Natalia Mogilevskaya Dancing with the Stars. Complete disappointment: In social networks, they are unhappy with the victory of Mogilevskaya on the show “Dancing with the Stars

After winning the show "Dancing with the Stars" in social networks took up arms against Natalia Mogilevskaya. Spectators consider her victory undeserved.

“It seems that the show was made for her, it’s not fair, they promoted her,” wrote Oksana Mishko.

“I support, such a“ victory ”should. I do not argue, she also danced, BUT, the main word is -also-, and Akhtem and her partner put their heart and soul into it. All these "persuasions" of Natasha, her endless tantrums and demands from a wonderful program spoiled her taste. Akhtem and Elena, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!”, - said Elena Shapovalova.

“The project called the return of Mogilevskaya to show business has ended. It is still not clear why the organizers did not give the floor to Dorofeev, it turned out ugly,” Taras Ryabokon wrote.

“Last time in front of Yama, she fell on her knees and kissed her hands. At first she looked at Igor as an empty place, and when she was hinted at this, she began to play up. All the time they procrastinated the topic of relations with Vlad, tried to make all the intrigue. Somehow it's all played out. There were no real emotions after the announcement of the results. And final performance... I wonder if someone else won, would she also sing? It all looked strange ... Akhtem and Alena were even given a word to say, but they stepped over Nadia and Zhenya. Honestly - a complete disappointment, ”wrote Natalya Petruk.

“Not fair at all! Initially, all participants who were not related to dancing were invited to perform, but what does Mogilevskaya have to do with it ??? She already had, at least a small one, but still !!! And in relation to other participants it is not fair!!! And the victory is not deserved! - Ekaterina Trizna is sure.

“Even before the start, it was clear, it was so disgusting to watch how the entire channel worked for Mogilevskaya alone, well done 1 + 1, but people see everything,” said Konstantin Linnik.

“It is somewhat reminiscent of elections, the majority chooses Nadya, and Mogilevskaya is declared the winner. Even though they themselves understand Nadia more than anyone else! ”Sergey Antonenko is sure.

Meanwhile, fans of Mogilevskaya were also found on the network, but not as many as expected.

“How many people, so many opinions, but she still dances the best, the participants of the show themselves talked about this, as well as how much time she spent in the rehearsal room. be more objective, do not slander,” said Irina Shkavero.

“Natasha is a YOUNG WOMAN, Don’t write nonsense, no one was promoting her, but Nadya was pulled by the ears, all the jury, Manatik was already stuck together, how he wants to get closer to Potap, ugh, Kukhar suddenly chose her favorite, and for the Pit in general I am silent, he frankly spread rot on Natalya, (it can be seen from the script of the channel) the biased refereeing was annoying. But the mind apparently won. The total was expected, ”Irina Cherenkova believes.

“Lord, people, you hear yourself, why money immediately, you could see how hard she tried, how much time she spent in training. She won and well, it was important for her! I don’t understand one thing why people pour mud, old, fat, but who cares that if the old life is over, don’t forget each of us will also be 40 years old. Yes, Nadia also danced well, but her dances were not as interesting and varied as Natasha's. Nadia still has a long way to go. One thing I ask you to stop washing the bones of a person, some comments are disgusting to read, ”wrote Marianna Tarasenko.

Recall that Natalia Mogilevskaya in a duet with Igor Kuzmenko won the "Dancing with the Stars" on the "1 + 1" TV channel.

The famous singer went to victory for a long time - this is her second participation in dance competition. It should be noted that Mogilevskaya had to lose 25 kg.

On October 29, the grand finale of the legendary updated "Dancing with the Stars" took place, in which honorary title Nadya Dorofeeva and Evgeny Kot, Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko, as well as Akhtem Seitablaev and Alena Shoptenko competed for the best dance couple of the country.

It is reported that throughout the week, viewers voted for their favorite couples, thus bringing them closer to victory. As a result of the audience voting and jury points, it became known who won the show. So, the third place went to Alena Shoptenko and Akhtem Saitablaev. The second place was taken by Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot. But the victory in the updated "Dancing with the Stars" was won by Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko.

The tenth issue of "Dancing with the Stars 2017" was released on October 29 on the "1+ 1" TV channel at 21:00. In this episode of Dancing with the Stars 2017, 3 dance couples competed to win the show. However, the couple of Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko became the winner of the legendary show.

In their first dance, the winning couple performed Argentine tango , which conquered her debut release 10 weeks ago.

Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - Argentine tango

The second dance in the final of the couple project Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko performed in the genre of "desperate" contemporary to a cover version by Sia "Chandelier". It was this stanets that became like a turning point in the live broadcasts of the show, and it was there that Natalya showed herself tender, fragile and at the same time very defenseless.

Video of the winners of "Dancing with the Stars 2017":Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - Contemporary

Well, the third last dance in the project couple-winner Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko performed in the genre of sensual rumba to the performance of a cover version of the song of the group "Okeana Elzy" - "Taka yak ti". An incredibly emotional and hot couple who fought hard to win the show still achieved their result.

Video of the winners of "Dancing with the Stars 2017":Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - Rumba

"Dancing with the Stars 2017" is an entertaining dance project that takes place in live, which gives you the opportunity to show your dancing skills to the stars Ukrainian television and scenes with famous Ukrainian dancers.

Every issue star couples receive the theme of the next show and during the week they prepare for staging their dances in grueling training. Before the eyes of TV viewers and judges, they must demonstrate their dancing abilities and the skills that they have received during the week of classes.

The Ukrainian version of the show is an adaptation of the international television project, which was founded in the UK in 2004 on the BBC channel called "Strictly Come Dancing" and became popular in many countries around the world.

"Dancing with the Stars 2017": the official logo of the current project

For the first time the project "Dancing with the Stars" in Ukraine and on Ukrainian television appeared in September 2006 on the "1 + 1" TV channel. It was hosted by Tina Karol and Yuri Gorbunov. The first issue of the project was released on October 7, 2006. The jury of the TV show included Grigory Chapkis, Elena Kolyadenko, Alexei Litvinov. The next two seasons of the project took place in 2007, and after a four-year break, the project was broadcast on the STB channel, marking itself as the 4th season.

After a 6-year break, the legendary project "Dancing with the Stars" returned to the "1 + 1" TV channel. MONATIK, Ekaterina Kukhar and Vlad Yama became mentors and strict judges in the Dancing with the Stars project. According to the rules of the show, the judges evaluate the dance couples (maximum - 10 points), which are added to the SMS voting of the audience.

"Dancing with the Stars 2017" 10th edition of the judge of the show - MONATIK, Ekaterina Povar and Vlad Yama

MONATIK– 31 years old Ukrainian singer, dancer, songwriter and composer, in just a few years conquered the Ukrainian scene with his innovative performance of songs. Dmitry was a participant in the show "", "Everybody dance!" and "Star Ring", and also became a judge of the 3rd season of the "Voice. Children" project.

The singer received many awards in 2016 and 2017, but one of his brightest pages of creativity in the eyes of the audience was the opening number of the first semi-final of the international song contest Eurovision 2017, which took place this year in Ukraine.

The legendary project "Dancing with the Stars" returned to the screens of Ukrainians after a 10-year pause and is now star heroes the show gets a lot of attention. In particular, they especially follow the successes of Natalia Mogilevskaya on the court, who decided to take revenge and returned for victory. Everyone has her sensual number on their lips to the song of Kuzma Scriabin, beloved by everyone.

Since "Dancing with the Stars" 2017 issue 3 was devoted to the theme of love, the revelations of the stars were very personal. So, the singer spoke about the wild loneliness that she experienced: the loss of her husband, dear mother, and even the wards with whom she worked as a producer. There was such pain in her words that it was impossible not to get emotional.

There was a lot of love in my life, but I never really met my man. I was cruel man, a real bitch. I feel that this man exists and I miss him very much. I just ask myself: "Why do you take so long to come, what lessons should I learn for myself."

Watch the video of the performance of Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko in the third edition of Dancing with the Stars.

Watch online video Mogilevskaya spoke about bitter loneliness and burst into tears during the dance (VIDEO)

video 315 615 2017-09-11T09:38:24+02:00 T0H6M0S

30.10.2017, 00:10

The project "Dances with stars" in 2017, the 10th issue was released on October 29 at 21:00 on the TV channel "1 + 1". AT final release defined a new dance legend. About the voting results and victory strong woman, which is the strongest couple approached victory, read and look at No Taboo.

On the tenth broadcast, "according to the results of the jury's assessments and the audience voting, the three strongest couples made it to the final: Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Evgenia Kota, Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko, Akhtem Seitablaev and Alena Shoptenko. The couple became the most dancing couple of the country Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko.

Couple Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kota the audience put it in second place. Pair Akhtema Seitablaeva and Alena Shoptenko scored the lowest number of points according to the results of the audience voting.

For more than six months, Natalia Mogilevskaya was persuaded to become a member of this show. She agreed to first become a judge, and then dance. All this time, Natalia quarreled and put up with the judges, but continued to fight and dance, because she is a real legend ... of Ukrainian show business.

New dance legend"Dances with stars 2017" became a couple of singers, actresses, People's Artist Ukraine, TV presenter and producer Natalia Mogilevskaya and finalist of the open championships of England, USA, Germany, France and Holland Igor Kuzmenko.

We will see how the couple of winners performed in the grand final in the video.

Passionate dance - Argentine tango, the first dance with which Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko come to the project.

"Dances with stars 2017" 10 edition of the superfinal watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 1 dance - Argentine tango:

This dance is for Natalia Mogilevskaya was a turning point. The audience first saw her real, defenseless and tender. And the most titled ball player of the show helped her in this - Igor Kuzmenko. The contemporary dance to Sia's song "Chandelier" was remembered and loved by the audience more than all the dances in 9 weeks.

"Dances with stars 2017" 10 edition of the superfinal watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 2nd dance - Contemporary:

Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko in the final they performed a new dance-self-portrait rumba to the song of Okean Elzy "Taka yak ti". Natalya Mogilevskaya together with your partner Igor Kuzmenko told the story of a strong woman who always finds the strength to go only forward. Natalya Mogilevskaya dreamed of this moment for a long 10 years. Still not knowing about her victory in the final, in this enchanting dance Natalia has already received the most important victory for herself - she overcame her complexes. And in this dance - a confession, which she did not dare all her life.

"Dances with stars 2017" 10 edition of the superfinal watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 3rd dance - Rumba:

After Yury Gorbunov presented the cup to the winners, Natalya Mogilevskaya thanked everyone.

That is why I came to this project, partly to prove to myself, and partly to say that everything impossible is possible. That neither crisis, nor difficulties, nor depression, nor age, nor weight will prevent you from realizing your dream, - Natalia Mogilevskaya shared. - Everyone can do it! Just everyone! And faith in yourself is the same as faith in the Lord. Have you ever seriously thought about this phrase: "In your own image and likeness." What does it mean? Certainly not like the little man on the cloud that we look like. We are talking about the strength of the spirit, about the possibilities when a person is able to get rid of deadly diseases by the strength of the spirit, to get up, get up and go when the whole world said that it is “impossible”, to give birth to children when it is impossible. This is faith in oneself, this is inhuman fortitude and it is given to each, each, each of us!

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