Golden composition: the most famous residents of the Comedy Club. Residents of the Comedy Club (Biographies of all residents of the comedy club show) Leading comedy club surnames

13 years have passed since the launch of the Comedy Club project. During this time, part of the residents has changed, the appearance of the stage has changed and the concept of the project itself has changed a little, new headings and participants have appeared. Comedy Club then and now has quite a lot of differences, but remains a fun program.

Alexander "A" Revva

Resident of the show since 2006. But in 2013 Alexander took a break for 2 years. Performs miniatures with other comedians. Revva has several memorable roles. In one of them, he records and performs songs as Arthur Pirozhkov.

Member of the Comedy musical team, performs together with Zurab Matua. The guys work in the genre of musical miniatures and experiments.

Andrey is relatively recent in Comedy. Participates in skits of other comedians and leads his project as rapper Glebati.

Anton "Banderas" Ivanov

Member of the new trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev". The guys show miniatures, scripts for which they write on their own. Previously, Ivanov participated in the show "Slaughter League".

He reads monologues that he composes on his own. He often takes stories for them from his own life or the lives of friends. Sometimes takes part in miniatures.

Vadim "Rambo" Galygin

Member of the project since its inception. Now appears on stage quite rarely. Participates in miniatures, reads his own monologues.

Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov

Works in the project from the beginning of its foundation. Performs with Timur Batrutdinov and other residents with various skits.

Gavriil "Gavr" Gordeev

He reads monologues, maintains his own column and periodically participates in projects and miniatures with other residents.

He is a co-host and producer of Comedy, has been involved in the project since its inception. Previously, he played in the KVN team "New Armenians".

Former member of the KVN team "Sports Station". Performs with miniatures.

Performs with his project in the image of Vladimir Putin. Appears in programs quite rarely.

Dmitry "Lyusek" Sorokin

Performs with other residents with musical numbers (sketches, experiments).

Demis "Karibidis" Karibov

Works in Comedy Club since 2007. Since 2008 he has been working in a separate project Comedy Wumen.

Participates in musical experiments and miniatures.

The only female resident of the project. Performs in musical and ordinary miniatures.

One of the oldest members of the project, but has appeared infrequently lately. Performs with miniatures.

Participant of the show "Laughter without rules" and "Slaughter League". Became a resident a few years ago. Performs with miniatures.

Works in the project from the beginning of its foundation. He is a co-host, but also performs his own monologues.

Sisters Zaitseva

Roman Yunusov and Alexey Likhnitsky are members of the Zaitsev Sisters duet. They also participate in skits with other residents.

Sergey Gorelikov ("Serge Gorely")

Member of the project since its inception. For all the time he worked in Comedy, he mainly played in miniatures together with Garik Kharlamov or other participants in the show.

People grow up and change. Sometimes it’s even difficult to remember what the first episodes of the program were like, and what jokes were relevant. The project grows and develops together with the viewer, so it is still a pleasure to watch the Comedy Club.

Comedy Club then and now: how residents have changed over 13 years of broadcasting updated: November 8, 2018 by: CherryRain

The humorous entertainment show, which started in 2005, is still afloat and pleases its fans with Friday performances. What are the actors of the Comedy Club doing besides the show? In our article we will try to answer this question.

"Comedy Club": actors

The list of residents of the show is constantly changing: some leave the show, others go free-swimming, thereby making room for new young comedians. It is possible to list the names of all the actors for a very long time, but there are those who are always heard.

Current residents:

  1. Garik Martirosyan has been a resident since 2005.
  2. Garik Kharlamov came in 2005.
  3. Timur Batrutdinov - since 2005.
  4. Pavel Snezhok Volya joined the show in 2005.
  5. Alexander Revva - 2005.
  6. Dyusha Metelkin - 2010.
  7. Semyon Slepakov - 2010.
  8. Alexander Nezlobin - 2006.
  9. Ruslan Bely - 2009.
  10. Mikhail Galustyan has been a resident of the show since 2010.
  11. Sergey Gorelikov - 2010.
  12. Marina Kravets - 2009.

But this is not all the actors of the Comedy Club. The names of former residents are also worth mentioning:

  1. Tash Sargsyan left the show in 2010.
  2. Timur Rodriguez left Comedy in 2008.
  3. Tahir Mammadov was a resident until 2007.
  4. Egor Alekseev - until 2006.
  5. Sergei Bessmertny - until 2010.

In big cinema

Films with actors from the Comedy Club are very popular with viewers of different ages. Below is a list of the top rated films featuring residents.

  • "Hitler kaput".
  • "Pregnant".
  • "Doubler".
  • "That still Carloson!".
  • "Christmas Trees".
  • "Plato".
  • "Bride at any cost"
  • "A ticket to Vegas".
  • "Stone".
  • "The best movie" (3 parts).
  • "Jungle".
  • "Happy New Year Mom."
  • "Our Yard"

There are much more films in which the residents were filmed, their list is constantly growing. The actors of the comedy show constantly take part in the filming of television shows, give concerts. The guys do not stop at the achieved result, they constantly improve and develop their humorous talent. After all, it is only thanks to their hard work and jokes that the Comedy Club has been flourishing for 13 years.

Top Names

There are people in the show whose names will forever remain in the history of the Comedy Club. Thanks to them, the show exists. It is these residents who create the unique atmosphere that reigns at the performances, it is their sharp jokes that make public figures blush. Sometimes it seems that these people live only for their offspring, but this is far from the case.

Actors "Comedy Club": the most recognizable faces

  • Garik Martirosyan - presenter, author of jokes, improviser. The resident was born in the city of Yerevan. Currently lives in Moscow, takes part in various Russian television projects.
  • Pavel Volya is a presenter, comedian in the stand-up genre, actor. Pavel starred in 10 films and voiced 2 cartoons. In 2012, Pavel Volya said goodbye to his bachelor life and married Laysan Utyasheva. Today, calling Pavel glamorous will not turn your tongue. Now he has become a faithful husband and caring father for two children. He leads the author's project "Improvisation" on TNT.
  • Timur Batrutdinov participates in miniatures with Kharlamov. Timur took part in many television shows. Acts in films, played more than 13 roles. Timur took part in the show "The Bachelor", but the girls did not manage to drag the enviable groom to the registry office.
  • Alexander Revva - singer, actor, comedian. Images of Alexander: Arthur Pirozhkov, grandmother, magician, Don Digidon, Super Stas. Despite his stage image, Alexander is a caring father of two girls. Played more than 12 roles, voiced 4 full-length cartoons.
  • Garik Kharlamov - actor, comedian (miniature), presenter. The comedian's first marriage was unsuccessful and ended in divorce. Since 2013, she has been married to Christina Asmus. In 2014, the actress gave Garik a daughter, Anastasia. Played more than 20 roles, voiced 2 cartoons.

How it all began

The idea to create a Comedy Club in Russia appeared in 2001. And its founders were the KVN team "New Armenians". The idea was hatched for a long 2 years, and in 2003 the Comedy Club show was born. The TV version of the show was released in 2005. TNT channel was chosen for transmission.

Actors "Comedy Club", with whom it all began:

  • Artak Gasparyan.
  • Artashes Sargsyan.
  • Artur Janibekyan.
  • Garik Martirosyan is the host of the show to this day.

At first, the residents of Comedy came from KVN, then from the Comedy Battle show. Let's hope that the ranks of the project participants will be replenished with new talents and will delight and entertain us with boring evenings for many years to come.

Natives of KVN since 2003 began their independent swimming. Two years later, they earned airtime on the TV channel. Popularity overtook comedians instantly.

From a humorous show, the guys quickly created a production center. The largest deal of that time is considered to be the TNT channel fee in the amount of 10.2 billion rubles or 250 000 000 $ for 2/3 shares of the show.

Since then, Gazprom Media Holding has owned not only the country's most popular comedy show, but also a real business conveyor with the loud name Comedy Club Production.

The business pipeline produces the majority of TV broadcasts and series on the TNT channel. In addition, he shoots feature films, employees participate in radio broadcasts. So, Comedy now is:

  • "TNT-Comedy";
  • "Comedy Radio";
  • festivals of humor and cooperation with foreign hotels;
  • "Comedy Club Production" has a regional network of clubs of the flagship brand "Comedy Club";
  • production of TV projects;
  • concert activity of residents.

In terms of monetization, the Comedy Club business conveyor has no equal on the Russian market.

What makes up the earnings of Comedy Club residents?

At the moment, in order to understand what the income of gum participants consists of, it is necessary to talk about the scale of their activities.

The portfolio of the company owns film and television projects with a total number of more than fifty! Popular Comedy artists have long been the stars of their own projects or producers of individual show programs, directors and showmen on the road. All this brings in a high income. An additional pleasant income is advertising contracts with which advertising agencies fill up artists.

Let's talk about numbers.

Comedy Club Production acquired in 2010. 74% shares the company that owned the software at the time "Interns" and "Univer". In the same year, the total turnover of Comedy Club Production reached 136 000 000 $.

Revenue for two parts "The best movie" in total amounted to 41 496 695 $. And showing the third part in 3D brought almost 10 000 000 $ .

Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny" also coped with the financial task by successfully replenishing the Comedy piggy bank with 22 212 223 $.

The loudest TV programs "Comedy Club Production":

  • comedy club
  • "Laughter without rules"
  • "Our Russia"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • "Univer. New hostel"
  • "Sashatanya"
  • "Stand Up"
  • "Interns"
  • “Bearded man. Understand and forgive"
  • "Once Upon a Time in Russia"
  • "Where is the logic?"
  • "Don't sleep!"
  • "Dancing"

Earnings of the most popular residents

Semyon Slepakov

Forbes has already included him in their list of highly paid stars. According to the reputable magazine, the earnings of the artist and producer for the year amounted to $3.5 million

Garik Martirosyan

Performs at the Comedy Club, co-producer and artistic director of the project. He is also one of the founders of this successful project, additionally produces shows on the TNT channel and works as a host in some programs.

Pavel Volya

The comedian, in addition to solo performances on stage, oversees the Festival project - outdoor humor festivals abroad. The project is part of the SSR, and Pavel is a partner, i.e. a shareholder of Comedy. In 2012 he earned $2.4 million., and by 2014 it had already approached the figure in 3 000 000 $.

Now Pavel's own record label Nopassport brings additional income. And also a significant share of the artist's earnings are funds coming from filming in the advertisement of crackers "Khrusteam".

Sergey Svetlakov

In 2014, he was in the same Forbes with an declared annual salary of $3.2 million He created his capital thanks to his participation in the Comedy Club Production projects, the filming of his own film Fast Moscow-Russia, a fee from VIMPELCOM for advertising contracts with Beeline and Sogaz (which are equal to 1 500 000 $ ).

Mikhail Galustyan

The actor and producer created films - “That Carlson”, “Ticket to Vegas” and “Nannies”. Forbes calculated in 2012 that Galustyan's income for a year of work was $1.9 million After that, three more films were released: "8 New Dates", "One Left" and "A Gift with Character".

Timur Batrutdinov

The artist's annual income known to the public was 700 000 $. After the comedian's participation in the Bachelor project (which had a positive effect on the actor's earnings), there is no information about his income in the public domain.

Private earnings of Comedy Club residents at events and parties (prices in USD):

  • « Sisters Zaitsevs» receive from $ 10-15 thousand;
  • Nezlobin and Batrudinov work on $ 20 thousand
  • "Duet named after Chekhov" and Garik Kharlamov from $ 25 thousand personal exit
  • Pavel Volya, Demis Karibidis and Alexander Revva the individual outputs of these stars range from $ 30 000
  • Semyon Slepakov, Svetlokov, Galustyan and Martirosyan each from $ 35-40 thousand

Updated Comedy format and new search for income.

The record capitalization of entertainment content on TV for the Russian market is very successful. This is due to the fact that the participants and creators of the show are constantly experimenting with programs and launching new projects. Now the guys are trying to adapt to the changing market and plan to change the format from 40-minute broadcasts to short-term comedy videos. And shift their attention from TV to the Internet.

This policy was voiced to Forbes magazine by one of the founders of the SSR Dzhanibekyan, the head of the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television sub-holding (since 2015) and the CEO of the TNT channel (since 2016). The format for comedians is new and, accordingly, there are new tasks. Namely, to put portions of humor in videos lasting three minutes! I wonder how this will affect the income of the company and its residents.

Earnings of other Comedy participants

  • The cost of Vadim Galygin's performance is about RUB 1,180,000
  • Trio: Lyusek Sorokin, Andrey Averin and Marina Kravets receive together for hosting events RUB 1,760,000
  • Ruslan Bely is an incoming member of the Comedy Club and successfully hosts his show Stand Up. Inviting him to an event or wedding will be worth it RUB 700,000
  • Charismatic Andrey Skorokhod attends ceremonial events for RUB 450,000
  • The YUSB group is asking for 500,000 rubles for the event, and Alexey Smernov RUB 250,000

It is worth noting another division of the business conveyor - Comedy Vumen.

The girls have confidently occupied their niche and regularly supply their humorous content to the TV channel. Their income is hidden, but the fees for speaking at events Natalia Andreevna and Katerina Varnava from 1,000,000 rubles. each of the girls.

COMEDY CAFE- brand Comedy Club Production, a chain of restaurants with a humorous theme. The franchise was launched in 2016.


On the one hand, this is the bright design of the Comedy Club to create an atmosphere in the establishments of the network, on the other hand, the high professionalism of BCA Holding for the quick and high-quality launch and operation of franchisee enterprises. There are several options for establishments from a simple catering cafe to a restaurant. For this pleasure, 3% of the institution's cash turnover is deducted to the gum piggy bank in the form of royalties.

The expected financial success of this project depends not only on quality cuisine and a cost-effective menu, but also on brand recognition with a high rating.

The gum industry has been around for over 10 years. The more popular members become, the faster their income grows. Well, this, in turn, motivates artists to create new show programs, which undoubtedly pleases the audience. Humor, in our time, is an expensive hobby and a highly paid profession.

The richest Comedy Club comedians:

If you count all the residents of the popular Comedy Club, the list is quite large. Since 2003, we have been captivated by charismatic and talented members of the Comedy Club, who have already managed to become favorite humorists for many throughout the whole time.

The personal life of Comedy Club residents is always in sight, especially if they have nothing to hide. Despite a great sense of humor, many of the comedy participants have started a family and are already raising children.

Who are they, halves of the residents of the gum club, wives who inspire their comedians and monitor family comfort. If everyone knows the wife of Garik Kharlamov or Pavel Volya Kristina Asmus and Laysyan Utyasheva, then you may not have seen other wives of no less famous residents of the gum club.

Therefore, we have collected for you photos of Comedy Club residents with their soul mates. Which of the participants in the comedy club has the most beautiful wife, of course, you decide. But for each of the residents, judging by the strength of the marriage, their own wife is the most beloved and most beautiful.

Let's see with you what the wives of the current residents of the Comedy Club are. Which women were able to win the hearts of comedians.

The current residents of the Comedy Club and their beautiful wives: photos of the second halves of the Comedy Club members

Pavel "Snezhok" Will and his wife is a famous gymnast Laysyan Utyasheva on the picture. Pavel Volya and Laysyan Utyasheva have been married since 2012, two children were born in the family. The eldest son Robert in March 2018 turned 5 years old, the youngest girl Sophia is now 2 years old.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov and actress Christine Asmus a photo. Christina Asmus became the second wife of Garik Kharlamov in 2013. They raise their daughter Anastasia together.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Garik Martirosyan and his wife Zhanna Levina. Garik Martirosyan's wife is a lawyer by profession. The couple has been married for 16 years and has a daughter, Jasmine, and a son, Daniel.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Alexander Revva with my wife Angelica They have two daughters, Alice and Amelie. Alexander Revva married Angelica in 2007.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Alexander Nezlobin and his wife Alina have been married since 2012. The star couple has a daughter, Linda.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Anton Lirnik was married three times. From the second marriage with Valeria Borodina, there is a daughter, Sofia. The third wife of Anton Lirnik Marina on the picture.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Andrey Molochny, a member of the Chekhov Duo, father of many children. Andrey Molochny and his wife Nataliya are raising four sons and a daughter.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Semyon Slepakov and his lovely wife Karina who works as a lawyer.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Mikhail Galustyan with my wife Victoria, an accountant by profession. The family of Mikhail Galustyan and Victoria has two daughters, Estella and Elina.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Viktor Vasiliev and his beautiful actress wife Anna Snatkina married since 2012. The couple have a 5-year-old daughter, Veronica.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Sergei Gorelikov and his wife Maria Melnik economist.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Demis Karibidis and his wife Pelagia. Together, the young couple has two children.

Residents of the Comedy Club and their wives: among the married current residents of the comedy and a member of the trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev" Alexey "Smirnyaga" Smirnov. His wife Olga already bore him one child.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: another family man from the aforementioned trio Ilya Sobolev. Together with my wife Natalya Pakhomova They have two daughters Sophia and Eva.

Comedy Club residents and their wives: Sergei "Sergeich" Kutergin and his other half, wife Diana. Despite cerebral palsy, Sergey Kutergin became a famous comedian and a good family man.

Residents of the Comedy Club: and finally, the only female resident of the Comedy Club Marina Kravets appeared on the stage of the Comedy Club in 2010. married to Arkady Vodakhov.

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