Glinnikov and Nikulina after the Bachelor show: juicy details, first joint interview, hints of a wedding. Ilya Glinnikov changed beyond recognition after breaking up with a participant in the show “Bachelor” Glinnikov after the show

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina as they are together after the show: Despite the unexpected decision of the main bachelor of the country, the couple Glinnikova and Nikulina formed on the project are happy, live together and are preparing for the wedding.

Immediately after filming was completed, Ilya arrived at his beloved’s parental home, helped her pack her things, and moved them to his apartment in the capital.

The actor admits that they live in perfect harmony, and it turns out they have a lot in common. They can spend days talking and discussing books. The girl takes care of him and prepares delicious porridge in the morning.

The couple immediately got 2 dogs, the griffin breed, after watching the film “As Good As It Gets” together. The pets were named Oona and Chaplin.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina as they are together after the show: How did relatives react to the choice of Ilya Glinnikov

Even during the final releases of the project, the main character’s mother was extremely negative towards Katya, giving preference to Madina. However, after the bachelor made his choice, he and his girlfriend went to their homeland to get to know Catherine and his family better.

The actor introduced Katya to his grandmother, very worried about how everything would go. However, his lover very quickly found a common language with her. Ilya received the approval of his family in choosing a bride.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina how they are together after the show: Will there be a wedding

In the entire history of the project, only 2 couples actually got married, and only 1 of them remained together.

Perhaps the wedding of Ilya and Katya will prove the sincerity of their feelings. As Ilya said, for him a wedding is much more important than a stamp in his passport, so the couple plans to get married in the near future. Glinnikov wants the ceremony to take place in Georgia, Katya fully supports his decision.

Now Ilya invites the girl to open her own restaurant business, given that she already has experience in this field, and even more so, as the actor claims, she is a divine cook. In addition to this, the girl has many other talents, according to Ilya, for example, she sings wonderfully, and could also make a career as a model, but decided not to mix herself with the plastic world.

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Ekaterina Nikulina’s path on the project cannot be called simple, since the girl could not find a common language with the participants, and she repeatedly quarreled with the “bachelor”. However, fans of the show relied on the bright blonde from the first episodes. The fact is that the future winner was immediately able to impress the actor with her extravagant appearance. For the first meeting, she chose a blue dress covered in sequins and opted for bright makeup.

“The evening is no longer languid,” said Ilya, seeing Katya for the first time.

“I liked Ilya right away,” said the glamorous participant.

But the girl had to wait a long time for the treasured rose. In the first issue she was named third from last. However, already on their first date in private, Ekaterina showed her bright charisma. Glinnikov has repeatedly admitted that he burns with real passion for the blonde.

“When we came ashore, I couldn’t leave her side. I was literally magnetized,” the actor admitted in the fifth episode of the show.

But the other participants were hostile to Nikulina, apparently feeling that she was a serious rival. The girls emphasized that Catherine always looks arrogant, behaves distantly and coldly.

Closer to the middle of the season, there was no doubt left: the extravagant blonde would reach the finals. Ilya could not resist her, repeatedly calling the girl a witch. According to the actor, the future winner literally bewitched him, and he could not resist it. After the scandalous departure of Daria Klyukina, the girl literally had no rivals left.

“This rose has been yours for a long time, it’s just that now the rules of our show do not allow us to present them directly on dates,” the actor said frankly at one of the last “ceremony.”

The participant also made a strong impression on her chosen one’s best friend, Alexander Ilyin. “Katyukha is a real witch,” said the performer of the role of Lobanov in the acclaimed TV series “Interns.”

The girl managed to conquer Ilya with her education, mystery and ability to show her passion in any situation. Together they water skied, danced and went horseback riding. While meeting the relatives of the “bachelor,” Catherine once again showed her character. She openly stated that she would not trade the actor for anyone, being offended that he doubted her sincerity. As a result, Glinnikov’s relatives were fascinated by Nikulina, but did not draw sudden conclusions about her.

“Only time will tell whether Katya can be trusted,” said Ilya’s grandmother.

After Lesya Ryabtseva left the show, the fatal blonde decided to go for broke. During the last date, she was left alone with Ilya in the bedroom. This gesture finally convinced Glinnikov that he could not go against his own heart.

“Katya is fire, and everything melts with me,” the “bachelor” admitted in the finale of the show.

“Do I regret what happened between us? Absolutely not,” said the winner.

Apparently the winner conquered the enviable groom with her frankness and mystery. The lovers quarreled repeatedly, and several times Katya was even on the verge of being eliminated. However, in the end, the predictions of the fans of the program were justified, and it is with Nikulina that the famous actor now plans to connect his life.

On June 3, the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor” ended. The hero of the program and his chosen one Ekaterina Nikulina shared their plans for their future life with Antenna.

I came to the casting by chance. And the most difficult thing for me was to be in the same territory with 25 competitors who are trying to attract the attention of a man, although they may not like him. Yes, and with older girls (Katya is 22 years old. - Note by “Antennas”), communication has never worked out for me. They don't like me. I spent most of my time alone. At the end I became friends with Lesya Ryabtseva. According to the terms of the show, they were allowed to call home once a week, and this did not always work out due to filming. It was hard without communication with family. And thoughts of leaving the project arose. The only reason why she stayed was Ilya. By the end, the intensity of passions went off scale, and for a moment I doubted him, his feelings for me.

During the filming of the final episodes in Georgia (this is the homeland of Ilya’s dad. - Note from “Antenna”), I felt that Katya was starting to not trust me, and, of course, I was upset. But there was no strength to convince her, and there were constant provocations.

Expect the unexpected

But there were also good moments: our first date with Ilya. Sleighs, horses and a snowy forest... I am in some extraordinary, fairy-tale image, and so is Ilya. We experienced incredible emotions then. And so there was all sorts of things, including jealousy. But I tried to believe Ilya. Probably because I had feelings for him from the very beginning. We had a conversation that was not shown in the first episode. Then Ilya said: “Katya, don’t fall in love with me, don’t.” And although you can’t command your heart, his phrase haunted me. Several times I tried to find out why Ilya asked me not to fall in love, but he never answered me during the whole show.

I was afraid to play with a person's sincere feelings. But after that conversation, I also saw something familiar in Katya.

There were moments when I felt: Ilya was now communicating with another girl. And I was overcome by an irresistible desire to call him, talk, ask how he was doing. I was especially worried when Ilya started having problems with his leg.

It was Katya’s approach that disarmed me. And how charmingly she gets angry! I watched it a couple of times on dates. This woman is from another planet. Thanks to her parents. Katya is a girl of old traditions; I haven’t seen anyone like her for a long time. And most importantly, Catherine does not know how to lie. And trust is the foundation of relationships. At the beginning of the project, the producer gave me a notebook with the inscription “Expect the unexpected” (“Expect the unexpected.” - Note “Antennas”). At first I wrote out dating scenarios and thoughts about the show there, but after meeting Ekaterina, all the entries were dedicated to her.

Ilya tested me at the end of the project, asking tricky questions. Somewhere he even began to behave worse than he is. But, despite this, I saw in Ilya the man I dreamed of. Our thoughts coincided in everything. Therefore, the tests only confirmed the correctness of my choice.

Wedding – in Georgia

Would you like me to tell you how I proposed marriage to Catherine? I said: “Let’s take it and run away from everyone?”

At the top of a fortress in Georgia, when I stood in a wedding dress, Ilya and I had an unusual dialogue. By that time, he had already escorted the second finalist (Madina Tamova. - Antenna note) home, but I didn’t know that. I was worried, of course, I don’t deny, but largely because of Ilya’s words: “I want to burn like a candle, but with you I burn like a torch.”

I structured my appeal to Katya in such a way that initially it looked like I was telling her “no”! Turned everything upside down.

And I stand, listen to Ilya and understand that, most likely, he did not choose me. She raised her head to hold back her tears. Although I had already cried so much during the project, at that moment I tried to hold on. And then he says that he would like to say something else. I asked: is it necessary? Ilya replied that he didn’t have to talk if he didn’t want to. Okay, she said, I’m listening to you. And Ilya begins to quote pages from that notebook with the inscription “Expect the unexpected.” He says: “If I had to choose from 50 million, I would still choose you, but it would take more time.” And then he took out a box with a ring.

I must admit, Katya looked charming in her wedding dress. She was given a beautiful outfit with a hint of pink, but she would do it even better in real life. And when I saw her in that dress, for me it was happiness with tears. In addition, we then ended up in the Rabat fortress in Meskheti, where my family began, because my dad’s last name is Meskhi.

I tried on a wedding dress for the first time in my life. I had to go to my beloved man in it, I felt very comfortable, and my mood was at its maximum.

I would like to give Katya another ring, but with a different stone. And I’m thinking about the proposal that I would like to make to her outside of this show. And I think more about getting married in Georgia than about a magnificent wedding.

And in this our dreams are similar. I also want the wedding to take place first, because I believe in God.

“In my opinion, Katya never lied on the project, did not judge anyone and behaved more than with dignity. I didn’t pull the blanket over myself, and I liked it.”

Life undercover

After filming ended, we had to hide our relationship for quite a long time.

I offered different options: go to the taiga, wear wigs, which, by the way, could not be avoided. So, I had the premiere of the film “Love with Limits.” Given the situation, we could not go to it together. But they really wanted it. We put on our wigs and went to the night session. And in order to watch the May 9 fireworks together, they climbed onto the roof of an abandoned building and still wore biker balaclavas, glasses and hoods on their heads. People came into the store from different directions to buy groceries. Naturally, in caps and glasses. And then I had surgery on my leg. I stayed at home for 21 days. We decided to treat this as an important experience. What tormented me, however, was that we couldn’t even take a walk together or breathe fresh air.

When the project had just begun for the audience, for us it had already ended. It was enormous stress. I had my share of nervous breakdowns.

We wanted to be together, enjoy our feelings, but we had to hide from everyone. Once I had to ask a person to delete pictures and videos of Katya and I from his phone. Surprisingly, everything ended well, he even apologized.

“When I came home to Katya, I realized that when she went to the project, she found herself in complete hell. Her mother said that her daughter’s relationships with girls had always not been very good. But she still went into such an uncomfortable environment for herself.”

Desire to cook

After filming ended, we went to Katya’s parents. I packed her things in a suitcase and told my mother that I would throw it away later, because my daughter would no longer come to you! And so it happened. As for living together, I didn’t even expect that we would suit each other so well in everyday life. We do everything together: watch movies, read books, talk for 10 hours, or argue in what year the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude” was written. I was surprised at how Katya took care of me when I was on crutches. She cooks divinely. In the mornings I eat the most delicious porridge, and for dinner - just restaurant food. We got two griffin dogs after watching the movie “As Good As It Gets.” They were named Oona and Chaplin. These cute creatures are now peeing on our sofa.

There were many rumors about the personal life of Ilya Glinnikov before the “Bachelor” project. The most memorable was the affair with Aglaya Tarasova. The couple often quarreled due to the actor's jealous nature. He often posted photographs of himself with the caption that he was ready to forgive betrayals and restore trust. He said that he has a personal life, but the details remained hidden for the media.

When the couple broke up, Ilya decided to try his hand at the “Bachelor” project. Among the 25 participants, I chose a former art director, a blonde from Moscow. According to the terms of the contract, they could not advertise their relationship until the audience saw the finale of the program.

Ilya Glinnikov and the winner of the show “The Bachelor” Ekaterina Nikulina lived together for almost a year. Fans expected the couple to announce their wedding, but their relationship suddenly ended. The artist could not find his soul mate for a long time. On set, he had to make difficult choices.

Ilya and Ekaterina after the project

Glinnikov said that he did not even expect that everything would be so good in everyday life with Catherine. They spent time together, reading books and watching films. The girl took care of her lover when he found himself on crutches. A few months later, the media began to talk about the upcoming wedding. The actor himself said that he plans to celebrate the wedding in Georgia without a magnificent celebration, only in the circle of family and friends.

When a wedding ring appeared on Ilya Glinnikov’s finger, fans assumed that the couple had secretly gotten married. This event remained without comment from the stars, but soon they went on a pre-wedding trip to the Mariana Islands. On vacation, Ilya presented a ring to his beloved. There is only one photograph from the trip in the public domain. Ilya and Katya preferred to behave with restraint, apparently fearing ordinary human envy.

After some time, the winner of the show said that a joint decision was made to separate. According to Katya, this was due to the fact that lives took different paths. Some sources mention that the question of separation arose after the girl once again appeared at home in the morning, not quite sober.

In mid-September 2017, information spread in the media about Ilya’s fight with his chosen one. As a result of this, the 32-year-old actor was hospitalized. But the couple denied this information, and Glinnikov himself was in Georgia at that time.

All reports note that the young people decided to remain friends. Now Nikulina is engaged in music and plans to release her first solo album. Ilya noted that he had never had a relationship that arose in unnatural conditions. But they were able to hold out for a long time despite increased attention from all sides.

Ilya Glinnikov in 2018

At the moment, Ilya’s family is his parents and younger brother. The actor is again in search of his second half. Actively engaged in his career. So, in 2017 he starred in the series “Force Majeure”, and will play the main role in the series “Slave”. In it, he is presented as a representative of the “golden youth”, whom his father sends to the village for re-education.

A little earlier, in an interview, the star noted: “I got married... Into a profession!” In his opinion, you need to get married when you have a foundation. There is still a lot of work to be done for this. However, the actor has many fans. He is described as an "extraordinary actor", "talented, bright and gentle". Despite the desire to hide his personal life, most of the information is presented on his personal Instagram page. On it, the actor shares interesting moments from his personal life and work, and tries to answer questions from fans.

January 18, 2018

Unfortunately, the speculations of the couple’s fans were confirmed. The hero of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor” and Ekaterina Nikulina, whom the actor wanted to marry, broke up. In a recent interview, the winner of the popular television project told reporters how her life turned out after the show and why she and Glinnikov are no longer together.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina/Photo:

Several seasons of the show “The Bachelor” ended sadly for fans: Timur Batrutdinov, Alexey Vorobyov and other eligible bachelors were never able to build family happiness thanks to the program. Ilya Glinnikov became the first participant in the project who managed to meet his love. The star of the series “Interns” fell so much in love with the winner of “The Bachelor” Ekaterina Nikulina that he even planned to marry her, but the wedding never came to fruition. In a recent interview, the winner of the popular television project told what was the reason for their separation from Glinnikov.

“Not long ago we decided to remain friends, despite the fact that we have been together since the finale of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor.” We didn't get along, and our lives took different paths, although we have a great relationship. We decided to announce this publicly so that we would no longer be perceived solely as a couple and each would have their own life,” says Ekaterina and adds that the decision to separate was mutual for her and Ilya.

Now Nikulina continues to do what fascinated her even before participating in the project: building a musical career. In the near future, the girl intends to release her first solo album.

“I don’t need a personal life in the near future, I want to devote time to myself, develop my talents, remember my hobbies and goals,” the Peopletalk portal quotes Ekaterina.

Before participating in the show “The Bachelor,” Ilya Glinnikov met with Ksenia Rappoport’s daughter Aglaya Tarasova / Photo: globallook

Let us add that before participating in the show “The Bachelor,” Ilya Glinnikov met with the daughter of Ksenia Rappoport, Aglaya Tarasova. Now the young actress is happy in a relationship with Serbian actor Milos Bikovich, and Glinnikov, apparently, is still single.

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