Complete system 5 out of n. Tips from professionals

Everything about lottery game systems with descriptions and examples. Is it worth using lottery game systems, what advantages do they provide. With the help of a special program, you can create your own lottery system.

In fact, the lottery system is not a way to select winning numbers, but a strategy with which to increase the chances of winning.

All number lotteries are essentially risk-based games. Naturally, the main role in the case when lottery drums are used to select a winning combination, and when another method is used, is played by pure chance (well, of course, if we mean that the organizer of the lottery is honest - sometimes happens and vice versa). Therefore, naturally, you can win without any system. As practice shows, sometimes huge jackpots are won by people who bought a ticket by accident, and even for the first time in their lives. You can check out stories of the biggest lottery winnings .

So, why is it better to play the lottery with the lottery system than without it? As you can read in the article the probability of winning in lotteries, in order to win the lottery according to the formula 5 out of 36, you need to fill out 376 thousand 992 combinations. For lotteries according to the formula 6 out of 49, the number of options will already be 13 million 983 thousand 816. It is clear that it is almost impossible for one player, or even a group of players, to redeem the entire circulation of tickets. (However, there is a story that back in Soviet times, a group of enterprising citizens once bought out all the tickets of the lottery held at the stadium during a football match. And in the end they remained in the black, given that they received a car, several TVs, refrigerators and other valuable prizes. But, of course, in this case we are talking about a local lottery, where the total number of tickets did not exceed ten thousand).

Playing on the lottery system allows you to cover a certain number of combinations made up of the numbers you have chosen. Of course, the more numbers the system is built on, the greater the chance of winning. Plus, in addition to the main prize, the total amount of winnings will increase due to winnings from other categories. Obviously, systems can be used in any number lotteries - both in the standard formulas 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, and so on, and in lotteries like Euromillions or Megamillions, where there are additional balls. In this case, in addition to the combinations for the main game numbers, there are additional ones.

Description of complete and incomplete lottery systems

Consider the following example:

The lottery takes place according to the formula 6 out of 45. Let's assume that you have chosen 7 numbers. Let it be numbers 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 . Of these, seven combinations can be made:

combination number 1 - 10,11,12,13,14,15

combination number 4 - 10,11,12,14,15,16

combination number 7 - 11,12,13,14,15,16

combination number 2 - 10,11,12,13,14,16

combination number 5 - 10,11,13,14,15,16

combination number 3 - 10,11,12,13,15,16

combination number 6 - 10,12,13,14,15,16

That is, if you choose any numbers, then just substitute them in such a table. For example, 8, 16, 22, 33, 37, 45, 46. Then the combination table will look like this:

combination number 1 - 8,16,22,33,37,45

combination number 4 - 8,16,22,37,45,46

combination number 7 - 16,22,33,37,45,46

combination number 2 - 8,16,22,33,37,46

combination number 5 - 8,16,33,37,45,46

combination number 3 - 8,16,22,33,45,46

combination number 6 - 8,22,33,37,45,46

It is clear that if we guess 6 numbers, then in addition to the jackpot, the total amount will include six more wins for five guessed numbers, six - for 4 guessed ones. That is, if you're lucky, six out of seven tickets will be winning.

As you can see, seven combinations were created for seven numbers. This so-called complete lottery system. It contains any possible combination of seven numbers. And, in case of luck, such a lottery system will give the maximum benefit. But, of course, the cost of purchasing lottery tickets also increases.

Exist and incomplete (reduced) lottery systems. It also gives the possibility of additional winnings in the lower categories. That is, for the 6 out of 45 lottery, we are talking about guessing 5, 4 and 3 out of 6 numbers. They are an economical solution when playing using systems. As in the previous example, we will choose 7 numbers - 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 . However, we now choose only 5 combinations:

combination number 1 - 10,11,12,13,14,15

combination number 4 - 10,11,12,14,15,16

combination number 2 - 10,11,12,13,14,16

combination number 5 - 10,11,13,14,15,16

combination number 3 - 10,11,12,13,15,16

combination number 6 - 10,12,13,14,15,16

It is clear that there are many variants of incomplete lottery systems.

Let us separately describe the systems with fixed (so-called hard) numbers. In fact, we simply choose 2 or 3 constant numbers, and in each combination we use them along with any other numbers. For example, we want to use the numbers 10,11,12. Then we'll bet like this:

combination number 1 - 10,11,12,33,34,38

combination number 4 - 11,12,14,23, 27, 44

combination number 2 - 2,10,11,12,23,28,45

combination number 5 - 10,11,12, 17, 22, 35

combination number 3 - 11,12,13,28,30,36

With the help of the program on our website, which We have created for your convenience, you can draw up schemes for almost any lottery.

Also, on some sites that allow you to purchase lottery tickets online - for example, and, as well as on the gosloto website, you can play using systems in automatic mode. About intermediary firms that allow Russians to play foreign lotteries, read the online lottery article.


magic squares

The original and even somewhat exotic system of playing the lottery is to use the so-called magic squares. For example, let's take magic squares on a 6×6 field. This square is suitable for the lottery formula 6 out of 36. In essence, the magic squares method is based on the same principle as the normal distribution of amounts game described in the article lottery strategies.

So, the magic square of the nth order is a table of size n * n, in which the numbers 1 to n 2 are entered so that if you add the numbers along the columns, rows, and diagonals, then the sum will be the same.

For example, a 3rd order square:

As you can see, all the sums here are equal to 15.

And here is the square of the 6th order:

The formula for calculating this amount looks like this:

For a magic square of the 6th order, the sum (S) is equal to 111. In the square above, all the sums are also equal to 111. The sum of all the numbers in the square is 666. It is calculated by the formula:

Magic squares have been known since ancient times. And often used, including for religious purposes. For example, they can be seen on the walls of the world-famous Sagrada Familia (Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona. The architect Atonio Gaudi used squares, all sums of which are equal to 33 (He meant the age of Christ).

It is believed that for example for there are several million magic squares of the 6th order.

How to create a system of lotteries based on magic squares?

If we take any column of the square, turn it over so that it becomes a row and exclude any number from it, then we get a system of m = n + 1 options with the sums of the numbers in each of the options that are within the following limits:


Inequality (4) was obtained by assuming that the rotated column contained both the number 36 and one. If we build the inequality of the sums of numbers Σ in game variants with a confidence probability β based on the available statistical data: the mathematical expectation M (X) = 92.885 and the standard deviation σ (X) = 23.331 after the lottery draw according to the formula 5 out of 36 (taken from the real lottery draw ), it turns out that the combinations of our system correspond to the statistical model:


With ε = σ (X), Φ (1)=0.84, and β =0.68 we get:

We applied formulas Nos. 5 and 7, taking into account the central limit theorem, according to which, for Σ will follow a normal distribution .

As a result, we have a lottery system for 5 out of 35 (the number 36, alas, does not participate) numbers, which provides 7 combinations. The system will not work if the number 36 falls out or all 5 numbers fall into different rows of the square

For example, let's take a magic square of the 6th order.

Here are the combinations we got:

If you have ever bought one or more lottery tickets (we are talking about active numerical lotteries like Sportloto) and did not win anything on them, then you probably experienced a feeling of annoyance or disappointment, and even a small win was perceived in a completely different way. But you can always be guaranteed to receive this small win.

With a filthy sheep - at least a tuft of wool

What does that require? It is necessary that the system by which we play includes all the numbers. This is a prerequisite. The second condition is that the system must have guarantees. Such conditions for the game "Sportloto 5 out of 36" are satisfied by an incomplete system - it is guaranteed to catch all the deuces, but 66 combinations are too much.

Let's take a system (5 numbers per variation, 9 numbers per game, 5 combinations). It also guarantees guessing at least 2 numbers if they are among the 9 numbers selected for the game. But if the prize numbers do not fall into the system 9-ku, then such a system will not bring a win. In this case, the prize numbers will be among the remaining 27 numbers (36 - 9). If we divide the playing field into 4 parts and apply the “5/9/5” system to each of these parts, we will get one “5/36/20” system for 20 combinations. With this approach, one of the 4 subsystems will always be guaranteed to catch 2 numbers: in the worst case, 3 subsystems will catch 1 number and one - 2 numbers, in the best case, 3 subsystems will not catch a single number and all 5 prize numbers will be collected in 4 oh subsystem, although this does not guarantee winning the super prize, but the system with 66 numbers does not give such a guarantee.

We can improve our system. If we combine instead of four “5/9/5” systems, two systems and two -, then as a result we get a similar system, but with a large number of unique twos, threes and fours (we omit the calculations, those who doubt can check themselves).

If you carefully look at the results of the combinatorial analysis of the obtained systems, you can see that they do not have guarantees. Yes, there is no guarantee that the systems catch all possible deuces out of 36 numbers, but we don’t need this, it is necessary that the systems catch at least one deuce out of 5 prize numbers, but there is such a guarantee! Of course, we are not talking about the profitability of these systems, they simply guarantee a consolation prize in the worst case scenario and do not exclude a super prize.

Since the systems cover the entire playing field, it is not necessary to choose numbers for them, but it is necessary to specify the substitution order. The simplest options: generate a sequence using a random number generator (RNG), or take any one, expanding its lines into one, where the first number will correspond to the first number of the system, and the last to the last. In the case of using RNG, it is necessary to ensure that the numbers in the sequence do not repeat.

k 2 3 4
System The number of combinations by k out of 36
(2 x 5/7/3 + 2 x 5/11/7) 152 188 100
(5/10/6 + 5/11/7 + 5/15/13) 205 252 130
(2 x 5/11/20 + 5/14/43) 201 694 406
(5/11/20 + 5/12/29 + 5/13/34) 199 671 414

Combining different systems in this way, you can get new systems with certain guarantees, for example: three systems will give the system "5/36/27", optimizing which, we get the system , but such a system catches triples better, and the subsystems from which it is built ( + + ), provide guarantees for guessing only 2 numbers, so it is advisable to combine three systems . The result will be a “5/36/87” system, but two system options will be more optimal: they, as can be seen from the formula, are more economical by 4 combinations. With the same system formula, these are different systems and they are obtained by combining different systems: (2 × +) and ( + + ) - the first catches more unique twos and triples, and the second - more fours. These are already systems for a more serious game, for example, in a syndicate of 3-5 players, they will catch triples well, and if they are lucky, they will catch 4 or 5 numbers (Jackpot). It should be noted that the currently known combinatorial system with the same number of numbers, guaranteeing 3 numbers, contains 821 combinations. 83 and 821 - is there a difference? Of course, miracles do not happen: a system of 821 combinations will catch all possible triples, and a system of 83 combinations will catch at least one, provided that 3 prize numbers are collected in one of the subsystems (it is possible that the prize numbers will be distributed among the subsystems in ratio 2+2+1).

Obviously, similar systems can be obtained for other lottery formulas:, etc. If you are playing with a "wait for the jackpot" strategy, then it would be a good idea to use such systems so that after each game you are guaranteed to return some amount of money.

The system is statistics.
If the system is right, you will never lose.
Jack London

Professional players know that the probability of becoming the owner of a big win in "Sportloto 5 out of 36" can be increased if you play according to the system or, as it is also called, the scheme.

The system is a set of combinations from a group of numbers selected by the player, which allows you to increase the total amount of winnings when one or more numbers from the group fall out.

In this section you can get acquainted with the most popular and interesting systems.

Please note that we do not claim that playing the system will definitely bring you a win, it can only increase your chances of getting the coveted cash prize.

How to play "Sportloto 5 out of 36" according to the system

To play according to the system, you need to go through a series of simple steps:

Step 1: Choose a few numbers that you think are more likely to come up in the upcoming draw.

Step 2: make several combinations of these numbers in accordance with the rules of the chosen system.

Step 3: make bets in "Sportloto 5 out of 36" on those combinations of numbers that were obtained during the use of the selected game system.

After you have made a bet, it remains to wait for the results of the "Sportloto 5 out of 36" draw.

Benefits of system play

Here's what players say about the system game.

Firstly, the overall probability of winning in the system is much greater than for one ticket filling option - after all, the system contains several different, but at the same time interconnected combinations. And bets are placed on several combinations at once for one draw.

Secondly, with the same number of options, a good system provides a greater probability of winning than a random set of combinations. Judge for yourself: playing according to the system makes it possible to cover, within reasonable limits, a certain number of combinations made up of a group of numbers. At the same time, choosing combinations randomly, it is much more difficult to cover the possible options.

Thirdly, the use of an extended system in the game brings the possibility of winning much closer: the more numbers covered by the system, the more likely the chance of winning.

And finally, in case of success of one or several numbers, the system gives a large amount of winnings, since, as a rule, several combinations win at once.

Varieties of systems

There are a large number of classifications of systems according to a variety of criteria.

The following groups of systems are key:


    balanced systems: in them, the number of each ball is present in the same number of options

    unbalanced systems: different numbers are present in different numbers of options

If you consider some of the numbers participating in the system to be more successful and promising, it is better to use an unbalanced system that allows you to put exactly this most promising number in the place of the most frequently occurring one.

Thus, the most promising number will participate in the largest number of bets, and when guessing in this case, the unbalanced system will bring you the maximum win!


    complete systems: systems that include all possible options from a selected group of numbers

    incomplete (reduced) systems: systems that include some options from a selected group of numbers

An interesting variety of incomplete systems are systems with hard numbers. Their main difference is the use of several (usually from 1 to 3) constant numbers in all combinations of the system. This option should be used if you can determine the constant numbers that, in your opinion, have the maximum probability of falling out in the next draw.

It is believed that incomplete systems are more economical, require fewer combinations and are designed mainly for a large cumulative win in the lower winning groups (2, 3 and 4 numbers out of 5), while complete systems are aimed at winning not quantitatively, but qualitatively - using all kinds of combinations from the selected group of numbers, they increase the player's chances of owning the game's jackpot.

The main advantage of incomplete systems is the ability to combine a large number of numbers with a small number of combinations. Therefore, which system to choose - it's up to you!


The peculiarity of these systems is that the numbers for making combinations the player chooses not from one, but from several groups of numbers at once, the number of which is free. At the same time, some numbers can be included in several groups at the same time.

*Note: for example, first you selected a group of numbers that, in your opinion, may fall out first during the next draw, another group of numbers that may fall second, and so on, and then, choosing the favorite number in accordance with a certain system, For each group, you form the final combination, on which you place a bet on the Sports Betting terminal.


Systems based on the background of the game: or, as they are also called, favorite systems. The essence of these systems is the analysis of the results of all past draws of the game "Sportloto 5 out of 36" (by the way, you can download the results of the game draws here), on the basis of which all numbers can be arranged in ascending order of the number of times they became happy and fell out on the lottery machine.

*Note: There are 2 opposite tactics associated with these types of systems - betting on the most or least frequently drawn numbers. Some players confidently state that certain balls fall out more often than others, so you need to bet on “lucky” numbers, which are chosen by the lottery machine more often than others. But their opponents, who believe that it is necessary to bet on those numbers that have not yet fallen out, have no doubt that each number should have approximately the same number of total losses, so you need to bet on those numbers that have fallen out the least.

General rules of the system game

Out of 36 numbers, you choose any n that you decide to play, and assign a system number to each number.

Example: 6 number system - 4 combinations

1. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
2. 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6
3. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6
4. 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Let's say the numbers you have chosen are: 04 -10 - 17 - 24 - 35 - 36. Now, instead of numbers, you should substitute the corresponding numbers into the system. In our example, the combinations will look like this:

1. 04 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 35
2. 04 - 10 - 17 - 35 - 36
3. 04 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 36
4. 04 - 17 - 24 - 35 - 36

In this system, winnings are possible:

    With 5 guessed numbers - 1 five (Jackpot "Sportloto 5 out of 36") and 3 fours (winning category - 4 numbers out of 5);

    With 4 guessed numbers - 4 fours and 2 triples (winning category - 3 numbers out of 5);

    With 3 guessed numbers - from 1 to 3 triples.

6 number system - 6 combinations (complete system)

This operation is performed by replacing the numbers in the standard system with selected numbers. Numbers of the standard system: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Favorite numbers are numbers that the player chooses on his own. The following combinations are possible in this system:

1. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
3. - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
4. - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
5. - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
6. - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

We will show how this system works with an example. To begin with, randomly select any six numbers from 1 to 36. For example, we will take 12-16-19-27-32-36 - these are our favorite numbers. Substitute these numbers into the system and get the following combinations:

1. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 27 - 32
2. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 27 - 36
3. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 32 - 36
4. - 12 - 16 - 27 - 32 - 36
5. - 12 - 19 - 27 - 32 - 36
6. - 16 - 19 - 27 - 32 - 36

We make six bets with these combinations for one draw of "Sportloto 5 out of 36" with a total value of 15,000 rubles. It is believed that winnings are possible in this system: with 5 guessed numbers - 1 five (jackpot) and 5 fours (i.e. 5 times 4 matches each), with 4 guessed numbers - 2 fours (i.e. 2 times 4 matches) and 4 triples (i.e. 4 times 3 matches), with 3 guessed numbers - 3 triples (3 times 3 matches).

8 number system - 8 combinations (incomplete system)

1. 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 7
2. 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8
3. 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7
4. 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7
5. 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8
6. 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8
7. 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
8. 2 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 8

Partial or drum systems
Or how do they play the system?

There are a huge number of templates of incomplete systems, which differ only in the number of combinations that they can offer, as well as the guaranteed number of guessed numbers in any combination ... - provided that in your row, for example, of twenty numbers - all the prizes or necessary number of partial matches (depends on the chosen system). The choice of system is usually based on the willingness to donate some amount for the game. An incomplete system is a concept from the field of applied combinatorics, denoting a reduced matrix of combinations calculated on the basis of the formula for the number of combinations of n-elements by m. A complete system is all possible combinations from a given set of numbers. Systems are mainly used when playing lotteries.

Many players who are fond of numerical lotteries sooner or later start using incomplete systems, and show a special interest in the system game. Basically, systems are resorted to when more numbers are required in the draw, and the budget is limited. It is important to note that no lottery system can guarantee effective winnings in every draw. The system can guarantee a win if certain conditions are met. In addition, no system can guarantee a jackpot if not all numbers (all possible combinations) are used in the system. However, if the required number of prize balls matched in the selected group of numbers, the incomplete system will play effectively, so put more combinations on the next game, therefore, there will be more chances to win a super prize, or a prize of the second category, which in some lotteries is quite decent in amount .

The more combinations the system can generate and the guaranteed addition of a combination from a series of numbers, by any coincidence, the more expensive it is and the more chances for a super prize, or a prize of the second category. Let's imagine such a situation, you somehow know exactly 18 numbers for the 5 out of 36 lottery, in which 5 prizes are guaranteed - in fact, even in 18 numbers, it is not at all easy to "drive" all the prizes. If you expand these 18 numbers into a complete system, you get 8568 combinations. Of course, they can be put down theoretically, if the budget allows and opportunities. But if there is no budget and opportunities, then an incomplete system will come to our aid, which will at least give guarantees of the second, third, ... category of winnings. Warranty varies by system. But what about the first prize? More on that below.

What is an incomplete system pattern?

I will give a specific example, which simply clearly shows the very principle of compiling systems. Let's say we want to play in the next draw of a lottery like 6 out of 49, not 6 numbers, but 20 numbers. And the budget is enough for 10 bets ...

Our choice in this case: System "20 numbers - 10 combinations"
Guarantees at least a "three" with 6 guessed out of 20.

01 01-02-07-08-16-20
02 01-05-09-11-12-20
03 01-07-10-16-19-20
04 02-03-04-08-10-19
05 02-08-10-14-18-19
06 03-04-06-13-14-18
07 03-04-14-15-17-18
08 05-06-12-13-15-17
09 05-07-09-11-12-16
10 06-09-11-13-15-17

We choose any 20 numbers from 49 at our discretion.

for example:

2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 24, 25, 28, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45, 49.

We assign our own serial number to the selected numbers (from 1 to 20). You can number the selected numbers in any random order, in this case we will do it in ascending order.

Then we substitute our numbers instead of the system numbers (according to their serial numbers)
and as a result we get ready-made combinations for the game.

01 02-05-14-16-39-49
02 02-10-24-28-32-49
03 02-14-25-39-45-49
04 05-07-09-16-25-45
05 05-16-25-36-43-45
06 07-09-12-34-36-43
07 07-09-36-37-42-43
08 10-12-32-34-37-42
09 10-14-24-28-32-39
10 12-24-28-34-37-42

The above system guarantees that if in a selected row of 20 numbers (2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 24, 25, 28, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45 , 49) guess 6 numbers, then 100% we will have at least one winning ticket with a “three”. The advantage of systems is (if we successfully expand the series) that in most cases not one, but several lottery tickets win. Quite often, incomplete systems "catch" partial matches, even if not all prizes are in the selected group of numbers.

What can you say about Jack Pot?

Do not forget, in incomplete systems, combinations are optimized for maximum coverage of partial matches. Jackpot odds increase significantly only if you correctly guess the group of numbers(all the prize money in the group must match), which is extremely rare. Without a special program and strategy, you are unlikely to be able to drive all the prize money even in a row of 20 numbers!

The probability of "hooking" all prizes with 20 numbers out of 49 is 1: 361.
If you use one group of 20 numbers, then it will play 1 time for 361 draws (average) (6 matches). This is a very low probability. If we still managed to “drive” all the prize money into a row of 20 numbers, then the chance for a Jack Pot (in the system above) will be approximately equal to 13,983,816/ 361/ 10 = 1: 3 873
(13,983,816 total combinations in 6x49).

How to correctly compose a group of numbers for systems?

There is a lot of all kinds of information on incomplete systems on the Internet, but there is very little information about methods and strategies for picking numbers, you can say it doesn’t exist at all, ... This question, as a rule, is bypassed, since the group is subject to probabilities and chances (unlike the group itself a system that obeys combinatorics and precise algorithms). The main problem of incomplete systems is to make a group of numbers that can "probably" in a certain period of time (or a cycle of games) "hook" all the prizes, significantly increasing the chances of a super prize. At the same time, it is desirable that such a group of numbers contain as few numbers as possible. If we manage to assemble a group for all matches, consisting of an adequate number of numbers, plus an incomplete system for an adequate number of combinations, we can consider that the super prize is in our pocket!

For incomplete systems, the program is ideal STALKER LOTTO PRO. The program implements tools for generating the most probable groups of numbers (for a cycle of games) - according to special methods and strategies for selecting numbers (more precisely, groups, not individual numbers - frequency is used). Additionally, this program implements a combinatorial generator with the function of an "advisor"(aka STALKER LOTTO ), which works with the complete system, highlighting the most probable part for the game cycle with special algorithms. If the probable area from the complete system coincides, the “accuracy of shooting” is very high, and the chance for a Jack Pot increases tens and even hundreds of times. You do not need to make groups, look for patterns. The resulting combinations will be the most likely - both for a partial match, and for prizes of the 1st and 2nd categories.

lottery system templates for lotteries
5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49, 6 out of 49, and more

La Jolla Covering Repository Tables - the largest site (repository) on the Internet, containing a huge number of systems that provide the best coverage. Contains C coverage tables (v, k, t)

Incomplete systems, for any lotteries, with any guarantees, and for any budget - you can download into the program STALKER LOTTO PRO, which has built-in strategies for finding the most probable groups of numbers, for any length - for incomplete systems and not only. We copy the template and save it in .txt - then the prepared template can be opened in the program.

In this program, you can load a very large system, say 30,000 combinations, then filter it further to the desired number of combinations. Why such a huge system? It's simple, the larger it is, the more likely it will be a super prize.

There are eight tables in total t = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. In this case, t = N means the minimum number of numbers that must match. It is worth noting that many lottery programs use systems from La Jolla, as they have the best parameters. The systems may seem oversized, but they guarantee partial group matches - the system above requires a minimum of 3 numbers to be matched - in a group of 8 numbers. In the received combinations there may be a pair of triples and several pairs. If 4 numbers in the group are guessed, then 4 matches are possible. You can filter systems in the program (reduce), for example, by the number that plays 3 draws in a row and other features.

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