Brazilian show order. brazilian dance show

The dance show "Hummingbird" is proud to present you with a completely NEW bright, enchanting program - Brazilian show carnival! This program represents THREE full-fledged departments. Two performance options are possible: these are 3 dance compositions or 5 dance compositions, which include the performance of artists directly, interactive and master classes with guests, as well as a photo session with our dancers and in beautiful Brazilian costumes! The duration of the show is 45-60 minutes. It is possible to order an incomplete program by prior agreement.

A little more about the program:

In the first block, our charming dancers will perform for you incendiary dance"Viva Cuba", colorful exclusive costumes made by the hands of Cuban designers perfectly complement the traditional Cuban choreography! And cheerful rhythmic music pulls everyone to the dance floor. And it's not easy! Because the dance "Viva Cuba" is followed by a real master class in latin dance from our girls, as well as everyone's favorite Lambada. All guests are involved in this interactive, no one will be left behind!

Cuban show
Cuban show in Moscow
Book a Cuban show

Cuban corporate show
Cuban wedding show Video can't be loaded: brazilian show in Moscow / Brazil show ballet Hummingbird at the wedding. Cuban Show (

The second block of our speech continues the Latin American theme. These are beautiful puffy Cuban skirts, without which not a single carnival procession at the annual Brazilian Carnival can do! The special feature of this block is the unexpected mini dressing up right during the dance! And also uncomplicated, but very organic and fun master class in Latin American Salsa. This block is only PART OF THE COMPLETE BRAZILIAN PROGRAM! An exception is possible if the program is agreed in advance.

Brazilian show from show-ballet Hummingbird
Cuban dance
Latin American show

Cuban show

We devoted the third block of our performance to the Brazilian Carnival Samba. Have you been to the Brazilian Carnival yet? Or maybe you have not even heard about this grandiose holiday? No problem! The Hummingbird dance show will happily take you to the very center of the Sambadrome! Especially for this program, exclusive feather costumes were sewn using more than 1000 feathers. Dance numbers were staged in best traditions Brazilian culture. You will be amazed by the beauties in costumes shining with rhinestones, charging you with crazy energy! (In the second block we perform two dance numbers.)

Brazilian show in Moscow
brazilian wedding show

Brazilian show for the anniversary
Brazilian New Year Show Video can’t be loaded: Incendiary Brazilian show for a wedding in Moscow!!! Hummingbird dance show. ( Video can’t be loaded: Brazilian Hummingbird Show in Moscow. Show ballet Hummingbird. Carnival (

Do you think this is a dream? Not at all! The Brazilian carnival has arrived in Moscow!!! Book a Brazilian show performed Dance show "Hummingbird" for a wedding, anniversary, birthday or any other celebration and plunge into the world of sunny Brazil!

The incendiary Brazilian carnivals, regularly held in different cities this country. Such carnivals are celebrations of beauty, dance, joy and happiness. The emotional charge received at such holidays fills a person with the energy of joy for a long time. Today, for such recharging, it is not necessary to go to Rio de Janeiro, because Brazilian show in Moscow can be arranged using the services of the professional show ballet Hummingbird.

. Video can't be loaded: Hummingbird Dance Show on TV old name Samba Paradise (

Brazilian show in Moscow from real professionals

There is a well-established stereotype according to which only hot South American women can really perform carnival dances. It is not true! Our brazilian dance show will be so incendiary that you will feel the sultry atmosphere of the ocean coast even on a cold Moscow evening. Professional dancers working in the Hummingbird show ballet will make Brazilian show in Moscow unforgettable for the audience, who will also start dancing, unable to control their emotions.

In what way brazilian carnival show can turn any event into a firework of emotions and happiness? First of all, colorful and sexy costumes, which are an integral part of South American carnivals, create a special atmosphere. And the rhythmic and groovy movements performed by spectacular professional dancers will not leave indifferent either men or women! Order brazilian wedding show or corporate, fun party or a birthday is worth it precisely because of the energy and color of the dances, which will simply blow up your evening.

Brazilian carnival show will light up any event

Show-ballet "Kolibri" is a professional dance group. We do not just offer a standard Brazilian dance show, but work with each order individually. Taking into account the specifics of the site and the event for which it is ordered dance program, we create unique dance numbers that fit perfectly into the theme and atmosphere of the holiday.

You can order brazilian wedding show, corporate party, birthday and even to celebrate the New Year. Clockwork dances will turn any event into a real explosion of emotions. Also, our show ballet creates real dance compositions for performances in concert and club programs. If you are not afraid of hot Brazilian flavor, we will be happy to light your evening with explosive carnival rhythms!

unrivaled atmosphere and bright colors fill the Brazilian show, which is filled with the atmosphere of the famous carnival of Rio de Janeiro. Hot colorful Brazil is waiting for you, feel its touch.

Brazilian show program includes

✔ Samba in luxurious costumes made of bright feathers;
✔ Carmen Miranda dance in unique costumes, with fruits and flowers;
✔ Performance with drummers, which will be remembered for a long time for its enchanting;
✔ Interactive with visitors, anyone can become part of the carnival;
✔ Photo session with all artists;
✔ The duration of the program is from five to fifty minutes.
✔ Dancers over 178 centimeters tall.
Any celebration will be unique and bright!

Presentations, corporate parties, birthdays, weddings. Filming in advertising, meeting guests, go-go. You can order a Brazilian dance from us, and it will be remembered for a long time.

You want to feel the charm of the unique and vibrant Brazilian carnival. Then you can order a Brazilian show from us. Incendiary and charming Linda Show dances from hot Brazil for a wedding, corporate party, anniversary, birthday or any other holiday will be a great addition. Together with them, guests will feel all the charm of the hot carnival of Rio de Janeiro.

brazilian wedding show

Order a show program for a wedding celebration, and it will complement the holiday. Beautiful dancers in bright costumes, an incendiary show, will fill the wedding with an unsurpassed atmosphere. And make this significant day the best in your life. Therefore, do not hesitate to invite a ballet show to your wedding celebration!

brazilian corporate show

Artists of the Linda ballet show can present a corporate or personal gift. Who will also welcome guests with pleasure, take part in promotions, photo shoots, will perform at the exhibition stand and fashion shows.

brazilian party show

Beautiful Brazilian show dancers in colorful feather costumes in your night club will create an unsurpassed atmosphere of a carnival party! An unforgettable event will be a Brazilian show in a nightclub in the capital!

Brazilian show in the capital! Brazilian show! latin show! Order a Brazilian wedding show! Corporate events, birthdays, weddings! Latin show! Brazilian show ballet! Order a Brazilian show - ballet - carnival - wedding - Moscow! Brazilian show! Show Brazilian Carnival!

Can't decide what topic to order a show for a corporate party? The soul asks for something spectacular and enchanting, but there are no ideas at all? Then we invite you to consider, as an option, a Brazilian dance show, which, for sure, will not leave anyone indifferent.

We offer our guests eight versions of the Brazilian show, the videos of which you can find on the respective pages.

The Brazilian show in Moscow gains more and more fans every holiday. It is ordered for corporate parties, new year parties and a variety of other events where the main task of entertainment is to be spectacular and keep guests in a perky mood all evening. And what can do it better than colorful costumes, most of of which was produced in Rio de Janeiro, graceful bodies and sensual energetic movements that beckon to join?

Brazilian fashion of the Russian capital

Increasingly, orders are being received for a Brazilian show at a wedding. So in an unusual way future newlyweds want not only to make a truly explosive apogee of their holiday, but also to give guests the opportunity to take a lot of bright photos, thanks to which they will not forget this event for a very long time.

brazilian show on New Year guaranteed to save your friends and loved ones from hibernation and ignite the fire of latino in their hearts. Becoming part of the dance extravaganza, they will receive master classes from professional artists. And photoshoots and exciting contests with beautiful half-naked dancers will give a lot of positive impressions and a charge of vivacity for many weeks, or even months.

Our "Brazil" is real

When ordering a show program from us, you yourself determine its duration and content. Our dancers are highest level will perform any of the original and modernized dances of the Brazilian carnival. The actors will impress the audience with bright performances, capoeira elements and African-style acrobatic numbers.

But do not even think that you will spend all the black shows only as a spectator. Each of our programs (optional) contains an exciting interactive experience with guests, during which no one will be able to get bored.

brazilian show

In our performance, the Brazilian show is not just a bright masquerade to the incendiary music of Africa, Cuba, etc. It is a professional Latino show, which only best artists in its category, and costumes, entourage and other design are thought out to the smallest detail.

Now, those who dreamed of seeing all the shows of the Brazilian carnival live, no longer need to go to the ends of the world. The holiday itself will find its audience. The incendiary melodies of Rio de Janeiro will make your event sparkle with new colors and give guests a lot of positive impressions.

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