Quotes from the last great Indian leaders. The road will be mastered by the walking

(or a fashionable analogue that came from the English language - self-made) has become quite relevant recently. And this is natural, since today's world is very dynamic, and the rapid development of technology requires the constant assimilation of new knowledge. However, the process of learning and assimilation of information is not so simple. To achieve a result, you need a great desire, a sufficient amount of time, perseverance, the ability to complete what you started and overcome all the difficulties of learning. It is not easy for a person to cope with this task on his own, so he needs support. This, in part, explains the presence of many forums, specialized sites on the Internet and various groups in social networks, the main task of which is to motivate, inspire users, give spiritual food and strength for accomplishments in the field of self-development.

The content of such resources is replete with an abundance of motivating stories, parables, pictures, quotes from prominent and not so prominent figures, the authenticity of which is sometimes very difficult to verify. This material is the most diverse: from serious to humorous, from well-known moral principles to frankly innovative norms of behavior. But, as in other areas, it has its own timeless classics. What has inspired more than one generation and what has become relevant relatively recently. As an example, the well-known phrase "Viam supervadet vadens" (lat.), or "The road will be mastered by the walking one."

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Debatable origin

It is difficult to establish the authorship and origin of the maxim “The road will be mastered by the walking one”. Even a cursory glance at the results of queries in search engines will allow us to conclude that there are different, sometimes diametrically opposed approaches to understanding the question of where the quote came from. "Viam supervadet vadens" is on Wikipedia's list of Latin phrases, but there is no article on the subject.

The most common version of the origin of the expression is the translation of a verse from the Rig Veda, one of the first monuments of Indian literature, a collection of religious hymns, a line from which has a similar meaning. Here is a verbatim quote from the English translation of the "Hymn of Generosity", written in Sanskrit:

"The plowshare plowing makes the food that feeds us, and with its feet cuts through the path it follows.Better the speaking than the silent Brahman: the liberal friend outvalues ​​him who gives not.”

The line in Russian translation is as follows: "The road will be mastered by walking." Full translation of the verse in the Russian version:

"He who plows, the plow makes full,
The road will be mastered by walking,
A teaching brahmana will achieve more,
than non-teaching.
A generous friend should be preferred to an ungenerous one.

In addition, there are other versions. One of them ascribes the authorship of the phrase Lucius to Annaeus Seneca, but the researchers of his work do not confirm this fact. At the same time, Seneca has similar thoughts, which are set forth in his dialogue “On the steadfastness of the sage, or that the sage can neither be offended nor offended.” In the work, the author expresses the conviction that with a cursory glance at a steep road, a person first perceives it as insurmountable, but after walking along it, he sees that this is not so and “what at a distance seemed like a cliff, turns out to be a gentle slope.” Perhaps, referring to these Latin lines, Seneca is called the author of the maxim "Viam supervadet vadens". In fairness, we note that there is also an opinion that this expression came to Latin from ancient China, and is an interpretation of the words of Confucius "The path of a thousand miles begins with one step."

The tattoo on the arm of Evgeni Plushenko in Latin: "Viam supervadet vadens" ("The road will be mastered by the walking one").

It has also been suggested that the expression "He who walks the road" is nothing more than a loose interpretation of the biblical verse. Religious scholars do not support this assumption, although they note similarities in some sayings. So, in the Gospel of Matthew, 7:7 it says: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

It can be seen from the above examples that, without conducting a special study, it is rather difficult to determine where the quote comes from and who the author of the words is. There are as many versions of the origin of the phrase as there are interpretations of the expression itself.

Thinking about the meaning

Everything ingenious is simple. A common truth, the meaning of which is clear to everyone and everyone. “The road will be mastered by the walking one” of those. If the question arises as to what this expression means, one does not need to look far for an answer. This maxim is universal, and any person can apply it in a particular situation or simply regard the expression as worldly wisdom, in a generalized way. It's simple: if you want change, act. Just as landscapes and views change while crossing the road, so changes in life are action, movement. The main thing is not to stand still, to push yourself to take that first step that Confucius spoke about. Not for nothing, the image of the road is fundamental in the work of many peoples, the road is life (the path of life), and going through it means gaining wisdom.

There are many expressions similar in meaning: “You won’t hear a bell until you hit it”, “Water doesn’t flow under a lying stone”, “Without difficulty, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond.” The list can be continued with examples of sayings from other cultures. All this only to a greater extent confirms the axiomaticity of "Viam supervadet vadens". It does not matter what the quote is based on: on the personal experience of the author or centuries-old observations of entire peoples, the essence that everyone endures for himself is unchanged.

The phrase "The road will be mastered by the walking one" is not without some inconsistency. It may seem to a modern person that without indicating the direction of movement, a stalemate develops. This is not entirely true. To find your calling, to start doing what gives you joy, you need to go through more than one road, because it is far from a fact that at the end of the first segment of the path you will find yourself. And even if so, does this mean that there is a new road ahead, another stage, after which a person becomes better, wiser, more experienced. Isn't that the point...?

The half-empty house is filled with rustles,
Seemed both quiet and reliable,
Wandering in it lightly and carefully
Dreams, with their caressing simplicity.

Your ban is imposed on the old memory,
Your home is not a haven for a lost soul,
Who is in a hurry to find you
Flying into the midnight dim light.

And write, and write poems,
And the threads are torn, breaking the lines ...
And in this house, in every corner,
Her steps are born. Quiet.

And in the new morning you will leave the walls again
And go down the narrow path to the river,
Dawn swallowing greedily in the distance,
Suddenly feeling a change in my soul.

So, the secret of happiness. What is it?

In the inner feeling of the joy of life. Happiness is when there is peace in the soul, when there are loved ones and loving people nearby. When you are calm for tomorrow and free to choose anything. Who will argue? Ask anyone: “What do you lack, what would you like to receive momentarily?” - people, thinking, missing a lot of options in their heads, say the same thing: “Stability”. Basically, this concept rests on money, it's like two halves of a roof. Material well-being can give freedom of action, freedom of movement. But in fact, few people dream of untold wealth and millions. Most people just want a stable, decent income.

Even those who aspire to the heights of spiritual growth, at the beginning of their journey, wonder how compatible spirituality and material well-being are. Should we strive for it? Or should a spiritual person reject all thoughts about money, because the very little is enough for him, and finances, like the efforts to earn them, distract, direct the soul to the base?

Many teachings say that an enlightened person ceases to care about this because the necessary benefits come to him at the right time and in the right amount. That is, dreams and aspirations are realized, even if not necessarily in monetary terms.

It really is!

Now let's look at the mechanism of this process.

Imagine a Heavenly City. It doesn't matter how it looks, it's a matter of everyone's imagination. He just is. And it is located where it is not visible to the eye. But he is. And in this city, like in any other earthly city, there is a bank. As if the personification of wealth and material well-being.

And imagine now that accounts are opened in this bank FOR ALL people living on Earth. Represented? And it is from these heavenly accounts that all good things come to us on Earth at our first request. Note - on demand! Because these are our funds, accumulated by us! How? There are no monetary units in the heavenly bank; deposits in it are calculated in emotions. Expressing a feeling of joy, delight, love, happiness, tenderness and other positive emotions, we put more and more funds into our account. However, radiating anger, hatred, irritation, melancholy, despondency, despair, being in a depressed state, we withdraw from the account and simply throw away our funds. Which we have accumulated, perhaps for many years, and which could be used to fulfill our desires!

Represented? Have you now realized why our prayers and groans for help from above, requests and pleas for receiving something do not come true? How do we support our requests? Is it possible, without putting anything into a bank account, to demand to give you something that is not there?!

Enlightened people are those who have understood and forever settled in their hearts the joy of life, confidence in the present moment in its delightful beauty and fragrance! Kindness emanates from such people, and light comes from their eyes. And they get everything from life, you just have to wish. Because their heavenly account is filled with radiant, endless heaps of wealth, which can only be given by aspiration to one's heart, to one's soul. Their prayers and thoughts work wonders because they are the richest people in the world - their wealth is in their inner beauty. It is so simple.

There is nothing to prevent any of us from becoming like them. Just radiate joy, just love everyone around, try to understand and accept any person, hug him with your warmth. Truly, these magical energies replenish your bank with cosmic speed. And now you are already getting what you were striving for, easily, playfully, as if beautiful fairies from all sides are holding it out to you on saucers. And you smile at the world, and he smiles at you! Because everything is really very simple.

Open your eyes. Your losses are false.

Why burn yourself in the fire of agony?

Illusions cannot be lost

How impossible to collect them in the palm of your hand.

What is real is always with you,

It is in you, inside, every minute.

And you call illusions fate

And you frown again, meeting the morning.

Open the eyes of the soul, and tears will flow

And wash the accumulated masks.

It's never too late to see.


Heavenly City can make any of your dreams come true if you are filled with the light of endless love. It is only worth wishing. And, having expressed your wish aloud, to find what you want, whether it be the same money or a meeting with the only person to whom the heart reaches out in space ...

Have we forgotten how to dream and believe in ourselves? Not! As long as a person believes in the Miracle, it lives in our heart and gives us its manifestations. And this is as true as the fact that I am now smiling happily as I write these lines. The life around us is the radiation of our hearts. And our happiness is our life, the way we want it. The way we can make it!

Walking - will master any road.

Standing - the path will never learn.

Cozy wretched in the bosom of God:

Palm stretched closer - will receive.

And the world's suffering sounds like a hymn,

Request for help: God, have mercy!

Is wilting possible in spring?

Glades of flowers are pitted on the graves.

Walking - cognizes the sacred Will.

Standing - someone else interprets differently


And happiness exists only in the light of love.


Many centuries ago, two people went to their dream. They went through the impenetrable jungle turning into deserts, mountain ranges, rocks that threaten their lives. At one point, they saw that the road along which their path lay ended at one of the rocks.

The road is over! How could I believe that she would lead somewhere?! - Shouted, to himself, the first. Uncertainty, fatigue, anger, fear led him astray. He trusted his eyes instead of listening to his heart and his dreams. He turned around and walked back, never reaching his destination.

The second, seeing the end of the path, at first, too, was subject to doubts. He stopped in thought, but after thinking, he listened to his heart, and did not trust his eyes.

It cannot be that my dream is unrealistic, my heart cannot lie! Apparently I'm losing faith! - he thought, and continued on his way with hope in his heart. Approaching the turn, he raised his hands to heaven:

Can't be!

Approaching the gorge near the rock, he saw that the road imperceptibly goes around it. The road was simply invisible!

He went around the bend and saw that, this time, the road ends at the next cliff. Approaching the next rock, he saw the continuation of the path, which ended at the next rock. He walked in small sections, from one to another, and the farther he went, the more way he went. He was full of determination and faith in his own strength, and hope burned in his heart. Nothing is impossible for an aspiring person. Failures, pits, falls, contribute to the passage of the path, bringing the moment of triumph closer. All the steps taken incorrectly allow you to see and correct the mistakes made and achieve your goal.

The first man returned home without reaching his goal and without having traveled his own path. And henceforth, he considers his dream unrealistic, because he saw that the path ended at that rock. He continues to live his former life.

The second traveler became a guide, showing the way to all aspirants. He teaches that difficulties, mistakes, failures should not be feared, because overcoming difficulties we become stronger, coping with mistakes, we are looking for the truth, and thanks to failures, we become more resilient.

What for the first remained a pipe dream, for the second became a reality.

Believe in yourself, listen to your heart, follow your dream, even if it seems unattainable and unrealistic to you, and if it seems that there is no further way. Maybe you, after taking a few steps, will open your path, which previously seemed unrealizable to you.

It depends only on you whether your dream will become a reality!

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Who said "The road will be mastered by the walking one"? According to one of the existing versions, this expression is taken from the Bible. However, this statement is not entirely true and correct, since such a phrase does not exist in the sacred texts. So who said "The road will be mastered by the walking one"? What is the significance of this wise saying? In all we will try to understand in our article.

Where does the quote "The road will be mastered by walking"? Who said such words?

Where did this expression come from? The answer to this question interests many people. It is not in Dahl's book for 1853 under the title "Proverbs of the Russian people". However, there is information that this expression is an old phrase that came to us from the language of the ancient Romans: Viam supervadet vadens (adjacent to the saying "The one who walks will master the road"). Who said this phrase and how is it literally translated?

There is also an opinion that this quote is taken from but it turned out to be from the Indian "Rigveda" (a collection of hymns in the Vedic language, which are among the 4 religious Hindu texts known as the Vedas). In the Indian "Rigveda" the statement came from ancient Russian literature. It turns out that this quote is a native Russian proverb.

The meaning of the statement

Some people wonder what the saying means and what hidden meaning is hidden in it. The old saying “the road will be mastered by the one who walks” expresses the main idea, the essence of which is that in order to appear on the way, it is necessary first of all to act. Or it must be understood in such a way that the one who goes, sooner or later, will still find the right path for himself.

Under the road, as a rule, they mean continuous movement, an unconscious desire to move forward, the possibility of choice, as well as free knowledge of both the surrounding world and oneself. The road is, in fact, life itself. It is also interesting because you can travel the world using pre-laid routes on various roads.

The path is a philosophical parameter that is very similar to life, where there is an end and a goal (albeit an imaginary one). It makes no difference where someone came from, the main thing is where they go. The road is a kind of endless struggle, it is a path paved by someone else, but rediscovered personally by everyone.

Who said "The road conquers the walking one"?

In addition to the well-known saying, sometimes you can hear a similar, slightly modified expression. The question spontaneously arises - is this a different expression or a slightly incorrect translation of the quote “the road will be mastered by the walking one”? Who said and what did he mean by this phrase?

This wise saying appeared due to the incorrect translation of lines from the Rigveda, as well as the main expression, which is discussed at the beginning of our article. The exact translation from Russian sounds like "the road will be mastered by walking." However, as a rule, hymns and verses are not specifically (literally) translated.

According to another theory available, this saying was taken from the Bible and interpreted a bit. So, in the New Testament in the Gospel there is a well-known phrase that has a related meaning: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Quotes from the Last Great Indian Chiefs

These sayings belong to Sitting Bull, White Cloud, Sittle, and other famous 19th-century North American Indian chiefs:

"Love the earth. It is not inherited by you from your parents, it is borrowed by you from your children."

“In the first year of marriage, the newlyweds looked at each other and thought if they could be happy. If not, they said goodbye and looked for new spouses. If they were forced to live together in disagreement, we would be as stupid as a white man ".

"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future."

"We don't want churches because they will teach us to argue about God."

"One 'take' is better than two 'I'll give'."

"It doesn't take many words to tell the truth."

"A good man sees good signs."

"He who is silent knows twice as much as a talker."

"First look at the footprints of your moccasins before judging other people's faults."

"Before you love, learn to walk in the snow without leaving footprints."

"There is no death. There is only a transition between the worlds."

"Those who go to bed with dogs get up with fleas."

"How clever must be the language of the whites if they can make right look wrong and wrong look right."

"My son will never take up farming. He who works the land does not see dreams, but wisdom comes to us in dreams."

"What is life? It is the light of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo when winter comes. It is a shadow that falls on the grass and melts at sunset."

"When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, only then will you understand that money cannot be eaten."

"The Great Spirit is imperfect. It has a light side and a dark side. Sometimes the dark side gives us more knowledge than the light side."

"Knowledge is hidden in every thing. The world was once a library."

"In order to hear yourself, you need silent days."

"In order to understand about yourself, talk to a stone in the mountains…".

"If you notice that you are riding a dead horse - get off!".

"When the Great Spirit gives a new day, he sends it - to everything."

"Look at me. I'm poor and naked. But I'm the leader of my people. We don't need riches. We just want to teach our children to be right. We want peace and love."

"When you tie a horse to a post, do you expect it to work up strength?"

"Don't bother people about their religion."

"Even your silence can be part of a prayer."

"Why do you take by force what you cannot take with love?"

"There are many ways to smell like a skunk."

"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I won't be able to remember, involve me and I'll understand."

"Need" - just die."

"The old days were wonderful. The old people sat in the sun at the doorstep of their house and played with the children until the sun plunged them into a slumber. The old people played with the children every day. And at some point they just didn't wake up."

"When a legend dies and a dream is gone, there is no greatness left in the world."

"Don't walk behind me - maybe I won't lead you. Don't walk ahead of me - maybe I won't follow you. Walk beside me and we will be one."

"Truth is what people believe."

"Even a small mouse has the right to be furious."

"I suffer when I remember how many good words were said and how many promises were broken. In this world, those who have no right to speak at all speak too much."

"He who tells stories rules the world."

"Water has no hair."

"The frog does not drink the pond in which he lives."

"The wind that gave our grandfathers their first breath is also receiving their last breath, and the wind must also give our children the spirit of life."

"I come to you as one of your many children."

"I need your strength and wisdom."

"Make me strong, not to rise above my brother, but to defeat my greatest enemy - myself."

"I was at the end of the earth. I was at the end of the waters. I was at the end of the sky. I was at the end of the mountains."

"I didn't find anyone who wasn't my friend."

"If you have something to say, stand up to be seen."

"The raven cries not because it portends trouble, but because there are enemies in the bushes."

"Remember that man is also an animal, only smart."

"Don't judge a man until two moons have passed in his moccasins."

"A man must make his own arrows."

"The white man has too many bosses."

"Everything in the world has its own song."

"Above me is beauty, below me is beauty. And when I leave the body, I will also follow the path of beauty."

"A child is a guest in your house - feed, learn and let go."

"Ask a question from your heart and you will hear an answer from your heart."

"Speak to children when they are eating, and what you say will remain even when you are gone."

"When you see a rattlesnake preparing to strike, strike first."

"You can't wake a person who pretends to be asleep."

"The white man is greedy. In his pocket he carries a canvas rag into which he blows his nose - as if he is afraid that he might blow his nose and miss something very valuable."

"We are poor because we are honest."

"When a man prays for one day and then sins for six, the Great Spirit gets angry and the Evil Spirit laughs."

"A well-spoken word is better than a well-aimed axe."

"Even a dead fish can go with the flow."

"The soul will not have a rainbow if there were no tears in the eyes."

"Life flows from the inside out. Following this thought, you yourself will become the truth."

"Everything on earth has its purpose, every disease is a medicine that cures it, and every person has a purpose."

"What is a man without animals? If all the animals are exterminated, the man will die from the great loneliness of the spirit. Everything that happens to animals, happens to man."

"Let my enemy be strong and fearsome. If I overcome him, I will not feel shame."

"If you talk to owls or snakes, they will talk to you, and you will recognize each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not recognize them, and what you do not know, you will be afraid. Man destroys that what he is afraid of."

"Home is where you feel good."

"Enemy is not always an enemy, and a friend is not always a friend."

"When you were born, you cried and the world laughed. Live so that when you die, you laugh and the world weeps."

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