But the princess is young. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs

listen to a fairy tale Tale of dead princess and seven heroes online:

The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night.
Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.
Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.
She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not take away
And died by noon.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
A year has passed like an empty dream
The king married another.
Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;
But proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:
“My light, mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And turn around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.

But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed
White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
How the queen will jump
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“And the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her
And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive
Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.

Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think
And scared to death
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
The one who loves her in my heart,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."
And she came home.
"What? the queen told her. -
Where is the beautiful girl? -
“There, in the forest, stands alone, -
She answers her.-
Her elbows are tightly bound;
The beast will fall into the claws,
She will be less patient
It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.

But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.
A dog is meeting her, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing.
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;
The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended! -
In the meantime, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
Lit a candle to God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.

Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter across the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.
The elder said: “What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you an old man,
You will be our uncle forever.
If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.
When the red girl
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.
Instantly by speech they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,
They brought a pie;
Pour a glass full
Served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
The pie just broke
Yes, I took a bite
And from the road to rest
She asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright light
And left one
Going to sleep.

Day after day goes by, flickering,
A young princess
Everything is in the forest; she's not bored
At the seven heroes.
Before the dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.
And she is the hostess
In the meantime, alone
Pick up and cook.
She will not rebuke them,
They will not cross her.
So the days go by.

Brothers of a sweet maiden
Loved. To her in the light
Once, just dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: “Girl,
You know: you are our sister to all of us,
There are seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all take you for the sake of
Yes, you can’t, so, for God’s sake,
Reconcile us somehow:
Be one wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Al refuse us?
Al goods are not for merchants?”

“Oh, you honest fellows,
Brothers, you are my relatives, -
The princess says to them,
If I lie, may God command
Do not leave my place alive.
What do i do? because I'm a bride.
To me you are all equal
All daring, all smart,
I love you all heartily;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha.

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched the back of the head.
“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us -
The elder said bowing. -
If so, do not stutter
That's about it." - "I'm not angry, -
She quietly said,
And my refusal is not my fault.”
The grooms bowed to her,
Slowly departed
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.

Meanwhile, the evil queen
Remembering the princess
Couldn't forgive her
And on your mirror
Long pouted and angry:
Finally missed him
And she followed him, and sitting down
Before him, I forgot my anger,
Began to show off again
And with a smile she said:
“Hello mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But lives without any glory
Among the green oak forests,
At the seven heroes
The one that is sweeter than you."
And the queen flew
To Chernavka: “How dare you
Deceive me? and in what!..”
She confessed to everything:
Anyway. evil queen,
Threatening her with a slingshot
Decided or not to live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for dear brothers
Spinning, sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard, stick
Chasing away the dog. “Wait.
Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams out the window, -
I will threaten the dog myself
And I'll bring you something."
The blueberry answers her:
“Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog won
Nearly ate to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me." - The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But just got off the porch
The dog under her feet - and barks
And he won't let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He, the forest animal is more angry,
For an old woman. What a miracle
“It can be seen that he slept badly, -
The princess speaks to her. -
Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread;
“Thank you,” she said,
God bless you;
Here's to you, catch!"
And pouring to the princess,
young, golden
The apple flies straight...
The dog will jump, squeal...
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch...” -
The old lady said
Bowed down and disappeared...
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs and in her face
It looks pitiful, howls menacingly,
Like a dog's heart aches
As if he wants to tell her:
Drop it! - She caress him,
treplet gentle hand:
“What, Sokolko, what is the matter with you?
Lie down!” - entered the room,
The door was softly closed
Under the window for the yarn village
Wait for the owners, but looked
All for an apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
Like honey poured!
You can see through the seeds...
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; did not endure
I took an apple in my hands
She brought it to scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And I ate a piece...
Suddenly she, my soul,
Staggered without breathing
She lowered her white hands,
Dropped the ruddy fruit
Eyes rolled up
And she's under the image
Fell head on the bench
And quiet, motionless became ...

Brothers at that time home
returned in droves
From youthful robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
The way shows them. “Not good! -
The brothers said - sorrow
We don't pass." We galloped
They enter, gasp. ran in,
Dog headlong on an apple
With barking rushed, got angry
Swallowed it, fell off
And I died. drunk
It was poison, you know, it is.
Before dead princess
Brothers in heartbreak
Everyone bowed their heads
And with the prayer of the saint
Raised from the bench, dressed,
Wanted to bury her
And they thought. She is,
As under the wing of a dream,
So quiet, fresh lay,
Just not breathing.
Waited three days, but she
Didn't wake up from sleep.
Having created a sad rite,
Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On iron chains there
Carefully screwed
And fenced with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the earth,
The elder said: “Sleep in the coffin;
Suddenly went out, a victim of malice,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
We loved you
And for the dear store -
Nobody got it
Only one coffin.”

On the same day, the evil queen,
Good news waiting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You, queen, there is no doubt,
You are the sweetest in the world
All rouge and whiter.

For your bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, the world is jumping.
No how no! He weeps bitterly
And whoever he asks
All his question is wise;
Who laughs in his eyes
Who will rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
The good guy turned:
“Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Didn't you see anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "You are my light, -
The red sun answered, -
I did not see the princess.
Know that she is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
Somewhere I met her
Or a trace of her noticed.

dark night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
Only a month seemed
He chased after him pleadingly.
“Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - “My brother, -
The clear moon answers, -
I did not see the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my queue.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
Ran." - “How insulting!” -
The king answered.
The clear moon continued:
"Wait a minute; about her, maybe
The wind knows. He will help.
You go to him now
Don't be sad, goodbye."

Elisha, not discouraged,
Rushed to the wind, calling:
“Wind, wind! You are powerful
You drive flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Except one god.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "Wait, -
The violent wind answers,
There, behind the quiet river
There is high mountain,
It has a deep hole;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal
On chains between poles.
Can't see any trace
Around that empty place;
In that coffin is your bride."

The wind ran away.
The prince sobbed
And went to an empty place
For a beautiful bride
View one more time.
Here she comes and got up
In front of him is a steep mountain;
Around her the country is empty;
Under the mountain is a dark entrance.
He goes there quickly.
Before him, in the mournful darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal,
And in that crystal coffin
The princess sleeps forever.
And about the coffin of the bride dear
He hit with all his might.
The coffin was broken. Virgo suddenly
Revived. Looks around
Astonished eyes;
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave...
Ah! .. and both sobbed.
He takes her in his hands
And brings it into the light from the darkness,
And, talking pleasantly,
On their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home at that time without work
The wicked stepmother was sitting
In front of your mirror
And talked to him
Saying: “I am the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You are beautiful, there are no words,
But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Evil stepmother, jumping up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
Ran straight through the door
And I met the princess.
Then her longing took
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was immediately arranged
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have not seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drinking beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night.
Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.
Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.
She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not take away
And died by noon.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
A year has passed like an empty dream
The king married another.
Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;
But proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:
“My light, mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And turn around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.

But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed
White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
How the queen will jump
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“And the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her
And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive
Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.

Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think
And scared to death
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
The one who loves her in my heart,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."
And she came home.
"What? the queen told her. -
Where is the beautiful girl? -
“There, in the forest, stands alone, -
She answers her.-
Her elbows are tightly bound;
The beast will fall into the claws,
She will be less patient
It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.

But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.
A dog is meeting her, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing.
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;
The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended! -
In the meantime, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
Lit a candle to God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.

Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter across the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.
The elder said: “What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you are an old man
You will be our uncle forever.
If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.
When the red girl
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.
Instantly by speech they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,
They brought a pie;
Pour a glass full
Served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
The pie just broke
Yes, I took a bite
And from the road to rest
She asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright light
And left one
Going to sleep.

Day after day goes by, flickering,
A young princess
Everything is in the forest; she's not bored
At the seven heroes.
Before the dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.
And she is the hostess
In the meantime, alone
Pick up and cook.
She will not rebuke them,
They will not cross her.
So the days go by.

Brothers of a sweet maiden
Loved. To her in the light
Once, just dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: “Girl,
You know: you are our sister to all of us,
There are seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all take you for the sake of
Yes, you can’t, so, for God’s sake,
Reconcile us somehow:
Be one wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Al refuse us?
Al goods are not for merchants?”

“Oh, you honest fellows,
Brothers, you are my relatives, -
The princess says to them,
If I lie, may God command
Do not leave my place alive.
What do i do? because I'm a bride.
To me you are all equal
All daring, all smart,
I love you all heartily;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha.

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched the back of the head.
“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us -
The elder said bowing. -
If so, do not stutter
That's about it." - "I'm not angry, -
She quietly said,
And my refusal is not my fault.”
The grooms bowed to her,
Slowly departed
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.

Meanwhile, the evil queen
Remembering the princess
Couldn't forgive her
And on your mirror
Long pouted and angry:
Finally missed him
And she followed him, and sitting down
Before him, I forgot my anger,
Began to show off again
And with a smile she said:
“Hello mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But lives without any glory
Among the green oak forests,
At the seven heroes
The one that is sweeter than you."
And the queen flew
To Chernavka: “How dare you
Deceive me? and in what!..”
She confessed to everything:
Anyway. evil queen,
Threatening her with a slingshot
Decided or not to live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for dear brothers
Spinning, sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard, stick
Chasing away the dog. “Wait.
Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams out the window, -
I will threaten the dog myself
And I'll bring you something."
The blueberry answers her:
“Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog won
Nearly ate to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me." - The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But just got off the porch
The dog under her feet - and barks
And he won't let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He, the forest animal is more angry,
For an old woman. What a miracle
“It can be seen that he slept badly, -
The princess speaks to her. -
Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread;
“Thank you,” she said,
God bless you;
Here's to you, catch!"
And pouring to the princess,
young, golden
The apple flies straight...
The dog will jump, squeal...
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch...” -
The old lady said
Bowed down and disappeared...
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs and in her face
It looks pitiful, howls menacingly,
Like a dog's heart aches
As if he wants to tell her:
Drop it! - She caress him,
Trembling with a gentle hand:
“What, Sokolko, what is the matter with you?
Lie down!” - entered the room,
The door was softly closed
Under the window for the yarn village
Wait for the owners, but looked
All for an apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
Like honey poured!
You can see through the seeds...
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; did not endure
I took an apple in my hands
She brought it to scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And I ate a piece...
Suddenly she, my soul,
Staggered without breathing
She lowered her white hands,
Dropped the ruddy fruit
Eyes rolled up
And she's under the image
Fell head on the bench
And quiet, motionless became ...

Brothers at that time home
returned in droves
From youthful robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
The way shows them. “Not good! -
The brothers said - sorrow
We don't pass." We galloped
They enter, gasp. ran in,
Dog headlong on an apple
With barking rushed, got angry
Swallowed it, fell off
And I died. drunk
It was poison, you know, it is.
Before the dead princess
Brothers in heartbreak
Everyone bowed their heads
And with the prayer of the saint
Raised from the bench, dressed,
Wanted to bury her
And they thought. She is,
As under the wing of a dream,
So quiet, fresh lay,
Just not breathing.
Waited three days, but she
Didn't wake up from sleep.
Having created a sad rite,
Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On iron chains there
Carefully screwed
And fenced with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the earth,
The elder said: “Sleep in the coffin;
Suddenly went out, a victim of malice,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
We loved you
And for the dear store -
Nobody got it
Only one coffin.”

On the same day, the evil queen,
Good news waiting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You, queen, there is no doubt,
You are the sweetest in the world
All rouge and whiter.

For your bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, the world is jumping.
No how no! He weeps bitterly
And whoever he asks
All his question is wise;
Who laughs in his eyes
Who will rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
The good guy turned:
“Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Didn't you see anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "You are my light, -
The red sun answered, -
I did not see the princess.
Know that she is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
Somewhere I met her
Or a trace of her noticed.

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
Only a month seemed
He chased after him pleadingly.
“Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - “My brother, -
The clear moon answers, -
I did not see the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my queue.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
Ran." - “How insulting!” -
The king answered.
The clear moon continued:
"Wait a minute; about her, maybe
The wind knows. He will help.
You go to him now
Don't be sad, goodbye."

Elisha, not discouraged,
Rushed to the wind, calling:
“Wind, wind! You are powerful
You drive flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Except one god.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "Wait, -
The violent wind answers,
There, behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
It has a deep hole;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal
On chains between poles.
Can't see any trace
Around that empty place;
In that coffin is your bride."

The wind ran away.
The prince sobbed
And went to an empty place
For a beautiful bride
View one more time.
Here she comes and got up
In front of him is a steep mountain;
Around her the country is empty;
Under the mountain is a dark entrance.
He goes there quickly.
Before him, in the mournful darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal,
And in that crystal coffin
The princess sleeps forever.
And about the coffin of the bride dear
He hit with all his might.
The coffin was broken. Virgo suddenly
Revived. Looks around
Astonished eyes;
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave...
Ah! .. and both sobbed.
He takes her in his hands
And brings it into the light from the darkness,
And, talking pleasantly,
On their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home at that time without work
The wicked stepmother was sitting
In front of your mirror
And talked to him
Saying: “I am the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You are beautiful, there are no words,
But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Evil stepmother, jumping up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
Ran straight through the door
And I met the princess.
Then her longing took
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was immediately arranged
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have not seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drinking beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs of Pushkin read the plot

Once the king needed to leave, he said goodbye to the queen and left. She missed him very much. After some time, the queen gave birth to a daughter, and soon the king arrived. Seeing him, the young mother could not bear the joy of meeting and died. The king married a year later, and the little princess grew and grew. The new queen took care of herself and everything would be fine, but one fine day, looking into her magic mirror, the stepmother found out that her stepdaughter was much more beautiful than her, whiter and blusher. She couldn't take it. Therefore, she gave the order to the maid to take the princess to the forest and leave her there. Chernavka loved the girl and therefore did not tie her to a tree in the forest, and when she begged and let her go in all four directions. At home, the maidservant to the queen said that she had done everything as she had ordered. The queen calmed down for a while.

Immediately, word began to spread that the king's daughter was missing. Without hesitation, her fiancé went for a beautiful soul.

The princess in the forest came to the seven heroes. She lived with them long enough, and they decided to make her a marriage proposal. The eldest of the brothers suggested that the princess choose one of the brothers as her husband, and the rest would be her brothers. The girl refused, citing the fact that she has a fiancé Elisha.

Somehow, getting ready for another bachelorette party, the queen began to show off in front of her mirror and found out that the princess was alive. She became very angry and decided to act on her own. Dressed as an old woman and went to look for a girl. Having reached the tower, where the princess now lived, she called her to come out to her, but the dog would not let her, then the old woman, in gratitude for the bread that the princess threw to her, threw an apple. Beauty bit him and fell unconscious, it was poisoned. The heroes grieve, but there is nothing to do and they buried the princess in a cave, in a crystal coffin.

At this time, Elisha searched for her without success all over the world. And having lost hope, he began to ask the sun, the moon and the wind. And only the wind told him where he would find his bride. Upon learning the terrible news, the prince sobbed, but went to where his bride was to look at his beloved one more time.

Seeing the girl in the coffin, Elisha leaned over and kissed her, the bride came to life. The joy of both knew no bounds. They hugged each other and went home. Immediately, rumors spread the joyful news that the royal daughter was alive. The queen, having learned that the princess was not dead, ran out to the royal court, saw the lovers and died of annoyance. Immediately after she was buried, they played a wedding.

Some interesting stuff

  • Chekhov - Death of an official

    The events of the story begin with a description of the evening that the executor Chervyakov spends at the opera. He likes the performance, he is blissful, but suddenly his exalted state is interrupted by the

    I'm going. Quiet. Calls are heard. Under a hoof in the snow, Only the gray crows Made a noise in the meadow.

The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night.
Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.
Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.
She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not take away
And died by noon.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
A year has passed like an empty dream
The king married another.
Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;
But proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:
"My light, mirror! Tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rouge and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
"You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter."
And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And turn around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.

But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed
White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:
"I eh, tell me, all the nicer,
All rouge and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
"You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter."
How the queen will jump
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
"Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is that right?" The mirror answered:
"And the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter."
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her
And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive
Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.

Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think
And scared to death
And she pleaded: "My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
The one who loves her in my heart,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."
And she came home.
“What?” the queen said to her.
Where is the pretty girl?"
"There, in the forest, stands alone, -
She answers her.-
Her elbows are tightly bound;
The beast will fall into the claws,
She will be less patient
It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.

But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.
A dog is meeting her, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing.
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;
The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended! -
In the meantime, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
Lit a candle to God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.

Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter across the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.
The elder said: "What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you are an old man
You will be our uncle forever.
If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.
When the red girl
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.
Instantly by speech they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,
They brought a pie;
Pour a glass full
Served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
The pie just broke
Yes, I took a bite
And from the road to rest
She asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright light
And left one
Going to sleep.

Day after day goes by, flickering,
A young princess
Everything is in the forest; she's not bored
At the seven heroes.
Before the dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.
And she is the hostess
In the meantime, alone
Pick up and cook.
She will not rebuke them,
They will not cross her.
So the days go by.

Brothers of a sweet maiden
Loved. To her in the light
Once, just dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: "Girl,
You know: you are our sister to all of us,
There are seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all take you for the sake of
Yes, you can’t, so, for God’s sake,
Reconcile us somehow:
Be one wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Al refuse us?
Al goods are not for merchants?"

"Oh, you honest fellows,
Brothers, you are my relatives, -
The princess says to them,
If I lie, may God command
Do not leave my place alive.
What do i do? because I'm a bride.
To me you are all equal
All daring, all smart,
I love you all heartily;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha.

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched the back of the head.
"Demand is not a sin. Forgive us, -
The elder said bowing. -
If so, do not stutter
About that." - "I'm not angry, -
She quietly said,
And my refusal is not my fault."
The grooms bowed to her,
Slowly departed
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.

Meanwhile, the evil queen
Remembering the princess
Couldn't forgive her
And on your mirror
Long pouted and angry:
Finally missed him
And she followed him, and sitting down
Before him, I forgot my anger,
Began to show off again
And with a smile she said:
oskazkax.ru - oskazkax.ru
"Hello mirror! tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rouge and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
"You are beautiful, no doubt;
But lives without any glory
Among the green oak forests,
At the seven heroes
The one that's sweeter than you."
And the queen flew
To Chernavka: "How dare you
Deceive me? and in what!.."
She confessed to everything:
Anyway. evil queen,
Threatening her with a slingshot
Decided or not to live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for dear brothers
Spinning, sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard, stick
Chasing away the dog. "Wait.
Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams out the window, -
I will threaten the dog myself
And I'll bring you something."
The blueberry answers her:
"Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog won
Nearly ate to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come to me." - The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But just got off the porch
The dog under her feet - and barks
And he won't let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He, the forest animal is more angry,
For an old woman. What a miracle
"It looks like he slept badly, -
The princess speaks to her. -
Well, catch!" - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread;
"Thank you," she said,
God bless you;
That's what you, catch!"
And pouring to the princess,
young, golden
The apple flies straight...
The dog will jump, squeal...
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch...
The old lady said
Bowed down and disappeared...
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs and in her face
It looks pitiful, howls menacingly,
Like a dog's heart aches
As if he wants to tell her:
Drop it! - She caress him,
Trembling with a gentle hand:
"What, Sokolko, what's the matter with you?
Lie down!" - and entered the room,
The door was softly closed
Under the window for the yarn village
Wait for the owners, but looked
All for an apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
Like honey poured!
You can see through the seeds...
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; did not endure
I took an apple in my hands
She brought it to scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And I ate a piece...
Suddenly she, my soul,
Staggered without breathing
She lowered her white hands,
Dropped the ruddy fruit
Eyes rolled up
And she's under the image
Fell head on the bench
And quiet, motionless became ...

Brothers at that time home
returned in droves
From youthful robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
The way shows them. "Not good! -
The brothers said - sorrow
We will not pass. "They galloped,
They enter, gasp. ran in,
Dog headlong on an apple
With barking rushed, got angry
Swallowed it, fell off
And I died. drunk
It was poison, you know, it is.
Before the dead princess
Brothers in heartbreak
Everyone bowed their heads
And with the prayer of the saint
Raised from the bench, dressed,
Wanted to bury her
And they thought. She is,
As under the wing of a dream,
So quiet, fresh lay,
Just not breathing.
Waited three days, but she
Didn't wake up from sleep.
Having created a sad rite,
Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On iron chains there
Carefully screwed
And fenced with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the earth,
The elder said: "Sleep in the coffin;
Suddenly went out, a victim of malice,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
We loved you
And for the dear store -
Nobody got it
Only one coffin."

On the same day, the evil queen,
Good news waiting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question:
"I eh, tell me, all the nicer,
All rouge and whiter?
And heard back:
"You, queen, no doubt,
You are the sweetest in the world
All rouge and whiter."

For your bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, the world is jumping.
No how no! He weeps bitterly
And whoever he asks
All his question is wise;
Who laughs in his eyes
Who will rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
The good guy turned:
"Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Didn't you see anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "You are my light, -
The red sun answered, -
I did not see the princess.
Know that she is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
Somewhere I met her
Or a trace of her noticed.

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
Only a month seemed
He chased after him pleadingly.
"Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "My brother, -
The clear moon answers, -
I did not see the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my queue.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
Ran." - "How insulting!" -
The king answered.
The clear moon continued:
"Wait; about her, perhaps,
The wind knows. He will help.
You go to him now
Don't be sad, goodbye."

Elisha, not discouraged,
Rushed to the wind, calling:
"Wind, wind! You are mighty,
You drive flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Except one god.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiance." - "Wait, -
The violent wind answers,
There, behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
It has a deep hole;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal
On chains between poles.
Can't see any trace
Around that empty place;
In that coffin is your bride."

The wind ran away.
The prince sobbed
And went to an empty place
For a beautiful bride
View one more time.
Here she comes and got up
In front of him is a steep mountain;
Around her the country is empty;
Under the mountain is a dark entrance.
He goes there quickly.
Before him, in the mournful darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal,
And in that crystal coffin
The princess sleeps forever.
And about the coffin of the bride dear
He hit with all his might.
The coffin was broken. Virgo suddenly
Revived. Looks around
Astonished eyes;
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
"How long have I been asleep!"
And she rises from the grave...
Ah! .. and both sobbed.
He takes her in his hands
And brings it into the light from the darkness,
And, talking pleasantly,
On their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home at that time without work
The wicked stepmother was sitting
In front of your mirror
And talked to him
Saying: "I'm the sweetest of all,
All rouge and whiter?
And heard back:
"You are beautiful, there is no word,
But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter."
Evil stepmother, jumping up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
Ran straight through the door
And I met the princess.
Then her longing took
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was immediately arranged
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have not seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drinking beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night.
Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.
Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.
She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not take away
And died by noon.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
A year has passed like an empty dream
The king married another.
Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;
But proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:
“My light, mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And turn around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.

But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed
White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:
All blush and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter.
How the queen will jump
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“And the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her
And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive
Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.

Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think
And scared to death
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
That, in my soul, loving her,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."
And she came home.
"What? the queen told her. -
Where is the beautiful girl? -
“There, in the forest, stands alone, -
She answers her.-
Her elbows are tightly bound;
The beast will fall into the claws,
She will be less patient
It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.

But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.
A dog is meeting her, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing.
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;
The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended! -
In the meantime, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
Lit a candle to God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.

Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter across the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.
The elder said: “What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you are an old man
You will be our uncle forever.
If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.
When the red girl
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.
Instantly by speech they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,
They brought a pie;
Pour a glass full
Served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
The pie just broke
Yes, I took a bite
And from the road to rest
She asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright light
And left one
Going to sleep.

Day after day goes by, flickering,
A young princess
All in the forest; she's not bored
At the seven heroes.
Before the dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.
And she is the hostess
In the meantime, alone
Pick up and cook.
She will not rebuke them,
They will not cross her.
So the days go by.

Brothers of a sweet maiden
Loved. To her in the light
Once, just dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: “Girl,
You know: you are our sister to all of us,
There are seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all take you for the sake of
Yes, you can’t, so, for God’s sake,
Reconcile us somehow:
Be one wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Al refuse us?
Al goods are not for merchants?”

“Oh, you honest fellows,
Brothers, you are my relatives, -
The princess says to them,
If I lie, may God command
Do not leave my place alive.
What do i do? because I'm a bride.
To me you are all equal
All daring, all smart,
I love you all heartily;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha.

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched the back of the head.
“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us -
The elder said bowing. -
If so, do not stutter
That's about it." - "I'm not angry, -
She quietly said,
And my refusal is not my fault.”
The grooms bowed to her,
Slowly departed
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.

Meanwhile, the evil queen
Remembering the princess
Couldn't forgive her
And on your mirror
Long pouted and angry:
Finally missed him
And she followed him, and sitting down
Before him, I forgot my anger,
Began to show off again
And with a smile she said:
oskakakh.ru - site
“Hello mirror! tell,
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But lives without any glory
Among the green oak forests,
At the seven heroes
The one that is sweeter than you."
And the queen flew
To Chernavka: “How dare you
Deceive me? and in what!..”
She confessed to everything:
Anyway. evil queen,
Threatening her with a slingshot
Decided or not to live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for dear brothers
Spinning, sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard, stick
Chasing away the dog. “Wait.
Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams out the window, -
I will threaten the dog myself
And I'll bring you something."
The blueberry answers her:
“Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog won
Nearly ate to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me." - The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But just got off the porch
The dog under her feet - and barks
And he won't let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He, the forest animal is more angry,
For an old woman. What a miracle
“It can be seen that he slept badly, -
The princess speaks to her. -
Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread;
“Thank you,” she said,
God bless you;
Here's to you, catch!"
And pouring to the princess,
young, golden
The apple flies straight...
The dog will jump, squeal...
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch...” -
The old lady said
Bowed down and disappeared...
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs and in her face
It looks pitiful, howls menacingly,
Like a dog's heart aches
As if he wants to tell her:
Drop it! - She caress him,
Trembling with a gentle hand:
“What, Sokolko, what is the matter with you?
Lie down!” - entered the room,
The door was softly closed
Under the window for the yarn village
Wait for the owners, but looked
All for an apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
Like honey poured!
You can see through the seeds...
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; did not endure
I took an apple in my hands
She brought it to scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And I ate a piece...
Suddenly she, my soul,
Staggered without breathing
She lowered her white hands,
Dropped the ruddy fruit
Eyes rolled up
And she's under the image
Fell head on the bench
And quiet, motionless became ...

Brothers at that time home
returned in droves
From youthful robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
The way shows them. “Not good! -
The brothers said - sorrow
We don't pass." We galloped
They enter, gasp. ran in,
Dog headlong on an apple
With barking rushed, got angry
Swallowed it, fell off
And I died. drunk
It was poison, you know, it is.
Before the dead princess
Brothers in heartbreak
Everyone bowed their heads
And with the prayer of the saint
Raised from the bench, dressed,
Wanted to bury her
And they thought. She is,
As under the wing of a dream,
So quiet, fresh lay,
Just not breathing.
Waited three days, but she
Didn't wake up from sleep.
Having created a sad rite,
Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On iron chains there
Carefully screwed
And fenced with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the earth,
The elder said: “Sleep in the coffin;
Suddenly went out, a victim of malice,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
We loved you
And for the dear store -
Nobody got it
Only one coffin.”

On the same day, the evil queen,
Good news waiting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You, queen, there is no doubt,
You are the sweetest in the world
All rouge and whiter.

For your bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, the world is jumping.
No how no! He weeps bitterly
And whoever he asks
All his question is wise;
Who laughs in his eyes
Who will rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
The good guy turned:
“Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Didn't you see anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "You are my light, -
The red sun answered, -
I did not see the princess.
Know that she is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
Somewhere I met her
Or a trace of her noticed.

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
Only a month seemed
He chased after him pleadingly.
“Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - “My brother, -
The clear moon answers, -
I did not see the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my queue.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
Ran." - “How insulting!” -
The king answered.
The clear moon continued:
"Wait a minute; about her, maybe
The wind knows. He will help.
You go to him now
Don't be sad, goodbye."

Elisha, not discouraged,
Rushed to the wind, calling:
“Wind, wind! You are powerful
You drive flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Except one god.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "Wait, -
The violent wind answers,
There, behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
It has a deep hole;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal
On chains between poles.
Can't see any trace
Around that empty place;
In that coffin is your bride."

The wind ran away.
The prince sobbed
And went to an empty place
For a beautiful bride
View one more time.
Here she comes and got up
In front of him is a steep mountain;
Around her the country is empty;
Under the mountain is a dark entrance.
He goes there quickly.
Before him, in the mournful darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal,
And in that crystal coffin
The princess sleeps forever.
And about the coffin of the bride dear
He hit with all his might.
The coffin was broken. Virgo suddenly
Revived. Looks around
Astonished eyes;
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave...
Ah! .. and both sobbed.
He takes her in his hands
And brings it into the light from the darkness,
And, talking pleasantly,
On their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home at that time without work
The wicked stepmother was sitting
In front of your mirror
And talked to him
Saying: “I am the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter?
And heard back:
“You are beautiful, there are no words,
But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.”
Evil stepmother, jumping up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
Ran straight through the door
And I met the princess.
Then her longing took
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was immediately arranged
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have not seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drinking beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

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Approximate reading time: 30 minutes

The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.

Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night;

Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.

Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.

Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.

She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not bear
And died by noon.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
The year has passed like an empty dream,
The king married another.

Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;

But proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;

The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:

"My light, mirror! tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rouge and whiter?

And a mirror in response to her:
"You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter."

And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And turn around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.
But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed

White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.

The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:

All rouge and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
"You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All rouge and whiter."
How the queen will jump
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..

"Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to me to spite.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.

Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!

But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,

Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is that right?" The mirror answered:
"But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter."
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her

And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive

Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.
Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess

Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think?
And scared to death

And she pleaded: "My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty of?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
The one who loves her in my heart,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."

And she came home.
"What?" the queen said to her,
Where is the pretty girl?"
- There, in the forest, stands alone, -

She answers her. -
Her elbows are tightly bound;
Caught in the claws of the beast
She will be less patient

It will be easier to die.
And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.

But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.

To meet her, the dog, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing;
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.

The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;

The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench. The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended!
In the meantime, no one is visible.

The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
Lit a candle to God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.

Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter across the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.

The elder said: "What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you are an old man
You will be our uncle forever.

If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.

When the red girl
Be our dear sister."
And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners

She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.

In an instant, by speech, they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,
They brought a pie;
Pour a glass full
Served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
The pie just broke
Yes, I took a bite

And from the road to rest
She asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the light

And left one
Going to sleep.
Day after day goes, flickering,
A young princess

Everything in the forest, she is not bored
At the seven heroes.
Before the dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd

Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,

Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.
And she is the hostess
In the meantime, alone
Pick up and cook.
She will not rebuke them,
They won't tell her.

So the days go by.
Brothers of a sweet maiden
Loved. To her in the light
Once, just dawn,
All seven of them entered.

The elder said to her: "Girl,
You know: you are our sister to all of us,
There are seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all take you for the sake of
Yes, you can not, so for God's sake
Reconcile us somehow:

Be one wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Al refuse us?
Al goods are not for merchants?"
"Oh, you honest fellows,
Brothers, you are my relatives, -
The princess says to them,
If I lie, may God command
Do not leave my place alive.

What do i do? because I'm a bride.
To me you are all equal
All daring, all smart,
I love you all heartily;

But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha.
The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched the back of the head.

"Demand is not a sin. Forgive us, -
The elder said bowing, -
If so, do not stutter
About that." - "I'm not angry, -
She quietly said,
And my refusal is not my fault."

The grooms bowed to her,
Slowly departed
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.
Meanwhile, the evil queen
Remembering the princess
Couldn't forgive her
And on your mirror

Long pouted and angry;
Finally missed him
And she followed him, and sitting down
Before him, I forgot my anger,

Began to show off again
And with a smile she said:
"Hello, mirror! say
Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rouge and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
"You are beautiful, no doubt;

But lives without any glory
Among the green oak forests,
At the seven heroes
The one that is sweeter than you."
And the queen flew
To Chernavka: "How dare you
Deceive me? and in what!.."
She confessed to everything:

Anyway. evil queen,
Threatening her with a slingshot
Decided or not to live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for dear brothers
Spinning, sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch

The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard, stick
Chasing away the dog.

"Wait, Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams out the window, -
I will threaten the dog myself
And I'll bring you something."
The blueberry answers her:
"Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog overcame
Nearly ate to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me."

The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But just got off the porch
The dog under her feet - and barks,
And he won't let me see the old woman;

Only the old woman will go to her,
He, the forest animal is more angry,
For an old woman. "What a miracle?
Apparently, he slept badly, -
The princess says to her:
Well, catch!" - and the bread flies.

The old woman caught the bread:
"Thank you," she said.
God bless you;
That's what you, catch!"
And pouring to the princess,
young, golden
The apple flies straight...
The dog will jump, squeal...

But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch."
The old lady said
Bowed down and disappeared...

And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs in her face
It looks pitiful, howls menacingly,
Like a dog's heart aches,
As if he wants to tell her:
Drop it! - She caress him,
Trembling with a gentle hand;

"What, Sokolko, what's the matter with you?
Lie down!" - and entered the room,
The door was softly closed
Under the window for the yarn village

Wait for the owners, but looked
All for an apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
It's like honey!
You can see through the seeds...
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; did not endure
I took an apple in my hands
She brought it to scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And I ate a piece...

Suddenly she, my soul,
Staggered without breathing
She lowered her white hands,
Dropped the ruddy fruit
Eyes rolled up
And she's under the image
Fell head on the bench
And quiet, motionless became ...

Brothers at that time home
returned in droves
From youthful robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
The way shows them. "Not good! -
The brothers said: - sadness
We will not pass. "They galloped,
They enter, gasp. ran in,
Dog on an apple headlong
With barking rushed, got angry,
Swallowed it, fell off
And I died. drunk
It was poison, you know, it is.

Before the dead princess
Brothers in heartbreak
Everyone bowed their heads
And with the prayer of the saint
Raised from the bench, dressed,
They wanted to bury her

And they thought. She is,
As under the wing of a dream,
So quiet, fresh lay,
Just not breathing.
Waited three days, but she
Didn't wake up from sleep.
Having created a sad rite,
Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain

And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On iron chains there
Carefully screwed
And fenced with bars;

And before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the earth,
The elder said: "Sleep in the coffin;
Suddenly went out, a victim of malice,

Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
We loved you
And for the dear store -
Nobody got it
Only one coffin." On the same day, the evil queen,
Good news waiting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question:

"I eh, tell me, all the nicer,
All rouge and whiter?
And heard back:
"You, queen, no doubt,
You are the sweetest in the world
All rouge and whiter."

For your bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, the world is jumping.
No how no! He weeps bitterly

And whoever he asks
All his question is wise;
Who laughs in his eyes
Who will rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
The good guy turned.
"Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring
You see us all below you.

Al will you refuse me an answer?
Didn't you see anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "You are my light, -
The red sun answered, -
I did not see the princess.

There is no longer any way to know her alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
Somewhere I met her
Or a trace of her noticed.

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
Only a month seemed
He chased after him pleadingly.

"Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé." - "My brother,
The clear moon answers, -
I did not see the red maiden.

I stand on guard
Just in my queue.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
Ran." - "How insulting!" -
The king answered.

The clear moon continued:
"Wait; about her, perhaps,
The wind knows. He will help.
You go to him now
Don't be sad, goodbye."

Elisha, not discouraged,
Rushed to the wind, calling:
"Wind, wind! You are mighty,
You drive flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Except one god.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiance." - "Wait, -
The violent wind answers,

There, behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
It has a deep hole;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal
On chains between poles.

Can't see any trace
Around that empty place;
In that coffin is your bride."
The wind ran away.
The prince sobbed
And went to an empty place

For a beautiful bride
View one more time.
Here comes; and rose
In front of him is a steep mountain;
Around her the country is empty;
Under the mountain is a dark entrance.
He goes there quickly.
Before him, in the mournful darkness,
The coffin is rocking crystal,
And in that crystal coffin
The princess sleeps forever.

And about the coffin of the bride dear
He hit with all his might.
The coffin was broken. Virgo suddenly
Revived. Looks around

Astonished eyes
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
"How long have I been asleep!"

And she rises from the grave...
Ah! .. and both sobbed.
He takes her in his hands
And brings into the light from darkness,
And, talking pleasantly,
On their way back,

And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!
At home at that time without work
The wicked stepmother was sitting
In front of your mirror
And talked to him.

Saying: "I'm the sweetest of all,
All rouge and whiter?
And heard back:
"You are beautiful, there is no word,

But the princess is still nicer,
All rouge and whiter.
Evil stepmother, jumping up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
Ran straight through the door
And I met the princess.

Then her longing took
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was immediately arranged
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have not seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drinking beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

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Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

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The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...