What can be done from green peas. Yahnia from canned peas (stewed green peas)

Green peas are loved and appreciated in our country. Without it, it is impossible to cook the most popular dishes in Russia - Olivier salad and vinaigrette. Yes, it is needed all the time. Then put it in a salad, then in aspic. And if we cook sausages for dinner, how could we do without it? And children (and not only) love to eat it just like that, straight from the jar with a spoon.

Dishes in which peas are present are very diverse. Soups, side dishes, sauces are prepared from it, mashed potatoes are cooked. In Asian cuisine, fillings for dough products are prepared from it, and they are also fried in fat tail fat. Well, the inhabitants of England prepare a traditional pudding from it.

In addition, green peas are a healthy and nutritious product. It is rich in starch, fiber, vitamins and trace elements. For example, it contains a lot of amino acids, potassium, phosphorus. By the amount of protein, it is not inferior to beef.

Regular consumption of green peas helps to improve the circulatory system. The composition of the blood is cleansed, the composition of the blood is improved, the work of the muscular system is normalized, the bones are strengthened.

Let's see what else can be prepared from this product, in addition to the usual salads. I suggest you use some popular recipes. I hope you find them useful:

Light canned pea soup

The dish is prepared quickly and easily. It can be used without fear by people who monitor their weight, as it promotes weight loss. At the same time, it is very tasty, tender and healthy.

For cooking, 1.5 - 2 liters. soup we need: 2 cans of canned peas, 4 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 Bay leaf ik, vegetable oil, chopped parsley, dill, your favorite spices, salt, pepper, sour cream.

How to cook:

Prepare vegetables, wash, clean. Cut the potatoes into small slices or cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes. Boil water, lower the potatoes, add bay leaf, spices, salt, pepper, cook at a light boil for 10 minutes.

Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil to brown. Put in soup, cook for 5 minutes. Now throw the contents of the jar in the same place. Cook for 5 more minutes.

Pour the finished soup into bowls, sprinkle with herbs. Put sour cream and a few small crackers from white bread. You can cook this soup on beef or chicken broth, but then its calorie content will increase.

Pea soup - mashed potatoes with baked tomatoes

This dish can also be classified as a dietary one, since we will use vegetable broth. Now, during Lent, this is especially true.

For cooking, we need 0.5 liters. any vegetable broth, 5-6 ripe red tomatoes, 300 g of frozen or fresh green peas, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. l. tomato, 3 cloves of garlic, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, your favorite seasoning.

How to cook:

Wash the tomatoes, dry with a napkin. Peel onion, garlic. Place all vegetables whole on a greased baking sheet and roast until soft. Put in a bowl and remember the crush.

Dip the peas in a boiling vegetable broth, boil until tender, strain. Drain the broth into another saucepan. Grind peas in a blender. Fry in vegetable oil tomato paste.

Boil the broth, put chopped vegetables, mashed peas, frying and cook for 5-10 minutes. Pour the finished soup into bowls, sprinkle with herbs.

Appetizer of canned peas with sausage

This delicious and hearty hot dish is prepared very quickly. To do this, we do not need much at all, namely: 2 jars of peas, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 300 g of your favorite boiled sausage, 2 onions, pepper, chopped parsley.

How to cook:

Put the contents of the jars (along with the brine) into a small saucepan, heat up. Cut the sausage into small cubes in vegetable oil along with chopped onions. When the sausage is fried, put everything in a saucepan with peas, pepper, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Omelet with peas and grated cheese

This dish can be a great breakfast. It is hearty and tasty. To prepare an omelet from 6 eggs, we need to prepare: 1/2 can of peas, a piece (50 g) of pumpkin pulp, 1/4 cup of grated cheese, 1.5 cups of fresh milk, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook:

Grate pumpkin pulp and combine with cheese. Whisk the eggs with a fork along with 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Put in a bowl, pour in the milk, continuing to whisk.

Salt the mass, put peas in it (without brine), mix. Pour into a greased pan without a handle and bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
Now sprinkle with a mixture of cheese and pumpkin, bake until cooked (until golden brown).

Soup - puree with peas and cabbage

For this thick soup, we need the following ingredients: 0.5 l vegetable broth, 300 g fresh peas, a quarter of a head of cabbage, 1 carrot, a small piece of celery root and parsley. Still need salt, 1 tbsp. l. butter and fresh chopped herbs.

How to cook:

Peel and wash vegetables. Cut the roots into thin rings, finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Boil carrots, peas and roots in vegetable broth until soft. Simmer the cabbage in a saucepan with butter until tender. Put it in a saucepan with vegetables, remember a little crush and cook for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle the finished soup with herbs. Enjoy your meal!

(Recipes are for 4 servings)

Frozen green pea is in the greatest demand among the population. In terms of nutritional value, it surpasses all vegetable crops, it is called vegetable meat.

Frozen green peas go on sale shelled, packed in carton boxes. Before freezing, it is blanched for 2-5 minutes at a water temperature of 75-90 ° C or steam for 3-4 minutes.

Freeze green peas at the stage of milky maturity, when it contains the maximum amount of sugar and the minimum amount of starch, has a delicate texture and a sweetish taste.

Thawed peas can be eaten without pre-cooking (the result of blanching before freezing). In this form, it can be used for vegetable salads, as a side dish for meat or fish. If you want to boil peas, then you need to fill it with a very small amount of water, and use the broth to make soup or sauce.

Peas with butter

Pour frozen peas with boiling salted water, add butter and sugar and cook for 5-8 minutes. Serve with meat.

For 500 g of peas - 50 g of butter or margarine, 40 g of flour, salt, sugar to taste.

Peas with sour cream

Put frozen peas, sugar, salt into the melted fat, add sour cream and simmer for about 15 minutes, closing the lid.

For 500 g of peas - 30 a of fat, 100 g of sour cream, 10 g of sugar, salt to taste.

Peas with carrots

Stew the peas with oil, adding water. Cut the carrots into cubes and stew with fat, adding a little sugar. Prepare dressing from fat and flour, combine with peas and carrots, season with pepper. Serve with potatoes as diet dish or as a side dish for meat.

For 500 g of peas - 500 g of carrots, 100 g of butter or margarine, 30 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Peas with rice

Stew frozen peas with fat, adding a little sugar. Rinse the rice, add water and cook until it becomes crumbly. Serve both as a side dish for meat, sprinkled with parsley.

For 350 g of peas - 80 g of fat, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 120 g of rice, salt, parsley.

Peas with ham or smoked brisket

Prepare a decoction of the bones. Cut the ham or brisket into cubes, sprinkle with flour and simmer with fat until browned. Add peas, pour the broth seasoned with flour and parsley. When the peas are soft, add the onion, parsley and ham. Serve with potatoes.

For 500 g of peas - 300 g of boiled ham or brisket, 250 g of bones, 40 g of fat, 25 g of flour, 1 onion, 1 parsley, salt.

Pancakes with peas

Slightly stew frozen peas with fat, combine with dressing from fat, flour and broth, boil, add yolk and pepper. Prepare pancake batter. Fry pancakes. Wrap a portion of cooked peas in each pancake, fry a little and serve hot.

For 350 g of peas - 300 g of flour, 70 g of fat, 3 eggs, 1/2 liter of milk, 5 tablespoons of meat broth, pepper and salt to taste.

Moravian peas

Boil frozen peas in a small amount of water, adding oil and salt. Prepare the sauce from the yolk, whipped with sour cream or milk, sugar and potato flour. Pour the boiled peas with sauce and boil. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with potatoes or as a side dish with meat.

For 500 g of peas - 40 g of butter or margarine, "D l of sour cream or milk, 1 yolk, 20 g of sugar, 20 g of potato flour, salt, pepper and parsley.

Stewed peas with croutons

Stew the peas in a small amount of water, adding sugar and salt. When it becomes soft, season first with flour, and before removing it from the stove - with oil (do not simmer after that). Make croutons from the roll: cut the roll into circles, soak in milk and fry in oil on both sides. Serve croutons with peas.

For 400 g of peas - 1/2 rolls, 100 g of butter, 1/4 l of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, sugar, salt.

Peas with sausage

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and place in an even layer in a greased pan. Then put a layer of sausage, cut into circles, and frozen peas on top. Bake everything together, pour over the bechamel sauce and hold in the oven for another 10 minutes. Prepare the sauce as follows: melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour, fry, without browning, dilute with milk, add salt, lemon juice to taste, boil, mix with yolks.

For 400 g of peas - 500 g of potatoes, 400 g of sausage. For the bechamel sauce: 40 g butter, 40 g flour, 1/3 l milk, salt, lemon (or citric acid), 2 egg yolks.

Sometimes purchased canned green peas are too hard. You can't put him on salad anymore. But from such overripe peas you can make a good side dish or an independent vegetarian dish - yahnia.

Yahnia is the name of a group of Bulgarian dishes, something like a stew of meat and vegetables. Yahnia is made both from one product and from several. I chose easy and quick recipe yahnia from a semi-finished product - canned peas.

Products for 2 servings:

Canned peas - 400 gram jar
Onion - 1/2 onion
Tomato paste - 1 teaspoon, can be topped
Flour - 1-2 tsp
Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
Salt to taste

For dressing (optional):
Greens (parsley, dill) - 1-2 sprigs (without stems)
Lemon - 2 small slices
Butter - 1 small piece
Red or black ground pepper to taste

The amount of flour and tomato paste depends on the volume of liquid in the jar - more water, more ingredients. And the size of the onion affects the amount of vegetable oil - more onion, more oil.


Saute finely chopped onion in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Open a jar of peas. We drain the liquid into a separate container, but do not pour it out, we still need it. Add peas to onion.

In the drained liquid, dilute the tomato paste and flour. Flour, so that there are no lumps, it is better to pour through a strainer, stirring.

Pour the mixture into vegetables, salt, stir, bring to a boil, switch to the lowest heat and simmer, depending on the hardness of the peas, for 10-15 minutes, covered with a lid, until tender.

We serve canned pea yahnia hot, as an independent dish, as a side dish, or as an addition to a side dish, for example, mashed potatoes with meatballs. When serving as a separate dish, season with a piece of butter, ground pepper, herbs, juice and a slice of lemon.

If not use butter, then green pea yahnia will be a vegetarian dish that is good for fasting people. Similarly, this dish can be made with frozen green peas.

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