KVN script for the gathering of young firefighter rescuers. The scenario of the KVN event on fire safety "fire is my friend and enemy" Well, in conclusion, the case in the museum

State Treasury educational institution Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) educational boarding school of the VIII type in the village of Matveeva Kurgan

Open event on the topic:

Educator: Ponomarenko Svetlana Vasilievna.


KVN "Young firefighters" is intended for middle-aged children, updates and systematizes children's knowledge of fire safety.


    form the concept of fire safety.

    Knowledge about the causes of fire.

    form knowledge and skills in behavior in the event of a fire.

    Mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession.

    Activation of motor activity, development of physical qualities: dexterity, speed, courage.

    Development of the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements.

Fun stuff: team names (2 pcs.), entertainment name (1 pcs.), firefighter costume (for adults), tape recorder, Comfo music; for relay races: islands (6 pcs.), tunnel (2 pcs.), telephone (2 pcs.), bucket (2 pcs.), cone (6 pcs.), hoop (2 pcs.)

Preliminary work:

    Learning poems, dances, proverbs about fire safety.

    Consideration of posters on fire safety;

    Reading works of art and looking at illustrations for them:

    • "Fire", "Fire Dogs" by L. Tolstoy,

      "Fire", "In the smoke" by V. Zhitkov,

      "Fire", "The Story of unknown hero» S. Marshak.

    Excursion to the PB Museum.

    Conversation about the profession "Firefighter".

    Formation of 2 teams "Flame" and "Rescuers", the choice of captains.

Presenter 1:

Friends! Today our stage

We provide Ka-Ve-En!

Host 2:

KVNO has many roads...

Ours is one way.

Presenter 1:

Today we have KVN for those who are inquisitive.

Host 2:

Today we have KVN fire and entertainment!

Presenter 1:

Guys, today our event is dedicated to fire safety rules.

Fire is our friend. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is needed everywhere: in homes, in schools, in factories, on farms, in agricultural production. Fire melts ore, helping a person to get metal.

Host 2:

Fire is a symbol. Bare-headed people stare at Eternal flame at the monuments to the heroes who fell on the battlefields. The fire, lit from the rays of the sun in distant Olympia, is carried in the torch relay by famous athletes from all over the world.

Presenter 1:

But fire can turn into a merciless enemy if handled carelessly. A fire can break out wherever the fire finds at least a small loophole. It can be an iron not turned off in time, an outstanding match, an unextinguished fire, faulty electrical wiring.

Host 2:

It must always be remembered that careless handling of fire can lead to trouble.

Presenter 1:

Now listen to the 4th grade poems.

(Pre-trained students read poetry) -4 cells.

    It's always different

Amazing fire.

That ugly riot,

That quiet from the quiet,

Then he is a hurried snake

Glides on dry bark,

That shaggy red mane

Blazes at dawn.

Here on a match, like on a branch,

The blue leaf is trembling.

Here, breaking the bars of the cage,

Predator makes a throw! ..

    Yes, fire is different -

Pale yellow, bright red, blue or gold,

very kind,

Very angry.

Evil fire - the fire of a fire,

Evil fire-fire of war!

From the relentless heat

The days are dark

The fields are black.

Inhabitants the globe,

Citizens of any country

evil fire

Must extinguish!

    And without a good fire

You can't get by even a day.

He is reliable friends with us,

Drives the cold, drives the darkness.

He is a friendly flame

Raises like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire.

And for that he is honored

What warms dinner for the guys,

Cuts steel

And bakes bread

Presenter 1:

And so - Let's start!

We start our fire KVN!

We expect, we expect hot fights,

Bright scenes!

Host 2: (points to host) I am sure Ka-Ve-En will be great with you personally!!!

Presenter 1: Everything is ready for battle. (Turns to leader)

Host 2: Let's start, shall we?

(To the audience) I give the floor to the presenter - to present a strict jury!(represented by the jury)



Host 2: The jury, as you can see, we deserve respect!

They had to - and more than once - evaluate the battles!

Presenter 1:

And now I will introduce you to the program of our KVN.

1 ) Competition No. 1 Team greeting

2) Competition No. 2 "Warm-up"


4 ) Competition No. 4 "Situations".

5) Competition No. 5 "About the affairs of firefighters, both jokingly and seriously."

6) Competition No. 6 "Calling firefighters"

7) Competition "01 to the Rescue"

8) Competition "Real fireman" »

9) Homework(Artistic number)

Presenter 1: We trust the jury -

We hand over the fate of the teams!

Presenter 1 : Club of cheerful, club of perky,

Club of resourceful guys

Our two teams

Together: Start your parade!(Music 01)

(Declaration of commands.)

Presenter 1: Meet the 1st team!

Host 2: Meet the 2nd team(Music 01)

Presenter 1:

So -Competition No. 1 Greeting teams

Our Sparkle Team

Our motto : "Fire is a dangerous thing

He doesn't like jokes about himself."


Oh jury, dear jury,

Is it at this hour

Sign us today

Your pernicious command?

All : Glory and honor to you!

We all love accurate counting! (raise up cards with the number "5")


We wish you a place to take a prize,

But not the first, but the second!

Fans (line by line)

Fans warning

That the meeting will be hot!

And we sincerely wish them

Sick without calling a doctor.

Host 2: So the team will show us their fiery greetings"RESAVERS"

our team "RESAVERS"

Our motto: In case of fire, in case of fire

every citizen knows

in case of fire, in case of fire

you call on "01"

Greetings : We are not touchy - no!

Team Sparkle - Hello!

Address to the jury

Jury! Let me turn

Today we work together...

Receive sincere regards

And a humble little layout

(gives helicopter to other team)

Maybe this helicopter

The team will be pulled forward


We will not prevaricate

Our nature is not

We will get our team

More of your points!

Because for this meeting

We have been preparing for a long time!

ALL: Don't be angry unless

You are destined to lose.

Presenter 1: So the greetings are over. The jury is summing up the results of the first competition, I would like to ask you guys, but who knows why the fire department got the number "01"?

Because 01 is simple, everyone will remember it;

01 - the number is short, every minute is precious on a fire;

01 - the number is convenient, it is easy to dial it in the dark on the phone's disk.

Host 2: The jury asks you to announce the results of the competition.

Presenter 1: Thank you! Let's move on to the next competition called "Warm-up", first I read riddles, you guess. Ready!

Competition No. 2 "Warm-up"

Presenter 1: The whole universe lives in it,
And it's an ordinary thing.

From a burning well
It flows through the nose, pours.(Kettle).

Love, look
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.(Fridge)

The steamer is coming
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface,
Not a wrinkle to be seen.(Iron)

Presenter1 : How can you name these objects in one word?
(electrical appliances)

Presenter2 : this is the job guys each team must name 2 rules for the safe handling of electrical appliances.I'll give you a minute to think.

Presenter1 : while the teams complete the task, we will play the Missing Words game with the audience. I read, and you complete.

(At this time, the game with the audience)

Game: Missing Words

One two three four -
Who has a fire in...?

A pillar of smoke rose suddenly
Who didn't turn off...?

The red light fled
Who with matches...?

The table and cabinet burned down at once,
Who dried clothes over ...?

A pillar of fire enveloped the attic
Who is there matches ...?
(Lighted up.)

A fire broke out in the yard.

Who's been burning there...? (Bonfire.)

The flame jumped into the foliage
Who was burning at home ...?

Who threw into the fire at the same time

Remember every citizen.

This number … (01)

I saw smoke - do not yawn.

And firefighters... (call out)

Presenter2 : -Well done boys!

I see our teams are ready to give an answer. We listen to team 1, team 2.

Do not use defective electrical appliances.

    Do not leave electrical appliances unattended.

    Do not plug more than one appliance into the same outlet.

    Do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands.

    Do not repair the appliance itself.

    Do not use appliances with exposed wires.

(fans supplement the rules).

Presenter 1: The jury is ready to announce the scores for the "Warm-up" contest.

Host 2: next Competition No. 3 "Competition of captains".

Captains on stage, now we will check your preparation.

Captains carefully fill out the card with the task for a minute, you need to connect the beginning of the phrases with their ending, and you will receive fire safety rules and actions in case of fire. When you complete the task, hand over the jury card.

    Fire must not be left

    If you see a flame

    call the firemen

    From the fire

    From a burning room

    Most dangerous in a fire

A) by phone 01.
b) You can't hide.
B) unsupervised.
D) call for help from adults.
D) smoke.
E) you need to leave quickly.

Presenter 1 : In the meantime, the captains answer questions, we will holdcompetition with teams.

Competition No. 4 "Situations".

Host 2: Both teams will be offered various situations and 3 answers. They answer at the same time, + both teams raising cards with the number of the correct answer.

    If your clothes are on fire...

    run around in burning clothes to put out the flames.

    fall to the floor and roll.

- You saw a kid setting dry grass on fire. What will you do?

    I'll pass by

    I'll stop to set it on fire with him.

    I'll take the matches from him and explain what playing with fire can lead to.

- There was a fire in the apartment. Your actions?

    I will call firefighters by phone or I will call adults for help

    I'll jump out the window

    I'll hide in the closet

What phone number would you like to call the fire brigade?

- Where will you light the fireworks?

    In the courtyard

    Outdoors away from home

    In the apartment

Presenter 1 : The most important rule

    not only in case of fire,

    but also for any other danger:

    Don't panic and don't lose your temper!

Presenter 1 : I ask the jury to evaluate the competition "Situations".

Presenter 1: The captains hand over the answers to the members of the jury.

Presenter 1 :In the meantime, the jury checks the answers of our captains,we will spend with the audience,warm-up. I will read quatrains, if you think that you need to do this, then clap your hands, and if you are sure that the actions are wrong, then be silent.Be careful. Members play with us.

1. Who, perky and cheerful,

Keeping loyalty to the rules

Protects native school

From insidious fire?

2. Who set fire to the grass near the house,

Set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

And the garage of friends burned down

And a building fence?

(Guys are silent.)

3. Who is the neighbor's kids

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

Ends in fire?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

4. Who is furtively in the corner

Burning a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

He barely left alive!

(Guys are silent.)

5. Who helps the firefighters,

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all children?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

6. On a halt who is in the forest

Burned a dried pine tree?

And then in such a hurry

That the fire is not extinguished.

(Guys are silent.)

7. Who, seeing the forest on fire,

He knows for sure: to be in trouble?

Who does not set fire to the branch,

Saves the forest from fire?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who, having heard the smell of burning, reports a fire?

Which of you, seeing the smoke, says: “Fire! We are burning!”

Which one of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?

Who, smelling gas in the apartment, will call 04?

Who hides matches from a little sister, children, at home?

And confess to me which one of you is naughty with fire?

Presenter 1 : The word is jury. Please announce the scores for the competition "Captains".

1 Leading : Next competition No. 5 "About the affairs of firefighters both in jest and in earnest."

So called musical competition, in which the teams will present their comic ditties on a fire-fighting theme.

I ask the team of "Rescuers" to the stage

……………………………… "Sparkles"

All ditties are staged. PARTS. (Sparkles )

We will sing ditties to you

We will show you in practice

Ways to fight fire

And preventive measures!

And when using fire, be careful!

Masha strokes the third hour,

Distracted for a moment

Yes, thanks Pete

He noticed it!

We call, citizens, be vigilant,

Be careful with electrical appliances!

Our Masha got sick

Her porridge ran away,

Petya passed by

He quickly turned off the gas.

We urge citizens to be vigilant

In an apartment with household gas, be careful!

Children were playing by the fire

The jacket caught fire on Pete,

Children knocked down Petya

And they poured water on him.

We urge citizens to be vigilant

At a burning fire, be careful!

We will summarize



Presenter 1 : Thank you, I ask the Rescuers team to the stage

We will sing ditties to you

About firefighters, about the fire.

Don't take them seriously

And then enough hit you

New house- green roof

Maybe it won't burn.

My little firefighter

Protects from fire.

    Learning to "OBZH"

    Our security

    To avoid an emergency,

    Don't be in danger.

Eat a lot different professions,

But one of them is more important.

Being a firefighter means

Save people from fire.

We sang about the fire

To save you from trouble

Calling all friends

That you can't play with fire

Presenter 1 : Jury You liked the performances of our teams. Please Announce, please, the results of the competition. "About the affairs of firefighters, both in jest and in earnest."

Presenter 1 : Next competition No. 6 "Calling firefighters"

    Jumping over islands (3 pcs.)

    Climb into the tunnel (1 pc.)

    Run up to the phone, pick up the phone, call (shout) 01

    Run back in a straight line, pass the baton (clap the next participant on the palm).

Presenter 1 : b fanciers support the teams.

- The competition is over, the jury sums up.

Presenter 1 : we continue our competitions and the next competition 7 "01 to the rescue" (so who is faster)

(A siren sounds, the children line up in two teams)

Take a bucket

    Running "snake" between the cones

    Climb into the hoop

    "Pour out" the water, put out the fire

    Back - running in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant.

-Children complete the task, and the jury monitors the correctness of its implementation)

Well done!

Presenter 1 : The word is jury. Announce, please, marks for the contest"01 to the Rescue"

Presenter 1 : Jury announce the results competition.

The next competition is called "Real Firefighter", and the team captains will compete for this title. I ask you, Ilya Anatolyevich, how long should a firefighter get dressed in order to be ready to leave. You will help me.

Host 1: I ask you to rate this contest.

Presenter 1: Next competition No. 8 "Homework"

Presenter 1 : Participants of KVN present performances of amateur performances.

Presenter 1 : And first your homework the Rescuers team will show us.

Presenter 1 : homework of the Sparks team.

Presenter 1: The jury evaluates the competition

Presenter 1 : In the meantime, the jury is summing up.

Our future firefighters will give us advice.(grade 3)

Very very important rules!

Guys, remember

What can not be played with fire

Who is careless with fire

That fire is possible.

Don't touch the matches! There's fire in the matches!

Do not play, my friend, with a match,

Remember, you, she is small,

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire!

Might be a big problem

For buildings and people.

If you want to save property

Don't leave when the stove is lit!

When the stove is left unattended

One piece of coal can set your house on fire.

Not allowed over gas stove

Dry wet clothes!

You yourself know what

big fire threatens the wicked!

Do not dry laundry over gas.

Everything will burn at once!

Iron shirt and trousers

An iron will help you, always,

Hands must be dry

And whole wires.

The iron is on, there are no owners,

A trace smokes on the sheet.

Guys, take action.

Turn off the hot iron!

Remember, children

These rules.

Lead 2 : Our KVN has come to an end, word forannouncement of resultsprovided by the jury.

(awarding of the winners, wishes to the teams, jury members, guests)

Presenter1: I want to believe that you will always use the acquired knowledge, not to allow any deviations. Remember the safety formula, which includes these commandments:

    Anticipate danger.

    Avoid it if possible.

    If necessary, act decisively and clearly.

    Fight to the last, actively ask for help and provide it yourself.

Presenter 1 : Guys! At the end of our event

We wish you everythinggood luck,

Lead 2 : And we ask each of you

Presenter 1 : about the most important thing - about one thing:

Together : Be careful with fire!


Scenario KVN

to the rally of the Young Rescuers Firefighters



(A girl runs onto the stage, holding her hands behind her head and exclaims desperately)

    It's all gone, it's all gone!!!

(2 child runs towards her)

    What happened, (name)? What happened to you?

    Yes, we have KVN on the nose of the day, but we don’t even have anything to show. And there are PEOPLE (shaking hands in the air), People will evaluate. Let's fail!!!

    YeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI thought But don't worry like that. We are from a school with a musical bias. Someone, but we have to worry. We know what we can.

    Well, for example.?

    Yes, there Lena and Dasha know ditties:

(Music background Chastushki)


I called the firemen

"Is there water?" - I asked them.

“Yes, we have plenty of water,

Only soap something a little!

In the house of eight fraction one

There lived a fine citizen.

He liked to smoke in bed...

The house burned down that week.

AT New Year put Petya

Ten candles on the sideboard.

Peter is no more

No sideboard, no carpet.

I began to heat up the soup,

And I decided to get some sleep.

I wake up: someone

Watering from a hose.

Vadim decided to joke,

Called 01.

I realized later that I was wrong

But you will have to pay a fine.

Bought Vanya on the market

Fireworks from Taiwan.

Have fun around the Christmas tree

Vanya will be ... in a trauma hospital.

Matches are not toys

All my girlfriends know.

All my friends know

What with fire ... play ... you can not! (the last line in chorus recitative)

Well, I don’t know ... we need to discuss. (go behind the curtain)

(screensaver from oh wait)

    Rubric "fact": The fire inspector, who seemed to be unsurprised by anything, burst into tears when he did not find a single cigarette butt on the school grounds, but quickly came to his senses when he looked into the basement.

(screensaver from oh wait)

The Rescuers have a delicate nature, but we have a miniature

(screen saver from Sherlock Homes)

(Music background)

Sir Charles Baskerville sits in front of the fireplace in Baskerville Hall. Enter, Barymore.

Sir, may I have a glass of water.

Please, Barrymore.

Thank you sir.

A minute later Barimor enters again:

Sir, can I have another glass of water?

Please, Barrymore.

Thank you sir.

In 5 minutes

Sorry sir. Can I have another glass of water?

Yes Yes. Take it, Barymore. But why do you need so much water?!

Fire. sir!

A girl peeks out from behind a screen. And we have 2 more miniatures:

(Music background)

    The fire chief asks a subordinate:

    Ivanov, I called you in order to find out how you endure the heat?

    Not really ... But if necessary, then I'm ready!

    No, no, no need for such sacrifices; go on vacation in December!

(Music background)

A girl with a phone runs through the hall and stops in the middle of the scene:

Call the fire department "101":

If it's on, press "1"

If the neighbors press "2".

If your phone does not support tone dialing, put out yourself.

He shrugs his shoulders in surprise and runs behind the screen.

(Music background)

KVN is a joke, and in every joke everything is true. Lifeguard is a courageous profession. And now the song is about it

around the smoke

so be it, but we are in a hurry

save people always now yes

without breaks and days off

only trouble, only something is wrong, we immediately decide

you have these ailments.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, yes, dial zero one.

we will arrive at least at five in the morning, you call us.

what's the matter, family scandal, all the locks on the spot,

all fires on us.

there are no such barriers for men,

2 0 14, Novopolotsk is here.

we are on the alert, we are cold, fire is not a hindrance

even a field, even mountains, it is more important to save a person.

be confident in yourself, be honest and courageous,

then you will get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

where everything is always at work.

alas, where to sit just so impossible.

where time is more expensive and you need to spend it

only for needs, only for needs.

Well, in conclusion, the case in the museum

The guide with a group of tourists pass by the exhibits:

Guide (Shows a frying pan at the bottom of which is the burnt remains of something):

This is a burnt chicken. It's amazing what's left of her.

(go to the firebrand, shows)

And this is our remains from the New Year Tree. That's what happens if you don't know how to handle pyrotechnics.

(they walk past the burnt trousers):

This is one very enthusiastic person, while talking with a friend on the phone, he forgot about his included iron.

And this ... (blows dust off his palms) ... It may remain from you if you do not follow the safety rules when handling fire.

(music plays)

(all participants enter the stage)

(team leader)

Well, our rehearsals have come to an end ... (mistakes) ... meeting with you. We hope that our performance cheered you up and showed you how to behave and how not to behave. And remember. We are on fire and you are on fire!!

(Music, the team bows, they run offstage to the music).

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Scenario of the performance of the school team

In KVN on fire fighting topics

Competition WELCOME


We are Flame

Always burn, always sparkle

Go forward and strive upward!

Is this the right name for SUCH a competition?

Of course! Don't the fighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have fiery hearts?

Yes! And they always work.

with a spark!


Who will be our captain?

In difficult times, the most resolute and most courageous takes the leadership into their own hands!

Therefore, the duties of the captain will be performed by ……….



Become! (under construction)

Sing "Wonderful Neighbor"

If someone ironed trousers

And did not turn off the iron,

He immediately stays

And without a house, and without trousers.

If someone without thinking

I smoked at the gas station

He is, of course, a big

Made trouble!

(fold the houses of matches)

Captain: Seriously, I don't see anything funny.


If a fire caught you in the house:

  1. You should not hide under the table, under the bed, in the closet!
  2. A lot of people are poisoned by smoke!
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth!
  4. Move along the walls by crawling!
  5. Never use the elevator!


Captain: - Fix:


If there is a fire somewhere, it is urgent to contact

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations and zero-one, dial faster.

You don't open windows. Turn off the power source,

Do not try to save your home belongings.

If you don’t leave the apartment, lie on the floor - three, four,

Wrapped up in a wet sheet.

If possible, go downstairs and notify the neighbors,

Always try to save every life!

Don't fall asleep with a cigarette, better just don't smoke

Take up skiing and tennis.

And you do not joke with fire: if you burn in the fire,

From the fire, do not be reborn as a phoenix!


And soon we have a New Year's "light". And you?

Captain: - A set of fire rules for you too!

Come on out and tell the rules for everyone to hear!

Melody (make a Christmas tree out of matches)

If the Christmas tree is on fire:

  1. De-energize the electric garland immediately
  2. Throw the tree down on the floor so the fire doesn't rise up.
  3. Call the fire brigade
  4. Leave the premises immediately

The song "Bubbling!"

Do not smoke at work, hide matches from children,

And then you will not get into the list of sad news.

After all, the fire is uncontrollable, there is a lot of power in it.

We simply beg you: be careful with fire!

Melody (Fold the little man)

Take care of yourself!

Use fire only for peaceful purposes!

We simply invite you:

(together) be careful with the fire!

Melody (lined up in a line)

The FLAME team is ready to fight for the fire safety of the Earth!

Competition HOMEWORK

Mini-performance FIRE IN THE PALACE

Phone ring.

Fire department?


The royal palace is on fire!

We are leaving.

(firefighters sing to the tune "Guard song")

Tili-bom, tili-bom

Fired up……..!

By even and odd at the post,

We are on duty

We are on duty, we are on duty, we are on duty!!!

We sense danger a mile away.

And we never sleep, keeping

The property of the king from the fire!

Eh, mom! Check tama!

There is a hydrant and a hose, there is also a cannon with foam.

Provided with water, a whole tub.

Ready! (run away)

(The King appears. Excited courtiers run out to him)

Your Majesty! Fire!


In the princess's quarters!

What with her?




The fire has already been extinguished.

Who is the culprit?

Her Highness… (everyone hums)

(Song "Such and such")

What kind of kids are these days?

They know: matches are not fun

What to smoke - health waste

They don't care about it

Call the princess. Now I will give it to her!

Lead, lead! I will deprive you of all joy!

Kids need a lot

Phones and iPads

Children are terribly hot

Explosive and flammable

Call the princess! You be careful with her!

Lead, lead! Please be gentle!

And let's edify

Let's educate her

So that the fire would not be naughty

Let the rules crammed

Such and such, burned down half the palace!

So-and-so, upset her father!

(Princess comes out. The song “I don’t want anything”)

My baby has become unpleasant

Are you in puberty?

You need to see a doctor urgently


Ah, what innocence on the face!

It would be better if you still sculpted Easter cakes

Too much harm from smoking


You played with fire - my version

I will rent my candle factory for conversion

And I don’t order matches to be sold

SHOULD I CHANGE THE WIRE?!!!(walks away with a stomp)

The courtier appears.

King: It looks like the princess is innocent.

The palace needs to be cleaned up!

Call the fire brigade!

(Phone ring)

The emergency fire department DOES NOT LISTEN. All on the set of the thriller "Space Marines"

I forgot to introduce myself. KING.

We are leaving.

(troopers appear)

SPACE TROOP, ugh,firefighting troops arrived!


It's not strange that the fire

Appeared in the halls of the noble!

Your castle is very old

He's super old, okay?

Wiring needs to be replaced

Do not litter the balcony

Do not blow dry your wig

Paint the throne white.

All candelabra,

Rags and mops

Along with fireworks

We took it to check.

King: - Now everything is in order with us?

Exactly! In Full Fire Order!

(Song "There is nothing better in the world")

Follow (very important!)

Fire restrictions -(banners go up)

Save by following the tips

Retinue, king, palace, carriage,

All people, animals and the whole planet!(banners rotate)

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