The most unusual hobbies and passions. Pump up in calligraphy

Human hobbies today are limitless, it's hard to argue with that. We have already managed to tell you about many of them, but still there are such hobbies that, due to their novelty and sometimes even unusualness, many of you have not even thought about! And today we will tell you about them in detail!


One of the most interesting and exciting hobbies today is geocaching. This hobby has great amount varieties and forms. Depending on the scale of a particular game - treasure hunting competitions, geocaching can be engaged not only in very wealthy individuals, but also quite ordinary people.

We have already mentioned a little about its essence. In more detail, the whole point of the game is to find a treasure buried somewhere. As a rule, several teams take part at once, and so the team that finds the treasure first is the winner. If we talk about the scale of the game, then geocaching is played both at the city level and at the level of whole country or even the world!

To engage in geocaching, any beginner will have to acquire the necessary knowledge about the features of the game and skills, as well as necessary equipment. Read more about geocaching .


Bookcrossing is rightfully one of the most , which, although poorly developed, still found hundreds and thousands of its admirers around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, having read this or that book, marks it in a special way and leaves it in any accessible place. Further, the coordinates of this book are posted on the forum or bookcrosser portal, which allows another person to find it and perform the same manipulations in the future.

The main idea of ​​such a hobby is to support the worldwide circulation of books. Admirers of this hobby firmly believe that someday it will take on impressive proportions and be able to turn the whole world into one big library.


Literal translation from English. The word Slacklining sounds like "walking on a sling." The whole essence of such a hobby, the level which depends on the length of the sling (cable) and the height of its fastening, consists in the practice of balancing, moving along a sling stretched between two stationary objects (stations) (usually nylon or polyester).

The level of difficulty of passing the "track" directly depends on the width and structure of the line. The amount of tension on the line can be adjusted according to the preferences of the individual slackliner, based on his level of training and experience.

There are many forms of slackline today. There is even a trick slackline, the essence of which is not in the usual walking and balancing on a line, but in performing technically and physically difficult on a tight rope, requiring serious physical training and experience in such an extreme hobby from the slinger.

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Julia Friday

Most unusual hobbies. Choosing a new hobby

Unfortunately, not everyone can call their work their favorite. In this case, a hobby comes to the rescue - an activity during which you can take your soul off and relax after a hard day's work.

Most people prefer standard hobbies like reading books, knitting, or cycling. What do you know about unusual hobbies?


The need for new activities appeared when people began to realize that they could not choose a hobby from those they already knew. Some active unusual hobbies appeared due to the mixing different activities some out of pure curiosity.

One thing is clear - rappels are fond of conquering high-rise buildings with their hands and feet without any insurance. Hobbies may also appeal to lovers of parkour - extreme overcoming of urban obstacles (fences, high levels and fences, distances between buildings, sheer walls).


If you are a fan of surfing or windsurfing, be sure to try a new type of water sport - kiting. This hobby rightfully fits into unusual hobbies as a mixed style of activity.

Kiting is the ability to control a light board on the water with a huge kite. The difficulty is to lift the kite into the air and stand on your feet under the gusts strong wind while balancing on the waves. Learning to kite is hard. But those who master it forever forget about other unusual hobbies.

Types of creativity

Unusual hobbies include quiet hobbies - such as creating sculptures and paintings. But what materials are used for this?


Microminiature is a kind of three-dimensional visual arts, which is based on the creation of sculptures and compositions of tiny sizes. The direction was formed at the end of the twentieth century, as denoting miniature works in any branch of art. The process uses magnifying glasses, microscopes and magnifiers.

For example, craftsmen carve unusual paintings on rice and poppy seeds, prepare horseshoes for fleas and dress flies.

Despite the complexity of implementation, everyone can learn how to make small figures. Start with larger pieces - for example, try creating clothes and household items for dried grasshoppers and cockchafers. Be patient - the work will be long and painstaking, but the result is worth it.

An interesting kind of miniature work is carving on a pencil rod. Craftsmen carve intertwining patterns and unusual chains in mini format from the body and the core of a pencil, striking with their precision and accuracy.

Alternatively, miniature figures are cut out on the top of the pencil.

To learn this skill, start with a simple carving on the body of a pencil, gradually going deeper and moving on to the core.

Pictures from nails

From the name it is clear that nails are the main material for working in this hobby. Boards can serve as the basis different sizes and shapes, furniture walls and even apartments.

Just draw a sketch with a washable pencil and start hammering nails around the perimeter. Where the thickness of the lines is wider, drive in several nails side by side, creating chiaroscuro effects.

One of the varieties of such a hobby is threading nails with threads.

Just drive them around the perimeter of the image at a small distance from each other, thus preparing the base. Now wrap their legs with threads, moving from one nail to another or in a chaotic manner, depending on your creative idea.

paper art

An easy way to keep yourself busy free time. First, a sketch of the work is created on a piece of paper. With the help of scissors, cutters, needles, knives and tweezers, details of a complex image are cut out and attached to each other on a hanging base sheet, creating a three-dimensional figure.

The pinnacle of art is considered to be unusual figurines that have been carved and designed, but not separated from the base sheet.

A three-dimensional picture acquires a unique charm if you put lighting next to it at the right angle. Try to create paper sculptures only white color They will feel light and airy.

Scotch tape pictures

An unusual hobby is complemented by such an art form as creating pictures from adhesive tape. This hobby is very economical - all you need is a rectangular white translucent glass and colored adhesive tape.

Work on the drawing takes place according to the following algorithm:

  • measure the adhesive tape to the required length;
  • stick it on the picture at the right angle and in the right place;
  • trim any excess tape or tear off.

In this technique, it is easier to create paintings that depict objects. close-up or portraits of people. Despite the fact that many of the works are made with adhesive tape of the same color, each time an original, unique mood of the characters is obtained.

Tire sculptures

This hobby can rightfully be included in unusual hobbies. Using tires as a working material, experienced craftsmen create realistic figures of animals, plants and fairy-tale characters.

The Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji was very successful in this art. He prepares the wire frame of the future figure, after which he covers it with solid or cut tires. The complexity of his work lies in the fact that the master must create the most realistic sculpture: lay out the features of the face, designate the hairs of the fur, the curves of the paws.

This activity is a bit like carving work: the tire can be cut in such a way as to get a flower, a star, a snowflake out of it. And you can cut several strips, triangles or squares from it, and then connect them in the right order.

At first, try to create simple figures from old tires. They can decorate a flower bed in the yard or summer cottage. Gradually, you will hone your skills to such an extent that you can form complex realistic sculptures.


An interesting art that appeared relatively recently - with the introduction of professional cameras. The literal translation of the word is drawing with light.

Take a camera with a shutter speed and a light marker - it can be any luminous object. Put the camera on a tripod and set it up to shoot in the dark for a while. Stand a short distance in front of the lens and start drawing the image in the air with a marker. The camera will capture it as a ready-made bright picture on a dark, slightly blurred background.

This type of creativity is very useful - preparation for the workflow helps a person learn how to photograph, because to shoot in the dark you need to be able to choose the right mode.

A list of unusual hobbies will help you decide on your favorite pastime. It is possible that in the future such a hobby may develop into your main occupation.

Take it, tell your friends!

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A hobby is a hobby that you spend your free time on. And there are a lot of such pastimes. Maybe interesting hobbies , this relieves stress or makes it possible to move away from reality, at least for a short time. But the fact that it gives pleasure is a fact. Fishing, hunting, stamps, coins can be classified as ordinary hobbies. However, collecting coins in dollars or, at worst, in rubles, the same occupation is not quite common, you see. But in this scenario, we will consider hobbies of a slightly different plan. This is Top 10 The most unusual hobbies interesting hobbies.

No. 10. This hobby was called - kind

Many people who have extra money do charity work. Quite good. But then one "comrade" appeared who turned this good deed into a hobby. His name is Reed Sandridge. After he was fired from his job, he decided to distribute money to anyone who needed it. Reed gives ten dollars a day to the most needy. And then he makes an entry in his notebook about this good deed. Original, right? No good deed should be left unaccounted for. Wonder how long it will take.

No. 9. This is an interesting hobby - dog grooming

After a haircut, it can be very interesting to look at your handiwork. What the dogs themselves would do if they could appreciate the creativity of some groomers. There are a huge number of different competitions in which our cute four-legged friends participate. And everything should be perfect in them, as Chekhov himself said (though not on this occasion): both physical training, and training, and ... etc. But the original haircut, or, as they say now, “glamorous” should also be present. Owners can let their pets look "stunning". Now this type of hobby is very common. And it is considered very unusual.

No. 8. This is an interesting hobby - cards

Cards and related games are not a very good hobby. Disastrous, one might say. But, there are options. Architecture, wealth and fame. And what about the cards? One man from Los Angeles proved that by combining all this into one whole, you can live happily ever after. He just builds houses of cards.

No. 7. Train license plates

There are people who like to take notes, write down something. Some do it professionally. What if it's a hobby? For example: the number of the train that departed from some station and its route. Unusual? However, these people are becoming more and more. And so it is all over the world. It should be noted that such a hobby has its advantages, since it requires concentration and attentiveness.

No. 6. Extreme ironing

There are extreme sports, there is a rest in the same plan, and every day it becomes more and more popular. But ironing clothes on some rock? It’s also necessary to drag an ironing board there and some linen. Insurance, i.e. safety rope, a hundred meters above sea level and calmly iron the accumulated things in a suspended state. How do you like this interesting hobby ? The most interesting thing is that this hobby is passionate a large number of of people.

No. 5. Polishing mud

Another not usual hobby . In a country where the seasons change exactly according to the schedule, i.e. sunbathe in summer and play snowballs in winter, it is not difficult to think of a suitable activity. But what if they see winter only in the movies and don’t know where to start making a snowman? And here you can come up with something interesting if you approach this issue creatively. Dirt is definitely everywhere. Rolling a ball from this “product” is very simple, only this process is done manually. But the fate of the ball does not end there. It starts to be polished. And they bring it to perfection. Some "mud" balls become works of art that are sold and, most interestingly, bought.

#4 Collecting Milk Bottles

There lives such a guy on earth, whose name is Pavel. Like nothing supernatural. But he loves milk. "Eka is unseen," our near ancestors would say. Many people love this product for its properties. Only Pavel also collects milk bottles. And they have already accumulated more than 10,000 pieces. And this collection of bottles is considered the largest. Pavel himself wants to open a museum where he will exhibit all this wealth.

No. 3. Carving figures from soap

One sculptor to the question: how does he get such masterpieces? - answered: I just take a stone and remove everything superfluous. The same can be said about those who make something out of wood or metal. How do you like soap carving? The most interesting thing is that very unusual figures are obtained. True, how to “wash them off” later, because beauty will go away.

No. 2. Paintings from a cassette tape

Anyone else remember audio cassettes? It may be objected that this ancient history, no one wants. But no! Especially if talented person who has great imagination. It turns out from this tape you can make a picture. Since the material is elastic, there is room for fantasy to roam. Similar works often appear on the Internet, from which we can conclude that not so few people are passionate about this hobby. Second place Top 10 Unusual hobbies interesting hobbies .

No. 1. This hobby is very unusual, but ...

In Norway, there is a resident named Kari. We don’t suck her usual hobby: she cleans up garbage. What's amazing? There is even such a profession - a scavenger. Yes, not so. She collects what the waves of the sea throw ashore. She has been doing this for 20 years. And once Kari found a piece of jewelry that is 2500 years old. Well, what is it called?

What people do not come up with in order to have fun and pass the time! In this list, you will find seven of the most unusual hobbies in the world.

1. Submission statements of claim to court

Judgment is something that many, at least sane people try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. AT this moment he is serving time for fraud in a federal penitentiary in Kentucky.

In pursuit of "legal masterpieces," Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts between 2006 and today. The targets of his litigation were former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the missing American trade union leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire, and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, among them the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

2. Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbik (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his house, which was stored in coin albums and consisted of more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen pills in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said he no longer hoped to see his amphetamine collection again.

3. Flying… without a plane

Have you ever jumped from an airplane with a parachute? And with a parachute, then without an airplane, in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whalebone, which, of course, had a negative effect on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to an improved design, they allow the athlete to overcome tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5000 meters.

Buying a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the government of the country, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free-fall jumps made no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

4. Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. But what if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? Brad, you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when an East Midlands resident named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do what he loves - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sane person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. So a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even on busy highways.

5. Participation in dog trimming competitions

People who take part in dog trimming competitions "mock" the poor animals as they please. What is there to say?! Judge for yourself:

6. News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to "light up" in the news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. They call such background characters “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames below is a resident of London, Paul Yarrow. For several years, he managed to appear in many reports of such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow learns about the places from which the live broadcast will be conducted, comes there, and while the correspondent is talking on camera about the events that have taken place, he simply stands in the background, without disturbing anyone.

7. Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout the globe. Its essence is to find the train - the faster the better - jump on it and probably die after that. And what other consequences can be expected from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, train jumping killed more than 40 people in Germany, mostly young people.

Man is a creative nature, always looking for something new and unusual. Each of us has our own hobby. As a rule, this is reading books, writing poems, drawing, composing music, dancing, or something like that. But there are extraordinary people who are interested unusual hobbies.

They go beyond the usual interests, they try to create and show the society something unusual, which most people could not even think of before. Such people are not divided by gender, the most important difference between them and others is extraordinary thinking, unusual fantasy and imagination.

Card locks

Who likes to play cards? There are sure to be a large number of these. But there are not so many daredevils who dared to build entire castles from cards. At first, there were a few dreamers who decided to build small houses out of boredom, but Brian Berg went further and built entire card castles that are taller than himself. His work was included in the book of records.

dog tuning

If more or less many are accustomed to card houses, then the next unusual hobby is still incomprehensible to many. We are talking about grooming dogs, or rather about their tuning, which is done abroad. There are pet grooming salons in many cities, but here we are not talking about a simple haircut, but about the manifestation of your imagination. The most important thing is the consent of the owner of the dog, and professionals bring their ideas to life, doing something unimaginable with their four-legged clients. This is the most a prime example combining work with a hobby that seems to bring a lot of pleasure.

pumpkin carving

People who are fond of carving pumpkins do it not only on Halloween, but on ordinary days too. Ray Villafen with early childhood began to pursue this unusual hobby. After carving wood, working with a pumpkin went like clockwork. From this ordinary vegetable, he manages to do truly unusual things.

Drawings on dirty cars

It turns out that you can draw not only on canvases and walls, but also on dirty cars. The main tools are dirty car glass and brushes, and voila - the drawing is ready. Anything can be depicted on such a “canvas”: from majestic castles to portraits.

sand drawings

Of all the images, sand drawings are perhaps the most short-lived. Even though they look amazing. Real professionals are engaged in such art, because drawing on the sand is not so easy. The first person who decided to engage in such drawings was Jim Denevan - self-taught, but his masterpieces still delight many to this day.

Images of nails

It would seem that artists still do not paint, but only Markus Levin thought of depicting a picture with nails. Today, this Briton has many followers who create unusual paintings with just the help of nails. This work is hard and painstaking, because one small but incorrectly hammered nail can ruin the whole picture.

Sculptures from pencils

There are many miniature masters in the world who create their masterpieces on the tips of pencils. The founder of this art is Dalton Getty, who has been cutting out unusual things from pencils for a long time.

Here are the most unusual hobbies that cause a storm of emotions and delight in those around you. Or maybe you also heard about some non-standard hobbies?

The strangest and most unusual hobbies in the world: video review

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