And the Khachaturian ballet Spartak is the history of creation. Spartak at the Bolshoi Theatre, buy tickets, poster


Scenes from Roman life. Ballet in four acts

The author of the ballet Aram Ilyich Khachaturian
Libretto N. Volkova.
Choreographer L. Jacobson.
First performance: Leningrad, Opera and Ballet Theatre. S. M. Kirov, December 27, 1956
Spartacus. Phrygia. Aegina. Harmodius. beauty. Dying slave. Lentullus Batiatus. Herald. Egyptian. African. Numidian, Gallus. Athenian jester. Etruscans, Gaditan maidens, hetaerae. Memes. Centurions. Companions of Spartacus.

The Roman commander Crassus returns from a campaign with a victory. The jubilant crowd welcomes the legionnaires famous in battles.

Crassus' golden chariot is harnessed by captive slaves. Among them is the Thracian Spartacus. His gigantic figure is full of strength and dignity. Next to him are his beloved, the young Thracian Phrygia, and the young man Harmodius.

In the crowd of the Roman nobility, patricians and senators, meeting Crassus, is his concubine, the courtesan Aegina.

Slave market. The auction begins with the sale of an Egyptian dancer. She is separated from her mother. Spartacus and the chained Harmodius are bought by the owner of the gladiator school, Lentullus Batiat. Sad is the moment of parting of Phrygia and Spartacus. Phrygia buys Aegina.

The circus. In the center of the amphitheater is the bed of Crassus and Aegina. The gladiator fights begin. A Gaul, a Numidian and an African are fighting. The wounded Numidian asks to grant him life, but the crowd demands to kill him. Two gladiators enter the arena. One of them dies; dying, he sends a curse to Rome. Two groups attract everyone's attention: the gladiators. A furious fight breaks out. Miracles of courage and dexterity are shown by Spartak. He wins, he is enthusiastically applauded by the crowd.

Square in front of the palace of Crassus. Phrygia pours out her grief to Spartacus, complains about the hard life in captivity and separation.

Under the cover of night, Spartacus agrees with his associates about a secret meeting. Aegina notices them. Wanting to reveal their plan, she charms one of the conspirators - the young Harmodius.

Festival in honor of the god Saturn (saturnalia). The crowd praises him with Bacchic dances. Crassus is carried out of the palace on a luxurious stretcher. One of the slaves carrying the stretcher stumbled. Beauty orders to kill him. Crassus' bodyguard stabs a slave with a dagger. Everyone freezes in horror.

At a secret meeting, Spartacus calls on his associates to start an uprising. The conspirators pledge their loyalty to the cause of the struggle for liberation with an oath.

Spartacus enters the stone prison of the gladiators. and calls the prisoners to revolt: better death on the battlefield than in the circus arena, for the amusement of the crowd! The chains have already been broken, the guards have been removed. Spartacus opens the gates of the prison and leads the rebels away.

An uprising of slaves spreads across Italy like a wide fiery river. Victory after victory is won by the troops of Spartacus. The Romans bow the "eagles" - the signs of their legions - before the leader of the rebellious slaves.

The commanders of Spartacus are returning from a campaign with captured legionnaires, looted goods, casks of wine and getters. Aegina is hiding among the hetaerae. She brings Harmodius to the tent of the feasting warlords.

Suddenly, Spartacus appears. He orders the getters to be immediately expelled from the camp. Harmodius protests. A quarrel arises between a group of military leaders and Spartacus. A long-brewing conflict leads to a split in the camp. A group of disgruntled military leaders, along with their soldiers, leaves Spartak's camp. Aegina carries Harmodius with her. With Spartacus, only his followers loyal to the cause of freedom remain.

Feast at Crassus. Aegina tells the commander that she managed to bring Harmodius, who quarreled with Spartacus, and also about the split among the rebels. Beauty gives the order to attack the camp of those who broke away from Spartacus.

Aegina is left alone with Harmodius. The night passes. The feast resumes. Beauty orders to bring Harmodius. Purple curtains open. Harmodius sees with horror the gladiators crucified on the crosses, his recent associates. He realizes that Aegina has betrayed him and tries to kill her, but he is captured and stabbed to death. Krase and Aegina leave the feast.

Slaves, led by Spartacus, rush into the palace. Phrygia and the slaves of Crassus joyfully rush towards them.

In the battle with the legionnaires of Crassus, Spartacus is defeated and retreats. Phrygia blesses him for new battles; she gives Spartacus a shield, kisses his sword. She foresees in her heart the impending catastrophe.

The Romans are coming. Surrounded by countless hordes, the Spartacists perish in a fierce battle. Dies and Spartacus.

The clear signal sounds. The Roman troops leave.

Night. Mist covers the battlefield. A mournful Phrygia appears, looking for the body of Spartacus. In ominous silence, she mourns the fallen hero.

Ballet in two acts, eleven scenes.
Direction and choreography Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilev.
Libretto on historical materials, the motives of the novel by R. Giovagnoli and the own fantasies of Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilev.
Scenography: folk artist USSR, Laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR Iosif Sumbatashvili.
Suits: Elizabeth Dvorkina.
Stunt coordinator: Vice-President of the Freestyle Fighting Federation, Vice-President of the Russian Fighting Federation Alexander Malyshev.

The leader of the rebellious gladiators, Spartak, became one of the most important ballet characters in the 20th century, displacing traditional swans, jeeps and sylphs on the stage. The famous ballet to the music of Aram Khachaturian is a real hit of the ballet scene and is presented on it in different readings. AT original version Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyov, the story of Spartacus is played out in the tragic and sensual atmosphere of the era of the decline of the Roman Empire. expressive choreography, vivid images, 6 tons of unique scenery designed by Iosif Sumbatashvili, 300 costumes of Elizaveta Dvorkina, stunning in their luxury ... Professional stuntman Alexander Malyshev taught the artists the techniques of a real Roman battle.

A grand spectacle and a gripping drama - this is exactly what we expect in the ballet version of the plot, so well known in literature and cinema.

For the first time in the production of Spartacus, music was used, although written by the composer for this ballet, but never before included in performances by other choreographers. The score of these fragments was exclusively provided to Kasatkina and Vasilev by the composer's heirs.

“On the stage, purely according to the laws of a modern musical and plastic show, a performance on the themes of Spartacus is developing, in which there is also classical dance, and techniques of martial arts, and allusions to Roman games, mysteries, saturnalia and theatrical performances.

Violetta Mainiece.

Painting 1
The death of peaceful life is carried by the legions of the Roman Empire, led by the cruel and treacherous Crassus. The people captured by him are doomed to slavery. Among them is Spartacus.

Monologue of Spartacus
Spartacus was deprived of his freedom, but he cannot come to terms with this. A proud and courageous man, he does not imagine his life in slavery.

Picture 2
slave market
Captives are driven to the slave market. Men and women are separated by force, including Spartacus and Phrygia.
Spartacus protests against the inhumanity of the Romans. But the forces are not equal.

Monologue of Phrygia
Phrygia yearns for her lost happiness, thinking with horror about the trials ahead of her.

Scene 3
Orgy at Crassus
Mimes and courtesans entertain guests by making fun of Phrygia, Crassus' new slave. The courtesan Aegina is alarmed by his interest in a young girl. And she draws Crassus into a frantic dance. In the midst of an orgy, Crassus orders the gladiators to be brought in. They must fight to the death in helmets without eye sockets, without seeing each other. Remove the helmet from the winner. This is Spartacus.

Monologue of Spartacus
Spartacus is in despair - he became the unwitting killer of his comrade. The tragedy awakens in him anger and a desire to protest. Spartacus decides to fight for freedom.

Scene 4
Gladiator barracks
Spartacus calls the gladiators to revolt. They answer him with an oath of allegiance. Throwing off the fetters, Spartacus and the gladiators flee from Rome.

Act II

Scene 5
appian way
Shepherds join the "Spartacists" on the Appian Way. All are united by the dream of freedom and hatred of slavery. The people proclaim Spartacus the leader of the rebels.

Monologue of Spartacus
All thoughts of Spartacus are directed to Phrygia.

Scene 6
Villa Crassa
The search for Phrygia leads Spartacus to the villa of Crassus. Great is the joy of meeting lovers. But they have to hide - a procession of patricians headed by Aegina will head towards the villa.

Monologue of Aegina
She longs to seduce and subdue Crassus for a long time. She needs to conquer him and legally enter the world of the Roman nobility.

Scene 7
Feast at Crassus
Crassus celebrates his victories. The patricians praise him. But the troops of Spartacus surround the palace. The guests run away. Crassus and Aegina also run in fear. Spartacus breaks into the villa.

Monologue of Spartacus
He is filled with the joy of victory.

Scene 8
Spartacus' victory
Crassus is captured by the gladiators. But Spartacus does not want reprisals. He offers Crassus to decide his fate in an open fair duel. Crassus accepts the challenge, but is defeated. Spartacus drives him away - let everyone know about his shame. The jubilant rebels praise the victory of Spartacus.


Scene 9
Revenge of Crassus
Aegina seeks to instill courage in Crassus. The uprising must be crushed. Crassus gathers legionnaires. Aegina guides him.

Monologue of Aegina
For her, Spartacus is also an enemy, for the defeat of Crassus promises death to her too. Aegina is plotting an insidious plan - to spread discord in the camp of the rebels.

Picture 10
Spartak's camp
Spartacus is happy with Phrygia. But the news of Crassus' new campaign comes as a sudden disaster. Spartacus offers to take the fight. But many of his generals show weakness and desert their leader.

Monologue of Spartacus
Spartacus anticipates a tragic end. But freedom is above all. And for her, he is ready to give his life.

Scene 11
Having made her way to the cowardly gladiators, who could still join Spartacus, Aegina, along with the courtesans, seduces them and traps them, betraying Crassus into the hands of the troops.

Monologue of Crassus
Crassus is filled with a thirst for revenge. It's not enough for him to win. He needs the death of Spartak, who humiliated him.

Scene 12
Last Stand
Legionnaires surround the troops of Spartacus. In an unequal battle, his friends and he himself perish. Spartacus fights to the last breath.

Phrygia finds the body of Spartacus. She mourns him, full of faith in the immortality of his feat.

Spartacus: Spartacus is a famous slave gladiator. Contents 1 Famous bearers of the name Spartak 2 Sports 2.1 ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Spartacus (meanings). Spartacus Spartaco

Several films with the same name were made: Spartacus (film, 1926) USSR, 1926, dir. E. Muhsin Bey Spartacus (film, 1960) USA, 1960, dir. Stanley Kubrick Spartacus (film ballet) USSR, 1977, film ballet IMDb Spartacus (film, 2004) USA, ... ... Wikipedia

- "SPARTAK", USSR, Mosfilm, 1975, color, 94 min. Movie ballet. About the uprising of slaves in ancient Rome led by Spartacus. The roles are performed by the ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. Choreography by Yuri Grigorovich. Cast: Vladimir Vasilyev (see VASILEV ... Cinema Encyclopedia

Postage stamp of the USSR (1969): I international competition ballet dancers in Moscow The theme of ballet in philately is one of the areas of thematic collecting postage stamps and other philatelic materials dedicated to ballet ... ... Wikipedia

- (French ballet, from Italian balletto, from late Latin ballo I dance) view performing arts, the content of which is expressed in dance musical images. The term "B." serves mainly to designate the European B., which has developed ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Ballet- (French ballet from Italian balletto and late Latin ballo I dance) a kind of stage. suit wa, conveying the content in dance music. images. Evolved throughout the 16th and 19th centuries. in Europe from entertain. Sideshow up contain. performances. In the 20th century ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Great Britain. Prior to the tour of the Diaghilev and Anna Pavlova troupe in London in 1910-1920s, ballet was presented in England mainly by performances of individual famous ballerinas on the stages of music halls, for example, the Danish Adeline Genet (1878 1970) ... Collier Encyclopedia

This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

This article is about the leader of the slave revolt; other meanings: Spartacus (disambiguation). Spartacus Spartacus ... Wikipedia


  • Revelations of ballet master Fyodor Lopukhov (DVD), . The twentieth century is the century of the triumph of the Russian school of ballet. The famous choreographer Fyodor Lopukhov, who lived a long and fruitful life in art, recalls and reflects on the fate of classical dance...
  • Spartak, Leskov Valentin Alexandrovich. The name of the Thracian Spartacus, Roman gladiator and leader of the most famous slave revolt in ancient rome(74-71 BC), has an undoubted attractive force. Immortal Romance...
A. Khachaturian. Ballet "Spartacus"

"Spartacus" in the version of Yuri Grigorovich is the third version of the ballet on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The first, created by Igor Moiseev (1958), quickly disappeared from the repertoire. The second, Jacobson's, also did not have a long stage life. The version proposed by Yuri Grigorovich - its premiere took place on April 9, 1968 - shook the foundations of the foundations ballet theater that time. This "Spartacus" in one moment crossed out all the established stereotypes, turned all ideas about the heroic-romantic genre in ballet, its figurative structure, the relationship between the hero and the corps de ballet. Classical dance, presented in all its brilliance and variety of forms, in new production became the main, if not the only means of expression. It was classical dance that reigned in monologues, duets, crowd scenes - virtuoso and powerful, imbued with feeling and thought. For each of the four heroes, the choreographer came up with a detailed dance characteristic. Spartacus and Crassus danced for the first time. With the advent of "Spartak" Grigorovich seemed to begin new era in the annals of the Bolshoi Ballet.


The Roman commander Crassus returns from a campaign with a victory. The jubilant crowd welcomes the legionnaires famous in battles. Crassus' golden chariot is harnessed by captive slaves. Among them is the Thracian Spartacus. His gigantic figure is full of strength and dignity. Next to him is his beloved, the young Thracian Phrygia, and the young man Harmodius. In the crowd of the Roman nobility, patricians and senators, meeting Crassus, is his concubine, the courtesan Aegina. Slave market. The auction begins with the sale of an Egyptian dancer. She is separated from her mother. Spartacus and the chained Harmodius are bought by the owner of the gladiator school, Lentullus Batiat. Sad is the moment of parting of Phrygia and Spartacus. Phrygia buys Aegina. The circus. In the center of the amphitheater is the bed of Crassus and Aegina. The gladiator fights begin. A Gaul, a Numidian and an African are fighting. The wounded Numidian asks to grant him life, but the crowd demands to kill him. Two gladiators enter the arena. One of them dies; dying, he sends a curse to Rome. Two groups attract everyone's attention: the gladiators. A furious fight breaks out. Miracles of courage and dexterity are shown by Spartak. He wins, he is enthusiastically applauded by the crowd. Square in front of the palace of Crassus. Phrygia pours out her grief to Spartacus, complains about the hard life in captivity and separation. Under the cover of night, Spartacus agrees with his associates about a secret meeting. Aegina notices them. Wanting to reveal their plan, she charms one of the conspirators - young Harmodius. Saturn (saturnalia). The crowd praises him with Bacchic dances. Crassus is carried out of the palace on a luxurious stretcher. One of the slaves carrying the stretcher stumbled. Crassus orders to kill him. Crassus's bodyguard pierces the slave with a dagger. Everyone freezes in horror. At a secret meeting, Spartacus calls his The conspirators swear allegiance to the cause of the struggle for liberation with an oath. Spartacus penetrates the stone prison of the gladiators and calls on the prisoners to revolt: it is better to die on the battlefield than in the circus arena, for the amusement of the crowd! The chains have already been broken, the guards have been removed. Spartacus opens the gates of the prison and leads the rebels away. Do the troops of Spartacus win after victory. The Romans bow the "eagles" - the signs of their legions - before the leader of the rebellious slaves. The commanders of Spartacus are returning from a campaign with captured legionnaires, looted goods, casks of wine and getters. Aegina is hiding among the hetaerae. She brings Harmodius to the tent of the feasting warlords. Suddenly, Spartacus appears. He orders the getters to be immediately expelled from the camp. Harmodius protests. A quarrel arises between a group of military leaders and Spartacus. A long-brewing conflict leads to a split in the camp. A group of disgruntled military leaders, along with their soldiers, leaves Spartak's camp. Aegina carries Harmodius with her. With Spartacus, only his followers loyal to the cause of freedom remain. Feast at Crassus. Aegina tells the commander that she managed to bring Harmodius, who quarreled with Spartacus, and also about the split among the rebels. Crassus gives the order to attack the camp of those who broke away from Spartacus. Aegina is left alone with Harmodius. The night passes. The feast resumes. Crassus orders to bring Harmodius. Purple curtains open. Harmodius sees with horror the gladiators crucified on the crosses, his recent associates. He realizes that Aegina has betrayed him and tries to kill her, but he is captured and stabbed to death. Crassus and Aegina leave the feast. Slaves, led by Spartacus, rush into the palace. Phrygia and the slaves of Crassus joyfully rush towards them. In the battle with the legionnaires of Crassus, Spartacus is defeated and retreats. Phrygia blesses him for new battles; she gives Spartacus a shield, kisses his sword. She foresees in her heart the impending catastrophe. The Romans are coming. Surrounded by countless hordes, the Spartacists perish in a fierce battle. Dies and Spartacus. The clear signal sounds. The Roman troops leave. Night. Mist covers the battlefield. A mournful Phrygia appears, looking for the body of Spartacus. In ominous silence, she mourns the fallen hero.

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