Direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “Tatar folk instruments. Outline of a music lesson (senior group) on the topic: Summary of a musical thematic lesson “In the world of musical instruments” (accordion, button accordion,

Summary musically - thematic lesson

(accordion, button accordion, accordion)

senior preschool age

Musical director

Portnova Tatyana Nikolaevna


Summary of a musical thematic lesson

"In the world of musical instruments"

(accordion, button accordion, accordion)

(senior preschool age)


  • enrich children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics of musical instruments, teach them to distinguish their timbre coloring;
  • to develop the ability to find common and different features of instruments that are similar in appearance.


Musical: teach children to distinguish the sound of an accordion, button accordion, accordion, note the figurative nature of music, stimulate creative manifestations, imagination and fantasy, ability to improvise;

move in accordance with the dynamics and character of the music, continue to develop rhythmic and singing skills,

Educational: develop communication, self-organization and control skills, educate a competent and interested listener; evoke in children an emotional response to music of a different nature; to ensure continuity at the kindergarten - art school level.


music center, audio cassette; children's noise instruments; musical instruments: piano, harmonica, button accordion, accordion; scarves and caps.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children enter the hall, greeting - chanting)

Music hands (sings): Hello guys!

Children (singing): Good, good afternoon!

Music hands (sings): Hello boys!

Boys (singing): Hello!

Music hands (sings): Hello girls!

Girls (singing): Hello!

Music hand: Today I will introduce you to musical instruments that look very similar to each other.Perform on them different music: folk, classical, pop and they can sound independently or in an orchestra.What kind of tools these are - try to guess for yourself. Listen to the riddle:

(child makes a guess):

Her song flows and laughs at boredom,

He has been serving people for a long time and is close friends with the ditty.

He asks: “Come on, touch the buttons!” - cheerful...
The children answer: “Accordion.” (Showing the tool).

Music hand: The first accordion was designed by the German master Friedrich Buschmann, and then accordions began to be made throughout Russia. So they began to call them after the area where accordions were produced: Saratov, Oryol, Vologda, Yelets, Siberian and many other types of accordions. The accordion is adapted for playing only folk music.

Listen to Russian folk"Games" - (arranged and Spanish by Y. Tabachnik; music sounds in a recording).

In the old days they loved to play the accordion folk festivals. People sang funny songs, choruses, ditties. Each musician demonstrated their skills. People who play the harmonica are called harmonica players.

And now we will try to create our own small orchestra, the girls will play to the Russian folk dance"Apple" which will be performed by a trio of accordionists, and the boys will perform a sailor dance.

(Girls choose children's musicalinstruments: wooden spoons, rattles, bells, triangles, tambourines; boys wear caps; dance sounds in the recording).

What a wonderful orchestra we have, the boys danced fervently, cheerfully, conveyed the character of the dance, and the soloists were harmonicas!

What is the name of this song, listen to the melody and remember, please.(I play the melody of a song familiar to the children on the piano.)

Children: "Accordion talker"!

Music director: Let's sing this fun, perky song!

"Accordion Talker" sl. music Z. Root.

1. There are a lot of songs in Rus',

Everyone sings, young and old.

And with an accordion-talker

The songs sound more joyful.


Oh, the accordion-talker,

Madam to the whole world.

Only the buttons will play,

My soul will sing.

2. Orchestras sound joyfully,

Everyone is dancing and singing.

It’s worth the sound of an accordion, -

Everyone bows to her.


3. Good people, I ask you,

Give me a quick answer:

Without an accordion-talker

How can I sing the song?


Music director: I really liked the way you performed the song, well done!

Now we will talk about another instrument, please listen to this music and guess which instrument we will talk about?

(Children listen to an unfamiliar play -"Dunin Waltz" - Russian folk melody for button accordion, performed by A. Belyaev, recording).

The child asks a riddle:

He has a pleated shirt

Likes to dance squat.

He dances and sings,

If you get your hands on it.

Forty buttons on it,

With mother-of-pearl fire.

A merry fellow, not a brawler

Children guess the riddle: “Bayan”. I show you the tool.

Muz.ruk Many years passed after the creation of the first harmonica, when musician Yakov Orlansky and master Pyotr Sterligov created a new instrument. This instrument got its name from the ancient Russian legendary singer-storyteller Boyan. Musicians who play the accordion are called accordion players.

(Children examine the instrument and note that the accordion has more buttons, is larger in size than an accordion and has a beautiful, strong sound).

Muz.ruk Our girls will perform the round dance “Rechenka” to folk music"Patterns" which will be performed by accordionists of the Beryozka ensemble.(Sounds recorded music, arranged by V. Temnov).

Round dance "Rechenka"(an even number of girls, in Russiansundresses, handkerchiefs in hands blue color with loops, worn on the index finger).


The girls stand one after another, holding a handkerchief in their right hand and holding hands with their left.

1 figure:

They walk one after another, in a round dance step, holding one hand, with the leader being a “snake” girl.

2nd figure:

Gradually they form a circle, walk one after another, the right hand with a handkerchief is extended to the side, the left is lowered down.

3rd figure:

They turn their face in a circle, fold their arms into a “shelf”, the right hand with a handkerchief lies on top of the left, spinning around its axis in a “drop step”.

4th figure:

The hands are lowered down, slowly, in a round dance step, on the tiptoes, they narrow the circle, at the same time everyone sharply raises the handkerchief up, and also slowly moves back backwards, gradually lowering the hand with the handkerchief down.

5 figure:

The girls stand in pairs, raising right hand holding the handkerchief up in front of you and joining your hands at the top to form a “window”, spinning on your toes.

6 figure:

With round dance steps they line up in two columns and face each other.

7 figure:

Standing in place, they perform light swaying of the body and hand, in which the handkerchief is held, at the end of the musical phrase, they bow while standing in columns.

8 figure:

Two columns move towards each other, forming one, follow the leader, stand in one line, turn around themselves on their toes, standing in front of the audience, make a Russian bow.

Music hands: Boys, do you think the girls conveyed the character of the music in the movements of the round dance?

(Boys respond by evaluating the girls’ performance.)

Music hands: Yes, the girls danced beautifully. Let's applaud them again!

Music hands: Guys, guess the next riddle!

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows .... (accordion).

(A boy enters with an accordion, Vova B., an art school student, formerpupil kindergarten; children examine the accordion and notice that itlarger than a button accordion, the keys are located on it, like on a piano).

The accordion is also many years old, but it was invented and given its name by the Viennese master Demian. New tool When you press one button on the left keyboard, it produces not just one sound, but a whole chord! Hence the name – accordion! Musicians who play this instrument are called accordionists.

"Amur Waves" M. Kyussa, performed by an art school student, children listen to music and play along with bells.

(Everyone applauds the young musician).

Music director: How beautiful the accordion sounded! And you guys tried to play the bells rhythmically and harmoniously! Did you like it? Today you have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the tools you already know. Next time you will encounter other musical instruments. See you soon in our music room!

Open lesson: “Play the accordion”

Lesson topic; Play the accordion.

Educational tasks:

Educational: Introduce students to Russian. adv. instrument - accordion.

Learn the song “Accordion - talker” - Z. Root.

Developmental: Develop sound-pitch, timbre hearing and musical memory.

Educational: to cultivate a spiritually and aesthetically developed personality, a stable interest in the subject, respect for Russian musical culture.

Equipment: Music center, synthesizer, flash drive, accordion, accordion, button accordion, magnetic board, task cards, song lyrics. Accordions with emoticons.

During the classes.


Students enter the class under Russian. adv. music - in a round dance step and stand to their chairs. (00-Poranya)

Greeting: chant - “Salem – Nallow”


A) Name the groups of instruments that you know?

B) Work using cards. (For each desk.) - group work.

Distribute and show with an arrow which group the instruments belong to.

Q) What music was playing when you entered the classroom?

D) What instrument was the piece performed by?

Look carefully at the instrument that stands on the stage. What instrument do you think we will get acquainted with today?

3) New topic:

That's right guys, let's read the topic of our lesson together. (open lesson topic on the board)

Play the accordion!

Now I will introduce you to this tool.

The accordion is a wind instrument, reed instrument with bellows and two push-button keyboards. When was the accordion born? In history, there is evidence from researchers that the accordion first appeared 250 years ago in St. Petersburg in Russia, thanks to the efforts of organ master Frantisik Kirshnik. He came up with new way extracting sound using a metal reed oscillating under the influence of air flow.

Over time, I really liked the accordion and began to spread among the Russian people. Many varieties of accordion appeared, thanks to craftsmen it changed, rows of buttons were added on each keyboard, from small single-row to large multi-row on each keyboard.

Depending on the area where the accordion was perfected, it was called that. The Tula accordion developed in the city of Tula, in other regions “Livenka”, “Vyatskaya”, “Talyanka”, and the most widespread in our time is the accordion called “Khromka”.

Tula, Livenka, Vyatskaya - single-row accordions.

Russian wreath, Khromki - two-row.

Now let's see what harmonicas look like different areas Russia.

View photos.

But the accordion was widespread not only among the Russian people, but also among the Kazakh people, musicians took part in aitys, accompanying themselves on the accordion.

How convenient was the accordion? Not heavy, you could take it anywhere, walk along the road and play, and those who walked nearby sang songs, danced, sang ditties, rested after working day.

And if you watch the TV program “Play the Accordion,” you see how people love the accordion.

She will cry and be sad, and in times of joy she will cheer, and if a balalaika joins her, then there will be no end to the fun.

In Ust-Kamenogorsk this year, the third regional festival of instrumental music was held in the ethno-village and museum reserve. folk art“Play the accordion. Ring the dombra."

Let's listen to what the accordion sounds like:

No. 01-Levinsky accordion

No. 2 - Saratov accordion.

The development of this instrument did not end with the accordion; later more advanced ones appeared - the button accordion and the accordion.

The button accordion has more rows on each keyboard and a more powerful sound.

It is similar to the accordion with the left keyboard, and right keyboard accordion is exactly like a piano.

Let's listen to how the button accordion and accordion sound.

A) No. 03 - button accordion

B) No.-04 - accordion

Did you like the sound of these instruments?

Primary consolidation:

Now guess the riddles.

He sighs and turns around,

And he will walk along the village.

And the people will gather in a circle,

Whatever you want, he can dance and sing!


He looks like the accordion's brother,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

What is this…..


The box is dancing on my knees,

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries loudly.


I'm younger and more powerful

My sounds flow.

But with an accordion we are brothers,

He came out of the people.

I will disperse any sadness,

It's very important to drink...

Not angry or rowdy...

I am a cheerful brother………

And now musical riddle. Listen carefully and tell me what instrument sounds?

A) No. -05 - accordion

B) No. -06 - button accordion

B) No. -07 - accordion

Well done! I hope you will remember the tools you learned about today for a long time.

2 – part of the lesson.

And now we move on to the second stage of our lesson - singing.

1) -Please sit down correctly. And get ready for the chant.

A) “Like Grandma Natasha” - with movement.

B) Rhythmic warm-up - 3 different rhythms (clapping hands, repetition)

2) –Learning:

Today I invite you to learn the song “Gormoshechka - talker”

Listen to it carefully, try to remember the melody.

Teacher's performance, accordion accompaniment.

Reading text. (teacher)

Reading in chorus.

Line by line singing along, teacher-learning.

Verse performance, work on breathing, sound management, articulation...

Full performance - in choir.

Performed in groups - 1 verse...

Verse 2...

Verse 3 together.

Primary consolidation: Independent execution.

Lesson summary:

What did you learn new in this lesson?

What did you like most?

Now think about how you did in class today and what grade you will give yourself.

Stand up, those who rated their work at five.

For four?

Well done, reward each other with applause.

Write your grades in your diary.

And write it down homework- page - 42 textbooks - teach.

Create dance moves to the music you hear.

№8, №9, №10.

Now, prepare the little bowls that are on your desk.

And turn to our guests. If you liked the lesson, then unfold your pots. if not, then don't unfold it.

Thank you very much for your attention. The lesson is over. Until next time. Say goodbye to your guests.

I already wrote that during the war we lived in evacuation in the Tatar village of Asekeev Orenburg region. In places immortalized by Pushkin in " The captain's daughter"Not far from our house there was a vacant lot where young people of pre-conscription age gathered almost every evening in the summer for a party. This was the entire entertainment industry there. There was no club in the village. There was some rather large public room, where during rare visits The mobile cinemas showed movies, and on such days the entire considerable population of the village managed to cram in there.
The program of the evening party did not differ in variety, and invariably consisted of two points:
1) singing ditties with an accordion. The girls sing, and the guys stand aside and bully each other, psychologically preparing the obligatory fight;
2) the actual fight. The guys fight, and the girls stand on the sidelines, watching and squealing.
All the ditties, without exception, were “about this.” There are no euphemisms in the common Tatar language; all things were called by their proper names. We had a neighbor named Zainab, she was probably 14-15 years old at the time, but Tatar women mature early, and she was already officially a bride. I once asked her to translate for me the words of a ditty, which at that moment the other girls were shouting shrilly to the accordion (the word “sang” does not fit well here). She willingly translated it for me. I didn’t know where to go from embarrassment, but she wasn’t at all embarrassed by such words. She probably just didn’t know that there are softer equivalents in the Russian language. And I would hardly understand who needs such difficulties and why.
While both traditional points of the youth evening program were being carried out, I looked with all my eyes at the already quite elderly harmonica player and his harmonica. The Tatar accordion is a miracle musical technology! Probably they are different, but I remembered the only one that I saw as a child for the rest of my life. She was very small, all bright, with bright red flowers on her furs. On the right there is only one octave of buttons in one row. On the left there are two buttons - two major chords. And on the left there are two bells, like bicycle bells. Their hammers are connected to the left buttons, and when pressed, the bells jingle approximately in the key of the chords. In the cartoon about Cheburashka, the crocodile Gena plays such an accordion.
And the accordion player! If there is a Tatar god in the world, then he is probably just as benevolently indifferent to everything that happens, with a wide Tatar face, with a bright Tatar accordion in his hands and surrounded by universal worship. The whole Union Soviet composers I have never received such honor and attention as the rural Tatar accordion player enjoys.


Educational:Consolidating and expanding knowledge about Russian folk musical instruments, the history of their creation, developing the ability to determine by ear the sound of Russian folk musical instruments.

To instill an interest in Mordovian and Tatar musical instruments.

To develop the ability to classify musical instruments into groups (wind, percussion, strings).

Educational: Development musical memory, thinking, artistry, creative initiative, attention.

Educators: Cultivating emotional responsiveness to music, increasing students’ motivation. Formation good relations to each other.

Progress of the lesson:

The melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds, the teacher welcomes the children and draws attention to the projector screen, where a slide with an image of an orchestra of folk instruments is shown.

Educator: Guys, look how many musicians are in one orchestra. Look carefully at the instruments and tell me, what is the name of such an orchestra?

Children: Orchestra of Russian folk instruments!

Educator: Right. Today I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk instruments. And the first city that we will visit is the city of percussion instruments. Why do you think they are called that?

Children: Because they get hit when playing.

Educator: Absolutely right. Musical instruments appeared a very long time ago. Percussion instruments are the most ancient instruments in the world. Primitive beat out the rhythm on mammoth bones, on wooden blocks, on clay jugs. Later, people stretched skin over hollow wooden and clay objects and the first drum appeared. At the same time, ratchets made of stone and wood appeared.

Now listen to the riddle songs and guess what instruments live in this city.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Spoons”, “Ratchets”, “Bell”, “Tambourine”.

Educator: And now you and I will turn into musicians!

Children take tambourines, spoons and bells. Held rhythmic exercise“Three Bears” to the music of E. Zheleznova.

Educator: Well done! And we continue our journey. And the next city we will visit is the city string instruments. Listen to what instruments live in this city.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Gusli”, “Balalaika”.

Educator: Almost all musical instruments originated from everyday instruments and hunting devices: the ancestor of stringed instruments was the hunting bow. It is likely that one of the primitive hunters pulled the string of his bow while hunting and, releasing it, heard a sound. Among the Russian people, such instruments were the balalaika and the gusli.

Educator: Let's move on. And the city of wind instruments welcomes you!

Performs the mystery song “Pipe” by N. Murycheva.

Wind instruments also appeared a very long time ago. People blew into a sea shell, a reed pipe, and animal horns. Then they came up with pipes, horns, pipes, pity pipes.

Held articulation exercise“Merry pipe” (children stretch their closed lips forward and move them in a circle left and right) and breathing exercise“Pipe” (children blow into empty bottles, ballpoint pen caps).

Educator: Now listen to the last riddles.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Accordion”, “Accordion”.

Educator: Well done! You guessed it right. An accordion, or accordion, is a wind reed musical instrument. There are two keyboards on the sides of the instrument: the melody is played on the right, and accompaniment is played on the left. Inside the instrument there are metal plates - reeds. When a musician moves the bellows of the accordion apart, the reeds begin to vibrate under the influence of air - making a sound.

Physical education minute.

Educator: Among the musical instruments of the Mordovians, the most common are the mallet (shavoma-M., chavoma - E., wooden xylophone (calchtsiyamat - M, kaltseyamat-E, bells (paygonyat - M, bayaginet - E, jew's harp - M, E, violin (garze , arrow - M, kaiga - E, flutes (vyashkoma - M, veshkema - E); bagpipes (fam, ufam - M, puvama - E, trumpet (dorama, toram - M). Sometimes borrowed instruments are also mentioned, for example, accordion .

Educator: Tatar folk music is based on color eastern traditions. Today, the most known instruments Tatar musical folklore are: accordion-talyanka, kuray, kubyz, surnay, mandolin, dumbra, scimitar, Tatar gusli, saz, etc.

Dombra - Tatar stringed musical instrument. It is one of the most unstudied among Tatar musical instruments.

The modern dombra, like its ancient counterpart, has a wooden pear-shaped body, however, unlike its predecessor, the body is not made of hollowed wood, but glued together.

Kurai - Tatar wind musical instrument. It has several varieties, differing from each other in design and material of manufacture.

Surnay - Tatar wind musical instrument. It is considered a musical instrument of shepherds and is usually made from the horn of an animal. It has a relatively small size of 400-550 mm.

Talyanka (talyan-garmun) is a Tatar manual keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument. Along with the accordion, it is one of the most favorite musical instruments among the Tatar people.

Educator: These are the kind of funny instruments that live in this country. I suggest you find out if you remember them all well and play a musical guessing game.

A musical and didactic presentation game “Guess the Instrument” is being held. Children listen musical fragments and guess the instruments. For each correct answer, players receive a chip. At the end of the game, the children who have scored greatest number chips, the “Knowledgeable Musician” medal is awarded.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. But there is still a lot in the world musical countries which we can visit with you. And I suggest you come up with and make some kind of musical instrument yourself at home. See you soon!

Folk musical culture Tatars are very original. It is based on oriental intonations, with which the influence of the music of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga region is harmoniously combined.

In the second half of the 19th century, such instruments as talyan garmun, guitar, violin,mandolin. But there are also native Tatar musical instruments.

Wind instruments

The most famous of the Tatar wind instruments is kurai. It got its name from the Tatar name for the Ural ribwort, a plant from the Apiaceae family, from the stem of which it was originally made. Kurai represents longitudinal flute up to 1 m long with 4 holes on one side and one on the other. The range of the kurai reaches 3 octaves. It sounds very soft, and the performer accompanies the playing of the kurai with a throaty sound. Kurai can perform both in an ensemble and as a solo instrument.
Along with the classic kurai, there is kopshe-kuray with 2 holes.

Another tool - weed, common not only among the Tatars, but also among the Bashkirs. Traditionally it was made from horn and was originally used for hunting. Shepherds also played on the sornai.

Stringed instruments

Tatar plucked string instrument is called dumbra. This traditional instrument singer-storytellers. According to historical sources, dumbra existed during the times of the Golden Horde. The monument of Tatar literature of the 14th century “Tulyak and Susylu” tells how main character made a dumbra to win the heart of his beloved with songs.

The neck of the Tatar dumbra is shorter than that of Kazakh dombra, there are usually three strings. They play it with a plectrum. The body in ancient times was made of logged wood, but nowadays it is glued together. On turn of XIX-XX centuries, the dumbra fell out of use, being replaced by the mandolin, but at the end of the 20th century. was revived and reconstructed. Frets appeared on the neck of the instrument, and ensemble varieties of dumbra were created - soprano, alto and bass.
Tatar harp are very reminiscent of the Udmurt ones, but differ from them odd number resonator holes. If there are 3 holes, one is located at the top, and the others are at the sides of the top deck; if there are 5 or 7, one hole is in the center, and the others are symmetrically around it. According to the modal organization of Tatar music, these harps have a pentatonic scale.

Other tools

Kubyz- a reed instrument resembling a harp. This is a metal arc with a tongue in the middle. Changing volume and shape oral cavity, the musician extracts the sounds of the overtone series. Perhaps this instrument was borrowed by the Tatars from the Ugrians. According to archaeological data, it was known back in the 10th century.
The Tatars also have a national percussion instrument. It's called def and resembles a tambourine.

From the excavations

Such musical instruments are known as: kyngyrau,Tavyshly Asma, tash sybyzgy, holder, shaltyravyk etc.

Many Tatar folk musical instruments were lost and are now experiencing a new birth. Sornai, kurai, dumbyrs, mandolins, folk violins, Tatar harps are exhibited at the State national museum Tatarstan, museums of Kazan, Almetyevsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.

Press service of the RPO “TNC MO” based on materials from the sites “How Simple” and “My Home”

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