Crafts on the theme of the circus for kindergarten. Master class of applications on the topic: “Cheerful clown”

Thematic selection of game material, theme: "Circus"


Expand children's knowledge about the circus.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To form a stable idea of ​​color, quantity, size, geometric shapes.
To teach children to determine the number of objects to the touch, the severity-lightness of objects.
Continue to teach children to determine their position in space, to understand the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “on”, “under”, “middle”, “in a circle”, “next”.
To acquaint children with the method of unconventional drawing with toothbrushes.
Improve the skills of modeling, gluing, cutting with scissors, designing from building material and planar geometric shapes.
Develop memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


A picture-scheme of a circus tent made of geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard.
Scissors. Blank for cutting "tickets to the circus".
Background picture "circus arena", color silhouette images of a zebra, monkey, lion, counting sticks.
Background for application "clown head", details for gluing: hat, bow, wig.
Bags filled with cotton, bags filled with stones.
Kettlebell toys.
Buttons in two sizes in red, white, blue, green and yellow. Picture for laying out buttons with the image of a strongman with weights, barbells.
Silhouette images of elephants in four sizes.
Silhouette color pictures of animals, their shadows drawn on paper, cages for these animals of different sizes.
Small toys "horses", plasticine, feathers, bars of small building material.
Boxes with lids, inside - laces.
Hats-masks "animals", a hoop wrapped in red napkins.
A silhouette picture of a clown's head in a cap with a collar pasted on cardboard, clothespins.
Large fabric toy simulator "snake".
Balloons (not inflated), inside one and three pebbles.
Cans of water with lids with paint on the inside, paints, brushes, double bottles with stickers in different colors.
Background picture with the image of the arena and the magician, toothbrushes, paint.
Ball, cube, toy, scarf.
Audio recordings: "Circus" (from the film of the same name), "Love the circus."

Lesson progress:

Sounds like music from the movie "Circus".

Hello children. Today we are going to the circus.

Children lay out a circus tent from geometric shapes. The teacher asks to name the shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle) and their color.

Let's put the elephant on a big pedestal. Put? And now let's put the lion on a small cabinet.
Lead the horse around. Put the monkey on the swing. Lay out a ladder from counting sticks.

Children cut tickets along the line with scissors.

A clown performs at the circus. He is funny and tries to make everyone laugh.

Look, it's a clown. Let's make him up, make him handsome. Glue on the clown's hair, hat and bow.

And now we will help decorate another clown. Let's make him a nice clothespin collar.

A strong man performs in our circus. He is very strong and can lift huge weights.

Experiment "Heavy-light"

Hold the bags in your hands and say which ones are light and which are heavy.
Children are offered bags with cotton wool and pebbles.

In this picture, a strong man in a circus is lifting heavy weights and a barbell. Sort the buttons by color and size.

Dynamic pause "Playing with kettlebells"

Take the kettlebell in your right hand. Lift up, put on your shoulder, lower to the floor.
Grab the kettlebell with your left hand. Lift up, put on your shoulder, hide behind your back.
Place the kettlebell on the floor in front of you and jump over it.

In the circus, trainers always perform with their trained animals.

Didactic game "Animals in cages"

After the performance, the animals return to their cages. Help put the animals in cages. Place a tall giraffe in a tall cage, then select suitable cages for a zebra and a monkey.

Children arrange cardboard pictures of elephants from largest to smallest.

Didactic game "Find a shadow"

Children apply color silhouette images of animals to their black silhouette shadows.

Exercise "Trained animals"

Children, if desired, put on animal hats and follow the commands of the educator-tamer: stand, sit, lie, crawl, climb into the fiery hoop ring, walk along the bench, climb over the obstacle.

Construction from building material "Horse Fences"

From the bars laid on the side edge, the children make fences: low - from one bar, medium - from two bars, high - from three bars laid on top of each other.

Circus horse game

A saddle is attached to the flying horse toy - a piece of dense fabric on the back and decoration - the feather is stuck into a piece of plasticine attached to the horse's head. Then the horse jumps over the fences.
To jump over a high fence, the horse must jump high.

Didactic exercise "Snake"

Open the box and take out the lace-snake from it. What is the length of the snake? The snake is long. Pull the string, show how the snake crawls. Fold the lace back into the box and close the lid.

Dynamic pause "Performance with a snake"

On the “snake” spread out on the floor, the children lie down with their chests and swing their arms and legs, then turn over, lie on their backs, raise their arms and legs up. Snake walking, crawling, jumping.

And magicians perform in the circus.

Didactic exercise "What's in the ball?"

Children are handed out balls and asked to feel to determine in which ball there is one pebble, in which there are many pebbles.

Didactic game "What disappeared?"

Three objects are laid out in front of the children, covered with a scarf and one object is discreetly removed. Children should name this missing object.

Didactic game "Colored water"

The teacher pre-paints the lid of a jar of water with paint. After the words "Hocus-pocus!" the jar is shaken and the water is colored. Children name the color of the water. Then, using a brush and paint, color the water in the bottle according to the color of the sticker pasted on it.

Drawing "Salute in the circus arena"

Children draw salute with paints using toothbrushes, swiping them from the image of the magician up and to the sides.

We invite you to plunge into the world of jokes and laughter and feel the circus atmosphere by doing interesting crafts on the theme: "Cheerful Clown". We will create this funny little man using the appliqué technique from various materials: fabric, candy wrappers and paper.

We have prepared lessons of varying difficulty that are suitable for children of all ages. Each master class contains step-by-step instructions with a detailed description of the entire creative process, which will help novice craftsmen make original masterpieces with their own hands.

You need to prepare:

  • candy wrappers;
  • colored cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • markers;
  • glue.

To create this application, you will have to work a lot with scissors, so it can be difficult for a small child to cope with the task on his own and he will need the help of adults.

Cut out the boots according to the pattern.

We cut off the corners of the candy wrapper. So you get pants and sleeves. Draw a face on a white sheet and cut it out along the contour. Twist the wrapper so that you get a bow. Glue it to the cardboard along with the rest of the manufactured parts.

We draw and cut out a clown cap, eyes, nose, pompom and balls, as in the photo. Glue them to the picture. We draw hair and a smile. We glue the rest of the details and our fun craft is completed.

If desired, change the composition by adding various circus elements to it (ball, pedestal, rings).

Clown made of geometric shapes

For work we need:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard (for the base);
  • simple pencil;
  • markers;
  • ruler-stencil;
  • scissors and glue.

We prepare the necessary blanks:

  • circles (multi-colored) - 6 pieces (for the face and balls);
  • triangles - 5 pcs. (for pants, sleeves and cap);
  • asterisk (for collar);
  • ovals - two (for boots and hands).

Let's get to work.

We make the main details of the application. Use a special ruler with geometric shapes for this:

Put it on the base of the desired color and circle the shapes with a pencil. Cut out the pieces with scissors. Cut one oval in half - these will be the shoes. From the second you need a half, we will also cut it into two - hands. Lay out the parts on cardboard and fix with glue. Draw the face - eyes, nose and mouth.
The picture is ready.

Colored paper clown

To create an application, you will need the following templates:

You can draw or print them on a printer.

Also prepare:

  • paper of different colors;
  • black marker;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Technique: make appliqué details from the colored base. Glue the hair to the head:

We put on a clown hat (using glue). We glue the elements of the face (eyes, nose, eyebrows, cheeks, mouth). Draw ears, eyes and a smile with a marker:

Volume application with a clown

We will need the following tools and materials:

  • paper (velvety and corrugated);
  • scissors;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • office glue.

First, cut out a circle from yellow colored paper - the head of a clown. From white and black create eyes. To make hair blanks, cut colored corrugated paper into strips (length - 12-14 cm, width - 6-8 cm). Then wrap them around a pencil. Squeeze accordion. Roll the resulting tube into a bagel and fix the edge with glue. You should get such curls of hair.

We make a bow in a similar way, but we cut the strips wider and longer. We glue together two multi-colored curls in the shape of a figure eight. We cut out a small star from paper and decorate a butterfly with it. We assemble a face from these parts, gluing them with glue. And we get this result:

Decorate the clown as you wish. They make different versions of hair, for example, from washcloths, from threads and paper bows, from paper folded like an accordion or from puzzles.

Video: We make a 3D clown application

funny clown

Necessary materials:

  • colored napkins and paper;
  • beautiful button;
  • eyes from a set for creativity and glitter;
  • background paper;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • glitter pencils;
  • red marker;
  • Double-sided tape.

Do all the basic details. For convenience, print the following template:

Glue on a separate white sheet in stages all parts of the costume. Cut out the clown outfit with scissors. Sew a button to the vest and stick a bow on top.

We glue double-sided tape on the hands, shoes and hat. We fix the nose and eyes with adhesive tape. Draw a smile with a red felt-tip pen.

We make fluffy pompoms. To do this, we fold a napkin in several layers (the thicker, the fluffier the workpiece will be). Then, using a template, draw a circle (2.5 - 3 cm). Cut it out and staple the mugs together.

Are you going to arrange a children's party or a child's birthday in nature, but can't come up with a scenario? A holiday for children can be, for example, on the theme of the circus - any accuracy contests, do-it-yourself stilts, as well as a soap bubble show will do.

We invite you to the circus booth! We will not have a modern circus, but a big top. Such as before, when the artists traveled in wagons to different cities and set up their tents in the central squares. They were all one team and helped each other. A real circus is not only fun, but also the ability to make props, and training to hone your skills, and taking care of the audience.

crafts, games and competitions given here are united by the theme of the circus. But they are all universal - you can dream up and apply them to any children's holiday. The main thing is that your child likes the theme of the holiday and is accepted with enthusiasm.

A real juggler needs to be able to create his own props. Do not forget that our circus is traveling and we do everything ourselves.

Ordinary balls are too light and completely unsuitable for real artists. Therefore, we will make not only balls that you can throw several at once and learn to juggle, but also expanders for training the muscles of the hand.

We will need:

  • air balloons
  • small packages
  • filler (grain, legumes, corn, flour, sugar, salt, earth, sand, sawdust)
  • cups, cans, etc.

  1. To make one balloon, take two balloons and cut off the tails from them.
  2. Pour enough filler into a plastic bag so that your future ball fits well in your hand. Release excess air and tie up the bag.
  3. Now squeeze the bag, giving it a round shape. Push this bag into one of the balls, and put the other ball on the opposite side. Finally give it a round shape - and the ball is ready. You can start the competition.

The ball is easy to make from an old sock. Take a sock, cut off the part that once warmed your fingers. Fill the resulting bag with buckwheat or rice and sew, hiding the seams inside and giving your future ball the shape of a ball. You can play football at home with such a ball, and it is very pleasant to the touch.

Accurate shooter. Take a few glasses or empty cans. Arrange them in a row or build a pyramid out of them. Children can throw the balls in turn, trying to knock down the cans.

We pump muscles. When the games are over, you can start training. To do this, let the child take the ball and crumple it in his palms. If you do this long and often, the hands will become strong.

Juggling. Now you can learn to juggle. Let the kid take two balls and throw them into the air one after another, catching and throwing them from one hand to the other. When it turns out perfectly, you can add a third ball, and then a fourth. It all depends on the perseverance of the young circus performer.

Let's move on to dangerous tricks. We will learn in the same way as trapeze artists and tightrope walkers do.

They walk high above our heads on thin ropes, and even make jumps and all kinds of pirouettes, making the audience freeze with delight. All these exercises would not be possible if it were not for the ability of a person to maintain balance. This is what we have to learn.

We will need:

  • tin cans (preferably strong square ones)
  • 2 ropes
  • rubber bands
  • awl or can opener
  • colored paper
  • spray paint
  1. To make the simplest stilts, you will need our favorite circus props - tin cans. Pre-paste them with colored paper or paint with spray paint.
  2. In each jar, stepping back a little from the edge, punch two holes on opposite sides. Pass the rope through them so that both ends go inside the jar. Tie the rope and pull tight. The node will be inside.
  3. We got real stilts. Walking on them is difficult and dangerous (try it yourself!), At first, children will need insurance.

For younger children, you can take low cans, for example, from canned fish, and instead of ropes, attach elastic bands around the circumference of the baby's foot. Get funny slippers-stilts.

Any circus performance ends with a bright final show. Soap bubble show - what could be more memorable! Moreover, we ourselves will learn how to make both a solution for soap bubbles and sticks. And even try to release giant soap bubbles. Everyone will be surprised when they see this transparent miracle shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow!

For solution:

  • 1 liter of distilled water (you can take boiled)
  • glycerol
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 250 ml dishwashing detergent, shampoo or liquid soap
  • 100 g sugar

For curly sticks:

  • wooden sticks (sharp ends are best cut off)
  • chenille wire

For big sticks:

  • long sticks
  • rope (better twine or woolen)
  • bead or nut
  • scotch

The solution must be made in advance to infuse - at least the night before the performance. It keeps for quite a long time.

  1. Set the gelatin to swell with a little water. Then heat the gelatin solution (do not bring to a boil!), Put the sugar and stir. Cool, add glycerin to the warm gelatin solution (at least a little - you can’t do without it at all) and detergent. Stir - and let it infuse.

  1. Now let's move on to the most interesting - making sticks for bubbles. To make one stick, take two pieces of chenille wire and twist them together to secure. From the resulting blank, you can create any shapes, from simple geometric to complex - abstract, in the form of animals or men.

Children will do an excellent job with this task themselves, and at the same time they will choose the shapes for their bubbles. Then attach the wire figure to the stick, drip a little glue at the joints to keep it better.

Using sticks is very convenient to blow bubbles: just dip them into the solution and swing them in different directions. Everything will work out even for kids who can’t cope with purchased sets for soap bubbles.

  1. And we definitely need to learn how to blow huge bubbles. Take two long sticks. Cut off the sharp ends. Make a ring out of the rope by tying the ends and threading a bead or other load into the knot. Tape the rope ring to the sticks so that the weight is in the middle of the lower, longer part of the rope ring.

Now dip the rope into the bowl of solution, holding both sticks together. Pulling out, slowly spread the sticks, moving the ring to the side and forming a huge bubble.

Today we get acquainted not just with author's paper puppets, but with expressive circus characters - big tops, to make them with our own hands. And yet, the limbs of these paper dolls are movable - made on hinges, this gives them more advantages in the game, which children will surely like.

The images of these characters are as expressive as they are simple - they consist of simple shapes and somehow resemble children's drawings. Therefore, it will not be difficult to draw such dolls or come up with your own without anyone having experience in drawing. After all, hand-made toys are much more interesting, especially if you make them with children. And then you can arrange a real puppet theater or circus, the main characters of which will be your paper dolls and play a fascinating performance - what could be more interesting and entertaining for children? Themes for performances can be many, as well as funny characters. Bold acrobats and graceful dancers, a mighty strong man and a brave trainer with his amazing animals: an elephant and a bear. And, of course: - All evening on the arena! The funniest clown in the world!

This idea will definitely appeal to the kids, because they love the circus so much.

How to make funny paper dolls

The idea is interesting and not very difficult to implement. Children will be happy to take part in the venture. With a little help from adults, everything will work out. Let's figure out what might come in handy to create a cardboard doll.

- we need thick cardboard, from which we will make dolls;
- colour pencils;
- pieces of colored paper and fabric;
- scissors;
- glue;
- hole puncher;
- metal or plastic rivets;
- a hammer;
- the board on which we will work.

We draw separately the torso and those limbs that will be movable, with small allowances for attaching to the torso. You can let the child color the characters before cutting.

Then we cut out the component parts of our paper dolls. We pierce into them, at the places of attachment of moving parts, using a hole punch with a hole diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the rivet, hole. Using a hammer on the board, we connect the parts of our home-made articulated dolls, install rivets into the holes obtained. It turned out funny articulated dolls, in which all joints are bent.

Or, before cutting, we decorate them with colored paper or pieces of fabric, creating details of circus costumes, gluing elegant clothes on our characters.

And then cut and install rivets. By the way, you can also fasten the hinges with a needle and thread into one hole, and fix the loops on both sides with beads, one at a time.

The resulting paper dolls are ready to participate in the performance.

What is a circus without trained animals? From blue cardboard, cut out the details of the elephant. Note that almost all of them are irregular oval. Isn't it really difficult? We connect them all with rivets or beads, decorate our elephant with a beautiful blanket and the mighty beast is ready for action.

Valentina Valerievna Sayasova

Hello my dear guests! I'm glad that you're doing well and that you have time to go to your favorite site! Favorite for us and family, and food, and entertainment. By the way, do you like such entertainment as the circus? I am sure that there is not a single person indifferent to circus.

And if these are children and if these children live in a village (and not everyone has the opportunity to visit a real, big, city the circus, then a poster at the club or holding circus performances in the kindergarten - HOLIDAY, a real holiday of the soul! And so many impressions and memories from seen: funny clowns, mysterious magicians, fearless gymnasts and funny little animals!

And let's prolong positive emotions and even stay ourselves circus artists.

Do you agree? Then you to our children on Master Class"The circus".

Everyone is welcome to participate - there is enough work for everyone!

We need: colored paper and cardboard, a white sheet of paper, scissors, glue, stencils of circles of different sizes.

Draw a circle on cardboard and cut it out.

On a white sheet of paper, draw and cut out a semicircle

We bend its edges so that in the future it can be glued to a colored sheet, and we decorate the semicircle itself with strips of red or blue paper - from the center to the edges

We make blanks of circles of different sizes

We decorate them with a sheet of colored paper

Recent installation steps circus: glue the "tent" to the "arena"

Where are the artists? Where are the trainers?

To the arena circus are invited

All good mood and good luck in circus art!

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