Prague astronomical. Orloj astronomical clock in Prague - the famous chimes

Clock on the Old Town Square in Prague, Prague Orloj - astronomical clock, installed on the southern wall of the Old Town Hall building, are a popular and world-famous landmark of the Czech capital.

History of construction and improvements

The clock in Prague on the Old Town Square, which has a history of more than 600 years, was first mentioned in the chronicles for 1402, but already in 1410 they were replaced by new mechanical ones with an astrolabe, made by the Kadan master Mikulas. They were made according to the project of the astronomer J. Shindel.

In 1490, during repairs, the clock was improved: calendar disks were completed, and Gothic figures were installed on the facade. The work was carried out by the master Ganush.

In the following years, restorations were carried out many more times, because due to the inexperience of the caretakers serving them, the chimes sometimes stopped themselves.

In 1552, the restoration of the clock mechanism was done by master J. Taborsky.

Further improvements were made in the 17th century, when the mechanism that beats the time was moved, some figures were installed, as well as indicators of the phases of the moon.

History of watch restoration

In 1778, the authorities of Prague decided to dismantle the mechanism for scrap due to lack of funds for its repair. The local watchmaker J. Landesberger became the savior of the chimes, who in 1791 repaired them free of charge in order to preserve this landmark for future generations. However, due to poor maintenance, the astrolabe began to work poorly, and they could not fix it. The figures of the apostles were added to the mechanism.

AT mid-nineteenth centuries, the chimes again wanted to dismantle. Watchmakers L. Heinz, C. Danek and R. Bozek became the next saviors, who raised funds for the reconstruction of watches. During the restoration, R. Bozek made a chronometer, which still controls the mechanism (the clock is only 0.5 minutes behind a week, which is a good result). Since then, as now, repair work Orloi's mechanisms are maintained by Heinz.

Since then, the clock in Prague on the Old Town Square (photo below) has become a famous attraction in the Czech capital. The craftsmen were able to restore almost 75% of the original parts of the clockwork.

Clock in Prague on the Old Town Square: description

The astronomical clock consists of several parts, the main of which are:

  • astronomical discs, which determine the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky, showing some details of astronomy, have a zodiac ring;
  • "Progress of the Apostles" - a mechanism that every hour sets in motion the moving mechanical figures of the apostles and characters;
  • medallion watch face that works like a calendar and shows the months.

The astrolabe with the help of a clock mechanism indicates the time in several systems at once:

  • Babylonian, in which different time there are different hour lengths of the year;
  • Old Czech (Schwabacher numerals are used);
  • Central European - shows Roman numerals;
  • sidereal time (arabic numerals).

Unlike other Prague chimes, famous watch at the Old Town Square in Prague do not translate into summer time, so they show inaccurate time for half of the year (one hour behind the European one).

The calendar dial is decorated with 12 medallions, each of which represents scenes from rural life Middle Ages.

What does the astronomical clock show?

The clock on the Old Town Square in Prague can be called a small planetarium that shows the state of the universe. With the help of a mechanical astrolabe, although it was built in the Middle Ages, you can see the position of the Sun and Moon.

The image of the Earth (blue circle) and some part of the sky (top) represent the background. 4 moving parts rotate on the disks: the ring of zodiac signs and the outer one, images of the Sun and the Moon.

During the day, the Sun moves on a blue background, and at night - on a black one. In the hours of dawn and evening twilight - along the red area of ​​the background. To the left of the horizon is written avrora (dawn) and ortus (sunrise), to the right - occasus (sunset) and crepusculum (twilight).

The Golden Sun moves around the circle of the zodiac signs and shows with the help of an arrow and a gilded hand for a certain time:

  • when pointing to Roman numerals, you can see the local Prague time;
  • the position of the star on the curved golden lines determines the Babylonian time;
  • on the outer ring, the hand shows the hours that have passed since sunset according to the old Czech reckoning;
  • the moon moves along the ecliptic at a higher speed, and the silver sphere shows the lunar phase.

Orloi top dial

The clock on the Old Town Square in Prague attracts the attention of tourists every hour (the performance takes place from 9.00 to 21.00).

The upper dial is astronomical, on the side of it there are 4 figures, which are located on both sides of the clock. These figures symbolize the despised vices of man:

  • death, reminiscent of the frailty of being;
  • vanity, depicted by a figure with a mirror;
  • greed (a Jew with a wallet);
  • Turk, symbolizing the centuries-old danger to the Habsburg Empire, emanating from the Ottoman Empire.

Above the dial there are windows with doors in which the figures move one by one. According to the movement of the Skeleton (Death), which pulls the rope, the appearance of the apostles in the window begins: St. Peter holds the key, St. Matthew threatens with an ax, St. Paul holds a book in his hands , St. Jan - a goblet, St. Jacob - a spindle, St. Shimon - a saw, St. Tomas - a spear, St. Ondrej and Philip hold crosses, St. Bartholomew wrinkles his skin with his hands, St. Barnabas holds a scroll, and St. Tadeusz holds papers in a folder under his arm.

The lower dial of the Orloi

The clock on the Old Town Square in Prague also has a second dial - the zodiac (added in 1490), which is also decorated on both sides with figures: a chronicler, an angel, an astronomer and a philosopher.

In the outer black circle is a movable round part with the signs of the zodiac, indicating the position of the Sun in the ecliptic. The signs are arranged and go in counter-clockwise order. A small gold star indicates the spring equinox.

According to the zodiac dial, you can determine the sign of the zodiac, name day, day and month of birth. However, a copy of it hangs on the town hall, and the original (written by J. Manes in the 19th century) is exhibited in the Prague Museum of History.

During the performance, all figures and 12 apostles move. At the same time, the Turk shakes his head all the time, and the miser shows his purse. The finale of the whole performance is the cock crow, announcing the beginning of a new hour.

Legends about Orlo

One of the legends is connected with those times when the clock on the Old Town Square (Prague, Czech Republic) was still under construction. Master Ganush, who added a calendar dial to the chimes, impressed the city authorities with his skill and beauty of work so much that they decided to deprive him of his sight so that in the future he could not build a similar clock anywhere and for anyone. The indignant master decided to commit suicide by throwing himself from a height inside the Orloi mechanism, after which the chimes stopped for several years due to damage. However, history refutes this legend, master Ganush (his real name was Jan Rouge) really finalized the clockwork, and everything else is fiction.

Another legend says that when the clock stops, cataclysms must necessarily occur in the city. Such a stop happened during the occupation of the Czech Republic by the Nazis, which ended directly on the Old Town Square during the destruction Soviet troops the last German grouping in Prague on May 8, 1945

One of the last stops of Orloj occurred in 2001, after which there was a large-scale flood that flooded the Czech capital (August 2002).

Prague Orloj: reviews and impressions

The chimes on Old Town Square are one of the attractions that attract thousands of tourists who come in crowds every hour to watch the performance with moving figures.

There are no performances at night, and Orloi employees are engaged in the restoration and updating of mechanisms and figurines in the tower. Watches require daily care (lubrication of mechanisms, etc.), which these people follow.

Many tourists who come to admire the clock on the Old Town Square in Prague express their reviews with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Orloj is located in the very center of Prague, on the square where Christmas and other festive festivities are held, fairs are held. Numerous restaurants and cafes are also located here. delicious pastries and national dishes.


In 2010 the Prague Orloj celebrated its 600th anniversary. There have been festive events dedicated to this event. All the past few hundred years, the famous chimes have attracted many tourists to Prague, and they will remain popular for more than one century.

This place is especially beautiful new year holidays: in the center of the square they set up the largest Christmas tree in the city, and arrange around holiday shows, which, surrounded by medieval spiers and castles, resemble a fabulous and beautiful theatrical performance.

The incredible performance of the astronomical clock attracts many tourists. It can be seen every hour. At the signal of the skeleton-Death bell, the ancient chimes play a melody that sets in motion Vanity, Greed, Death and Lust, followed by a procession of 12 apostles.

The Old Town Astronomical Clock or the Prague Astronomical Clock, the Prague Eagle (Pražský orloj) is located on the tower, completed in 1364. The height of the four-story tower with a bypass gallery and corner turrets is 69.5 m.

The history of watch creation

The tower has always been a symbol of the city. In 1410, an astronomical clock was installed on it, created by the royal clockmaker Mikulas from Kadan and astronomer Jan Schindel, master of the Prague University. Around 1490, this unique clock was repaired and enlarged by the craftsman Ganush of Rosa. There has never been anything like it in Europe before.

Probably around 1659 the clock was completed with wooden polychrome figures. The allegories of "Avarice", "Dude" and "Voluptuousness" are reminiscent of vices, while the Archangel Michael with a shield and a fiery sword from the scene " Last Judgment”reminds one of the most important virtues - Justice. The astronomical clock consists of three parts located one above the other: the procession of the apostles, the dial of the astronomical clock and the calendar.

Every hour the apostles pass in front of the audience and Jesus Christ blessing them, every hour a skeleton ringing a bell reminds us that another hour of our earthly wandering has expired.

Watch design

The astronomical dial depicts the Earth as it was represented by the supporters of geocentrism, and the center of the dial indicates geographical position Prague. The surface of the dial depicts the universe - day, dawn, dusk and night. Three golden circles move around the sphere, representing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the equator.

The calendar consists of a copper circle divided into two circular rings. In the inner ring there is a circle with twenty-four medallions, made by the Czech artist Josef Manes in 1866 (now there are copies). The smaller medallions depict the signs of the zodiac, the seasons, and the larger medallions depict scenes from the life of peasants.

It is noteworthy that, despite numerous repairs, the original design of the Old Town Astronomical Clock has been preserved.

How to get there

Take metro line A to Staroměstská station.

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Old Town Hall (Staroměstská radnice).
Czech Republic, Prague (Praha). district Prague 1 - Stare Mesto (Praha 1 - Staré Město). Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměsti) 1

Old city(Stare Mesto) located on the right bank of the Vltava river. It grew out of small settlements that arose at an important crossroads of trade routes between west and east and along the banks of the Vltava in the 10th century. Under King Wenceslas 1, who built powerful fortress walls in 1232-1234, Old city received city rights. But the official consent to the construction of a symbol of city power and the main meeting place for citizens, the City Hall, residents Old City waited over 100 years.

In 1338 the townspeople Old Place received a privilege from King John of Luxembourg (Johann of Luxembourg, also known as John (Jan) the Blind, Jan Lucemburský) for the construction of the Town Hall.

It arose as a result of the merger of several houses. The basis was the Gothic house of the wealthy merchant Volfin from Kamene, which the settlement acquired in 1338. Immediately after it was founded town hall, the construction of a tower about 70 meters high began. Its construction was completed in 1364. In 1381, a Gothic chapel was added to it.

To meet the administrative needs of a rapidly growing city, it was necessary to buy out neighboring city houses and attach them to City Hall. The second house was purchased in 1360 - on the second floor it is decorated with a Renaissance window. Above the Renaissance window is latin inscription: "Prag caput regni" ("Prague is the head of the empire"),reminiscent of the brilliant past of the city during the reign of the first Habsburg on the Czech throne - Ferdinand 1 (1526-1564). The next building, the house of the furrier Miksha, has a pseudo-Renaissance facade. The neighboring house - "At the rooster", built in the style of classicism, was acquired after 1830, and its modern look town hall acquired only in 1896, when the last part of the building was the house “At the Minute”, which protruded onto the square. Over the centuries, it has turned into a building amazing in its sophistication of architecture.
The main attraction of the Town Hall are the Astronomical Clock "Orloj" installed on the south side of the town hall tower. Built in 1410, the clock has been the symbol of Prague.

In 1784, four Prague cities were united and town hall became the main administrative body of the whole city.

During the Second World War, during the Prague uprising on May 7-8, 1945, the buildings were badly damaged. The archive burned down, many portraits of mayors. The fire completely destroyed the Neo-Gothic wing, damage was caused to the tower and chimes. There was only one small hall left that was spared by the fire.

Old Town Hall was about three times modern (not all restored after the war). Nowadays town hall is a complex of five houses. Each of the houses has its own character and is of historical and architectural value - the facades of the buildings are decorated with Renaissance elements, sculptures, unique paintings, decorated with the city coat of arms and commemorative inscriptions.
The richly decorated main portal leads to a vestibule with mosaics designed by Mikulas Alyos. The fully preserved old Councilors' Hall dates back to the 15th century, the Great Assembly Hall dates back to 1879-1880.

Currently, anyone can climb Town Hall tower towering over the city by almost 70 meters. From the town hall tower there is a beautiful view of Old Town Square.
It is possible to visit the dungeons of the Town Hall. In the second half of the 13th century, the ground level in the Old City was raised due to floods. Water during a severe flood flooded the first floor of buildings and did not leave for a long time. Thanks to the rise in the level of the ground, buildings from the 13th century have been preserved here. Then the first floors of 70 houses went underground - they were connected and used as market warehouses on Old Town Square.

And only when the shopping areas moved to a new part of Prague, the area began to be used for socially important events: royal weddings, coronations. One of the most popular entertainments was the execution. In the dungeons of the Town Hall, they made a prison for prisoners awaiting execution. They did not stay here longer than a week, only while the scaffold was being built.

Prague chimes

Prague chimes (Pražský orloj).
Czech Republic, Prague (Praha). district Prague 1 - Stare Mesto (Praha 1 - Staré Město). Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí) 1/3.

Prague chimes, or Orloj (Pražský orloj, Old Town Clock)- a medieval tower clock installed on the southern wall of the tower of the Old Town Hall on the Old Town Square in Prague.
Every hour from 8 am to 8 pm there is an action in the spirit of the Middle Ages, when the apostles appear one by one in the upper windows and Jesus is the final participant. At the same time, a little lower, on the sides, the figures also begin to move. Moving objects symbolize human vices. Thus, the skeleton, which symbolizes death, turns the clock over and nods to the Turk, and the Turk shakes his head negatively. On the other side, the Miser shakes the wallet, and the Angel with the ball punishes him, being the embodiment of punishment for sinners. The end of the performance is marked by the crowing of a rooster.

Orloi chimes (orloj is translated from Czech as “tower clock”) display a lot of information. In addition to the time itself, you can see the current date, the time of sunset and sunrise of the Moon and the Sun, the current location of the signs of the Zodiac, even the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

The oldest watch parts date back to 1410 and were made by watchmakers Mikulas Kadan and Jan Schindel. Jan Schindel was also professor of mathematics and astronomy at Charles University. Around 1490, a calendar dial was added to the clock, and at the same time, the facade of the clock was decorated with Gothic sculptures. Already in 1552, the watch was restored by watchmaker Jan Taborsky. In the future, the clock stopped many times, in the 17th century moving figures were added. The figures of the apostles were added during overhaul 1865-1866.

During the Second World War Prague Astronomical Clock significant damage was inflicted, on May 7 and May 8, 1945, during the suppression of the Czech underground by German troops, was fired upon, resulting in a fire. Most severely burned wooden sculptures apostles, which were restored in 1948 by the woodworker Vojtěch Suharda (Vojtěch Sucharda). The clock started working again only in 1948 after a major overhaul.

FROM Prague clock many legends are associated. The most famous tells about the fate of master Ganush. Having finished his work, the illustrious watchmaker invited the city fathers to his workshop, located right there, in the Town Hall tower. They really liked the updated chimes, but the mere thought that the master could make something similar for someone else plunged them into horror. And then, by order of the Prague magistrate, Hanush was blinded. “So that there is no such miracle anywhere except in Prague”, said the verdict.
Legends tell that Ganush took revenge on ungrateful officials. He penetrated the tower and disabled the unique clock mechanism. For almost 150 years, no one could fix the chimes, and those who tried died or went crazy. This time was the most difficult for the Czech Republic. The German crusaders defeated the troops of the Czech Protestants, the independent Czech kingdom ceased to exist, the country fell under Austrian rule for almost 400 years, and Czech banned from official use...

Praguers have a belief: if the clock on the town hall stops, then the Czech Republic will again be in trouble. To prevent this from happening, the work of the chimes is monitored by an expert council of the best watchmakers under the capital's magistrate. And every week there is a preventive examination.

town hall tower gothic chapel
house at the minute Top of the Prague Clock
Vanity and Avarice upper dial Death and the Turk
Philosopher and Punishing Angel bottom dial Astronomer and Chronicler
stairs to the observation deck for lazy people - elevator on the observation deck
rooftops of the old town view of the Church of the Virgin Mary in front of Týn house view

Master Ganush explained why all this, talked about the movement of the Moon, Earth and Sun, taught to determine the time and date. For a long time people still ran to the clock to look at the spectacle that had never been seen before. Watchmakers were especially surprised. Master Ganush kept his word and created a clock that was not in any city!

However, the watchmaker did not become proud, continued to sit in his small room and draw new drawings, and his assistant excitedly told people that his master was preparing a new work that would be even better and more amazing than the Old Town chimes. The councilors of the Old Place found out about this, and this news disturbed them, they thought that Master Ganush was preparing a new clock for another city, they did not want the glory Prague chimes faded, and they began to think how to prevent this from happening. Some suggested taking a written promise from the master not to make more such watches, others suggested taking a verbal promise from the master, but all this seemed insufficiently reliable to the advisers, until one of them said: “Why should we demand promises that we can’t rely on anyway? Want to have the best chimes in the world? Then you don’t have to reckon with anything, but take advantage of the only opportunity to interfere with Master Ganush in his further work. We won’t do anything bad to him, the city will take care of him, even though he won’t work anymore.” Everyone was afraid of such an offer, but that adviser convinced everyone.

And then one night, master Ganush was sitting in his room, drawing drawings and was calm, not feeling the approach of danger. There was a knock on the door, the master was frightened by sharp blows, and with old steps he went to the door to close it with a bolt, but did not have time. Two people with covered faces burst into the room and knocked the master down, he hit his head on the table and lost consciousness.

An assistant who came in the morning found his master lying in a fever on the bed, the old man was blindfolded, he tossed about on the bed and asked to turn on the light. The frightened assistant hurried to ask the neighbors if anyone knew what had happened during the night. And the old man kept asking to turn on the light. They carefully removed the bandage and were horrified: they realized that the night visitors had deprived the master of his sight with a red-hot iron.

The news of the incident spread throughout Prague, the people demanded to punish the villains, but they could not be found. old master long been between life and death, his drawings were covered with dust. The assistant waited for the master to speak to him, and the old man kept thinking about who and why could punish him like that. I thought that the living could not do this and assumed that these were dark forces. The master had nightmares, at night he screamed and suffered. The assistant took pity on the old man, and told him about what they were whispering about in the city, that no one would look for the criminal, and that he was somewhere nearby. Master Ganush understood everything, sat sad for several days, sometimes got up in a fit of anger, took a saw or a cooking tool, then put it back.

And one day, encouraged by the master, he asked his assistant to take him to the chimes. The apprentice was delighted, he thought that the desire to live and work was returning to the master. They walked along the square, people stopped respectfully and greeted Master Ganush. Several councilors came out of the town hall at that moment, but they quickly turned away, pretending not to notice the old man.

The watchmaker asked his assistant to take him to the fourth, most difficult part of the chimes. It was very difficult for him to climb the narrow stairs, he could hardly stand on his feet and tried to catch his breath. When he rested, froze in silence, attentively listening to the quiet voice of the mechanism, it even seemed to the assistant that the master barely perceptibly smiled and turned pink. Then he suddenly frowned, and later the assistant recalled that just at that moment the bell sounded in the chimes when death pulled for him.

The dial is decorated with a large number of sculptures that are placed around its circumference. Here we will see a lion (protector of all animals), next to a dog (a symbol of fidelity, vigilance). His neighbor is a snake with a Phrygian cap, where the cap means freedom, and the snake means sinfulness. This sculpture means purification and transformation from a snake into a human. A cat, another element of decor, is a treasure keeper, and also a symbol of falsehood, a companion of magicians.

The image of mascaras at the top of the dial was supposed to scare away the natural elements. Gargoyles in gutters protect from excess moisture. Another image of the devil in the form of a beast with big eyes found under the astrolabe. The east and west of the dial are decorated with two figures: a shapeless face and a goblin. They are designed to protect dark forces. On the sides of the dial are large statues: Miser, Vanity (Pride), Death, Turk.

The Manes dial (in the photo on the left, click on the photo to enlarge) has two discs. The disc with gilding, containing the coat of arms of Prague inside, is the constellations, the copper disc is the days of the year. The pictures symbolize the cycle of the calendar: 12 sketches are 12 months (pictures of rural life in the Middle Ages).

The copper disc is divided into 365 segments-days with the name of the saint revered on that day. Christian holidays are included in a wide circle. The inscription in red indicates a day off. The dial is decorated with a vine - a symbol of joy and eternal life.

On its right side there are sculptures of a phoenix bird and a monkey. The first is a symbol of eternity, the cycle of life. The second is a symbol of sin, greed. The design is “held” by a master with an apprentice. The sides of the dial are "inhabited" by the figures of the Chronicler, the Astronomer, the Archangel Michael and the Philosopher.

We watch the procession of the 12 apostles every hour. Some of them are not included in the gospel: St. Barnabas and Paul, which is why the Czechs call them "preachers" and not apostles. Every hour is played great performance. At the top of the structure are 12 apostles, Christ closes their course.

The skeleton (Death), turning the hourglass over, rings the bell and waves menacingly to the Turk (a hint of his approaching death). He turns his head in denial. Jingles his wallet Miser. He is punished by the Archangel Michael. And only the Proud One cares about his appearance: he admires the reflection in the mirror. The rooster completes the scene with its cry, foreshadowing the chiming clock that beats every hour of the day.

You will see the procession of the 12 apostles every hour from 9:00 to 21:00. There will be a lot of people on the square during these hours, but the spectacle is worth it. Occupy good places in advance. The photo below is an example of a crowd watching the procession of the apostles, click on the photo to enlarge.

Be careful and vigilant, pickpockets can trade in such a crowd. Pickpocketing from tourists happens often, we wrote about this in the article “”.

You can take photos and videos on the square, you do not need to pay for it. Don't forget to bring your camera or camcorder.

Going down the stairs observation deck, pay attention to the photographs that tell the story of the tower and Orloi.

In the evening, you can see performances of street artists on the square.

Not far from the clock is the restaurant "Staromestska restaurace", which was recognized as the best in Prague. If you get hungry, don't miss the chance to taste the best. The prices here are high, but it's worth it.

Sitting in a cafe near the chimes, spend a few minutes leisurely near the ancient and unique Prague landmark. Although the proverb says that happy hours do not watch”, let the contemplation of the Prague Astronomical Clock make you happier.

We wish you interesting walks around Prague, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic links below).

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