How to remove interesting pages in VK. How to hide groups in VK

In connection with the current anonymity policy of the social network VKontakte, it is now more and more difficult to remain incognito on the Internet. With some changes in one of the large-scale updates to VK introduced in 2015, some functions that allowed you to hide detailed information about yourself became unavailable. However, instead, a separate section has been introduced in the account settings, in which you can choose the privacy settings for your photos, music, comments and groups that you subscribe to.

In this article, we will tell you exactly what manipulations need to be done in order to hide the list of your groups, communities and interesting pages from friends and prying eyes in general.

How to hide interesting groups in VK

First of all, consider the option with the privacy of the groups in which you are a member, this is done quite simply and literally in a couple of clicks of your mouse. To do this, go to your page where your avatar is located and pay attention to the upper right corner where your miniature ava with your name flaunts, then hover over the name and select "Settings" in the additional context menu that appears.

Now that you have gone to the settings section of your page, you have access to such functions as "Security", "Blacklist", "Payments and transfers", but you need to go to the "Privacy" section, which you can choose from the list on the right. Then you will need to find the line "Who sees the list of my groups" and click on it with the left button of your mouse.

After that, another context menu will pop up, in which you will have the opportunity to select the following options:

- Only me- this way you can hide your groups from everyone and only you can see them.

- Only friends– only your friends can view your group list

- Friends and friends of friends- this item is a kind of addition to the previous one. In addition to your friends, the list of groups can be viewed by all users who are friends with your friends.

- Everything except- by selecting this item, you can select those users from whom you want to hide your groups. That is, they will be seen by all VK users except for those selected.

- Some friends- this item is fundamentally different from the previous one, here you will have the opportunity to select those individuals who will be able to view the list of your groups.

Important: if we are talking about complete privacy, then you should select the “Only Me” option.

How to hide interesting pages in VK

The bulk of the "Groups" section is made up of communities or interesting pages. Unfortunately, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to hide your communities from public viewing” is no. This function is simply not provided in VKontakte. However, you can pull off some trick that will allow you to view the necessary news of the desired community or public page, while your friends will not know about it.

To do this, open the main page of VK, where your avatar and information about you are located and go to the "Groups" section.

Now, from the list, select the community you need that you want to hide from prying eyes and open it. Now you have to unsubscribe from it. To do this, click on the special "Unsubscribe" button.

Then you need to bookmark it.

The VK social network has a large number of different functions that not all users know about and know how to use. We would like to tell you about one of them in today's article. Interesting pages in VKontakte are the pages that the user pays the most attention to: they visit them most often, view photos and videos posted on them, comment on entries, participate in discussions, polls, and so on.

However, some VK users have a problem: this list does not always display the most favorite and frequently visited pages. It even happens that at the top are those for which the user may be ashamed or embarrassed, or some comic communities, but I would like more highly intelligent groups to be displayed on top. Today we would like to help you get rid of such problems and tell you how to manually reorder your interesting pages.

How to change page position

If you want to raise your favorite page to a higher place (so that it is always at hand), then this is very simple. To do this, try unsubscribing from the community, and then subscribe to it again. As a result, the community you need will rise to the fourth or fifth place in your list.

According to the same system, you can drop the community to fourth or fifth place from the first three. Thus, you will free up the first places for pages that really deserve to be in these positions.

If you don't want a particular community or page to be displayed on your page, then this can also be done fairly quickly. To do this, go to your news feed. Among all entries, find one post of the page you want to hide. In the upper right corner, click on the "This is not interesting" cross, and then click on "Do not show news." After that, you can safely cancel the action.

Please note that the list that is available to you will be updated instantly, and the one that is available to your friends and other VK users will be updated only after a while.

Change your friends list

It is also worth noting that all of the above methods are also suitable for lowering or raising friends in your "My friends" list. However, there are always not as many requests to change them as there are to pages, since only the user himself sees the ordered list of friends and it is not available to others. Even if they can view your friends list, they don't see it the way you do. All users are randomly mixed and lined up in a completely different order. Your personal list is built based on your interests and activity. The more often you correspond with a VK user or go to his page, the higher he is in your list.

By the way, this function allows you to adequately assess your interest in the pages. If they are at the very bottom of your list, it means that you are not so interested in them. This is a good method for organizing pages. That is, if you want to clean up your list of interesting pages (or friends), start from the bottom, and you will not lose. After all, if you are not interested in the page, perhaps it simply “clutters up” your profile. If it is important for you that your page looks spectacular and attractive, check out our article.

Thus, interesting VKontakte pages are a very useful feature, and now you also know how to use it so that it brings you only convenience and no discomfort.

In modern society, almost every person has a page on a social network. The most popular among young people is the VKontakte network, which allows users to subscribe to public pages and receive news from such pages.

If you are bored with them and want to remove them from the news feed, you should figure out how to hide interesting VKontakte pages. We will also consider the question of whether it is possible to completely hide public pages so that no one knows what you are subscribed to.

Editing Interesting Pages

If you want to hide interesting pages on VKontakte, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. First, open the news feed. Three tabs usually open: News, Updates, and Comments. You need to stay on the News tab.
  2. Under the name of the tab, click on the "+", in the window that opens, select "Recommendations" and uncheck this line. This way you will get rid of the interesting pages that the free choice service offers you. The VKontakte social network selects the news feed that you indicated in your profile. If you want to limit news from a specific group or person, then you will need to hover over the news from this person and click the cross. In this paragraph, specify users and groups whose news you would not like to see in the news feed.

In case you want to view interesting pages again, you need to check the box next to "Recommendations".

How to remove interesting pages from the main page?

Information about subscription to public pages is on the main page of the user. But you must admit, not everyone wants to show all their friends and other users what they are interested in, and put on public display the advice page "Anti-cellulite program". However, unfortunately, hiding interesting pages in this case will not work. The policy of the site is such that all users can view such pages, and therefore there is no way to block access to them. The only thing you can do is unsubscribe from the pages and just add them to your bookmarks.

Let's assume that you were just sitting on VKontakte. Found an interesting group. And then you decided to subscribe to it. Of course, it instantly gets into “My Groups”, and every user is able to see it. However, this is exactly what you do not want. What to do in such a situation? I want to show. How can you hide communities on VKontakte.
How to hide the community in VK;
How to remove the community from the "Interesting Pages" section;

So, how can you hide the community in VK?

With this issue, privacy settings will be able to help us. We go to our VK account (page), and select from the menu on the left side "My settings". Then choose the item "Privacy". Now let's move on to the settings themselves. Here we need the item "Who sees the list of my groups." Directly opposite the value, open the list with possible variations, and select "Only me." Hiding groups. From now on, other VK users can never see the list of your communities, unless you open it again in the privacy settings. there is also another option: leave the group - in this case, too, not a single person will know that you have ever been in it. However, it is better not to do this, as you will need to constantly look for this group. By the way, in the privacy settings you can hide any information from your VKontakte page.

How to remove the community from interesting pages

In chapter "Interesting pages" the same communities appear in which you are a member, but go there often, put likes on posts, comment. And from here, too, it is imperative to hide the community that we want to hide from other people. We follow from the community, and just add it to our bookmarks. So that when we need it, we have the opportunity to go into it at any time. First, be sure to check if bookmarks are enabled at all. We go back to "My settings", and on the first paragraph we make sure that there is a mark opposite "My bookmarks". If the mark is worth, then we can continue further. Now we go to the community to whose news we are subscribed. Add it to your bookmarks using the link, immediately below the community avatar. And now you just need to unsubscribe from the news of this community. To do this, you need to open the drop-down list, and in it we find the desired item. Unsubscribing from group news. After these actions, this community will disappear from the list of interesting pages. And if we need to go to the group, then we can do this from the "My Bookmarks" section, in the "Links" tab.


You learned what a joint venture is and how to put it on your own page using a real example.

In this review, we will talk specifically about how to hide interesting pages in VK. This question is now of interest to so many of our readers, so today's material is devoted to it. You probably saw on the pages of friends, a little to the left of the feed, a block with the name: "Interesting pages". If you don't quite understand what I'm talking about, then look carefully at the bottom screenshot. We marked this block with a red border. At the very beginning of the publication, it should be noted that the list of groups that you are a member of is one thing, and the list of public pages is quite another. It is very important to separate these two lists.

The block with interesting pages can contain not only public pages. In addition to them, there may also be pages of those people you follow. But there is one very important caveat: in order for a person’s page to get into the list of interesting pages, you need to gain at least 1000 subscribers on it. Gaining such an audience will not be difficult, because you have a PR agency SocPRka. You can go to place an order for any number of fans.

In the case when we have to hide something on Vkontakte from prying eyes, we immediately go to the privacy settings, since all such settings are located there. Perhaps you can hide all interesting VK pages through these same privacy settings. Let's figure it out.

As already noted, it is groups that can be hidden in the privacy settings, but non-public ones. If you don’t know what are the main differences between VK groups and public pages (public), then we definitely recommend reading the following material: “”. Let's see what they write about this in VK itself, in the section of answers to the most relevant and most frequently asked questions (bottom picture). As you can see, now there is no way to hide public pages from visitors, which, just, are displayed in interesting pages. That is, there is no function that would disable their visibility for subscribers or friends in one click.

By the way, you do not have enough friends, we advise you to use it - order the service of cheating Vkontakte friends from our studio. Despite all that has been said, there is still a way out - you can simply unsubscribe from this or that public (you can unsubscribe from all public pages if you wish).

Then visitors will not see it in the list of interesting pages. Don't forget to enable notifications while doing this (see 1 in the picture above) and bookmark the public page (2 - above). All new materials posted on the page will continue to appear in your feed, and the link to the public that you unsubscribed from earlier will remain in your bookmarks.

To completely hide all interesting pages in VK through a mobile application, you do not need to do any extra operations. Everything happens exactly the same as in the regular version of the site. Only with some reservations.

  • So, go to your account in the mobile application.
  • Open all sections by clicking on the three parallel horizontal bars in the lower right corner.
  • Now go to the section: "Groups" (see 1 below).
  • Here we are looking for the community that does not need to be displayed (2).
  • Let's go to the page.
  • Click on the three dots to get to the action.
  • Add the public to bookmarks (3 - in the bottom image).
  • Turn on notifications (4).
  • Unsubscribe (5).

Now no one will know which pages you visit most often, because the most visited of them are displayed at the very top of the block with interesting pages. It is not yet possible to hide or completely delete this block, but we do not exclude that such an opportunity will appear soon, so follow the advice section on our website carefully, where we promptly inform you about all the innovations in the field of social networks.

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