The meaning of the name Vitalin for a girl born in spring. Name Vitalin name meaning and fate

What does the name Vitalina mean?
This name is translated from Latin as - life.

Origin of the name Vitalina:
This is a Latin name. It comes from such a male name as Vitaly.

Character transmitted by the name of Vitalin:

Vitalina is a very sonorous and rather rare name. As a rule, a girl with such an interesting name has an incredible feminine charm, an unusually gentle character, but with all this, she does not at all take some decisiveness and even courage. Women - bearers of this name are usually able to live an extraordinary life.

In early childhood, Vitalina is unusually independent, she prefers to realize all her plans and dreams herself, without any help from strangers, and she is sure that she herself should have everything under constant control. Her friends always adore her and the boys respect her very much. They, as a rule, do not dare to pull her pigtails like other girls. She loves to read various adventure novels and even fairy tales since childhood.

Then, starting to grow up, Vitalina will try to find among other women an ideal for her own imitation, and more often she looks for such an ideal among the people around her. And most often it turns out that she still does not find the right standard for herself, and because of this she can become somewhat closed and spend much more time in constant thought. It is too difficult for her parents to accept and understand this behavior of their daughter, and Vitalina desperately wants everyone to leave her alone, and so on the basis of this, various squabbles can occur in her family, especially with her mother.

It usually happens that Vitalina can get married very early, and her chosen one usually becomes a man who has already finally taken place in life, but she usually considers her peers to be jerks, who, of course, still have a lot to learn, and therefore she doesn’t really does not take such young fans seriously. It is very important for her to have a certain support, a reliable, strong man who has already occupied his certain social niche in his life. And believe me, she finds such a man too quickly. True, as a rule, relations with her mother-in-law are not so good.

Vitalina is an unusually trusting person, and therefore it is not very difficult to deceive, mislead her, she often relies on many people and does not at all think that anyone can have not the best intentions regarding her. If she suddenly finds out that she was nevertheless deceived, she suffers unusually much, but her reaction to the truth is too violent. And she will not be able to put up with this so-called grief all her life.

Vitalina is a rare, unusual name. Since childhood, such girls are sociable and open, initiative and curious. But the male origin of the name (the female form of the word Vitaly) leaves its mark on the character. Vita can sometimes be overly assertive, stubborn and short-tempered.

origin of the name Vitalina

The name Vitalina comes from the Roman nickname Vitalis. Translated from Latin, this word means "full of life." Most researchers agree that Vitalina is a female form. This also proves that in ancient Rome there was a nickname Vitalianus (belonging to Vitaly).

The words Vitalin and Vitaly are considered synonyms. In different countries, they prefer to call girls either one or the other name, sometimes both are used with approximately equal popularity.

Name Forms

Name abbreviation:

  • Lina;
  • Vita;
  • Tal;
  • Vital;
  • Vitacha.

Diminutive forms:

  • Vitalinka;
  • Talina;
  • Vitasya;
  • Vitasha.

Photo gallery: name forms

Vitalina - full name form
Vita - the most popular short form of the name Vitalin Lina - an unusual and beautiful version of the appeal to Vitalina

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - VITALINA.

In the Orthodox calendar there is no name Vitalin, therefore such girls are usually baptized by the name of the saint, who is revered on their birthday.

Table: name in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Vitalin:

  • Vadimovna;
  • Yuryevna;
  • Vasilevna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Vitalina can use the following nicknames:

  • vita;
  • vita_linna;
  • vitalyan;
  • vitalinchik;
  • vitaljusik.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities of girls named Vitalina:

  • sociability;
  • curiosity;
  • independence;
  • energy.

Negative Traits:

  • unpredictability;
  • tendency to impulsive actions;
  • lack of self-esteem.

How the name affects the character of the child

Little Vitochka is friendly and sociable, loves to meet and meet, in her social circle there are an order of magnitude more boys than girls. Vita does everything slowly, but when it comes to entertainment or games, she instantly becomes a mischievous entertainer.

She starts studying grammar and reading late, her parents read books to her for a long time, but in the study of the outside world and everything new, the girl has no equal. Sometimes she behaves very serenely and calmly, but sometimes she is a real fidget and a prankster. It is also necessary to take into account Vita's predisposition to close herself from the outside world, even without any good reason. Parents need to pay more attention to the frequent mood swings of their daughter.

Vita is an easy-going, friendly and cheerful child with a rich inner world and great opportunities, which will be prevented from being realized only by her own indecision and self-doubt.

Little Vita is a very sociable child

Vitalina as a teenager

At a young age, Vitalina becomes proactive and inquisitive. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, often visits beauty salons, takes care of her health, loves to play sports, most often she chooses tennis. Such traits as shyness and indecision can prevent her from asserting herself in life, so not all her attempts to realize herself can be crowned with success.

By nature, Vita is a real adventurer and maximalist, she draws attention to her person in any way: with bright makeup and defiant appearance, playing in public. She loves everything unusual and bright, but with age and the acquisition of life experience, this passes.

How the name affects the character of an adult

According to Boris Khigir, Vitalina is soft and charming, but at the same time resolute and courageous. She is easily deceived. The credulity of a girl is often taken advantage of by selfish people. But if the deception is revealed, Vita will immediately break off relations with them. The owner of this name often gravitates towards male tasks and professions. She is energetic and determined. Often becomes a leader in the team.

Soft and charming Vitalina can be strong, strong-willed and resolute.

Talents and hobbies

Vitalina's main hobby is to indulge her whims. Such girls love to live beautifully and on a grand scale: dress elegantly, treat themselves to goodies, and have a lot of rest. They usually devote all their free time to themselves, especially at a time when they are not yet in a family relationship.

When writing poems about a girl named Vitalina, you can use the following rhymes: avalanche, plain, viburnum, ballerina, picture.

Professions, business and career

Vitalina is a woman with a business streak, but sometimes her decisions and actions go beyond what is permitted. She seeks to clearly distinguish herself from others, causing irritation and criticism of her superiors among those around her. However, colleagues, in spite of everything, will not hold a grudge against the girl. Vika has something to appreciate - she is responsible, conscientious and honest.

The professions most suitable for such a girl are those that are directly related to communication, but it is also important for Vita to feel free and independent. Often the owner of this name is successful in the creative field. She often changes jobs and environments in general. This is necessary for Vitalina to find the ideal field of activity for her, where she can feel at ease and comfortable.

Vitalina appreciates freedom, she can become an excellent journalist, scientist, archaeologist

A girl with this name has every chance of becoming a successful business woman. Her initiative, fairness and communication skills contribute to this. The main thing is that Vitalina needs to learn to firmly adhere to her position and be able to defend her own opinion. She will most likely run the business alone, because Vita is used to controlling everything herself, she will not share successes and failures with anyone.


Vitalina has good health, but it is important for her to constantly strengthen her immune system. There may be some difficulties with the musculoskeletal system. The girl needs frequent walks in the open air, any sports activities or games that involve at least minimal physical activity.

Vita in love and marriage

Life without love for Vitalina becomes dull and mundane, so she often falls in love. For such a girl, strong feelings are both a lifestyle and a romantic attraction. She can easily and believably play the role of a weak woman who needs the patronage of a strong man, a support in life, but in reality she does not need this. This is just a clever ability to manipulate the feelings of the stronger sex, because together with such a fragile and defenseless girl, the guy feels like a fearless hero. Vita does not like it when they climb into her soul. She tries to hide her hot temper from her chosen one.

Vita is romantic and loving, gives the chosen one an ardent feeling

Sex takes a special place in Vitalina's life. For her, this is both passion and romance. The girl treats intimate relationships as a real art. In a couple, Vita often takes a dominant role, expects enthusiasm and complete humility from her partner, but does not approve of rudeness in bed. The owner of this name is very jealous, although she tries to control herself. Betrayal to her man will never forgive.

Vita has been choosing a man for a serious relationship and marriage for quite some time. The main reason for this is not her heavy temper, but her usual indecision. Even after creating a family, a girl may periodically doubt the correctness of her choice. However, in this situation, it all depends on her chosen one. Attentiveness and tenderness will help a man win the heart of his companion, as a reward for this he will get the strong and passionate love of a charming girl. But no matter how beautiful and impeccable the relationship is, the husband’s only wrong act can destroy the entire family idyll.

In family relationships, Vitalina can become an exemplary housewife. She loves to pamper her family and friends with delicious delicacies and healthy meals. Raising children for such a woman is also of great importance. Maintaining comfort in the family nest does not prevent her from taking care of herself, visiting beauty salons, and following fashion trends. Vita appreciates her soul mate very much. But a girl needs to feel her freedom, if it is limited, quarrels and disagreements are inevitable.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameRelationship features
DmitryThese partners have very similar characters, which does not bring them closer, but may lead to separation. Excessive pride, stubbornness and freedom of both will contribute to divorce.
AlexanderThis is a pair of masterful natures, strong personalities. The struggle for leadership in the family can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.
EvgeniyIn his companion, Vita sees a faithful and reliable protector, whom he will bestow with love, care and loyalty. They perfectly complement each other, including in sexual relations, which is important for strengthening the union.
SergeyThis couple can be called exemplary, since Sergey and Vita will always find a common language. They have an absolutely happy marriage. Thanks to mutual understanding and mutual assistance, partners will be able to create a calm, friendly family union.
AndrewThe relationship between Vitalina and Andrey has every chance of becoming long-lasting, but it cannot be said that everything will go smoothly for them. They can often have quarrels and conflicts.
AlexeiThis couple is wrapped in love, promising a happy family union. Vita and Aleksey jointly create a prosperous family. They practically do not have difficulties with money, just partners are sure that happiness is not in money.
YuriIn such a pair, a man treats his companion with care and tenderness, which deserves her respect and love. Vita will thank Yuri with her warmth, kindness and attention.
OlegThis union is based on a strong relationship, because between Oleg and Vita there is not just love, but really sincere feelings. Their basis is peace of mind and absolute confidence in a partner.
VladimirThe relationship between Vitalina and Vladimir cannot be called love at first sight. The couple needs quite a long time to get to know each other better. But this delay only serves to strengthen their bond.
DenisSoul partners do not cherish each other. They are comfortable together, regardless of where they are: in the company of friends, at home or on a trip. In sexual intimacy, care and attention to the partner are above all.
ArtyomThis couple energizes everyone around them. They know how to take the best from life. In the relationship between Artyom and Vita, there is mutual respect, seething passions, and pure love. Therefore, their family life will be exciting and vibrant.
PaulThe romantic relationship between Vita and Pavel is slightly unemotional, there is little passion in them. For partners, the main thing in their union is trust. The couple lives harmoniously and quietly, and enjoy it.
IgorThis couple is very harmonious. Igor and Vita will succeed in becoming a good family if they do not forget to take care of each other, and in a dispute - to compromise.
VitalyVitaly and Vitalina are doomed to long and happy years of marriage. They have very similar main life values, and this further strengthens their love.
NovelA stormy and emotional union that will bring many joyful and fun moments. The partners have many common interests, which brings them together. In such a couple, there are practically no omissions and secrets, and the intimate part of the relationship is saturated with ardent passion.
VictorVictor and Vita can have a pretty happy marriage in every way. In this union, devotion and mutual respect reign. Partners have common goals, share each other's values.

The meaning of each letter of the name

B - sociability, harmony with the outside world. A creative person who looks to the future.

And - a spiritual person, sensitive, kind, gentle and peaceful. But at the same time very practical.

T - strong intuition, sensitivity, creativity. Does not always measure their goals and capabilities.

A - leadership, the desire for physical and mental comfort. Very active nature.

L - a person who subtly perceives beauty. Pronounced artistic and artistic abilities.

H is a symbol of protest. A person has an inner strength that does not allow to perceive everything in a row. Critical attitude to everything.

Table: name matches

PlanetSunThey like to be in the center of attention, they are energetic, independent and ambitious. Sometimes they can be overly self-confident and caustic.
Zodiac signa lionThey value comfort and luxury, strive for popularity and fame. Energetic, noble and merciful. In some cases, they can show stubbornness and excessive pride.
ElementFireCreative, optimistic and dynamic personalities. Prone to impulsive actions. They can be aggressive and stubborn.
Number1 Pioneers, leaders. They do not like to obey, but they are able to compromise. Always on the lookout for new information. The main disadvantage is laziness.
ColorYellowIntelligent and proactive. As if they radiate internal energy. They have a strong character, decisive, they know how to separate the important from the secondary.
totem animalEagleA symbol of the spiritual principle, greatness and courage.
WoodCedarEmbodies beauty, dignity and grandeur.
PlantPeonySymbolizes romance, beauty and prosperity.
StoneChrysoliteAttracts good luck and wealth. Strengthens health.
MetalGoldThe personification of wealth and justice. At the same time, it can also carry the negative energy of envy and vanity.
auspicious daySunday

When was Vitalina born?

Winter Vitalina often cannot find happiness in her personal life. She is prevented from doing this by excessive authority and control over her chosen one. This girl is a little selfish. Sometimes she is too stubborn and quick-tempered, which, of course, does not delight others. This often results in strained relationships with friends and colleagues.

Spring Vita - the very unpredictability and mystery. An insidious girl who can sometimes be accused of duplicity, because for the sake of her intended goal she is capable of much. Her behavior is impossible to predict: today she is cheerful and cheerful, and tomorrow she may already be depressed and offended by everyone and everything.

Summer Vita is a very romantic and soft nature. The girl is loving, she can often change men, but at the same time it seems to her that she really loves each of her chosen ones for real. Vitalina, who was born in the summer, does not tolerate monotony. A benevolent and feminine person, she will not betray or leave in a difficult moment.

Autumn Vitalina is serious and pragmatic. Such a girl is organized and practical. She has everything clearly painted down to the minute. This is a very good hostess, whatever she undertakes - everything turns out "with a bang." From the outside, it may seem that Vita, born in autumn, is a cold and strict person, but in reality she is sensitive and kind. Dreams of mutual love and quiet family happiness.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesExtraordinary personality with an active life position. No wonder she is always in the spotlight. Such a girl is constantly aware of all the events taking place. She is straightforward and a little arrogant, has her own point of view on everything and often tries to impose it on others.
TaurusCalm and tactful, she lives according to her personal schedule. Any changes knock her out of her usual schedule, and it is difficult for her to adapt to a new environment and people. It is important for such a girl to feel stability in life, and even more so in relationships. Strives to get married early. She enjoys doing family chores.
TwinsA good-natured and soft-hearted girl who will always come to the rescue and will not leave her in trouble. He is tolerant of the shortcomings of others, but he also tries not to focus on his negative qualities. Because of this, he reacts very violently to criticism in his direction. Very active and temperamental.
CrayfishRomanticism, thoughtfulness and charm are characteristic of Vitalina-Cancer. She has colossal abilities, but due to indecision and passivity, she can rarely assert herself and show herself 100%. True, this does not apply to personal life. A girl can successfully marry, she becomes a non-conflict, economic and affectionate wife.
a lionSelf-confident, refined and prudent person. She knows how to present herself and knows her worth. Smart and practical, she knows how to get out of the most extraordinary and ridiculous situations with dignity. Vitalina-Leo follows an honest path to achieve his goal, but if the need arises, he can sacrifice the interests of others for his own benefit.
VirgoA practical and serious girl, a realist. Takes on only those cases that will bring real results. She never agrees to adventures and dubious events, she needs a guarantee of benefits. Such a practical approach to life accompanies a good career. In family matters, this, of course, can interfere, since cold calculation will not replace ardent love.
ScalesShe has a calm disposition, a cheerful and open personality, has an excellent sense of humor, which helps her through life. She knows how to convince, and in the event of disputes, she plays a major role in reconciling the warring parties.
ScorpionImpetuous and quick-tempered. There are many ups and downs in her life, she is either active and cheerful, or sad and depressive. Often rushes from one extreme to another. Vita is a proud girl, it is not typical for her to seek help from her relatives. In a love relationship, she is looking for passionate and lively emotions, because otherwise she will simply get bored.
SagittariusThe main quality of Vita-Sagittarius is leadership, but sometimes she becomes weak and fragile. True, this happens very rarely. Often such a girl is domineering, and this repels people. Because of this, she has very few true friends. Men in her society can feel henpecked, so they try to avoid Vitalina.
CapricornThe restraint and self-control of this girl are immeasurable. You should not expect an ardent display of emotions from such a girl. Vita-Capricorn is objective and reasonable, she believes that each person controls his own destiny. Because of this position in life, Vitalina does not listen to anyone's advice and does not distribute it herself.
AquariusA quick-witted and full of energy girl, she is surrounded by many good acquaintances and friends, but she will not open her soul to them. Vita-Aquarius will not tolerate even petty insults and betrayals. Painfully worried about this, she can move away from everyone and withdraw into herself. Men are attracted by her charm and seductiveness.
FishDreamy, tender and generous, she has an original view of the world. Such a girl loves to create more than to consume. She prefers to give rather than receive as a gift. Very emotional, with a fine mental organization. Self-criticism and vulnerability lead to frequent depression and neuroses.

Famous women with this name

Famous owners of this name:

  • Vitalina Zelenetskaya - Ukrainian TV presenter;
  • Vitalina Dzoz - Deputy of the Supreme Council of Crimea of ​​the 4th convocation;
  • Vitalina Bunina - athlete (ballroom dancing);
  • Vitalina Sidorkina - fashion model;
  • Vitalina Vlasova - architect, designer.

Photo gallery: famous Vitalins

Vitalina Dzoz - politician Vitalina Bunina - athlete Vitalina Vlasova - architect, designer
Vitalina Sidorkina - fashion model

Vitalina is a reserved girl, laconic. Very domineering, she is respected by friends and colleagues. Vita loves independence and freedom. She has an active life position, she is interested in everything original and unknown.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Vitalin (Vitaly), its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Vitalina's zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Uranus
  • The color of the name Vitalina is purple
  • Auspicious tree - aspen
  • Treasured plant Vitalina - saxifrage
  • Vitalin's patron saint - electric eel, electric stingray
  • Vitalina's talisman stone - rock crystal, amethyst

What does the name Vitaly (Vitalina) mean?: "vital" (name Vitalina of Latin origin).

Angel Vitalina Day: the name Vitalin does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

The nature of the name Vitalina: A rare name, but by giving it to your daughter, you will give her an amazing fate. The softness and charm of a woman will complement such qualities as determination and courage. The girl Vitalina is the favorite of her girlfriends and at the same time enjoys authority among the surrounding boys. She is very independent. A girl named Vitalina knows what she wants, is proud, but pays little attention to her studies. As a child, he likes to read fairy tales and adventure novels.

Vitalia's adolescence is characterized more by contemplation than by active work on oneself. She, as it were, studies everyone around her and tries to see in others the one whom she would like to be like. The ideal usually does not find and closes in itself. At the same age, misunderstandings begin with parents, more often with mom.

The name Vitaly usually marries early, but almost never a peer becomes her chosen one. Her adult mind is impressed by education and the ability to firmly settle in life.

Typically female tricks and tricks to keep a man near him, the name of Vitaly is of little interest. Yes, they are in her arsenal, one might say, and no. And don't worry! Their absence is more than compensated by practical thinking, the ability to control the situation and subordinate it to their desires. A girl named Vitalina is easy to deceive, she is very gullible in some matters, but God forbid if she finds out about the deception. The reaction will be so violent, and grief so inconsolable, that not only the husband, but any other person, seeing such despair, will simply be afraid to repeat his act in the future. Yes, and it makes no sense to deceive Vitalina - she is able to delve into any situation and understand it, suggest an unexpected decision - bold, even adventurous, but often the only right one.

The name Vitaly is an economical hostess, she takes care of the children and her husband, but rarely takes on all the household chores. A husband in a kitchen apron, washing dishes, in line for vegetables - a common picture in Vitalia's house. In general, she gravitates more towards male occupations, and if her husband is a business man, then a good assistant in the person of his wife is guaranteed to him. In business, the name Vitalina is self-confident, energetic, resolute.

He feels more comfortable in a male company, and in a female team he plays only the role of a leader. Rarely finds a common language with the mother-in-law. Colds are her scourge; she has a weak stomach.

"Winter" Vitaly is proud, assiduous, will not yield the palm to anyone.

"Autumn" Vitalina - from childhood, in an adult way, she is smart and reasonable, practical. Can become a lawyer, an economist. The name is suitable for patronymics: Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Andreevna, Mikhailovna, Grigorievna, Gennadievna, Danovna.

"Summer" Vitalina - amorous, prefers the company of men.

"Spring" Vitalina - windy, fickle. Can become a hairdresser, teacher, educator. The meaning of the name Vitaly is suitable for patronymics: Vadimovna, Ignatievna, Kondratievna, Rodionovna, Yurievna, Alanovna, Vasilievna.

What does the name Vitalina mean? Numerology interprets the meaning of the name Vitalin in terms of the number 1. This is an energetic and active person who is able to quickly respond in difficult situations and easily adapt to life changes. True, because of this, the name Vitalin experiences difficulties in the case when you need to carefully plan your actions. For this reason, the meaning of the name is not recommended to do business and, in general, to be in leadership positions. As a performer named Vitalin is much more comfortable. Often people with the name Vitalina are not capable of creativity and prefer only to imitate, which, of course, they do very well and very naturally. At the same time, Vitalina can almost always earn good money, which she immediately spends.

I must say that the name Vitalin is now very rare. But if you see its owner, you will easily understand that she is very different from others. Vitalina often has an amazing and very interesting fate. Along with determination and courage in her character, qualities such as gentleness and charm coexist in a strange way.

Already in childhood, the name Vitalina strives for independence. She is proud, knows perfectly well what she needs from life. At school, a girl named Vitalina does not study very well, but she reads a lot. From the outside, it may seem that she does not pay due attention to education, but, in fact, Vitalina simply chooses the areas in which she would like to develop, and teaches only what is useful to her in the future.

Very often in her youth, Vitalina chooses an older woman whom she wants to be like. But this is not always possible, which leads to disappointment. At the same time, for the name Vitalin, her own mother is not an authority. Moreover, it is with her that very large quarrels occur. In general, Vitalina is characterized by masculine traits in character and behavior. That is why Vitalina can become the best assistant and adviser for her own spouse, if, for example, he is engaged in business. By the way, as a rule, Vitalina marries early. The reason is her desire to stay in a male society.

As for his own career, the name Vitalin can try his hand at pedagogy, hairdressing. She is fickle and windy, often changes her field of activity and does not tolerate monotony.

The fate of the name Vitalin (Vitaly) in history:

  1. Vitalia Dyachenko - (born 1990) Russian tennis player.
  2. Vitalina Zelenetskaya is a Ukrainian TV presenter.
  3. Vitalina Yushchenko - (born 1980) daughter of Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine (2005 - 2010).
  4. Vitalina Dzoz - (born 1951) Deputy of the Supreme Council of Crimea of ​​the 4th convocation (2002-2006).
  5. Vitalina Bunina - (born 1999) dancer (ballroom dancing). Together with her partner Semyon Khrzhanovsky, she is the owner of two gold medals at the German Open Dancesport Championship. She has victories to her credit: CSK and Dynamo Cup, first place at the XIV open international tournament "GLORY OF RUSSIA", first places in the competitions "Vivat, Russia!", "Slavic Ball" and in the prestigious competitions for the Cup of Nikolai Ozerov, "Lights Moscow", "Rhythm".
  6. Vitalina Lamova - (born 1999) dancer (ballroom dancing), dances in tandem with Anton Vlasov.
  7. Vitalina Sidorkina is a fashion model.
  8. Vitalina Vlasova - architect, designer.
  9. Vitalia Bykova is a Russian fashion designer.
  10. Vitalia Enshina - (born 1987) Russian actress.
  11. Vitaly Kozhevnikova - (born 1978) artist.
  12. Vitalia Solnechnaya - music producer.

The meaning of the name is Vitalina. Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that Vitalina is a rather rare name and for many parents this is a key point when choosing. Since the name is not an empty phrase, but the embodiment of a whole complex of various factors that will have a direct and, it should be noted, quite a strong influence on the fate of a person, then, of course, you should first familiarize yourself with the origin. And also to study the meaning of the name Vitalin in order to fully imagine all the features that it imposes on its carrier, or rather, the carrier.


First of all, it should be understood that Vitalina is the female version of the male name Vitaly. As a rule, the abbreviated form of colloquial use is Vita, which indicates the root of the origin of this beautiful name. The fact is that Vitalina takes the meaning of her name from the Latin word Vita, which means "life." Accordingly, the main character traits of its bearer will be: cheerfulness, gullibility, friendliness and the like.

Childhood. The formation of character

The meaning of the name Vitalina for a child will contribute to the formation of an unusually soft character, so it can complement the strengths of such zodiac signs as Aquarius, Pisces and, to a lesser extent, Capricorn. In no case should you think that softness is adjacent to indecision, on the contrary, children with this name demonstrate a strong inner core that helps them overcome many obstacles and cope with all sorts of difficulties. Vitalina is a strong-willed person, although she does not always know what she wants. Because of this, there may be some passivity in the choice of life position. Children with this name have a great imagination, and it should be developed in every possible way. It will be especially useful to instill a love of reading, which will enable the child to independently fill his inner world.

The meaning of the name Vitalina for adults

The process of growing up, as a rule, is accompanied by the search for an idol. This moment is very important, since in most cases Vitalina is looking for a role model among the people around her. But, given the high ideals that this image must correspond to, often these searches lead to disappointment, since Vitalina simply cannot find such a person. During this period, relationships in the family, especially with the mother, can be aggravated, so parents should show more tolerance.

A family

It must be remembered that Vitalina is an extremely trusting person who can often make mistakes in people. Naturally, this leads to a number of painful mistakes, so it is desirable for her to have more older, wiser friends. This often results in the fact that the owners of such an original name marry mature, already established men, considering their peers unworthy of their choice.

In family life, the meaning of the name Vitalina is expressed rather unusually, since its bearers show practicality and frugality in housekeeping. But they lack the tolerance to perform everyday women's duties, which must be taken into account by their chosen one, who must be ready to assist in performing simple household chores.

What does the name Vitalina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Vitalina from Latin - "life".

Origin: A rare name, but by giving it to your daughter, you will give her an amazing fate. The softness and charm of a woman will complement such qualities as determination and courage. A girl with that name is a favorite of her girlfriends and at the same time enjoys authority among her boy friends. She is very independent. She knows what she wants, she is proud, but she pays little attention to her studies. As a child, he likes to read fairy tales and adventure novels. Growing up, she seems to be studying the world around her and trying to find among those around her the one she would like to be like. But the ideal is usually not easy to find, and it withdraws into itself. At the same age, misunderstandings begin with parents, more often with mom. Vitalina usually marries early, but almost never a peer will become her chosen one. Her adult mind is impressed by education and the ability to thoroughly settle in life. Rarely finds a common language with the mother-in-law. Typically female tricks and tricks to keep a man near her are of little interest to her. Yes, they are in her arsenal, one might say, no. And don't worry! They are more than compensated by the practical ability to control the situation and subordinate it to their desires. However, Vitalina is easy to deceive, in some matters she is very gullible, but God forbid she finds out about the deceit. The reaction will be incredibly violent, and grief inconsolable. Vitalina is an economical hostess, takes care of her children and her husband, but rarely takes on all the household chores. Vitalina's husband in an apron, washing dishes - a common picture in the house. In general, she gravitates more towards male occupations, and if her husband is a business man, then a good assistant is guaranteed to him. She is self-confident, energetic, determined. Women bearing the name of Vitaly or Vitalina feel more comfortable in a male company; in a female society they play exclusively the role of a leader.

The name Vitalina is rare. Few girls with this name can be found in life. Therefore, giving your daughter this name, you will give her uniqueness and individuality, and with them an amazing and interesting fate. What is she like in real life?

Name origin

The origin of the name Vitalina comes from ancient Rome, it comes from the generic nickname Vitalis, which means life. The interpretation of the name Vitalin, translated from Latin, sounds like full of life.

The meaning of the name Vita

The girl Vita has a thoughtful and sensible character beyond her years. She is smart, but this has nothing to do with the level of education. Vita directly bursts with energy and fun, until she was offered to work, the energy disappears, the fun disappears. The girl does not like to participate in public life, and even more so to work. Moreover, she will not do this for personal gain either. She, whatever she comes up with, and everything that needs to be done, but without her. Vita from childhood shows miracles of coquetry and every year she only polishes this character trait.

School years

Having excellent inclinations for learning, the girl does not like to study. She excels only in subjects that do not require much effort. For Vita, independent study of the material is a force majeure circumstance, so you should not let her skip classes. She does not disdain to receive marks for beautiful eyes. This subsequently becomes a complete problem after graduation. Her performance in the certificate does not correspond to real knowledge.

The meaning of the name Vitalina for a girl

In her youth, the girl tries to find an ideal for herself - an object to follow, but often this does not lead to anything and Vita closes herself. At this time, she begins conflicts with her parents, more often with her mother.

Characteristics of the name Vitalina

The character of the matured Vitalina differs little from her childish disposition. In the first place is self-care, coquetry, which becomes more sophisticated over the years. And her energy, just like in childhood, overflows, disappears if you need to work. Vitalina is the center, everything around should be around her and for her. She destroys her competitors. She has many friends, but no close ones. She feels comfortable among men, and in a women's company she plays the role of a leader. She gets married early because of the desire to be among men.

marriage, family

Marriage for Vitalina does not cause any particular difficulties. There are many men around her. She carefully selects from her fans. Her chosen one is often an agreeable and successful person, ready to carry his love in his arms. But we must pay tribute to her, she loves her husband, treats him with respect and care. She has a well-established life in the house, she is an excellent hostess and a caring mother. With children, she does not have disagreements, she is their friend.


When choosing a profession, Vitalina is best suited for the service sector. She knows how to impress and this will be a good help for her in her work. She will make a good waitress, stewardess, hairdresser and stylist.


Vitalina is distinguished by good health, but still she, like any other, has weaknesses. The tendency to catch colds obliges her to take preventive measures.

Mystery of the name

The woman suffers from egocentrism and narcissism. This is considered her secret in fate. Her obsession with her person does not suit many and causes irritation. She understands this and does not advertise, but on the contrary, she tries in every possible way to hide it.

Name Forms

Abbreviated name: Vita, Vitka, Vitya, Lina, Linka, Link, Talya, Talina.

Diminutively, her name sounds like: Vitochka, Vitushka, Vitonka, Vitalinochka, Vitalinka, Vitechka, Linochka, Linushka, Linochek, Talechka, Talyushka, Talenka.

Changing the name by cases

Nominative case - Vitalina

Genitive - Vitalins

Dative case - Vitalina

Accusative case - Vitalin

Instrumental case - Vitalina

Prepositional case - Vitalina

Relation to the church calendar

In Orthodoxy, the name Vitalin has not received a definition, he is not in Christmas time. There is no name in the church calendar.

The information obtained from the article will help to find out the meaning of the name Vitalin, its interpretation, character traits, attitude to marriage and profession, the meaning in her fate. Now you can make the right decision about what to name your future daughter.

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The meaning of the name Vitalina comes from the depths of centuries, even in the ancient Latin language its analogue has been preserved, the root of which is the word vita - life. Hence the interpretation - full of energy, vital, never discouraged - this is the main characteristic of the name Vitalin.

This unusual, attractive name is often considered to be derived from a similar sound - Vitaly, but this is not entirely true. Rather, a derivative is Vitaly, but Vitalina is the only one of its kind, only a female name.

origin of the name Vitalina

Also in ancient Rome there was a related cognomen Vitalianus, which is literally translated as "Vitaliev, that is, belonging to Vitaly", the names Vitaly, Vitaliy are formed from it.

Since these two cognomens are almost identical, the names formed from them are related. The names Vitalina and Vitaliy in this case are the same name, which is pronounced differently in different countries, or they are two different forms of the same male name Vitaliy, but they are identical.

In France, they prefer to use the name Vitalina, in Spain, Italy, Portugal - Vitaliy, in Serbia - Vitaliy, in Ukraine both forms of the name are used (Vitalina, Vitaliy).

The name Vitaly also has related names - Vita, Vitaliana. Diminutives Lina, Vita, Vitya are also independent names.

The nature of the name Vitalina

The name Vitalina is rare today, and its owners have an amazing fate. A girl with this name is determined and bold, but at the same time soft and charming like a true woman.

At the same time, Vitalina is very independent from a young age. She knows well what she needs, she is proud enough. However, the girl does not pay due attention to her studies. She is much more interested in fairy tales and adventure novels.

As she grows up, Vitalina chooses from her environment a woman she would like to be like. She does not always succeed, and then the girl closes in on herself. At the same time, the girl begins to have misunderstandings with her parents, mostly with her mother.

Vitalina strives for male activities, she has a predisposition to this. She can become a good helper to her husband if he is a business person. In business, the girl behaves confidently, energetically and decisively.

In any women's team, Vitalina quickly becomes a leader. A girl born in the winter months is more diligent, autumn Vitalina is practical and reasonable. She often manages to make a good career as a lawyer or economist.

But spring Vitalina is more suitable for a career as a hairdresser or teacher, because she is a little windy and fickle.

Love for Vitalina means, first of all, a cold calculation, she will never succumb to feelings if the boyfriend does not correspond to her ideas about the ideal, or at least close to the ideal, prince.

She attaches great importance to the viability of the future partner, his physical, mental and moral maturity.

Yes, she knows how and loves to flirt with men, but the “shooting” of her eyes, which they usually buy with ease, does not lead to any logical ending. Vita will only be with someone who, in her opinion, is "ripe" for her high demands, so in fact, she will never marry a peer.

A family

Vitalina finds her future spouse quickly enough, she simply attracts adult, self-sufficient men to her like magnets. Her chosen one must have a fairly strong character, since Vita has one very unpleasant feature - she can easily sit on her neck, just give her a reason, and it will be oh so difficult to drive her out of there.

And if this happened, it means that in the family she herself will lie on the couch on weekends and after work, and her husband will rush about with the children, cook dinner and clean up - this is the secret of the name Vitalin.

But if a man immediately shows his character and strength, he will receive in the face of this girl the most caring mistress who is ready to do everything for the sake of her husband and children.

With children, her relationship is more like a friendship, they sometimes even call her just by her first name, and they like it. Thanks to the relaxed, friendly atmosphere of communication, the kids obey their mother very well, and do nothing “under duress”.

Business and career

A career for this woman is of secondary importance, she likes to be under the wing of her patron, her husband, who provides her with everything she needs.

Therefore, she does not seek to occupy high-ranking positions, which means she simply goes with the flow, eventually earning a good post with her patience and reputation.

She can achieve quite good results in work that involves direct communication with people, and mental work. She will make an excellent lawyer, lawyer, educator.

The secret of the name Vitalin

This name is very rare and is given to girls infrequently. But with him, she receives an amazing fate.

Vitalins are soft, charming, resolute and courageous. They study everyone around and try to find the woman they want to be like. True, Vitalina does not often find her ideal, and therefore she can withdraw into herself.

Such searches usually occur at an early age of a woman, at the same time conflicts with parents begin.

Vitalina marries quite early for an older man. She loves educated and successful men, they cannot find a common language with their mother.

Such a woman does not use tricks and tricks to keep men, she is always able to master the situation and subordinate it to her desires.

It is easy for Vitalina to deceive, she perceives deception very painfully and it is difficult to experience it. At the same time, such a woman is able to curb her man and subjugate herself.

The owners of this name number always take an active life position and always clearly know what they want to achieve.

They are best oriented in difficult and even extreme life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by drastically changed circumstances or taken by surprise by difficulties.

However, "long-playing" projects are not their forte - they quickly lose interest in the matter and release the threads from their hands, which automatically strikes them out of the number of business people.

The strong point of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more difficult and difficult the task, the more likely it is that the “unit” will solve it faster and better than anyone else.

Men and women of the “one” are brave and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. They tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the soul of the company and reliable friends.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vitalin

Characteristics of the name Vitalin according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - "full of life." Synonyms - Vitaly.

A rare name, but by giving it to your daughter, you will give her an amazing fate. The softness and charm of a woman will complement such qualities as determination and courage.

A girl with that name is a favorite of her girlfriends and at the same time enjoys authority among her boy friends. She is very independent. She knows what she wants, she is proud, but she pays little attention to her studies. As a child, he likes to read fairy tales and adventure novels.

Growing up, she seems to be studying the world around her and trying to find among those around her the one she would like to be like. But the ideal is usually not easy to find, and it withdraws into itself. At the same age, misunderstandings begin with parents, more often with mom.

Vitalina usually marries early, but almost never a peer will become her chosen one. Her adult mind is impressed by education and the ability to thoroughly settle in life.

Rarely finds a common language with the mother-in-law. Typically female tricks and tricks to keep a man near her are of little interest to her. Yes, they are in her arsenal, one might say, no. And don't worry!

They are more than offset by the practical ability to master the situation and subordinate it to their desires. However, Vitalina is easy to deceive, in some matters she is very gullible, but God forbid she finds out about the deceit. The reaction will be incredibly violent, and grief inconsolable.

Vitalina is a thrifty housewife, takes care of her children and her husband, but rarely takes on all the household chores. Vitalina's husband in an apron, washing dishes - a common picture in the house.

In general, she gravitates more towards male occupations, and if her husband is a business man, then a good assistant is guaranteed to him. She is self-confident, energetic, determined.

Women bearing the name of Vitaly or Vitalina feel more comfortable in a male company; in a female society they play exclusively the role of a leader.

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name of Vitalin? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, gentle name, quite rare in our country.

Its pluses are also that it goes very well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Vita, Lina, Vitochka, Linochka, Vitusya, Linusya.

As for the minuses, some parents may see them in the rather difficult and unpredictable nature of Vitalina.


It should be said that the health of the owners of this name is quite good, but they often suffer from colds, and also suffer from poor digestion.

Love and family relationships

Vitalina usually enters into marriage early, choosing the most respectable and “comfortable” man from all her admirers as her life partner. Family relationships are easy for Vitalina.

If she respects her husband and gets everything she needs for life from him, then she is ready to play the role of a caring mistress of the house. Vitalina does not get along with “weak” men, or she makes her husband a housewife and a nanny for children.

Vitalina copes with children easily. Thanks to her cheerfulness and carelessness, the upbringing of her kids goes without nerves, and the children really love her manner of being a mother-friend.

Professional area

In the professional field, Vitalina can prove herself well in the work of a lawyer, hairdresser, educator, personal assistant or secretary, conductor, waiter, manager, cash desk employee.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - carbuncle, heliotrope, chrysolite, yellow diamond
  • Name days - there is no such name in Christianity, therefore there are no name days
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Leo

Name Forms

Vitalin's name has four syllables, so you can come up with completely different versions of its sound. For example, the simplest diminutive, formed from the full name - Vitalinushka, Vitalinochka.

Abbreviated from the last combination of syllables - Lina, Linochka, Linka. Quite short - Wit, you can also use Lin, but still the full name sounds much nicer. Its declensions occur according to all the rules of the Russian language, as for other similar words.

According to the church calendar, you can find only the male counterpart - Vitaly, which is used both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism.

Of course, you can tie the birth of your daughter to male name days, but still, at baptism, the priest will give her a female Orthodox name, the meaning of which will correspond to the date of birth of the girl.

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