How to keep a car on a hill. How to learn to move uphill without rolling back in a car with a manual transmission

Any driving instructor will confirm that for most beginners, changing lanes in heavy traffic and starting up the hill with the parking brake are sufficient. challenging tasks requiring psychological stress and physical effort. Therefore, usually male students perform such exercises better, they master them faster. They have somewhat better coordination of movements, spatial thinking, and more physical strength than women. Average!

We are standing on a hill, the gear is in neutral, the engine is running, the parking brake (handbrake) is tightened. All pedals are released, the legs are resting. Let's imagine that there are several cars in front of us, stopped at a red traffic light. For the sake of completeness, let's assume that there are cars behind us as well. We propose the following sequence of actions. When the traffic light turns green, there is no need to try to move as quickly as possible. The fact is that the cars in front of you will not be able to start moving all at the same time. Therefore, until the “wave” reaches you, you will have time left to do everything neatly, slowly and correctly. So. Green lit up. We squeeze the clutch, turn on the first gear, remove the parking brake, but do not release it, hold the "handbrake" without releasing the button. This is where you might need physical strength. Slowly releasing the clutch pedal and simultaneously pressing the gas pedal, in the same way as you did when you started moving on a horizontal surface, we ensure that the clutch, as they say, begins to grab. You will feel this moment, the nose of the car will begin to rise, the engine will shake slightly, because it is ready to accelerate the car, and you do not start it up by holding the parking brake. At this point, stop the movement of the legs. The main thing is not to rush, but to do the whole sequence of actions carefully and correctly. Then, slowly and without releasing the handbrake button, lower it to the end. The car moves off and all we have to do is release the clutch while simultaneously adding gas. This exercise will receive a very useful continuation if you, lowering the handbrake and starting to move off, do not completely release the clutch pedal, but try to find such a position of the clutch and gas pedals that your car stops. Yes Yes. It just stopped. The parking brake is released, the left foot, as it should be, on the clutch pedal, and the right foot on the gas pedal, and the car stands still. If you start releasing the clutch a little, the car will move forward, if you start depressing the clutch, the car will roll backwards. And don't say it's impossible. Try it. A little patience and you will succeed. If you work out this exercise to automatism, to the level conditioned reflex, this will help you a lot when driving in a dense stream uphill, when cars periodically stop and start again.

If you have a car with an automatic transmission, then you will not need these exercises, in most cases such cars do not roll back on the hill and you will not be able to stall, that is, it will be calmer and more convenient to drive. But on the "mechanics" it is more interesting.

The vast majority of novice drivers recall with horror the “Hill” exercise, which they clumsily performed in a driving school. In conditions real city there are such descents and ascents that the knowledge that you received in a driving school is simply not enough. It is for those who experience difficulties in the process of entering either a flyover or a real lift of the track, this article was written.

How to pedal

The key here is balance. Balance - right job an accelerator pedal and a clutch pedal, which ensures that the machine is kept on a hill with zero rollback. Experienced drivers can instantly catch the optimal balance, and then confidently move uphill. For beginners, we recommend learning to feel the behavior of the car at the moment the clutch is seized. To do this, learn to start on a flat road without ups and downs at high speeds. To do this, do the following:

1. Start the engine.

2. Spin the engine up to 2000-2500 rpm.

3. Slowly release the clutch, add gas so that the speed does not decrease.

4. Get moving.

The field of this simple workout, you can try to call on a real hill.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

We go up the hill;

We stop the car with a conventional foot brake;

We pull the handbrake;

We add speed to 2500-3000;

We release the clutch until the moment when the revolutions begin to drop to 2000-1800;

Slowly release the handbrake, while refining the balance of the gas and clutch pedals;

Fully release the clutch and handbrake, slightly adding gas.

How to get under way so that there is no 100% rollback

There is a certain category of drivers who simply cannot feel the balance. They do everything as written, but the car treacherously rolls back. It was for such unique ones that a special option was developed, which is guaranteed to prevent any rollback.

1. We drive up the hill.

2. We slow down.

3. We fix the brake pads with a handbrake.

4. We start the car if you turned it off.

5. We spin the engine up to 1800 rpm.

6. Slowly release the clutch until the engine feels a load, and the speed decreases to 1500-1300.

7. Holding the clutch in this position, we add gas so that the car starts off a little uphill.

8. As soon as you move uphill at least 1 meter - release the handbrake, add gas, smoothly and completely release the clutch pedal.

How to move uphill without a handbrake

Professionals feel the car so well that they can move off without using the parking brake at all. In practice, it looks like this:

We go up the hill.

We stop.

We hold the car with a conventional brake.

We sharply throw the right foot from the brake to the gas, and with the left foot we prevent the rollback by working the clutch. The main thing is to sharply spin the engine up to 3000 rpm, and then “pick up” the clutch.

Of course, such an option above involves a small rollback, but you can drive up the hill in this way much faster than with a handbrake.

How to drive up a serious hill if the handbrake is broken

There are situations when the handbrake treacherously refuses at the most inopportune moment. What to do then? There is also such a non-standard way, which will not be told in any driving school.

We're going up the mountain.

We stop the car on a steep slope with a conventional brake.

We hold the initial position of the machine with a foot brake.

We smoothly move the heel of the right foot to the brake, and press the accelerator pedal with the toe of the same foot. We spin the engine with the toe of the right foot, confidently holding the heel on the brake.

Squeeze out the clutch. Engage 1st gear. We release the clutch before the start of the working stroke, and then quickly throw the right foot from the brake to the gas, and with the left foot we prevent the rollback by working the clutch. The main thing is to sharply “pick up” the car with the clutch.

How not to burn the clutch when starting uphill

The main problem for novice drivers who keep the car on the hill with the help of balance is a burnt clutch. It is in those moments when the engine is running and the clutch is half depressed that the process of burning out and destruction of the clutch discs occurs. To avoid costly repairs and save your nerves, try to complete all the steps of the above algorithms for a confident start uphill as quickly as possible.

Did you know that a car, especially an SUV, must know how to climb uphill and downhill correctly. Why do you need this? Don't tell. If you are not in order to admire it, but in order to travel, then this skill will definitely come in handy for you. It's easy to learn, and this article will give real advice on how to do it.

Remember that you should always go up or down the mountain with the gear engaged in order to have time to quickly increase or decrease engine speed! When descending, be able to brake with the engine.

Vehicles with manual transmission

Let's start with cars with a manual transmission. . And so that we don’t move back from the ascent again, it is necessary to squeeze the clutch all the way before climbing, at the same time turning on the gear, and then press the gas pedal. At the same time, we lower the clutch pedal, but not abruptly. If the rise of the road is long, you should estimate its approximate length and choose a low gear in which it will be possible to pass it to the end. Usually choose second or third gear. As for the first gear, it is chosen by novice drivers, or when it is necessary to make turns during the ascent. In other words, the first gear will be relevant if you need to slow down on the rise.

Experienced drivers, having reached the hill, immediately switch to one low gear and continue to rise on acceleration. If you suddenly feel that the car is not pulling and you have chosen the wrong gear, do not accelerate, as this will not lead to anything good. Better shift the gear to a lower one and try this.

As for the tug, it should always be carried out in first gear, since the speed in this case is minimal, and the engine must operate at high power.

Now, as for the descent. Do not wonder. Going down is much more difficult than going up, as accidents occur more often. It is not recommended to use the brakes alone when descending. knows that on a steep descent it is necessary to brake with the engine. To do this, again, switch to a low gear by releasing the clutch pedal. You can’t put it in neutral when descending, although some drivers save on fuel this way. This is dangerous!

If you need to go up and then down, do it in the same gear. At the very least, you should not go down in a higher gear than you did when you went up. When descending, brakes must control the acceleration of the car and prevent acceleration.

Generally, in recent times Many drivers have forgotten how to drive a car with a manual transmission.

On the video - starting uphill by car:


More and more cars began to be produced with which mechanics are preferred. Indeed, driving an automatic is much easier and you do not need to press the accelerator pedal every time and release it smoothly.

Yes it is. But going uphill in a car with automatic transmission, not new, but rather old, is not so easy. With a fairly steep climb, any driver knows what to put on L or D, otherwise it doesn’t pull. But after 15 minutes of driving at a speed of 20 km / h, the overheating lamp starts to light up. If you stop on the rise - you will not be able to go further. In this case, it can be advised to change the fluid more often and monitor the radiator.

As for the new ones, when climbing a mountain, they have practically no problems. Even with a forced restriction of gear shifting no higher than third and with a full load, a car with automatic transmission rises well uphill. The same can be said about the descent. The car effectively brakes with the engine, automatically shifting gears to lower ones.

If the descent is too steep, then it may be advisable to turn on the limit to the second gear. And at the same time, the car will also save money on fuel, rotating the engine only due to spare kinetic energy.

Now for automatic transmission. This is not a manual transmission for you, and a car with an automatic transmission has certain limitations that you need to know about. It's not just about towing others Vehicle, on which the restriction is placed - to take in tow cars, the weight of which is not more than the mass of the car itself. For example, it can even be a small trailer. Although a car with automatic transmission pulls other cars in tow slowly, it does it quite well. And here you only need, as mentioned above, to ensure that there is no overheating of the engine.

Rather, it is about whether the car itself with automatic transmission can be taken in tow and lifted uphill. Here are the restrictions that must be observed.

Riding in the mountains on a serpentine

Above, the options for driving on a regular road or a track with ups and downs were considered. Now imagine that you went to the mountains in your car and you have to drive in a serpentine, where ups and downs alternate with every minute frequency. This is where the desire to drive without endangering either yourself or your passengers should be inherent in absolutely all drivers. And knowing how to act in this situation will be very useful.

So. Difficult and heavy terrain is already playing against you in the mountains. will require maximum stress not only from the driver, this is understandable. The car itself will be put to the real test. Of course, if you do not know how to properly descend or climb a mountain, it will be doubly difficult for a car and it may even fail on such a road.

Particular attention should be paid to the brakes. They must be carefully examined and diagnosed. If the brake system reliably proves itself on ordinary roads, then on a serpentine it can fail, remember this!

Action cannot be overestimated. brake system especially in the mountains. And fast driving in serpentine conditions does not always help to climb the mountain efficiently and in a short time. Often in such conditions you have to drive in low gear, the same second or first. If you notice a gap in the road ahead, then shift to third gear, thereby giving the engine the opportunity to rest and relieve it of the load.

In general, there are two ways to drive correctly in the mountains: after each serpentine, turn on a lower gear and combine it on a flat road with third, or overcome turns and climbs in second gear, keeping in mind the calculation of engine power.

The second method involves driving slowly but surely, especially on long mountain climbs, where the first method will quickly heat up the engine. This is especially true for the machine. More about this was written above.

It will also happen frequently if the motor is water cooled. Under such loads as the passage of frequent and long ascents, the water will reach the boiling point very quickly. The time that the driver spends on cooling the engine completely negates the segment of the road that the car travels at high speed.

Whether it is an automatic or manual transmission, if the water starts to boil, you must definitely stop, otherwise serious damage to the engine may occur. An overheated motor quickly fails gaskets, bearings and other elements. If it is not possible to stop, then you need to switch to a lower gear and continue driving at the lowest possible speed. After all, we must not forget that the engine cools down longer when stopped than when, under partial load, it continues to move.

When the car is stationary, the water in the radiator boils for a long time. The insides of the motor are full of heat, but the water does not have time to give up the received heat to the air when it stops, since it (the air) passes through the radiator in a limited amount. On the contrary, when the car is running but not revving high, the radiator allows more air to pass through.

Imagine the situation: you are on the rise, which will soon end and the descent will begin, and the water is boiling. In this case, you do not need to panic, but try to reach the end of the ascent and cool the engine when descending. Many experienced drivers do just that, without increasing the speed of the car's engine during the descent, of course.

Now for the descent. As mentioned above, it is a greater danger than the rise. In this case, much depends on the driver, not the car. So, if the driver does not diagnose in a timely manner or relies on it too much, problems may arise. On the descent, especially in the mountains, such things are no joke. As has been said repeatedly, the driver must be able to brake with the engine. This is the only way to avoid an accident, even if the brakes fail.

Watch this video:

Did you see how the truck driver brakes with the engine when descending? It should be exactly like that.

Knowing how to descend a mountain is very important. And it is at this moment that you begin to feel the car, its weak and strengths You see it as if from the inside.

Both the ascent and the descent, if you have read this article and made useful conclusions for yourself, will be passed without problems. Never let your brakes fail on a descent, but if it does, you already know what to do.

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