What is beauty - war and peace. L.N

Problem true love in the novel L.N. Tolstoy is presented in a unique way and is resolved in the entire system of images.

The author’s concept of true love is in no way connected with the concept of external beauty; on the contrary, true love, according to L.N. Tolstoy - rather inner beauty. Thus, from the very first pages, the heroes are divided into outwardly beautiful and outwardly not so attractive: Prince Andrei is handsome with his coldish and emphatically aloof beauty, Lisa is beautiful with her short upper lip, Helen Kuragina is magnificent and majestic. Separately, it should be said about the beauty of the Kuragins. Their main feature– a pleasant appearance, but the characters have absolutely nothing behind it: they are empty, frivolous, overly carefree. Remember the episode with the kiss between Natasha and Anatoly, arranged by Helen: for the Kuragins this is just entertainment, but for Natasha, who has come to her senses, it means pain, suffering and - subsequently - the loss of her loved one. Helene's beauty bewitches Pierre, but the spell quickly wears off, and nothing new appears behind the already familiar appearance. The beauty of the Kuragins is calculation and complete indifference to other people; It's more of an anti-beauty thing. True beauty, according to L.N. Tolstoy - beauty on a different level.

Both clumsy, overweight Pierre and Natasha Rostova with her peculiar appearance are beautiful in their own way. Compared to the Kuragins or, for example, Vera Rostova, they look more gray and ordinary, but their internal organization causes admiration. Natasha selflessly takes care of the wounded, and then faithfully follows her husband, completely dissolving into the family. Pierre courageously defends the girl in burning Moscow and selflessly tries to kill Napoleon. These characters are transformed into moments of inspiration (Natasha’s singing), heavy thoughts, thoughts about tragic destinies those around and the whole country(Pierre).

The energy of truly beautiful heroes L.N. Tolstoy cannot go unnoticed: it is no coincidence that the impulsive Denisov falls in love with Natasha at first sight.

Princess Marya Bolkonskaya is also outwardly unattractive, but her radiant eyes, filled with meekness, gentleness and kindness, make her pretty and sweet. Marya is beautiful in conversations with her adored brother, beautiful when she puts an image around his neck, seeing him off to war.

What is it true beauty? At L.N. For Tolstoy, the answer to this question is clear: true beauty is moral beauty, a sensitive conscience, kindness, generosity; in contrast to the beauty-emptiness and beauty-evil of the Kuragins.

Portraying older people, L.N. Tolstoy follows the same trend. For all his well-trained and aristocratic manners, Prince Vasily Kuragin makes a repulsive impression, and the Rostovs retained their charm, cordiality, sincerity and simplicity even in old age. Old Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky frightens Lisa with his aristocratic appearance, but his son is amazed by his lively, radiant eyes, active energy and incomparable mind.

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True and false beauty (based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

People are like window panes. They sparkle and shine when the sun shines, but when darkness reigns, their true beauty is revealed only through the light that comes from within. (E. Kubler-Ross)

beauty thick novel

What is beauty really? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. After all, for each person it is one, special and unique. Probably people different eras argued about what is really beautiful. The ideal of beauty Ancient Egypt there was a slender and graceful woman with full lips and huge almond-shaped eyes. IN Ancient China the ideal of beauty was a small, fragile woman with tiny legs. The beauties of Japan thickly whitened their skin, and in Ancient Greece a woman's body was supposed to have soft and rounded shapes. But I have no doubt that at all times beauty has been based spiritual wealth and spiritual values ​​remained unchanged.

The theme of beauty is also touched upon in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. A person who never questions what real beauty is and believes that it is only an attractive face, a slim body and elegant manners will undoubtedly be called the ideal of beauty by Helen Kuragina. A snow-white body, magnificent breasts, a stunning wardrobe and a charming smile - all this, of course, will conquer a man at first sight. But why does beauty fade before our eyes if a person has no soul?

Which beauty is true and which is false? Throughout the novel, Leo Tolstoy tries to figure this out. These two concepts are closely intertwined.

Behind Helen's graceful manners and her smile hide indifference to people, stupidity and emptiness of the soul. It can be compared with antique statue: she is just as beautiful, one might say perfect, but cold, insensitive and heartless. You can admire her, you can paint pictures from her, but you can’t open your soul to her, you can’t look for support from her. But, as we see, there are a lot of people in the novel who consider only appearance and money important. That is why Helen becomes the smartest woman in St. Petersburg. And the smartest and most intelligent people in Russia are obliged to visit her. But this is a deception, and, reading the novel, we understand this.

The writer clearly considers inner beauty to be true beauty. And external splendor must be complemented by spiritual values. Leo Tolstoy considers Natasha Rostova to be such a person for whom everything is fine. Both appearance and soul, in his opinion, are good enough for a truly beautiful person. But in my opinion, a real beauty, a girl whose inner beauty overshadows all external flaws, is Maria Bolkonskaya.

I'm surprised how she can understand and feel sorry for any person, how she endures bad character father and can sympathize with him. Despite her ugly appearance, people like her. So timid and obedient, she tries to love every person. He's evil, greedy, vulgar, she's still looking for positive traits in his character. She stands up for the poor, is ready to give all the master’s grain to the peasants, raises a child that is not her own, remains to care for her sick father under the threat of death. And after that they say that Helen is the first beauty of St. Petersburg! After all, we remember that when Princess Marya’s eyes shone, they became so beautiful that she became prettier before our eyes and became a real beauty. And this natural sparkle of the eyes can compete with Helen’s cold but perfect body.

I think it’s completely clear where true beauty is and where it’s false. Why do we sometimes, having started talking to a beauty or a handsome man, quickly lose interest in them? Because a pleasant appearance is lost if a person is internally poor. You should not strive only for external beauty, strive also for internal beauty, and you will be irresistible!

The theme of beauty and the human world in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In the novel “War and Peace,” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy argues that each person has his own world and worldview, and therefore the perception of beauty. The writer reveals the inner world of his heroes, shows their spiritual beauty, which manifests itself in the continuous internal struggle of thoughts and feelings. Natasha Rostova, the writer’s favorite heroine, has a keen sense of goodness, truth, human beauty, art, and nature. It was in this heroine that Tolstoy embodied the ideal of femininity.
For the first time on the pages of the novel, Natasha appears as a thirteen-year-old girl. We see her “dark-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive.” Already here she feels the fullness of life, the desire to live interestingly. Tolstoy, emphasizing Natasha's ugliness, argues that it is not a matter of external beauty. He describes the richness of her inner nature. Natasha is very emotional. She is able to admire the beauty of the night: “Oh, how lovely!” Natasha Rostova is a sensitive person with subtle intuition, capable of understanding and coming to the rescue. She lives not with her mind, but with her heart, and it rarely deceives.
Tolstoy endowed his heroine with poetry and talent. Natasha has a wonderful voice. And although adults often said that her voice was not processed, but good, as soon as Natasha began to sing, everyone listened to her singing and admired it. The beauty of her voice helped Nikolenka, who had lost almost the Rostovs’ entire fortune, to forget about everything for a while and enjoy her beautiful singing.
One of the main advantages of Natasha Rostova is sensitivity and insight. She knows how to be compassionate. After all, it is Natasha who is able to support her mother, distraught with grief after Petya’s death. Natasha Rostova has a subtle intuition that helps her understand a person. Natasha surrounds everyone in the house with love, care and kindness.
Natasha Rostova loves everyone and wishes the best to everyone. Tolstoy emphasizes her closeness to the people. She loves folk songs, traditions, music. Natasha admires her uncle’s singing and doesn’t notice how she starts dancing. And while reading the Manifesto, her soul is filled with a feeling of love for the Motherland; Natasha is ready to make any sacrifice for her sake.
Natasha Rostova appears in the novel as the embodiment of love. Love is the essence of her character. Constantly carried away, Natasha lives in an atmosphere of love and happiness. A sincere feeling first visits her when she meets Prince Andrei. He becomes her fiancé, but he has to go abroad. The long wait becomes unbearable for Natasha: “Oh, I wish he would come sooner. I'm so afraid that this won't happen. What is now in me will no longer exist.” This impatient feeling of expectation, as well as the insult inflicted by the old Prince Bolkonsky, pushes Natasha to make a mistake - to become infatuated with Anatole. Having repented and realized her guilt before Prince Andrei, she tells him: “Before I was bad, but now I am good, I know...” Having made peace with him, Natasha remains near the dying Prince Andrei for the rest of his life. In the epilogue of the novel we learn about Natasha's marriage. From an ideal girl, she turned into an example of a wife and mother. Only through love for Pierre and the creation of a family does Natasha finally find peace and happiness.
In his work, Tolstoy claims that Natasha Rostova is the true ideal of beauty and harmony. Cold Helen, a recognized beauty in the world, dies, cutting off the “vile breed” of the Kuragins, and Natasha’s true, spiritual beauty continues in her children. This is the triumph of true beauty, one and creative beauty.

Tolstoy L. N.

An essay on a work on the topic: What is beauty?

Let's open the second volume of the academic “Dictionary of the Russian Language”: “Beauty is a property according to

The meaning of the adjective beautiful”, “Beautiful - pleasant to look at, different

Correctness of outline, harmony of colors, tones, lines, characterized by completeness and

Depth of internal content, designed for effect, for external impression.”

Any of these definitions can find its confirmation on the pages of the novel by L.N.

Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, for here there is both beauty of the soul and catchy outer beauty bodies, and beautiful Russian nature, and the beauty of human relationships,

And the greatness of military labor.

I will try to prove that beauty is manifested in the image of L. N. Tolstoy’s most beloved heroine - Natasha Rostova. Outwardly, she is far from beautiful; in the novel there are women who literally sparkle with the beauty of Helen Kuragina, for example, but her physical beauty cannot give anything other than physical satisfaction.

There is nothing flashy about Natasha’s appearance: “Black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but live girl“, with her childish open shoulders, popping out of her bodice from fast running, with her black curls tumbling back, thin bare arms and small legs,” this is the thirteen-year-old girl Natasha at the time of our first meeting with her on the pages of the novel. Two years later we will see Natasha in Otradnoye: “Ahead of the others, closer, a black-haired, very thin, strangely thin, black-eyed girl in a yellow chintz dress, tied with a white

A handkerchief, from under which strands of combed hair were escaping.”

Not quite flashy in appearance, Natasha is gifted with beauty and the richness of her voice, reflecting the wealth of her inner world: “Not processed, but a wonderful voice, it needs to be processed,” -

Everyone was talking. But they said this after her voice had fallen silent. “At the same time, there was this raw voice. even the expert judges did not say anything and only enjoyed this raw voice and only wanted to hear it again.” “What is this? - Nikolai thought, hearing her voice and opening his eyes wide. - What happened to her? How does she sing these days? And suddenly the world focused for him, waiting for the next note, the next phrase.”

Natasha's talent is also manifested in her deep sense of the beauty of nature, which made her forget about everything. Natasha, the embodiment of radiant life, represents a complete contrast to the deadening boredom of the secular living room. Appearing on a sunny day in the forest, and against the backdrop of a moonlit park, and among autumn fields,

With her whole being she harmonizes with the inexhaustible life of nature: “Prince Andrey

He got up and went to the window to open it. As soon as he opened the shutters, the moonlight

As if he had been waiting for this for a long time, he burst into the room. The night was fresh

And still-light. Just in front of the window there was a row of trimmed trees, black on one side and silver-lit on the other. Under the trees there was some kind of lush, wet, curly vegetation with silvery leaves and stems here and there. almost full moon in the bright, almost starless spring sky.” Upstairs "two" women's voices they sang some kind of musical phrase that constituted the end of something.

Oh, how lovely! Well, now go to sleep and that's the end.

“You sleep, but I can’t,” answered the first voice approaching the window.

Sonya! Sonya! - the first voice was heard again. - Well, how can you sleep! Look what a beauty it is! Oh, how lovely! “Wake up, Sonya,” she said almost with tears in her voice. “After all, such a lovely night has never, never happened.”

The beauty of Natasha’s soul is reflected in her sensitivity, in her unusually subtle and deep intuition. Thanks to this property of hers, Natasha guessed what was not said in words; despite the absence life experience, she understood people correctly. In this regard, her early sympathy for Pierre, outwardly somewhat funny and fat, is very indicative; comparison of Boris Drubetsky with a narrow long watch; her antipathy towards Dolokhov, whom all the Rostovs liked so much. The depth of Natasha’s intuition is also evidenced by her words that Nikolai will never marry Sonya.

After the death of Prince Andrei, Natasha, who had a hard time surviving his death, “experienced a special

Feeling alienated from your family.” But then news was received about Petya’s death.

Despair drives the mother almost to madness. Natasha sees her sobbing father and “something

It hit her in the heart terribly. She ran up to her father, but he, helplessly waving his hand, pointed to her mother’s door. She walked quickly through the door. and ran up to my mother.” Only a person with a big and beautiful heart is able to forget about his own grief for the sake of saving his dearest and closest being: “She did not sleep and did not leave

Mothers. Natasha's love, persistent, patient, not as an explanation, not as a consolation, but as

The call to life seemed to embrace the countess from all sides every second.”

And here is another episode of the novel, proving the beauty and breadth of Natasha’s soul. While leaving Moscow, Natasha, who showed reasonable practicality, intelligence and dexterity in packing things, learns about her parents’ refusal to give the wounded places on the carts. “Natasha, with a face disfigured by anger, burst into the room and quickly walked up to her mother:

This is disgusting! This is an abomination! - she screamed. “It can’t be that you ordered.”

Look: his face is disfigured by anger, he screams at his mother, and his deed is bright and beautiful: “People gathered around Natasha and until then could not believe the strange order that she was conveying, until the count himself, in the name of his wife, confirmed the order to give all the carts are for the wounded, and the chests are taken to the storerooms.”

In my opinion, Natasha’s beauty blossomed in marriage and motherhood. Remember how everything

Inspired by joy, Natasha runs to meet the newcomer after a long

Pierre's absence? “She only takes her love for her husband and children to the extreme,”

The countess said, “so it’s even stupid.”

One can write endlessly about Natasha Rostova. She is the embodiment of Tolstoy’s understanding of beauty, and mine too. In my own, still completely short life, I try to be at least somehow similar to Natasha, similar, first of all, internally. And I want to finish last quote, no longer from “War and Peace,” but from Tolstoy’s unfinished novel “The Decembrists.” 1856 Among other amnestied Decembrists, Pierre, Natasha, and their children return to Moscow. “Anyone looking at this woman. I should have understood that she had long ago put her whole self into life. Something beautiful and sad remains worthy of respect, like a memory, like moonlight” - that, in my opinion, is the beauty in “War and Peace”

Epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is one of the peaks in world literature. It is striking in the breadth of life depicted, the versatility, multi-heroic, multi-problematic nature of the work. And one of these problems is the problem of true love and spiritual beauty person.

I want to dedicate my essay to Natasha Rostova. After all, Natasha’s soul is a whole novel in itself, a life story, and all the most important and important things are manifested in her spiritual qualities and actions. To be honest, the topic I chose is both simple and complex. Simple because Natasha’s endless love for life, for the people around her, her realism and understandability to each of us, her childhood dreams and joys themselves reveal this theme. But, on the other hand, the concept " human soul“is so vast and includes so many different things that the topic of my essay may remain unsolved forever.

And yet I will try to convey the spirituality of the Natasha that I remembered and fell in love with. Natasha was L. Tolstoy’s most beloved heroine. He, a master of depicting human souls and characters, embodied in her the most best features. Tolstoy, apparently, did not consider his heroine smart, calculating, and adapted to life. But her simplicity, spirituality of heart defeated her mind and good manners. Despite her appearance, ugliness in childhood and adolescence (many times Tolstoy mercilessly emphasizes that Natasha is not always beautiful, because she is not Helen), Natasha attracted even unfamiliar people who met by the will of fate. But it’s so important to be an outlet for people, something like a guardian angel, without putting much effort into it.

Many episodes of the novel talk about how Natasha inspires people, makes them better, kinder, and gives them back their love for life. For example, when Nikolai Rostov loses to Dolokhov at cards and returns home irritated, not feeling the joy of life, he hears Natasha singing and with this peaceful voice forgets everything in the world. He feels that this very life is beautiful, that everything else is trifles, not worth attention, and most importantly, that “... suddenly the whole world focused for him, waiting for the next note, the next phrase...” Nikolai thinks: “All this: misfortune, and money, and Dolokhov, and anger, and honor - everything nonsense, but she is real...”Natasha, of course, helped people not only in difficult situations. She simply brought them joy and happiness, gave them the opportunity to admire themselves and at the same time did it selflessly. I remember the fiery Russian dance in Otradnoye.

Or one more episode. Otradnoe again. Night. Natasha, whose soul is full of bright poetic feelings, asks Sonya to go to the window, peer into the extraordinary beauty of the starry sky, and inhale the smells. She exclaims: “After all, such a lovely night has never happened!” But Sonya does not understand Natasha’s animated, enthusiastic excitement. She does not have the spark of God that Tolstoy sang in her beloved heroine. Sonya is kind, sweet, honest and friendly, she does not commit a single bad act and carries her love for Nikolai through the years. But such a girl is not interesting to either the reader or the author. “Barren flower,” Natasha will say about her, and this word will contain the most cruel truth.

Sonya is too good and correct, unlike Natasha. But this is probably why everyone, everyone who reads and loves the novel, falls in love with Natasha, and not with anyone else, is imbued with her feelings and emotional experiences. And now about the most interesting pages novel. Natasha and love. They are inseparable. Love is a part of her soul. Love for father and mother, for Andrei and Pierre, for Nikolai and Sonya... Each feeling is different from the other, but they are all deep and true.

And for some reason I want to say more about her love for Andrey. Exactly this wonderful feeling in the novel. It was subjected to many life tests, but withstood, withstood, retained its depth and tenderness. Let us remember the meeting of Natasha and Andrei at the ball. It seems like it's love at first sight. But they were introduced to each other. It would be more accurate to call it some kind of sudden unity of feelings and thoughts of two unfamiliar people. They understood each other suddenly, at a glance, they felt something uniting them both, their souls united. Prince Andrey became younger next to Natasha. He became relaxed and natural around her. But from many episodes of the novel it is clear that Bolkonsky could remain himself only with very few people. “Prince Andrei...loved to meet in the world that which did not have a general secular imprint on it. And that was Natasha.”

Now I want to ask myself a question. Why does Natasha, deeply loving Andrei, suddenly fall in love with Anatole? In my opinion, this is a fairly simple question, and I don’t want to judge Natasha strictly. She has a changeable character. She a real man, to whom everything worldly is not alien. Her heart is characterized by simplicity, openness, amorousness, and gullibility. Natasha was a mystery to herself. Sometimes she didn’t think about what she was doing, but opened up to her feelings, opening up her naked soul. But real love Still, she won and woke up in Natasha’s soul a little later. She realized that the one whom she idolized, whom she admired, who was dear to her, lived in her heart all this time. It was a joyful and new feeling that absorbed Natasha entirely, bringing her back to life.

It seems to me that Pierre played a significant role in this “return”. His “childish soul” was close to Natasha. And he was the only one who brought joy and light into the Rostov house when she felt bad, when she was tormented by remorse, suffered, and hated herself for everything that happened. She did not see reproach or indignation in Pierre's eyes. He idolized her, and Natasha was grateful to him only for the fact that he existed in the world and that he was her only consolation.

Despite the mistakes of her youth, despite the death of her loved one, Natasha’s life was wonderful. She was able to experience love and hate, inspire those around her and create a wonderful family, finding peace of mind in it. She loved her family and children very much. So what if the old fire in her died out? She gave it to her loved ones, giving others the opportunity to warm themselves by this fire.

Natasha Rostova, in my opinion, is the most beautiful in a feminine way in Russian literature, which is unusually real and at the same time divine. This is exactly what I think a woman-mother should be like. And then the children will inherit only the most beautiful parental qualities of the soul and heart. The image of Natasha embodied the ideal of a woman for Tolstoy, this is exactly what a woman should be, according to the writer, and I think that few people will disagree with him.

Tasks and tests on the topic “The inner beauty of a person in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace”

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