How to fry beef liver so that it is soft. Delicious and soft beef liver fried in a special marinade

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Beef liver is one of the best offal, not only in taste, but also in nutritional value. Unlike pork, it has a slightly bitter, but pleasant taste.

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If we talk about the nutritional value of beef liver, then it is an indispensable product for people leading an active lifestyle and athletes, as it contains protein with an optimal set of essential amino acids.

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Also this product rich in selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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In addition, beef liver is a real storehouse of vitamins, especially it rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B vitamins. 100 g of boiled liver contains daily rate all these essential vitamins.

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The liver is rich in trace elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and especially iron, so doctors recommend including it in the diet of anemic patients.



There are many ways to cook beef liver: it can be boiled, stewed, fried, baked.

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We will tell you how to fry the liver so that it turns out juicy, soft and tasty. This process has several subtleties and features.

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1. First of all, it should be said that the taste of the finished dish will directly depend on the quality of the original product and its type.

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An important point is the freshness of the liver. Since this by-product has a very short implementation period - no more than 3 days - you should carefully consider its choice.


FROM fresh beef liver will have a rich color. A product that is too light or too dark may indicate poor quality.


The film on the surface of the liver must not be damaged, and the cut should be smooth, not grainy.

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2. Before frying the liver, it should be properly processed. First you need to remove the outer film.


To do this, pour boiling water over the liver, then immediately dip it in cold water. After this simple manipulation The film is removed from the liver very easily..

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3. After the liver is prepared, it should be soaked in milk.


This will get rid of the specific smell and give the liver delicate taste. The liver should be soaked for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour and a half.

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4. Decide how you want to fry the liver - in cubes or in large portions.


If the liver is cut into portions, then it should be wide flat pieces the width of a finger. When cutting the liver, you may come across bile ducts. They must be removed otherwise the dish may be spoiled.


Wrap portions in cling film and beat lightly with the back of a knife. It is not recommended to use a kitchen hammer for this purpose, as the liver is much softer and tenderer than meat, and the hammer can crush or tear it.

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5. After the liver is cut and beaten off, it should be soaked again in milk for 15-20 minutes.

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6. While the liver is soaking, prepare the breading.


Mix flour and a small amount of spices. Rosemary, thyme and savory are good for this.


Salting the liver at this stage is not worth it, as it will become tough, even if the heat treatment will take place according to all the rules.

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7. When the liver is completely ready for frying, the question arises, on what and how to fry it.


Better do it on vegetable or melted butter. The degree of heating of the pan should be medium. If you cook the product over high heat, the liver will burn on the outside, but it will remain raw inside. And when it is cooked over low heat, it will turn out dry and tasteless.


The frying time depends on the size of the pieces. The best guide is the color of the product. As soon as a piece of liver changes color to half the cut, it should be turned over. Readiness of the liver is easy to determine by puncturing with a fork or knife.


If clear juice comes out of the liver, it is ready.. 5 minutes before readiness, the liver should be salted.

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8. If you cut the liver into small cubes, it is best to fry them with onions.


The liver is prepared as described above. Onions should be cut into thin half rings at the rate of 2-3 onions for every 300 g of liver.

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9. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Roll the liver in flour mixed with spices and fry in a pan with onions. It is important that the liver is located in the pan in one layer.


If you need to cook a lot of liver, you will have to fry it in several approaches.. Fry the liver, stirring it until it changes color.

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10. When the liver brightens, fill it with a small amount of water and simmer for 3-5 minutes.


After that, the liver can be salted and peppered.

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Beef liver is a delicious and healthy offal, not everyone can cook it. To make fried beef liver soft and juicy, there are some tricks and special ways of its heat treatment.

Today I will reveal the secret of cooking with an incredibly soft and delicate texture. My photos will show step by step the whole process of preparing a simple delicious second course.

Prepare the following products in advance:

  • beef liver - 500 gr;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 2 table. spoons;
  • dry mustard - 1 table. a spoon;
  • flour - 2 table. spoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook fried beef liver

First, prepare the liver for frying. Be sure to remove large ducts and remove the film. Cut into even pieces about 0.5 cm high. These are the beautiful slices of beef liver I got.

To make the liver juicy, it should be poured with milk and kept in a cool place for two hours.

The highlight of this recipe is a special marinade in which pieces of liver should be kept before frying. It is this composition of the marinade that will give the liver a tender, soft and juicy structure. So, prepare the marinade: mix the egg with soy sauce, add flour and mustard powder. The marinade should be thoroughly mixed so that it turns out without lumps. Lastly, pepper it and mix again. Here is my marinade.

The next day, fry the liver slices in vegetable oil until a pleasant golden color and readiness. Fry on both sides for about 3-4 minutes over medium heat.

Fried beef liver is considered fried if clear juice is released when pricked with a fork or knife.

Assigned by: Olesya (Omsk)

fried liver and salt
I decided to fry the pork liver, but I just can’t figure it out - salt it right away or at the end of frying? Tell me please

Answers from the sophisticated: When to salt the liver

natali gdf (Moscow)

immediately so that the salt melts and does not crunch on the teeth

Margaritka Di (Penza)

usually the liver is salted at the end otherwise it will become tough during frying.

Galina Kaleva (Makhachkala)

It depends on what kind of liver you want to get: if it is hard, then it is better at the beginning, soft - at the end.

Elena Fedotova (St. Petersburg)

and I add various seasonings and a little salt when it just changes color and fry it afterwards.

OLGA (Norilsk)

Do not salt or pepper immediately. Cut into thin layers and fry in a well-heated pan for 1 minute on each side. Don't be afraid that the inside will be pink. Transfer the liver to a deep plate, salt, pepper, and in the oil where the liver was fried, quickly fry the onion and put it hot on the liver. Cover the plate with another deep plate and let stand. Under a hot onion and a plate, the liver will reach and be soft and not overcooked.

DreamTim (Samara)

It is better to salt at the end, otherwise the liver will give the juice and it will be dry and hard .. also the pork liver is very tender and if it is not frozen, fresh, then it is better to fry it over high heat for about 10 minutes so that more or less blood is not visible, and it is still tasty if it is preliminarily chop the onion, fry, pour in soy sauce and toss the liver, pre-marinate it for 20 seconds in white wine.
Enjoy your meal!

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