Alexey Kabanov biography. Where did the Roots group go: the old and new lineups, what they are doing now

In 1983, Alexei Kabanov, the future member of the first Star Factory in Russia and the lead singer of the Roots group, was born in Moscow. Since childhood, he was very artistic, so his parents sent him to music school. But, like many children, he did not like classes, asked his mother to pick him up from school and said that he did not need her, because he would never connect his life with music. However, he still received musical education and mastered the flute.

But Alexei went to the drama club with great pleasure. Then, having become an adult, he returns to music - he begins to play the synthesizer and create. After school, he enters the college of improvised music, because it is musical improvisation that then greatly captivates the young man. True, he never graduated from college, as he got into the Star Factory project.

In 2002, producer Igor Matvienko selects talented young people for the first project of this level in Russia, and needless to say, how popular all the participants became after it. On the Kabanov project, together with friends Sasha Astashenok, Pavel Artemyev and Sasha Berdnikov, they create the Roots group, which gets its name from the first song written by the talented Pasha Artemyev, “I'm losing my roots”. The group takes the first place in the final of the competition, which automatically predetermines the career of the guys. Under the contract, they get the right to record an album, shoot videos, participate in concerts and, of course, a tour.

Today, Alexey Kabanov continues to act as the soloist of this group, write songs and arrangements, act in videos and participate in concerts.
Nothing significant happened in the artist's personal life for a long time - he did not start a serious relationship until 2012, when he social network wrote the girl who made Kabanov speechless, she was so beautiful. However, he did not believe that such girls exist, and asked him not to write anymore. True, then he nevertheless invited her to the cinema. Seeing the girl live, he realized that this is love.

Alexey Kabanov and Rosalia Konoyan got married in 2013 on Friday the 13th. They claim that they are not superstitious, but that the wedding was arranged in accordance with Armenian traditions paying tribute to the origin of the bride. A year after the wedding, children also appeared - Rosa gave birth to her husband's daughter Alice.
Despite the fact that periodically flashes in the press scandalous stories about this couple, for example, in May 2015, when the wife of Alexei Kabanov, offended by her husband, impulsively went to the Dom-2 television project, everything is fine in the family. They assure that they do not plan to get divorced, and their love is still as strong as before.

The wife of the 32-year-old soloist of the group "Roots" Alexei Kabanov Rose became a member of "House-2". According to the viewers of the TV project in their blogs, 22-year-old Rozalia Kabanova left her husband for Zhenya Rudnev, a TV show participant. The most interesting thing is that the girl came to the project without filing a divorce and raising her one-year-old daughter Alice in marriage.


As it turned out, the reason for the rash act of the girl was a banal quarrel with her husband on the basis of jealousy. Having found a message from a fan on Kabanov's phone, Rosa called to cry to her close friend, who is a participant in the TV show, the recent divorcee Aliana Gobozova. So scandalous star"House-2" the girl has a long relationship. Kabanova is not only her godmother little son, but also collaborates with her as part of the creation of her own clothing collection. Gobozova advised the upset girl to "revenge" her husband and come to the project to supposedly find new love, transmits Super.

However, Rosa did not stay on the project: after listening to a series of reproaches at the frontal place, the girl went home to her husband. " I'm really very jealous and any little thing can make me flare up in a second and I no longer control my emotions. It is useless for me to explain or justify anything. It was in this state that I called Aliana. She advised me to annoy Lesha. Of course, then we reconciled. Lesha was shocked that I went there. I myself was not happy, but the program had already been recorded. Now we will wait for it to go on the air," the wife of the singer Rosalia had to make excuses for the hasty act.

Recall Alexey and Rosalia Kabanovs first became parents in June 2014. Note that the news imminent addition Kabanov family appeared in March last year. Only the relatives and close friends of Alexei and Rosa knew that the couple would soon have a baby. Despite a decent period, Kabanova's wife led a rather active lifestyle and even accompanied her beloved man to noisy parties. Actually, on one of these the other day, the girl was captured by cunning paparazzi with a noticeably rounded belly.

September 13, 2013 Alexei Kabanov registered a relationship with his fiancee Rosalia Konoyan. The groom's friend, the soloist of the Fabrika group Sasha Savelyeva, announced the happy event. The girl published a photo of the newlyweds during their exit from the registry office. It is noteworthy that young people registered their relationship on a "mystical" day - September 13, Friday. But it seems that the signs of Alexei and Rosa do not care at all. "We are not superstitious - real love does not depend on numbers," the lovers said.

Back in 2011, the singer bought an apartment with an area of ​​78 "squares" on the sixteenth floor in a new building on Leninsky Prospekt. “There was not even a hint of repair in it. Wires were sticking out of the concrete walls, there were cracks in the floor, - Alexei recalls. “I hired a designer, a team of builders and slowly put everything in order.”

But in 2012, Kabanov had to speed up - he met future wife Rosalia. “The rough finish was completed in the apartment,” the singer continues. - And Rosa and I decided to move in together and slowly bring everything to mind. I remember our first piece of furniture was a bed. When the builders worked, we went to live with my parents or hers for a few days. The combination of colors, the selection of textiles, accessories - all this was done by Rosalia.

When, after the wedding in September 2013, Alexey and Rosa found out that they would soon become parents, they threw all their efforts into arranging the nursery: they bought a crib, a chest of drawers for diapers and linen. “We just finished renovating just a couple of weeks ago - we bought a TV stand.”

A graduate of the Star Factory met Rosalia Konoyan in the summer of 2012, when he received a message on a social network from a girl of breathtaking beauty. She was too good even for sophisticated Alexei, so he was sure that the account was fake and asked him not to disturb. However, Rosalia, confident that perseverance takes cities, made her idol believe in the reality of what is happening.

The singer invited his fan on a date, where they practically switched roles. Now Kabanov has become a devoted admirer of Rosalia Konoyan. “Rose immediately hooked me ... Probably, I didn’t get married until the age of 30 precisely because I was looking for such a real, sincere girl like my Rose,” Alexei Kabanov said in an interview.

Now the couple are raising a charming daughter Alice and doing everything for her comfort. Happy parents love the baby, and even the space for her in the apartment was designed so that the girl from an early age felt like a real princess.

A graduate of the Star Factory, a permanent member of the Roots group, Alexei Kabanov, gave birth on Instagram with a number of ugly comments about girls. The reason was a photograph posted in the public "Moscow Party 2007", which depicts a young singer in company with model Daria Konovalova. Commentators immediately began to compare this couple then and now. Kabanov got a lot negative reviews about his appearance, they say, he used to be so cute, but now he has gained weight, and an active concert life did not spare the artist's face.

The discussion was also attended by a beauty from Rostov-on-Don - 27-year-old architect Alexandra - who admitted to everyone that in early years dreamed of becoming Kabanov's bride.

Before, he seemed cute. It’s good that my childhood dream didn’t come true, and I didn’t marry him,” the Rostov woman wrote.

How it all started... A photo:

Some girls supported her, sharing that they also had views on the soloist of "Roots". But what happened next, Alexandra did not expect. Alexey began to comment on the photos of everyone who mocked him under this picture, not embarrassed in expressions. Rostov, for example, the singer sent to the well-known three letters, and then threatened to urinate on her face.

And what resulted. A photo:

Alexey, you are a media personality, shame on you! Instead of ... hanging out with everyone on the Internet, it would be better to go to the gym, ”the girl answered him, but this only inflamed Kabanov’s desire to sort things out.

Kabanov was not shy in expressions. A photo:

The girl's friends stood up for her, pointing out that it was not appropriate for a pop star to express himself like that, and then he switched to them. Alexandra herself took the singer's attacks with humor.

Alexey was a little offended by the girls' playful comments that he was no longer the first freshness, and decided to take revenge on each, she explained to her subscribers. - Be careful, this man is very notorious and dangerous.

Alexandra was not the only one to whom the singer wrote rudeness. A photo:


"Komsomolskaya Pravda" contacted Alexandra and asked to comment on this episode with the star.

When I was 10-11 years old, TV was one of the main entertainments. All my peers watched the "Star Factory", chose their idols, - said the Rostovite. - Well, as is customary for girls at that age, they dreamed of future husbands, many at that time liked Alexei Kabanov. Time has passed, of course, I already forgot about it. Until in one group I came across his photo of that time, with a link to his Instagram page. I went over it and, of course, was upset. Time spares no one. But in this situation I was very surprised by his reaction. After all, in fact, there was no insult on my part. I just wrote that it's good when not all childhood dreams come true. But she could write: "Fu, what a freak has become!"

- Was this your first experience with Alexei?

The first. And hopefully the last one.

- How did these long battles in the comments end?

I'm not offended. Everything that he wrote in life does not apply to me in any way. I understand perfectly well that a person, giving out such an aggressive reaction, is most likely unhappy in itself. I was very pleased that so many friends and absolutely strangers stood up for me. And Alexei ended up putting me on the "black list".

Recall that the Roots group won the Star Factory 1 project at the end of 2002 and then had a resounding success. Music was written for them by Igor Matvienko. A quartet of young guys won the hearts of the listeners with the songs "I'm losing my roots", "The birch was crying", "You will recognize her", "Happy birthday, Vika!" and "25th floor". The group received four Golden Gramophone awards. In 2010, "Roots" became a trio - Pavel Artemyev and Alexander Astashenok left the team, Alexander Berdnikov, Alexei Kabanov and new soloist Dmitry Pakulichev. However, in last years music publications "bury" the group, although it still exists.

Now 35-year-old Kabanov performs at various events both as a trio and solo. In 2013, he married, the couple had a daughter.

The girl took part in the show not at all in order to take revenge on her husband. Alexei Kabanov was shocked by her decision.

// Photo: VKontakte

The business of the wife of Alexei Kabanov Roza is going uphill - the girl opened her own clothing store in one of shopping centers. And all thanks to the fact that one day, on the advice of her friend, she decided to take part in "House-2". When Rosa gave birth to her daughter Alice, in her free time from caring for the baby, she began to draw sketches for clothes. Her husband supported financially her decision to become a designer, and close girlfriend Aliana Gobozova from Doma-2 offered to promote a business project in a non-standard way.

“Rosa told her friends, Aliana Gobozova and Evgeny Rudnev from Dom-2, about her collection. And Aliana and Zhenya recommended that she come to the project herself, convincing her that this The best way to promote the collection,” recalls Lesha. “But to come to the project, you needed a story. So Zhenya and I came up with the idea that I found messages from another fan on my husband’s phone and decided to teach him a lesson, ”adds Rosa.

All viewers of the reality show were very surprised when the wife of the lead singer of the Roots group, the mother of a one-year-old daughter, suddenly came to the project to look for a new love. Of course, on the very first program, Rosa heard a lot of reproaches. Rumors spread that everything was over between the spouses, a divorce was coming soon. But the worst thing was that Rosa herself began to be suspected of a new novel.

// Photo: VKontakte

“Who would have known that things would turn out like this. Everyone immediately began to write that my wife had cuckolded me - she was cheating with Rudnev. And I still think: well, what kind of nonsense, what have I got myself into? - Kabanov is indignant in an interview with OK! . Fortunately, Rosa quickly changed her mind and left the project, and gossip could not spoil the good relationship between the family and their mutual friend Evgeny Rudnev.

Now peace and tranquility reign in the Kabanov family. Lesha gets along well with her daughter Alice, babysits her while Rosa cooks and cleans the house. True, only Rosa is on duty at the crib at night. “There, you only have to get up once to feed Alice,” the singer smiles. “Not once, but several times,” explains his wife. “It’s just that Lesha doesn’t hear when I get up several times at night, he thinks that this is one time.”

The Kabanovs have been together for three years now and do not deny that sometimes lightning flashes between them. "Of course, like everyone ordinary people, we quarrel, and reconcile, and solve everyday problems, - the spouses laugh. - Young, blood boils. Everyone is arguing. It’s just that someone takes it out to the public, and someone sorts things out in their apartment. ”

Dmitry Soldatov
Smoke at work with Zheka

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