French dictionary with translation and transcription. French pronunciation: how to learn how to pronounce French sounds correctly

This is the sound [œ̃] . But, since in pronunciation it is very similar to the sound [ɛ̃], modern linguists have resigned themselves to the fact that the French pronounce these two different sounds as one, waved their hand at classical phonetics and made life easier for French learners. Now it is believed that these two sounds are pronounced approximately the same: [œ̃] ≈ [ɛ̃]. Therefore, we will add two more to the letter combinations that form the sound [ɛ̃].

un, um before a consonant, except m, n or at the end of a word: lun di, tribun, brun, parfum

Before a vowel or before m,n(which is common to all nasal sounds) no nasal sound: tribun e (f), brun e

If a word ends in a nasal vowel and links to the next word, the nasal vowel is pronounced but followed by the consonant [n] that connects the two words:

un͜ élève [œ̃-ne-`lɛ:v], un͜ ami [œ̃-`na-mi]

There is another reason why God himself ordered to learn how to pronounce this sound: the letter combination un is also indefinite article male singular, as well as the numeral "one".


1. brun, alun, chacun, quelqu "un, parfum, tribun, lundi, humble;

2. un livre, un peintre, un verbe, un matin, un train, un jardin, un cahier, un mur, un parc;

3. un͜ ami, un͜ acteur, un͜ arbre, un͜ article, un͜ écrivain, un͜ exercice, un͜ aviateur, un͜ architecte, un͜ Américain, un͜ Italien;

4. un - une, brun - brune, chacun - chacune, tribun - tribune, commun - commune, quelqu "un - quelqu" une.

Now let's learn how to pronounce two sounds that are similar to the Russian sound about, but differ significantly from it. These are the sounds [ɔ]

and [o].

The sound [ɔ] is not in vain reminiscent of a bitten bagel. This sound is much more open than Russian about.

1. The sound [ɔ] is formed by the letter about before pronounced consonant, except for the sound [z]:

po r te, eco l e, po m me

2. Sound combination au also forms this sound, but only before [r] or at the beginning of a word in prefixes auto. Interestingly, this letter combination is found in French words mainly Greek origin. And then in the Russian equivalent this combination of letters is pronounced as av:

au r ore ( av rora), auto mobile ( av car)

1. The sound [o], on the contrary, is much more closed than the Russian sound about. It is formed by the same letter o, but only at the end of a word or before unpronounceable consonant: numéro, trop

2. about before sound [z]: ro s e, po s e

3. letter ô also forms the sound [o]: pô le, rô le

4. au before any sound except [r]: au ssi, chau d

5. and finally, if the combination of letters au put a letter in front e, we get the longest letter combination in French eau: beau

Yes, and the spelling itself eau means word and translates as "water". Eau de Cologne - doesn't tell you anything?

Well, at the end of this difficult lesson about pronunciation in French, one more rule.

Letter t in a group ti+ the vowel reads like [s]: nati o nale, la démocrati e

If before t costs s, letter t reads like [t]: la ve s ti aire

Now let's put our new skills into practice.


1. col, vol, sol, protocole, monopole, discobole, école, donne, bonne, raisonne, tonne, colonne, Sorbonne, personne, gomme, homme, pomme, somme, comme, agronome, économe, astronome, cloche, poche, poste, propre, polonaise, occuper, apporter, téléphone, professeur, bibliothèque, politique, effort, octobre;

2. beurre - bord, sœur - sort, cœur - corps, peur - port, seul - sol, peur - pore, leur - lors, fleur - flore;

3. trophée, sophisme, aphorisme, phonographe, philosophie, phonétique, photographe, orthographe, phénomène, phosphore;

4. laure, saur, taure, minotaure, mauresque, auréole, aurore, lauréat, laurier;

5. notre port, votre place, votre veste, notre directeur, votre fenêtre, notre rue, votre ville, notre professeur, votre chaise, notre père, votre frère;

6. notre͜ école, votre͜ ami, notre͜ usine, notre͜ académie, votre͜ élève, votre͜ image, notre͜ exercice;

7. diplomatie, balbutier, initial, initiative, dictionnaire, vestiaire, réactionnaire, stationner, national, suprématie, questionnaire, modestie, forestier, actionner;

8. mot, dos, gros, lot, pot, sot, héros, zéro, dactylo, stylo, métallo, paletot;

9. pose, chose, dose, doser, arroser, oser, poser, rosier;

10. diplôme, aumône, nôtre, côté, vôtre, trône, tôt, drôle, chômage, rôle;

11. au, haute, faute, gauche, auteur, aussi, chausser, épaule, autre, sauce, saucisse, pause, sauvage, pauvre;

12. beau, seau, eau, tableau, peau, beauté, roseau, morceau, plateau, cadeau.

When we hear French speech for the first time, we admire its melodiousness and beauty. All at once “we want to speak like the French” and we think that it’s enough to go to courses, study with a teacher or on your own, and it’s in the bag, that is, we will get the perfect French pronunciation. But, when we start to seriously study French, we understand what to pronounce correctly french sounds very difficult. Then we begin to secretly admire those people whom nature has endowed a little more, and who have a beautiful sound [r], we begin to sincerely believe that it is almost impossible to get a perfect French pronunciation. Do not despair! In this article I will try to help you without complicated terms and concepts, because, despite the fact that I myself am a French teacher, once I was also a student and spent a lot of time trying to correctly pronounce the French sounds [r] or [œ] .

A distinctive feature of French speech is a specific sound [r] which is the most difficult for students. At the same time, it is he who, according to the majority, is associated with the "real" French pronunciation))). How to learn to pronounce it correctly? Various sources offer many methods for solving this issue. I suggest that students gargle with water, and then try to do the same action, but without water, or try to pronounce two sounds [g] and [r] together. You might think that in this case the rule applies: the more you say, the better you get. In fact this is not true. The most important thing is to understand how to properly position your tongue in your mouth! Yes Yes exactly! Because this is the most main mistake when pronouncing. Very often, instead of a beautiful sound [r], an approximate pronunciation is obtained, a little sibilant, in general, this sound is not as deep as it should be, that is, not French. Below I have specially recorded two pronunciations so that it is more clear what I am talking about.

The first option is the “ugly” sound [r], which the students themselves do not like. In addition, it is quite difficult to pronounce, so words in which several consonants occur in a row turn into a real test:

And here is the second version, which is easier to pronounce, and which is closer to the original speech:

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Perhaps someone who has not encountered this problem did not notice much difference, but those who cannot pronounce this ill-fated [r] properly will understand me. So what's the deal? Why such a difference? It turns out that in these two options, the tongue in the mouth is located differently, in the first option it rests on the lower teeth and lies more flat, and in the second it is arched (like a rainbow), and the tip rests UNDER the lower dentition (that is, not AT teeth, and UNDER them). This feature very important! Experiment and you will see that as the position of the tongue changes, so does the pronunciation! So you don't really have to spend hours practicing this sound, just understand the principle.

Another sound that causes difficulties is sound [y]

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The sound itself is a cross between Russian [yu] and [y]. Often students believe that this is the same as the sound [y] and pronounce the sound incorrectly, but this is very important. An incorrect French pronunciation of this sound can completely change the meaning of the phrase, for comparison: "C'est une rue" (This is a street) or "C'est une roue" (This is a wheel). These two examples are harmless, but you can get into completely comical situations with some words (for example, "nous" - "we", "nu" - "naked"). If you do not want to amuse the French, then you need to learn how to distinguish these sounds and pronounce them correctly. Short twisters will help you with this. Here are some examples: "Douze douches douces" and "As-tu vu le tutu de tulle de Lili d'Honolulu? ".

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In these two proverbs, the difference between the two sounds is clearly audible. Say these tongue twisters as often as possible and in the end you will learn to distinguish them.

The correct pronunciation of the French sound [œ] is an indicator that you are already a true Frenchman! This sound represents the middle form between our sounds [o] and [yo]. In order to learn how to pronounce it correctly, you need to lift your upper lip up (as chimpanzees do, they are excellent at it). I advise my students to take a pen or pencil and hold it with their upper lip, fixing this position, remove the stationery. And now we are trying to pronounce this sound

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To finally get it right, read the following words: coeur, soeur, peur, acteur, directeur. Test yourself

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And, finally, there were nasal sounds. The main thing in their correct pronunciation is, again, the correct setting of the speech apparatus. It must be remembered that if this is a sound [e (n] as in the word “ pain”, then the position of the mouth should be the same as that of the sound [ɛ] (“these”), and not like the sound [a], because often students confuse these two sounds Compare: center - cintre

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Again, I insist that this completely changes the meaning of the phrase (for example, in more expensive, the first word is “center”, the second is “hanger”). Therefore, learning how to pronounce them correctly is a vital necessity!

In conclusion, I want to say that nothing is impossible, if you understand the essence of the phenomenon, you can get an excellent result, so always try to understand the main principles! Wish you luck!

French speech delights listeners with its beauty and melody. Many of us have repeatedly had a desire to “speak like the French”, and we frantically grabbed textbooks, dictionaries and phrasebooks in order to master this art on our own. But speaking French correctly is a real skill, which is not easy and does not come immediately. Getting French pronunciation is very difficult, even taking courses or individually with a teacher. However, this is not a reason to despair and give up this business. In this article we will try to explain, without complex concepts and terms, how to learn to pronounce some sounds of the French language.

Sound [r]: pronunciation features

Everyone recognizes French speech by a specific sound [r], this is its main hallmark. It is he who presents the greatest difficulty in learning the language. At the same time, it is he who most people associate with the "truly" French pronunciation. So, we learn to pronounce the sound [r] correctly.

There are many various methods helping to get correct pronunciation this "tricky" sound. One of the simplest and most common is gargling with water, and then performing the same actions, but without water. Another effective way- the pronunciation of two sounds [g] and [r] together.

Some believe that when studying sounds, one should follow the rule: the more you repeat, the better it will turn out. In reality, this is not so. The main thing is to learn how to properly position your tongue in your mouth! Since this is the most important mistake leading to incorrect pronunciation.

Quite often, students instead of a beautiful French sound [r] get a slightly sibilant approximate pronunciation. The sound is not as deep as it should be, that is, not quite French.

One sound - two types of pronunciation

The first option is a “silent”, slightly cutting sound [r]. It is quite difficult to pronounce it, so words consisting of letters, among which there are two consonants in a row, become a real test for students. This is felt when pronouncing words such as groupe (group), travail (work), promenade (walk), proportion (proportion, ratio), etc.

But the second one is easier to pronounce, it is closer to the original speech. As a rule, this is a combination of the [r] sound with some vowel sound. For example, radis (radish), roche (rock), rime (rhyme), etc.

What is the difference? The fact is that in the two described variants, the tongue in the mouth is in different locations. In the first version, it lies flat, resting against the lower teeth, while in the second, the tongue arches, resting with its tip UNDER the lower dentition. This is very important feature. By experimenting, you can see that with the position of the tongue, the pronunciation also changes. So, you don't have to spend hours practicing this sound, you just need to understand the principle.

Having dealt with the correct position of the tongue, you can proceed to the consolidation of skills. French sayings with "growling" words will help here. For example, “Mon père est maire, mon frère est masseur” (“My father is a mayor, my brother is a massage therapist”) or “Dans la gendarmerie, quand un gendarme rit, tous les gendarmes rient dans la gendarmerie” (“In the gendarmerie, when a gendarme laughs, all the gendarmes laugh in the gendarmerie).

Vowels [y] and [œ]

The French sound [y] will not be easy to pronounce correctly the first time. If we compare it with the sounds in the Russian language, then it is something in between the phonemes [yu] and [y]. Often, students pronounce this sound as Russian [y], mistakenly believing that there is no difference. However, this is very important, because the incorrect pronunciation of this phoneme can completely change the meaning of the phrase. Here is an example; "C'est une rue" (This is a street) or "C'est une roue" (This is a wheel).

The examples above are harmless, but there are also comical situations that can get you into mispronunciation of certain words. For example, "nous" is "we", and "nu" is translated as "naked"). In order not to make the interlocutors laugh and not to be embarrassed, one must learn to distinguish these vowel sounds and try to pronounce them correctly. The repetition of tongue twisters will help with this: “Douze douches douces” and “As-tu vu le tutu de tulle de Lili d’Honolulu?”.

Say these phrases and you will notice how clearly the difference between [u] and [y] is heard in them. Repeat tongue twisters as often as possible, this will help you learn to distinguish these sounds soon.

In French, there is another special vowel sound [œ], the correct pronunciation of which indicates that you are already a true Frenchman. This sound is the middle form between such sounds of the Russian language as [o] and [yo].

How to pronounce this sound correctly? The upper lip must be raised up (remember how chimpanzees do it in the wild world). Next, a pen or pencil should be placed on the raised upper lip and clamped, thus fixing this position. Then, carefully removing stationery from your lips, you should try to pronounce the sound [œ].

To consolidate the result, read the following words several times: acteur, coeur, chaleur, soeur, peur, tracteur, directeur.

nasal sounds

And finally, let's talk about nasal sounds. Their correct pronunciation is again due to the correct setting of the speech apparatus. One rule should be remembered: if this is the sound [e (n] - "pain", then the position of the mouth is the same as when pronouncing the sound [ɛ], and not [a]. Often students make mistakes, confusing these sounds. For comparison: centre-centre.

Here, as in the case of the sounds [u] and [y], the meaning of the phrase depends on the pronunciation (the first word, for example, is translated as “center”, and the second as “hanger”). That is why it is so important to learn how to pronounce them correctly.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if desired, everything is possible. Having dealt with the essence of the phenomenon, you can get a wonderful result, so you should always try to delve into the main principles. Success in learning!


Listen to the French speech and pay attention to how the French pronounce the "r" sound. Try to imitate them french words just like them. Please note that, unlike the Russian sound "p", French is extracted not with the tip of the tongue, but with the root.

Straighten the tongue, touch the root of the tongue to the edges of the palate and pharynx. Do not press your tongue against the palate too much - a light touch is enough. Try to pronounce the sound "r" in French manner. You may not be good at first, but regular practice will pay off and your pronunciation will improve over time.

Say the word "mine" several times. Pay attention to how you pronounce the "x" sound in this word, and then try to pronounce it separately. When you can pronounce this sound separately, add a voice and try to pronounce a voiced consonant, not a voiceless one. You should end up with a French "r" sound.

Fill your mouth with some water, tilt your head back slightly and start gargling. When the water in your mouth begins to gurgle, try to pronounce the sound "g" as in the Ukrainian word "aha". Then spit out the water and try again to make the same vibrating sound that you made while gargling. Train regularly until you get results.

Regularly record your speech on a dictaphone, and then listen carefully, comparing it with French speech. So you can record your progress, determine which exercises give the best results, improve your pronunciation. Keep practicing until your “r” sounds the same as in French speech.

Anyone who has heard French at least once paid attention to the fact that the French pronounce the letter “r” (“r”) differently from us. Moreover, if soviet child in childhood, he pronounced the grazing “r”, then his parents urgently took him to a speech therapist to correct the defect. And for those who learn French, the situation is exactly the opposite, they must learn to “burr”.


"Brushing Teeth"

Smile, open your mouth as wide as possible, and start brushing your upper teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue. The tongue should move from side to side.

Open your mouth wide and sweep the sky back and forth with the tip of your tongue. The tongue should return to the beginning of the upper teeth.


Open your mouth and, hitting the upper alveoli of the teeth with your tongue, pronounce the letter "d".

These exercises should be repeated three times a day for 10-20 times.

There is a technique that allows you to learn how to pronounce "r" in the shortest possible time:

Slowly pronounce the sounds "de", "te", "le" without stopping for two to three minutes.

Say the same thing for five minutes, but faster.

Pronounce the sounds “de”, “te”, “de” in the following order: pronounce the first “de” normally, and the second “de” so that the tip of the tongue touches the tubercle above the upper teeth. You should get the sound that the English pronounce.


The main reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of "r" can be the following:
1. Shortened bridle. It restricts upward movement of the tip and front of the tongue.
2. Weak muscles of the tongue.
3. Inability to speak the language.
4. Weakening of phonemic hearing.

The French language scares many with its pronunciation. On a letter, a word can consist of 10 letters, of which only half will be pronounced. In addition, the French language differs from English or German in its high word cohesion, as a result of which it is difficult to distinguish individual words from the speech stream. the words. So how do you pronounce French correctly? the words?


There are clear rules for reading almost all words in French, so in the words In French, you rarely see transcription. First of all, you need to learn that the stress in all French the words x falls on the last syllable. If at the end the words If you see the letters -s, -t, -d, -z, -x, -p, -g, as well as the combinations ps, ts, es, ds, then they will not be pronounced. Also at the end the words when pronouncing, combinations -ent and er are thrown out. If the letter "c" is at the end the words after a nasal consonant, then it will also not be read, for example, blanc [blanc] - white.

In addition, unlike the Russian language, voiced consonants in French are always pronounced loudly and distinctly, without stunning. Vowels without stress do not drop out and are not reduced. If two identical consonants occur in a word, then they are pronounced as one sound, for example, classe [class].

Special pronunciation rules in French have the letters "x", "c" and "g". At the beginning the words between vowels "x" is read as, for example, inexorable [inegzorabl]. If "x" is not at the beginning the words, then it will be pronounced like, for example, externe [extern]. In ordinal numbers, "x" is read as [z], for example, sixieme [sizm]. The letter "c" before the vowels i, e, y is read as [s], for example, certificat [certificate]. In all other cases, this letter will be read as [k], for example, democratie [demokrasi]. The letter "g" is read as [?] if it comes before the vowels i, e, y, for example, general [general]. In other cases, this letter gives the sound [g], for example, garage [garage].

Found in French great amount letter combinations of vowels and consonants. The combination "ch" reads like [?], for example, chance [chance]. The combination "ph" is read as [f], for example, photo [photo]. The combination “qu” is read as [k], for example, banquet [banquet]. The combinations “il” and “ille” after the vowel give the sound “th”, and after the consonant they are pronounced like “th”, for example, famille [surnames] or bouillon [bouillon]. Combinations of vowels with nasal consonants "n" and "m" give nasal sounds. Letter "t" in the words x of the national type is pronounced as [s], for example, national [national] or initiative [initiative].


  • French words with transcription

Life is a continuous process of communication. Every day, each person communicates with dozens of people - relatives, friends, colleagues, partners, employees of various services. And almost everyone is constantly open to the prospect in a certain situation to speak to a small or large audience with a speech. Public speaking it may be impromptu, but most often they prepare for it.


Knowing the laws and secrets of proper communication, the basics of speech culture and practice will help you successfully deliver a speech on a particular occasion. The eminent Russian lawyer and brilliant orator A.F. Koni was convinced that the main thing for any speaker is to attract the attention of the audience and keep it until the end of the speech. This is possible only if the person himself is interested in the subject of speech and is convinced of what he is talking about.

Whatever presentation you're preparing for, mentally paint a picture of the audience you're about to meet. It is important to know the age (youth, children, pensioners), social status, professional interests, and the level of education of your potential listeners. Only with this information in mind will you be able to communicate productively,

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