Does the question about two chairs have any deep meaning, or is it just a prison riddle? The young guy told what riddles the cellmates in prison ask the newcomer.

Many young men indulge in sodomy, lined up in a row, one after another. Everyone pleases the one in front, while he himself pleases the one behind. The question is, which of them is happier than the rest?

There are two chairs. On one, the peaks are sharpened, on the second, the dicks are jerked off. Which one will you sit on, which mother will you sit on? I'll take sharpened peaks, cut down jerked dicks.

You fell into a hole. There is a pie and a dick in the pit. What will you eat, what will you put in your ass? I'll take a pie and get out of the pit.

The convict sits on the screen, open the feeder and give gruel, dry bread, in the morning they open the robot and see the bones. Question: where do the bones come from if the prisoner is alive? dice

There lived two old men, one fucked before dinner, and the other after dinner, who was worse off? Who already has worse old problems

Draw a football goal on the wall and a ball on the floor. They say to score a goal. What will you do? Pass

You are on a train chained to the levers, and you can turn left or right, as there is a fork ahead. Here, along one road, there is a pillar and your mother is chained to it, but along the second, your Kents, 10 people. Who will go where? Today kent, tomorrow cop

A fork in the eye or in the ass? I don't see one-eyed people here

You are flying on a parachute, on the left is a sea of ​​shit, on the right is a forest of dicks. Where are you planning? In every forest there is a glade, in every sea there is an island.

Come into the hut, they throw you a broom with the words "Play something on the guitar." Your actions? Push with your foot with the words "And you're in the mood"

Will you give in the ass or will you sell your mother? The ass is not given, the mother is not for sale.

Show a domino "six-five". What will you choose? line between 5 and 6

They break the bottle and say "zashey". You have to answer inside out.

Play on the battery, like on a slaughterhouse. Inflate the fur

Every day a man comes to the market and every time he buys 3 (three) cakes, no more, no minshe. One day the seller got excited and asked: Why do you always buy 3 (three) sticks? Received he (seller) answer: 1 (one) one linden ladies in debt. I will pay off my debts with one lipeshka. I myself eat one cake... Can you unravel the mystery?

You and Kent are walking through the Sahara desert. At a distance of 100 kilometers there is neither housing nor settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawls out, rushes at the Kent and bites his penis. What to do? Today kent, tomorrow cop. If he has a prick above the knee, then the snake will not reach there. And if it is lower, then he will be able to suck himself.

If I put a dick to my back, will you fly like a bird? Dick - not wings, I'm not a bird, and I'm not good at flying

What will you eat - soap from the table or bread from the bucket? The table is not a soap box, the bucket is not a breadbasket.

Prison riddles

A collection of prison riddles that are asked to the newcomer to the cell. In certain places, based on your answer, your further fate may happen. Usually, such riddles are asked to beginners for fun, but the riddles themselves and the answers to them will make it clear to you what applies to you will be based on answers. Try to give at least a couple of them the correct answer.


There are two chairs, on one the peaks are sharpened, on the other x * and d * chen, which one will you sit on, which mother will you sit on?

2. FORK:
Head-on question: With a fork in the eye or f * n times?

What will you eat - soap from the table or bread from the bucket?

They break the bottle and say: "Zashey." What will you do?

They put the man in prison for strict 9 years. One day, the godfather (head of the prison) says to him, if you solve the riddle for 9 years, I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the head says:
The word of 9 letters, is in every home, ends in "zor", but not TV. The man thought he thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years, comes home, enters the house and sees this object and dies of a heart attack.

TWO CHAIRS (CLASSIC): There are two chairs, on one the peaks are sharpened, on the other x * and d * chens, which one will you sit on, which mother will you sit on?
Answer:I’ll take sharpened peaks, cut down x * and d * cheny, I’ll sit down myself and plant my mother.
Answer #2:I myself will sit on the peaks, I will put my mother on her knees.

You are flying on a parachute, on the right - the forest hu * v, on the left - the sea of ​​gov * a. Where will you sit down?Answer:In every forest there is a glade, and in every sea there is an island.

Head-on question: With a fork in the eye or f * n times?
Answer:And there are no forks in the zone.
Answer #2:I don't see one-eyed people here.

What will you eat - soap from the table or bread from the bucket?
Answer:The table is not a soap box, the bucket is not a breadbasket.

You and Kent are walking through the Sahara desert. At a distance of a hundred kilometers there is no housing, no settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawls out, rushes at the Kent and bites him for x * d. What are you going to do?Answer:If the Kent has a prick above the knee, then the snake will not reach. If it is lower, then he will suck himself.

FOOTBALL: Draw a football goal on the wall and a ball on the floor. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer:Ask for a pass.

They give you a broom in your hands and say: "Play something on the guitar." What will you do?Answer:Give the broom with the words “And you set it up first” YOUR BOTTLE:
They break the bottle and say: "Zashey." What will you do?
Answer:Ask to be turned inside out.

They put the man in prison for strict 9 years. One day, the godfather (head of the prison) says to him, if you solve the riddle for 9 years, I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the head says:
The word of 9 letters, is in every home, ends in "zor", but not TV. The man thought he thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years, comes home, enters the house and sees this object and dies of a heart attack.
Answer:Television. The question is not about what the jailer thought, but about the subject, about the cat. The man first heard from the jailer (TV), and then saw at home. And if you read the condition, you can understand it

“You drive into the hut,” he began loquaciously, “and they arrange a residence permit for you: they ask all sorts of fucked-up questions, a bunch of all sorts of riddles, you won’t answer - they hit you on the head with an oar ...”, wrote Vladimir Ivanov in the book Life in Prison.

Each newcomer to the house - prison cell- must be registered. This is done in order to get to know the cellmate better, with whom they will have to share shelter, food and a common fund. According to the results of the test, the newcomer is attached to a certain caste in the prison community. There are categories of prisoners who do not have to go through the initiation procedure. These include seemingly inadequate or sick individuals, men over 40 years old. Researchers who have studied the criminal world of Russia attribute the emergence of its traditions and laws to the 18th century. Since that time, the procedure of the rite of passage is planned. caste system already formed by late XIX century. The main ones were four categories (suits), which became the reason for the appearance of a permanent rite of initiation in the ranks of recruits. This process reached its apotheosis from the 30s to the 90s of the XX century.

To thieves or not to thieves - that is the question

During registration, a “friendly” dialogue takes place, in which riddles with a trick take special attention. The answers to them are clearly regulated. To show yourself worthy, you need to initially know the solution or intuitively reach it. The initiation procedure is generally not carried out among mature offenders. It affects minors who are registered in the cells of the pre-trial detention center. It is carried out in order to study the newcomer, to establish his degree of knowledge of the criminal subculture, to understand whether the cellmate is ready to follow its norms, to determine the status of a recently joined ranks, to clarify the rights and obligations arising from the established suit. Registration is often carried out immediately after the newcomer enters the cell. In some prisons, it is customary to dedicate after the expiration of the term (usually three months). The concept of “fun” or “toy” is inextricably linked with initiation. The goal is to convict the recruit of ignorance of the norms and rules of the criminal world. The most time-consuming are the riddles. They test the "green" prisoner until the questioner has enough strength.

That "green" prisoners do not kill ...

Riddles are set quickly. For each mistake, the subject receives a spoon on the forehead. If the cellmate turned out to be unintelligent, at the end of the registration, “horns” grow in him - due to swelling in the places of numerous blows. “You can’t retell all the riddles, and they help to remember (or think) the person passing the residence permit in different ways: either with a spoon, or with a fist in the forehead through a book, they can also hit them with a liter mug,” says Vladimir Ivanov in the book Life in Prison. Fun toys, as a rule, are defiantly disparaging in nature, associated with the use of obscene swearing. One of the most common questions is: “What keeps the prison?” The correct answer ("on a joke") is extremely rarely given. For an incorrect answer, recruits do push-ups or squats. But the wrong answer to the riddle “Will you give me a f*** or will you sell your mother?” leads to more offense. If the novice chooses the first option, he is subject to sodomy. The second one is beaten and becomes a “goat” (a type of suit). The correct answer sounds like this: "The kid in the f*** is not f***ing, and the mother is not for sale." A quick wit joke is widely known to experienced prisoners: “What do you choose: x ** in f *** or a fork in the eye?” A recruit should choose the latter, because prisons do not provide forks.

The venerables have the last laugh

During registration, there is a "kid's time" for thinking about the answer, equal to 45 seconds. If the answer is not received or it is incorrect, the recruit loses the status of the kid. Sometimes it becomes possible to redeem the answer to the riddle - to hurt the "green". The subject of beating can be a "carrot" - a dry or wet towel twisted into a bundle. Often the ransom is not real and is associated with torture. Experienced thus amuse themselves. For example, a disadvantaged person is offered to become a “kid”. To do this, a tube is made from pre-melted cellophane, which is set on fire and dripped 36 times (it is believed that persons under 18 years of age have 36 suits) into his anus. As a result, the recruit does not receive a new, higher status.

The road to the criminal elite

The prison world is conservative and structured. complete picture the division into castes was described by Yu. K. Alexandrov in the chapter “Table of Ranks in the Criminal Community (Division into Suits)” in the book “Essays on the Criminal Subculture”). A special position in it is occupied by thieves in law. One of these was Pasha Zakharov, who first ended up in a detention center after pickpocketing. During his term, he earned the “crown” of criminal authority, and in the first month of his stay in prison he received the nickname Cirul. He showed himself worthy during registration (it is possible that he answered riddles correctly), so professional criminals let him in. There is an opinion that Pasha Zakharov cut reputable thieves in law.

In the cells of youngsters and first-timers there is a rather aggressive audience, familiar with the prison law only by hearsay. And not every recidivist knows this law to the end. Pioneers usually understand prison law as the power of the physically stronger over the weak. And they begin to play prison, thinking that they are fulfilling its law, and not knowing that they are violating this law and someday they will pay dearly for it. How do they play? They bully newbies. Registration is most often arranged in such cells.

If they don’t get up with special cruelties during registration, then it looks more like a game. It is distributed mainly in the “youngsters”, and in the “adult” (that is, in the cells for adults), the same young people usually prescribe their own peers. At the same time, there are some restrictions: it is impossible to register "microns" - those who are under 16 - and prisoners aged from thirty, those who were badly injured, who came to the cell badly beaten, too. As, of course, those who have not the first walker.

- And how are they prescribed?

They make riddles different to guess. Dive from a plank bed, beat your head against a wall with a running start, and so on - all this is called "jokes". There are several hundred such jokes, you can’t remember them all, and every generation of prisoners adds something of their own to the well-known ... They throw, for example, a broom at you: “Play the balalaika.” You have to throw it back: "Tune the strings." Lead to the battery: "Play the harmonica." You answer: "Spread the furs." They arrange a "wedding": "What will you drink: wine, vodka, champagne?" Answer: Wine. Pour you a mug of water - drink. They ask the same thing again. You answer: "Vodka". Again pour a full mug - drink. And so they will pour, and you will drink until you say to the toastmaster: "The same as you." And other nonsense. It's not so much your ingenuity being tested, but your knowledge. You know jokes - yours. But this, of course, is trifles. They can even arrange a more serious test: they will blindfold them, put them on the upper bunk, tie them to it by the scrotum: "Jump." If you don't jump, if you're afraid, you'll sign your own sentence. If you jump, it turns out that it’s okay, they tied you with a thread, which immediately broke off, although you didn’t see it, but from fear you thought it was with a rope. Or: "What do you want to become - a pilot or a tanker? - A pilot. - Jump upside down." You jump and get caught. They should at least get caught, because if you crash, those responsible will be held accountable for it. Or, in the camp jargon, they will be presented with it.

The registration has another meaning. The first acquaintance with the prison can simply kill any pioneer, drive him crazy - it's so hard. In the first hours of captivity, a person is in shock. And registration distracts him from this state, makes him actively join in new life. Well, the camera will know better what kind of person you are: rotten - not rotten, weak in spirit - strong (“spiritual”), cheerful - gloomy, selfish or ready to suffer when necessary, for society, etc. But in general, registration with the correct concepts is not approved, because the game there very often turns into a mockery. The “lowered” (we will talk about them later) most often end up in a pre-trial detention center, and not in zones.

Now, in general, registration for beginners is less likely to be satisfied than before. Especially in a normal cell.

- What is a "normal camera"?

The one in which reigns not the power of the fist, but the prison law. This law is very harsh, but it is fair. In the part that concerns the meeting of new prisoners, he says: prison is your home. A man has come - first of all say hello to him. Do not bother him with questions: why did he sit down, how was it? The lads - that is, the inhabitants of the cell - must tell the new person about everything, show everything, and only after that ask for violations of the prison law, if he allows such violations. A person who has just come from freedom, according to the prison law (which is also called "correct concepts", "correct life"), is pure. In the wild, he could be anyone and do anything, but here he begins a new life. He is a baby, and there is no demand from him. This is the "number one" rule - you can not ask a person for breaking a norm that he does not know about. And my advice to you: if you get there, start a new life immediately. Consider that if you are destined to ever go free, then this will be a gift of fate. But your main life will now take place in prison. And how it goes on depends 90% on your first steps.

- And what are the other orders in a normal cell?

In prison, the prisoners often do not say “camera” among themselves, but “hut”. Neighbors in the walking yard will knock on the wall: “Hey, guys, what kind of hut? That is, even this wretched living space is perceived as a house, settled down. Even if you sit alone, in a few days you have already settled it, you know where everything is, and the whole space seems to be spiritualized. From an interrogation or from a call, you enter the cell, and a feeling of a native corner appears.

So in a prison, a normal hut will sound like this: the right hut. And the orders in the right hut are basically the same as in the right people at will. I came from a long distance, that is, from the toilet - wash your hands. You sit down at the table - take off your mold (jacket). When someone is eating, you can not use the bucket. When everyone listens to music or some kind of program - too. You can’t whistle - you’ll whistle the deadline. You can’t take dirty linen out of the hut, that is, without special need to tell other cameras about what is happening in your hut.

You don't owe anything to anyone. Nothing can be taken away from you - especially this concerns rations "from the owner". And even asking you for something is considered dishonorable.

Another point is cleaning the camera. In a prison of the same order as in the army - the greenhorns scrub the floor, but the grandfathers are bastard - no. Everyone should take turns cleaning the cell, absolutely everyone. I was told by a former cellmate of the famous thief Vasya Brilliant that he cleaned the camera, washed the bucket on an equal basis with everyone else. And when someone asked him a question about this, he explained that according to the prison law, it is considered shameful to do something for another, to serve another, and the person himself must clean up after himself. “Now, if I could fly,” said Vasya Brilliant, “then it would be a different matter. And since I walk on the floor, why don’t I sweep it?” No one has the right to force you to clean your cell out of turn as a punishment either.

If, nevertheless, you end up in the wrong cell, where they won’t explain anything to you, and you see a person who is lying under the bunks or by the bucket, with whom no one is talking, do not approach him. In general, at first look closely at what is happening around. Look closely, shut up, do the same as everyone else. And just like everyone else. Even if it seems crazy or funny to you.

Concerning contentious issues, they must be resolved peacefully. There should be no fights, insults among the lads - this is also required by the correct concepts. In extreme cases, to resolve controversial issues, there is access to other cameras. Ask them what is allowed and what is not.

- How do we ask them?

In prisons, people show fantastic ingenuity. To get a fire by friction or from a light bulb, to saw through a grate with a shoe, to boil a chifir in a newspaper, to throw a note on a neighboring street - they know how to do all this there. They will make everything out of nothing, if there is time. There is communication between cells in any prison, but it is not organized everywhere in the same way. The simplest thing, when the inspector moved away from the door, is simply to shout through the bars (“from tails”): such and such a hut ... True, inter-chamber communication in the pre-trial detention center is one of the most serious violations of the regime of detention ...

You can do it this way: you pump out the water in the toilet with a broom or a rag: a sewer pipe is like a telephone. Through it, with a certain skill, you can transfer anything you like: tea, cigarettes, notes. You can take a mug, attach it to a heating pipe and shout into her everything what you need - in other cells through the same mug they will hear and take note, or they will pass it on. You can launch a "horse": you make a fishing rod out of a newspaper tube and thread, tie a note with an address to it and put it behind bars - they will catch you lower. You can just chime in. Thirty letters of the Russian alphabet are taken, without soft and hard signs and "e". You place them vertically in a "cage" - five cells high, six cells wide. The letters in this cell are numbered: from 1 to 5 down and from 1 to 6 to the right. In this alphabet, "a" will be transmitted as follows: one hit - pause - one hit; "k" - two strokes - pause - five strokes, etc. If you and your interlocutor know Morse code - no problem at all. It is pointless to describe all the possible ways.

It's better not to try, it's the same as learning to "Stirlitz". Maybe not immediately, but such an attempt will certainly end badly. Prison sharpens intuition, people there always feel when you're lying - this is the first thing. Secondly, it is easy to pretend in the wild, because there you pretend for an hour, two, well, a day. And in prison you are in full view around the clock. The most brilliant actor cannot live on stage all the time. He needs rest, otherwise he will make mistake after mistake. Thirdly, knowing Fenya is not enough to find mutual language with experienced prisoners. Here, after all, gestures, and hints, and certain habits, and demeanor are important. And what they showed in "Gentlemen of Fortune" is, of course, fantasy even at its core. The double of a thief cannot pass himself off as him if he himself has not been imprisoned. The very first prisoner with camp experience will split him.

Rather, on the contrary, it would be better if the convicts were played in the cinema by the convicts themselves. One of our best film directors, Alexei German, understands this. In his film “Check on the Roads”, prisoners of war were played by real convicts. And the protection of prisoners of war was also played by professionals - our own, native jailers. By the way, the convicts filmed there voluntarily, with the blessing of the camp authorities.

- By the way, about "Gentlemen". Is it true that the tattoo is a prisoner's passport? Are they being forced?

Until recently, this has been the case. According to the number of domes of the church, gouged out on the chest, one can count the number of "walkers" (it used to be the number of years spent in prison). If a cat in boots is depicted, then the owner of the tattoo is a pickpocket, if a circle with a dot inside on the forearm or above the upper lip is lowered, etc. And for tattoos that did not correspond to reality, they were punished. And they forcibly branded the same lowered ones. But all this before. Now tattoo professionals do not do at all - why do they need additional special signs? And roosters are also not stigmatized - they can be seen from a mile away. So a tattoo is usually a voluntary matter. Unlike our passport system.

The young guy told what riddles the cellmates in prison ask the newcomer.

ATTENTION! For Android smartphone owners, there is a bonus at the end of the article!

This prison game is a famous residence permit, they scare the green convicts even earlier, even in the pre-trial detention cells in the police, where there is always an experienced or just talkative and willing to scare a neighbor. Usually, such riddles are given to beginners for fun, but the riddles themselves and the answers to them will make it clear to you what applies to you will be based on the answers. From prison games do not refuse. Try to give at least a couple of them the correct answer.

Two chairs (classic): There are two chairs, on one the peaks are sharpened, on the other x * and d * chen, which one will you sit on, which mother will you sit on?
Answer: I’ll take sharpened peaks, cut down x * and d * cheny, I’ll sit down myself and plant my mother.
Answer #2: I myself will sit on the peaks, I will put my mother on her knees.

Parachute: You are flying on a parachute, on the right - the forest hu * in, on the left - the sea of ​​gov * a. Where will you sit down?
Answer: In every forest there is a glade, and in every sea there is an island.

You fell into a hole. In the pit there is a pie and x * d. What will you eat, what will you shove in your *op?
Answer: I'll take a pie and get out of the pit.

*oops or mother? Will you give in F * pu or will you sell your mother?
Answer: F * pa is not given, the mother is not for sale.

Fork: Head-on question: With a fork in the eye or f * n times?
Answer: And there are no forks in the zone.
Answer #2: I don't see one-eyed people here.

Soap or bread? What will you eat - soap from the table or bread from the bucket?
Answer: The table is not a soap box, the bucket is not a breadbasket.

About Sahara: You and Kent are walking through the Sahara desert. At a distance of a hundred kilometers there is no housing, no settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawls out, rushes at the Kent and bites him for x * d. What are you going to do?
Answer: If the Kent has a prick above the knee, then the snake will not reach. If below - then he will suck.
Answer #2: Today Kent, tomorrow cop.

About the train: You are on a train chained to levers that can be turned either to the left or to the right. There is a fork ahead - on the right, the mother is tied to a pole, on the left, there are ten Kents. Where will you turn, who will you crush?
Answer: Kents today, cops tomorrow.
The answer to all the riddles above is: I'll wake up.

About bones: The convict is sitting on the shkonar, they open the feeder and give a gruel, dry bread. In the morning they open the feeder again and see the bones. Question: where do the bones come from if the prisoner is alive?
Answer: Dice.

About roosters: There lived two roosters, one was fucked before dinner, and the other after dinner, who was worse off?
Answer: Who already has worse.

In addition to such riddles, citizens of prisoners can also offer a newcomer a series of tests for quick wit and ingenuity.

Football: Draw a football goal on the wall and a ball on the floor. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer: Ask for a pass.

Broom: They give you a broom and say: "Play something on the guitar." What will you do?
Answer: Give the broom with the words "And you set the mood first"

Sewing a bottle: They break the bottle and say: "Zashey." What will you do?
Answer: Ask to be turned inside out.

Accordion: They ask you to play the battery, like an accordion. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to inflate furs.

Pilots and miners: Who will you be? - ask the newcomer. Both are unknown and incomprehensible. Well, a miner, he replies. Then crawl under the racks, there is a face, collect coal. He crawls, wiping dust and dirt under the bunks.

Get out. Now who will you be? Well, probably better as a pilot, he says. He is blindfolded with a towel. What rack will you fly from - from the bottom or from the top? they ask him. Scared if he says - from the bottom. But he has already heard and understands that the main thing is not to show himself to be a coward under any circumstances. From the top, he replies. Will you fall on dominoes or on chess set? they ask him.

When you stand blindfolded, you obviously get a very vivid picture of how you fly flat from two meters to the points of the placed figures. It’s bad if a newcomer chooses dominoes: they will force him to fall down, and the registration will begin to tighten. If he overcomes himself and calmly says: to chess, there will be another three minutes of fear and nothing more.

While the figures are being arranged, while they are being put on the bunk, and the most terrible seconds are when you have to fly off it yourself - fall down blindly with your whole body. Twitching sharply - it was not - he flops, expecting a sharp pain, but falls on a stretched blanket.

Pain tolerance: A newcomer may be asked to compete with one of the old-timers in resistance to pain. Both of them are blindfolded (first an old-timer), they are seated on both sides of the table, and the beginner's scrotum, he feels it with horror, is tightened with a thin rope, the end of which - as they explain to him - is given into the opponent's hands. And he is given the end of the same tied rope.

Start - strictly on command. He quickly pulls on the rope, feels unbearable pain, screams and pulls harder, but the pain is even worse, and he almost loses consciousness, because he is pulling himself - the rope is simply thrown around the table. They untie his eyes and watch how he reacted to the bullying.

Bus: A newcomer gets on all fours, and someone heavier climbs onto his back. Go! A beginner walks two or three meters, then the space that is usually in the cell stops to turn around and rest. The rider-passenger asks him which stop. Observing the tone of the game, the beginner calls some. Let's go further! This will last until he guesses to say: the final stop.

Astrologer: A novice stargazer crawls under a padded jacket and must, through its sleeve stretched upwards - a telescope - count loudly the stars drawn on paper - he clearly sees them through the sleeve, as through a pipe. At this time, a basin suddenly pours onto him through his sleeve. cold water- a basin for washing, called Alyonka for some reason, is always in the cell. How will the newcomer react to this, crawling out wet under the general laughter of others?

Do you respect me? Do you respect me? - asks one of the old-timers. Yes! - the newcomer is ready to answer. Then drink a glass of water to my health. He drinks. Do you respect me? - asks the second. Then a mug for me. And in the cell, as a rule, more than a dozen people. After three or four cups it becomes torture. Guess, newbie, on the second or third mug, guess to say that you respect everyone and drink the last one for general health.

Based on: Guberman I.M., Walks around the barracks, M., "Verb", 1993, p. 78-82.

Bonus for gadget owners on the Android OS - There is an application-quest "Test for convict 2.0" in the playmarket. In this application, you can independently go through the "registration" in the "hut", using the knowledge from this article.

Well, some delivering reviews on the app from the play store:

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