The play "Kysya" with Nagiyev in the title role. The performance "Kysya" with Nagiyev in the title role Lev Rakhlin, Director

The play "Kysya" is an adventurous comedy, a provocative, obscene performance based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin. In St. Petersburg, the production can be seen on May 1 and 2, 2019 at the Lensoviet Palace of Culture.

What is the play about?

The plot of the performance tells about a St. Petersburg dumpster cat-Don Juan, who cares only about carnal pleasures. Despite all the indecency of the production, the use of profanity, the description of cruel realities, the main thing for Martin's cat is love. This phantasmagoric story is about the fact that there are no obstacles on the way to something true.

The play "Kysya" 2019 is a fun and interesting performance, a record-breaking entreprise in terms of the number of full houses among modern productions.

Actors with Dmitry Nagiev in leading role for two hours they try to bring to the mind of the viewer what is real life. "Kysya" with Nagiyev - dirt, betrayal, crime, merged into one plot incarnation.

Dmitry Nagiev:

This is a tragicomedy about the adventures of a cat - a sex terrorist of perestroika times. In "Kyse" I play a hero who suffers from the same problems as a person. Of course, I once watched the cats before working on this role. I was guided by the plasticity of the animal, and not by some kind of feline psychology. It turned out to be a very banter and mischievous performance. It even contains profanity. But here, in a particular scene, it is organic and does not hurt the ear. I am a showman, so I must be sure that a lot of spectators will come to the performance in which I participate, and they will like it!

How to buy tickets

"Kysya" in St. Petersburg in 2019 is one of the brightest theatrical productions of recent times. After an unprecedented rebranding in the homeland of Nagiyev in St. Petersburg, the performance continues to "burn hearts" and win the attention of the audience. All shows are timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Nagiyev's creative activity. You can buy tickets for "Kysya" on our website. Attention - the number of places is limited.

In the Big concert hall"October" is sold out today. All these people came to the anniversary of the legendary performance "Kysya". Starring actor, TV presenter and showman Dmitry Nagiev. The production is already 15 years old, but it is still in the center of public attention. It is no coincidence that this performance is called a theatrical hit, and not only northern capital.

The BKZ is filled to capacity. For 15 years, "Kysya" has been the highest grossing performance. And today, the flow of people who want to see Nagiyev's charismatic game live still does not stop.


"10 years ago I went to a performance at the same one in the Vyborg Palace of Culture, I really liked it."
"If a performance has been going on for so many years, then, of course, there is something to see."
"On the" Kysa "for the first time. I read the book - it was written directly for Nagiyev."

The roofs of St. Petersburg, its yards-wells - Detective story about a cat-adventurer originally from the Northern capital, has already flown around all the million-plus cities of Russia and former countries CIS, more than once the performance was on tour in Germany, America, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Israel. As the actors themselves admit, this is no longer just a production, but a whole life.

Dmitry Nagiev, Actor:

“You know, the size of a minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are standing on. Therefore, 15 years for those who are sitting in the hall, maybe it’s a zip and flew by. For us, 15 years standing on stage, this is a huge period of life , a huge stage, great joys, sufferings, losses, deaths of people who started the performance, the arrival of new people, the birth of new people, wage increases, crises and the collapse of everything that could be earned. That is, the country and our performance lived for us, like a prism, it reflected everything that is happening on earth today, so for us this is a long, very long time."

"Kisyu" was played on stage more than 500 times! In the production, the actors changed from time to time, and only the performer of the main role is permanent. By the way, it was because of Nagiyev that this performance was born 15 years ago, - director Lev Rakhlin recalls.

Lev Rakhlin, Director:

“We just finished one work with him, and we already had our alliance. I already knew what I could ask and what this artist was capable of, what I could ask and demand from him. And so it happened, in general, it was our common desire, they searched for unusual material and found it."

Igor Lifanov, Actor:

“There is always an element of improvisation in the theater, an element when we joke with each other, tease, play. I tell Nagiyev that if he ever puts a piece of fur in my boot, and I have to quickly put on my boot there, then I probably , I will yell so that the curtain will be lowered.

The role of Brunet went to young actor Dmitry Blazhko. His fate was connected with the production even before entering the theater institute.

Dmitry Blazhko, Actor:

"At the age of 15, I saw this performance for the first time, and now 11 years have passed, and suddenly I play it with everyone on stage, I have the honor - it's amazing!"

In modern theater life audience love is expressed not only in flowers, but also in reviews on the Internet. For example, Tatyana Ivanovna from St. Petersburg writes that the reason for the grandiose success of the performance is the pace set by Dmitry Nagiyev.

Dmitry Nagiev, Actor:

"The pace that I set with the performance, it has nothing to do with my sports past, it is connected with the fact that I just really want to go home as soon as possible. In general, I love two things in my profession: at the end - applause auditorium, the next day - a knock on the accountant's window.

Laughter, happiness, tears and excitement. Lived by the actors on the stage and experienced by the audience in the hall - an incredible unity of emotions. Isn't this the secret of the success of "Kisya"? The whole palette of feelings and the meaning of being is like a little life in two and a half hours.

Yulia Mikhanova, Oleg Podyachev, Alexander Druzhinin, Linda Cherkasova, Alexander Vysokikh and Andrey Klemeshov. First channel. Petersburg.


May 1 and 2, 2019 on the stage of the Palace of Culture. The Lensoviet of St. Petersburg will show an adventurous comedy about a St. Petersburg slop cat-don-Juan, always preoccupied with the search for carnal love - a play KYSYA, based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin.

Performances of KYSYA are held with full halls and it is recommended to buy tickets in advance. Limited number of seats.

KYSYA is an adventurous story of a St. Petersburg dump cat-don-Juan, forever preoccupied with the search for carnal love. And despite all the apparent obscenity of the production, the profanity and the description of the harsh realities that the cat Martyn faces in the course of his search, in the end this phantasmagoric story tells about love, which knows no obstacles and which exists in spite of everything.

Actors in the course of action perfectly convey the cat's plasticity and the habits of animals. Cheerful, interesting and mischievous private performance "Kysya" is one of the record holders for the number of full houses among modern theatrical performances.

One of the greatest theatrical hits recent years, a long-term record holder for a full house, the play "Kysya" after a powerful rebranding began its victorious path in the homeland of Dmitry Nagiyev in St. Petersburg and continues to conquer the audience! All screenings of this performance are dedicated to the 25th anniversary of creative activity Dmitry Nagiev!

Dmitry Nagiyev: “This is a tragicomedy about the adventures of a cat - a sex terrorist during perestroika. In "Kyse" I play a cat suffering from the same problems as a person. Of course, I once watched the cats before taking this role. I started from the plasticity of the animal, and not from some kind of feline character. It turned out to be a very banter and mischievous performance. It even contains profanity, but here, in a particular scene, it is organic and does not hurt the ear. I am a showman and I must be sure that a lot of spectators will come to the performance in which I play, and they will like it!”

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