Famous paintings by Vincent van Gogh. The artist vincent van gogh and his severed ear van gogh black and white portrait

Vincent Willem van Gogh is a Dutch artist who laid the foundations of the Post-Impressionist movement and largely determined the principles of the work of modern masters.

Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in the village of Groot Zundert in the province of North Brabant (Noord-Brabant), bordering Belgium.

Father Theodore Van Gogh is a Protestant clergyman. Mother Anna Cornelia Carbentus (Anna Cornelia Carbentus) - from a family of respected bookseller and bookbinding specialist from the city (Den Haag).

Vincent was the 2nd child, but his brother died immediately after the birth, so the boy turned out to be the eldest, and after him five more children were born in the family:

  • Theodorus (Theo) (Theodorus, Theo);
  • Cornelis (Cor) (Cornelis, Cor);
  • Anna Cornelia (Anna Cornelia);
  • Elizabeth (Liz) (Elizabeth, Liz);
  • Willemina (Vil) (Willamina, Vil).

They named the baby in honor of his grandfather, a minister of Protestantism. This name was supposed to be given to the first child, but due to his early death, Vincent got it.

Memories of relatives paint Vincent's character as very strange, capricious and wayward, naughty and capable of unexpected antics. Outside the home and family, he was brought up, quiet, polite, modest, kind, distinguished by a striking intelligent look and a heart full of sympathy. However, he avoided peers and did not join their games and fun.

At the age of 7, his father and mother enrolled him in school, but a year later he and his sister Anna were transferred to home schooling, and a governess took care of the children.

At the age of 11, in 1864, Vincent was assigned to a school in Zevenbergen. Although it was only 20 km from his native place, the child could hardly bear the separation, and these experiences were remembered forever.

In 1866, Vincent was determined as a student at the educational institution of Willem II in Tilburg (College Willem II in Tilburg). The teenager made great strides in mastering foreign languages, spoke and read French, English, and German perfectly. Teachers also noted Vincent's ability to draw. However, in 1868 he abruptly dropped out of school and returned home. He was no longer sent to educational institutions, he continued to receive education at home. The famous artist's memories of the beginning of life were sad, childhood was associated with darkness, cold and emptiness.


In 1869, in The Hague, Vincent was hired by his uncle, who bore the same name, whom the future artist called "Uncle Saint". Uncle was the owner of a branch of the Goupil & Cie company, which was engaged in the examination, evaluation and sale of art objects. Vincent acquires the profession of a dealer and makes significant progress, so in 1873 he was sent to work in London.

Working with works of art was very interesting to Vincent, he learned to understand the fine arts, became a regular visitor to museums and exhibition halls. His favorite authors were Jean-François Millet and Jules Breton.

The story of Vincent's first love dates back to the same period. But the story was not clear and confusing: he lived in a rented apartment with Ursula Loyer (Ursula Loyer) and her daughter Eugene (Eugene); biographers argue about who was the subject of love: one of them or Carolina Haanebik (Carolina Haanebeek). But whoever the beloved was, Vincent was refused and lost interest in life, work, art. He begins to read the Bible thoughtfully. During this period, in 1874, he had to transfer to the Paris branch of the company. There he again becomes a frequenter of museums and is fond of creating drawings. Hating the activity of the dealer, he ceases to bring income to the company, and he is fired in 1876.

Teaching and religion

In March 1876, Vincent moved to Great Britain, and entered a free-of-charge teacher at a school in Ramsgate. At the same time, he is thinking about a career as a clergyman. In July 1876, he moved to a school in Isleworth, where he additionally assisted the priest. In November 1876, Vincent reads a sermon and is convinced of the mission to carry the truth of religious teaching.

In 1876, Vincent arrives at his home for the Christmas holidays, and his mother and father begged him not to leave. Vincent got a job in a bookstore in Dordrecht, but he does not like the trade, all the time he devotes to translating biblical texts and drawing.

Father and mother, rejoicing in his desire for religious service, send Vincent to Amsterdam (Amsterdam), where he, with the help of a relative, Johaness Stricker, prepares in theology for university admission, and lives with his uncle, Jan Van Gogh. Gogh), who had the rank of admiral.

After enrolling, Van Gogh was a theology student until July 1878, after which, disappointed, he refuses further studies and flees from Amsterdam.

The next stage of the search was associated with the Protestant missionary school in the city of Laken (Laken) near Brussels (Brussel). The school was led by Pastor Bokma. Vincent gains experience in composing and delivering sermons for three months, but leaves this place as well. Information from biographers is contradictory: either he quit his job himself, or he was fired because of carelessness in clothes and unbalanced behavior.

In December 1878, Vincent continues his missionary service, but now in the southern region of Belgium, in the village of Paturi. Mining families lived in the village, Van Gogh selflessly worked with children, visited houses and talked about the Bible, cared for the sick. To feed himself, he drew maps of the Holy Land and sold them. Van Gogh showed himself as an ascetic, sincere and tireless, as a result, he was given a small salary from the Evangelical Society. He planned to enter the Gospel School, but the education was paid, and this, according to Van Gogh, is incompatible with true faith, which cannot be associated with money. At the same time, he submits a request to the management of the mines to improve the working conditions of the miners. He was refused, deprived of the right to preach, which shocked him and led to another disappointment.

First steps

Van Gogh finds calm at the easel, in 1880 he decides to try his hand at the Brussels Royal Academy of Arts. He is supported by his brother Theo, but a year later, training is abandoned again, and the eldest son returns to the parental roof. He is absorbed in self-education, he works tirelessly.

He feels love for his widowed cousin, Kee Vos-Stricker, who raised her son and came to visit the family. Van Gogh is rejected, but persists, and he is kicked out of his father's house. These events shocked the young man, he flees to The Hague, immerses himself in creativity, takes lessons from Anton Mauve, comprehends the laws of fine art, makes copies of lithographic works.

Van Gogh spends a lot of time in neighborhoods inhabited by the poor. The works of this period are sketches of courtyards, roofs, lanes:

  • Backyards (De achtertuin) (1882);
  • Roofs. View from Van Gogh's Studio" (Dak. Het uitzicht vanuit de Studio van van Gogh) (1882).

An interesting technique that combines watercolors, sepia, ink, chalk, etc.

In The Hague, he chooses a woman of easy virtue named Christine as his wife.(Van Christina), which he picked up right on the panel. Christine moved to Van Gogh with her children, became a model for the artist, but she had a terrible character, and they had to leave. This episode leads to a final break with parents and loved ones.

After breaking up with Christine, Vincent leaves for Drenth, in the countryside. During this period, the artist's landscape works appear, as well as paintings depicting the life of the peasantry.

Early work

The period of creativity, representing the first works made in Drenthe, is distinguished by realism, but they express the key characteristics of the individual style of the artist. Many critics believe that these features are due to the lack of an elementary art education: Van Gogh did not know the laws of the image of a person, therefore, the characters of the paintings and sketches seem angular, ungraceful, as if emerging from the bosom of nature, like rocks, which are pressed by the vault of heaven:

  • "Red Vineyards" (Rode wijngaard) (1888);
  • "Peasant Woman" (Boerin) (1885);
  • The Potato Eaters (De Aardappeleters) (1885);
  • "The Old Church Tower in Nuenen" (De Oude Begraafplaats Toren in Nuenen) (1885) and others.

These works are distinguished by a dark palette of shades that convey the painful atmosphere of the surrounding life, the painful situation of ordinary people, the sympathy, pain and drama of the author.

In 1885, he was forced to leave Drenthe, as he displeased the priest, who considered drawing debauchery and forbade the locals to pose for pictures.

Parisian period

Van Gogh travels to Antwerp, takes lessons at the Academy of Arts and additionally in a private educational institution, where he works hard on the image of the nude.

In 1886, Vincent moved to Paris to Theo, who worked in a dealer office that specialized in transactions for the sale of art objects.

In Paris in 1887/88, Van Gogh takes lessons at a private school, learns the basics of Japanese art, the basics of the impressionistic manner of writing, the work of Paul Gauguin (Pol Gogen). This stage in the creative biography of Wag Gogh is called light, in the works the leitmotif is soft blue, bright yellow, fiery shades, the writing style is light, betraying movement, the “stream” of life:

  • “Agostina Segatori in het Café Tamboerijn”;
  • "Bridge over the Seine" (Brug over de Seine);
  • "Daddy Tanguy" (Papa Tanguy), etc.

Van Gogh admired the Impressionists, met celebrities thanks to his brother Theo:

  • Edgar Degas;
  • Camille Pissarro;
  • Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (Anri Touluz-Lautrec);
  • Paul Gauguin;
  • Emile Bernard and others.

Van Gogh was among good friends and like-minded people, he was involved in the process of preparing expositions, which were organized in restaurants, bars, theater halls. The audience did not appreciate Van Gogh, they recognized them as terrible, but he plunges into teaching and self-improvement, comprehends the theoretical basis of color technique.

In Paris, Van Gogh created about 230 works: still lifes, portrait and landscape painting, cycles of paintings (for example, the “Shoes” series of 1887) (Schoenen).

It is interesting that the person on the canvas acquires a secondary role, and the main thing is the bright world of nature, its airiness, richness of colors, and their subtlest transitions. Van Gogh opens the newest direction - post-impressionism.

Blossoming and finding your own style

In 1888, Van Gogh, worried about the misunderstanding of the audience, leaves for the southern French city of Arles (Arles). Arles became the city in which Vincent realized the purpose of his work: do not strive to reflect the real visible world, but with the help of color and simple techniques to express your inner "I".

He decides to break with the Impressionists, but the features of their style for many years appear in his works, in the ways of depicting light and air, in the manner of arranging color accents. Typical for impressionist works are series of canvases on which the same landscape, but at different times of the day and under different lighting conditions.

The attractiveness of the style of Van Gogh's heyday is in the contradiction between the desire for a harmonious worldview and the awareness of one's own helplessness in the face of a disharmonious world. Full of light and festive nature, the works of 1888 coexist with gloomy phantasmagoric images:

  • "Yellow House" (Gele huis);
  • "Gauguin's Armchair" (De stoel van Gauguin);
  • "Cafe terrace at night" (Cafe terras bij nacht).

The dynamism, the movement of color, the energy of the master's brush is a reflection of the artist's soul, his tragic searches, impulses to understand the surrounding world of living and non-living things:

  • "Red Vineyards in Arles";
  • "The Sower" (Zaaier);
  • "Night Cafe" (Nachtkoffie).

The artist plans to establish a society that unites young geniuses who will reflect the future of mankind. To open the society, Vincent is helped by Theo's means. Van Gogh assigned the leading role to Paul Gauguin. When Gauguin arrived, they quarreled to the point that Van Gogh almost cut his throat on December 23, 1888. Gauguin managed to escape, and Van Gogh, repentant, cut off part of the lobe of his own ear.

Biographers evaluate this episode in different ways, many believe that this act was a sign of insanity, provoked by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Van Gogh is sent to a mental hospital, where he is kept under strict conditions in the ward for violent lunatics. Gauguin leaves, Theo takes care of Vincent. After the course of treatment, Vincent dreams of returning to Arles. But the inhabitants of the city protested, and the artist was offered to settle next to the Saint-Paul hospital (Saint-Paul) in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (Saint-Rémy-de-Provence), near Arles.

Since May 1889, Van Gogh has been living in Saint-Remy, during the year he writes more than 150 large things and about 100 drawings and watercolors, demonstrating mastery of halftones and contrast techniques. Among them, the landscape genre prevails, still lifes that convey mood, contradictions in the author’s soul:

  • "Starry Night" (Nightlights);
  • "Landscape with olive trees" (Landschap met olijfbomen), etc.

In 1889, the fruits of Van Gogh's work were exhibited in Brussels, met with rave reviews from colleagues and critics. But Van Gogh does not feel joy from the recognition that has finally come, he moves to Auvers-sur-Oise, where his brother lives with his family. There he constantly creates, but the oppressed mood and nervous excitement of the author are transmitted to the canvases of 1890, they are distinguished by broken lines, distorted silhouettes of objects and persons:

  • "Country road with cypress trees" (Landelijke weg met cipressen);
  • "Landschap in Auvers after the rain" (Landschap in Auvers na de regen);
  • "Wheat field with crows" (Korenveld met kraaien), etc.

On July 27, 1890, Van Gogh was mortally wounded by a pistol. It is not known whether the shot was planned or accidental, but the artist died a day later. He was buried in the same town, and 6 months later his brother Theo also died of nervous exhaustion, whose grave is located next to Vincent.

For 10 years of creativity, more than 2100 works have appeared, among which about 860 are made in oil. Van Gogh became the founder of expressionism, post-impressionism, his principles formed the basis of fauvism and modernism.

A series of triumphal exhibition events took place posthumously in Paris, Brussels, The Hague, Antwerp. At the beginning of the 20th century, another wave of shows of the works of the famous Dutchman took place in Paris, Cologne (Keulen), New York (New York), Berlin (Berlijn).


It is not exactly known how many paintings Van Gogh painted, but art historians and researchers of his work tend to figure about 800. In the last 70 days of his life alone, he painted 70 paintings - one a day! Let's remember the most famous paintings with names and descriptions:

The Potato Eaters appeared in 1885 in Nuenen. The author described the task in a letter to Theo: he sought to show people of hard work who received little remuneration for their work. The hands that cultivate the field receive its gifts.

Red vineyards in Arles

The famous painting dates from 1888. The plot of the picture is not fictional, Vincent tells about it in one of the messages to Theo. On the canvas, the artist conveys the rich colors that struck him: thick red grape leaves, a piercing green sky, a bright purple road washed with rain with golden highlights from the rays of the setting sun. The colors seem to flow one into another, convey the author's anxious mood, his tension, the depth of philosophical reflections about the world. Such a plot will be repeated in the work of Van Gogh, symbolizing life eternally renewed in labor.

night cafe

"Night Café" appeared in Arles and presented the author's thoughts about a man who destroys his own life on his own. The idea of ​​self-destruction and a steady movement towards madness is expressed by the contrast of blood-burgundy and green colors. To try to penetrate the secrets of twilight life, the author worked on the painting at night. The expressionistic style of writing conveys the fullness of passions, anxiety, painfulness of life.

Van Gogh's legacy includes two series of works depicting sunflowers. In the first cycle - flowers laid out on the table, they were painted in the Parisian period in 1887 and soon acquired by Gauguin. The second series appeared in 1888/89 in Arles, on each canvas - sunflower flowers in a vase.

This flower symbolizes love and fidelity, friendship and warmth of human relationships, beneficence and gratitude. The artist expresses the depths of his worldview in sunflowers, associating himself with this sunny flower.

"Starry Night" was created in 1889 in Saint-Remy, it depicts the stars and the moon in dynamics, framed by a boundless sky, eternally existing and rushing in the infinity of the Universe. The cypress trees in the foreground strive to reach the stars, while the village in the valley is static, motionless and devoid of aspirations for the new and the infinite. The expression of color approaches and the use of different types of strokes conveys the multidimensionality of space, its variability and depth.

This famous self-portrait was created in Arles in January 1889. An interesting feature is the dialogue of red-orange and blue-violet colors, against which there is an immersion into the abyss of a distorted human consciousness. Attention attracts the face and eyes, as if looking deep into the personality. Self-portraits are the artist's conversation with himself and with the universe.

Almond Blossoms (Amandelbloesem) are created in Saint-Rémy in 1890. The spring flowering of almond trees is a symbol of renewal, of a born and growing life. The uniqueness of the canvas lies in the fact that the branches hover without a foundation, they are self-sufficient and beautiful.

This portrait was painted in 1890. Bright colors convey the significance of every moment, brush work creates a dynamic image of man and nature, which are inextricably linked. The image of the hero of the picture is painful and nervous: we peer at the image of a sad old man, immersed in his thoughts, as if he had absorbed the painful experience of years.

“A Wheat Field with Crows” was created in July 1890 and expresses the feeling of approaching death, the hopeless tragedy of life. The picture is filled with symbolism: the sky before a thunderstorm, approaching black birds, roads leading to the unknown, but inaccessible.


(Van Gogh Museum) opened in Amsterdam in 1973 and presents not only the most fundamental collection of his creations, but also the work of the Impressionists. This is the first most popular exhibition center in the Netherlands.


  1. Among the clergy, as among the masters of the brush, despotic academicism reigns, dull and full of prejudice;
  2. Thinking about future hardships and hardships, I could not create;
  3. Painting is my joy and comfort, giving me the opportunity to escape from life's troubles;

Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Dutch town of Groot-Sundert on March 30, 1853. Van Gogh was the first child in the family (not counting the brother who was born dead). Father's name was Theodor Van Gogh, mother's name was Karnelia. They had a large family: 2 sons and three daughters. In the Van Gogh family, all men, one way or another, dealt with paintings, or served the church. Already by 1869, without even finishing school, he began working in a company that sold paintings. In truth, Van Gogh was not good at selling paintings, but he had a boundless love for painting, and he was also good at languages. In 1873, at the age of 20, he ended up in, where he spent 2 years, which changed his whole life.

In London, Van Gogh lived happily ever after. He had a very good salary, which was enough to visit various art galleries and museums. He even bought himself a top hat, which was simply indispensable in London. Everything went to the fact that Van Gogh could become a successful merchant, but ... as often happens, love, yes, love, became in the way of his career. Van Gogh fell unconsciously in love with the daughter of his landlady, but after learning that she was already engaged, he became very withdrawn into himself, became indifferent to his work. When he returned he was fired.

In 1877, Van Gogh began to live again in, and increasingly found solace in religion. After moving to, he began to study as a priest, but soon dropped out, as the situation at the faculty did not suit him.

In 1886, at the beginning of March, Van Gogh moved to Paris to his brother Theo, and lived in his apartment. There he takes painting lessons from Fernand Cormon, and meets such personalities as, and many other artists. Very quickly he forgets all the darkness of Dutch life, and quickly gains respect as an artist. He draws clearly, brightly in the style of impressionism and post-impressionism.

Vincent Van Gogh, after spending 3 months in an evangelical school, which was located in Brussels, he became a preacher. He distributed money and clothes to the needy poor, although he himself was not well off. This aroused the suspicion of the authorities of the church, and his activities were banned. He did not lose heart, and found solace in drawing.

By the age of 27, Van Gogh understood what his calling in this life was, and decided that he must become an artist at all costs. Although Van Gogh took drawing lessons, he can be safely considered self-taught, because he himself studied many books, self-study books, and copied. At first he thought of becoming an illustrator, but then, when he took lessons from his artist relative Anton Mouve, he painted his first works in oils.

It seems that life began to improve, but again Van Gogh began to be haunted by failures, and love ones at that. His cousin Kay Vos became a widow. He liked her very much, but he received a refusal, which he experienced for a long time. In addition, because of Kei, he quarreled very seriously with his father. This quarrel was the reason for Vincent's move to The Hague. It was there that he met Clazina Maria Hoornik, who was a girl of easy virtue. Van Gogh lived with her for almost a year, and more than once he had to be treated for sexually transmitted diseases. He wanted to save this poor woman, and even considered marrying her. But then his family intervened, and thoughts of marriage were simply dispelled.

Returning to his homeland to his parents, who by that time had already moved to Nyonen, his skills began to improve. He spent 2 years in his homeland. In 1885 Vincent settled in Antwerp, where he attended classes at the Academy of Arts. Then, in 1886, Van Gogh returned to Paris again, to his brother Theo, who throughout his life helped him, both morally and financially. became a second home for Van Gogh. This is where he lived for the rest of his life. He didn't feel like a stranger. Van Gogh drank a lot and had a very explosive temper. He could be called a person who is difficult to deal with.

In 1888 he moved to Arles. The locals were not happy to see him in their town, which was located in the south of France. They considered him an abnormal lunatic. Despite this, Vincent found friends here, and felt quite good. Over time, he got the idea to create a settlement for artists here, which he shared with his friend Gauguin. Everything was going well, but there was a quarrel between the artists. Van Gogh rushed at Gauguin, who had already become an enemy, with a razor. Gauguin barely blew his legs, miraculously surviving. From the anger of failure, Van Gogh cut off part of his left ear. After spending 2 weeks in a psychiatric clinic, he returned there again in 1889, as he began to suffer from hallucinations.

In May 1890, he finally left the asylum for the mentally ill and went to Paris to his brother Theo and his wife, who had just given birth to a boy, who was named Vincent in honor of his uncle. Life began to improve, and Van Gogh was even happy, but his illness returned again. On July 27, 1890, Vincent van Gogh shot himself in the chest with a pistol. He died in the arms of his brother Theo, who loved him very much. Six months later, Theo also died. The brothers are buried in the Auvers cemetery nearby.

Vincent van Gogh, a native of the Netherlands, is one of the most famous artists in the world. Thanks to the talent of the post-impressionist, a huge amount of incredible beauty of works was created. The most famous paintings of Van Gogh are now considered his "calling card".

However, not all of them were as widely known during the life of the artist, as in our time. Only after Van Gogh's death were his works noticed by critics, and only then were they appreciated. The collection of his paintings contains many priceless paintings, when viewed from a cultural point of view.

Flowering branches of almonds 1890

"Blossoming almond branches"(1890). At the beginning of 1890, Theo, Van Gogh's brother, had a son, who was named after the artist - also Vincent. Van Gogh became very attached to the child and once wrote in a letter to his daughter-in-law Jo: "He always looks with great interest at the paintings of Uncle Vincent." This painting was painted by Van Gogh as a birthday present for his nephew. The artist himself was an admirer of Japanese art, especially the Ukiyo-e engraving genre. The influence of this branch of Japanese painting can be seen in this one of Van Gogh's most famous paintings, which was highly acclaimed by critics.

Wheat field with cypresses 1889

"Wheat field with cypresses"(1889). "Wheat Field with Cypresses" is one of three famous paintings by Van Gogh that are similar in composition. The painting mentioned above is the first of three and was completed in July 1889. The artist himself loved cypresses and wheat fields and spent a lot of time enjoying their beauty. He regarded this canvas as one of his best landscape paintings and, consequently, created two more similar works. It is this work that takes pride of place in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is located in New York.

Bedroom in Arles 1888

"Bedroom in Arles"(1888). This famous painting by Van Gogh is the first version of the subsequent three similar paintings that refer to it and are called much more simply - "Bedroom". The decision to paint this picture was made by the artist after a trip to the city of Arles, and the subsequent move there. Van Gogh was in correspondence with his brother Theo and friend Paul Gauguin. He often sent them sketches of his future canvases, as he did with the painting "Bedroom in Arles". However, together with the planned one painting, three versions were created during 1888-1889. This series of paintings is distinguished by the fact that it depicts other works of the artist within the canvas itself, such as: self-portrait, portraits of friends and Japanese prints.

Potato Eaters 1885

"Potato Eaters"(1885). This work was the first recognizable work of Van Gogh. His goal during the painting was to portray the peasants as realistically as possible. Before the world saw the final version of the canvas, the artist created many sketches and sketches. Critics noted the simple interior, which Van Gogh skillfully conveyed through the canvas, in which only the necessary furniture is present. Above the table, a lamp gives off a dim light, emphasizing the tired, simple faces of the peasants.

Self portrait with bandaged ear 1889

"Self-portrait with bandaged ear"(1889). Vincent van Gogh became famous for his self-portraits. Throughout his life, he wrote more than 30. This canvas has its own history. Once Van Gogh had a quarrel with one of the outstanding artists of that time - Paul Gauguin, after which the first got rid of part of his left ear, namely, he cut off the lobe with an ordinary razor. This canvas is one of the most famous self-portraits of the artist. After an unpleasant incident with Gauguin, he painted another self-portrait. Critics believe that this picture plausibly describes the facial features of the artist, as he painted it while sitting in front of a mirror.

Night cafe terrace 1888

"Night Cafe Terrace"(1888). On this canvas, Van Gogh depicted the terrace of a cafe on the Place du Forum in Arles, France. Thanks to the recognizability of this painting, which has become widely known throughout the world, the terrace, which is located in the northeast corner of the square, attracts more and more tourists every day. This work was the first in which the artist depicted the starry sky. Café Terrace at Night remains one of Van Gogh's most analyzed and discussed paintings. Interestingly, one of the cafes in Croatia copied the design from the artist's painting.

Dr. Gachet Porter 1890

"Porter of Dr. Gachet"(1890) Paul-Ferdinand Gachet was a French physician who treated the artist during the last months of his life. This portrait is one of Van Gogh's most famous paintings. However, there are two versions of the portrait, and this is the first version. In May 1990, this painting was sold under the hammer for US$82 million, making it the most expensive painting ever sold. This remains the highest price for a work of art at public auction to date.

Irises 1889

"Irises"(1889). Among the most recognizable works of Van Gogh, this canvas is the most famous. It was painted by Van Gogh a year before his death, and the artist himself defined it as "a lightning rod for my illness." He believed that this canvas is his hope not to go crazy. The artist's canvas depicts a field, its part strewn with flowers. Among the irises there are other flowers, but it is the irises that occupy the central part of the picture. In September 1987, the Irises were sold for US$53.9 million. At that time, it was the highest price for which no painting had yet been sold. To date, the canvas takes 15th place in the list of the most expensive works.

Sunflowers 1887

"Sunflowers"(1888). Vincent van Gogh is considered a master of still life paintings and his series of sunflowers are considered the most famous still life paintings ever created. The works are known and remembered for depicting the natural beauty of plants and their vibrant colors. One of the paintings, "Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers," was sold to a Japanese investor for almost $40 million in March 1987. Two years later, this record was handed over to the Irises.

Starry night 1889

"Starlight Night"(1889). This masterpiece was painted by Van Gogh from memory. It depicts the view from the window of the artist's sanatorium, which is located in Saint-Remy de Provence in France. The work also shows Vincent's interest in astronomy, and a study by one of the observatories showed that Van Gogh represented the Moon, Venus, and several stars in the exact position they occupied on that clear night, which was imprinted in the artist's memory. The canvas is considered one of the greatest works in Western art and is by far the most famous work of Vincent van Gogh.

Vincent van Gogh is a Dutch artist, one of the brightest representatives of post-impressionism. He worked a lot and fruitfully: for a little over ten years he created such a number of works that none of the famous painters had. He painted portraits and self-portraits, landscapes and still lifes, cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.

The artist was born near the southern border of the Netherlands in the village of Grot-Zundert. This event in the family of pastor Theodore van Gogh and his wife Anna Cornelia Carbentus happened on March 30, 1853. In total, there were six children in the Van Gogh family. The younger brother Theo helped Vincent throughout his life, took an active part in his difficult fate.

In the family, Vincent was a difficult, naughty child with some oddities, so he was often punished. Outside the house, on the contrary, he looked thoughtful, serious and quiet. He hardly played with children. The villagers considered him a modest, sweet, friendly and compassionate child. At the age of 7, he was sent to a village school, a year later they were taken away from there and taught at home, in the fall of 1864 the boy was taken to a boarding school in Zevenbergen.

Departure hurts the boy's soul and causes him much suffering. In 1866 he was transferred to another boarding school. Vincent is good at languages, and here he gets his first drawing skills. In 1868, in the middle of the school year, he left school and went home. His education ends there. He remembers his childhood as something cold and gloomy.

Traditionally, the generations of the Van Goghs realized themselves in two areas of activity: the sale of paintings and church activities. Vincent will try himself both as a preacher and as a merchant, giving his whole self to the work. Having achieved some success, he refuses both, consecrating his life and all of himself to painting.

Carier start

In 1868, a fifteen-year-old boy entered the branch of the art firm Goupil & Co. in The Hague. For good work and curiosity, he is sent to the London branch. During the two years that Vincent spent in London, he becomes a real businessman and connoisseur of engravings of English masters, quotes Dickens and Eliot, gloss appears in him. Van Gogh is waiting for the prospect of a brilliant commissioner of the central branch of Goupil in Paris, where he was supposed to move.

Pages from the book of letters to brother Theo

In 1875, events occurred that changed his life. In a letter to Theo, he calls his condition "painful loneliness." Researchers of the artist's biography suggest that the reason for this condition is rejected love. Who was the object of this love is not exactly known. It is possible that this version is wrong. The transfer to Paris did not help to change the situation either. He lost interest in Goupil and was fired.

Theology and missionary activity

In search of himself, Vincent is affirmed in his religious destiny. In 1877 he moved to his uncle Johannes in Amsterdam and was preparing to enter the Faculty of Theology. In his studies, he is disappointed, quits classes and leaves. The desire to serve people leads him to a missionary school. In 1879, he received a position as a preacher in Vama in the south of Belgium.

He teaches the Law of God at the mining center in Borinage, helps the families of miners, visits the sick, teaches children, reads sermons, draws maps of Palestine to earn money. He himself lives in a miserable shack, eats water and bread, sleeps on the floor, torturing himself physically. In addition, he helps workers to defend their rights.

Local authorities remove him from his post, as they do not accept violent activity and extremes. During this period, he draws a lot of miners, their wives and children.

Becoming an artist

To get away from the depression associated with the events in Paturage, Van Gogh turns to painting. Brother Theo gives him support and he attends the Academy of Fine Arts. But a year later, he drops out of school and goes to his parents, continuing to study on his own.

Falls in love again. This time to my cousin. His feelings do not find an answer, but he continues courtship, which irritates his relatives, who asked him to leave. Due to a new shock, he gives up his personal life, leaves for The Hague to take up painting. Here he takes lessons from Anton Mauve, works hard, observes city life, mainly in poor neighborhoods. Studying the “Drawing Course” by Charles Bargue, copying lithographs. He masters the mixing of various techniques on canvas, achieving interesting color shades in his works.

Once again he tries to start a family with a pregnant street woman whom he meets on the street. A woman with children moves in with him and becomes a model for the artist. Because of this, he quarrels with relatives and friends. Vincent himself feels happy, but not for long. The difficult nature of the cohabitant turned his life into a nightmare, and they parted.

The artist goes to the province of Drenthe in the north of the Netherlands, lives in a hut, which he equipped as a workshop, paints landscapes, peasants, scenes from their work and life. The early works of Van Gogh, with reservations, but can be called realistic. The lack of academic education affected his drawing, in the inaccuracy of the depiction of human figures.

From Drent he moves to his parents in Nuenen, he draws a lot. Hundreds of drawings and paintings were created during this period. Simultaneously with creativity, she is engaged in painting with students, reads a lot and takes music lessons. The themes of the works of the Dutch period are simple people and scenes painted in an expressive manner with a predominance of a dark palette, gloomy and deaf tones. The masterpieces of this period include the painting "Potato Eaters" (1885), depicting a scene from the life of peasants.

Parisian period

After much thought, Vincent decides to live and work in Paris, where he moves at the end of February 1886. Here he meets his brother Theo, who has risen to the director of an art gallery. The artistic life of the French capital of this period is in full swing.

A significant event is the Impressionist exhibition on Rue Lafitte. Signac and Seurat are exhibiting there for the first time, leading the Post-Impressionist movement that marked the final stage of Impressionism. Impressionism is a revolution in art that changed the approach to painting, displacing academic techniques and subjects. At the forefront is the first impression, pure colors, preference is given to painting in the open air.

In Paris, Van Gogh is taken care of by his brother Theo, settles him in his house, and introduces him to artists. In the workshop of the traditionalist artist Fernand Cormon, he met Toulouse-Lautrec, Emile Bernard and Louis Anquetin. Impressionist and post-impressionist paintings make a huge impression on him. In Paris, he became addicted to absinthe and even writes a still life on this subject.

Painting "Still life with absinthe"

The Parisian period (1886-1888) turned out to be the most fruitful, the collection of his works was replenished with 230 canvases. It was the time of the search for technology, the study of innovative trends in modern painting. He has a new view of painting. The realistic approach is replaced by a new manner, gravitating towards impressionism and post-impressionism, which is reflected in his still lifes with flowers and landscapes.

His brother introduces him to the most prominent representatives of this trend: Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and others. With his friends, artists often goes to the open air. His palette gradually brightens, becomes brighter, and over time turns into a riot of colors, characteristic of his work in recent years.

Fragment of the painting “Agostina Segatori in a cafe”

In Paris, Van Gogh communicates a lot, visits the same places where his brothers go. In "Tambourine" he even starts a little romance with his mistress Agostina Segatori, who once posed for Degas. From it, he paints a portrait at a table in a cafe and several works in the nude style. Another meeting place was papa Tanga's shop, where paints and other materials for artists were sold. Here, as in many other similar institutions, artists exhibited their work.

A group of Small Boulevards is being formed, which includes Van Gogh and his comrades, who have not reached such heights as the masters of the Grand Boulevards - more famous and recognized. The spirit of rivalry and tension that reigned in the Parisian society of that time become unbearable for an impulsive and uncompromising artist. He enters into disputes, quarrels and decides to leave the capital.

severed ear

In February 1888, he goes to Provence and becomes attached to it with all his heart. Theo sponsors his brother, sending him 250 francs a month. In gratitude, Vincent sends his paintings to his brother. He rents four rooms in a hotel, eats in a cafe, the owners of which become his friends and pose for pictures.

With the advent of spring, the artist is captivated by blossoming trees pierced by the southern sun. He is delighted with the bright colors and transparency of the air. The ideas of impressionism are gradually leaving, but fidelity to the light palette and painting in the open air remains. The works are dominated by yellow, which acquires a special radiance coming from the depths.

Vincent Van Gogh. Self-portrait with severed ear

To work at night in the open air, he fixes candles on his hat and sketchbook, illuminating his workplace in this way. This is how his paintings "Starry Night over the Rhone" and "Night Cafe" were painted. An important event is the arrival of Paul Gauguin, whom Vincent repeatedly invited to Arles. An enthusiastic and fruitful cohabitation ends in a quarrel and a break. Self-confident, pedantic Gauguin was the complete opposite of the uncollected and restless Van Gogh.

The epilogue of this story is a stormy showdown before Christmas 1888, when Vincent cut off his ear. Gauguin, frightened that they were going to attack him, hid in the hotel. Vincent wrapped the bloody earlobe in paper and sent it to their mutual friend, the prostitute Rachel. In a pool of blood, he was discovered by his friend Roulin. The wound heals quickly, but mental health sends him back to the hospital bed.


The inhabitants of Arles begin to fear a city dweller unlike them. In 1889, they write a petition demanding that they be rid of the "red-haired madman." Vincent realizes the danger of his condition and voluntarily goes to the hospital of St. Paul of Mausoleum in Saint-Remy. During treatment, he is allowed to write on the street under the supervision of medical staff. This is how his works with characteristic wavy lines and swirls appeared (“Starry night”, “Road with cypresses and a star”, etc.).

Painting “Starry night”

In Saint-Remy, periods of intense activity are replaced by long breaks caused by depression. At the time of one of the crises, he swallows paint. Despite the increased aggravation of the disease, Theo's brother encourages his participation in the September Salon des Indépendants in Paris. In January 1890, Vincent exhibits "Red Vineyards at Arles" and sells them for four hundred francs, which is a pretty decent amount. It was the only painting sold during his lifetime.

Painting "Red Vineyards in Arles"

His joy was immeasurable. The artist did not stop working. The success of the Vineyards is also inspired by his brother Theo. He supplies Vincent with paints, but Vincent begins to eat them. In May 1890, the brother negotiates with the homeopathic therapist Dr. Gachet about the treatment of Vincent in his clinic. The doctor himself is fond of drawing, so he happily takes up the treatment of the artist. Vincent is also disposed towards Gache, sees in him a kind-hearted and optimistic person.

A month later, Van Gogh is allowed to travel to Paris. His brother does not welcome him very kindly. He has financial problems, his daughter is very sick. Vincent is unbalanced by such a reception, he understands that he is becoming, perhaps, and has always been a burden for his brother. Shocked, he returns to the clinic.

Fragment of the painting "Road with cypresses and a star"

On July 27, as usual, he goes to the open air, but returns not with sketches, but with a bullet in his chest. The bullet fired by him from the pistol hit the rib and went away from the heart. The artist himself returned to the shelter and went to bed. Lying in bed, he calmly smoked his pipe. It seemed that the wound did not cause him pain.

Gachet summoned Theo by telegram. He immediately arrived, began to reassure his brother that they would help him, that there was no need to indulge in despair. The answer was the phrase: "Sorrow will last forever." The artist died on July 29, 1890 at half past one in the night. He was buried in the town of Mary on July 30.

Many of his artist friends came to say goodbye to the artist. The walls of the room were hung with his latest paintings. Dr. Gachet wanted to make a speech, but he cried so hard that he managed to utter only a few words, the essence of which was that Vincent was a great artist and an honest person, that art, which for him was above all, would repay him by perpetuating his name .

The artist's brother Theo van Gogh passed away six months later. He did not forgive himself for quarrels with his brother. His despair, which he shares with his mother, becomes unbearable, and he falls ill with a nervous breakdown. Here is what he wrote in a letter to his mother after the death of his brother:

“It is impossible to describe my grief, as it is impossible to find consolation. It is a grief that will last and from which, of course, I will never get rid of as long as I live. The only thing that can be said is that he himself found the peace he longed for... Life was such a heavy burden for him, but now, as often happens, everyone praises his talents... Oh, mother! He was so mine, my own brother."

Theo van Gogh, the artist's brother

And this is Vincent's last letter, written by him after the quarrel:

“It seems to me that since everyone is a little nervous and also too busy, it’s not worth it to sort out all the relationships to the end. I was a little surprised that you seem to want to rush things. How can I help, or rather, what can I do to make it suit you? One way or another, mentally again I firmly shake hands with you and, in spite of everything, I was glad to see you all. Don't doubt it."

In 1914, Theo's remains were reburied by his widow next to Vincent's grave.

Personal life

One of the reasons for Van Gogh's mental illness could be his failed personal life, he never found a life partner. The first fit of despair came after the refusal of the daughter of his housewife Ursula Leuer, with whom he had been secretly in love for a long time. The proposal sounded unexpected, shocked the girl, and she rudely refused.

History repeated itself with widowed cousin Key Stricker Voe, but this time Vincent decides not to give up. The woman does not accept courtship. On his third visit to his beloved's relatives, he sticks his hand into the flame of a candle, promising to keep her there until she gives her consent to become his wife. By this act, he finally convinced the girl's father that he was dealing with a mentally ill person. They did not stand on ceremony with him anymore and simply escorted him out of the house.

Sexual dissatisfaction was reflected in his nervous state. Vincent begins to like prostitutes, especially not very young and not very beautiful, whom he could bring up. Soon he decides on a pregnant prostitute who moves in with his 5-year-old daughter. After the birth of his son, Vincent becomes attached to the children and thinks about getting married.

The woman posed for the artist and lived with him for about a year. Because of her, he had to be treated for gonorrhea. Relations deteriorated completely when the artist saw how cynical, cruel, sloppy and unbridled she was. After parting, the lady indulged in her former occupations, and Van Gogh left The Hague.

Margot Begemann in youth and maturity

In recent years, Vincent has been stalked by a 41-year-old woman named Margot Begemann. She was a neighbor of the artist in Nuenen and really wanted to get married. Van Gogh, rather out of pity, agrees to marry her. Parents did not give consent to this marriage. Margo almost committed suicide, but Van Gogh saved her. In the following period, he has many promiscuity, he visits brothels and from time to time is treated for venereal diseases.

Vincent van Gogh, who gave the world his "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night", was one of the greatest artists of all time. A small grave in the French countryside became his final resting place. He fell asleep forever among those landscapes that Van Gogh left on his own - an artist who will never be forgotten. For the sake of art, he sacrificed everything ...

A unique talent gifted by nature

"There is something of a delightful symphony in color." There was a creative genius behind these words. Moreover, he was intelligent and sensitive. The whole depth and style of this man's life is often misunderstood. Van Gogh, whose biography has been carefully studied by many generations, is the most incomprehensible creator in the history of art.

First of all, the reader must understand that Vincent is not only the one who went crazy and shot himself. Many people know that Van Gogh cut off his ear, and someone knows that he painted a whole series of paintings about sunflowers. But there are very few who really understand what talent Vincent possessed, what a unique gift he was awarded by nature.

The sad birth of a great creator

On March 30, 1853, the cry of a newborn child cut through the silence. The long-awaited baby was born in the family of Anna Cornelia and pastor Theodore Van Gogh. It happened a year after the tragic death of their first child, who died within hours of being born. When registering this baby, identical data were indicated, and the long-awaited son was given the name of the lost child - Vincent William.

Thus began the saga of one of the world's most famous artists in the rural wilderness of the south of the Netherlands. His birth was associated with sad events. It was a child conceived after a bitter loss, born to people who were still mourning their dead firstborn.

Vincent's childhood

Every Sunday, this red-haired freckled boy went to church, where he listened to his parent's sermons. His father was a minister of the Dutch Protestant Church, and Vincent van Gogh grew up in accordance with the standards of education adopted in religious families.

In Vincent's time, there was an unspoken rule. The eldest son must follow in the footsteps of his father. This is how it should have happened. This placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the young Van Gogh. While the boy sat on the pew, listening to his father's sermons, he fully understood what was expected of him. And, of course, then Vincent van Gogh, whose biography had not yet been connected with art in any way, did not know that in the future he would decorate his father's Bible with illustrations.

Between art and religion

The Church occupied an important place in Vincent's life and had a great influence on him. Being a sensitive and impressionable person, throughout his restless life he was torn between religious zeal and a craving for art.

In 1857 his brother Theo was born. None of the boys knew then that Theo would play a big role in Vincent's life. They spent many happy days. We walked for a long time among the surrounding fields and knew all the paths around.

The giftedness of young Vincent

Nature in the rural outback, where Vincent van Gogh was born and raised, would later become a red thread running through all his art. The hard work of the peasants left a deep impression in his soul. He developed a romantic perception of rural life, respected the inhabitants of this area and was proud of their neighborhood. After all, they earned their living by honest and hard work.

Vincent van Gogh was a man who adored everything related to nature. He saw beauty in everything. The boy often drew and did it with such feeling and attention to detail, which are more often characteristic of a more mature age. He demonstrated the skills and craftsmanship of an experienced artist. Vincent was truly gifted.

Communication with mother and her love for art

Vincent's mother, Anna Cornelia, was a good artist and strongly supported her son's love for nature. He often took walks alone, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the endless fields and canals. When dusk was gathering and the fog was falling, Van Gogh returned to a cozy house, where the fire crackled pleasantly and his mother's knitting needles pounded in time with him.

She loved art and carried on an extensive correspondence. Vincent adopted this habit of hers. He wrote letters until the end of his days. Thanks to this, Van Gogh, whose biography began to be studied by specialists after his death, could not only reveal his feelings, but also recreate many of the events associated with his life.

Mother and son spent long hours together. They drew with a pencil and paints, had lengthy conversations about the love of art and nature that united them. Father, meanwhile, was in the study, preparing for the Sunday sermon in the church.

Rural life away from politics

The imposing Zundert administration building was directly opposite their house. Once Vincent drew buildings, looking out of the window of his bedroom, located on the top floor. Later, he repeatedly depicted scenes seen from this window. Looking at his talented drawings of that period, one can hardly believe that he was only nine years old.

Contrary to the expectations of his father, a passion for drawing and nature took root in the boy. He had amassed an impressive collection of insects and knew how they were all called in Latin. Very soon, the ivy and moss of the damp dense forest became his friends. In the depths of his soul, he was a truly rural boy, explored the Zundert canals, caught tadpoles with a net.

Van Gogh's life took place away from politics, wars and all other events taking place in the world. His world was formed around beautiful colors, interesting, and peaceful landscapes.

Communication with peers or home education?

Unfortunately, his special attitude to nature made him an outcast among other village children. He was not popular. The rest of the boys were mostly the sons of peasants, they loved the turmoil of rural life. Sensitive and sensitive Vincent, who was interested in books and nature, did not fit into their society.

The life of the young Van Gogh was not easy. His parents were worried that other boys would be a bad influence on his behavior. Then, unfortunately, Pastor Theodore found out that Vincent's teacher was too fond of drinking, and then the parents decided that the child should be spared such influence. Until the age of eleven, the boy studied at home, and then his father decided that he needed to get a more serious education.

Further education: boarding school

Young Van Gogh, whose biography, interesting facts and personal life are of interest to a huge number of people today, is sent in 1864 to a boarding school in Zevenbergen. This is a small village, located about twenty-five kilometers from his home. But for Vincent, she was like the other end of the world. The boy was sitting in a wagon next to his parents, and the closer the walls of the boarding school approached, the heavier his heart became. Soon he will part with his family.

Vincent will yearn for his home all his life. Isolation from relatives left a deep imprint on his life. Van Gogh was a smart child and was drawn to knowledge. While studying at a boarding school, he showed great ability for languages, and this later came in handy in his life. Vincent spoke and wrote fluently in French, English, Dutch and German. This is how Van Gogh spent his childhood. A brief biography of a young age could not convey all those character traits that were laid down from childhood and later influenced the fate of the artist.

Education in Tilburg, or an incomprehensible story that happened to a boy

In 1866, the boy was thirteen years old, and elementary education came to an end. Vincent became a very serious young man, in whose eyes one could read boundless longing. He is sent even further away from home, to Tilburg. He begins his studies at a public boarding school. Here Vincent first got acquainted with city life.

Four hours a week were allotted for the study of art, which was a rarity in those days. This subject was taught by Mr. Heismans. He was a successful artist and ahead of his time. As models for the work of his students, he used figurines of people and stuffed animals. The teacher also encouraged in children the desire to paint landscapes and even took the children to nature.

Everything went well and Vincent passed his first year exams with ease. But over the next year, something went wrong. Van Gogh's attitude to study and work has changed dramatically. Therefore, in March 1868, he left school right in the middle of the school period and came home. What did Vincent van Gogh experience at the Tilburg school? A brief biography of this period, unfortunately, does not provide any information about this. And yet, these events left a deep imprint on the soul of the young man.

Choice of life path

There was a long pause in Vincent's life. At home, he spent fifteen long months, not daring to choose one way or another in life. When he turned sixteen, he wanted to find his calling so that he could devote his whole life to it. The days passed in vain, he needed to find a purpose. The parents understood that something needed to be done and turned to the father's brother, who lives in The Hague, for help. He ran an art trading firm and could have gotten Vincent to work with him. This idea turned out to be brilliant.

If the young man shows diligence, he will become the heir of his rich uncle, who did not have his own children. Vincent, tired of the leisurely life of his native places, is happy to go to The Hague, the administrative center of Holland. In the summer of 1869, Van Gogh, whose biography will now be directly related to art, begins his career.

Vincent became an employee at Goupil. His mentor lived in France and collected works by artists of the Barbizon school. At that time in this country they were fond of landscapes. Van Gogh's uncle dreamed of the appearance of such masters in Holland. He becomes the inspirer of the Hague School. Vincent had the opportunity to meet many artists.

Art is the main thing in life

Having become acquainted with the affairs of the firm, Van Gogh had to learn how to negotiate with clients. And while Vincent was a junior employee, he picked up the clothes of people who came to the gallery, served as a porter. The young man was inspired by the world of art around him. One of the artists of the Barbizon school was his canvas "The Gatherers" resonated in Vincent's soul. It became a kind of icon for the artist until the very end of his life. Millet depicted peasants at work in a special manner that was close to Van Gogh.

In 1870, Vincent met Anton Mauve, who eventually became his close friend. Van Gogh was a taciturn, reserved man, prone to depression. He sincerely sympathized with people who were less fortunate in life than he was. Vincent took his father's preaching very seriously. After a working day, he went to private theology classes.

Another passion of Van Gogh was books. He is fond of French history and poetry, and also becomes a fan of English writers. In March 1871, Vincent turns eighteen. By this time, he had already realized that art was a very important part of his life. His younger brother Theo was fifteen at the time, and he came to Vincent for the holidays. This trip left a deep impression on both of them.

They even made a promise that they would take care of each other for the rest of their lives, no matter what happened. From this period begins an active correspondence, which is conducted by Theo and Van Gogh. The artist's biography will subsequently be replenished with important facts precisely thanks to these letters. 670 letters of Vincent have survived to this day.

Trip to London. Important stage of life

Vincent spent four years in The Hague. It's time to move on. After saying goodbye to friends and colleagues, he prepared to leave for London. This stage of life will become very important for him. Vincent soon settled in the English capital. The Goupil branch was located in the heart of the business district. Chestnut trees with spreading branches grew in the streets. Van Gogh loved these trees and often mentioned it in his letters to his relatives.

A month later, his knowledge of English expanded. The masters of art intrigued him, he liked Gainsborough and Turner, but he remained true to the art he had come to love in The Hague. To save money, Vincent moves out of the apartment rented for him by the Goupil firm in the market district and rents a room in a new Victorian house.

He enjoyed living with Mrs. Ursula. The owner of the house was a widow. She and her nineteen-year-old daughter Eugenia rented rooms and taught, so that at least somehow. Over time, Vincent began to have very deep feelings for Eugenia, but did not give them away. He could write about this only to his relatives.

Severe psychological shock

Dickens was one of Vincent's idols. He was deeply affected by the death of the writer, and he expressed all his pain in a symbolic drawing made shortly after such a sad event. It was an image of an empty chair. who became very famous, painted a large number of such chairs. For him, it became a symbol of the departure of a person.

Vincent describes the first year in London as one of his happiest. He was in love with absolutely everything and still dreamed of Eugene. She won his heart. Van Gogh tried his best to please her, offering his help in various matters. After some time, Vincent nevertheless confessed his feelings to the girl and announced that they should get married. But Evgenia refused him, as she was already secretly engaged. Van Gogh was devastated. His dream of love was shattered.

He withdrew into himself, spoke little at work and at home. Was eating little. The realities of life dealt Vincent a heavy psychological blow. He begins to paint again, and this partly helps him find peace and distracts him from the heavy thoughts and shock that Van Gogh experienced. Paintings gradually heal the artist's soul. The mind was consumed by creativity. He went to another dimension, which is characteristic of many creative people.

A change of scenery. Paris and homecoming

Vincent became lonely again. He began to pay more attention to the street beggars and ragamuffins inhabiting the slums of London, and this only increased his depression. He wanted to change something. At work, he showed apathy, which began to seriously disturb his management.

It was decided to send him to the Paris branch of the firm, in order to change the situation and, perhaps, dispel the depression. But even there, Van Gogh could not recover from loneliness and already in 1877 returned home to work as a priest in the church, leaving his ambitions to become an artist.

A year later, Van Gogh receives a position as parish priest in a mining village. It was a thankless job. The life of the miners made a great impression on the artist. He decided to share their fate and even began to dress like them. Church officials were concerned about his behavior and two years later he was removed from office. But the time spent in the country had a beneficial effect. Life among the miners awakened in Vincent a special talent, and he began to paint again. He created a huge number of sketches of men and women carrying sacks of coal. Van Gogh finally decided for himself to become an artist. It was from this moment that a new period began in his life.

Regular bouts of depression and returning home

The artist Van Gogh, whose biography repeatedly mentions that his parents refused to supply him with money due to instability in his career, was a beggar. He was helped by his younger brother Theo, who was selling paintings in Paris. Over the next five years Vincent perfected his technique. Equipped with his brother's money, he goes on a trip to the Netherlands. Makes sketches, paints in oils and watercolors.

Wanting to find his own pictorial style, in 1881 Van Gogh ended up in The Hague. Here he rents an apartment near the sea. This was the beginning of a long relationship between the artist and his environment. During periods of despair and depression, nature was part of Vincent's life. She was for him the personification of the struggle for existence. He had no money, he often went hungry. Parents, who did not approve of the artist's lifestyle, completely turned away from him.

Theo arrives in The Hague and convinces his brother to return home. At the age of thirty, a beggar and full of despair, Van Gogh arrives at his parents' house. There he sets up a small workshop for himself and begins to make sketches of local residents and buildings. During this period, his palette becomes muted. Van Gogh's paintings come out all in gray-brown tones. In winter, people have more time, and the artist uses them as his models.

It was at this time that sketches of the hands of farmers and people picking potatoes appeared in Vincent's work. - Van Gogh's first significant painting, which he painted in 1885, at the age of thirty-two. The most important detail of the work are the hands of people. Strong, accustomed to working in the field, harvesting. The talent of the artist finally broke out.

Impressionism and Van Gogh. Self-portrait photo

In 1886 Vincent comes to Paris. Financially, he also continues to depend on his brother. Here, in the capital of world art, Van Gogh is struck by a new trend - the Impressionists. A new artist is born. He creates a huge number of self-portraits, landscapes and sketches of everyday life. His palette is also changing, but the main changes have affected the technique of writing. Now he draws with broken lines, short strokes and dots.

The cold and gloomy winter of 1887 affected the artist's condition, and he again fell into depression. The time spent in Paris had a huge impact on Vincent, but he felt it was time to get back on the road. He went to the south of France, to the provinces. Here Vincent begins to write like a man possessed. His palette is full of bright colors. Sky blue, bright yellow and orange. As a result, canvases juicy in color appeared, thanks to which the artist became famous.

Van Gogh suffered bouts of severe hallucinations. He felt like he was going crazy. The disease increasingly affected his work. In 1888, Theo persuaded Gauguin, with whom Van Gogh was on very friendly terms, to go visit his brother. Paul lived with Vincent for two exhausting months. They often quarreled, and once Van Gogh even attacked Paul with a blade in his hand. Vincent soon self-mutilated by cutting off his own ear. He was sent to the hospital. It was one of the strongest bouts of insanity.

Soon, on July 29, 1890, Vincent van Gogh died by suicide. He lived a life of poverty, obscurity and isolation, and remained an unrecognized artist. But now he is revered all over the world. Vincent became a legend, and his work influenced subsequent generations of artists.

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