Flute: history, video, interesting facts, listen. Longitudinal flute Which flutes are played by professionals and beginners

According to the method of holding the flute are divided into longitudinal, transverse and semi-transverse (diagonal). Longitudinal flutes come with a whistle device (mouthpiece) and without it.

Flute with the end of the barrel closed opposite from the performer ( closed flute) sounds an octave higher than a similarly sized open-ended flute ( open flute).


The oldest form of the flute is the whistle. Gradually, finger holes began to be cut in the whistle tubes, turning a simple whistle into a whistle flute, on which it was already possible to perform musical works. The first archaeological finds of the flute date back to 35 - 40 thousand years BC, so the flute is one of the oldest musical instruments.

The longitudinal flute was known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and it remains the main wind instrument throughout the Middle East. In Europe it was widespread in the XV-XVII centuries. The longitudinal flute, which has 5-6 finger holes and is capable of octave blowing, provides a complete musical scale, individual intervals within which can change, forming different frets by crossing the fingers, closing the holes halfway, as well as changing the direction and strength of breathing. Now occasionally used in the performance of early music.

The transverse flute with 5-6 finger holes was known in China at least 3000 years ago, and in India and Japan more than 2000 years ago. In Europe during the Middle Ages, mainly simple instruments of the whistle type (predecessors of the block flute and harmonica) were distributed, as well as the transverse flute, which penetrated into Central Europe from the East through the Balkans, where it still remains the most common folk instrument.

By the end of the 17th century, the transverse flute was improved by French masters, among whom Otteter stands out, who, in particular, added valves to six finger holes to play a full chromatic scale. Possessing a more expressive sound and high technical capabilities, the transverse flute soon replaced the longitudinal (recorder) and by the end of the 18th century took a firm place in the symphony orchestra and instrumental ensembles.

In modern orchestras, they use the usual grand flute (its timbre is varied, but somewhat cold, and the sound strength is low), a small flute with a sharp sound (an octave higher), less often an alto flute in the G scale (its timbre is a little warmer), extremely rarely a bass flute ( an octave below).


Without whistle device

In flutes without a whistle device, a jet of air is formed and directed to the pointed edge by the lips of the performer, his ear cushion.


Main article: Kalyuka.

Kalyuka(from barbed), also forcing , thorn , overtone flute , herbal pipe- , which is a kind of longitudinal overtone flute, since natural overtones are blown out during the performance of this musical instrument. It is a hollow cylinder with special holes, made from the stem of the prickly tartar or some other plants.

The use of the instrument in Russian traditional culture became known to specialists only in 1980, after which it was widely used in Russian folklore ensembles. In popular culture, it is considered exclusively male. Instruments similar to the Kalyuka are found among many peoples of the world.

Playing the kalyuk is carried out by opening and closing the bottom hole of the tube with a finger, as well as by changing the strength of the air stream supplied by the mouth into the instrument. During the game, the musical instrument is held vertically down with both hands so that the pad of the index finger can either open or close the lower hole.

The size of a musical instrument can be different, depending on the height and length of the hands of the player playing it. For children, this is from 25 cm to 30 cm, and for adults, from 72 cm to 86 cm. The length of the tube is also adjusted to the height of the wearer. The length is considered acceptable if the bottom hole on the pipe could be closed with the palm of the hand or fingers. Therefore, the length of the flute should not exceed the size of the outstretched arm from the shoulder to the fingertips. The body of the Kalyuka has a conical passage, slightly tapering from top to bottom. The inner diameter of the tubes is from 15 to 25 mm. The diameter of the outlet hole does not exceed 12-14 mm, and the top hole - 19-23 mm.

The pipe was opened in 1980 by students of the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories in the villages of Bolshebykovo and Podserednee, located halfway from Belgorod to Voronezh.


Main article: Kena.

With whistle device

Whistle device

How the whistle works

In flutes with a whistle device (whistle flutes), a jet of air is formed and directed to a pointed edge through a special channel in the mouthpiece of the instrument.

Block flute

Main article: Recorder.


Main article: Whistle.


Main article: Svirel.


Main article: Pyzhatka.

It is a wooden tube with a diameter of 15-25 mm and a length of 40-70 cm, at one end of which is inserted a wooden cork (“wad”) with an oblique cut that directs the blown air to the pointed edge of a small square hole (“whistles”).

The term "pyzhatka" can also be considered as a synonym for the concept of a sniffle - a type of longitudinal whistle flute, which is also a traditional Russian folk wind instrument, the most ancient of those that were in circulation among the Eastern Slavs. This variety was characterized by a diatonic scale and a range of up to two octaves; by changing the strength of the air flow and using special fingering, a chromatic scale was also achievable. It is actively used by amateur groups both as a solo and as an ensemble instrument.< .


Main article: Double flute.

Whistle flute with two pipes.


Main article: Multi-barreled flute.

Multi-barreled flutes consist of several tubes of different lengths, bonded or not bonded to each other, each of which emits one fundamental tone. The upper ends of the tubes are located at the same level next to each other. The lower end of the tube is open or closed with a stopper. The tubes are brought to the lips in a vertical position and blow on their upper cut.


Main article: Syringa.

Syringa(Greek σῦριγξ) - an ancient Greek musical instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute. The term first occurs in Homer's Iliad (X,13). Distinguished single-barreled siringa ( σῦριγξ μονοκάλαμος ) and multi-barreled siringa ( σῦριγξ πολυκάλαμος ); the latter was later assigned the name Pan flute. Russian translators traditionally render σῦριγξ with the somewhat indistinct word "pipe". The Greek word served as the anatomical name for the vocal organ of birds (see syrinx).

Siringa is known as a traditional wind instrument of shepherds and peasants in the era of antiquity. This variety often appears in ancient Greek poetry; it was also used for the purpose of musical accompaniment of stage performances, including in ancient Rome. Subsequently, the instrument also penetrated into later European folk music.

Pan flute


Main article: Cookicles.

Kugikly (kuvikly, tsevnitsa) is a Russian folk wind musical instrument, which is a type of multi-barreled flute.

The tool is a set of hollow tubes of various lengths and diameters. Pipes are made from stalks of kugi (marsh reeds), reeds, bamboo, tree branches and bushes that have a core. The upper open ends are located at the same level, the lower one is closed by the trunk knot.

The flute is usually made up of 3-5 tubes of the same diameter but different lengths (from 100 to 160 mm). The tubes of the instrument are not fastened together, which allows them to be changed depending on the required tuning. Bringing the upper ends of the tubes to the mouth and moving them (or the head) from side to side, they blow on the edges of the sections, extracting, as a rule, short, jerky sounds. A set of five pipes in the hands of one performer is called a "pair".

The modern orchestral flute (often just "flute"; Italian flauto from Latin flatus - "wind, breath"; French flûte, English flute, German Flöte) - soprano register. The pitch on the flute changes by blowing (extracting harmonic consonances with the lips), as well as by opening and closing holes with valves. Modern flutes are usually made of metal (nickel, silver, gold, platinum), less often - from wood, sometimes - from glass, plastic and other composite materials.

The name is due to the fact that during the game the musician holds the instrument not in a vertical, but in a horizontal position; the mouthpiece, respectively, is located on the side. Flutes of this design appeared quite a long time ago, in the era of late antiquity and in ancient China (9th century BC). The modern stage in the development of the flute begins in 1832, when the German master T. Boehm improved it; over time, this variety replaced the previously popular longitudinal flute. The modern flute is characterized by a range from the first to the fourth octave; the lower register is soft and muffled, the highest sounds, on the contrary, are piercing and whistling, and the middle and partly upper registers have a timbre that is described as gentle and melodious.

Piccolo flute Main article: Piccolo flute.

Flute-piccolo(often called simply piccolo or piccolo; ital. flauto piccolo or ottavino, fr. petite flûte, German. kleine flöte) - a woodwind musical instrument, a type of modern flute, the highest sounding instrument among wind instruments. It has a brilliant, in forte - piercing and whistling timbre. A small flute is half as long as an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher, and it is impossible to extract a number of low sounds on it. Piccolo range - from before from 5(re of the second octave - up to the fifth octave), there are also instruments that have the ability to take and cis². Notes for ease of reading are written an octave lower.

Mechanically, the piccolo flute is arranged in the same way as the usual one (except for the absence of the “D-flat” and “C” of the first octave) and, therefore, is characterized by the same performance features in general. Initially, within the framework of the orchestra (starting from the second half of the 18th century), the small flute was intended to amplify and extend upward the extreme octaves of the grand flute, and it was recommended to use it more in opera or ballet than in symphonic works. This was due to the fact that in the early stages of its existence, due to insufficient improvement, the small flute was characterized by a rather sharp and somewhat rough sound, as well as a low degree of flexibility. It should also be noted that this variety of flute is quite well combined with ringing percussion instruments and drums; in addition, the piccolo can be combined in an octave with the oboe, which also gives rise to an expressive sound.

Irish flute

Main article: Irish flute.


Main article: Dee (flute).

Di(笛, 笛子, from Old Chinese hengchui, handy- transverse flute) - an ancient Chinese wind instrument, a transverse flute with 6 playing holes. In most cases, the stem of the di is made from bamboo or cane, but there are also di made from other types of wood and even from stone, most often jade.

Di is one of the most common wind instruments in China. It is assumed that this type of flute entered the country from Central Asia in the 1st century BC. e . The hole for blowing air is located near the closed end of the barrel; in the immediate vicinity of the latter there is another hole, which is covered with a thin film of reeds or reeds (there is, however, a variant without a film, which is called "mandi"). For adjustment, the remaining four holes are used, which are located at the open end of the barrel. Playing on this instrument is performed in the same way as on a transverse flute. Depending on its application in works of certain genres, two types of di are distinguished: quidi and baidi.


Main article: Vascular flute.

These are flutes with a body shape that is different from most other flutes. In Russia, a traditional similar flute is a children's toy. whistle. European flutes have the largest musical range ocarina and English ocarina.

Musical Instrument: Flute

This amazingly virtuoso instrument with a light, airy, as if "fluttering" sound, reminiscent of birds singing, belongs to the group of woodwinds. According to ancient Greek myths, his invention is the merit of the son of Hephaestus - Ardal. Perhaps no other instrument has undergone such transformations and improvements. Initially, there were two varieties - transverse and longitudinal, but later the first version replaced the longitudinal one and took its rightful place in the orchestra. These two types are very different from each other not only externally, but also in the way of sound production.

history flutes and many interesting facts about this musical instrument, read on our page.

flute sound

The sound of the flute is reminiscent of magic. Amazingly beautiful sounds are born in the middle register - unusually clear, clean and transparent. It is not for nothing that the flute occupies a special place in the folklore and fairy tales of many peoples; it is often endowed with mystical properties. The melodic sound of the flute in the hands of an experienced musician can not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also simply fascinate with its expressive and penetrating music, which seems to hit us right in the heart. The soft and melodic sound of the flute can sweeten our ears, soften our hearts, evoke the kindest and brightest feelings.

A flute or a simple pipe is usually one of the first musical instruments that children may encounter, and are even able to make their own from improvised objects of a suitable shape.

It is worth saying a few words about the peculiarities of the sound of the flute.The lower register is slightly deaf, but one cannot fail to notice its softness, cordiality and spiritual penetration, and the upper row of notes sounds piercingly, with a sharp whistle.The peculiarity of the acoustics of the flute is that when playing the "piano" the pitch decreases slightly, and playing the "forte" raises the sound.

The nature of the pitch of sounds can be changed by adjusting the strength of the air stream on exhalation, and of course with the help of the valve mechanism that closes the holes on the instrument.

flute range occupies the interval from the note “Do” of the first to the note “Do” of the fourth octave.

A photo

Interesting Facts

  • An example of the largest transverse flute is an instrument created by the Indian master Bharat Sin in Jamnagar in 2014. The length of this flute was 3.62 meters. The national anthem was performed with her participation.
  • Flutes are made from over a hundred different materials, including bone, wood, metal, glass, crystal, plastic, and others. There is even a flute made of chocolate on which you can play music.
  • The title of the most expensive flute according to the Forbes rating belongs to an instrument created by Powell in 1939. This platinum flute is now valued at $600,000.

  • The largest number of flutists in an ensemble of 3,742 members gathered in Japan on July 31, 2011 for the solemn celebration of 400 years of Hirosaki Castle.
  • The longest uninterrupted performance by a flutist lasted 25 hours and 48 minutes and was achieved by Katherine Brookes in Bedworth, UK on February 17-18, 2012. Katherine repeated the 6-hour program several times, containing 92 different pieces, from classical to contemporary music trends.
  • The flute is the only orchestral instrument on which air is blown across the holes. And you should know that the flutist's air consumption is much greater than on any other wind instruments, including such a large-sized one as tuba .
  • The oldest flute was discovered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1998. The musical instrument, made from the bones of a cave bear, contains four holes. Paleontologists believe that this flute is 43,000 to 82,000 years old.
  • The main deity of Hinduism, Krishna, is depicted with a bamboo flute. It was said that Krishna created the world through the beautiful sound of the flute, which also preaches love and freedom.

  • There are 30 varieties of flute, which are produced in almost fifty countries of the world.
  • The flute was played by prominent personalities. Leonardo Da Vinci, John II, Martin Luther, Emperor Nicholas I, Enrico Caruso, Woody Allen, M. Glinka , and many others.
  • It is known that at the court of the English King Henry the Eighth V, a whole collection of flutes was collected - 72 pieces.
  • US President G. Cleveland greatly appreciated his crystal flute with golden elements.
  • In Vietnam, in the mountainous district of Yienthe, during the insurgent peasant movement, the flute was used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a cold weapon. They were given alarm signals and at the same time killed enemies.
  • According to researchers, playing the flute has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children, immunity, and has a preventive effect on respiratory diseases.

Popular pieces for flute

I. Bach - Scherzo (Joke) from suite for flute and string orchestra No. 2 (listen)

V.A. Mozart - Concerto for flute and orchestra in G major (listen)

J. Hiber - Concerto for flute and orchestra Allegro scherzando (listen)

flute design

The transverse flute is an elongated cylindrical tube with a valve system that closes 16 holes. One end of it is closed, it has a hole where lips are applied to blow in air. Modern types of flutes include a three-part structure: head, body and knee. Unlike other wind-type instruments, the sound of the flute is formed due to the directed air flow towards the edge of the lip plate. A huge role in the correct playing technique belongs to the shape of the lips or the “ear pad”. You can subtly change the sound of the instrument by changing the degree of tension and the shape of the lips.

The overall pitch is changed by moving the head out of the body of the instrument, the more the head is extended, the lower the sound will be.

Average flute weight - 600 grams.

The modern concert great flute composes 67 cm long, and the length of the piccolo is only about 32 cm.

Flute Varieties

The transverse flute, in addition to the main large concert flute, has three main varieties: , alto and bass.

Piccolo flute- the most sounding instrument among wind instruments. The structure is the same as that of a great flute, the difference lies in size - it is two times shorter than an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher. The sharp tone of the piccolo flute easily overrides the sound of an entire orchestra. In the play Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" she is given the theme of a squirrel chewing nuts. In the 1st act Bizet's opera "Carmen" a pair of piccolos joined the choir of boys boldly marching behind the line of soldiers.

Alto flute. They resemble an ordinary concert flute, but are somewhat larger in size and with a different structure of the valve system. The range is from "salt" of a small octave to "re" of the third octave.

bass flute- in the range from "si" of a large octave to "fa" of the second octave

Mention should also be made of much more rarely used samples - d "Amour, double bass, octobass and hyperbass.

Application and repertoire

The expressiveness of the sound of the flute attracted the attention of the greatest composers.

A. Vivaldi wrote 13 concertos for flute and orchestra. I.S. Bach, who is well aware of the technical possibilities, composed a huge number of works with the participation of the flute, his sonatas are especially beautiful, and the sparkling "Joke" and the unusually touching "Siciliana" do not leave music lovers all over the world indifferent to this day. The masterpieces of the flute repertoire include works G.F. handel , K.V. glitch, I. Haydn , W.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven . Charming "Melody" - the most popular solo in the opera " Orpheus and Eurydice ”demonstrated the sensuous and expressive aspect of flutes. The flute received a significant place as a solo instrument in the works V.A. Mozart . A real understanding of timbre and virtuoso possibilities was revealed by L. Beethoven, who in his own way introduced it into a symphony orchestra, an example is the overture to the opera Leonora.

The age of romanticism was also marked by the development of the performing skills of playing the flute. During this period, the repertoire of flute players was enriched by the masterpieces of such masters as K.M. Weber, F. Schubert , D. Rossini, G. Berlioz, C. Saint-Saens .

AT jazz one of the first to use flutes was drummer and jazz bandleader Chick Webb in the late 1930s. Frank Wess was among the first noteworthy jazz flute players in the 1940s.

Jethro Tull is probably the most famous rock band regularly using the flute, played by bandleader Ian Anderson. The alto flute can be heard on the Beatles' song, "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away", played by John Scott. Also on the song "Penny Lane".

Game techniques

The flute is played in a variety of ways. Often, musicians use double and triple staccato and a very effective frulato technique, which was first used in the symphony-poem "Don Quixote" by R. Strauss. In the future, the ingenuity of flutists-performers had no limits:

Multiphonics - two or more sounds are simultaneously extracted.
Whistle tones - a low whistle.
Tangram - sounds similar to clapping hands.
Jet whistle - jet whistle.

Knocking valves, playing with a thorn without sound, sounds are extracted at the same time as singing and a variety of other techniques.

History of the flute

The history of the flute takes us back to primitive times. It all started with tubes, on which they whistled at first. Now they are simply called pipes, which can be made from any suitable object, such as a pen or a cocktail pipe. Then people guessed that if holes were cut out in the tubes that could be covered with fingers, then it would be possible to perform musical works that were more complex in structure - numerous tunes and melodies.

The flute is very diverse in its functions. Initially, she was an instrument in the arsenal of shepherds who controlled animals with her, and then her status rose to such an extent that she took part in spiritual rites.

Samples of a transverse type flute appeared a very long time ago, back in ancient China, in the 9th century BC, then in India, Japan, and Byzantium. In Europe, it spread only in the Middle Ages and arrived from the East. In the 17th century, the flute, which gained great popularity, was modified by the French master J. Otteter, after which it began to occupy worthy positions in instrumental ensembles and opera orchestras.

We owe the modern look of the flute to the German master and composer T. Boehm, who lived in the 19th century. He complements the flute with a system of valves and rings, placed large finger holes according to acoustic principles, and also began to use metal in production, which made it possible to enhance the brilliance of the flute's sound. Since that time, this instrument has hardly changed, and it is difficult to add something really original to a musical instrument that is concise in design, capable of introducing new features into a familiar form.

Flute for all its apparent simplicity, it not only has a rich and glorious history, but also has a uniquely wide range of uses. This is due to the fact that it belongs to one of the most ancient, if not the most ancient instruments, with which our primitive ancestors tried to create music tens of thousands of years ago. Since the Stone Age, the flute has begun to win the hearts of people, charming us with its soulful and exciting sound, which echoes not only in the heart, but also in the most deeply hidden genes inherited from our distant ancestors. A modest wooden or bone flute, lovingly carved by a master, is able to create a whole unique universe filled with continuous amazing sound that you want to listen to endlessly.

Video: listen to the flute

The flute finally wins the hearts of major composers of different countries and styles, masterpieces of the flute repertoire appear one after another: sonatas for flute and piano by Sergei Prokofiev and Paul Hindemith, concertos for flute and orchestra by Carl Nielsen and Jacques Ibert, as well as other works by composers Bohuslav Martinou, Frank Martin, Olivier Messiaen. Several works for flute were written by Russian composers Edison Denisov and Sofia Gubaidulina.

Flutes of the East

Di(from the old Chinese hengchui, handi - transverse flute) - an old Chinese wind instrument, a transverse flute with 6 playing holes.

In most cases, the di stem is made of bamboo or reed, but there are di made from other types of wood and even from stone, most often jade. Near the closed end of the barrel there is a hole for blowing air, next to it is a hole covered with the thinnest reed or reed film; 4 additional holes located near the open end of the barrel are used for adjustment. The barrel of the flute is usually tied with black lacquered thread rings. The way of playing is the same as on the transverse flute.

At first it was believed that the flute was brought to China from Central Asia between 140 and 87 BC. e. However, during recent archaeological excavations, bone transverse flutes dating back about 8,000 years, very similar in design to modern di (although without a characteristic sealed hole), have been found, which testifies in favor of the hypothesis of a Chinese origin of di. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor ordered his dignitaries to make the first bamboo flute.

There are two kinds of di: qudi (in the kongqu musical drama orchestra) and bandi (in the bangzi musical drama orchestra in the northern provinces). A variation of the flute without a sealed hole is called a mandi.

Shakuhachi(Chinese chi-ba) - a longitudinal bamboo flute that came to Japan from China during the Nara period (710-784). There are about 20 varieties of shakuhachi. The standard length - 1.8 Japanese feet (54.5 cm) - determined the very name of the instrument, since "shaku" means "foot" and "hachi" means "eight". According to some researchers, the shakuhachi originates from the Egyptian instrument sabi, which made a long journey to China through the Middle East and India. Initially, the tool had 6 holes (5 in front and 1 behind). Later, apparently on the model of the longitudinal xiao flute, which also came from China during the Muromachi period, modified in Japan and became known as hitoyogiri (literally - “one knee of bamboo”), it took on a modern look with 5 finger holes. Shakuhachi is made from the butt of madake bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides). The average diameter of the tube is 4–5 cm, and the inside of the tube is almost cylindrical. The length varies depending on the tuning of the ensemble of koto and shamisen. A difference of 3 cm gives a difference in pitch by a semitone. The standard length of 54.5 cm is used for shakuhachi playing solo compositions. To improve the sound quality, craftsmen carefully coat the inside of the bamboo pipe with lacquer, just like the flute used in gagaku, in the Noh theater. The plays of the honkyoku style of the Fuke sect (30-40 pieces have survived) carry the ideas of Zen Buddhism. The honkyoku of the Kinko school uses the repertoire of the fuke shakuhachi, but gives more artistry to the manner in which they are performed.

P almost simultaneously with the appearance of the shakuhachi in Japan, the idea of ​​the sacredness of music played on the flute was born. Tradition links her miraculous power with the name of Prince Shotoku Taishi (548-622). An outstanding statesman, heir to the throne, an active preacher of Buddhism, the author of historical writings and the first commentaries on Buddhist sutras, he became one of the most authoritative figures in Japanese history. So, in the written sources of the early Middle Ages, it was said that when Prince Shotoku played the shakuhachi on the way to the temple on the mountainside, heavenly fairies descended to the sounds of the flute and danced. Shakuhachi from the Horyuji Temple, now on permanent display at the Tokyo National Museum, is considered the unique instrument of Prince Shotoku, which began the path of the sacred flute in Japan. Shakuhachi is also mentioned in connection with the name of the Buddhist priest Ennin (794-864), who studied Buddhism in Tang China. He introduced the accompaniment of the shakuhachi during the recitations of the Amida Buddha sutra. In his opinion, the voice of the flute not only adorned the prayer, but expressed its essence with greater penetration and purity. Zhukoai. Flute fairy in red

A new stage in the formation of the sacred flute tradition is associated with one of the most prominent personalities of the Muromachi period, Ikkyu Sojun (1394-1481). A poet, painter, calligrapher, religious reformer, eccentric philosopher and preacher, at the end of his life the abbot of the largest Daitokuji temple in the capital, he influenced almost all areas of the cultural life of his time: from the tea ceremony and the Zen garden to the No theater and shakuhachi music. Sound, in his opinion, played a big role in the tea ceremony: the noise of boiling water in a pot, the tapping of a whisk when whisking tea, the gurgling of water - everything was designed to create a feeling of harmony, purity, respect, silence. The same atmosphere accompanied the playing of the shakuhachi, when the human breath from the depths of the soul, passing through a simple bamboo pipe, became the breath of life itself. In a collection of poems written in the classical Chinese style "Kyounshu" ("Crazy Clouds Gathering"), permeated with images of the sound and music of the shakuhachi, the philosophy of sound as a means of awakening consciousness, Ikkyu writes about the shakuhachi as the pure voice of the universe: "Playing the shakuhachi, you see invisible spheres, there is only one song in the whole universe."

Around the beginning of the 17th century. various stories about Reverend Ikkyu and the shakuhachi flute were circulating. One of them told how Ikkyu, together with another monk, Ichiroso, left Kyoto and settled in a hut in Uji. There they cut bamboo, made shakuhachi and played. According to another version, a certain monk named Roan lived in seclusion, but was friends and communicated with Ikkyu. Worshiping shakuhachi, extracting sound with one breath, he achieved enlightenment and appropriated the name Fukedosya or Fuketsudosha (following the path of wind and holes) and was the first komuso (lit. "monk of nothingness and emptiness"). The flute, which, according to legend, was played by a master, has become a national relic and is located in the Hosun'in Temple in Kyoto. The first information about wandering monks playing flutes dates back to the first half of the 16th century. They were called the monks of komo (komoso), that is, "the monks of the straw mat." In the poetic work of the XVI century. the melodies of the wanderer inseparable from the flute were likened to the wind among the spring flowers, recalling the frailty of life, and the nickname komoso began to be written in hieroglyphs "ko" - emptiness, non-existence, "mo" - an illusion, "co" - a monk. 17th century in the history of Japanese culture became a new stage in the history of the sacred flute. The daily activities of the komuso monks centered around playing the shakuhachi. In the morning, the abbot used to play the tune "Kakureisei". It was an awakening play that started the day. The monks gathered around the altar and sang the melody "Teka" ("Morning Song"), after which their daily services began. During the day, they alternated playing the shakuhachi, sitting zazen meditation, martial arts, and begging schema. In the evening, before starting zazen again, the play "Banka" ("Evening Song") was played. Every monk was required to go begging at least three days a month. During the last of these obediences - wandering for alms - such melodies as "Tori" ("Passage"), "Kadozuke" ("Crossroads") and "Hachigaeshi" ("Return of the bowl" - here the begging bowl was meant) were played. ). When two komusô met along the way, they had to play "Yobitake". It was a kind of call performed on the shakuhachi, which meant "Call of Bamboo". In response to the greeting, one had to play "Uketake", the meaning of which is "to accept and pick up the bamboo." On the way, wanting to stop at one of the temples of their order, scattered throughout the country, they played the play "Hirakimon" ("Opening the Gates") in order to let them in for the night. All ritual plays, almsgiving performed on the shakuhachi, even those pieces that seemed to be more like the entertainment of monks, were part of the Zen practice called suizen (sui - "to blow, play a wind instrument").

Among the major phenomena of Japanese music that influenced the formation of the honkyoku tone system, one should name the theory and musical practice of Buddhist chants, shomyo, the theory and practice of gagaku, and later the traditions of ji-uta, sokyoku. XVII-XVIII centuries - the time of increasing popularity of shakuhachi in the urban environment. The development of gaming technology made it possible to play music of almost any genre on the shakuhachi. It began to be used for the performance of folk songs (minyo), in secular ensemble music-making, by the 19th century, finally displacing the bowed instrument kokyu from the most common sankyoku ensemble of that time (koto, shamisen, shakuhachi). Shakuhachi has varieties:

Gagaku shakuhachi is the earliest type of instrument. Tempuku - from the classic shakuhachi it is distinguished by a slightly different shape of the mouth opening. Hitoyogiri shakuhachi (or simply hitoyogiri) - as its name indicates, it is made from one knee of bamboo (hito - one, yo - knee, giri - voiced kiri, cut). The Fuke shakuhachi is the immediate predecessor of the modern shakuhachi. Bansuri, bansri (Bansuri) - Indian wind instrument, there are 2 types: classical transverse and longitudinal flute, used in North India. Made from bamboo or cane. Usually has six holes, but there has been a tendency to use seven holes - to increase flexibility and correct intonation in high registers. Previously, bansuri was found only in folk music, but today it has become widespread in the classical music of India. A similar instrument common in South India is the Venu. W
my flute
(Serpent Flut) - Indian reed instrument of two pipes (one - bourdon, the other - with 5-6 playing holes) with a resonator made of wood or dried gourd.

The snake flute is played in India by wandering fakirs and snake charmers. When playing, continuous, so-called permanent (chain) breathing is used.

Blairor Gambu- Indonesian longitudinal flute with a whistle device. It is usually made of ebony, decorated with carvings (in this case in the form of a dragon), and has 6 playing holes. Used as a solo and ensemble instrument.

Malaysian flute- a longitudinal flute in the form of a dragon, with a whistle device. Made from redwood. It is used in religious ceremonies, to pacify the spirit of the dragon - a sacred creature revered in Malaysia.

The family of flutes includes a huge number of different types of flutes, which can be conditionally divided into two groups, differing in the way the instrument is held when playing - longitudinal (straight, held in a position close to vertical) and transverse (oblique, held horizontally).

Of the longitudinal flutes, the recorder is the most common. The design of the head of this flute uses an insert (block). In German, the recorder is called “Blockflote” (“flute with a block”), in French - “flute a bec” (“flute with a mouthpiece”), in Italian - “flauto dolce” (“delicate flute”), in English - "recorder" (from record - "learn by heart, learn").

Related instruments: flute, sopilka, whistle. The recorder differs from other similar instruments by the presence of 7 finger holes on the front side and one on the back - the so-called octave valve.

The two lower holes are often made double. 8 fingers are used to close the holes when playing. To take notes, the so-called. fork fingerings (when the holes are closed not in turn, but in a complex combination).

The sound in the recorder is formed in the beak-shaped mouthpiece located at the end of the instrument. In the mouthpiece there is a wooden cork (from it. Block), covering the hole for blowing air (leaving only a narrow gap).

Nowadays, recorders are made not only from wood, but also from plastic. High-quality plastic instruments have good musical capabilities. The advantage of such tools is also their cheapness, strength - they are not as at risk of cracking as wood, precision manufacturing by hot pressing followed by fine-tuning with high precision, hygiene (they are not afraid of moisture and tolerate "bathing" well).

Nevertheless, according to most performers, it is wooden flutes that sound best. Boxwood or fruit trees (pear, plum) are traditionally used for manufacturing, maple is usually used for budget models, and professional instruments are often made from mahogany.

The recorder has a full chromatic scale. This allows you to play music in different keys. A recorder is usually tuned in F or C, meaning it is the lowest pitch that can be played on it. The most common types of recorder in terms of pitch: sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, bass. The sopranino is in F, the soprano is in C, the alto is one octave below the sopranino, the tenor is one octave below the soprano, and the bass is one octave below the alto.

Recorders are also classified by fingering systems. There are two types of recorder fingering systems: "Germanic" and "Baroque" (or "English"). The "Germanic" fingering system is a little easier for the initial development, but most of the really good professional instruments are made with the "Baroque" fingering.

The recorder was popular in the Middle Ages in Europe, but by the 18th century. its popularity waned as orchestral wind instruments such as the transverse flute were favored for their wider range and louder sound. In the music of the eras of classical and romanticism, the recorder did not take its rightful place.

Recognizing the decrease in the importance of the recorder, we can also recall that the name Flauto - "flute" before 1750 referred to the recorder; the transverse flute was called Flauto Traverso or simply Traversa. After 1750 and until today, the name "flute" (Flauto) refers to a transverse flute.

In the early twentieth century, the recorder was such a rarity that Stravinsky, when he saw the recorder for the first time, mistook it for a type of clarinet. It wasn't until the 20th century that the recorder was rediscovered primarily as an instrument for school and home music making. The recorder is also used for authentic reproduction of early music.

The list of literature for the recorder in the 20th century has grown to enormous proportions and, thanks to numerous new compositions, continues to grow continuously in the 21st century. The recorder is sometimes used in popular music. The recorder also occupies a certain place in folk music.

Among orchestral flutes, 4 main types of flute can be identified: the flute itself (or large flute), the small flute (piccolo flute), the alto flute and the bass flute.

Also in existence, but much less commonly used, are the E flat grand flute (Cuban music, Latin American jazz), the octobass flute (contemporary music and flute orchestra), and the hyperbass flute. Flutes of a lower range also exist as prototypes.

The great flute (or simply the flute) is a soprano register instrument. The pitch on the flute changes by blowing (extracting harmonic consonances with the lips), as well as by opening and closing holes with valves.

Modern flutes are usually made of metal (nickel, silver, gold, platinum). The flute is characterized by a range from the first to the fourth octave; the lower register is soft and deaf, the highest sounds, on the contrary, are piercing and whistling, and the middle and partly upper registers have a timbre that is described as gentle and melodious.

The piccolo flute is the highest-sounding wind instrument. It has a brilliant, in the forte - a piercing and whistling timbre. A small flute is half as long as an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher, and it is impossible to extract a number of low sounds on it.

Piccolo range - from d? before c5(re of the second octave - up to the fifth octave), there are also instruments that have the ability to take c? and cis?. Notes for ease of reading are written an octave lower. Mechanically, the piccolo flute is arranged in the same way as the usual one (except for the absence of the “D-flat” and “C” of the first octave) and, therefore, is characterized by the same performance features in general.

Initially, within the framework of the orchestra (starting from the second half of the 18th century), the small flute was intended to amplify and extend upward the extreme octaves of the grand flute, and it was recommended to use it more in opera or ballet than in symphonic works. This was due to the fact that in the early stages of its existence, due to insufficient improvement, the small flute was characterized by a rather sharp and somewhat rough sound, as well as a low degree of flexibility.

It should also be noted that this type of flute is quite successfully combined with ringing percussion instruments and drums; in addition, the piccolo can be combined in an octave with the oboe, which also generates an expressive sound

The alto flute is similar in structure and playing technique to a regular flute, but has a longer and wider tube and a slightly different structure of the valve system.

The breath on the alto flute is consumed faster. Used most often in G(in salt order), less often in F(in the F order). Range? from g(salt of a small octave) to d? (re third octave). Theoretically, it is possible to extract higher sounds, but in practice they are almost never used.

The sound of the instrument in the lower register is bright, thicker than that of a great flute, however, it is achievable only in dynamics no stronger than mezzo-forte. Medium register? flexible in nuance, full-sounding; upper? sharp, less timbre colored than the flute, the highest sounds are difficult to extract on the piano. It occurs in a few scores, but in the works of Stravinsky, such as, for example, Daphnis and Chloe and The Rite of Spring, it acquires a certain weight and significance.

The bass flute has a curved knee, which makes it possible to increase the length of the air column without significantly changing the dimensions of the instrument. It sounds an octave lower than the main instrument, but requires a significantly larger volume of air (breathing).

As for the folk (or ethnic) types of flutes, there are a huge variety of them.

They can be conditionally divided into longitudinal, transverse, whistling (an improved version of the longitudinal flute), Pan flutes, vessel-shaped, nasal and compound flutes.

To ena - used in the music of the Andean region of Latin America. Usually made from cane. It has six upper and one lower finger hole, usually made in G tuning.

whistle(from English. tin whistle, literally translated "tin whistle, pipe", pronunciation options (Russian): whistle, whistle, the first is more common) is a folk longitudinal flute with six holes on the front side, widely used in the folk music of Ireland, Scotland, England and some other countries.

Svirel- Russian wind instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute. Sometimes it can be double-barreled, with one of the barrels usually having a length of 300-350 mm, the second - 450-470 mm. At the upper end of the barrel there is a whistle device, at the bottom there are 3 side holes for changing the pitch of sounds. The barrels are tuned to each other in a quart and generally give a diatonic scale in the volume of a seventh.

Pyzhatka-- Russian folk musical instrument, wooden flute, traditional for the Kursk region of Russia. It is a wooden tube with a diameter of 15-25 mm and a length of 40-70 cm, at one end of which is inserted a wooden cork (“wad”) with an oblique cut that directs the blown air to the pointed edge of a small square hole (“whistles”).

The term "pyzhatka" can also be considered as a synonym for the concept snot- a variety of longitudinal whistle flute, which is also a traditional Russian folk wind instrument, the most ancient of those that were in circulation among the Eastern Slavs.

This variety was characterized by a diatonic scale and a range of up to two octaves; by changing the strength of the air flow and using special fingering, a chromatic scale was also achievable. It is actively used by amateur groups both as a solo and as an ensemble instrument.

Di-- An ancient Chinese wind instrument, a transverse flute with 6 playing holes. In most cases, the di stem is made of bamboo or reed, but there are di made from other types of wood and even from stone, most often jade.

Di is one of the most common wind instruments in China. The hole for blowing air is located near the closed end of the barrel; in the immediate vicinity of the latter there is another hole, which is covered with a thin film of reeds or reeds.

Bansuri- Indian wind musical instrument, a type of transverse flute. Especially common in Northern India. Bansuri is made from a single hollow bamboo stem with six or seven holes. There are two types of instrument: transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal is usually used in folk music and is held with the lips like a whistle when played. The transverse variety is the most used in Indian classical music.

Pan flute- a multi-barreled flute, consisting of several (2 or more) hollow tubes of various lengths. The lower ends of the tubes are closed, the upper ones are open. The name is due to the fact that in the era of antiquity the invention of this type of flute was mythologically attributed to the deity of forests and fields, Pan. When playing, the musician directs the flow of air from one end of the tubes to the other, as a result of which the air columns enclosed inside begin to oscillate, and the instrument produces a whistle of a certain height; each of the tubes emits one basic sound, the acoustic characteristics of which depend on its length and diameter. Accordingly, the number and size of the pipes determine the range of the panflute. The tool may have a movable or fixed stopper; depending on this, various ways of fine-tuning it are used.

Ocarina -- an ancient wind musical instrument, a vessel-shaped clay whistle flute. It is a small egg-shaped chamber with four to thirteen finger holes. Multi-chambered ocarinas may have more holes (depending on the number of chambers).

Usually made in ceramic, but sometimes also made of plastic, wood, glass or metal.

AT nasal flute the sound is produced by air from the nostrils. Despite the fact that air comes out of the nose with less force than out of the mouth, many of the primitive peoples of the Pacific region prefer to play this way, because they endow nasal breathing with some special energy. Such flutes are especially common in Polynesia, where they have become a national instrument. The most common are transverse nasal flutes, but the natives of Borneo play longitudinal ones.

Compound flutes consist of several simple flutes connected together. At the same time, whistle holes can be different for each barrel, then a simple set of different flutes is obtained, or they can be connected to one common mouthpiece, in which case all these flutes sound simultaneously and harmonic intervals and even chords can be played on them.

All of the above types of flutes are only a small part of the huge flute family. All of them differ greatly in appearance, timbre, size. They are united by the way of sound extraction - unlike other wind instruments, the flute sounds are formed as a result of cutting the air flow on the edge, instead of using the tongue. The flute is one of the most ancient musical instruments.

Flute- a common name for a number of musical wind instruments from the woodwind group. It is one of the oldest musical instruments in origin. Unlike other wind instruments, flute sounds are formed as a result of cutting the air stream on the edge, instead of using the reed. A musician who plays the flute is commonly referred to as a flutist.


The head of the flute family is the Great Flute. Each of the members of this instrumental family is nothing more than a reduced or enlarged copy of it. There are the following types:

  • Block flute(German: Blockflöte - a flute with a block) - a kind of longitudinal flute. This is a woodwind musical instrument from the whistle family. The design of the head part uses an insert (block). Related instruments: flute, sopilka, whistle. The recorder differs from other similar instruments by the presence of 7 finger holes on the front side and one on the back - the so-called octave valve. The two lower holes are often made double. 8 fingers are used to close the holes when playing. To take notes, the so-called. fork fingerings (when the holes are closed not in turn, but in a complex combination). Among the varieties of the longitudinal flute, the recorder is defined as the most important. In European countries, it has been spreading since the 11th century; subsequently, the popularity of this instrument increased, as a result of which, in the period from the 16th to the 18th century, the recorder was the most actively used and frequently encountered variety of flute. The instrument is characterized by a soft, warm, cantilena (i.e. melodious) timbre, but at the same time it has limited possibilities in terms of dynamics. The recorder is often used in the musical works of such composers as J. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, G. F. Handel, etc. Due to the fact that the sound of the recorder is rather weak, its popularity gradually decreased due to the spread of the transverse flute. However, this variety is currently enjoying some interest for several reasons; among them - the trend towards the revival of early music and the possibility of using the recorder as a teaching instrument (since the technique of playing it is relatively simple)
  • transverse flute(often just a flute; Italian flauto from Latin flatus - “wind, breath”; French flûte, English flute, German Flöte) is a woodwind musical instrument of the soprano register. The pitch on the flute changes by blowing (extracting harmonic consonances with the lips), as well as by opening and closing holes with valves. Modern flutes are usually made of metal (nickel, silver, gold, platinum), less often - from wood, sometimes - from glass, plastic and other composite materials. The name is due to the fact that during the game the musician holds the instrument not in a vertical, but in a horizontal position; the mouthpiece, respectively, is located on the side. Flutes of this design appeared quite a long time ago, in the era of late antiquity and in ancient China (9th century BC). The modern stage of development of the transverse flute begins in 1832, when the German master T. Boehm improved it; over time, this variety replaced the previously popular longitudinal flute. The transverse flute is characterized by a range from the first to the fourth octave; the lower register is soft and deaf, the highest sounds, on the contrary, are piercing and whistling, and the middle and partly upper registers have a timbre that is described as gentle and melodious.
  • Piccolo flute(often called simply a piccolo or small flute; Italian flauto piccolo or ottavino, French petite flûte, German kleine Flöte) is a woodwind musical instrument, a kind of transverse flute, the highest sounding instrument among wind instruments. It has a brilliant, in the forte - a piercing and whistling timbre. A small flute is half as long as an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher, and it is impossible to extract a number of low sounds on it. The piccolo range is from d² to c5 (re of the second octave - up to the fifth octave), there are also instruments that have the ability to take c² and cis². Notes for ease of reading are written an octave lower. Mechanically, the piccolo flute is arranged in the same way as the usual one (except for the absence of the “D-flat” and “C” of the first octave) and, therefore, is characterized by the same performance features in general. Initially, within the framework of the orchestra (starting from the second half of the 18th century), the small flute was intended to amplify and extend upward the extreme octaves of the grand flute, and it was recommended to use it more in opera or ballet than in symphonic works. This was due to the fact that in the early stages of its existence, due to insufficient improvement, the small flute was characterized by a rather sharp and somewhat rough sound, as well as a low degree of flexibility. It should also be noted that this type of flute is quite successfully combined with ringing percussion instruments and drums; in addition, the piccolo can be combined in an octave with the oboe, which also gives rise to an expressive sound.
  • Syringa(Greek σῦριγξ) is an ancient Greek musical instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute. The term first occurs in Homer's Iliad (X,13). There were single-barreled syringa (σῦριγξ μονοκάλαμος) and multi-barreled syringa (σῦριγξ πολυκάλαμος); the latter was later assigned the name of Pan's flute. Russian translators traditionally render σῦριγξ with the somewhat indistinct word "pipe". The Greek word served as the anatomical name for the vocal organ of birds (see syrinx). Syringa is known as a traditional wind instrument of shepherds and peasants in antiquity. This variety often appears in ancient Greek poetry; It was also used for musical accompaniment of stage performances, including in ancient Rome. Subsequently, the instrument also penetrated into later European folk music.
  • Pan flute(panflute) - a class of woodwind instruments, a multi-barreled flute, consisting of several (2 or more) hollow tubes of various lengths. The lower ends of the tubes are closed, the upper ones are open. The name is due to the fact that in the era of antiquity the invention of this type of flute was mythologically attributed to the deity of forests and fields, Pan. When playing, the musician directs the flow of air from one end of the tubes to the other, as a result of which the air columns enclosed inside begin to oscillate, and the instrument produces a whistle of a certain height; each of the tubes emits one basic sound, the acoustic characteristics of which depend on its length and diameter. Accordingly, the number and size of the pipes determine the range of the panflute. The tool may have a movable or fixed stopper; depending on this, various ways of fine-tuning it are used.
  • Di(笛, 笛子, from the old Chinese hengchui, handi - transverse flute) is an ancient Chinese wind instrument, a transverse flute with 6 playing holes. In most cases, the di stem is made of bamboo or reed, but there are di made from other types of wood and even from stone, most often jade. Di is one of the most common wind instruments in China. It is assumed that this type of flute entered the country from Central Asia in the II-I centuries BC. e. The hole for blowing air is located near the closed end of the barrel; in the immediate vicinity of the latter there is another hole, which is covered with a thin film of reeds or reeds (there is, however, a variant without a film, which is called "mandi"). For adjustment, the remaining four holes are used, which are located at the open end of the barrel. Playing on this instrument is performed in the same way as on a transverse flute. Depending on its application in works of certain genres, two types of di are distinguished: quidi and baidi.
  • Irish flute(English Irish flute) - a transverse flute used to perform Irish (as well as Scottish, Breton, etc.) folk music. It is a transverse flute of the so-called. a simple system - its main 6 holes are not closed by valves; when playing, they are closed directly by the performer's fingers. The Irish flute is found in versions with valves (from one to ten), and without. Despite the appropriate name, the Irish flute has no direct connection with Ireland in its origin. It is essentially the English version of the transverse wooden flute, which for quite some time was known as the "German flute"; the British subjected it to certain modifications, and the most significant of them were introduced by the English inventor and performer C. Nicholson Jr. Many classical and some modern variations on this flute include the use of metal valves and additional tone holes to achieve a partial or full chromatic scale.
  • Kena(Quechua qina, Spanish quena) is a longitudinal flute used in the music of the Andean region of Latin America. Usually made from cane. It has six upper and one lower finger hole. Usually made in G tuning. The quenacho flute (quechua qinachu, Spanish quenacho) is a lower-pitched variant of the quena, in D tuning. . In most cases, the instrument was used in specific song compositions, however, individual groups, such as Illapu, for example, resorted to its capabilities regularly. Subsequently, in the 1980s and 1990s, kena was also used by rock bands such as Soda Stereo or Enanitos Verdes. The instrument is also found in ethnic music.
  • Svirel- Russian wind instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute. Sometimes it can be double-barreled, with one of the trunks usually having a length of 300-350 mm, the second - 450-470 mm. At the upper end of the barrel there is a whistle device, at the bottom there are 3 side holes for changing the pitch of sounds. The barrels are tuned to each other in a quart and generally give a diatonic scale in the volume of a seventh. In addition, the flute can also be understood as an outdated wind instrument, which was characterized by a double tongue inserted into a special cup; subsequently, on its basis, by some simplification of the design (in particular, the refusal to use a cup), an oboe was developed. In this sense, the flute correlates with the bombarda, a woodwind instrument that was the forerunner of the bassoon. The flute was historically the first and smallest of its kind.
  • Pyzhatka- Russian folk musical instrument, a wooden flute, traditional for the Kursk region of Russia. It is a wooden tube with a diameter of 15-25 mm and a length of 40-70 cm, at one end of which is inserted a wooden cork (“wad”) with an oblique cut that directs the blown air to the pointed edge of a small square hole (“whistles”). The term "pyzhatka" can also be considered as a synonym for the concept of a sniffle - a type of longitudinal whistle flute, which is also a traditional Russian folk wind instrument, the most ancient of those that were in circulation among the Eastern Slavs. This variety was characterized by a diatonic scale and a range of up to two octaves; by changing the strength of the air flow and using special fingering, a chromatic scale was also achievable. It is actively used by amateur groups both as a solo and as an ensemble instrument.
  • whistle(from English tin whistle, literally translated “tin whistle, pipe”, pronunciation options (Russian): whistle, whistle, the first is more common) - a folk longitudinal flute with six holes on the front side, widely used in the folk music of Ireland, Scotland, England and some other countries. The most popular are small whistles in the key of D. They are tuned an octave higher than other wind instruments (a regular flute, for example, or bagpipes), and notes for them, respectively, are written an octave lower. However, the popularity of the so-called. low whistle - a longer modification of the instrument, which sounds approximately in the same range as a regular flute. Whistles also exist in other keys; they are defined as being transposed (that is, all whistles are considered instruments in the key of D, even if they actually sound higher or lower).
  • Ocarina- an ancient wind musical instrument, a clay whistle flute. It is a small egg-shaped chamber with four to thirteen finger holes. Multi-chambered ocarinas may have more holes (depending on the number of chambers). Usually made in ceramic, but sometimes also made of plastic, wood, glass or metal.


The flute is one of the oldest musical instruments; official sources date its appearance to 35,000-40,000 years BC. But perhaps this amazing musical instrument is much earlier.
The prototype of the flute is an ordinary whistle, the sound in which appears when an air stream of air vibrates, which is cut against the sharp edge of a tree or other material.
Whistles were of different types, they were made of clay, stone, wood. They existed among most peoples as various signaling devices, children's toys and as musical instruments.
Later, holes were cut in the whistle tube, clamping which it was possible to adjust the pitch of the sound. Chromatic frets were formed with the help of finger combinations and by closing the holes by half or a quarter. Raising the sound by an octave occurred with the help of an increase in the strength and / or direction of breathing. Gradually, the whistle tube became longer, and there were more holes. The sound range expanded, melodies and playing techniques became more complicated.
The period of the Middle Ages is characterized by the appearance of instrumental ensembles at courts. The longitudinal and transverse flutes were in fashion. During the Renaissance, the finest wind instruments were made in Venice and Bologna. Until the end of the 16th century, performers used longitudinal flutes of various sizes - treble, alto, tenor, bass. Their range ranged from 2 to 2.5 octaves. Their sound was pleasant, soft, but very weak, inexpressive, uneven in strength and not always accurate in pitch. The reason was that the playing holes were located where it is convenient to close them with your fingers, and not based on acoustic requirements. The flutes formed ensembles of 20 people.
In the 17th century, the first orchestras arose. Monteverdi in the opera "Orpheus" introduced only one small flute into the group of wind instruments of the orchestra, which played serene shepherd tunes, creating a pastoral flavor for a number of scenes. As the orchestra developed, the role of flutes increased, and in the operas of the German composer G. Schutz they not only accompanied singing, as in others, but enriched it, supplemented and competed with it. There is an assumption that the transverse flute originated in Germany. It was made from one piece of wood, had 6 holes covered with fingers and one for blowing air. The old German flute covered 2.5 octaves - from D first to la third. The bore was conical, tapering towards the end, so that the sound was soft, gentle, but not strong (although louder than that of the longitudinal one), and most importantly, more expressive. The lowest sound was obtained by shaking the air column in the flute tube, other shortening it, i.e. all sounds corresponded to the main holes, and intermediate "chromatic" steps were obtained using "forked fingering" or "fork grip". The drilling of the tube of the old German flute had a reverse-conical drilling, in which the largest span of the diameter fell on the "head" of the flute, and the smallest - on its "foot", i.e. the drilling tapered towards the bottom of the instrument, which made it possible to comfortably place the fingers on the surface of the flute. In England during the Renaissance, the theater orchestra used the flute in wedding scenes. At the same time, the famous English composer Purcell wrote the Sonata for flute for the first time.
The most significant works for flute at the beginning of the 12th century were created by J.S. Bach. He wrote a large number of works for the flute and with its participation. The composer perfectly knew the technique of playing the flute, its timbre and color possibilities, loved its light, silvery, singing tone. The flute sonatas of J.S. Bach, written under the influence of the famous virtuoso flutist Johann Joachim Quantz, who introduced Bach to all the techniques of playing the flute, stand out.
Working on improving the flute. Quantz made an adjusting screw for the plug of the head of the tool. In 1770, P. Florio made an additional valve, and he was so afraid that someone would find out about this that he covered this part of the flute with a case. Additional valves for the flute were invented at different times by other masters (D. Tessit in England. I. Tromlitz in Germany; P. Pegersen in Denmark, etc.). This made it possible to obtain semitones, making it easier to play, but did not save the flute from the shortcomings that still exist: inaccurate intonation, uneven sound in different registers.
The 19th century became a huge laboratory for the constructive improvement of the flute, which affected the development of performance, pedagogy and repertoire. This was also facilitated by the emergence of professional orchestras in the United States and Western Europe.
The most significant figure in the field of flute playing in the 19th century was Theobald Böhm (1794-1881). A famous German musician, he toured extensively in Europe and his performances were a great success. Böhm is the author of many compositions (for example, 24 capriccio etudes) and teaching aids for the flute. His musical talent was combined with passion and ingenuity. Once in London, Boehm met with the English flutist W. Gorden, who impressed him with his playing. It turned out that Gorden developed a new flute design, but failed to bring it to the end. This is what Böhm did, proposing in 1832 a new model equipped with annular valves. But the designer himself did not like it, because. was imperfect. Second model (1846-1847). embodied everything. what was required of the flute in terms of its acoustic, expressive and virtuoso data. Boehm made a revolution in the design: he replaced the conical bore (reverse conical drilling) with a cylindrical one, improving the quality and fidelity of sound, greatly expanding the boundaries of the instrument to three full octaves or more, positioned the playing holes in strict accordance with the acoustic calculation, made their diameter large ( on an old flute, the holes were very small), and all the holes were provided with conveniently located cymbal and ring valves, which made it possible to achieve evenness of sound and the ability to more easily perform various complex gamma-shaped and arpeggiated passages, trills, tremolo. Now, by closing one valve, you can open the auxiliary port at the same time. A complex system of valves made it possible to close several holes at once by pressing the lever of one valve. Boehm based his calculations not on the convenience of the arrangement of holes and valves, but on the “acoustic principles of better resonance”, precisely setting the scale (the ratio of the length to the diameter of the tube). The performer's finger now did not completely cover the holes, which resulted in an ingenious system of valves so conveniently located that it was possible to cope with the most difficult technical formations.
Although until now the flute has not been freed from some annoying flaws in its device, due to only partial use of the proposals of outstanding master flute players. But these shortcomings are not so significant - a few unexecutable trills and especially difficult moves. Supporters of the old German flute complained that the Böhm flute destroyed the beauty of sound inherent in the old flute (and this is partly true). But the sound of the Boehm flute is fuller, juicier, rounder, the most complex technical patterns are accessible to it, which it overcomes with amazing ease and outward lightness. Its sound is crystal clear, melodious, but cold. As a result of all the improvements, the flute received even greater recognition from the largest composers, enriching their work, decorating orchestral scores with new timbre colors.
The main ways of development of the history of performance were determined by the famous works for flute by G. Fauré (“Fantasy”). S. Shaminad ("Concertino"), A. Dvorak ("Serenade") and others.

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