Rules of the game "your lotto". The reader has bought an instant lottery ticket, but the possible winnings have been erased along with the protective layer What to do to start playing

The lottery "Your Lotto" is one of the most popular entertainment drawing games in the post-Soviet space. The first lottery draw took place in 2001. The lottery draw takes place in Belarus, however, taking into account modern Internet technologies, residents of other countries, including residents of the Russian Federation, can also take part in the game. A feature of the game "Your Lotto" is a particularly high level of winnings. Just one lottery ticket provides several chances to win at once, almost every 4th ticket is a winning one. During the existence of the lottery, more than 600 draws were held, the total prize fund of which amounted to more than 246 billion rubles.

The principle of playing the lottery Your lotto

A lottery ticket contains several game zones, one of which is intended for the main draw game, the others for additional draws.

The playing field of the main game is divided into two numerical matrices, which in total contain 30 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 90 (5 numbers in one row). The main draw consists of several stages, in each of which the winners are determined by the results of the game. At each stage of the draw, those players in the tickets who, earlier than others, match a certain number of numbers with the numbers obtained as a result of the draw, win:

first round - 5 numbers in any horizontal line of the playing field;

the second - 15 numbers in one of the 2 tables;

the third round - all 30 numbers located on the numerical playing field;

Jeeppot - the ticket wins if all 15 numbers match in it on the 15th turn of the game;

Jackpot – the main prize is won by the participant, in whose card 30 numbers will be crossed out on the course determined by the draw organizer. If there are several such players, then the super prize is distributed among the winner in equal parts;

Additional draws include the game "Moment of Luck", the instant lottery "Lucky Number" and "Twelve Chairs", more detailed information about the rules of the game can be found on the Operator's website.

Prizes in your lotto

Participants of the Your Lotto draw have the opportunity to win cash prizes, precious stones and gold, real estate and a car. For 52 draws that took place during 2013, 24 cars, 11 apartments, 36.5 billion Belarusian rubles were drawn. rubles, 6 jackpots hit.

Where can I buy a ticket?

Residents of the Republic of Belarus can purchase Your Lotto tickets anywhere: at post offices, specialized points of sale, at metro stations.

Citizens of Russia, as well as residents of other countries, have the opportunity to purchase lottery draw tickets using Internet banking by registering on the site

How to check a ticket?

You can check your ticket on the Internet both on the official Internet resource of the Organizer at and on our website.

How to get a win?

Prizes are paid out within six months from the date of the draw. Residents of the Republic of Belarus can receive their cash and clothing prizes at ticket sales points, post offices, branches of the banks "Belarusbank", "Belogroprombank", "Belinvestbank".

You can receive your winnings via SMS, more details at Registered users can receive the won funds through the electronic system on the official website.

Lottery draw "Your Lotto" is held every Saturday live on Belarus-2 TV channel.

Only sold tickets are included in the draw.

playing field lottery ticket is a table of six rows and nine columns. The table is divided into two parts (cards). The game table has been added to the cells of the table. combination of 30 unique numbers from a number range from 1 to 90 inclusive. The set of numbers in each lottery ticket is individual.

Outside the playing field, three non-repeating numbers from the number series from 1 to 90 inclusive are indicated for participation on the tour "Moment of luck", which duplicate the numbers placed in the table of the playing field.

There is a field outside the playing field instant part of the lottery.*

The result of the drawing of the prize fund of the instant part of the lottery is determined by checking the lottery tickets immediately after their purchase when the protective strip "Erase here" is opened.

Winnings on the instant part of the lottery draw are paid out after the lottery draw prize fund in the amounts specified in the official draw table, without indexation.

A lottery ticket participates in the drawing of the prize fund of that lottery draw, the number and date of which are indicated on its front side.

The main provisions of the rules of the game are indicated on the reverse side of the lottery ticket.

The lottery draw includes main game and additional rounds.

The drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw in the main game is carried out in several rounds:

first tour- wins a lottery ticket, on which any horizontal line (combination of 5 numbers) will be filled before the others. This ticket continues to participate in the further drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

second round- wins a lottery ticket, on which the upper or lower card of the playing field will be filled earlier than others (a combination of 15 numbers). This ticket continues to participate in the further drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

third and subsequent rounds- lottery tickets are won, for which both cards of the playing field will be filled earlier than others (combination of 30 numbers).

Jackpot wins a lottery ticket, for which 30 numbers of the playing field will be filled before the other 30 numbers up to the move determined by the organizer. The fulfillment of this special condition completes the third round.

jeep pot wins a lottery ticket, which has all the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the extracted kegs on the playing field on the move determined by the organizer.

On the "Moment of Fortune" Tour lottery tickets that did not win in the main game participate. In this round, a lottery ticket wins, in which three numbers outside the playing field coincide with the numbers of the barrels remaining after the main game. If there are no winning lottery tickets in the "Moment of Luck" tour, the prize fund of this tour goes to the "Lucky Number" tour.

On the Lucky Number Tour win lottery tickets whose ticket number digits match the numbers on the kegs to be retrieved (numbers from 0 to 9) in the order of their extraction (from right to left).

In the case of issuing lottery tickets with several numbers of ranks, only sets of tickets with the same numbers and different ranks participate in the ticket number in the Lucky Number tour. In the "Lucky Number" round, sets of tickets are won, in which the digits of the ticket number completely or partially coincide with the numbers on the removed kegs (numbers from 0 to 9) in the sequence of their extraction (from right to left). The conditions for drawing the prize fund of the tour are determined by the organizer.

On the Twelve Chairs Tour** lottery ticket holders who have the inscription “Raffle of diamonds in the studio” under the protective strip “Erase here” are participating.

The invitation to the studio is valid only for the draw, the number of which is indicated on the lottery ticket.

Holders of lottery tickets with the inscription "Raffle of diamonds in the studio" must register with the organizer before 14:00 on the day of the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw and arrive at the TV studio at Minsk, st. Makayenka, 9 no later than one hour before the start of the program.

To the TV studio to participate on the Twelve Chairs Tour persons without an identity document, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, persons with inappropriate behavior, and also if their appearance is incompatible with participation in the TV program are not allowed.

The decision on exclusion from participation in the Twelve Chairs tour is made by the responsible representative of the organizer, about which an act is drawn up.

In the TV studio on the day of the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, the participant of the "Twelve Chairs" tour re-registers with the organizer's representative on duty, for which he presents a lottery ticket with the inscription "Raffle of diamonds in the studio" and an identity document.

The duty representative of the organizer checks the lottery ticket of the participant of the Twelve Chairs tour, the presence of the inscription “Raffle of diamonds in the studio” on the ticket and registers the lottery participant in a special statement (fixes his last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, lottery ticket number).

On the lottery ticket, a registration mark and the signature of the organizer's representative on duty are put.

The registered participant of the "Twelve Chairs" tour is given a number, about which he signs in the statement.

A participant of the Twelve Chairs tour, in accordance with the number received during registration, takes a place in one of the stands - even (if receiving an even number) or odd (if receiving an odd number).

From the representatives of the tribune of the winners, a lottery participant is determined by random selection for the drawing of the prize fund of the Twelve Chairs tour.

The prize fund of the "Twelve Chairs" tour is determined by the organizer on the eve of the drawing of the prize fund of the next lottery draw.

The prize fund of the "Twelve Chairs" tour is loaded into the circulation equipment (chairs) by the circulation commission before the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery circulation, which is signed by the act.

When drawing the prize fund of the "Twelve Chairs" tour, the lottery participant determines the location of the prize fund in one of the chairs by random selection.

If during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw the prize fund of the Twelve Chairs tour is not drawn, it goes to the next lottery draw. The conditions for drawing the prize fund of the "Twelve Chairs" tour of each subsequent draw provide for an increase in its volume and the probability of its drawing.

Winnings up to 100 rubles for tickets purchased using our Internet resource are paid to the personal account of a mobile phone registered on the site no later than the second business day following the day of the prize fund draw.

Winnings of 100 rubles or more can be received at RUE "Belarusian Lotteries" at: 220070, Minsk, st. Budyonny, 10 (tel. 140, the call is paid). In regional centers contact: Brest, tel. 23-00-79; Vitebsk, tel. 36-09-67; Gomel, tel. 70-32-89; Grodno, tel. 77-02-43; Mogilev, tel. 22-38-22.

* Winnings from the instant part of the lottery draw are summed up with the winnings from the draw part of the lottery and are paid out simultaneously after the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, excluding indexation.

** Lottery tickets sold through electronic payment systems, including bank plastic cards, in a special draw with the participation of non-winning lottery tickets do not accept and do not give the right to participate in the "12 chairs" tour.

All rights reserved. Information provided by the Internet resource

A few days ago, our forum member Mikhail (titmih) bought a ticket for the Instant Lucky Lottery. However, the man could neither win nor lose: along with the protective layer, the lines with potential winnings were erased one after another. Suspicions about the dishonesty of the organizer of the lottery crept into Mikhail's soul.

The network of sales of lottery tickets has entangled the country a little less than the network of radio points or television. In distant Yelsk, where Mikhail lives, not only distributors obsessively sell “lottery cards”, tickets can also be bought at the box office of other institutions.

Deciding to try instant luck, Mikhail bought one lottery ticket for 20 thousand rubles. After an unsuccessful attempt to erase the layer, he handed the ticket to the distributor.

“She looks at me, as if at ... Erases - the same effect,- the reader writes. - He says it's from the cold, try it at home. If you win something, take it later.”

At home, Mikhail was waiting for the same effect - information about winnings was erased with a protective layer.

“I’m trying to return this ticket to a girl next weekend,- continues the young man. - She refuses: they do not accept returns, what will she do with this ticket? .. "

After all these ordeals and disappointments, Mikhail had a question: “If every ticket is like that, then how much money on the scale of the republic has received RUE “Belarusian Lotteries” ...”

“Three days ago, I left a message on the organizer's website about my situation. Nobody has answered me yet. How can there be trust in these lotteries?- asks Michael.

We shared his message with the director of the organizer of the lotteries (RUE "Belarusian Lotteries") Yuri Bondarev. Here is his comment:

- I assume that we are talking about a manufacturing marriage. Tickets are made at the factory, but anything can happen in production, this is life. Mikhail must bring the ticket to us, and we will hand over the marriage to the factory. At the factory, the ticket encoding will be opened and the winnings will be checked.

- A reader from Yelsk. A trip to Minsk increases the ticket price from 20 thousand to the fare plus time.

- Registered letter…

- Also additional costs.

- Then let him return the ticket to the distributor and contact us. We will do the rest ourselves. It’s just that with a personal appeal (we also have branches in regional centers), everything will be more correct and faster: we will draw up an inventory of ticket acceptance so that a person has no doubts.

- Instant lottery guarantees the player's right to information: he bought a ticket and immediately saw whether he won or not. In the case of transferring a ticket for examination, you need to stock up on a considerable credit of trust. What if Mikhail wins a billion? He worries that no one will admit it anymore.

- You know, all this is very tightly controlled. We do not intersect with the factory at all in order to avoid abuse: they make tickets, and we sell them. As for checking this ticket on the Internet, this is not yet possible: the lottery is instant, and there is no database of winnings in advance. Soon we will launch an electronic instant lottery that will allow you to check tickets online.

We offer Michael our deepest apologies for the inconvenience caused.

"Vashe Loto" is a happy choice just for you

Undoubtedly, this game was invented just for you. Just guess the numbers and get money. Interesting? Intriguing? Take the first step towards your success now and become an active participant in the draw. Fortune will be on your side, your Lotto is a happy pass to a new life.

What should I do to start playing?

The shortest way to get prize money is to buy a Vashe Lotto ticket.

How to do it, you ask?

Here are the easiest ways for you:

  1. You can buy the Your Lotto lottery on the website. The site provides for the purchase using a smartphone, which will make it very comfortable.
  2. Also, the lottery can be bought at lottery cash desks and points of sale.
  3. It is possible to purchase a lottery from the sellers of kiosks that sell coupons designed to win.

By purchasing Belloto tickets, you get access to prizes and money. All this is supervised by a responsible jury.

Online broadcast of the last draw

Rules of the game on "Your Lotto" via the Internet

Instructions according to which you will become closer to victory:

  1. Create your Personal Account by registering on the website "VasheLoto". To register, enter the data confirming your identity.
  2. After the registration procedure, you can deposit money into the account and pay the lottery.
  3. Your personal account will give you the opportunity to buy a lottery, check results, also information about your finances and purchases of lottery coupons will be stored here.
  4. With your account, you can conduct all transactions for depositing funds and their withdrawal of winnings to the card.

Since the basic rules correspond to the game of bingo, the number of tickets purchased directly depends on the selected combinations. The main recommendation in this situation for the player: be careful, watch the numbers that come from the drum. Immediately after constructing the necessary combination, receive your prize money in accordance with the rules of "YourLoto".

Please note that the lottery coupon itself contains information about the date, time and draw of the lotto. Every Tuesday at 19:30 on the channel "Belarus 3" there is a draw.

If you missed the live broadcast of YourLoto, you can always go to the web resource and check the winning combination (the broadcast becomes available for viewing 2 hours after the live broadcast). Any changes to the broadcast time do not depend on the owners of the Vashe Lotto lottery, so do not forget to follow the announcement on TV. Watch your game and become a winner.

After purchasing lottery tickets, you will see:

  • Playing field "YourLoto".
  • Three numbers of the playing field, including the number for "Instant Luck".
  • Part for instant win.

We determine the "Instant Win" immediately after buying a ticket according to the last digits. To do this, you need to remove the coating on the "Erase here" sign and you will see the amount of the reward.

Please note that the lottery coupon itself contains information on the time, date and lotto draw. Don't miss your game and become a winner!

You can watch the video of the broadcast of Your Lotto on the LottoThrill website or the national channel of the Republic of Belarus at the time indicated on the lottery. The broadcast becomes available for viewing 2 hours after airtime. Just keep an eye on the dropped balls and fix the falling numbers.

Paying and receiving winnings

Starting to watch the broadcast of the next draw of YourLoto, pay for all reserved tickets. For this, there are payment options such as:

  • in cash;
  • through BelorusBank;
  • "Calculation" system;
  • Internet banking, as well as M-banking.

To receive a cash prize, please read the terms and conditions:

  1. Winnings up to $500 can be directly transferred to your account.
  2. Amounts over $500 can only be received at the company's office.

The main advantage for lottery participants in Belarus is that they are not taxed. This decision applies not only to solvent citizens of Belarus, but also to non-residents of the country's tax system.
Just like the inhabitants of Europe, playing the Eurojackpot lottery, they can immediately calculate the profit without calculating taxes and other deductions.

Since "Your Lotto", like Super Lotto, is held officially at the republican level, strict control is exercised over its conduct and the implementation of all rules. Before the draw, experts always conduct a thorough check of the equipment in order to comply with the recommendations of the game. The operational-analytical center, working under the President of the Republic, audits all the results of circulations and payments of winnings. Therefore, they are guaranteed to go to the account of the winners. The loss of numbers takes place according to an already proven scheme. The main thing for you is to focus on the purchased tickets.

To confirm the opportunity to win a cash prize, a video with the winners of past draws is posted on the websites of the Your Lotto lottery. Viewing these frames will definitely inspire you to purchase at least a couple of lotteries more.

If you were unable to see your circulation online on the Internet or on a channel, do not despair. You can always look at the official website for the winning numbers by the ticket number. Good luck to you!

Rules of the game KENO

« KENO” is an electronic interactive game, the draws of which are held daily and broadcast live on Belarusian television.

All bets on the game are accepted at the points of sale of the Sport-pari company using electronic terminals. Game processes are transparent, which allows government agencies to exercise full control over the conduct of the game and respect for the rights of the player.

KENO draws are held live on Belarus 2 TV channel daily: Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday at 21.20, Wednesday - 21.25, Saturday at 21.00, and Sunday at 21.05. On Wednesdays and Sundays, the draws of "KENO" and "Sportloto 5 out of 36" are combined: first there is the drawing of "Sportloto 5 out of 36", then "KENO". TV studio address: .

ticket check VASHE LOTTO

Rules of the game YOUR LOTTO

Lottery draw " Your lotto” is held every Saturday live on the Belarus 2 TV channel. Only sold tickets are included in the draw. The set of numbers in each lottery ticket is individual.

Outside the playing field, three non-repeating numbers from 1 to 90 inclusive are indicated for participation in the Moment of Luck tour. They duplicate the numbers placed in the table of the playing field, and the field of the instant part of the lottery is also located outside the playing field.

The result of the drawing of the prize fund of the instant part of the lottery is determined by checking the lottery tickets immediately after their purchase when the protective strip "Erase here" is opened.

Lottery ticket participates in the drawing of the prize fund of that lottery draw, the number and date of which are indicated on its front side. The prize pool in the main game is drawn in several rounds.

SUPERLOTO ticket check

Rules of the game SUPERLOTO

Circulation Lottery" SUPERLOTO"is held in the Republic of Belarus in order to obtain additional funds for the development of physical culture and sports, including the Olympic movement. Tickets are sold throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus through numerous points of sale, online on the SUPERLOTO website, as well as via mobile phone (for life:) and MTS subscribers).

Lottery "SUPERLOTO" occupies a leading position in the CIS countries, and among the lotteries of the Republic of Belarus has been confidently holding the first positions for many years.
All winnings are paid out in a lump sum.
Payments of winnings are guaranteed by UE "National Sports Lotteries" of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus.
All winnings in the lotteries of UE "National Sports Lotteries" are NOT TAXED on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, including for NON-RESIDENTS.

The drawing of the Superloto lottery is held once a week, on Sundays from 19.15 to 20.05 on the TV channel "

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