Dog racing betting secrets. Dog racing bets

Greyhounds were once used to hunt hares, foxes, and even wolves. Hunters went hunting with greyhounds without firearms- well trained strong dogs were able to develop tremendous speed and catch up with the beast. Gradually, the hunting grounds were reduced, there was less game, and these beautiful swift dogs began to disappear. But greyhound lovers found a way out - they began to arrange dog racing. Trained greyhounds there pursue artificial "hares", demonstrating their dexterity, speed and skill. Prizes in such competitions are very large. You can not only watch the races, but also try to grow a champion.

How to play?

You will need your own greyhound, and there are several promising young dogs to choose from. Now you have to deal with her training and buy everything you might need during training and preparation. The first wins will bring funds to buy inventory and some interesting stuff. With their help, you can speed up the run of your dog and prevent someone else's greyhound from winning. Such a scam is not welcome, but it is common in real life. Successful races to your greyhounds and the champion title to their owner!

In addition to sports betting, online bookmakers provide their betting players with the opportunity bet on dog racing online. Why is it good? Yes, because there is no need to leave the comfort zone, your home in order to earn a lot of money through online sports betting, because dog racing is a kind of sport, the struggle for the championship in which depends on the best hounds.

If you are a lover dog racing betting or just would like to try this unique way to make money on bets, you need to have the correct and most importantly verified information in the field of betting on beagle races.

The first thing you need to know is where is the best place to bet. You must decide on the choice of bookmaker. How to do it? The best bookmakers offer gifts in the form of bonuses to the first game account to attract new players; only the lazy can not take advantage of such a freebie. Otherwise, it's up to you. Also, so that there would be no extra congestion with cash deposits and withdrawals, get acquainted with the payment systems of the bookmaker.

How to become successful in dog racing betting?

Once you have created your betting account and deposited money, you need to find a dog racing match where you will bet on the hound you prefer. Preference in this case should be directed to the best of the hounds, because this is the main indicator of a winning bet.

In order not to be taxed, like some bettors at random, you need to do an analysis of the participants, in our case these are hounds. Using the search engines Google, Yandex, we are looking for the names of the dogs participating in the dog race, choose the best one and place a bet. This is the easiest way dog racing betting. Another way includes complete analysis each of the dogs participating in the race, whether she was sick in recent times, whether there was a place for injuries, how the dog was delivered to the dog races (dogs do not tolerate flights well). In betting on other sports, this factor is also not unimportant.

How to win at sports betting?

And finally, the most pleasant thing is the bet on the outcome dog race. As you can see, everything is simple, the main thing in betting is to do everything prudently without haste, analyze the facts, events, players and participants in sports you are going to bet on, and believe me, luck, success and winning itself are loved by the most prepared bet players.

Affordable sports news on our portal, you will find a lot of useful information for sports betting. Read analyze and most importantly do not be lazy. If you are interested in betting on greyhound racing, read the news about the best hounds of this season so as not to miss your chances of success. Good luck.

Dog racing is one of the oldest sports. He is about 5 thousand years old. Dog racing is a competition where dogs chase animals. On the frescoes Egyptian pyramids there is a mention of the presence of this kind of entertainment among the ancient Egyptians. However, only in the 21st century did this sport become truly perfect and able to accept bets on its participants.

Sports history

At the end of the 19th century, a mechanical hare was used as a driven animal in dog racing. However, due to the fact that it broke down quite often, there were scandals with the organizers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Owen Smith improved the design of the hare and suggested creating an oval track instead of a straight one. By the 1920s, Smith, along with wealthy businessmen, had perfected the sport and began accepting bets on greyhound racing. The game became so popular that viewers even skipped the performance. So that the maximum number of spectators could enjoy the races, dog races began to be arranged at night.

Greyhounds participate in the races. Train them for 9 months. The weight of the dog is maintained within 30 kg. In 22 seconds, a trained greyhound can run 400 m, and some pick up speed up to 70 km per hour.

Dog racing is perhaps the most incorruptible sport. It is impossible to agree with a dog: it runs only to the best of its abilities and desires.

Dog racing rules

The very idea of ​​this sport is not difficult to understand. Six greyhounds are shown on 6 lanes that run to the finish line. The winner is the dog that reaches the line first. The numbers of ladders (paths) are indicated by colors. The distribution of dogs on ladders is based on their running style. In this case, the greyhound may prefer to run along the inner or outer edge or strictly in the middle. If you manage to correctly distribute the dogs, they will not interfere with each other during the race.

Today dog ​​racing is one of the most popular species sports, especially in the West. Up to 70 thousand races are held per year. Modern stadiums are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable viewing of competitions and can accommodate up to tens of thousands of people. Leading bookmakers are active participants in the development of this sport.

Dog racing bets

The types of bets in this sport are significantly different from those where the participants in the game are people. And yet there are some similarities. Let's analyze some of them.

The bet is placed on one dog, which the bettor considers the winner of the race, i.e. ranked 1st.

This bet is placed on a dog that must finish 1st or 2nd in the race.

A bet on a dog that will take one of the three prizes.

4. Quinella

The bet is placed on two dogs, which, according to the bettor, should take the first two places.

5. Daily Double

The bet is on two dogs. It is assumed that each of them will take 1st place in their race.

6.Quinella Double

The bet is very similar to the previous one, but in this case four participants are determined, who will respectively take the first two places each in their race.

7. Trifecta

The bet is placed on three participants in the race, who will respectively take three prizes.


The bet is placed on four dogs that must take the first four places. This type rates are distinguished by the definition of a clear sequence of occupied places.

Game strategies

Dog racing betting has developed its own strategies. Some of them are very similar to those already available in betting: only some adjustments have been made according to the type of sport.

This strategy is another type of catch-up, of which there are many in betting. It consists in the fact that a bet is made on the victory of one of the dogs. If she does not come first, then in the next race the bet is doubled. The big disadvantage of this strategy is the fact that you can wait for a victory for quite a long time, since it is very difficult to predict the results on the run.

This strategy is a variation of the previous one, only the bet is on one or two dogs that will not win the race. If one of the greyhounds still takes a prize, in the next race the bet on these participants is doubled. The risk of playing with this strategy is also quite high, since you can double the bet indefinitely.

It is not recommended to play forks in dog racing without experience. The line can move quickly and in an unexpected direction, so forks can disappear unexpectedly. Gain enough experience in this sport, and only then act.


This is a combination of two types of bets: lay and back. The strategy is very interesting: it requires not only experience, but also knowledge. 5 dogs are selected, of which 1-2 are placed on the lay, and three on the back bet. So, in addition to all of the above, you will also need imagination.

1. Do not start playing immediately for real money. First, download some free service and practice in various types rates.

2. You can make different bets, but always make sure that you make them carefully and deliberately.

3. It is better to view the races in the morning and write down your thoughts on paper, and then calmly choose a bet in the evening.

4. Start with the simplest categories of races (class A is great for beginners) and short distances.

5. It is better not to participate in races of categories A1-3 and A9-A11. In the first case, the dogs differ little from each other in speed and skill, and in the second case, they are too diverse.

6. If you are in doubt about the need to bet on a particular race, exit it. Better to save than lose.

7. Carefully review the number of victories in dogs. The same applies to the lay bet: you cannot draw conclusions based on 1-2 runs.

8. Always be extremely careful! This quality will save you large sums.

Most of us learned about such competitions as dog races from popular Western films, where serious people come to special stadiums and bet on races. This sport, which originated in England, is inextricably linked with gambling and playing in sweepstakes and betting shops. However, even without this, dog racing may interest the viewer, because it is an exciting competition that is in no way inferior to horse racing.

The history of the appearance of dog racing is quite interesting and is directly related to the humanity of the British. The fact is that at one time hunting was banned throughout Europe - the main purpose of greyhounds, and therefore it was decided to organize races in order to compensate for the lack natural needs animals. Initially, dogs chased a live hare, and then the same humanists insisted that the greyhounds run after an artificial hare.

Today dog ​​races are popular in England, Germany, USA, Finland, Australia, Hungary and other countries. The Greyhound is considered the fastest breed, Whippets, Irish Wolfhounds, Afghans, Slugs, etc. also participate in the race.

Dog racing bets, what are they?

Greyhound races are significantly different in terms of bets from other sports, but at the same time they have much in common with horse racing. If in football or tennis it is necessary to pay attention to teamwork, tactics and psychology, here in the first place is the physical data of the dog, in particular, speed. The more powerful and faster it is, the more chances to win.

However, it is wise to consider experience and form, so it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with the statistics. It is also recommended to inquire about freshness, as they may participate in several races per day. Of course, fatigue will take its toll. Analysis is not easy, but without studying the details successful bids do much more difficult.

If you have not bet before, watch at least ten races to feel the atmosphere, understand the features and subtleties of these unique competitions. And when you decide to play, be sure to arm yourself financial strategy, which allows you to correctly manage rates.

Types of online racing bets

  • Win - you must name the greyhound that will be the first to cross the finish line.
  • Place - choose a dog that will be one of the two best. If she comes first or second, then the better wins.
  • Show - in this case, the bet is considered winning when the greyhound is in the top three according to the results of the competition.
  • Across the board - this type should be understood as a bet that includes three bets: Win, Place and Show.
  • Combination - the ability to bet on two, three or four dogs, indicating the places they will occupy.

These are the main types of bets on dog races, the number of options depends on the chosen operator. Keep in mind that bets may have different names in different bookmakers, so before placing a bet, carefully read the symbols on the bookmaker's website.

The best bookmakers to bet on greyhound races

Few bookmakers will accept a bet on greyhound racing online, since this sport is of interest only to a small category of players. Most often found in foreign bookmakers, although in last years more and more fans of such competitions appear in the CIS, which is why domestic operators are adding races to their line.

When choosing a bookmaker for betting, it is necessary to analyze the following criteria: the profitability of the coefficients, the width of the line and painting for betting on dogs, bonuses, payout guarantee. These are the main aspects on the basis of which we have compiled a list of the best bookmakers for visitors.

One, two, three and run. Someone is closest to the hare, and someone swallows the dust, some players rejoice, while others look in disappointment as their greyhound is the last to reach the finish line. Betting on dog racing is a drive, emotions and, with the right approach, a good profit.


Bookmakers Rating

1 9.05

Betting on dog racing online in the post-Soviet space is not as popular as in Western Europe, however, it will not be difficult to find the appropriate markets in our bookmakers.

But in Britain, for example, betting on dog racing, as well as on horse racing, is a long tradition. Here, there are hardly fewer fans of these competitions than fans, for example, of tennis. Dog racing continues to be one of the classic pastimes of amateurs. gambling, and if you are also interested in the peculiarities of betting on this sport, our material will help you understand the basic principles of such betting.

How do dog races go?

First, a few words about the competition itself. Before the start of the race, the dogs are dressed in special vests with numbers and placed in booths on the starting line. There are six dog kennels in total. When the signal is given to start the race, all six compartments open simultaneously, and the dogs start chasing the mechanical hare, which moves in a parallel course. The sequence of the dogs on the track from left to right is determined by lot, and also taking into account where exactly the dog is more accustomed to running.

The name of the race indicates a specific class. Usually, letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers are used for this. They help to navigate the total duration of the distance and its complexity.

Bet types

In dog racing, you can bet not only on the winner, but also on other options. Among them:

  • The finish of the dog in the prize three;
  • A bet that a particular dog will not take first place;
  • The finish of the dog in first or second place;
  • Prediction of both the winner of the race and the animals that took second and third place;
  • Winning a dog in two races in a row;
  • Winning a race by one of several selected dogs.

Dog Racing Betting: Secrets and Tactics

The first thing you need to do before betting on greyhound racing is to familiarize yourself with a considerable layer of literature on this topic. It is about how to determine a strong dog that is a potential winner, what criteria determines the favorite, who prepares the animals and how, and what factors influence this. To analyze here is no less than in conditional football or tennis. You need to understand the physiology and psychology of dogs, and beginners in this field have a difficult time.

Dog racing is loved not at all for predictability, but for high odds. For the favorite, the coefficient usually exceeds 3.0, and quotes up to 5.0-7.0 are also considered passable. And, of course, no one canceled the possibility of some cosmic odds over 100.0. These are here on a regular basis.

Starting your path on the path of greyhound racing betting, try to analyze the strength of the race participants based on basic statistics and related factors. We advise you to consider the following:

  • The age of the dog. The optimal age of the animal at which it is demonstrated best speed- 3-4 years.
  • Results of previous races performed by the dog. This will allow you to understand whether the dog likes to run a particular distance. There are animals that are better at running long distances, and there are those who prefer short ones. Determine the average time it takes a dog to cover the distance and compare it with that of competitors in the race.
  • The location of the dog on the track. Most animals have "their" track, on which they show the best results. If the dog you have chosen has just landed on “his” track, then you can hope that he will receive an additional advantage in the race.
  • The movement of the coefficients before the race. In dog racing, insiders have a lot of information about the condition of the dog just before the start of the race. Therefore, bookmakers react to this with a periodic noticeable movement of the odds even before the start of the competition. If the coefficient for a particular dog began to increase sharply before the start of the race, this is certainly not a good sign.

As practice shows, in dog racing bets, the use of any betting strategies based on a mathematical approach is much less effective than cold calculation and sober analysis. Of course, it is also necessary to count the probabilities in your favor, but the ability to clearly capture the dog’s tendencies to reach the peak of form, its preferences for distance and location on the track, and similar seemingly small details that have a direct impact on the outcome come out on top. race.

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