Auspicious days for Aries in July. Horoscope for Aries woman for July

Everything is flowing and changing for Aries this month due to the transit of Mercury. This planet gives flexibility to thinking and the ability to deftly adapt to life. The situation often changes in moments. Transforming into new states, these situations can create and put at your disposal good prospects. But Mercury will also require diligence and the ability to timely appreciate the prospects that open up for Aries in July 2016.

The main advantage of Midsummer Aries is a natural sluggishness that encourages consistency, and which, ultimately, will allow you to clearly articulate future plans, feel future changes, as well as their consequences. Simply put, during such a period, a stable idea of ​​​​what should be avoided and what needs to be done in order to be closer to the realization of your aspirations will form in your understanding. To be well prepared for the upcoming changes in life, pay more attention to personal relationships - they will require a lot of strength from you in the middle of the last decade of July. This is due to the influence of Venus. Particularly restrained will have to be those Aries who, by fate, have a negative influence of Mars on their personal lives. This influence is manifested in excessive irascibility, conflict (and, even more, in frequent thoughts that it is the native person who is to blame for all the misfortunes). If you have a tendency to such a worldview, be especially delicate at the end of July 2016. The best way to sort things out is to take a long-awaited vacation at this particular time (for the second half of July). Spend this time with your family and friends. Don't forget to visit good old friends.

For the most part, the position of the planets in the Aries horoscope for July 2016 indicates that, firstly, you will be somewhat pestered by issues related to home renovation (especially in issues that you conceived at the beginning of the year). In July, there comes a good moment not only for solving complex issues of family relationships, but also a favorable period for repairing the hearth. Also, this period is great for starting the construction of a house or buying a landscaped land.

In the field of hobbies and personal interests, Aries in July 2016 should be more active in the first half of the month. Mercury is responsible for talents, artistry (together with Venus, ruling at the end of the month). If you like to sing or dance - allow yourself this. In addition, singing and dancing strengthen both health and energy. Just be tolerant - especially if there are Aries among your relatives too. Learn to express your creativity in a way that doesn't interfere with your loved ones (and also let them engage in creativity that is closer to their hearts). Therefore, you will have to be careful about replicas and statements (especially refrain from criticism and ridicule - given your ardent disposition). After all, an uncontrolled verbal flow only unnecessarily complicates life.

For those Aries whose main ruling planet is Saturn, this month will go smoothly for them. And although such people love to express themselves most of all in work, it is advisable for Aries-Saturnians to have a good rest - especially, as already mentioned, in the second half of July 2016. After all, effective work also requires a decent rest. Allow yourself this - you deserve it.

July 2016 for Aries has prepared a plurality of classes. For the most part, these are personal relationships and the family sphere. But everything is developing according to the plan you have drawn, that is, quite favorably. Lots of good things about change. If your relationship with your relatives was strained, then everything will be in the right places, especially when the issue of dividing objects of large property was the subject of the conflict.

Love horoscope for Aries

Regarding the love and family area of ​​relationships, it is worth noting the favorable changes in July 2016. Those Aries who do not have problems with relatives can count on bringing their summer house or house into proper condition or acquiring real estate abroad.

Love horoscope for July 2016: Aries A man will understand that he will be able to get everything that is rightfully yours and is considered. Marital relations are at a stable level, in general, reconciliation awaits people who have been in love in the past.

In the third July decade, the representatives of the star sign are predicted to travel long distances. In July 2016, the energy potential of Aries remains low. Although vivacity is not difficult to return - in the morning, just load yourself with a little physical exercise and relax with coffee. You may have a problem with weight gain. Therefore, you will need to think about the diet.

Work and business

Regarding work, career and business, it is worth noting the fact that in July 2016 Aries will have the opportunity to take a vacation in order to make amends for personal problems. Incorrigible workaholics, which are some representatives of the sign, will be able to do a lot of useful work on these beautiful summer days.

They will be loaded with the maximum amount of work related to the organizational field of activity, perhaps they will be able to carry out successful operations relating to the manipulation of real estate.

  • The processes associated with the repair, sale or purchase of real estate will go smoothly.
  • Gradually, you will settle unpleasant situations with partners living in other cities.
  • The results you achieve will give you satisfaction. This will be a compromise, however, an honorable one. Maybe the disputes will not completely end yet, but their sharp moments will be left behind.
  • With money, there are no special problems either. Their receipt will be regular, and the amounts will be slightly increased.
  • The option of partner support or lending is possible.

Those with a private life can be sure of support from a parent or loved one. The option of receiving an inheritance is not ruled out.

July 2016 for Aries will be filled with the powerful energy of home comfort. Representatives of the Aries sign at this time will be ready to devote almost all their time to improving their own home. To this end, in July 2016, Aries should arrange repairs or at least carry out a general cleaning of the house. Moreover, the stars do not predict serious career projects at this time.

General horoscope for July 2016 Aries

Already after July 22, when the Sun moves into the sign of Leo, Aries may have the feeling that household chores are completed, and it's time to start living more actively.

Aries will be able to get the strongest emotions on July 5 and 6. At this time, they are inspired by love or a sense of comfort and order in the house.

In July 2016, Aries will have important conversations about children or home. Such conversations will take place closer to July 11. This month, the main dates for Aries are July 13, 14 and 17. These days, representatives of the sign will feel a surge of strength and energy that will help them cope with all the tasks. On July 13 and especially on July 14, there may be a feeling that Aries is busy with something very important, and without his help they will not be able to cope.

The horoscope for July 2016 for Aries does not leave unanswered questions regarding real estate. So, Aries can make an important deal or conclude an agreement on the days from July 15 to 17.

This month, the new moon occurs on July 4-5. Thanks to this, Aries in July 2016 can easily determine the most important questions regarding home and real estate for the whole year. These days, Aries should understand what changes they would like, what kind of aura they want to create in their own home. The mood in which Aries is in July 2016 can affect the course of many events for a long time to come.

In July 2016, the stars recommend that Aries intensively deal with domestic issues on days 3 to 6, as well as from 11 to 17. True, this can completely eliminate the desire for career success and make representatives of the Aries sign more domestic at this time. In order not to miss any working moments and have time to finish everything planned, it is best for Aries to take a short vacation at this time.

Career and money horoscope for July 2016 Aries

The horoscope for July 2016 for Aries foreshadows, first of all, organizational matters around the house. In addition, Aries in July 2016 can make profitable investments in real estate. At this time, all career plans should become secondary. Aries in July 2016 should not rely on random success or luck. In the first half of the month, representatives of the sign will have to work conscientiously.

On July 1, 7 and 8, 2016, Aries may receive interesting job offers, which he will have to refuse due to heavy housework and lack of free time.

Due to the influence of the Black Moon on the days of July 2, 3, 13 and 22, Aries may be promised money that is not actually there. Most likely, this situation will be related to common, for example, collective or family money. In addition, there may be errors in the maintenance of financial records these days.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in July 2016 for Aries: July 1, 7, 8.

Love horoscope for July 2016 Aries

The horoscope for July 2016 for Aries promises a trusting, sensual and open relationship. The main influence on the affairs of the heart will be exerted by the planet Venus, which will be in the sign of Cancer until July 12th. This is the best time to spend with family.

After July 12, the planet Venus will move into the sign of Leo, thanks to which Aries and his partner will get a good mood. Aries in July 2016 will be able to easily communicate with his other half, even on the most serious topics. Such dialogues are best scheduled for July 15, 16 or 20.

Throughout the second half of the month, the personal relationships of Aries resemble a holiday, bring great pleasure. In July 2016, Aries will spend a lot of interesting and fun time with their other half.

The zodiac sign Aries, which opens the celestial zodiac ribbon, will find itself in a difficult situation in July 2016. The fact is that the middle of the second decade of the month will be a turning point for him, literally - in everything. If up to this point in your life the trends outlined in the last (or even the month before last) will dominate, then by the end of the second ten-day period everything will change dramatically. It is difficult to say what these changes will be, most likely for the better. Fortunately, your exaltant, the Sun, will also play the role of your "heavenly leader" this month. This means that you will have enough vital energy at your disposal, enough to overcome any adversity, the rest, as they say, is a matter of technology. Saturn, responsible for the "fall" of the sign of Aries, will be your key antagonist for this entire month. He will not care about any metamorphosis taking place in your life, and regardless of the decade, the influence of this unexpectedly evil and vindictive planet will not be the weakest. So be careful in all areas of your life. Do not lose vigilance, even when you are in a circle of friends, not to mention a corporate party or an official meeting.

In the working direction, the sign of the Zodiac Aries in June 2016 may feel somewhat insecure, especially in the first decade, and up to the middle of the second. But do not worry, this is a temporary state, which in no case should unsettle you. If you break, give up slack, opponents will immediately notice it and you will have a hard time. If you think that you don’t have obvious or too strong enemies, then ... you urgently need to do something with your naivety! In addition, do not forget that the middle of the month will bring dramatic changes that can result in a real coup. So if you disagree with something, then it may be fair to express your opinion as it is, without embellishment. Focus on your colleagues, now their support will be more important than even your own right or wrong. As they say, a true friend will be with you, even when you are wrong, and when you are moving in the absolutely right direction, anyone will be with you. Think about it and try to “unwind” yourself by the end of the second decade, to bring your own ability to work to the maximum. But be careful, do not demand the same from others, although it will be good if you demonstrate to them the failure of their position by your own example.

"Love Front" in July 2016 is unlikely to surprise you with anything. Until the middle of the month, the key astral influences on your sign, the zodiac sign Aries, are summed up in a fairly powerful, positive vector, the result of which will be a radical change in worldview. Perhaps everything will go a little more smoothly, without fundamental discoveries, loud sighs and fatal confessions. Be especially careful in dealing with your "soulmate". Think what you say, literally. You are unlikely to offend anyone, but it may happen that your words will have a particularly strong impact on one of your loved ones, alas, by no means positive. Someone, perhaps, will receive an incentive, an implicit proof of the correctness of their own views, positions that can objectively lead to the most tragic ending. Pay special attention to children, not only your own, but also all kinds of nephews and nieces. Surround them with care and attention, show that there can be several points of view regarding each issue. At the same time, don't forget about yourself. Do not rush to radically change your personality, but if you feel the need for at least some metamorphoses, then, undoubtedly, act.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for July 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is of a generalized nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Aries: Personal horoscopes for the sign Aries:

In July 2016, the life of Aries may not be easy. At this time, turning points should be expected in every aspect of life. This month, everything will change radically. It is difficult to predict what changes will be, but for the most part they will lead to the better. Also, the stars will provide a sufficient amount of strength and energy to withstand adversity.

In the field of work, Aries can feel a little insecure, especially during the first 10 days. But don't worry, this is just a temporary state of affairs. If you show weakness, competitors will immediately take advantage of it.

Mid-July will bring drastic changes and could be a real revolution. Do not be afraid to rely on your colleagues, this will be the right decision. Strive to maximize performance. Be careful and don't force others to work to your advantage.

In love

In the field of personal relationships, July 2016 is unlikely to surprise you with anything. In the second half of the month, your perception of life will become more optimistic, all this will also bring changes in your life. In general, everything will go smoothly in this area without fundamental changes. Be careful what you say. Hurtful words can greatly affect the relationship with those you love.

This is the month when you need to love all relatives and relatives, show them that any issue has several points of view.

In July, many Aries will want to radically change something in their personality, if you really feel that the need is ripe, you can safely act in the right direction.

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