Quotes about dancing. Cool expressions and funny phrases of a DJ

Mazurka, tango, spin in a waltz.

Unrestrained tap dance to beat -

May this dance last forever!

I want to dance all the time!

To the sounds of flute, saxophone, violin.

Infect with your energy and passion.

Break applause and smiles!

I want to dance all the time!

Throwing away anxiety and doubt,

Improvise, sometimes surprise

And always be a prisoner of inspiration

Dance Quotes:

"Movement never lies." Martha Graham, quoting her father.

“Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everyone is dancing". Maya Angelou.

"Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as the material." Ted Sean.

"Than to stomp your feet in anger, it is better to learn the tap dance." Fred Astaire.

"If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it." Isadora Duncan.

“I don’t try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance for myself." Mikhail Baryshnikov.

“Dancing with your feet is one thing, dancing with your heart is another.” Proverb.

"Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word." Mata Hari.

“They stop dancing not because they get old. They get old because they stop dancing.” Jessie New Bern.

“I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free. Tosha Brown.

“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.” Jacques d'Amboise.

"Dance for yourself. If someone understands, it's good, if not, it doesn't matter, keep doing what you love. Louis Horst.

“If you can talk, then you can sing! If you can walk, then you can dance.”

“Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer.” George Balanchine.

" AT good dance, there is not a single extra movement. Fred Astaire.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Sayings of famous people about education

Great educators, philosophers, scientists, poets still live, because we still use truly great phrases that they once said ....

Sayings of famous people about education.

1. Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us! (M. Lermontov.) 2. Mother, remember: you are the main educator, the main teacher. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky.) 3. The main meaning and The purpose of family life is the upbringing of children.

Started to dance with the devil - dance to the end ...

Let's play deca... dance!

Last chance to dance!

This dance is called a song.

The mermaid sat on the twine.

Drop it, or you'll drop it.

One head is good and one leg is bad.

Broke the leg? Do not lie in vain, start doing push-ups!

Man is not made to sit.

Do you love dancing as much as I love watching her dance?...

We loved to dance
Barefoot on broken glass...

The one who is late for the disco will dance an explanation.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Dance is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.

You can't undermine the one who dances.

There are so many single guys, and I love ... modern choreography.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

In dance they bare their soul. Consider them dancing like a negligee.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Dance for him is air, food and sex.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Show who is the real owner of the dance floor, and who just rents the area.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

You can dance with him about anything.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Dancing for him is a disease.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

What have they learned from us?
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT
About the girls' aggressive dance

The guilty will be arrested and put on the twine.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Flexibility - that's it, the main quality of modern women!
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

If I were Pavel Volya, I would already start to worry!
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Born in sandals!
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

And may the handsome man win!
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

As we say, among strippers, who does not dance does not eat.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

I'm falling too, friends!
From "Dancing without rules" on the TNT channel. Commentary on the bottom break

And imagine how she kisses!

It was hellish annealing!


Dance Battle! Come out and rip your opponent so they don't get glued together!

I like it when people look at me when I dance.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

More than dancing, she loves only her mother.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

We dance until the navel is untied!
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

If you asked a girl to dance and she agreed, don't be happy. At first, you still have to dance.

Everyone dances, but in a fast way!

“Not fit,” they told NN at the military registration and enlistment office when they saw his dance.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

If others adjust to the music, then in the case of NN, the music adjusts to him.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

Now I know what it means to dance like a god. This is what NN does, only on the water.
From "Dancing without rules" on TNT

A couple, two gifts.

Life is too short to dance with the freaks.

What is a foxtrot?
- This is love standing.
- What is love?
- It's a lying foxtrot.

We dance without compromise!

Everyone get out of the cramp!
From "The Best Movie"

Someone must be dancing in this hall tonight. If not you, then me.

Stop the Earth, I'll get off.

Beat me in the dance!

There is still gunpowder in the powder flasks, and berries in the buttocks!

The corpse doesn't play hockey!

No time for slow dancing!

It is better to sweat seven times than frost once.

You can't fall off the floor.
sex law

Test your sense of rhythm. And suddenly it is?

Fantasy with your body!

Do not stand dead, make gestures!

Let your feet teach you!

The body cannot move where the music does not go.

...Use all the possibilities of a moving female body.

Who is destined to die from dancing, he will not freeze!

The dance is as white as snow 15 kilometers from the city.

We don't care how much you can dance. We care about how much you can push!

If you want, I'll teach you.
Believe me, I'm not kidding!

Honey, let's talk.
- I'm very tired, let's dance better.

No time for tango!

https://pandia.ru/text/79/054/images/image004_73.gif" alt="(!LANG: Cloud callout: If ladies talked less, partners would hear music better" width="346 height=237" height="237">.gif" alt="Cloud callout:" width="353" height="205 src=">.gif" alt="Cloud callout:" width="274" height="284 src=">.gif" alt="Cloud callout:" width="262" height="286 src=">!}

Poems about dancing

Oh dance, we are with you forever
Thank you for being
Thank you for the word man
You transform with your creativity!
Because you give us new world,
A world without deceit and without flattery,
And where, to the sounds of gentle lyres
With you we want to be only together!

See how the body bends in the dance,
As if the flame of a fire rises to the heights.
You will see a miracle - the movement of time,
You will hear a miracle - an aspiring thought.
Well, if you want to spin you in a dance,
To express everything in you that has lived for so long.
Do not forget to dance with your whole body,
So that the spark of God will take you to the heights.

Thank you for the magic of dancing
For the song of excited hands!
Thanks for the awesome stanzas
About the joy of sweet torments.
Thank you for the grace of the word
Woven in the dance of the soul!
Thank you! We will meet again.
Call us - we will hurry!

On the green meadow
Pigs have fun together
Dancing famously gopachok,
They beat with a hoof: chok-chok-chok!
Clever goats are dancing,
Hippos, camels,
Hedgehog, squirrel, badger.
Wider, wider, wider circle!
Three elephants blow into the pipes.
Well, dance! Famously! Famously!
Hey, faster, faster, ram,
Beat the horns on the drum.
Dispersed in the dance Mishka:
"You are, you are, you are, you are, you are!"
Hey! And we would dance there!
Tram-ta-ta-ta! Tram-ta-ta!

Advice for parents

Dancing is no less important than the exact sciences.

Dancing is beautiful!

Dancing is good!

The art of dance is an excellent means of education and development little man. It enriches spiritual world helps the child develop as a person. The combination of movement, music, games creates an atmosphere of positive emotions, which in turn liberate the child, make his behavior natural and beautiful. Very little time will pass, and you will notice how your daughter or son will noticeably change: a proud posture, correct coordination of movements, refined plasticity will appear. In addition, he will begin to feel the rhythm, understand the nature of the melody, he will develop an artistic taste, creative fantasy. All this will certainly make him a deeper personality and teach him to better understand himself and others.

… Each child is potentially a creator of all sorts of values, including aesthetic values: building houses, he shows his architectural creativity, sculpting and drawing… a sculptor and a painter; finally, he strongly gravitates towards the round dance, songs, dances and dramatization ....

Needless to say, everyone loves to dance - both adults and children. And it doesn’t matter if, according to the rules, a person dances or moves as best he can. Either way, dancing is fun.

Dance cannot be reduced simply to rhythmic movements with or without music, it is also a manifestation of our individuality and originality, a story (or confession) told through movements. Immersed in wonderful world dance and music, we become able to openly express our emotions, which is not always permissible in Everyday life. In this way, dance art carries, in addition to beauty, a psychotherapeutic effect: expressing itself openly and brightly, without fear internal contradictions and passions, we thereby free ourselves from the clamps and complexes that have already taken root in our soul. Dance allows you to be completely liberated and teaches you not to be afraid to be yourself.

Dancing is also a great way to improve your health. Smooth and expressive movements straighten the spine, strengthen muscles and improve posture.

… Dance, first of all, is a rebellious force of spirit, will, nervous energy that can be expressed, given away, expressed in different kind bodily movements, and the body at the moments of these spiritual outbursts submits to the thirst for spiritual revelation. .

Even the most withdrawn children become more liberated, open and sociable. With the help of dance, many psychological problems can be solved. A child through dance begins to look at the world with different eyes. Of course, problems will not disappear just like that, but a person begins to perceive them differently, much more positively.

Dance awakens creative abilities and makes it possible to realize these abilities through the harmony of movements. In the process of learning dance exercises, the child's self-esteem increases. He begins to believe that he is able to achieve something, to do something cool and beautiful. Seeing the satisfied face of a mother rejoicing when her child overcomes another difficulty in mastering the dance, the child understands that he likes it! So, he is needed, he is appreciated! He is loved.

One of the conditions for successful results is an attentive, benevolent attitude towards a beginner dancer, the ability to inspire him with faith in his abilities. Let your child never become an artist and choreographer, but throughout his life he will remember these classes, his first comprehension of music and graceful movements under the guidance of loving parents.

Artistry is inherent in human nature, especially in children. Many of us lose this quality over the years. Many adults, even in the company of close friends, are embarrassed to sing something, and even more so to dance. But do our children have to grow up the same notorious? Under no circumstances should this be allowed! Better join the performances of little dancers. Everyone will benefit from this. After all, by encouraging artistry in a child, we change ourselves.

In less than a month, mom and dad or grandparents will be surprised to find that the child began to smile more often, movements acquired plasticity, even the voice changed. He ceases to be afraid to express his opinion, begins to behave naturally, those around him are easy and fun. But the most important thing is that little artists will increase their self-confidence, self-esteem will increase, abstract thinking and figurative perception of the world will begin to work at full capacity. And dad and mom can be proud of a creatively developed child.

The collection includes quotes about dances and dancers:

  • I want to dance until I'm 100. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty. Maya Plisetskaya
  • Ballet is hard labor in flowers. Faina Ranevskaya
  • I see the roots of dance in the richness of nature. Kazuo Ono
  • Ballroom dancing is a kind of demonstration of the mastery of plasticity and sensual dynamics. Vyacheslav Zaitsev
  • The couple flashes by the couple. A. S. Pushkin
  • Ballroom dancing brings only positive emotions. Alexander Peskov
  • Learn to save movement until you develop automatism. Robert Heinlein
  • Was natural as a turn. Leonid Pletnev
  • Whoever said "stupid as a tenor" apparently didn't know the dancers. Jerzy Villefort
  • In a good dance there is not a single unnecessary movement. Fred Astar
  • The way people move is their biography in motion. Jerry Spence
  • You always need to figure out what you really want. Boris Moiseev
  • Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. George Bernard Shaw
  • The second is the first of the losers. Tarasova, figure skating coach
  • Dancers are the athletes of God. Albert Einstein
  • Looking at the beer, it's good to dance. Russian proverb
  • Dance is a kind of wordless rhetoric. Canon Toyota Arbu

  • Discipline is one of the most necessary qualities of a dancer. Boris Moiseev
  • Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. Rahel Farnhagen
  • They danced that they were left without bread. Russian proverb
  • Tango is a bed where you are not ashamed to bare your soul. Sergey Pichurichkin
  • If you invited a girl to dance, and she agreed, do not rejoice: at first you still have to dance. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Striptease is first of all a mood. "Cosmopolitan"
  • If a girl dances badly, she scolds the orchestra. Jewish proverb
  • Russia; hundreds of miles of fields and ballet in the evenings. Alan Hackney
  • Art performs the task of conserving, as well as some embellishment of extinguished, faded ideas. Nietzsche
  • The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings. Boris Moiseev
  • How can you dance "Rumba" without knowing true love. Editorial
  • Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. Nietzsche
  • When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Stanislav Popov, President of RTS
  • Dance in three legs. Russian proverb
  • Whoever knows how to dance, he dances anyway, and whoever does not know how, will not learn from a book. Edition of "Dance Klondike"
  • A partner is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Vitaly Leshchenko
  • Castrati are the best dancers. Vladimir Kolechitsky

  • A lot of ballets would be amazing if not for the dance. "Evening Standard"
  • Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.
  • You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. Chinese proverb
  • Folk dance is valuable because it reveals the character, experiences, culture, temperament of the people. Igor Moiseev
  • You should never think that your partner is in any way worse than you. Moreover, it cannot be shown on stage. Maris Liepa
  • Real education includes the ability to sing and dance well. Plato "Laws"
  • No sane person would dance. Cicero
  • Don't feel sorry for the heel, go trepak! Beat the trepak, do not spare the heel! Russian proverb
  • Once dance was erotica, now it has become gymnastics. Sydney Rome
  • Don't get carried away with food. Boris Moiseev
  • Independence is one of the most significant and valuable acquisitions for a true artist. Boris Moiseev
  • You don't have to love yourself in art, you have to love art in yourself. Stanislavsky
  • You can't rest on what you've achieved. Boris Moiseev
  • Our life can be full of loneliness, hateful monotony, and only in dance can we transform into fairytale kings and princesses. Dmitry Fateev, "Gala Waltz"
  • Never criticize your partner. Brave Combo
  • Real art survives in any situation. Yuri Bashmet
  • Never dance with a partner who has more problems than you. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Everything on the stage should sparkle, amaze, bewitch. Boris Moiseev
  • The foundations are laid by the teacher. Igor Moiseev
  • Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. James Brown
  • A couple is a kind painting that moves across the dance floor. Tatiana Kostina
  • Better than ballet is only the corps de ballet. Gennady Malkin
  • The first appearance on the floor must have an effect: you need to be remembered once and for all. Whether they love you later or not, it doesn't matter, but you will be remembered. Maris Liepa
  • After a two-hour TV ballet, it's nice to watch the traffic controllers at street intersections. How calming is the sight of movements that have some meaning. Gabriel Bertel
  • Every tango is a goodbye. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • Isn't it obvious that dance is a continuous metamorphosis? Paul Valerie
  • Dancing is an exciting action that requires dedication, effort and time. Lev Leshchenko
  • Standard dances are a discipline of the back. Leonid Pletnev
  • If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. African proverb
  • A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up something in the composition of the soil or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. Rauf Salakhutdinov
  • If it is ordained by God that you can dance, then you must give it away. Alexander Peskov
  • Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material. Ted Shawn
  • You don't have to dance well to win the competition. Enough to dance better than others. Dassi
  • Dance is the mother of all languages. Collinwood
  • The day was wasted if I didn't dance. Nietzsche
  • To dance is to assert. Bayard Call
  • Listen to everyone, listen only to yourself and the coach. Leonid Pletnev
  • Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer. George Balanshine
  • The whole field of dance has now expanded so much that it is the variety that is of interest, and not some particular phenomenon that someone calls dance. Merce Cunningham

Aphorisms, quotes about dancing Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw) Dancing is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in motion, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. Men are like that. It seems that they go to look at the belly dance - but they still stare at the boobs. Dance is a poem, every movement in it is a word. Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE! Who does not dance, he complexes. It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance. Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise. Beautiful handwriting is not given from birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement distinguishing feature able to dance. One who cannot feel the music considers the dancers to be insane. Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are! Dancing is about creating an image for yourself, where you are part of something bigger, where you splash out your emotions, feelings and passion. It’s not enough to learn to dance: you still need to remember to do it. I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free. I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. Love --- kiss, scream --- suffer! The world is not like hell and heaven! There are no illusions and no limit, there is only the sound and dance of the body! When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Grasshopper dancing is complete nonsense from the point of view of a butterfly. Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent. Aphorisms and quotes If you can speak, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb) Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. (James Brown) To dance is to affirm. (Bayard Call) You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. (Chinese proverb) Dancing is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. (Rahel Farnhagen) The day was wasted if I didn't dance. (Nietzsche) Dance is the mother of all languages. (Collinwood) The way people move is their biography in motion. (Jerry Spence) Dancers are God's athletes. (Albert Einstein) Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers crazy. (George Carlin) I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. (Mikhail Baryshnikov) A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up something in the composition of the soil or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. (Rauf Salakhutdinov) A successful dance partnership is like the relationship of good relatives - a lot of patience and mountains of work. (Kay Gilley) A dancer's ears are in his tiptoes. (Nietzsche) Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. (Nietzsche) Oh superior people , your worst thing is that all of you have not learned how to dance, how to dance - to dance on top of yourselves! (Nietzsche) The gait reveals whether someone is already on his way - look how I walk! But whoever approaches his goal, he dances. (Nietzsche) I want to dance until I'm a hundred. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty. (Maya Plisetskaya) Perfection of dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan. (Sylvia Guillem) The ability to dance gives you the greatest of freedoms: to express yourself to the fullest as you are. (Melissa Hayden) People express themselves most truthfully in dance. The body never lies. (Ange deMille) Only mediocrities dance with their feet. Geniuses dance with their hearts. (Dmitry Yemets) Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. (Bernard Shaw) Than stomp your feet in anger, it's better to learn tap dance. (Fred Astaire) Dance was once erotic, now it's gymnastics. (Sidney Rome) There is no time for slow dancing!... (Vladimir Vishnevsky) If you are not invited to a white dance, do not worry - be a man... (V. Sumbatov) Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise. (Dassi) You can forget the movement, you can't forget the mood. Dance with all the energy of your body and the fire of your soul to shake out all the anguish from your livers, and do not restrain yourself, fearing that your partner will be afraid that the force of your movements will shake something out of your brains. (Lola Montez) When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow. (Didi) If you know the names of all the moves you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international dancer. (Dassi) When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everything is dancing. (Maya Angelou) Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion (Martha Graham) all political mistakes, all the failures of great leaders, arose only from the inability to dance. (Jean Baptiste Moliere) Dancing is a great workout for girls, this is the first way to learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. (Christopher Morley) Stop dance not because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing. (Jesse Newbern) Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. (Jacques d'Amboise) To dance means to be outside of yourself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In dance - power, in dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely. (Agnes de Mille) There is a little madness in dance that brings great benefits to everyone. (Edwin Denby) Life is not set by a choreographer. That's why I often fall. (Sasha Duncan) Dance for yourself. If someone understands, it's good, if not, it doesn't matter, keep doing what you love. (Louis Horst) Dance is the world's favorite metaphor. (Christie Nilsson) When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes prayer. (Gabriella Roth)

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