Acquaintance with musical instruments in kindergarten. Synopsis of a musical lesson in the senior group: Acquaintance with musical instruments


Abstract of the lesson.


teacher of additional

education Romashova O.N.

Tula, 2016

"Musical Instrument Store"

Lesson topic: "Musical instruments"


- developing - development of musical and creative abilities, psychophysical functions (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);

- educational - consolidation and generalization of knowledge about musical instruments;

- nurturing - education of performing culture, culture of behavior, tolerance.

Equipment: computer, projector with screen, board, piano.

Methodological support: cards with the image of musical instruments, a tape recorder, a screen, children's musical instruments, items: a tape recorder, a telephone, a brush for clothes, powder, cassettes, disks, a tambourine, wooden spoons, a metallophone, notes, books about musical instruments, coloring pages with musical instruments, cream for hands, mug, adhesive tape; blanks for the manufacture of noise instruments.

Lesson progress:

organizational part.

Hello guys!

Do you like to go shopping? (children's answers) Today we will go to an unusual music store. What do you think can be sold in this store? (children's answers) Look, I have a lot of different items on my table, which of them can be sold in a music store (items are laid out on the table: a tape recorder, a telephone, a clothes brush, powder, cassettes, discs, a tambourine, wooden spoons, a metallophone, sheet music, books about musical instruments, coloring books with musical instruments, hand cream, mug, tape Task: children need to choose those goods that can be sold in a music store).

Target: development of attention, thinking, memory.

Which of these items are the main ones that are sold in a music store? (children's answers)

Of course, these are musical instruments.

Main part.

AndThe topic of our lesson is "Musical Instruments" . Let's repeat them (oral repetition of musical instruments)

We remembered the names of musical instruments, and now we will remember what they look like, and our computer will help us with this, so attention ... An instrument appears on the screen, and you need to say its name.

2-3 slides. Alternate appearance of images of musical instruments.

Target: repetition of the material covered, the development of memory, attention.

And we also know that each musical instrument produces its own unique, magical sound. Let's play a game "Guess what sounds".

Game "Guess what sounds."

Target: musical ear development.

(behind the screen there are musical instruments and a recording of the sound of musical instruments, the teacher plays each of them in turn, and the children must name the sounded musical instrument)

Guys, can the instruments play by themselves? (children's answers)

You know, an unpleasant story happened in our store, a young seller mixed up which bows, sticks, hammers belong to which instruments, let's help him sort them out. Attention to the screen.

4-5 slides. "Music Sticks" (the appearance of sticks from musical instruments on the screen, the children say the name and guess from which instrument, then a musical instrument appears on the screen, checking whether the children answered correctly)

Target: development of logical thinking.

But how can instruments play on their own? (children's answers)

What are people who play musical instruments called? (children's answers) Now pictures of musicians playing certain musical instruments will appear on the screen, you will need to say what they are called.

6-8 slides. "Who plays what?" (Musicians with musical instruments alternately appear on the screen)

Target: development of memory, thinking.

And now I will pick up a tambourine and maracas and also become a musician, what kind? (children's answers) And let's play a game"Guess what's the call"

Target: development of auditory attention, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

In the music store, the instruments are always grouped. We know that there are three main groups of musical instruments: strings, winds and percussion.

Exercise: I have pictures of musical instruments on the board, you need to sort them into groups (task completion)

Target: development of attention, logical thinking.

Now imagine that each musician picks up his musical instrument and they all play one piece of music, then what will be the name of their team? (children's answers) What is the name of the person who leads the orchestra? (children's answers) And now, let's look at the screen ...

9 slide. (picture of the orchestra) What instruments do the musicians play in this orchestra? (children's answers)

And we know the song called"In our orchestra" music T. Popatenko, sl. M. Lapisova. Let's play it, but first, how musicians tune their instruments before a performance and we have to tune our instrument - the voice, so that it sounds beautiful. Recall the chant "Pipe" (performing a chant)

Now you can sing a song (singing a song"In our orchestra" )

What instruments were used in our orchestra? (children's answers)

Today we talk a lot about musical instruments. But they did not say about the most important thing, who makes them? (children's answers)

This is a very complex, painstaking work - to create a musical instrument so that it sounds beautiful and enchants listeners with its sound. To become a musical instrument maker you need to study a lot, maybe one of you will become a famous master. In the meantime, we will try to create a simple musical instrument with you. Want to try? (children's answers)

(making noise instruments from boxes from kinder surprises and filler: beans, millet, rice, etc.)

Target: development of musical, creative abilities, sense of rhythm.

What musical instruments did we get: noise or melodic? (children's answers) So, we created an orchestra of noise instruments. Let's play them (playing musical instruments according to a certain rhythm)

Final part.

Our instruments are tired, they go to their places, and the music store is closed. And our lesson comes to an end.

Let's remember what musical instruments we saw today in a music store? (children's answers) What are the main groups of musical instruments (children's answers) What is the name of a group of musicians performing one piece of music? (children's answers) Thank you all! Goodbye!

Synopsis of directly educational activities
"Introduction to Wind Instruments"

From the music project
What do we know about musical instruments?

Ganicheva Tatiana Avenirovna,
music director MBDOU No. 25,

Samuseva Yulia Nikolaevna,
educator MBDOU No. 25,

1. To form elementary ideas about wind musical instruments.
2. Develop the perception of music.
3. To introduce pupils to classical music through the study of the instruments of a symphony orchestra.

Children enter the hall and perform the greeting "Hello" by M. Yu. Kartushina.
Educator: Take one card each, now we will play with you.

Game "Musical Instruments", Ukrainian nar. melody
Part 1 - children with cards of musical instruments run in a circle.
Part 2 - springs, hands with a card to the right - to the left, whirling.
At the end of the music, the children take turns (whom the teacher will point to) call the instrument, and to which group of the symphony orchestra it belongs.

The children sit down at the piano.
Musical director: Look, what an unusual bird (blowing into a whistle). What is it guys? The whistle is a folk wind instrument. Why wind? Because they blow into it! What is the shepherd playing? (illustration display). That's right, on a pipe or flute. Listen.

Performed in audio recording "Concerto for Flute No. 1" V.A. Mozart.

Musical director: What does a musical instrument sound like? The sound is light, graceful, whistling. This is a flute playing (illustration).
Flute is a wind instrument, very similar to a pipe.
Today we will introduce you to the wind instruments of the symphony orchestra. What are the groups of instruments that you already know? (Poster - symphony orchestra instruments).
The children name the instruments.
Musical director: First of all, know that there are 2 groups of wind instruments, depending on the material from which these instruments are made. From wood - (children say: wooden), from copper (children say: copper) wind instruments.
The group of woodwind instruments includes: flute, bassoon, clarinet and oboe (showing cards).
The flute has the highest voice. The flute is a woodwind instrument, but now it is most often made of metal, sometimes plastic and glass. Listen to the flute.
On the screen is a slide - a flute (from the musical presentation "Wind Instruments").

Corrective exercise "Connect by dots"(outline of a flute).

Musical director: The oboe has a lower voice than the flute. The oboe's voice is a bit nasal (like a person who says "on the nose") (slide - oboe). Listen.

Performed in audio recording "Concerto for oboe and orchestra in E flat major" V. Bellini.

The game "Musical Pictures"(find the silhouette of the oboe in the picture) photo.

Musical director: Clarinet (poster) has a soft, warm, affectionate timbre (voice). Can sing both high and low (slide - clarinet). Listen.

Performed in audio recording "Concerto No. 1 for clarinet and orchestra" Weber.

Show on the poster "instruments of the symphony orchestra."
Musical director: Bassoon - a woodwind instrument with the lowest voice (timbre of sound), performs bass parts in an orchestra (slide - bassoon). Listen.

Performed in audio recording "Bassoon Solo", Petr Stoyanov.

The game "Labyrinth"(draw along the lines leading to the woodwinds).

Musical director: The loudest group in a symphony orchestra is the brass instruments. Today I will only introduce you to them (poster). What instrument are you familiar with? That's right, it's a pipe.
The trumpet is an instrument with a high, clear sound. Trumpets come in different sizes, each with its own timbre (voice).
French horn (horn) - its sound can be soft, maybe creaky. She is not alone in the orchestra (from 2 to 8).
Trombone - often performs not a melody, but a bass accompaniment. Only the trombone has a special retractable part that changes the sound of the instrument (show).
The tuba is the lowest voice, like the double bass of stringed instruments. The timbre of the tuba is harsh, massive.

Musical director: Remember, we watched the fairy tale "Musical Tower". Let only wind instruments settle in our musical tower today.

The game “Find a card of a given instrument and place it in the window of the tower”(children perform one by one at will, the rest of the children check the correctness of the assignment, help).

Musical director: Listen.

Performing "Oblivion" A. Piazzolla (Spanish: Veronika Kozhukharova (saxophone) and the Moscow Symphony Orchestra).

Musical director: It sounds like a saxophone. It has a melodious vibrating sound. The saxophone is one of the woodwind instruments, although it is made of metal. This instrument is only sometimes introduced into the symphony orchestra. More often it sounds in jazz and on the stage.
Musical director: We had a wonderful time with you. Did you like it? What group of the symphony orchestra did we meet today? What wind instrument do you like? (Children answer one at a time). We have prepared for you cards with a riddle that you will try to solve with mom or dad and draw a guess (on the back of the silhouette - dots). Please come up to me, I want to thank you and say goodbye (the children close their eyes, the music director strokes their heads).

Target: show children a variety of musical instruments, generalize and deepen children's life ideas about already known musical instruments.

Tasks: expand and generalize the musical and auditory experience of children, their ideas about musical culture, develop timbre hearing, the ability to recognize the sound of an instrument.

Leading: Dear guests, today we have invited you to a musical conversation dedicated to music and musical instruments.

In everyday life, a person is surrounded by many sounds and noises. Some of them irritate us, we are so used to others that we simply do not pay attention to them, others caress the ear. What kind of noise do you guys know?

For us, these are the most ordinary sounds, but the composer, thanks to his gift, transforms them into music, a play, a song.

"Music lives everywhere" Semerin

The wind is barely audible.
Linden sighs by the garden -
Sensitive music lives everywhere -
You just need to listen.
The birds welcome the sunrise.
The swallow is happy with the sun!
Sensitive music lives everywhere.
You just need to listen.

Grieg's play "Morning" sounds in the recording.

Leading: Music is created by the composer, and musical instruments help him in this. What musical instruments do you know?

When I was little, my mother took me to an interesting big box. An amazing picture appeared before me! The wooden mallets played some kind of game with the metal strings. There were many. The hammers touched the strings and suddenly, as if in fright, bounced back. And the strings rumbled from the frenzied attacks of the hammers. wept. as if touched to the quick, they sang tenderly under gentle touches, laughed and rejoiced, were indignant, sad and sighed. The whole game was called Piano.

And then one day I overheard a conversation between two instruments. It was a grand piano and piano.

The piano explained: My name comes from two Italian words - forte and piano. In Russian, I should have been called Gromkotikho.

And they call me Royal, which means royal. Three types of musical instruments crossed on me: Type of strings. Kind of keyboards. Kind of drums.

My own father is a noble harpsichord. From him I inherited my appearance and heart - the keyboard mechanism. My mother is cymbals. Music on it sounds from the blows of sticks on the strings. This is a very ancient instrument. And the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori made me. And now I stand in large concert halls. And now let's hear how our noble piano can talk.

A student of the piano department performs "Waltz" by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

From afar, the soft sounds of a violin are heard.

Leading: I recognized you! You are a famous violin. Which other musical instrument sings more soulfully, sweeter than a small violin. It felt like something soft and warm had touched my heart. And my heart skipped a beat.

My Russian name is beep. English - giga, i.e. ham (it looked like a ham - a piece of pork).

Where only the violin did not sing. She was terribly careless. And she was in a gypsy camp, and in a trendy restaurant - where there are dances and I - she said. She was always at the disposal of the dance teacher. He hid it in his camisole pocket. And they made her the way she is now by the Italian masters Amati. Stradivari, Guarnenri. And gave her the voice of divine beauty.

Performed by a student of the string department, the "Magic Choir" from Weber's opera "Magic Shooter" sounds

Leading: Guys. Look at Bayan - what a handsome man!

The soul of this tool is a special pneumatic device. Powered by compressed air. Air is blown in and vibrates elastic metal plates - tongues. The button accordion will open the soul - the tongues dance merrily, and if it makes you sad, the tongues tremble in thought. Bayan comes from the ancient Russian city of Tula. It was created by the master P. Sterligov and gave him a proud epic name. Because the heroic strength is inherent in him, and he can play any music. Often ditties, folk songs are sung under it.

A duet of accordionists performs.

Leading: There lived a balalaika. She loved to play pranks and chat. She made friends with cheerful people - in round dances, on festivities. Everything would have gone on like this, but she had a rival - a happy, overseas seven-string guitar. We began to forget slowly our laughter. More and more they liked the gentle, thoughtful guitar. How many sincere romances can be sung with a guitar!

Students perform A. Rybnikov's romance "I will never forget you"

Leading: Dombra is a Kazakh folk instrument. Dombra is used as a solo instrument and as an ensemble instrument. It has a pear-shaped body and a very long fretboard. The people made up a legend about the origin of dombra. There lived a long time ago two brothers. The youngest had a dombra, which he loved to play. The older brother was very proud, conceited. He decided to build a bridge. While he was building the bridge, the younger brother played the dombra all the time. The older brother got angry, snatched the dombra from the hands of the younger one and smashed it against the rocks. Only the imprint of dombra remained on the rocks of the rock... Many years have passed. People found this imprint and began to make new dombras on it.

The kui of Kurmangazy "Balbyrauyn" is performed by the dombra ensemble.

Presenter So we got acquainted with musical instruments, and now let's listen to musical pieces performed by students and teachers of our school.

A small concert is held where teachers and students perform.

Leading: In conclusion, we want to tell you a wish in the words of the Russian composer D.D. Shostakovich: “Love and study the great art of music. It will open a whole world of high feelings for you. It will make you spiritually richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new, previously unknown strengths in yourself. You will see life in new tones and colors.


1. Kazakh musical instruments. Almatykitap 2006, K.Konyratbay
2. In the world of musical instruments. Gazaryan S.S. 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
3. Stories about Russian folk instruments. Vasiliev Yu., Shirokov A. 1986
4. The birth of the piano. Mark Silberquit. 1984. Publishing house: Soviet composer

Entertainment scenario for children 4-5 years old. Acquaintance of children with children's musical instruments.

(Presentation of new children's musical instruments)
Program content
Target: draw the attention of children to the richness and diverse world of sounds made by various musical instruments.

1. Formation of ideas about musical and noise sounds.
2. Gaining knowledge about musical noise instruments, the history of their creation and sound features.
3. Acquaintance with the techniques of playing noise instruments.
4. Learning and performing Russian folk songs and chants.
5. Learn to distinguish instruments by sound.
6. Fix the names of the instruments, the skills of playing them.

1. Development of vocal-choral and rhythmic skills.
2. Development of musical memory, pitch hearing, attention.
3. Acquaintance with the initial skills of playing in an ensemble, introducing children to the forms of joint music-making.
4. Development of creative skills (improvisation).
5. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the rattle as a musical instrument, learn to play rhythmically, start and finish on time.
6. To develop the subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing, imagination and finesse in sound art.

1. Raising interest and love for music, folk musical culture, the world of beauty.
2. Raising interest in playing the simplest musical instruments.
3. Cultivate interest in a variety of sounds of the world.

Attributes and equipment:
Collection of rattles, tambourines, tambourines, spoons, bells, metallophones, bells, triangles, rattles, rhythmic sticks, maracas, homemade rattles.
Slide show equipment.

Preliminary work
music director:

Selection of repertoire for children and adults, selection of slides for the presentation, selection of musical instruments for the performance of musical pieces in the orchestra, arrangement of musical works for the orchestra.

Work with children:
Acquaintance with noise musical instruments and metallophone;
Teaching how to play them;
Learning the chorus of the song "Rattle", dance with rattles, the game "Who is sooner", musical pieces for playing children's musical instruments.

Working with teachers:
Learning the polka "Letka-Enka", the song "Rattle".
Working with parents:
Making homemade toys rattles for the exhibition.
Methods and techniques: game moment, art word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Tasks of integrated educational areas:
"Knowledge". Fix the names of musical instruments: maracas, bells, rattle, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic sticks, triangle.
"Socialization". To form friendly, benevolent relations between children and adults.
"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.
"Reading Fiction". Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image, expressively read short poems.

Entertainment progress.

Wherever people live, children play... Probably the most favorite toy for children is a rattle. Not a single baby grows up without a rattle that serves the child throughout the first year of life. Dried pumpkins, clay balls with pebbles inside and shells were the first rattles of mankind. The very word "rattle" in Russian comes from "to rattle at the ear." Many artists liked to depict babies with rattles.

Slideshow "Rattle in paintings"

Among the white towels
On a luxurious mattress
Sleeping baby lady
With a rattle in his hand.
Exactly a month this lady
exists among us.
She has four kilos.
This is a diamond girl.
(author of poems Nikolai Oleinikov)

The most fun of all is a toy,
Painted rattle.
Give the crybaby a rattle -
Will become a crybaby laughing.
This cute toy
Baby girlfriend.
She sings all day
Don't let the kids cry.

And in order for the rattles to rattle so merrily and amuse the kids, what kind of loose materials are they filled with? (children's answers)
When you were little, you could only rattle rattles. And now you are older, you can not just rattle, but play them like musical instruments. Show how you can play the rattles (children take rattles and stand scattered).

Song "Rattle" music. V. Dobrynina, sl. M. Plyatskovsky
(The teacher sings the chorus, the children sing the chorus and play rattles)

How well you sang and played the rattles! Do you want to dance with them?

Rattle dance

What a wonderful musical instrument - a rattle! (draws attention to the exhibition of rattles that children and their parents made with their own hands)
Take a look at our rattle exhibition. These are the children and their parents who made such rattles themselves, with their own hands! Want to hear how they sound? Children, play your rattles for us!

Orchestra of homemade rattles, music. Kukaracha-Kukaracha

Everyone liked the sound of these rattles? Let's play with them now!

The game "Who will take the rattle sooner"

In addition to rattles, there are many more interesting noise and musical
tools. Try to guess what they are called?

(after the correct answer of the children, the screen appears
slide with the image of this tool)

1. He plays from the heart,
The rhythm is very difficult.
What does it sound like, tell me?
Fidget ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

2. Still plays next to him
Also sonorous ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

3. He sits under a hat,
Do not disturb him - he is silent.
Just gotta take it in hand
And shake a little
A call will be heard:
"Dili-dong, Dili-dong!" bell (slide show "bell")

4. I look a little like a shoulder blade,
I look a little like a paddle
I help the guys eat porridge,
And my sister is a ladle ... a spoon (showing the slide "spoons")

5. At the most fabulous moment
This tool will enter.
Quietly, softly ringing
Everything seems to be silvered.
Any preschooler knows
When playing ... triangle (slide show "triangle")

6. Here are the metal plates,
There are many on the board.
From the records of those that are many,
The road runs away.
A wonderful sound is heard.
This is how it sounds ... metallophone (slide show "metallophone")

7. Here the plates are different,
Wooden, large.
How they start to crack
You need to close your ears ... ratchet (slide show "ratchet")

8. This is not a rattle for you
And not a child's toy.
It makes us all very happy
Wooden ... maracas (slide show "maracas")

9. They beat each other - knock-knock-knock -
And everyone hears a beautiful sound ... sticks (slide show "rhythmic sticks")

10. Well done,
Remote ... bells (slide show "bells")

Guys, do you like all these musical instruments? (children answer)

Our children are very fond of
More than any porridge
Spoons, rumba, triangle,
Maracas, bell.
They also love the metallophone,
Because he is loud.
And also on a tambourine in the morning
Children love to knock...
At this time, mom and dad
I really want to sleep.

And if these instruments are put together all at once?.. Would you like to hear what happens? Grab your tools guys!

(children take instruments and stand in front of the audience)

Admire the orchestra:
The tools are good!
Virtuoso musicians -
These are our babies!

Children: (Take turns talking about your instrument)
1. Here is a beautiful, sonorous tambourine!
He will not be silent in his hands! (Child plays the tambourine)

2. Like friendly palms,
Our spoons are rattling! (Child plays with spoons)

3. But these are sticks,
Punch sticks! (Child knocks with chopsticks)

4. How the ratchet crackles -
Surprise everyone today! (The child plays the rattle)

5. Makes a beautiful ring
Our sonorous metallophone! (Child plays glissando on metallophone)

6. These are tomboy brothers,
Bells-bells! (Child rings bells)

7. Will play here for you
Wooden maracas! (Child plays maracas)

8. Let's hit the triangles -
We will give joy to all guests! (Child plays on a triangle)

9. Dili-dong! Dili don!
Sounds are heard from all sides!
The bell rings so
Like a brook gurgling. (Child rings a bell)

Children in chorus:
We will play together for you
All you have to do is clap!

Children play in the orchestra. "Moscow quadrille"

Well done guys! (addressing guests) Did you like how our children play? In our kindergarten, not only children, but also adults are very fond of playing musical instruments.
Listen to their performance of the Finnish polka, which is called "Letka-Enka".

Educators perform the polka "Letka-Enka".

How much fun we had tonight! Do you want to learn how to make some other instrument? Good! Next time we will make bells with you. And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Let's say to the guests: "Goodbye, see you again"!

(children say goodbye and go to the group)

Albina Androsova
Synopsis of the musical lesson "Introduction to Russian folk instruments and their sound" senior group

Target lessons: development musical and creative abilities of children, through familiarization with Russian folk art.

1. introduce children with a history of occurrence.

2. Develop children's ideas about folk music and folk instruments;

3. Develop emotional responsiveness;

4. Sensory abilities and pitch hearing;

5. Develop a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands;

7. Cultivate love and interest in music.

Corrective targets:

1. Development of auditory attention, active gaze fixation.

2. To develop the tracking function of the eye and auditory attention, fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Develop the ability to localize the work of vision and hands.

Materials and equipment:

2 boxes with musical instruments, musical instruments, presentation "History of occurrence Russian folk instruments» , laptop, projector, screen, screen, treat.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about musical instruments with illustrations, listening Russian folk songs, learning Russian folk songs, round dances and musical and didactic games, individual work on teaching children to play musical instruments.

Lesson progress:

(slide number 1 and sound 1)

Under Russian folk tune"Shining Moon" The children enter the room and form a circle.

Muses. Hands: - Guys, I am very glad to see you so beautiful, kind, in a good mood!

(sings) We will stand in a circle together,

We need to say hello.

I will sing to you "Hi!".

Smile back at me.

hello right hand

Hello left hand.

Hello friend, hello friend

Hello to all our friendly circle!

Muses. hands.: - Guys, today you will find a lot of new and interesting things, but first try to guess riddle:

I'll tell you, my friend, in ancient times

A gentle breeze blew through the reed pipe.

The man suddenly heard a melodious sound,

And was born at that moment


Muses. hands.: - Guys, would you like to know an interesting story about how you were born Russian folk instruments? (Yes) Well then listen carefully. Look what a beautiful box I have in my hands. But what is this, the box is empty! Where did everyone disappear to? tools?

(Sounds Russian round dance"There was a birch in the field")

Muses. hands - You hear music? This is indeed our lost instruments sound, and they perform Russian folk song.

Listen to how smoothly, gently the melody flows. How beautiful Russian folk instruments sound. Do you want to know how they appeared in Russia musical instruments? Join hands, I will lead you along magical paths.

(Musical the leader starts a round dance with the children. Children move in a circle, snake, diagonally, stop in front of the screen)

Slide #2 and SOUND.

Muses. hands Guys, we are in the forest. Sit in the clearing at your convenience. Do you know that this is the homeland folk instruments? After all, a person is always tried imitate the sounds of nature.

(slide number 3)- Look, dry fruits hang on the acacia, they sway in the wind, rustle with seeds. People heard this sound and came up with musical instrument which is called a rattle. (Slide number 4 with a picture Russian rattle) The rattle is a noise tool. Why do you think? (Children's answers) That's right, let's hear how rattle sounds(SOUND)

(Slide number 5)- A strong wind blew, the branches of the trees began to beat, rub against each other. A man heard this crack and made ratchet musical instrument. (Slide number 6). Wooden plates strung on two ropes. They bump into each other and crack. Let's hear how ratchet sounds(SOUND)

(Slide number 7)- But the woodpecker knocks on the pine. A man heard this sound and made it out of wood musical instrument which is called wooden spoons (Slide number 8). Wooden spoons are percussion tool. Why do you think spoons are percussion tools? (Children's answers) in drums instruments sound occurs when one part tool hits another or when on one's own hit the instrument with something. Let's hear how spoons sound. (SOUND)

(slide number 9) Muses. hands.: - We went to the river bank. Hear the wind humming in the reeds. If you cut this stem and blow into it, you get musical instrument, the man thought, and made a wind musical instrument, which is called - flute and horn (slide number 10) Why do you think the flute and horn are wind instruments? tools? (Children's answers) Let's listen to these magical flute sounds. (SOUND)

(Slide number 11)- But a hunter came out into the clearing with a bow in his hands. He pulled the string, let go. And the bowstring suddenly sang, rang. (Sound)“But you can pull a bowstring of different thicknesses on a plank and play on it. music", the hunter guessed. And the person got such tools like a balalaika and a gusli (slide number 12). Balalaika and gusli are plucked strings tools. Why do they have such a strange name? (Children's answers). That's right, they have taut strings that start "sing", if you touch or pinch them with your fingers.) Guys, but the balalaika has become a symbol of our country and musician who plays the balalaika is called a balalaika player. Today a young balalaika player Anton came to visit you. He will perform for you on the balalaika Russian folk song"In the garden, in the garden".

Guest from music school balalaika player.

Performs "In the garden, in the garden"

Muses. hands.: - How good that in antiquity people were able to listen to the sounds of nature. They gave us such amazing musical instruments. And since they were invented and made Russian people, Russian people, then they called these Russian folk instruments.

Knock on the door, under music the guy Andryusha enters the hall with a box in his hands.

Andryusha (bows): Hello guys,

Snub-nosed girls, perky boys.

Muses. hands: - Hello, and who are you?

Andryusha: - I'm Andryusha a merry fellow - everyone knows this!

I will play with you and help the guys!

Muses. hands: - Well then, Andryusha, the guys and I will now greet you Russian folk song. Listen and tell me if you like it or not.

Muses. the leader sings the r. n. P. "Andrey the Sparrow".

Muses. hands.: - Andryusha, did you like this song?

Andryusha: - And I have known this song for a long time, but for some reason I didn’t hear the guys.

Muses. hands.: - And now we will quickly fix it. Come on, guys, at first I will speak alone, and then we will all speak together .... (spoken).

And now let's sing and tap our hands at the same time this song.

Andryusha: - Now it's a different matter! And I know too Russian folk song.

Learning r. n. P. "Like ours at the gate".

Muses. hands.: - Andryusha, what kind of box do you have?

Andryusha:- Yes, I was walking through the forest, and there I found him.

This box is not simple, this box is painted

Fabulous, beautiful, and inside with a surprise.

Muses. hands: - Oh, how interesting! Andryusha, open your box as soon as possible!

Andryusha: I'll open it if you guess the riddle.

And they make noise, and strum, and clap, and ring.

Painted, bright amuse the whole fair.

Children: Musical instruments!

Andryusha: Oh, how smart!

Muses. Hands: Come on, come on, show me!

(Andryusha takes out a rattle, a rattle and spoons from the box)

Muses. hands: Yes, these are tools that disappeared from our box, but how did you find them?

Andryusha: And I went out into the forest clearing and saw the ants playing on tools. See how it was...

(Children watch an excerpt from the cartoon « Russian nursery rhymes» 1969)

Muses. hands: - Guys, did you like how the forest musicians? (Yes) And what tools you learned? (ratchet, wooden spoons, balalaika, harp, horn, etc.) Would you like to become musicians? (Yes) Then let's play a game "Guess What I'm Playing"

Andryusha: Exactly! Listen carefully! If the ratchet crackles, let your feet stomp, and if the rattle rings, then rub your ears. Well, if the spoons knock, clap your hands loudly. Does everyone understand the game? Let's start, kids!

GAME ON GOING "Guess What I'm Playing"

(Sounds like a Russian dance)

Muses. hands: - Listen! it Russian folk dance music. Legs and ask to dance! Come out, kids. Give your dance all the brightness, all the fire Russian dance.

(Children improvise dance.)

Andryusha: - Oh, yes, well done children, everyone danced from the heart.

Muses. hands.: - Andryusha, what else do you have in the box?

Andryusha: - There are many more in my box instruments of different. Tools are good play from the heart! Do not leave guests from their places, let our orchestra play.

Muses. hands.: - Guys, what is an orchestra, who will tell me? (children's answers)

Muses. hands.: - And who directs the orchestra?

Children: - Conductor!

(Distribution tools)

Muses. hands .: - Loudly, do not knock hard, take care of the tools! music listen carefully!

Be sure to get into the rhythm!

ORCHESTRA "Oh, you canopy".

Muses. hands - Guys, did you like our trip? What did you like the most? For the fact that you have now become real connoisseurs Russian folk instruments I give you medals.

Come on, Andryusha, what else do you have in the box?

Andryusha: - A treat for the guys, I'm glad to treat the children.

you gingerbread Russian sweet, mint,

For aromatic tea, a noble treat.

Distribution of meals.

Muses. hands and Andryusha: Guys, thank you very much. Goodbye.

(Children under music p. n. m. leave the hall)

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