Martirosyan suffers from cancer. Garik Martirosyan pleased fans with luxurious hair

Garik Yurievich Martirosyanartistic director and "resident" of the show Comedy Club(Comedy Club) on the TNT channel, former KVN star, bright TV presenter, witty showman.

Garik Martirosyan's childhood and education

Father - Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan(born 1942) - mechanical engineer.

Mother - Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan(born 1950) - gynecologist, Doctor of Science.

Younger brother Levon Yurievich Martirosyan(born 1976) headed the United Liberal National Party (MIAK) of Armenia, assistant to the President of Armenia.

Martirosyan's paternal grandfather Mikhail Arkadyevich (1911−1984) was a mathematics teacher and school director. Maternal grandfather Suren Nikolaevich (born 1919) worked as Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR (the biography on Wikipedia refers to the post of Deputy Minister of Trade).

The “interlocutor,” with reference to Martirosyan’s childhood friends, reported that the influential grandfather helped his grandson, so at school “Garik was in complete chocolate, he was trusted to wear the school banner, and was assigned to read the best poems on the rulers.”

“Suren Nikolaevich never refused help to anyone. Grandfather's kindness helped his grandson become a popular person. Garik came from Yerevan to Moscow, as in hometown, where he immediately became a member of the highest social circles,” the publication quoted Martirosyan’s school friends.

Except high school, Garik also attended music classes at the same time. Despite the extraordinary musical abilities, Garik was nevertheless expelled from the music school for bad behavior, according to Martirosyan’s biography on Wikipedia.

And yet Garik taught himself to play the piano, guitar and percussion instruments. And he even composed his own music.

His talent as an artist and comedian was evident from childhood, as reported in the biography of Garik Martirosyan; already in the first grade, Garik surprised his friends with the news that he was a grandson Leonid Brezhnev.

At school, Martirosyan played in plays, in particular, in the sixth grade he played Archimedes.

After receiving secondary education, Garik Martirosyan entered the Yerevan State Medical University, after which he received a diploma as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. Garik Martirosyan himself, in his biography on the official website, explained his choice of education as a doctor with the conviction that “every person should have at least primary knowledge in the field of medicine."

Garik Martirosyan's career in show business

But Martirosyan did not have the chance to make a career as a doctor; Garik worked in the medical field for only three years. The young doctor was completely captivated by playing KVN, after which his biography was connected with television and show business. However, Garik has repeatedly noted that the education of a psychotherapist helps him in life, in particular, “to see through people.”

Garik Martirosyan participated as a player in the KVN team of Yerevan University (1993−2002). The team was called “New Armenians”. Since 1997, Garik has been the captain of this popular team.

As a member of the KVN team “New Armenians”, Garik became the champion of the Major League in 1997, received the Summer Cup twice (1998, 2003), in general, Martirosyan can be called one of the most bright stars KVN of the 90s, at the same time, every year it was clear that it was progressing even after the show Alexandra Maslyakova the captain of the "New Armenians" will do successful career on TV.

The talented young man proved himself not only as a witty KVN player, his first television projects appeared in his career. In 1997, Garik Martirosyan became the chief screenwriter of the television program “Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov».

In 2003, members of the KVN team “New Armenians”, in particular Arthur Janibekyan, Artak Gasparyan, Arthur Tumasyan, Artashes Sargsyan and Garik Martirosyan created new project— “Comedy Club” (“Comedy Club”).

“Comedy Club” at first did not take root on the MTV and STS channels, but in April 2005 it began airing on the TNT channel. New project with former stars KVN and new comedians quickly gained popularity; in 2007, the Comedy Club had its own production company, Comedy Club Production».

Garik Martirosyan in April 2010 replaced Tash Sargsyan as the main presenter of the Comedy Club, and in 2015 he assumed this role Pavel Volya, who in 2017 often helps in this capacity Garik Kharlamov. Martirosyan is also always nearby and ready to insert a witty comment. It is Garik Martirosyan who is considered the main figure of the Comedy Club show, both as a comedian and as an organizer.

Garik actively participated in many television projects and besides the Comedy Club. Since November 2006, Martirosyan acted as a co-producer and co-author of the script for the TV show “Our Russia” (TNT). This show also became very popular, and Garik himself in one of storylines plays cameraman Rudik. Later, Garik Martirosyan became the producer and scriptwriter of the film “Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny” (released in 2010), in which he also played a small role.

Viewers saw Martirosyan in the role of a TV presenter on the program “Minute of Glory.” Garik Martirosyan was also one of the hosts of the TV show “ProjectorParisHilton” (2008−2012 and since March 2017). The show was a breakthrough, the hosts in the studio discussed news and newspaper articles with humor, and the VIP guest always joked with them. Garik is distinguished by his subtle, soft and tactful humor, but in this program Martirosyan also showed his musicality, played and sang a lot with Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo And Sergei Svetlakov. By the way, in the winter of 2007 he took part in the recording of Pavel Volya’s album “Respect and Respect”.

“ProjectorParisHilton” received TEFI, winning in the category “Best Infotainment Program” four times - from 2008 to 2011.

ProjectorParisHilton had to be closed in 2012 due to Sergei Svetlakov and Garik Martirosyan, who signed new contracts with TNT. The TV channel regretted the closure of the project, but decided not to change the composition of the presenters. In February 2017, fans of the program were pleased with the news about the return of the ProjectorParisHilton project.

Garik Martirosyan had a hand in the project " Comedy battle"on TNT, a popular presenter is often on the jury with Semyon Slepakov and Sergei Svetlakov or other colleagues. The program is a casting of future comedians who can make a career in a real Comedy Club. At the same time, viewers should be attracted not only by the jokes of novice comedians, but also by the jury’s reaction to them.

The project’s website says that Garik Martirosyan “in the jury pays special attention to high-quality literary humor” and “has shown himself to be a person for whom, first of all, it is not the form that is important, but the content.”

Garik Martirosyan was the host of the first season music project“Main Stage” on the channel “Russia-1” (from January 30 to April 17, 2015). Since March 7, 2016, Garik Martirosyan has been the host of the 10th season of the project “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel.

At the same time, “Comedy Club” remains one of the main directions of Garik Martirosyan’s creativity, among the most popular numbers are his performances in a duet with Garik Kharlamov, “Eurovision Casting”, “Conversation between Stalin and Beria” and many others.

Martirosyan’s current film work is the film “Zomboyashchik”. In the news, the film is presented as “a total comedy produced by the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production.” The wide release is scheduled for January 25, 2018. Garik Martirosyan, along with other stars of the Comedy Club, should appear in one of the main roles.

Garik Martirosyan's income and awards

Forbes magazine placed Garik Martirosyan three times in the “Main Russian celebrities" In 2010, Garik took 25th place in it with an income of $2.7 million. The next year he was in 27th place, and Martirosyan’s income reached $2.8 million. With the same amount, Garik in 2012 took 41st place or more in the income ranking from Forbes did not appear.

In 2007, Garik Martirosyan received the “Humor of the Year” award from the “Humor FM” radio (in the “Showman” category) and “Person of the Year” according to GQ magazine (the “TV Face” category).

Personal life of Garik Martirosyan

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan is married. Wife - Zhanna Levina- lawyer by profession. Garik met her at the KVN program in 1997 in Sochi. The comedian’s biography states that his future wife came to Sochi as a big fan of the Stavropol Law University team. It was possible to combine the support of friends with useful things; since then, only his wife Zhanna has been in Garik Martirosyan’s personal life. At least in yellow press There was no news about Martirosyan's other interests.

Garik Martirosyan’s wedding took place in Cyprus, and all members of the KVN “New Armenians” team were witnesses.

The family of Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna has two children. Daughter - Jasmine (2004) and son - Daniel (2009). Young parents closely monitor the development of their children. “We have this routine in our family: Russian is required, English is highly desirable, and Armenian is sacred, you need to know,” said Garik.

Garik Martirosyan actively posts photos on Instagram, where you can see his wife Zhanna and daughter Jasmine. The comedian loves to please his fans with his photos from his school days, and also posts pictures from the filming of Comedy Club and SpotlightParisHilton. Martirosyan’s Instagram is quite popular, he has more than 1.2 million subscribers.

Garik loves to surprise the audience not only with his instant humor. Recently, the famous showman and resident of the Comedy Club surprised fans with an extravagant prank. The 42-year-old presenter shaved his head. The reason for the new image was the first goal of compatriot Martirosyan - Henrikh Mkhitaryan- in the English Premier League. Before the Manchester United - Tottenham match, Garik promised that if his compatriot Mkhitaryan scored and United won, he would shave his head. Garik kept his promise and published the photo on his Instagram account.

Garik Martirosyan's biography on Wikipedia says that he supports Lokomotiv and Manchester United. But recently, after Spartak’s victory over Sevilla (5:1), Martirosyan posted the red-and-white emblem on Instagram. By the way, the mentioned Mkhitaryan supported Spartak as a child.

In 2009, Garik Martirosyan made the news, topping a kind of rating from an antivirus software developer. Famous comedian was the leader in the number of links returned when searching for information about him in search engines; 12.42% of links when querying “Garik Martirosyan” are dangerous.

Often, going to the clinic is a serious test for the psyche of many. With kilometer-long queues and nervous patients nearby, it is difficult to keep peace of mind, especially if a suspicious red spot has formed on the forehead, frightening the patients. Martirosyan’s wife spoke about her unforgettable visit to the hospital on Instagram.


"It’s hard to find a more informative place than a queue to see a doctor. As soon as I climbed to the second floor of the clinic, I found myself in the thick of things. The Bermuda Triangle, in which hope for quick help, located on the site between the offices of a dermatologist, an ENT specialist and a therapist. The queue resembled one large living organism that moved with difficulty, actively talked and sighed loudly. "YES, you have shingles!" – my neighbor exclaimed, pointing her finger at my red spot on my forehead. Citizens, despite their problems, having heard this, decided to delve into mine. After all, my problem could become their problem at any moment. Whispering, the line decided whether I was contagious or not. Judging by the fact that a lot of free space appeared near me, the conclusions were not made in my favor (hereinafter the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Ed.),” Zhanna wrote with irony.

Hearing the word “lichen,” Garik’s wife herself became seriously nervous. “My red spot at this time felt like a star on my forehead and became even brighter. “Are there other spots on the body?” – the lady did not let up. From the looks of those around, it was clear that everyone was waiting for an answer, while the more faint-hearted simply demanded clarification. The situation was saved by a newly arrived young man who rashly decided to go into the therapist’s office. The line tensed, straightened up like a string, and, straining its throats, screamed. "Where to skip the line?" “I just need to put a stamp,” the criminal muttered apologetically. - “Put a seal on your forehead!” - the Queue screamed. After the word “Forehead”, the defenders of their rights and freedoms remembered me. The queue didn’t know how to treat me – sympathize with the girl with the pink spot or hate the woman with the contagious red forehead,” she continued entertaining story in a humorous manner Zhanna.

Let your wife get out of this sticky situation with dignity Resident Comedy Club was helped by a friend. True, the diagnosis of Martirosyan’s wife somewhat puzzled concerned patients. “While the line was torn by contradictions, my friend, who worked as a dermatologist at this clinic, called me and asked me to come to her office. I said that I wouldn’t go without the line - I’m afraid. Then she left the office and loudly said, “Levina, go to doctor!" "Thank you, I'll wait for my turn." "Listen to the doctor!" the Queue shouted in a heart-rending voice. "We'll wait, and you go." "Well, if you ask?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes, come in." “You’re already in this office!” the Queue loudly begged. The desire for a queue is the law! The diagnosis was made quickly. Leaving the office, I announced: “Hives, gentlemen!” And to the sound of telephones and a chorus of questioning voices, “OK, Google, what “What is hives?” I left the clinic,” Zhanna completed her opus.

Google likely told ignorant and insensitive patients that their fears about shingles were unfounded. According to information from open sources, urticaria is a skin disease (dermatitis predominantly of allergic origin), characterized by the rapid appearance of severely itchy, flat, raised pale pink blisters, similar in appearance to blisters from a nettle burn. Hives can be an independent (usually allergic) reaction to any irritant, or it can be one of the manifestations of a disease.

Garik Martirosyan is a Russian and Armenian showman, TV presenter, comedian, artistic director, co-producer and resident of the popular show “Comedy Club”. He is the author of the idea for the “League of Nations” project, as well as the producer of the “Show News”, “Our Russia” and “Laughter without Rules” projects.

A man with an excellent sense of humor, a generator of new ideas and projects, bright and talented - he burst into the world of Russian show business, took a stable position on its Olympus and is still in his conquered place today, delighting fans with his creativity.

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan was born in February 1974 in the heart of Armenia - the sunny city of Yerevan. Since the boy was born on the 13th, his parents, for superstitious reasons, recorded his birthday as February 14th. Since then, the artist has been celebrating his name day for two days in a row.

As a child, Garik was an incredibly active and restless child: he broke sets, played pranks, and created bedlam in the house. In addition to Garik, another son was growing up in the family - Levon. At the age of 6, the parents sent the boy to music school, from where he was soon kicked out due to bad behavior. But exile did not become an obstacle for the young musician on his way to independently mastering his favorite instruments - guitar, drums and piano. In addition, Martirosyan began composing music.

IN school years Garik Martirosyan, although he was not the first ringleader in various tricks and pranks, was known as a great inventor. For example, in the first grade he told his classmates that he was a grandson. And the young prankster showed artistic talent early on: Garik played his first role in the sixth grade, portraying Archimedes in a school play.


After graduating from school, Garik Martirosyan entered the Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), where he received the specialty of neurologist-psychotherapist. For three years, the future star of the Comedy Club was a practicing doctor, and he liked this work. But artistic talent still prevailed. Today Martirosyan does not regret the years devoted to medicine and psychiatry: he assures that now “you can’t fool him, because thanks to specialized education he sees people through and through.”

As for humor, Garik Martirosyan joked everywhere, always, with or without reason - it’s in his blood. He probably would have continued to see patients if he had not met the KVN “New Armenians” team. Now we can say with complete confidence that it was this acquaintance that became the defining moment in Garik’s fate, giving him a ticket to television.


The young neuropathologist met the KVN team in 1992. Probably, this year should be considered the point from which creative biography Garik Martirosyan. The club of cheerful and resourceful people radically changed life and determined future fate future artist.

In an interview, Garik Martirosyan shared his memories of that time. According to him, soon after entering the medical university, a military conflict began in Armenia (). There were serious power outages in the country, there was no gas, and bread was issued on ration cards. It was during that period that KVN began - young people gathered in someone’s apartment, stocked up on candles and wrote comic texts.

“We had fun with ourselves. Well, we simply had no other choice,” says the artist.

In 1993, Garik became a player in the Armenian KVN League, on the basis of which the “New Armenians” team was created in 1994. Martirosyan started as an ordinary player, and in 1997 he led the team.

Playing KVN filled everything free time artist, so it makes perfect sense that he started making a living with humor. In the late 90s, the main income came from KVN tours, but even then Garik Martirosyan tried himself as a screenwriter. Even when he was not playing in KVN on stage, he continued to play as a producer. Then the Sochi team “Burnt by the Sun” appeared, for which Martirosyan wrote scripts.

Garik played as a member of the “New Armenians” team for a total of nine years. During this time, the team became the champion of the Major League (1997), received the Summer Cup twice (1998, 2003), was repeatedly awarded at the Jurmala festival “Voting KiViN”, and also became the laureate of many other awards from the Merry and Resourceful Club.

As Garik Martirosyan himself noted, the experience that KVN gave him in his youth became a real school of life for him.

A television

Garik first appeared on television in 1997 as a screenwriter for the Good Evening program. Unbeknownst to himself, he became an active participant in various shows.

In 2004, Garik Martirosyan took part in the popular show “Guess the Melody” together with Polina Sibagatullina and reached the third round of the game.

Musical talent The artist has come in handy more than once. In the “Two Stars” project, the comedian demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, winning a well-deserved victory in the duet.

And in 2007, in the program “Minute of Glory,” Garik Martirosyan tried himself for the first time as a TV presenter. Before this, he had not had such a big project - the program gave him a feeling of self-confidence.

In December of the same year, Martirosyan participated in the recording music album"Respect and Respect."

In 2008, the humorous series “Our Russia” produced by “Comedy Club Production” appeared on the TNT channel. The directors created the sketch inspired by the English TV series “Little Britain”. Garik was the producer of “Our Russia”, where he also starred as cameraman Rudik.

In May 2008, the humorous project “ProjectorParisHilton” appeared on screens for the first time. The show was broadcast on Channel One until 2012. Garik Martirosyan was one of the hosts of the popular project along with, and.

In 2017 loved by millions the show came back after a five-year hiatus. The lineup of presenters has not changed: to the delight of the huge television audience, Garik Martirosyan appeared again with his former colleagues, jokingly explaining the long break.

Martirosyan is not only a wonderful artist, but also a producer. In this capacity, he first tried his hand in 2008: viewers saw the premiere full-length film“Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." But Garik Yuryevich is not only the producer of the project, he wrote the script for it. Martirosyan managed to prove his talent as a producer once again when a new project called “Show News” was released.

Garik Yuryevich performed as a presenter on the musical television project “Main Stage”, which he hosted in 2015, as well as in the tenth season of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on “Russia-1”.

"Comedy club"

Garik Martirosyan's career, which started in KVN, opened doors for him in Russian show business. So, in 2005, the artist, together with his KVN comrades, initiated a new comedy project.

A program called “Comedy Club”, made according to the template of American stand-up show, soon began airing on the TNT channel. Garik was one of the producers, while also performing in the show. Soon Garik Martirosyan became cult person for domestic youth.

Unfortunately, Martirosyan himself always spoke very sparingly about the creation of the program. Being modest, the artist says that all the participants of the Comedy Club got together and decided to organize humorous program, although colleagues claim that he is the founder of this successful project.

The artists did not immediately make it to television with their programs. The test episode of “Comedy Club” collected dust in someone’s desk for about a year before it was watched and approved. Not everyone liked the sharp jokes of the residents (as the artists themselves called themselves), but, fortunately, the program was broadcast.

Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of “Comedy Club”, despite the fact that Garik Martirosyan himself at first did not believe in the success of this project. The showman demonstrated an excellent sense of humor not only as an artist of the project, but also as a host: Martirosyan became famous for his ability to introduce guests.

In 2016, Garik Martirosyan again delighted his fans with hilarious skits as part of the Comedy Club. Viewers consider his performances in a duet with the most successful: their parodies “Eurovision Casting” and “Conversation between and” received thousands of views on Youtube.

IN New Year's Eve from 2016 to 2017, TNT viewers enjoyed watching the Comedy Club show, which was made in karaoke format. Garik Martirosyan not only made everyone laugh, but also surprised everyone by performing the hit of the year from Rostov rapper Pika called “Partymaker”.

For the new season of the “Our Russia” project, “Comedy Club” residents Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya pleased fans with a surprise - the humorous song “Our Russia is a terrible force.”

At the end of 2016, the comedian gave his fans a pleasant surprise by visiting Georgia. On national air comedy show he shared the most funny jokes and incidents from life. The video of the show appeared on YouTube and received great amount views.

Today, Garik Martirosyan continues to remain at the peak of popularity and delights viewers with his appearance in new projects, and not only television ones. The showman changed his principle of not registering on any social network and opened a working account in Instagram. But, as he claims, not at all in order to look for new friends and communicate with them: his circle of friends is already incredibly wide. It's all about a new project called “Insta Battle”.

Every day Garik Martirosyan asks his subscribers one question, and then, after analyzing the answers, selects the funniest one, the author of which is awarded a prize by the MEM Media agency with which the artist works.

Martirosyan’s plans for 2017 include the emergence of new Internet humorous programs, which Garik plans to create specifically for YouTube, RuTube and Facebook.

In February 2017, Garik Martirosyan appeared in the 758th episode of the humorous show “ Evening Urgant", where he told what he did for five years after the closure of the ProjectorParisHilton project.

In February 2017, the artist celebrated his 43rd birthday - the age when a person is in the prime of his life. creative forces and full of new ideas and plans.

Personal life

Garik Martirosyan is married, and thanks to KVN - this program played main role and in the personal life of the popular comedian. IN student years his wife Zhanna Levina was a big fan of the Stavropol Law University team. In 1997, she went to Sochi to support friends at annual festival. There, at one of the parties, Zhanna met Garik. Then they were unable to communicate normally, but it seems that it was fate.

A year later they met again: a dizzying romance began, which culminated in the desire to get married. Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina got married in Cyprus: all members of the KVN team “New Armenians” were witnesses.

Today, the family has two children: daughter Jasmine and son Daniel, born in 2004 and 2009. Garik Martirosyan’s personal life was happy: for 19 years, the couple never gave food to the yellow tabloids.

The artist managed not only to create a strong family, but also to provide for it well: in 2010, Garik Martirosyan, together with his colleagues Pavel Volya and Sergei Svetlakov, was included in the rating compiled by Forbes. In 2011, the artist's fortune was estimated at $2,700,000. His estimated income is approximately $200,000 per month.

The comedian’s favorite and long-time hobby is football: Garik Martirosyan is a fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Recently, a resident of the Comedy Club made a promise before the match between Manchester United and Tottenham: if his favorite team, in which Henrikh Mkhitaryan plays, is in the lead, he will shave his head.

Manchester United won, and Martirosyan – according to the terms of the dispute – became bald, posting a photo of himself with a new “hairstyle” on Instagram as proof.


  • 2005 - “Our Yard 3”
  • 2008 - “Our Russia”
  • 2009 - “Univer”
  • 2010 - “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny"
  • 2013 - “HB”

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan (Comedy Club), his biography on Wikipedia (nationality), personal life and photos on Instagram, family - wife and children are of interest to many fans of this talented artist and showman.

Garik Martirosyan - biography

Garik was born in 1974 in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan. As a child he was very active child and a great inventor, and was also distinguished by a lot of creative talents, and in high school his artistic abilities and incredible sense of humor were especially evident.

However, after graduating from school, the young man entered the Yerevan Medical State University, and after graduating he became a certified neurologist-psychotherapist. He even worked for three years in his specialty, and may still have worked as a neurologist if fate had not brought him together with the KVN team “New Armenians,” which served as the starting point in his creative biography.

This happened in 1992. At first, Garik was an ordinary player on the team, and in 1997 he became its captain. But even when Martirosyan stopped playing, he remained in KVN as a screenwriter and producer. This period lasted about nine years and became a real school of life for the artist.

Garik first appeared on television in 1997, when he began writing scripts for Igor Ugolnikov’s “Good Evening” program. And then, without even noticing, he became a participant in various television shows, increasingly settling into this niche.

When in 2007 he tried himself as a presenter - and this was the “Minute of Fame” program, he felt confident in his abilities here too.

True, the doors to Russian show business opened for him two years earlier, when he and his KVN colleagues initiated a new comedy project, which was given the name “Comedy Club”. When this program began airing on TNT, Garik became its producer, and also began performing in it at the same time. Over time, he became a cult figure for Russian youth, and the program gained enormous popularity.

In 2008, the TNT channel launched a new humorous series “Our Russia”, produced by “Comedy Club Production”. Garik not only acted as the producer of this series, but also wrote the script for it and played the role of cameraman Rudik in it. He showed his talent as a producer in another project - “Show News”.

Against the backdrop of this activity, the artist did not refuse to host various programs. He became the co-host of the ProjectorParisHilton program when it was released in 2008, and when in 2017, after a five-year break, the program reappeared on television screens, he again appeared before viewers in the same star cast leading.

Knowing what a multifaceted personality the showman is, many viewers are interested in how many languages ​​Garik Martirosyan knows. He answered this question in one of his interviews, saying that he speaks six languages ​​- Russian, Armenian, Georgian, and such foreign languages ​​as English, German and French.

Today, the artist still remains at the peak of popularity and delights viewers with his appearances in both old and new television projects.

True, in Lately Rumors began to spread that Garik Martirosyan had cancer, but there was no official confirmation of this information. Having celebrated his 43rd birthday in February 2017, the artist is fuller than ever. creative plans, and is in the prime of life.

Garik Martirosyan - personal life

The showman has been married for 19 years, and during these years neither Garik himself nor his wife Zhanna Levina gave food to the yellow tabloids. They have a strong and a happy family, whose main joy is two children - daughter Jasmine, born in 2004, and son Daniel, born in 2009.

There is information that the artist not only managed to create a strong family, but also provide for it well. In the list compiled by Forbes, his net worth is estimated at 2 million 700 thousand dollars, and his monthly income is approximately 200 thousand dollars.

In the summer of 2016, comedian and TV presenter Garik Martirosyan, who is not on any social network, changed himself: he opened a work account on Instagram and launched the “Insta Battle” project on its platform. Every day, the showman asks his subscribers one question, and then selects the funniest answer, for which the author is paid from one hundred to a thousand euros. The awards are issued by the MEM Media agency, with which Martirosyan works. The showman told why he needed this, why he disappeared from television, does not register on social networks and never watches the performances of venerable American comedians. Why do you need this project?

Martirosyan: I really like doing something in an uncharted field, where no one has done anything before. “Insta battle” was invented by me, and I implement it myself. Unlike television projects, which have specific goals, economics, and so on, we do not set such goals. We want to cheer up ourselves, Instagram users and all Russian-speaking people with a sense of humor, especially in such a sad time when autumn has arrived and winter is ahead.

So you don’t have the task of discovering new stars?

If new stars emerge from this competition, I will be very happy. Probably, among those who write to us, we can find screenwriters who can give good jokes. But I don’t flatter myself with hopes of discovering new talents. This is simply an entertainment platform for anyone who thinks they have a sense of humor.

Have you tagged any of the users?

Of course, there are guys who make a lot of consistently good and witty jokes. But here I behave strictly professionally: I don’t fall in love with anyone on purpose. creative sense. I don't take anyone into account. This is a habit developed over years of sitting on the Comedy Battle jury. The main thing here is wit, not the person himself.

Who jokes funnier: Instagram users or newcomers who try out for TNT?

There are no special differences. Yes, of course, those who professionally deal with humor have more precise formulations, their heads work faster, their brains are more efficient. But I assure you: they come to TNT and work perfectly ordinary people. However, there is a problem. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no humorous universities or special courses where a person can hone his sense of humor.

There is, of course, a large KVN school. People can create their own teams, go to festivals - the scheme has been tested a long time ago. But this the only way in Russia to develop a sense of humor. If you're lucky, if you have enough talent and creativity, they will get into major league KVN, and then - to the television arena. I can’t give people this perspective in an “Insta battle.” We do not have an educational page, but simply an entertaining one.

Social networks, as the name suggests, were created primarily for people to socialize. I talked to new people, made friends, expressed myself. Some people are interested in the flow of information that circulates there, news, videos. But my life is so busy, there are so many people around me that sometimes I don’t have time to communicate with the people who work with me. The Comedy Club office is a social network in itself. Well, imagine: five thousand people work there. And if I also sit in in social networks, I will go crazy. I need to stay awake, buy myself a second brain and a second pair of eyes.

Never in my life! I don't watch anything to get brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of brilliant thoughts. Afraid American shows, I’m afraid of American stand-up comedians, I’m afraid of those who work in the same genre as me, because their comprehension then gives the wrong results. Everything I did in my life was dictated by my personal creative fantasies. I never take anything from anyone, I’m just not interested.

Do you keep track of what they write about you on the Internet?

I don't follow. If possible, write that stop writing something about me on the Internet, because I simply don’t follow this.

This was the only story I followed. I had to react when the twentieth person contacted me about some kind of ointment for baldness. This is an absolute fake. We have long found those who advertised this remedy on my behalf, and a trial will soon take place. The company representing my interests on TNT will sue them.

A year has passed since this story.

It took time to find these people. If you think this is some kind of public company, who sits in an office on the Garden Ring, then no, this is not so. The problem is that Internet users, like all other viewers, are very gullible. They write anything in my name. When people see a photo of me cut out and pasted into some article, they don’t think that I couldn’t say that in principle.

In the near future, if everything goes well, you may even see Internet comedy programs created exclusively for YouTube, RuTube, Facebook and other Internet platforms. I believe that the Internet is a terrible force.

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