5 out of 36 circulation archive. Number of even and odd balls

Search by: years :
When you click on this selection, a list of drawing years appears. We click on the year we are interested in and in the results table below we will see all the circulations held for this year:

Search by: dates :
When you click on this selection, two windows will appear to indicate the range of draw dates.
In the first window - “From:” we enter or insert the date from which you would like to view the circulations, in the second - “To:” we enter or insert the date up to which inclusive the circulations will be shown in the results table below.
In the first window we indicate an earlier date, and in the second - a more recent date. later date holding stateloto draws Stoloto.

Search by: circulations:
When you click on this selection, two windows will appear to indicate the circulation interval.
In the first window - "From:" we enter the circulation from which you would like to see the results, in the second - "To:" we enter the circulation up to and including the search results will be shown in the circulation table below.
In the first window we indicate the earlier draw, and in the second - the later draw of the state lotto game Stoloto.
If the windows remain empty, then the entire archive of circulations for the entire duration of the game is displayed.

To distribute the combination numbers not in the order of numbers drawn during the draw, but in ascending order, you need to check the box next to the phrase - Numbers - ascending.

To highlight the numbers that you want to see and track their movement from circulation to circulation, write or paste them into the boxes next to the phrase - Highlight numbers.

If you want to insert the combination numbers of the last drawn draw into the highlight windows, then click on the button - Last Draw,
You can also generate and insert a combination by clicking on the button - Generate.

Description of additional columns in the circulation archive table.

Column Even shows the number of even numbers drawn in a certain combination.
Column Odd shows the number, respectively, of odd numbers drawn in a certain combination.
In column Sum of numbers The sum of all numbers of a certain combination is calculated and displayed.
For example, archive 5 out of 36, circulation No. 7240, numbers: 34, 09, 12, 21, 30. Add them up and get the sum of the numbers 34+9+12+21+30 = 106.
And finally the last columns 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-36 for archive 5 of 36,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-45 for archive 6 of 45,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-49 for archive 7 of 49
show how many numbers are included in a certain ten numbers.
Let's consider this using the example of numbers of the same circulation No. 7240, combination: 34 09 12 21 30.
Column 1-10 contains 1 number - 9,
Column 11-20 also contains 1 number - 12,
Column 21-30 already contains 2 numbers - 21 and 30
Column 31-36 contains 1 number - 34.

Increases your chances of becoming a lottery winner and makes your bets systematic, thereby allowing you to get several winning options in one draw.
Has established itself as effective remedy receiving a permanent income.

The most positive results are shown in lotteries with a small range of numbers, such as “Gosloto 5 out of 36”. The ability to choose numbers yourself to generate variants (based on the frequency of occurrence or other criteria) is one of the advantages of this online program.

The "Fifteener" generator creates 12 options of 5 numbers each, from any 15 non-repeating numbers in the range of the lottery you have chosen.
It is 5 numbers that is the most popular combination of world lotteries.

Remember! The larger the lottery jackpot, the more difficult it is to guess the winning option. A constant small income is much more profitable than pipe dreams of multimillion-dollar winnings.

Information about lottery systems -

There are two large groups numerical systems: complete and incomplete.
They are divided into systems with or without a key number.

Full system (Full wheel) - all possible combinations of numbers specified in the lottery. All combinations that can be made from lottery numbers will be complete system. This system has a significant drawback - it is very expensive.

With key number- a system in which one or more numbers are repeated in each of the options. It can be either complete or incomplete. Gives great guarantees of winning, provided that the player guesses the key number.

Steiner's system is mathematical model in which the number of matches (L) is always equal to one. It is interesting from the point of view of combinatorics, but it is not recommended to use such systems in games.

incomplete system (Abbreviated wheel) are several combinations of numbers that together provide a guaranteed win in a certain category of prizes under given conditions.
The incomplete system is designated by the letter "C", from English word"Covering", which means "covering".

Covering - provided by the system of matching a certain number of numbers under certain conditions.
Coverage is the guarantees that a system has. It is one of the main properties of the system.
Such systems are also called coating systems.

A coverage system consisting of 10 options for the 6 out of N lottery and guaranteeing a “three” when 3 numbers out of 10 are guessed,
has the following form: C(10,6,3,3,10).
The coverage in such a system is a guaranteed “three” when 3 numbers out of 10 are guessed in one of 10 options.

Traditionally, the following symbols are used in systems: C, S, v, k, t, m, L, b.
Each symbol represents a number, which, in turn, displays a specific system parameter.
The symbols indicate the following parameters:

C - Covering. Coating system;

S - Steiner. Steiner system;

V - the number of numbers included in the system;

K - number of numbers in combination;

T - guaranteed number of numbers that must match when drawing;

M is the required match among the selected numbers;

L is the guaranteed number of combinations that have a match;

B - number of combinations in the system;

In symbolic form, the system looks like this: C(v,k,t,m,L,b).
C(31,6,2,2,1,31) means:

The system includes v = 31 numbers,
Each combination of the system consists of k = 6 numbers,
In an L = 1 combination, at least t = 2 numbers are guaranteed to match if any m = 2 numbers are guessed;
The system consists of b = 31 combinations.

To determine the probability of winning when playing with several options,
it is necessary to divide the total number of combinations in a particular lottery by the number of selected options.

  • Option 1 - probability is: 1 in 20.358.520
  • Option 2 - the probability is: 2 in 20,358,520 or 1 in 10,179,260
  • Option 3 - the probability is: 3 in 20,358,520 or 1 in 6,786,173
  • Option 4 - the probability is: 4 in 20,358,520 or 1 in 5,089,630
  • Option 5 - the probability is: 5 in 20,358,520 or 1 in 4,071,704
The probability of winning increases sharply when choosing the second option.
That is, when purchasing a second ticket (option), the probability of winning increases by 50%.
Further, with an increase in the number of combinations, the probability of winning increases, but not so seriously.
In the lottery 5 out of 36
PROBABLE NUMBER OF WINNINGS each class, from all possible combinations,
is determined taking into account the probability coefficient of each win:

Winning for 5 correct numbers: (5x4x3x2x1) / (1x2x3x4x5) = 1 win
Winnings for 4 numbers matched: [(5x4x3x2) / (1x2x3x4)] x (31/1) = 155 winnings
Winnings for 3 correct numbers: [(5x4x3) / (1x2x3)] x [(31x30)/(1x2)] = 4,650 wins
Winnings for 2 numbers matched: [(5x4) / (1x2)] x [(31x30x29)/(1x2x3)] = 44,950 wins

is determined by the ratio of the probable number of wins to the total number of combinations:

Winnings for 5 matched numbers: 376.992 / 1 = 1 for 376.992 combinations
Winning for 4 matched numbers: 376.992 / 155 = 1 in 2.432 combinations
Winning for 3 matched numbers: 376.992 / 4650 = 1 in 81 combinations
Winning for 2 matched numbers: 376.992 / 44950 = 1 in 8 combinations

No system can guarantee a win in every draw, but it can reduce financial costs while increasing the chances of winning when several conditions are met.
Each system has a certain guarantee, which depends on the number of numbers included in the system, as well as on the number of combinations of the system itself.
The more numbers in the lottery range are included in the system and the smaller the number of combinations in such a system and the higher the minimum guarantee of winning, the better it is.

Controversial issues.

Some lottery participants claim:
If you purchase 10 lottery options, the probability of winning is 1 in 10,000,000
then the chance of winning will be 10/10,000,000 or 1 in 1,000,000.
However, their opponents claim that the chance will be 10,000,000 - 10 or 10 to 9,999,990.
The difference is in the error between the statements; some players talk about the probability of winning, while others talk about the chance of winning.
But it should be taken into account that “chance” and “probability” are not the same thing and mathematically they are not equal to each other.

Chance is the ratio of the probability that an event will occur to the probability that the event will not occur.
Probability is the possibility that one or more events will occur divided by the number of possible outcomes.


The game cube (dice) has six faces, each of which has its own number from 1 to 6.
Probability the loss of any face will be 1/6.
Chance that the selected edge will fall out will be 1/5, that is, 1 chance “for” and 5 “against” the drop.

The game cube contains 3 even and 3 odd numbers (2,4,6 and 1,3,5)
Probability that the even number 3/6 or 0.5 will be rolled.
Chance this event will be 3/3 or 1/1, in other words 1 chance for and 1 against.

In relation to the controversial statement described,
Probability to win with ten options will be 10:10,000,000
Chances there will be only 10 chances to win and 9,999,990 chances of not winning. Those. 10 "for" and 9,999,990 "against".

CHANCES can be translated into PROBABILITY.
If the chance is 10:9.999.990 then the probability of this event will be:
10 + 9.999.990 = 10.000.000
10/10.000.000 = 0,000001
The percentage probability will be: 100·0.000001= 0.0001%

The probability of winning when playing with 10 options will be 0.0001% versus 0.00001% when playing with one option.
If the probability is denoted as X, then the chance will be equal to X/(1-X).
If the probability of winning is 0.7, then the chance that this will happen will be equal to 0.7/(1-0.7) = 2.33.

Gosloto 5 of 36

Gosloto is state lottery, which can be purchased in the Russian Federation. The Stoloto company is the main distributor of Gosloto lotteries. Anyone can purchase such lottery tickets, for this you can use one of the following methods: through the official website of the Stoloto company, through the Stoloto mobile application, through the mobile version of the site, via SMS, in retail retail outlets, in lottery kiosks. Gosloto lotteries have several types, namely: “Gosloto “4 out of 20”, “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto “7 out of 49”. The main difference between these lotteries is the number of numbers in the winning combination, or rather, how many numbers need to be marked in one playing field.
As you have already noticed, each Gosloto lottery has a different number of numbers in combination, which means that different number game combinations, and also the cost of bets is different.
“Gosloto “5 out of 36” is a daily draw lottery. With the help of this lottery, on average, every week one of its participants becomes a millionaire. To become a winner, you need to guess only 5 numbers out of 36. Those tickets that match 2, 3 and 4 numbers out of 36 are also considered winning.
According to the game rules of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery, you must fill out the playing field. There are a total of six playing fields on the lottery ticket. The playing field consists of 36 numbers, arranged in order from 1 to 36. To fill playing field, You need to optionally choose different 5 numerical values, that is, come up with a game combination. You can also choose more than 5 numbers, but in this situation this will already be considered an expanded bet. The expanded bet starts from 6 game combinations. By making a detailed bet, you automatically increase your chances of winning. By increasing your chances of winning, you simultaneously increase the amount of potential winnings, and along with everything, the cost of the bet.

Cost of bets

The maximum number of numbers that you can mark in one playing field is 11. In this case, you will have 462 game combinations.
Draws of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery take place daily at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 and 23:59 Moscow time. After calculating the size prize fund a drawing is taking place.
The prize combination of each draw is determined using the lottery equipment "Generator random numbers" It randomly gives out a numerical combination consisting of 5 numbers. She is victorious.
If you were unable to watch the broadcast of the drawing and want to check your lottery ticket, then use one of the following methods:
1. On the website. The results are published on the websites stoloto.ru and lotonews.ru within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in the circulation archive or by receipt number;
2. For mobile devices. Check the data in mobile application or at mobile version website m.stoloto.ru;
3. At lottery distribution points;
4. By phone. +7 499 27-027-27 - single number or *777 - free for Beeline, Megafon and MTS subscribers.

Ways to check the lottery

If you want to check your ticket on the website www.stoloto.ru, then go to this site. On home page of this site you are presented full list lotteries, about which you can get not only detailed information, but also purchase them online.
From general list lotteries, click on the Gosloto “5 out of 36” lottery. Once you click on the relevant lottery, you will be taken to new page site. On the page that opens, you can fill out a ticket online, read the rules of the game, watch a TV show, and check your ticket. To check your ticket, click on the “Check Ticket” button.

Checking the lottery on the website

After clicking this button, the web page will refresh and you will be given the opportunity to check your lottery ticket. On the official website you can check the Gosloto “5 out of 36” ticket in the following ways: by ticket number, by combination, by looking online broadcast games.
If you do not have time to watch the online broadcast, then check the ticket using the ticket number. By checking the ticket in this way, you do not have to delve into the details of the drawing, but you can quickly find out the result. To do this, you will need to indicate the starting draw number and ticket number in the appropriate fields. After entering this information, you need to click on the “Check” button.

Checking the lottery by ticket number

If it is not enough for you to simply check the ticket, you also want to find out what the prize combination was in a certain draw, then it is better to use a method that allows you to check the Gosloto “5 out of 36” lottery ticket by combination. In this case, you need to indicate the starting circulation and the selected combination. After entering this information, you need to click on the “Check” button.

Check lottery ticket combination

Checking lottery tickets online, you save your free time. Moreover, to check your ticket on the website, you do not need to go through the registration process, this information on the site is available to any player and absolutely free.

You can check your Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery ticket at any time on our website. The Lotopobeda portal provides convenient way instant check of tickets for any of the current draws. It doesn’t matter where you bought it - whether you placed a bid in a communication shop or made it in any other way. Automatic check tickets is very convenient if a detailed bet is made - since errors associated with calculations are completely eliminated.

Can you trust the results obtained on our website? Yes, no doubt. We receive information about the presence of winnings and their amount directly from the Stoloto lottery company, which is a distributor of Gosloto 5 of 36 tickets and directly pays out winnings. Our verification is similar to that carried out by sellers at ticket sales points.

What needs to be done to check the Gosloto 5 of 36 ticket?

Checking tickets is very simple. On the page you can see a form with two fields: “draw number” and “ticket number”. In the first field you need to enter the number of the circulation for which the ticket was purchased. You only need to enter numbers, without the words “circulation number” or the symbol “No.” In the second field, enter the ticket number in the same way.

All data can be found directly on the receipt itself. For example, New Year's edition“Gosloto 5 of 36” has number 1. After entering, click the “Check” button. The result will be displayed immediately below the verification form.

We wish you only pleasant results of the draws!

". Believe it or not, it's up to you! I’m not forcing you, let everyone have their own opinion. One of them imagines himself to be a supergenius, but in reality he doesn’t know how much 6x9 is. Another... I am writing an article for those who have not yet figured out this wonderful program, but makes every effort to win. But there is a lot to learn from practice. People think that they will press a button and millions will fall from the sky. No. This program is an analyzer. If you process the data ineptly, nothing will happen. But since there is reference point, so to speak, the forecast of numbers is based on it. That’s why there is an analysis of previous circulations, where, strictly speaking, . But I'll consider another one real gain in 5 out of 36:

Remember one statement for now: numbers can turn into new edition of the last five, but the entire circulation - no! If you, of course, paid attention to this (if you didn’t pay attention, then sorry, THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR YOU), in particular in “Gosloto 6 out of 45” - this often happens. That the numbers are repeated 2-3 times, the same. And there is an “increase” or “decrease” of +/- 1 sign. There is such a thing. Let's assume that the number "6" has passed. This means that there will probably be “6”, but perhaps there will be either “5” or “7”!? Yes. Thanks to the program and one of the game methods, this option can be calculated, minimizing the headache with calculations. We considered one of the options, the so-called “growth-decline”. The method in the program is called “ in trend". (We'll get the numbers to generate later)

But there are still numbers that need to be excluded? Right. Let’s put “in trend” on the shelf for now and look at the exceptions. In the program, one of the game techniques is called “ exclude". Everything is simple here. We take (I won’t say exactly how much, you need to look at the numbers, old and not repeated. In old editions, as soon as a “complete replacement” occurs, then up to this point, if there were no such numbers. Usually it is 3,4,5,6, 7 circulations.) We copy them, the numbers of ALL THESE circulations and paste them into the field for calculation. We generate. We get numbers that theoretically cannot exist. And yet Gosloto deliberately rigs them so that (someone as smart as you won’t win, knowing this). Remember what I wrote in bold: numbers can change... but now we have excluded them with you. We got a certain result and copied it “to notepad” - right in the program, before switching to a new method.

Let's return to the method " in trend". Take 5 latest draws. Paste it into the field. We generate. We get the growth and decline of numbers. The so-called "side numbers". Why do we need them? These are the very numbers - exceptions of exceptions. But in total, your result in this case will be equal to 10%! (2.3 numbers in total) Why? Because numbers that are repeated too often or are rare are deleted by the program on purpose. In the method, “exclude” all paired or more numbers, and then “side” numbers are built for them if there is growth. For example: there are numbers 1,2,2,4. 2ka rises, and 4ka falls - that means the number will be 3! Do you know what I mean!? This is the essence of the calculation of this method. After all, here we are looking for growth and decline - and nothing more. Copy to notepad in the program.

Next, we copy from the notepad into the calculation field what we got in the first “exclude” method and the second “in trend” method into a pile. We generate. We get a set for generation: 25 5 7 26 27 10 11 1 3 2 4 9 6 Just in case, we copy them “to notepad” in the program. And we switch to a new method of play. (Taken from my logs in the program).

Now that we have numbers to generate, we can use one or the other method. The first is the “selection +/-”, which allows you to set which sign and how much to “move”. If it is +2 (in the first digit, where the number is 25) then we get: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27! We don't need this. After all our task is to reduce the calculated numbers for combinations. And so the easiest way to choose in this case is: "-1/+1" method. For example: If the number 25 is in the first sign, then we get: 24, 25, 26. What we need so as not to be “scattered”, because we excluded some numbers ourselves in literally words. On the right there is a self-control field “Super Prize Test” to check matches. And here is the result:

Analyzed numbers from circulation archives: 13
Approximate amount for bets: 19 (There may be more, so you need to minimize the numbers for the combinations - in the right way)
Number of bets spent: 19 (Expenses: 19×300 rubles = 5700 approximately, possibly more)
Numbers for combinations: 2 26 8 3 9 4 24 0 5 12 11 25 28 7 10 27 1 6 (why did “0” appear by +1/-1 1-1=0, this is what we get after “filtering” and “processing” using various methods)
Successful numbers, taking into account the processed numbers, became (in one of the generations):

2 4 6 10 26

We generate. The numbers “5 out of 36” came out in draw N1938 dated July 28, 2014: 2 4 6 10 26 the winnings were: 1 105 140 rubles!!! Congratulations to the winner! Thank you for having this program! You've done the numbers correctly.

Learn! Unfortunately, that's all more people I started using the program and note that I have already started winning 1-2 million in Gosloto several times a month. We won the largest super prize so far - 10 million! (We played with extended bets, but it justified itself completely, since all the calculations were made using this program. We spent about 300,000 rubles. There was an “investor” in the project!) I am sure that you yourself will be able to pick up and discover your own secrets of state lotto , use for filtering and analysis various methods and their combinations. It’s not stupid to hit the button and then scream. I wish you good luck!

PS: You can test the program under Mozilla browser Firefox. Testing time and some functionality are limited. ADVICE: Use first one, then the other, then the first method again - process the numbers “in the right way” and apply your head to everything, of course. If something is not clear, re-read this article again. And until you learn, my advice is not to play for money. We also have such comrades.

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