The life path of Ivan Flyagin plan. Compositions

Leskov's story, published in 1873, presents an unusual image of Ivan Flyagin, a Russian wanderer, whose biography is given by himself in the manner of an oral folk tale in a colloquial, but surprisingly poetic language.

At the same time, the presentation of the events of the hero's life, his biography resembles the canons of the life genre.

The image and characteristics of Ivan Flyagin in the story "The Enchanted Wanderer"

In the work, the image of the protagonist, with external unpretentiousness and simplicity, is ambiguous and complex. The author, studying the deep layers of the Russian soul, seeks holiness in the deeds of a sinner, shows an impatient truth-seeker who makes many mistakes, but, suffering and comprehending what he has done, comes to the path of repentance and true faith.

Key words that reveal the image of Ivan Flyagin: a deeply religious person, a disinterested and ingenuous nature, independence and openness, self-esteem, exceptional physical and spiritual strength, an expert in his field.

Portrait, characteristics and description of the main character

He was remarkable in appearance: of a heroic stature, dark-skinned, with thick, curly hair with gray hair, a gray mustache twisted like a hussar, dressed in a monastic robe. The author compares his appearance with the ingenuous, kind Russian hero Ilya Muromets from the painting by Vereshchagin. The hero was in his fifty-third year, and in the world his name was Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin.

Ivan's life

For the first time we meet the hero on a steamer sailing along Lake Ladoga to Valaam. Talking with fellow travelers, he tells the story of his difficult life. The short but frank confession of this handsome black-bearer captivates the listeners.

By origin, the hero belonged to a serfdom, his mother died early, and his father served as a coachman at the stable, where the boy is also assigned. Once he saved the count's family from death, risking his life. Having miraculously survived, the boy asks for an harmonica as a reward.

Somehow, for fun, Ivan whipped a monk who was dozing in a cart with a whip so that he would not block the road, and he, awake, fell under the wheels and died. This monk appeared to him in a dream and announced to Ivan that for his mother he was not only a long-awaited and prayerful son, but also promised to God, therefore he needed to go to the monastery.

All his life this prophecy haunted him in unexpected situations. More than once he looked into the eyes of death, but neither earth nor water took him.

For mocking a cat that ate his pigeons, he was given a severe punishment: to crush stones for garden paths. Unable to endure bullying and hardships, he decides to commit suicide. But the gypsies save his life, persuading him to steal horses and leave with him for a free life. And Ivan decided on this, before that it was painful for him. The gypsy deceived and shortchanged, and Ivan, having straightened his fake documents for a pectoral cross, goes into the service of a nanny to the master, who was abandoned by his wife.

There, the hero became attached to the girl, fed her with goat's milk, on the advice of the doctor, began to carry her to the shore of the estuary and bury her sore legs in the sand. The inconsolable mother found the child, and, having told Ivan her story, she began to beg to give her daughter to her. But Ivan was inexorable, reproached her for violating her Christian duty. When her roommate offers the hero a thousand rubles, he, saying that he has never been sold, squeamishly spits on the money, throws it at the soldier's feet and fights with him. But, seeing the owner running with a gun, he gives the child himself and runs away with the one he had just beaten.

Left without documents and money, he again gets into trouble. At the horse auction, he sees how the Tatars fight for horses, hammering each other with whips, and wants to try his hand too. In the duel for the horse, which was his only a minute, he survived, but his opponent dies. The Tatars hide him and take him away, saving him from the police. So Flyagin is captured by the Gentiles, but a plan to escape ripens in his mind and one day he manages to carry out his plan.

Returning to his homeland, he helps the peasants to buy horses at fairs. And then, thanks to the rumor, the prince takes him to serve. Life has come calm and well-fed, only sometimes it breaks into spree from melancholy. And on the last exit, fate brings the gypsy Grushenka, who conquered him, and Flyagin, as if spellbound, threw all the money he had at her feet. The prince, having learned about Pear, carried away by her beauty and singing, brings her to the estate.

Ivan sincerely became attached to this extraordinary girl, took care of her. But when the impoverished prince decided to leave his annoying beloved for the sake of a profitable marriage, Ivan, pitying Grusha, distraught with grief and jealousy, who begged to save her from a shameful lot, pushes him off the cliff into the river.

Tormented by what he had done, looking for his own death, he leaves instead of another recruit to fight in the Caucasus, where he stayed for more than fifteen years. For faithful service and bravery, he was awarded the St. George Cross and granted an officer rank. Having received a letter of recommendation from the colonel, he gets a job in the capital as an assistant at the address desk, but the work is not for him: boring, penniless. And they no longer take him as a coachman, his noble position does not allow riders to scold or hit him. He settled down in a booth, where they did not disdain his nobility, to play a demon. But he didn’t stay there either, he got into a fight, protecting the young actress from harassment.

Again, left without shelter and food, he decided to go to the monastery. Taking the name Ishmael, he performed his obedience in the monastery stable, which he was very pleased with, because it was not necessary to attend all the services in the church. But his believing soul toils that it’s not for him to serve in the temple, he can’t even put a candle normally, he will drop the whole candlestick. And then he killed a cow, accidentally mistaking it for a demon.

More than once he was punished for his negligence. And he began to prophesy war in order to stand up for the fatherland with faith. Tired of this wonderful monk, the abbot sends him on a pilgrimage to Solovki. Here on the way to the pilgrimage, the enchanted wanderer meets his grateful listeners, whom he told about the stages of his worldly journey.

Professions in the life of Ivan Flyagin

In childhood, a boy is identified as a postilion to help manage six horses, sitting on one of the first. After escaping from the count's estate with gypsies, he serves as a nanny. In captivity of the Tatars, he treats people and horses. Returning from captivity, he helps to choose horses at fairs, then works as a horseman in the service of the prince.

After the death of Grushenka, he leaves for the Caucasus under a false name, where he serves for fifteen years as a soldier and, for his bravery, he is promoted to officer. Returning from the war, he gets a job at the address office as a referee. He tried to become a coachman, but they did not take him because of his officer's rank. Due to lack of money, he goes to the actors, but he is kicked out for a fight. And then he goes to the monastery.

Why Flyagin is called a wanderer

All his life Ivan wandered, he did not have a chance to lead a settled way of life, to find a family and a home.

He is an "inspired vagabond" with an infant soul, whom no one drives, he himself runs in search of happiness.

But all his wanderings were aimless, only having gone to the monastery, he becomes a pilgrim, travels on a pilgrimage to holy places.

What ridiculous things does Flyagin do?

All his actions are dictated by spiritual impulses. Without hesitation, he often does ridiculous things. That runs away with the officer with whom he first fought without giving up the child. When demons seem to him, he drops candles in the church, accidentally kills a cow while awake.

How long did Flyagin spend in captivity

Ivan falls into a long ten-year captivity to the steppe nomads-Tatars. So that he does not run away, horse bristles are sewn into his cut heels, thus making him crippled. But they call him a friend, give wives to take care of him.

But he toils that he is not married, that his children are not baptized, he is eager to return to his homeland. Having seized the moment when only old people, women and children remained on the roam, he runs away.

Is it possible to call Ivan Flyagin a righteous man

Ivan himself considers himself a terrible sinner, repents for the lives he has ruined. But the deaths that he caused were without malicious intent: the monk died by accident, due to his own negligence, the Tatar died in a fair duel, Grushenka was saved from a terrible fate at her request. Will repentance be given to the prince who crippled the lives of others, Grushenka's father who sold his daughter, to the Tatars who killed the missionaries?

Ivan is strong in his faith in moral principles, but he is not given Christian humility, it is difficult to put up with injustice. He is fascinated by life, but having resisted temptations, endured the trials of fate, he finds comfort in righteous faith and service. By expiating his sins, he becomes righteous.

Quote characteristic of Flyagin

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Presentation for a literature lesson in grade 10 on the topic "Formation of the type of Russian righteous man in the tragic circumstances of life" . The presentation material can be used in a general lesson on the story N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer" , as well as when preparing eleventh-graders for the final essay in the directions "TIME", "PATH", etc.



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Formation of the type of Russian righteous man in the tragic circumstances of life The fate of Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin in the story of N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

“The righteous have not died out and will never die out. They just don’t notice them, but if you look closely, they are there” N.S. Leskov

A righteous person is a person who lives a righteous life. Righteous - pious, corresponding to the religious rule; - based on truth, fair. S.I. Ozhegov. "Dictionary of the Russian language"

The righteous led a righteous life pleasing to God. Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. "Law of God"

A village is not worth without a righteous Russian proverb

According to Leskov, the righteous are “heroes of generosity”, non-possessors, lovers of truth, wise men, “the expression of all our smart and kind people”. The selfless feat of goodness and self-sacrifice is the essence of righteousness.

The theme of Leskov's story is the image of a simple Russian person, in whose image the author saw the characteristic features of the Russian nation. The idea of ​​the story is to present a positive hero - a "righteous person", as the writer himself calls him. In the story of N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer" (1873) tells the story of the main character - Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin, whose life is a chain of incredible adventures. It is no coincidence that the first title of the story is “Black Earth Telemak”.

In the image of Flyagin, the author showed the formation of a person with a new national identity. The main character lives in two eras. In his youth, he was a serf of Count K., and he was brought up with traits that are important for serfs: hard work, devotion to the masters. After the Manifesto on February 17, 1861, Ivan Severyanovich becomes a free man and must look for new life guidelines. As a result of his "going through the torments", he comes to the conclusion: the main thing is not devotion to the owner, but service to the people.

The most important personality traits of the hero

"... I really want to die for the people" The selflessness of the hero, his life for others

Ivan Severyanovich is not an ideal hero. At the beginning of his life's journey, he does not distinguish between good and evil (the nun does not feel guilty for the death, he regrets the pigeons, and disfigures the cat). Leskov draws not an impeccable hero, but a real, ambiguous Russian person. Flyagin goes through an immense, like the space of Russia, and a confusing life path. On this path, he saved his masters from death; and wanted to lay hands on himself because of a humiliating punishment; and cruelly flogged on the belts for the sake of the handsome stallion; and in the Tatar captivity for 10 years he languished “bristled”; and know sacrificial love; and indulged in crazy sprees; and accomplished a military feat; and served as an officer; and changed his military uniform to a cassock...

And in the end, Ivan Severyanovich finds a worthy life goal - serving people. The hero himself says this about this: “... I really want to die for the people”

“I didn’t even do a lot of my own free will,” Flyagin explains everything that happens to him with a “parental promise.” He is a “prayer son” and all his life he remembers the sign of a nun: “... you will die many times and never die until your real death comes, and then you will remember your mother’s promise for yourself and go to blacks.” This power of the fatal beginning makes him an "enchanted wanderer."

"... Ivan Severyanov, you are an artist ... a real, high-class artist" One of the main qualities of Flyagin's character is a sense of beauty. The hero is fascinated by the beauty of the world. So in the story another meaning of the title of this book is revealed. Ivan Severyanovich keenly feels the beauty of the song (she “sometimes cries, sometimes languishes, sometimes she simply takes the soul out of the body, then suddenly she grabs it in a different way and immediately inserts her heart again”); and the beauty of the horse (“And I feel that my soul rushed ... to this horse, my dear passion”); and feminine beauty (he unrestrainedly throws money at the feet of the gypsy Grushenka and squats in front of her himself). Later, Leskov’s hero will say that for such beauty, “even joy will perish for an admiring person.”

Following the admiration of female beauty, deep and sacrificial love comes to Ivan Severyanovich. He takes upon himself the sin of Grushenka, who could not endure the betrayal of an empty man, considers it his duty "to suffer for her and rescue her from hell." The hero's discovery of beauty in a person, in a woman, is the most important milestone in his fate: from that moment on, he becomes "carefree about himself", that is, he ceases to live only for himself, subordinates his existence to the care of another person. Now Ivan Severyanovich, instead of Pyotr Serdyukov, a stranger to him, the only breadwinner of his family, goes to the soldiers, has been serving in the Caucasus for more than 15 years, performing a military feat ... Thus, the need for a higher sacrificial feat in the name of the people awakens in Leskov's hero.

“... I could not deceive the one I serve for anything” Honesty, decency, responsibility, fidelity to duty

“Russian people can handle everything” Ability for any work, strength, endurance, heroism

"... I had exits" The passionate, irrepressible nature of the hero, the release of spiritual strength in revelry, cruelty, drunkenness

Only gradually, as he moves "from one guard to another", Leskov's hero acquires a balance of immense forces, which at first he wastes. The ardor, impulsiveness, and recklessness inherent in the Russian people make the life of the hero significantly heavier. Ivan Severyanovich says about himself that "from childhood he was quick at hand." Excommunicated from the horses "by the cat's tail", he feels a sharp resentment and decides to hang himself. If the gypsies had not arrived, “I would have freely performed all this from my character,” Flyagin admits.

At the end of the story, Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin appears as a person in the strength and power of spiritual heights. He finds the meaning of life in a simple truth - to live for others. Such a person, according to Leskov, is the righteous one.

Wrote the story "The Enchanted Wanderer" in the second half of the 19th century. The image of the protagonist, who became Ivan Flyagin, describes a simple Russian peasant. His character contains the main features of the mentality and temperament of the people.

History of creation

The work of Nikolai Leskov was underestimated by his contemporaries. Critics often crucified his writings. The writer did not please adherents of the traditions of Russian literature and radical readers. Leskov's language is surprisingly eloquent. In terms of depth of drama, the plots he creates are not inferior to the novels of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" demonstrates a multifaceted personality with a difficult fate.

The work was written in 1873. The writer was inspired to create it by a trip to Ladoga, Karelia and Valaam. The writer visited the monastery and reflected on the life of the righteous. At that moment, he was visited by the idea of ​​​​writing a work about a hero-truth seeker. The first name was "Black Earth Telemak". The publishing house, in which the author was counting on publication, refused to accept the story. The Russkiy Mir magazine agreed, but the name had to be changed to The Enchanted Wanderer.

In the story, the author presents the Russian character of the character, which cannot be called an ideal for the reader. Contradictory nature, rushing to extremes - this is the true description of a selfless hero. The man demonstrates kindness and severity, simplicity and cunning, poetic spirit and audacity. Ivan Flyagin is capable of madness, but in difficult times he comes to the aid of those in need. Such is the broad Russian soul, which knows no boundaries and limits.

The epithet "enchanted" appears in the title for a reason. It adds poetry to the character. The author entrusted the hero with thoughts, dreams and fantasies, broadcasting through him the thoughts and desires of his native people.

The story "The Enchanted Wanderer"

The specificity of Ivan Severyanych lies in the fact that he is fascinated by the magic of life. Everything that happens to him, Flyagin perceives as divine providence and a miracle. He does not have a specific purpose of existence, so he draws life, enjoying its manifestations. The biography of the hero is not easy, but, appearing every time in a new place, he perceives this as a way of knowing the world, and not a banal change of activity.

The characterization of the appearance of the character suggests that Ivan Flyagin and Ilya Muromets have similar features. The man appears to be no more than fifty years old. Big growth, swarthy face, long gray hair make his appearance noble and powerful, reminiscent of the images of epic heroes. Flyagin wears a cassock and a black cap.

Simple and sincere, the hero easily took root everywhere, but did not linger for a long time. His eternal search for a haven speaks not of frivolity and debauchery. The man repeatedly showed the best sides of his character, saving the family of Count K. Ivan demonstrated devotion and loyalty in relations with the prince and Pear. He showed these same qualities while serving as a nanny to a nobleman's daughter. The hero is in a hurry to try life, see as much as possible and feel it to the maximum. Therefore, he surrendered to the flow of life, and obediently follows the direction that it sets.

Flyagin should not be considered weak and passive. A man accepts fate unquestioningly. Often he does not realize why he makes this or that decision, but takes actions, focusing on intuition and feelings. Ivan accepts God, so death often bypasses a man. The hero is not afraid of death, and this is the secret of invulnerability. Keeping the horses over the abyss, he remains unharmed. A gypsy saves him from the noose. Having been captured by the Tatars, the man flees to the steppe. The flask seems to be guarded by a higher power, and in the war the bullets pass by the hero in passing.

Ivan Severyanych explains the game with death with a large number of sins. Realizing his fall into sin during his life, he waited for death, but that did not come. Flyagin is sure that death does not want to accept him. The gypsy Grusha, the Tatar, the monk, killed by a man, do not allow forgiveness of sins. He escapes responsibility, leaving his own children, acquired in captivity.

It seems that Flyagin is a criminal, but he did not do terrible things out of revenge or profit. The begged son died due to an accident, and the Tatar gave his soul to God in a fair fight with the hero. The death of Pear was on the conscience of Severyanych for a reason. One way or another, the girl was destined to die. Flyagin became her guide to another world, taking on a heavy burden of guilt and saving her from suicide. He did not pass the test of love offered from above.

He asks forgiveness from God for his life path. The hero is the creator of his own religion and life values. Honesty remains his prerogative. A man talks about fate without hiding. Communicating with fellow travelers, he appears as a naive simpleton who, if necessary, recalls ferocity and determination. In the fight against evil, Ivan Severyanych does not tolerate injustice. Therefore, for a tortured bird, he easily cuts off the tail of a cat.

Illustration for the story "The Enchanted Wanderer"

The hero went to recruit instead of a young man whom his parents did not want to let go, his desire to atone for his sins by dying for his native people was so strong. For fifteen years he served in the army in the Caucasus under a false name. Over the years, sins weighed more and more heavily on the man. Most of them happened due to the extreme energy and strength of the hero. Physical advantages turn into a disadvantage for Ivan. At the same time, he is bold and patriotic.

Flyagin is endowed with spiritual power. The hero is described as an optimistic character, able to act as circumstances require. He is ready to oppose the personification of evil at any moment. There are no barriers for a man, except for the principles that he has built for himself.

Screen adaptations

The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" is not the most famous work. Readers know the plot of "Lefty" better. Nevertheless, the work inspired directors to film adaptations.

In 1963, director Ivan Ermakov made a motion picture of the same name. The main role in the film was played by a popular Soviet artist, actor of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Alexander Simonov. The tape also starred and.

In 1990, director Irina Poplavskaya turned to the plot of the story by making a feature film. The intrapersonal conflict of the protagonist became the main theme of the story. The actor played the role of Ivan Flyagin. The project was attended by Olga Ostroumova, Lidia Velezhaeva, and.


The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" contains the wisdom inherent in the Russian people, heroes with an immense soul. The author puts it into the mouth of the main character:

“Do you know, dear friend: you never neglect anyone, because no one can know why someone is tormented and suffering with what passion.”

Over time, Ivan Flyagin begins to appreciate more and more what life presents him. He does not scatter people and tries to provide all possible assistance to everyone.

In the story, the love line is more like a painful relationship. The protagonist appreciates women and the feelings they can give:

“A woman is worth everything in the world, because she will inflict such an ulcer that for the whole kingdom she has not been cured, but she can heal from her in one minute.”

It seems that behind the physical strength of the hero is an iron spirit. He acquires a peculiar appearance in the eyes of others. In fact, Flyagin is not insensitive. With each new event described by the author, this becomes more and more obvious:

“I am not stone at all, but the same as everyone else, bone and sinew.”

1873 From the point of view of the genre, it is an epic story. Outwardly adventurous story, a chain of adventures. This motif of wandering is connected with the comprehension of life. The true plot is an internal psychologism.

"The Enchanted Wanderer"- a story with a fantastic form of narration. Narrative form - oral speeches from the first person - is necessary for the author to create the image of the hero-narrator. Thus, in the work there are several stylistic layers that differ from each other, and a tale is not the only form of narration, although it is predominant. It is a means of expressing the character of the protagonist.

However, fairy tale form determines the plot and composition of the work. The Enchanted Wanderer is a chronicle of the life of one hero, where there is no central event to which all the others would be drawn, but where various episodes freely follow each other. The creation of such a narrative form was of fundamental importance for Leskov. He noticed that the form of the novel is artificial and unnatural, it requires the plot to be rounded and the narrative to be concentrated around the main center, but this does not happen in life: the fate of a person is like a developing tape, and it must be portrayed in this way. Many critics did not accept such a plot-compositional structure of Leskov's text. Critic N. K. Mikhailovsky.

The introduction to the story is an exposition in which the reader, with the help of the narrator, gets acquainted with the scene and the characters. The main part is Ivan Flyagin's story about his life. In this way, composition is a story within a story.

In the enchanted wanderer, as in no other work by Leskova, an intricate attitude to the world is highlighted, which is characteristic of a Russian person. Under the iconic clothes of the narrator, Ivan Flyagin, who reminds his interlocutors of the legendary Russian hero, grandfather Ilya Muromets, hides the powerful life-affirming nature of a daring wanderer, who all his life autocratically tests his fate, with God's help overcomes his autocracy, humbles his pride, but does not lose his feelings at all own dignity of spiritual breadth and responsiveness.

The very figure of the wanderer is associated with the artistic tradition of Russian folklore and ancient literature, with the images of passerby kaliks, seekers of a happy lot. And the poetics of the story largely goes back to walking, one of the most common genres of ancient Russian literature. The narration in them was conducted, as a rule, from the first person and represented a monological unhurried, majestic and at the same time biased description of the journey, in which those around receive a deep personal and interested judgment.

Such is the extraordinary life of Flyagin, his wanderings through the towns and villages of his native land. All this surprisingly corresponds to his active, somewhat daring and at the same time peaceful and kind character. The whole appearance of a sincere hero is also remarkable: fortitude, heroic mischief, indestructible vitality and breadth of his soul, and responsiveness to someone else's grief. Leskov, however, does not idealize the hero. The writer notes the manifestation of his savagery impulses of anarchic self-will both in adolescence, when, out of mischief, he accidentally kills a nun lying on a wagon, and in his youth, when he traps the Tatar Savakirei to death in an honest fight. From his sinful deeds, the hero is gradually cleansed, reaching in his attitude to life truly folk wisdom.

There is another side of Flyagin's wandering: for him it is only a transition from one beast to another until he finds peace in what was determined by Providence, the test of fate. The test of character and the test of the soul - this is the trinity that he overcomes. Fate has prepared for him, the praying and promised son, he strengthens character in difficult trials, maintaining the height of human dignity and nowhere descending to hypocrisy, immodesty, dishonor and shamelessness, nowhere renouncing the deep faith, Innocence and unselfishness, generosity and courage, kindness and peacefulness , firmness and patience are its unchanging traits.

At the same time, the test of the soul, the most difficult test, leads to the achievement of previously absent qualities of the hero. Oh, acquiring humility, a great virtue, which is associated with the knowledge of one’s sinfulness and worthlessness, one’s weakness and a sense of God’s greatness. After all, humility that comes from self-knowledge brings a person closer to God, thus, Flyagin’s whole life becomes meaningful and soulful as liberation through humility and repentance to salvation.

He feels the beauty, fascinated by the beauty of the world. This fascination with the world is also manifested in the feeling of admiration that captures him, for which such piercing and direct words are found. And no matter what they say, no matter what he admires, his naked soul trembles in a living word.

Leskov depicts a hero who has experienced a lot, has suffered and gains not only personal, but also huge folk-historical experience in judgments about the world. And therefore, Ivan's words, as if summing up his reflections on his life, are far from accidental: I really want to die for the people. And truly, what could be more beautiful than to wring out one's life for one's people!

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