Drawing based on the story of E. Charushin "About Tomka" (chapter "Tomka had puppies") in the preparatory group

Good day to everyone who reads this review! I think most of those who are interested in Evgeny Charushin's book "About Tomka" are most likely parents. And for every parent, it is really important that he will read to his child, what thoughts this or that book will put into his head. And what conclusions the child will make independently.

Publishing house - "Rech".

This book is really similar to the one that I read to my son since childhood. It is worth noting that this is all thanks to the illustrations, which were left original in all versions, that is, the authorship of Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin himself.

One doggie had not the light of puppies, but all are different! One was too lazy, the other too angry, the third too affectionate. And the fourth is Tomka. Tomka was real hunting dog! In short stories about Tomka, we can watch how he grows, learns this world, learns from his mistakes. The child must mentally identify himself with these characters, striving to be like him, striving to understand how interesting it is to learn something new about our world every time! But the child should oppose himself to other puppies, because laziness, anger and excessive affection (flattery is clearly implied here) - this is what the child should strongly associate with a bad behavior model, which he definitely does not want to adopt! It is thanks to the short stories of Evgeny Charushin that the child learns in such a way, at first glance, simple things. And you know, I think that reading such books for a child in childhood is much more useful than, say, including the adored "Masha and the Bear" by everyone. After all, children are really too receptive, and then parents still wonder why they become as naughty and uncontrollable as Masha.

In general, for the correct adequate worldview of the child, I highly recommend reading Yevgeny Cherushin's story "About Tomka", as well as another book of his stories for the smallest - "Tyupa, Tomka and Magpie". After all, such good books teach children also to love animals, reveal some of the secrets of nature. Since the book is written in a very simple and accessible way, it will be understandable to absolutely any child. You can read it for two years now.

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(Shihans). Since 1928, Tomka has been testing methods for using poisonous substances in artillery, aviation, as well as means and methods for degassing contaminated areas.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Tomka" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 dubrovka (16) fragrant spikelet (4) plant (4422) ... Synonym dictionary

    Tom Dictionary of Russian Personal Names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011 ... Dictionary of personal names

    Tomka: Tomka is a secret center of the Reichswehr in the USSR. Tomka rough form of the name Tamara Hydronim Tomka (Berdi tributary) Tomka (Cizhapka tributary) Person Peter Tomka Judge of the International Court of Justice ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Tomka (meanings). Tomka Characteristic Length 38 km Basin of the Kara Sea Basin of the rivers Chizhapka → Vasyugan → Ob ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Tomka (meanings). Tomka Characteristic Length 12 km Basin Kara Sea Watercourse Mouth Berd Location 218 km to the left ... Wikipedia

    Object "Tomka" is a secret center of the Reichswehr in the USSR. It was a school chemical warfare”in which the Germans invested about 1 million marks. It was located in the Saratov region, not far from the city of Volsk. (Shikhany) Methods have been tested in Tomka since 1928 ... Wikipedia

    Malaya Tomka- 633591, Novosibirsk, Maslyaninsky ... Settlements and indices of Russia

    Compliance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo official name proceedings before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The process took the form of developing an advisory ... Wikipedia

UMK "Perspective Primary School»

Topic: Stories about animals E.I. Charushin "Tomka got scared" and "Tomka's dreams"

Target: introduce storiesabout animalsE. I. Charushina




    master initial forms cognitive and personal reflection; master the skill of semantic reading of texts in accordance with the task or problematic issues set by the teacher or arising in the lesson; master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, drawing conclusions; to form the ability to plan learning activities in accordance with the task; develop ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of others.


I. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Work with the book exhibition

Look at the book exhibition, Imagine the books that are here.

What do all these books have in common? Who are they written for? (children's)

These books can be divided into 2 groups. For what? Which books will we classify in group 1, and which in group 2?

poems stories

(poets) (writers)

Look at book covers. Looking at them, tell me: who or what did the author write about in his stories? (about nature and animals

What work of Charushin did you read in grade 1?(Volchishko).

Who else would like to get acquainted with the stories of this wonderful writer? (icon)

Let's definemain goal of the lesson : get acquainted with the stories of E. I. Charushin about animals -

And with what storieswe read in unison !

"Tomka got scared" and "Tomka's dreams".

3. Generalization of knowledge about the writer.

opening speech teachers.

Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin lived short life- only 64 years old, but left many wonderful works about nature for readers. He did not just write about nature, about animals, he firststudied and observed habits animals and only then created his stories.

What else was Charushin, listen to the messages.


So, Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin was not only a writer, but also ( complete the phrase) ARTIST-illustrator own and other books. He especially liked to draw cubs of different animals.

Then you will work with the exhibition and find the drawings of the author himself in the books.

- Read the title of the story to yourself, look at the illustration and make an assumption: who or what will be discussed in the story.

5 Work on the topic of the lesson. Introduction to the work. ( textbook work)

-Let's test your guess. Open the textbook on pages 112-113. As you read, mark the words you don't understand the meaning of.

( Tired, bunchit, twirled awake, bite

Conclusion: the assumption is correct: a story about a puppy Tomka.

What words do you not understand? Replace words with similar meanings: tired, bunchit, awake, bite

Who told us this story? narrator)

Who is the hero of the work? Do you have a good idea of ​​a hunting dog puppy with droopy ears? Let's look at an illustration, it will help us introduce the main character.

-What do we know about him? What puppy?

Choose the right words-characteristics :

What puppy?

Curious, brave, a bit cowardly stupid, smart, playful, lazy, cautious, sad.

- Find proof in the text.

How many parts can this story be divided into? (2) What are they about?

    part - About the fact that Tomka was taken hunting, and he fell asleep.

    part - About how Tomka tried to kill a cow.

Let's read the story and find the boundaries of the first part.

Find confirmation in the text that this is a puppy and not an adult dog? ( Tomka ran, barked, quickly fell asleep.So adult hunting dogs do not act. Usually quietly stalks prey)

- Read part 2 of the story.

6. Task in the textbook . Misha says that here it is clear that Tomka is still small and stupid. Do you agree with Misha's opinion? Can you confirm your point of view?

( Tomka does not know what kind of animal this cow is, he does not know whether it is far or close).

7. Task in the textbook

Masha says that, on the contrary, here it is clear that Tomka is smart and careful. Maybe Masha is right too? What lines did Masha pay attention to in the second part of the story?

8. The game "Question-answer" in the form of a shootout.

8. Physical education

Teacher: Imagine that each of you is Tomka's puppy and doonly him actions. Be careful not to fall into traps!

    Woke up.

    Twisted awake.

    I saw a cow and ran to her.

    He got scared.

    Ran quieter.


    Yes, how Tomka will mumble.

    The cow moved.

    The puppy ran away from the cow.

( Children perform movements, imitating the actions of a puppy).

- Evaluate your actions: have you always been attentive? What actions should not have been taken?

Little puppy Tomka is one of the most beloved characters of Charushin. He is funny, silly and loved "just like that" "for nothing." He wrote many stories about him.

Let's get acquainted with another story by E. Charushin, "Tomka's dreams."

Read part 1 of the story . (to the words ... They surrounded Tomka ")

Who told us this story about Tomka? (Author-narrator).

What did the guys of the author ask for? What interested them? How did the author respond?(The author does not know for sure, he assumed).

Title this part! (Why does Tomka bark when he sleeps)

- Read part 2 . What is it about? What did the kids learn?

How could they guess what the puppy was dreaming about? (They began to fantasize and look at the world through the eyes of a puppy) .

Did they correctly decipher Tomka's behavior in a dream?

(Perhaps he dreamed of something else, most likely something related to hunting).

Do they themselves believe in what they fantasized?Support with words from the text.

Why did the guys decide that the puppy sees a small hare? (He barked in a thin voice )

What did the guys assume when Tomka growled and barked?(bear ) How did they do it and why? How would you title this part of the story?

(How a puppy met a huge cow, This is how the meeting turned out, This is the lesson the puppy learned, Tomka opens the world.)

Listen to the narrator's conversation with the guys andthink writer proud of the hero or making fun of him? (He laughs because he is still small and does not understand much)

Reflection. Summing up the lesson.

What works have we met?

What new have you learned?

What did the works of E. I. Charushin teach you?


W. s. 114-115

role reading and retelling

T.s. 38 No. 20

Read other stories of the writer E.I. Charushin, try to see how the writer's skill in describing the habits of animals is manifested in them.

At the hunter I saw a dog. This is what he is. The ears are long, the tail is short.

The hunter told me what a quick-witted dog, how he helps when hunting, and smart, and not dirty ... From this dog, he says, there are puppies. Come take a look. And we went with him.

Puppies are small - just learned to walk. "Which of them, - I think, - will I have an assistant on the hunt? How do I know who is smart and who is not good?"

Here is one puppy - eats and sleeps. He'll be lazy.

Here is an angry puppy - angry. He growls and fights with everyone. And I won’t take it - I don’t like evil ones.

But even worse - he also climbs to everyone, only he doesn’t fight, but licks. They can take away something from such a game.

At this time, the puppies' teeth itch, and they like to nibble something. One puppy was chewing on a piece of wood. I took this piece of wood and hid it from him. Will he smell it or not?

The puppy started looking. He sniffed all the other puppies to see if they had a piece of wood. No, I didn't. The lazy one sleeps, the evil one growls, the kindly one licks the evil one - he persuades not to be angry.

And so he began to sniff, sniff and went to the place where I hid it. I sensed it.

I rejoiced. "Well, - I think, - this is a hunter! Even game cannot hide from such a thing." I named him Tomka. And he began to raise an assistant.

How Tomka learned to swim

We went for a walk and took Tomka with us. They put him in a briefcase so that he wouldn't get tired.

They came to the lake, sat on the shore and began to throw pebbles into the water - whoever throws it further. And they put the briefcase with Tomka on the grass. So he got out of the briefcase, saw how a pebble fell into the water, and ran.

Tomka runs along the sand, clumsy, clumsy, his legs in the sand are tangled. He reached the water, put his paws into the water and looks back at us.

Go, Tomka, go - don't be afraid, you won't drown!

Tomka climbed into the water. First, he went up to the tummy, then up to the neck, and then he plunged all over. Only the tail-stump sticks out.

He fiddled, fiddled, and then suddenly popped out - and let's cough, sneeze, snort. It can be seen that he decided to breathe in the water - the water got into his nose and mouth. Didn't get the stone.

Then we took the ball and threw it into the lake. Tomka liked to play with a ball - it was his favorite toy.

The ball flopped into the water, twirled and stopped. Lies on the water, as on a smooth floor.

Tomka recognized his favorite toy and could not stand it - he ran into the water.

Runs, screams. But now he doesn't stick his nose into the water. Walked, walked and swam. He swam to the ball, bit it in the teeth - and back to us.

That's how I learned to swim.

Tomka got scared

When Tomka was still a very small puppy, I took him hunting with me. Let him get used to it.

Here we go with him. Tomka chases butterflies, chases dragonflies. Catching grasshoppers. Barks at birds. Just can't catch anyone. Everyone is flying away. He ran and ran - he got so tired that he stuck his nose into a bump and fell asleep. Still small. And I feel sorry for waking him up.

Half an hour passed. The bumblebee has arrived. Bunchit, flies over Tomkin's ear. Tomka woke up. He turned around awake, looked: who is this disturbing sleep? He did not notice the bumblebee, but he saw a cow and ran to her.

And the cow was grazing far, far away and must have seemed to Tomka quite small, no bigger than a sparrow.

Tomka runs to bite the cow, his tail up - he has never seen a cow before. I ran closer, but the cow is no longer the size of a sparrow - it seems to be as tall as a cat. Then Tomka ran a little quieter, and the cow was no longer the size of a cat, but a goat. Tom was scared. He did not come close and sniffs: what kind of animal is this?

At this time, the cow stirred - it must have been bitten by someone. And Tomka ran away from her!

Since then, he has not come close to cows.

Tomkin's dreams

When Tomka sleeps, he barks in his sleep, squeals, and sometimes even moves his paws, as if he is running somewhere.

Guys ask me:

Why is Tomka barking? After all, he is sleeping!

He sees dreams, - I answer.

And what?

Yes, probably some of his own, dog dreams - about hunting, about animals, about birds. A person cannot see such dreams.

That's interesting! - say the guys.

They surrounded Tomka, watching him sleep. And Tomka slept, slept, and barked in a thin voice. I ask the guys:

What is it that he sees in his dream? Do you understand?

Sure, the guys say. - He saw a small hare.

Tomka slept a little more and moved his paws.

Here, - the guys say, - Tomka ran.

Who did you run after?

Yes, not for anyone, but from a goat. He saw her, and she butts.

Here Tomka growled and barked.

Wake up! the guys shouted. - Wake up, Tomka! After all, he will eat you now!

Who, I ask, will eat?

Bear! Tomka wants to fight him. What a scary bear! Tomka can't handle him.

How Tomka didn't seem stupid

Tomka does not like being laughed at - he will be offended, turn away. And then he learned to pretend that they were not laughing at him, but at someone else.

Once Tomka noticed a hen with chickens. Comes closer - wants to sniff.

And the hen screamed, how she jumped on Tomka - and rode on it. Rides, pecks at Tomka and screams. One can hear her saying: "Oh, you, such and such, ill-mannered! Here I am! Here I am! Don't you dare approach the chickens!"

Tomka was offended, but did not want to seem ridiculous and immediately pretended that no one was pecking at him, no one was yelling at him.

And then the hen jumped off him and returned to the chickens.

Nikita doctor

Nikita Tomka says:

Well, Tomka, now I will treat you.

Nikita put on a dressing gown made of a sheet, put glasses on his nose and took a doctor's tube for listening - a toy pipe. Then he went out the door and knocked - it was the doctor who had come. Then he dried himself with a towel - it was the doctor who washed his hands.

He bowed to the puppy Tomka and said:

Hello Young man! You are sick, I see. What hurts you?

But Tomka, of course, does not answer anything, only wags his tail - he does not know how to speak.

Lie down, young man, - says Dr. Nikita, - I will listen to you.

The doctor turned Tomka upside down, put a pipe to his stomach and listened. And Tomka grab him by the ear!

What are you biting! Nikita screamed. - After all, I'm a doctor!

The doctor got angry. He grabbed Tomka by the paw and put a pencil thermometer under his arm.

And Tomka doesn't want to take the temperature. floundering. Then the doctor says to the patient:

Now you open your mouth and say: aaaa. And stick out your tongue.

I wanted to see the language. And Tomka squeals and does not stick out his tongue.

I will prescribe medicine for you, - says Dr. Nikita, - and I will teach you how to brush your teeth. I see that you, young man, are a slob and don't like brushing your teeth. Nikita took his toothbrush and began brushing Tomka's teeth.

And how Tomka will grab the brush with his teeth! He escaped from the doctor's hands, dragged away the brush and gnawed it into small pieces.

You are stupid, Tomka! Nikita screams. - That's not how they play!

Tomka never learned to play sick.

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