bring in Lyudmila. Seeing Ruslan’s armor and the inscription “Armament of the slain Ruslan,” she loses consciousness. “Recovering, Lyudmila pushes the wizard away, runs to Ruslan’s false weapons, unfurls the banner, kisses him and sheds sorrowful tears.” Thunderclap (tam-tam); An inscription appears on the oracle scroll: “Ruslan is approaching. Be afraid, Chernomor." Lyudmila's courage returns.

Zlotvora tries to defeat Ruslan with the power of seduction. She turns the sorceresses under her control into young beautiful maidens: she gives one a charming lyre, another a cup of poison, and a third a garland.”

Act four

Chernomor and Zlotvora turn the rose bush into a cave where they hide Lyudmila. The sound of a trumpet heralds Ruslan's approach. In the Chernomor garden he is met by nymphs. One of them plays the lyre, luring Ruslan into the garden. She advises Ruslan to leave his weapon and indulge in pleasure. Seeing the other under the blanket, he runs up to her; the second nymph gives him an enchanted wreath and garland, offering to wear this decoration instead of a helmet and end the search for Lyudmila. Every time, as soon as Ruslan is ready to succumb to temptation, a clap of thunder is heard and an inscription appears on the stone: “Infidel.” “The third nymph, seeing the failure of her friends, begins to dance with great diligence and at this time brings him a cup filled with poison. Blinded by beauty, the knight wants to fulfill the seductress’s proposal.”

Suddenly a flame bursts out of the nymph's cup. Ruslan comes to his senses and rushes with a weapon at the insidious sorceresses. The garden turns into a desert, the nymphs become furies that attack the knight. Ruslan wins the fight, and then his duel with Chernomor begins. The hero is in danger, and his patron, the sorceress Dobrada, comes to his aid. She casts evil forces into the underworld. Ruslan frees Lyudmila, the spouses fly away on Dobrada’s winged chariot.

Act five

“The theater represents a clearing in the middle of a dense forest, in the middle the Temple of Perun is visible; the priests surround the altar; Prince of Kiev, boyars, people." The priest performs the ritual - the sacred fire is lit, a clap of thunder is heard, and the inscription appears on the temple: “Ruslan and Lyudmila are under my protection.”

“Ruslan appears preceded by warriors, knights walk behind him; he leads Lyudmila by the hand, who, seeing her parent, rushes into his arms; the prince thanks Ruslan for saving his daughter and gives her hand to the deliverer a second time; Ruslan, having expressed gratitude to the gods, sits down with the prince and Lyudmila on an elevated place.” Great dance divertissement.

History of the production

While preserving individual plot lines and images of the poem, Glushkovsky introduced episodes and scenes characteristic of the musical theater of that time. He staged a large five-act play, each of the acts of which was replete with fabulous transformations. These transformations and fantastic episodes permeate the entire fabric of the performance. The ballet program compiled by Glushkovsky outlined many magical episodes that required complex stage technique and artistic sophistication: for example, “Zlotvora, turning into Karla Chernomor, carried away Lyudmila on a cloud surrounded by furies. The head, repelling Ruslan's attack, turned into warriors and a twelve-headed serpent. Then the knight was attacked by hellish monsters flying out of the waterfall, and the beauties, after a vain attempt to seduce him, turned into enraged furies.”

ballet in 2 acts

About the performance:

Production 2016. Premiere at the Voronezh Theater took place on December 25.
The production of the play was carried out with the support of the government of the Voronezh region.

The production of the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is an appeal to the origins - the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the first poet of Russia and to the music of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka - the first composer of Russia.
Many critics noted the discrepancy between the youthfully light poem of the young Pushkin, written in the “time of heartfelt inspiration,” and the monumental, philosophical images of Glinka’s music. While working on the play, comprehending the depth of Pushkin’s poem, I did not discover this contradiction. “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is not just a charming fairy tale, but a confession about eternal human feelings: devoted, faithful love that conquers betrayal and deceit, about treachery doomed to death. Each Pushkin line is filled with love for the heroes, whose feelings and thoughts are not fantastic, but real. Young, carefree Lyudmila, fearless Ruslan, young Ratmir, in love with the pleasures of life, Gorislava, who managed to maintain her love for the young man who rejected her. The price of betrayal, retribution for anger and hypocrisy - again and again we return to simple truths, which turn out to be eternal...
The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is thoroughly imbued with the poet’s theatrical impressions: Lyudmila’s walk in the gardens of Chernomor, flights and transformations are signs of ballet of Pushkin’s era. The poet's drawings in the margins of the manuscript are related to the theater and theatrical environment of Pushkin - on one sheet the author sketched with a light hand the outline of a leg in a ballet slipper and a dancing female figure. Mikhail Glinka conceived his opera a few months after the death of Pushkin - in the fall of 1837. By taking the plot of Pushkin's poem, the composer thereby, as it were, dedicated his work to the memory of the great poet. The fates of the poem and the opera are surprisingly similar. As you know, critics greeted Pushkin’s poem, as well as Glinka’s opera, far from sympathetically, although these works enjoyed great success among the public... I have always been attracted and fascinated by Glinka’s melodies. It has been my long-time dream to embody Pushkin’s images on the ballet stage. The love for the works of these artists took shape in a firm decision to stage this particular ballet.
Andrey Petrov,
People's Artist of Russia,
artistic director and chief choreographer of the Kremlin Ballet Theater

First action

1 picture. There is festive excitement in the grid of Grand Duke Svetozar. Lyudmila must choose her betrothed. Suitors appear: the arrogant Varangian knight Farlaf and the dreamy Khazar khan Ratmir, who is pursued by his lover Gorislava, begging him to give up Lyudmila.
Here is Ruslan. Mutual love has long secretly connected Lyudmila and the Russian knight. The princess's choice is made. The squad and the prince praise the young couple.
The wedding ceremony begins. Thunder... Lightning... The ominous figure of Chernomor appears. Lyudmila freezes. The sorcerer kidnaps her. Ruslan is in despair. Svetozar promises to give Lyudmila as a wife to the one who returns his daughter to him. The rivals leave Kyiv.

2 picture. Fairy forest. The sorceress Naina pursues Finn with her love. He rejects her and Naina vows revenge on him.
Finn meets Ruslan and shows him Lyudmila in the smoke of a magical fire. Ruslan thanks Finn and leaves to look for the Chernomor castle... Naina lies in wait for Farlaf and promises Lyudmila to him. Naina gives Farlaf what he dreamed of: a soft bed and a table with food. Overwhelmed by the wine and hearty meal, he falls asleep, forgetting about Lyudmila.

3 picture. Ruslan enters the field: traces of a bloody battle are visible. Doubts gnaw at Ruslan. “Will I find Lyudmila or will I fall like these unknown warriors?” There is a hill in front of Ruslan, it comes to life - it is the Head, which crumbles into many warriors. The battle is fierce, the forces are not equal, but Ruslan emerges victorious. The warriors are scattered: in the place of the Head is a magic sword.

4 picture. Naina casts a spell, luring the knights. Her retinue is a swarm of ugly old women who turn into beautiful maidens. The forest turns into a wonderful oriental palace. Naina is waiting for her victim, preparing a poisoned drink for her...
Gorislava relentlessly follows Ratmir, but the proud Khazar khan is eager to find Lyudmila, although Gorislava is dearer and closer to him. Ratmir leaves his crying girlfriend and enters Naina's palace.
Magic maidens, wine and treats - now he has already lost his shield, sword, and helmet. Naina's charms make Ratmir forget about everything in the world.
Gorislava, Finn and Ruslan appear in the palace. They free Ratmir.

Second act

1 picture. Lyudmila wakes up in Chernomor Castle. He, wanting to achieve Lyudmila’s love, takes the form of Ruslan. Lyudmila feels deceived - there is an evil dwarf in front of her. She tangles the villain's magical beard.
The servants of Chernomor solemnly come out, carrying the dwarf and his beard.
Parade of the wizard's power. The Lezginka whirlwind captures everyone. Lyudmila is almost unconscious. The dwarf approaches his victim with laughter... The sound of a horn is heard - it is Ruslan who challenges Chernomor to battle. A short brutal fight. The dwarf takes Ruslan under the clouds...

2 picture. Ruslan won, but Lyudmila cannot recognize her lover - she is sleeping in a witch's sleep.
Ratmir and Gorislava come to help Ruslan.

3 picture. Naina hurries the shaking Farlaf - his time has come. Fear makes him submit. They follow Ruslan's trail.

4 picture. Night in the steppe. Ruslan guards Lyudmila's sleep, but, tired, falls asleep. Naina and Farlaf appear. He plunges the sword into Ruslan's chest and kidnaps Lyudmila. Naina is triumphant. Suddenly Finn appears with dead and living water. Ruslan's wounds are healing.
Heroes rush to Kyiv. Naina is defeated, her plans are ruined.

5 picture. Farlaf, having kidnapped Lyudmila, brings her to Kyiv. But no one is able to awaken her from her magical sleep. The prince mourns his daughter.
Suddenly Ruslan runs in. His love awakens Lyudmila. The cowardly Farlaf begs for mercy.
Happiness and rejoicing in the palace of Prince Svetozar. The Russians praise the brave knight and the young princess...

Stories about how the premiere of the ballet was prepared:

  • First rehearsals of the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (TV Gubernia, program “Morning Together”)
  • Excursion to the backstage (TV Gubernia, program “Morning Together”)
  • The Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater premiered the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (State Television and Radio Company “Voronezh” - Vesti-Voronezh)

Press about the performance:

  • Art prospect. "Ruslan and Ludmila". (Program "Art Prospect", Internet TV channel TV Gubernia)
  • “Ruslan and Lyudmila” on the Voronezh stage (Internet portal “Musical Seasons”)
  • Choreographer Andrei Petrov in Voronezh: “Good literature gives great scope for imagination” (Information Agency, Chizhov Gallery)
  • FLIGHT OF THE MASTER. The famous “Ruslan and Lyudmila” in Voronezh (Literaturnaya Gazeta)
  • The Voronezh Opera House presented the premiere of the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (RIA-Voronezh Media Holding)
  • Premiere of the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” in Voronezh (Internet channel “SVIC-TV”)
  • Thoughts on the premiere of the ballet “Ruslan and Lyudmila” on the stage of the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater (Internet magazine “Culture-VRN” » )
  • Thank you for the fairy tale (Newspaper “Trud-Chernozemye” » )
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Used as a remedy for over 5000 years. During this time, we have learned a lot about the beneficial effects of a rarefied environment on...

The Angel Feet WHITE foot massager is a lightweight compact gadget, thought out to the smallest detail. It is designed for all age groups...

Water is a universal solvent, and in addition to the H+ and OH- ions itself, it usually contains a lot of other chemicals and compounds...

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a real restructuring. Many organs have difficulty coping with the increased load....
The abdominal area is one of the most problematic for weight loss. The fact is that fat accumulates there not only under the skin, but also around...
Key features: Stylish relaxation The Mercury massage chair is functionality and style, convenience and design, technology and...
Each New Year is unique, and therefore you should prepare for it in a special way. The brightest and most long-awaited holiday of the year deserves...
New Year is, first and foremost, a family holiday, and if you are planning to celebrate it in an adult company, it would be nice if you first celebrate...
Maslenitsa is widely celebrated throughout Russia. This holiday reflects centuries-old traditions, carefully preserved and passed on from generation to...