Write a characterization of the hero of the fairy tale about the dead princess. "Tale of the Dead Princess"

Bibalaeva Fatima

This paper presents material that characterizes the characters and their actions in terms of their external and internal essence.






School scientific and practical conference

"We know the world - 2016"


between the outer and inner essence of the characters in

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A.S. Pushkin.

Leader: Shestakova Valentina

Nikolaevna, "Honorary Worker

Education of the Russian Federation, Russian language teacher

And literature.

g.o. Railway,


  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part
  • Folklore motifs in a fairy tale.
  • The main characters of the tale as opposing forces.
  • Detail in a work of art.
  • Chernavka and blueberry - two heroines, two characters.
  • The role of author's remarks in a fairy tale.
  • Departure from folklore traditions is a way to create positive characters.
  • The all-conquering power of love.
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Bibliography


It is known that Pushkin wrote fairy tales in the period from 1830 to 1834, that is, in the years of his poetic maturity. I wrote for adults, not for children. (2-194)

Pushkin is a "moralist", "it's time to say this word," Akhmatova said. He acts as a "moralist" and a preacher in his fairy tales. They set out the moral code that Pushkin revered and believed in. (1-256)

“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” by A.S. Pushkin, although it follows a common folklore plot, the work is surprisingly rich in content. It contains Pushkin's laconic, but capacious and expressive characters, and the close interweaving of life's truth and fantasy, and dozens of semantic shades in the development of the plot, and amazing poems, beautiful, melodic, juicy, and subtle irony, and finally, the author himself - according to -Russian open, kind and wise.

In this work, we will talk about the external and internal essence of the characters, their actions and even names.


  • Find out how, almost completely preserving the folklore basis of the fairy tale, Pushkin creates a fundamentally new vision of the characters and their actions.
  • analyze individual details of the tale, helping to understand the inconsistency of the obvious and hidden in them.

Subject of study:"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

Object of study:external and internal essence of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Hypothesis: If we assume that folk tales, on the basis of which Pushkin's literary fairy tale was created, give an integral image of the hero in the unity of external and internal characteristics, then we can assume whether the author remained true to this principle or proposed a new vision of the heroes and their actions.

Research methods:

  • studying the text of a fairy tale
  • analysis and generalization of the obtained data

Main part

Describing folk heroes, we say that they are all created according to the same scheme. The positive qualities of the heroes are combined with a beautiful appearance, and the negative qualities are combined with an ugly one. The folk tale gives an integral image of the hero in the unity of external and internal characteristics. (3 - 25)

We needed an appeal to the hero of a folk tale in order to see those deviations from the folklore norm that Pushkin has.

The queen-stepmother and the princess in the fairy tale are two opposing forces. Can we visualize them externally? Yes, Pushkin describes his main characters. The stepmother is "tall, slender, white." Princess "white-faced, black-browed". The poet draws both heroines (both positive and negative) equally beautiful. It definitely departs from the folklore tradition. Why? This question, despite its unpretentiousness, should lead readers to the main problem of the tale.

Pushkin, giving the characteristics of the main characters of the tale, is not limited to describing their appearance, he also speaks about their characters. Having said about the appearance of the queen, he immediately remarks: “But on the other hand, she is proud, twitchy, capricious and jealous.” Union but here it performs an accentuating function, it points to the contradiction between the appearance of the queen and her inner essence. This characterization is confirmed later in the story. The external brilliance of the queen-stepmother covers her internal ugliness. Another thing is the princess. She "likes such a meek one." Pushkin immediately, at the very beginning of the tale, declared the harmony of her nature, which is also confirmed by the subsequent narrative.

So, Pushkin presents the heroines of the tale (good and evil) as equally beautiful in order to focus attention on their inner opposite. But not only. The poet declares the existence in our life of a more general and deeper problem - the problemvisibility and essence. These two categories are not always in harmony. More often - in disharmony, which the reader is convinced of, having barely met the main characters.

Pushkin is not limited to the designation of the problem - he considers it comprehensively. Let's pay attention to how the apple looked like, which the blueberry brought to the tower of the seven heroes. Can you see an apple? Yes. Pushkin describes it in detail - in colors and even in sounds and smells: “poured, young, golden”, “it is full of ripe juice, so fresh and so fragrant, so ruddy-golden, as if poured with honey! Seeds are visible through and through ... ". Such close attention of the author is only to the details of the plot. What for? Will the union be appropriate in the description of the apple but? Of course, the apple is beautiful, but poisonous. Having bitten off from it, the princess poisoned herself.

It should be noted that Pushkin always, and in fairy tales too, counts on an attentive, thinking reader. On his ability to read literary text. Therefore, when describing an apple, he does not use a word to denote its poisonousness; the reader will learn about it later and indirectly. A beautiful apple is poisoned. It turns out that it has two sides:internal and external- again they are in disharmony. Moreover, if in the case of the stepmother, Pushkin directly pointed out the existence of disharmony betweenvisible and essentialhere he avoids direct reference to it. Pushkin does this on purpose. It was important for him to say that the contradictions between the external and the internal are not always in sight - there is. Often they appear in hidden forms, and almost always the essential in the conflict becomes decisive. The main thing is not that the apple is beautiful, but that it is poisonous.

Let's remember the heroine, whose name was Chernavka. Pushkin wrote this word with a capital letter. Why, is it a name? No. What then? This is how the role of the heroine among people, her function, purpose is indicated. Chernavka does the dirty work, she is a servant. Calling it with a capital letter, Pushkin, as it were, hints at the significance of Chernavka. (3-31)

Let's see how this hint is realized in a fairy tale. Chernavka receives an order: “Take the princess to the wilderness of the forest and, having tied her, leave her alive under a pine tree to be eaten by wolves.” The queen instructed Chernavka to do the menial work, in accordance with her destiny. Does the princess believe that Chernavka is capable of harming her? Believes - "the princess guessed and was scared to death." Were the hopes of the queen in Chernavka and the suspicion of the princess justified? No. Why did Chernavka not fulfill the order? Does Pushkin have an answer to this question? He directly writes: “That (Chernavka), loving her in her soul, did not kill, did not bind, let go ...”. The princess was saved. The power that saved the princess is the loving soul of Chernavka. In this way,external and internal (appearance and essence) appear in different forms.

Not always external - it is only appearance as such. In the case of Chernavka, the outside is her job. The inner is her soul. And again there is disharmony between them, and again the inner is decisive. The internal significance of Chernavka is obvious, which is confirmed by already known facts.

But there is a heroine in the fairy tale with a similar-sounding name.

Her name is blueberry. Pushkin writes her name with a small letter. Is he hinting at something again? What does this word mean?

Monks are called monks - those who have dedicated themselves to serving God. To understand the image of the blueberry, this meaning is necessary. For the first time we saw the blueberry through the eyes of the princess - "he sees: the beggar blueberry walks around the yard ...". How did the princess react to her? With sympathy and kindness. “Grandma, wait a little,” she shouts to her through the window ... “I’ll take something for you.” Is it possible to explain the good attitude of the princess towards blueberries? Can. Here the princess's heart was revealed. But not only - she perceives the blueberry as a person who serves God (and this is an initially positive characteristic). In addition, blueberries are “poor”. But blueberries did not justify a good attitude towards themselves. In "gratitude" she gave the princess a poisoned apple, accompanying the gift with the words: "God bless you." Which is quite blasphemy.

But is there anyone in the fairy tale who suspects that the blueberry is not at all who she claims to be? Yes, this is the dog Sokolko. He does not let the princess go to the blueberry - "as soon as the old woman goes to her, he is more evil than the forest beast." But is he the only one? From whom do we hear: “does not let the old woman”, “the old woman caught the bread”, “the old woman said”? The questions are designed to draw attention to the narrator and their role in the story.

The originality of a literary fairy tale, in particular Pushkin's, lies in the fact that it does not hide the presence of the author. At the right moment, he always comes to the fore. The author places emphasis in the story that he tells.

In this case, he knows more about the blueberries than the princess, and tells the attentive reader something. And the princess was deceived in her. Why? With this question we return to the problem of visibility and essence.

The princess trusted her idea of ​​the blacks as God's people. As in the case of Chernavka, she identified the visible image with the internal and was mistaken. In the blueberry, they were incompatible. The blueberry only pretended to serve God. In fact, she did not serve him at all.

Whom did she serve? What does Pushkin say about this? Let us recall the finale of the meeting between the princess and the blueberry. “The old woman said, bowed and disappeared ...” In these words, although not direct, there is an answer to the question. She "disappeared ..." as an unclean, diabolical force. Now it is clear who she served. Unlike her, Chernavka, having released the princess, “came home herself.”

Pushkin, writing the word "blueberry" with a small letter, suggested to his reader that she was not at all who she claims to be. Her humble appearance, her role is deceptive. They do not coincide with the inner evil essence of the heroine.

The princess left in the forest “stumbled upon the tower”, in which seven heroes lived. How does the princess behave in the tower? “The princess walked around the house, cleaned everything in order, lit a candle for God, heated the stove hot ...”. She acts like a peasant girl. She reminds those who had to be Cinderella, or those like her. But not at all fabulous princesses, princesses, whose worries are not connected with tidying up the towers. This means that the Pushkin princess does not act according to the “rules”.

Why did Pushkin depart from the folklore tradition? After all, the princess should behave like a king, excluding the performance of "dirty" work. Well, and the rules by which a person has to live, is it the external or internal side of his character? Rules are the outer side of life, something that is predetermined. In the case of the princess, this is what was given to her from the beginning, does not depend on her. The actions and behavior of the princess are dictated by her inner motives. She should not, according to her position, clean up the tower, but the princess did as her character ordered.

Thus, Pushkin, endowing the princess with the qualities of a peasant girl, again says that in every phenomenon, object, and, of course, a person, there isvisible and essential.In this case, this combination appears in a form that is not obvious, not obvious, which makes it difficult to understand the conflict.

The whole story of the life of the heroes is given within the framework of love - it is its beginning and end. And within this framework - death, trials, human malice, cruelty, deceit, deceit, infidelity (“The king was inconsolable for a long time, but what to do? And he was a sinner; a year passed like an empty dream, the king married another”). But there was also Chernavka’s cordiality (“She, loving her in my soul ...”), the kindness and love of the seven heroes (“we all love you”), the loyalty and love of Elisha and the princess herself.

The story is over. Love (in the broadest sense of the word) is the good that defeated evil and the evil vengeful heart of the stepmother, through whose fault all misfortunes happened. "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..." - hope for fidelity and love; this is an attempt to streamline the scattered, chaotic and sinister world of real life within the framework of a fairy tale system ... this is a fairy tale about the last weapon of a person in his struggle - the strength of his spirit. In this fairy tale by Pushkin, as, indeed, in others, "terrible questions of morality", "remaining common to all mankind ... appeared as an urgent national concern" (4-95).


Thus, departing from some traditional folklore motifs, Pushkin forces the reader to take a closer look at the characters, their explicit and hidden character traits, to understand the content of the tale, to understand its deep meaning. Only the thoughtful reader can do it.

List of used literature.

  1. Ankova E.I. Literary tale. XIX century. M., - 2000, p.120
  2. Lotman Yu.I. Pushkin at school. Book for the teacher. M., -1988, p.340
  3. Pivnyuk N.A. Re-reading "The Tale of the Dead Princess ...", LVSh, - No. 6-1999
  4. Solovey T.G. A story about love and fidelity. Literature lessons. Supplement to LVSh, 3 - 2006

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" was written by Pushkin in Boldino in 1933. You can read its full text. This is a story about good and evil, about love and hate. Kindness and love win in it.

The main characters of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs":

Second queen The king's wife is a beauty. Negative hero.

tall, thin, white,
And the mind and all took.

narcissistic selfish

proud, stubborn,
Willful and jealous.

She had a magic mirror, which over the years was amused by her exorbitant vanity. One fine day the mirror refused to assure her that she

all the nicer
All blush and whiter.

And the wayward cruel queen slammed the mirror on the ground. Black envy became the meaning of her life. She set herself the goal of destroying the young princess. And when she still failed to get rid of the princess, anger seized her with such force that she died.

Princess a girl with a kind, open heart. Hardworking and caring. Once in the tower of seven brothers, she put the house in order, and only then lay down to rest on the floor.

Chernavka hay girl who served the queen . The girl was gentle and loved the princess in her soul. But she was a slave and was afraid of her mistress, the queen. She led the princess into the forest and let her go. But the cruel queen forced the chernavka to poison the princess.

Prince Elisha - the bridegroom of the princess. Purposeful, loving. A real man who has passed all the tests. His dedication was rewarded. He found his bride and revived her.

Seven brothers-heroes - good fellows. Hunters and brave warriors:

Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.

The brothers, as their own, accepted the princess, felt in her belonging to the royal family. They treated her warmly and sincerely, and buried her with honor in a crystal coffin.

Goals: to acquaint with the tale of A.S. Pushkin; learn to analyze the actions of heroes; to teach competent, expressive reading; to learn to compare folk tales and literary tales, to divide the text into parts; to form the ability to analyze literary

work, argue your answer, teach you to see the hidden meaning contained in fairy tales; to cultivate a culture of speech, a culture of listening, a culture of utterance, a culture of emotions; to teach to distinguish between positive and negative characters, to give a brief description of the main characters, an assessment of their actions; teach to work with the text of the textbook, give answers based on the text, develop memory, logical thinking, speech.

Planned results:subject: the ability to read aloud with a gradual transition to reading to oneself, to increase the pace of reading aloud, correcting mistakes when re-reading the text, to perceive a work of art by ear; metasubject: R - formulation of the learning task of the lesson, based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understanding it, planning, together with the teacher, activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one's work in the lesson, P - analysis of the literary text, highlighting the main idea in it, selection of supporting ones ( keywords) to create your own text, search for the necessary information in a book, the ability to navigate in an educational and fiction book, an independent and purposeful choice of a book, K - answers to questions based on the literary text of the textbook, understanding the rules of interaction in a pair and group (distribution of duties, drawing up a plan of joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions); personal: the formation of a system of moral values ​​(love for nature, pride in one's country, the beauty of human relations, respect for elders, the value of human life), the manifestation of interest in reading and studying the work of A. S. Pushkin.

Equipment: portrait of A. S. Pushkin, an exhibition of the writer’s books, cards, an audio supplement to the textbook, a video recording of an animated film based on the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin.

Lesson 2 progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update. Reporting the topic and setting lesson objectives

Guys, read the name of the fairy tale that we met in the last lesson. (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.”)

- Say what we can learn from the title. (We can find out that this is a fairy tale; the heroes in it are the princess and the seven heroes.)

- Who is a rich man? Look up the meaning of this word in dictionaries. (Dictionary of SI. Ozhegov: a hero is a man of very great strength, stamina and courage. A hero of Russian epics, performing military feats. Dictionary of V.I. Dal: a hero is a tall, hefty, prominent man; an extraordinary strong man, brave and successful, brave and happy warrior.

- Prove that this is a fairy tale. Remember all the signs of a fairy tale. (one. Beginning. 2. Magic items. 3. Fabulous words and expressions. 4. Three times repetition. 5. The struggle between good and evil. 6. Good conquers evil. 7. Ending.)

- Read the topic of the lesson, choose the points that we need to work on today. (The struggle between good and evil, good triumphs over evil.)

Let's remember the meaning of the words "good" and "evil".

(Students explain in their own words how they understand the meaning of these words, then find their meaning in the dictionary of SI. Ozhegov.)

Welcome - 1) everything positive, good, useful; 2) property, things (colloquial).

Evil - 1) something bad, harmful, opposite to good; 2) misfortune, misfortune, trouble.

Define lesson objectives. What questions should we answer today?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

So, let's remember which heroes in the fairy tale are the main ones, without which there would be no all the events described. (Main characters- queen and queen.)

Let's figure out who is evil in our fairy tale, and who is good.

(Reading and analysis of the tale until the words “But the bride is young?...” on p. 73.)

What did you learn from the beginning of the story?

Why did the queen die?

Find a description of the new queen.

How do you understand the expression "and the mind and all took"? Explain the meaning of the words "breaking" and "wayward". (Broken - stubbornly does not agree to anything. Wayward - stubborn, capricious, acting as she pleases.)

What does it mean to be meek? (Temper - character, spiritual qualities. Meek - non-malicious, submissive, meek.) What dowry is prepared for the princess?

How many of you know what a bachelorette party is? (In the folk wedding ceremony: a party with friends in the bride's house on the eve of the wedding, as well as a general party where girls and women gather.) What did the queen learn from the mirror?

the mirror told the truth, but was it necessary to tell it, because it knew the temper of its mistress?

Guys, do you like the truth? Is it really necessary in life? How do you understand the meaning of the expression "black and white envy"? What is the difference?

Have you ever experienced such feelings? What do they lead to? What did black envy lead to in a fairy tale?

What can you say about the princess? (The princess is young, very beautiful, modest, kind, shy; she is true to her word.)

- What was the queen like? (The queen-stepmother is beautiful, smart, jealous, stubborn, capricious; she does as she wants, and does not think about others at all; she also wants to always remain the most beautiful- her mood and her whole life completely depend on this.)

- Think: which of our heroes is positive and which is negative? (The queen is a negative heroine, and the princess is a positive one.)

- What are positive and negative character traits? (Positive (good) character traits inherent in a positive hero: kindness, love, fidelity, meekness, responsiveness. Negative (bad) character traits inherent in a negative hero: envy, anger, jealousy, selfishness, betrayal.)

Guys, how can you tell if a person is evil or good? After all, every person considers himself good. (According to his actions. If a person does good deeds that make others feel good, then this person is kind, good. And if a person’s actions cause pain and suffering to others, then this person is evil, unkind.)

IV. Physical education minute

Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

The main characters of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" and their characteristics

  1. The princess, the daughter of the king, was very beautiful and kind, she loved Prince Elisha, she was honest and hardworking.
  2. The king, after the death of the old queen, married a young beauty
  3. The queen, very beautiful, but angry, envious, proud, wayward.
  4. Seven heroes, knights in full bloom, all fell in love with the princess, but behaved with her like brothers
  5. Prince Elisha, the bridegroom of the princess, was looking for her all over the world, asking the way from the sun, moon and wind.
  6. Chernavka, the queen's servant, took pity on the princess.
Plan for retelling "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
  1. Birth of a princess and death of a mother
  2. The new wife of the king
  3. Miracle Mirror
  4. Envy of the Queen
  5. Chernavka in the forest
  6. Princess at the Seven Bogatyrs
  7. The queen gives an apple
  8. crystal coffin
  9. sun, moon and wind
  10. Elisha finds the tomb
  11. death of the queen
  12. Wedding
The shortest content for the reader's diary "Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" in 6 sentences.
  1. The king marries the queen and she considers herself the most beautiful in the world, and therefore wants to kill the princess.
  2. She sends the princess to the forest, but Chernavka does not kill the princess, and she finds shelter with seven heroes.
  3. The queen finds out that the princess is alive and gives her an apple, biting off which the princess dies
  4. Elisha searches all over the world for the princess and the wind tells him how to find her.
  5. Elisha breaks the coffin and the princess comes to life
  6. The queen's stepmother dies of anguish, and the young are married.
The main thought "Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
Envy and pride are very terrible human vices.

What does "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us goodness, that goodness will still be stronger than evil. She teaches us perseverance and loyalty. She teaches us that the main thing in a person is his soul, and if the soul is ugly, then no external beauty will make a person beautiful.

Signs of a fairy tale in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

  1. Magic helper - mirror
  2. Magical creatures - sun, moon, wind
  3. Victory of good over evil.
Review of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
I really liked Pushkin's tale "About the Dead Princess". In it, the main character, the princess, is so beautiful and kind that everyone around her loves and pities her. And her stepmother, the queen, is so evil and envious that she dies of anguish from the fact that someone is more beautiful than her. This is a very beautiful story, with many adventures and a happy ending. The images of heroes who were engaged in protecting the Motherland from enemies are very beautifully presented in it.

Proverbs to "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
Good glory is hateful to evil.
A good deed does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.
Well that ends well.

Summary, brief retelling of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
The old queen waited for the return of the king for nine months, and when he returned, she gave birth to a daughter and died.
A year later, the king marries another. The new queen turns out to be very beautiful, but at the same time very evil. She constantly asks the mirror who is the most beautiful of all.
The young princess grew up, she had a groom with a good dowry, and the mirror told the queen that now the princess was the most beautiful of all.
In a rage, the queen orders Chernavka to take the princess into the forest and kill her there. Chernavka yields to the requests of the princess and lets her go.
The princess does not disappear in the forest, but finds a beautiful tower. She tidies up in it and heats the stove.
Seven heroes return and see the restored order. They invite a stranger to live with them. The princess comes out, the heroes recognize her and render various honors.
The princess lives with the heroes and they fall in love with her. They ask if the princess will choose one of them, but the princess admits that she has a fiancé.
Meanwhile, the queen finds out that the princess is alive, and burns with the desire to kill her. She dresses up as an old woman and goes to the tower. The dog barks at her, but the princess throws bread to the old woman. In response, the queen throws an apple. The princess bites the apple and dies.
So the heroes find her and put her in a crystal coffin.
Meanwhile, Prince Elisha is looking for his beloved. He asks the sun and the moon about her fate, but they cannot help him. Then Elisha turns to the wind and the wind tells him about the crystal coffin.
Elisha finds the tomb and in grief hits his forehead against it. The coffin breaks and the princess comes to life.
At this time, the queen, as usual, talks to the mirror, and the mirror talks about the young princess. The queen takes melancholy and she dies.
Elisha marries a princess.

Illustrations and drawings for "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

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