Sportloto results of the last draw check the ticket. Checking lottery tickets Russian loto by number

Hoping to get cash prize or valuable prize many people . The transfer with the draw goes out in live every Sunday. But for those who do not have the opportunity to watch the program at 08.30 on NTV and mark the winning numbers, there is an opportunity to check the ticket in several ways.

How to check Russian Lotto by ticket number via the Internet

  • One of the convenient and fast ticket verification services is the use of Internet resources. To do this, you need to go to official page state lotteries Russia at the address - This site allows you to check the winnings for free, while you do not need to register and enter any codes. The results of the game become known immediately after the live broadcast.
  • After you have entered home page website, in the upper right corner, select "Checking tickets and draw results".

  • Or go to the "Russian Lotto" tab and check the number there.

  • Scroll down the page. Here you will see a form in which you need to fill in the free fields. Put the ticket in front of you and carefully enter the numbers from it.

  • But first choose what you want to test. Exists for the option of checking tickets: by number and by combination. There is no check for a combination of numbers for Russian Lotto, so you won't need this section.
  • If you want to check the ticket, then click on the appropriate section. Then, in the "Lottery" cell, select " Russian loto».

  • Enter the number of the draw in the "Start circulation number" box. In the bottom cell is the ticket number. To see the results, click Check.

  • If you have more than one ticket, then click the additional "Add ticket" button, where you will have the opportunity to check another lottery.

  • You can also mark the numbers on the ticket yourself. Scroll down this page for results with recent draws. Find the "Russian Lotto" icon and you will see the numbers that did not fall out during the game.

  • Here you can also see the archives of the draws, for those who missed several episodes of the programs. To do this, click at the bottom of the icon "Circulation archive". A window will open in front of you, where you can find the old circulation by its number or date.

  • If you do not have the opportunity to use a computer, then go to the official website through your smartphone. The site has mobile version for easy browsing.
  • Or install mobile Stoloto apps for Android and iOS. To check the ticket, you will only need to enter it and indicate the number.

How to check Russian lotto by ticket number without internet

If you are unable to access the Internet, then use other ways to check your ticket.

  • Branches of the Russian Post. Each post office has information about the circulation of "Russian Lotto". You need circulation tables, which show the results of the lottery. The data is the same as on the Internet on the official website, but only in printed form. If you can check the circulation on the site after the broadcast, then you will have to wait by mail until information about it arrives.
  • Printed publications. For your convenience, the results of the game are published in newspapers such as Moskovskaya Pravda, Trud, Sportloto and others. Some regional editions of newspapers also indicate the results of the draws.
  • Selling points. You can conveniently check the results of the game in sales offices. lottery tickets. Here you can get a win in case of a successful game.

subscribe to the group.

  • You can also watch the video on the pages in

Today, many simply do not have the opportunity check Russian lotto ticket from by watching a TV show that runs early Sunday morning. There are people who need to go to work, and some, after busy working days, simply cannot wake up early on Sunday morning. But this problem is now resolved. And TV for this purpose is not needed. Everything is easily solved if you have a computer and the Internet.

Russian Lotto - check ticket by ticket number and circulation

Check ticket


Draws Russian Lotto (results) - check tickets by draw

How to solve the validation problem

The Russian Lotto lottery, as we know, has been played for a long time (since 1994). She is famous for great prizes. The telecast, where the prizes are drawn, goes every Sunday at 8:15 on NTV. Agree, not everyone can wake up at such a time, and even on Sunday. In addition, the TV show has other disadvantages: it cannot be slowed down or paused. And how to get the statistical data that some people need to analyze, make forecasts of winnings? Do you really have to kill a lot of time, get up on Sundays to get such data
Thanks to our site, the above problems are easily solved. Now you can play the Russian loto without any problems, absolutely free of charge and without registration.

Check Russian Lotto tickets on our website!

Through our website you can check the ticket by number. You just need to enter the number in a special window. Almost instantly you will see the results of the check. If you receive a win, you will be informed about it.
You will be able to check the ticket according to the circulation table or just look through the archives of TV shows on NTV. By the way, you can use circulation tables to make your own predictions. winning numbers. With the help of our site, you will save your precious time looking for certain draws that will be useful to you in order to hit the jackpot.

How could you make sure check Russian lotto ticket online, circulation which just came out presents particular difficulty. You only need to have an internet connection and also visit our website. Now Russian Lotto is easy not only to play, but also to check the results. So let you be lucky to win big prize which you well deserve.

In addition, on our website you can check tickets for the Golden Key lottery and also for archival draws.

We wish you good luck and worthy wins!

We welcome all visitors to our site!

You can check the Russian Lotto ticket now from 14:30, January 1, 2018 on our website by numbers. There were only a few hours left before the drawing of the New Year's 1212 draw of the Russian Lotto, and you can watch the video recording on our website as early as 20:00. On NTV broadcast of the program “ New Year's billion will take place at 20:00.

Christmas miracle happened! Russian Lotto Jackpot has been drawn!!! The winner receives 250 million rubles. The winner got his ticket in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Regarding what was played and how. AT New Year's draw Rusloto raffled 40 country houses, and the cost of the remaining 10 was shared by 55 lucky ones. The amount of their winnings amounted to 181 thousand 818 rubles. In the second round, all participants were waiting for the main event - the Jackpot drawing in the amount of 250 million rubles.

The circulation table of the Russian Lotto circulation 1212 - "2 billion"

Undropped kegs: 30 / 89 .

If the ticket does not contain the numbers of the kegs that did not drop out, then the ticket is guaranteed to win in one of the rounds!!!

TourNumbers drawnWinnersWinning, rub.
1 62, 70, 34, 73, 09, 64, 42 62 161 290
2 29, 78, 33, 01, 10, 14, 49, 03, 61, 46, 71, 26, 81, 45, 08, 52, 41, 20, 56, 15, 11, 16, 54, 07, 22, 25, 79 1 Country houses + Jackpot 250 000 000,
3 57, 23, 72, 32, 82, 44, 83, 50, 04, 06, 85, 67, 27, 51, 66, 63, 39, 12, 31, 80, 02, 48, 65 3 country houses
4 05, 74, 19 4 country houses
5 77 6 country houses
6 86 13 country houses
7 21 13 country houses
8 55 55 181 818
9 40 68 131
10 37 175 130
11 28 237 129
12 38 542 128
13 75 719 127
14 35 1 355 126
15 76 1 703 125
16 87 5 082 124
17 17 7 092 123
18 88 14 057 122
19 36 18 747 121
20 47 30 025 120
21 68 55 821 119
22 69 81 172 118
23 53 149 126 117
24 84 249 856 115
25 24 316 342 114
26 18 548 268 113
27 13 751 689 112
28 60 1 123 234 111
29 59 1 962 327 110
30 90 3 038 679 103
31 43 4 208 895 102
32 58 6 329 940 101

The Stoloto lottery has become very popular due to the constant opportunity to win great prizes. You can only buy one ticket and have the opportunity to win an apartment, a car or millions in cash prizes. Many win country houses, apartments in Moscow, get the opportunity to travel.

How to become a participant of the Stoloto lottery and check the ticket on This question has become the most important for those who at least once bought tickets to participate in the lottery. According to statistics:

  • even those who do not believe in luck win;
  • prizes are received by those who play for the first time three times more often than regular players;
  • even small cash prizes pay off spending on a lottery ticket;
  • big wins go to those who believe in a miracle and wait for it.

Register on the official website to get access to your account, be able to manage your bets, and receive winnings. You can find out how, Sportloto, housing lottery, lottery " golden horseshoe"and any other lottery in which you want to participate.

Even if you have bought lottery tickets many times and never won anything significant, this does not mean that you need to give up this business. You will certainly be lucky if you:

  • every time you buy a lottery ticket, you experience some excitement, anticipation of joy;
  • if the purchase itself and the expectation of a miracle makes you a little happier;
  • if participating in the lottery makes you dream about what you will spend the winnings on.

All these are signs that luck is near, that each new ticket can become a guarantee of your bright future.

Stoloto check ticket

First, you must select from the list which lottery you are participating in. To do this, go to the official website Stoloto to check the ticket circulation 1212 or 1218, or any other number of the circulation that is currently being drawn.

See how many different types of lotteries have already been invented. You only need to find the one you prefer.

Then select the draw you are participating in. For example, you have chosen Russian Lotto. Enter the number of the draw, which corresponds to the date of the draw.

Stoloto check ticket by number

Then you need to enter your lottery ticket number.

If you bought several lottery tickets at once, then click on the "Add ticket" button to enter all your ticket numbers. Then click on the "Check" button. After that, you will see a list of winning tickets with numbers and the name of the lottery.

It is also possible that one ticket participates in several draws at once. In this case, you need to enter the number of the first draw in order to check all subsequent possible winnings.

For example:

You can start playing online mode. To do this, click on the "Play Now" button. Then choose the lottery you need and follow the instructions.

You can play even without registration. But for this you need to choose a payment method convenient for you, pay from an electronic wallet or put a ticket in the basket to pay for the purchase later. The average ticket price is 100 rubles. And the winnings can be many times greater than this symbolic payment for possible luck.

For details and full rules participation, as well as to check your lottery tickets, visit the official website

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