Hasmik vaye reitor melkonyan. The brothers

Russian businesswoman, art critic, philanthropist.

Name Hasmik Vayer Reitor attracted the attention of the media and the public in connection with the story associated with the owner of the collection company Yuri Anashenkov, who in the summer of 2016 married the ex-host of the popular show “Revizorro” on the Friday TV channel - Lena Letuchaya.

Hasmik Vaye Reitor. Biography

Hasmik Gevorgovna Vaye Reitor (Melkonyan)- Muscovite, art critic, successful entrepreneur. She started working at the age of 18. She worked in the investment field and event organization for more than 10 years. She owned her own event agency. At the same time as working, I started a family, which broke up in 2015.

In the same year, she became the director of the Galchonok charity foundation, which was created in 2012 with the goal of helping children with organic lesions of the central nervous system. nervous system, their treatment, rehabilitation, providing them and the families of the wards with social and psychological support.

The foundation’s employees, together with actress Yulia Peresild (“Sonnentau”, “Crocodile Hunting”, “Lyudmila Gurchenko”), created a charity performance “VerseVarenye”, in which artists from friendly organizations participate free of charge. All proceeds from the production go to help children in need.

The foundation is supported by many celebrities, including Chulpan Khamatova, Marina Alexandrova, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Irina Pegova, Alisa Grebenshchikova. The fund's trustees, in addition to Yulia Peresild, includes showman, host of the Comedy Woman project Dmitry Khrustalev, actresses Lyanka Gryu and Yulia Snigir, singer Petr Nalich, who represented Russia at Eurovision in 2010.

Hasmik (interview, 2016): Over the entire period of existence of the play “StikhoVarenye” (the premiere took place in November 2015), more than three million rubles were collected. We really wanted to draw people's attention to children with special needs, but we never thought that we would find such a big response. Now Galchonok has global plans to grow.

Another of the foundation’s projects is “People and Birds”, within the framework of which Sergey Bermenyev creates a real gallery of celebrity personalities with the symbol of the organization - a wooden jackdaw - and original bird masks. This event was attended by Yulia Peresild, Dmitry Khrustalev, Kristina Orbakaite, Kirill Serebrennikov, Dutch director Jos Stelling, etc.

Hasmik: People began to trust funds more. In this sense, everything is transparent with us. If a person transfers one hundred rubles via SMS, then his name immediately appears on our website... I remember when I told my friend that I had decided to work in charitable foundation, she replied that I had been helping everyone all my life. Apparently, the time has come to tackle this more globally. So I really like it. I like it. For now I am not exchanging for other projects. I want “Galchonok” to grow up and... become big beautiful bird!

Hasmik Vaye Reitor. Personal life

Hasmik for six years she was in a civil marriage with businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The couple raised two sons, born in 2009 and 2012. However, at the beginning of 2015, the family broke up.

U Yuri then the romance began with new lover - famous TV presenter Elena Letuchaya. After almost a year and a half of romance, they legalized their relationship. The wedding took place on August 20, 2016 on the Greek island of Santorini.

Hasmik Vaye Reitor about separation from her husband (interview, 2016): Of course, I had difficult times after divorce. This incomprehensible state lasted for several months until I actually started working on the foundation. Then I realized that there are things that help me move on, give me a feeling of lightness and happiness. Realizing that many of our wards’ fathers can’t stand it and leave young mothers alone with a sick child, I realized that everything was fine with me. But the most important thing is that I can help... Yura communicates with the children, but they do not see any help from him. I never complain about life, I adore my family. The boys love me and their dad and are looking forward to him.

Vaie Reitor is the type of mother who manages to do everything: take care of herself, raise children, run a business. Thousands of fans are trying to find out their secret, and today we tried to help them. IN big interview the author of the blog “Supermamochki” lifted the veil of secrecy about her wonderful life.

Introduce yourself and tell us what you do.
My name is Hasmik Vaye Reitor and in this moment I am working on several projects at once, and my main one is a blog on YouTube called “Supermamochki”.

What kind of channel is this and how did you come up with the idea to create it?
I have been promoting another channel for more than a year, where 6 young guys travel, play sports, and film live. I deal with the financial and legal issues of the channel. We are constantly creative and come up with interesting content, and I had a lot of ideas for the female half of the population that were not touched on in the men's blog. Moreover, I am a mother myself, I have something to tell others about. My children are very extraordinary, creative and smart - and this is an additional source of ideas. I decided to try to create something of my own. When we came up with the name, the eldest son told me: “Let’s call the channel Supermommy, you’re our super mom.” I was very pleased to hear this. I decided that it was good idea, because for every child his mother is the best.

What does the process look like? You find a potential heroine, and what happens next?
It all depends on the person, but if a mother has time to come with her children, then I try to come up with a joint trip somewhere. For example, to a museum or a master class, and while the children are busy, I interview my mother.

Are your children also involved in the filming?

It turns out that you are one of those “new generation” mothers who actively use social media, post photos of their children and share stories with readers. Aren't you afraid that people's increased attention to your family may somehow negatively affect it?
No, I'm not afraid of it. Moreover, I believe that you should not pay attention to any negative comments and statements at all.

Don’t the children get tired of constant filming?
We don't have non-stop filming. I try to have an episode published once a week. Each episode consists of two or three episodes: children's activity, an interview with the mother and real-time filming. It happens that we arrive at some event and the children are not in the mood. Telling them to smile and play for the camera is not our option. So we turn around and return home. But sometimes having a camera helps a lot, for example, today, when I was driving here, I asked my older child to wash the dishes. To which he told me that he would not touch these dirty plates, that he is generally a born football player and all this is not for him. But as soon as I turned on the camera, he immediately took a sponge and went to wash the dishes. Sometimes the camera helps!

How much does it cost to initial stage launch your project?
Your investment is good and high-quality content. Even a camera is not necessary, because most people have a smartphone with suitable characteristics.

Why are mom bloggers so popular?
It seems to me that there are several reasons for this. Firstly, mommy subscribers do not feel alone, they know that everyone faces certain situations during this period of time. Each blog also discusses certain problems that concern women. Various intimate issues that are very important for those who have already become mothers or are just about to.

Some women become so dissolved in their children that when they grow up, they lose interest in life. Mom bloggers sometimes seem like this too. What will you do when your children grow up?
I have never had a project that I would spend my entire life doing. Since I was 17, I almost always had at least 2 jobs at the same time. I change my activities if I don’t get the same pleasure from it. I had the opportunity to work in different areas activities from banking to conducting own company for organizing holidays. One thing is different from the other, and now I am creating an online school. Currently, the blog is my foundation for future projects.

Do you change your field of activity so often because you want to earn more or because you are interested in trying new things?
Because I'm interested in trying new things. Our life consists of development; if we stand still, we cease to be interesting to other people. We need to constantly develop in different directions. Very long time I couldn’t find myself, I didn’t know what was “mine” in this world. There are those who were lucky from birth - a beautiful voice or a passion for hairdressing and the person roughly understands what he will do in life. And I tried myself everywhere, because I succeeded in many areas. Then I thought, maybe “mine” is everything?

How do you feel about women who don't want to have children? Is this normal?
I am a supporter of doing what you feel. You should trust your intuition and your heart. If someone doesn't want children, maybe that's for the best. I think this is absolutely normal.

What about early marriages and motherhood?
I believe in fate. If you are destined to give birth at 18, so be it. The most important thing you need to give a child is love, and you can give it at the age of 16. There are things that do not depend on age. Even at the age of 35, when you are fully back on your feet, you may not be able to surround your child with the necessary care and love.

The feminist movement is very popular now. What do you think about that?
I am tolerant of everything, but from my point of view, there should always be a man who covers the rear. It so happened that I am raising children alone. Yes, sometimes I want to feel weak and shift responsibility onto a man’s shoulder, but there is no such possibility.

Aren't you disappointed in men?
No, men are people, and I love people.

Should a man be strong? What to do if your chosen one is wonderful in everything, but as a person he is weak.
A lot depends on the woman. WITH different women the same man feels and behaves differently.

How to make him strong?
You need to give him self-confidence, praise him, calling him the best. It seems that everything is very simple, but this is the most important thing. Men are big children with whom you need to talk directly, but in a good way.

Tell us how you take care of yourself, how do you manage to stay in shape?
The secret is very simple - become a mother. Children help us to be constantly on the move. I rarely go to the gym, about once a month. But I pay a lot of attention to nutrition, because about 12 years ago I had bulimia, I gained a lot of weight. I dealt with this situation myself without the help of specialists, because I was able to pull myself together.

Where do you dress? Do you have a favorite brand/store?
I really love the Zara store, they have relatively inexpensive, high-quality items, and most importantly, they are stylish.

Do you know what saving is?

Do you think money corrupts people?
Yes, moreover, only people strong-willed able to avoid this fate. Life always gives us temptations that do not depend on our status.

What would you like to improve about yourself if you had the opportunity?
I want to learn how to finish everything. I have a problem that at the very beginning I get excited about an idea, invest myself in it, and then something doesn’t work out and my interest disappears.

What is happiness and are you happy now?
For me, there are two concepts of happiness - ordinary and absolute. I experienced absolute happiness one day when I was overwhelmed with love for everything around me. And ordinary happiness for me is when everyone is healthy. I worked in charitable foundations and saw a lot of children with various diagnoses, after which I was convinced once again that the most important thing is health. At this moment in my life I am happy.

Have you changed after working in charities?
Yes, many people say that I have become more callous. I don’t know whether such work or my divorce played a big role here, but I have never been distinguished by any kind of excessive tenderness.

I'm sure that some of our readers are going through a divorce now, so they can't find the strength to stick together. broken heart and not give up?
My biggest motivator is my children. And with age, I realized that everything that is not done is for the better. It is not simple popular expression, this is a fact of life.

How to maintain your blog and manage everything? Hasmik Vaye Reitor about children, work and happiness was last modified: March 9th, 2018 by Dasha Krasnova

Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is a little-known person. He gained popularity in the media thanks to his affair with the host of the rating program “Revizorro” Elena Letuchaya, with whom they were legally married last summer. Almost nothing is known about the biography of the chosen one of the popular TV presenter; it is impossible to even find information about the place and exact date his birth, Wikipedia does not report anything about him.

Yuri Anashenkov: biography, crime

Yuri Gennadievich was born in Moscow in 1977, and after graduating from high school he entered the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He began his career by working in the police, where he rose to the rank of major.

Then he was an inspector for personnel of the Eastern Department of Internal Affairs. administrative district Russian capital. However, service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not bring Anashenkov any moral or material satisfaction, and he decided to become an entrepreneur.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri Gennadievich is a wealthy man, he is engaged in the collection business, and the first company that he created together with partners and general director which it later became was the collection agency “Russian Collector”.

In 2011, Anashenkov’s name was mentioned in criminal chronicles in connection with his involvement in raider takeovers. They wrote that a group of armed fighters from his company participated in a raider takeover of the enterprise in order to oust one of the customers’ competitors.

Anashenkov's business brings in good income, which allowed him to become quite wealthy man and live large.

Elena Letuchaya and Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri met Elena a year and a half before their wedding. He fell in love with Letuchaya immediately, and this was the reason that he left his common-law wife with two children. Millionaire debt collector two years older than himself new darling- at the beginning of their romance, Yuri was thirty-nine, and Elena was thirty-seven years old.

In the photo - Anashenkov and Letuchaya

The popular TV presenter had men before Yuri, but she always hid her personal life and was considered one of the most enviable brides in show business. For the first time with her new chosen one, the “auditor” appeared publicly at the Topical Style Awards ceremony, and almost immediately they started talking about the fact that this is future husband Volatile.

The presenter decided to declassify her affair with Yuri even before the wedding, posting online photos of their joint vacation in Bali, where they had a great time, sunbathing on the beach and surfing.

Yuri Anashenkov and Elena Letuchaya registered their marriage on August 22, 2016 in the Greek resort of Santorini, surrounded only by their closest friends and family. And before that, Lena celebrated a bachelorette party in the presidential suite of one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital, Lotte Hotel Moscow. All last days Before the wedding, Letuchaya carefully thought through all the details of the celebration to make this event fabulous and memorable.

The fact that Elena finally decided to give up her bachelor life indicates that in Yuri she saw the man of her life. Anashenkov enjoys authority with Elena and supports her not only in Everyday life, but also helps in the work whenever possible. Anashenkov is a lawyer by training, and Elena often turns to him for advice. He spares nothing for his wife - together they live in luxurious mansion in one of the elite villages near Moscow.

According to Anashenkov’s wife, after she married him, she was finally able to feel like weak woman, which no longer has to solve all the complex problems on its own. Yuri turned out to be a caring husband, next to whom she feels like behind a stone wall.

Their length of service family life totals less than a year, and so far everything is going great in the young family. Elena does not hide that she has long dreamed of children, and perhaps, next to Yuri Anashenkov, she will be able to fulfill her dream. They are very similar, they have the same interests, they both love to travel, active recreation, and sports. Elena admitted that she found it in Yuri kindred spirit, and next to him she forgets about everything in the world.

Former women

Despite the fact that for Elena Flying husband became the only man; according to some, Yuri Gennadievich was never distinguished by his loyalty to only one woman, and, having a family, he can have fun with others. The presence of two ex-wives indicates that he can easily leave the family, even though there are children in it.

First common-law wife Yuri was Evgenia Zaichenko, whom Anashenkov left with a small child who was not even a year old for the sake of new love- to art critic Hasmik Vaye Reitor.

Hasmik Gevorgovna is a Muscovite, a creative and active person. She started working early - from the age of eighteen and also got married early. Hasmik made a career in the field investment business and organizing events. A lot of time ex-wife Anashenkova devotes her time to charity - she heads the Galchonok Foundation, which helps children with organic lesions of the nervous system and their families. Together with famous artists this foundation staged the play “Poem and Varenye”, the proceeds from which go to help children in need.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov and Hasmik Vaye Reitor

Hasmik Vaye Reitor lived with Yuri Anashenkov for six years; in 2009 she gave birth to their first son, and in 2012 - their second. The birth of children did not influence Anashenkov’s decision to leave the family when their second son was only three years old.

Elena Letuchaya denies all accusations that she was the culprit and says that that marriage broke up even before she started dating Yuri, and his ex-wife Now it's a new relationship. According to Hasmik Vaye Reitor, she was going through a difficult divorce, and her work at the Galchonok charity foundation helped her cope with negative emotions. She saw that other women were in a much more deplorable state, alone with sick children, so that, compared to them, everything was fine with her.

She says that Yuri continues to communicate with the children, but they do not see any help from him. Hasmik does not turn his sons against their father, and they love him very much and are looking forward to meeting him.

One of Anashenkov’s acquaintances called him a cuckoo man and said that Yuri’s first wife still loves him and hopes that he can return. Their son Maxim is now nine years old, and Anashenkov also communicates with him. This same friend says that he and his first common-law wife, Evgenia Zaichenko, had a very great love, but for Yuri, unlike her, it apparently passed away a long time ago.

Anashenkov knows how to conquer women's hearts, knows how to look after beautifully, apparently, this is how he won the love of all his women. He showered Flying with compliments, gave expensive gifts and completely captured all her thoughts. Perhaps now he has become more mature and serious, he will be able to settle down and make Elena Letuchaya truly happy, because she has very serious plans for the future.

When Hasmik Vaye Reitor- director of a charitable foundation "Galchonok"- talks about her work, she wants to hug her. It's like a light turns on inside you. About the fund and its importance in your life Hasmik He speaks with such pleasure that you immediately understand that this is important.

We meet at Meeting Point(premium coworking space in the business center "Moscow", two steps away Kremlin). Hasmik appears in an oversized denim jacket and dress in the foundation's signature color "Galchonok"(logo – blue bird). She is small and fragile. But, it seems, with an iron will. " Galchonok Foundation exists since 2012, we help children with organic lesions of the central nervous system, the main diagnoses of which are cerebral palsy and autism. These are children who need support constantly,” she says. – How can we do this so that helping is easy and pleasant? We are together with our caregiver, a wonderful actress and an amazing person Yulia Peresild, created a cool project - a charity performance "VerseVarenye". Actors friendly to the foundation take part in it - completely free of charge, and all proceeds from the performance are used to help our beneficiaries. IN Children's Day, June 1st, we played the tenth, anniversary performance on Big stage« Theater of Nations"". The uniqueness of the fund is that most funds are raised thanks to interesting creative projects. The foundation is supported by celebrities such as Chulpan Khamatova, Marina Alexandrova, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Irina Pegova, Alisa Grebenshchikova. In addition to Yulia Peresild, the trustees of the fund are Dmitry Khrustalev, Lyanka Gryu, Yulia Snigir and Petr Nalich.

Over the entire period of the performance's existence "VerseVarenye"(the premiere took place in November 2015) more than three million rubles were collected. “We really wanted to attract people’s attention to children with special needs, but we couldn’t even imagine that we would find such a big response. Now "Galchonka" global plans are to grow,” he proudly emphasizes Hasmik. « It’s nice that everyone we contact always meets us halfway. Of course, many celebrities have contracts with other funds, but they treat us with great warmth. We have already given the play “VerseVarenye” in« Theater of Nations» , « Contemporary» , Vakhtangov Theater" "The idea of ​​creating "Galchonka" appeared four years ago. It was named after Galina Chalikova, the first director of the fund "Gift a life". Galina was seriously ill and bequeathed Olga Zhuravskaya(President and founder of “Galchonka”) to create a fund that will help organic children. And Olya fulfilled this request, and the name of the fund appeared in honor Galina Chalikova" “Today we help children with treatment and rehabilitation. These are mainly children with cerebral palsy,” continues Hasmik.– We have several programs. Firstly, this is targeted assistance - when we work with children from low-income families. Secondly, cooperation with the Center for Autism Problems. On Kutuzovsky Prospekt there is a regular high school No. 1465, where autistic children study, for whom we pay tutors (teachers). They are always close to children, study with them, help them socialize. And it really works. This helps children with special needs feel like everyone else.” It seems that there are no impossible tasks for her. “On another project of the foundation - "People and Birds" - We have a world-class photographer working with us, one of the most talented people that I have ever met - Sergey Bermenyev, who created a unique series of portraits of stars Hollywood. He owns the most famous portraitsJoseph Brodsky and Maya Plisetskaya. The fact that such large-scale figures are with us speaks volumes - thanks to their participation "Galchonok" becomes even stronger. And everyone feels it."

In the project's boundaries “People and Birds” Sergei Bermenyev creates a real gallery of celebrity personalities with the symbol of the foundation - a wooden jackdaw - and original bird masks, which the president of the foundation Olga Zhuravskaya brought from Argentina. Already participated in the project Yulia Peresild, Dmitry Khrustalev, Kristina Orbakaite, Kirill Serebrennikov, and a few days ago thanks Sergei Bermenyev The great Dutch director joined the project Jos Stelling - Chairman of the Jury of the International Film Festival. Andrei Tarkovsky« Mirror» ! And the most Top news– for the first time, an art project will be shown to the general public as part of a large summer festival"Galafest" - August 28 in the Hermitage Garden. " "Galafest" is our landmark festival, which will be held for the third time this year, and its most important goal is to integrate children and families with children with special needs into our society. This is the first in Russia a charity festival that was created to teach and unite both children and adults. Children with special needs do not feel different here - they communicate with ordinary children, play together, and participate in competitions. Everything there is arranged so that no participant feels out of place, so that everyone finds something to do. There will be many different activities and master classes - sports, dance, theater venues, play areas, cinema and tasty food. And of course, big concert. The festival is grandiose - last year Galafest was attended by five thousand people. And this year we expect from seven to 10 thousand!” – Hasmik shares. " People began to trust funds more. In this sense, everything is transparent with us. If a person transfers one hundred rubles by SMS message, then his name immediately appears on our website.” Personally for Hasmik the fund also became a salvation. They With "Galchonkom" found each other at a truly turning point for the girl. “I have been working since I was 18: more than 10 years in the investment field and organizing events, I had my own event agency. Along with work, a family appeared. But a little over a year ago I divorced my husband ( ex-husband Hasmik - businessman Yuri Anashenkov, current fiance of TV presenter Elena Letuchaya . – Approx. ed.) and life turned upside down.” There is no coincidence here, he believes Hasmik, it was a sign from above. “One day I was driving in a car and I literally had a vision. I thought I saw Jesus and heard children asking for help. The phrase sounded in my head: “We are waiting for you.” And a couple of weeks later my friend, trustee "Galchonka", reported that they were looking for a director. I decided that everything was not in vain, and I got to work.”

“Of course, I had difficult times after the divorce (Yuri left Hasmik for Elena, leaving the girl with two children. – Approx. ed.). This incomprehensible state lasted for several months until I actually started working on the foundation. And then I just realized that there are things that help me move on, that give me a feeling of lightness and happiness. Realizing that many of our wards’ fathers can’t stand it and leave young mothers alone with a sick child, I realized that everything was fine with me. But the most important thing is that I can help.” " Yura communicates with children, but they do not see any help from him. He explains this by the fact that there are no funds. I never complain about life, I adore my family, and the boys love me and their dad. And of course, they are really looking forward to it.” "Galchonok" gave Hasmik desire to move on. “I remember when I told a friend that I had decided to work in a charity foundation, she replied that I had been helping everyone all my life, apparently it was time to do this more globally. So I really like it, it's to my liking. And for now I’m not exchanging for other projects. Now I want to "Galchonok" grew up and any passerby knew about him. So that he becomes a big beautiful bird! “We have plans to create "Blagobazar". This is a charity auction on Instagram. We will organize an online resale with stylish items from the wardrobe of stars friendly to the foundation, and all funds will be transferred to the treatment and rehabilitation of children. For the foundation’s birthday – in November 2016 – we plan to release a book "Catchers Over the Abyss". It is currently available online on our website. We prepared her whole year, and it is dedicated to people who have overcome a lot and found themselves in helping others. These are not only celebrities, but also heroine mothers who do a lot in the name of charity. People you can follow as an example, you can be proud of them.” It seems about the most Hasmik They will definitely write someday too.

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